Problems encountered in the process of teaching reading and writing

Language skills loom large in terms of contributing to the creation of academic knowledge by interpreting goings-on of an individual; conveying individual's thought to other person; obtaining information on different topics. Listening and speaking skills which begin to earn from the early life stage are tried to improve with writing and reading skills, beginning of the academic life. The main goal of the practices implemented in this framework is "to make students express themselves in different contexts, to express themselves through language, to enrich their emotions, thoughts and fantasy worlds by reaching different sources of information" (MEB, 2006, p.2). Reading and writing skills are also gaining importance in helping individuals to expand their thinking, organize their knowledge, use language, enrich their knowledge, and develop their mental dictionaries in achieving this goal (Güneş, 2007). For this reason, during the students' reading comprehension and written expression practices, especially at primary and secondary level, and also that the problems encountered of the teachers who guide the teaching activities at these level during the teaching process in depth are thought to investigate. This will help to understand what the obstacles to the development of reading and writing skills of students are and exhibit action plans. In this context, it was aimed to investigate the experiences of the Turkish teachers who are working in the secondary schools attached to the Ministry of National Education in terms of the problems encountered in the process of reading and writing. In the study, descriptive phenomenology which is one of the qualitative research designs was used. Descriptive phenomenology has an epistemological perspective which cares what people know in real (Ersoy, 2016). The studies of descriptive phenomenology are aimed to describe by investigating the people's sense about experiences on fact, notion and circumstance (Reiners, 2012). In this context, in accordance with this purpose, Turkish teachers who have experience on reading and writing and share these experiences will be included in this study group. In order to choose participants, maximum variation sampling method which is one kind of sample method will be used in the study. The aim of this is to create a small sample and mirror the variety of people who can be a side of this study's problems (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2011). It is purposed to communicate with Turkish teachers who work in different part of Turkey. Survey data will be collected with semi-structured interview forms and observation forms used by teachers in class for reading and writing education in the interview. Questions of observation and interview forms will be prepared by researchers by caring as clear, not being so multidimensional and not being directive. Data obtained during the process of the study first will be analyzed then created subtitles by using content analysis with the results of data. In the process of creation subtitles two experts except researcher will analyze documents and create subtitles.

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Problems encountered in the process of teaching reading and writing Conference Paper · April 2017 CITATIONS READ 0 1 3 authors, including: Abdullah Kaldirim Ömer Faruk Tavşanlı 10 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS 30 PUBLICATIONS 4 CITATIONS Dumlupinar Üniversitesi SEE PROFILE Uludag University SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Abdullah Kaldirim on 25 April 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING READING AND WRITING Arş. Gör. Abdullah KALDIRIM, Dumlupınar University Faculty of Education, Arş. Gör. Ömer Faruk TAVŞANLI, Uludag University Faculty of Education, Okt. Hikmet DEGEÇ, Dumlupınar University Faculty of Education, Abstract Language skills loom large in terms of contributing to the creation of academic knowledge by interpreting goings-on of an individual; conveying individual’s thought to other person; obtaining information on different topics. Listening and speaking skills which begin to earn from the early life stage are tried to improve with writing and reading skills, beginning of the academic life. The main goal of the practices implemented in this framework is "to make students express themselves in different contexts, to express themselves through language, to enrich their emotions, thoughts and fantasy worlds by reaching different sources of information" (MEB, 2006, p.2). Reading and writing skills are also gaining importance in helping individuals to expand their thinking, organize their knowledge, use language, enrich their knowledge, and develop their mental dictionaries in achieving this goal (Güneş, 2007). For this reason, during the students' reading comprehension and written expression practices, especially at primary and secondary level, and also that the problems encountered of the teachers who guide the teaching activities at these level during the teaching process in depth are thought to investigate. This will help to understand what the obstacles to the development of reading and writing skills of students are and exhibit action plans. In this context, it was aimed to investigate the experiences of the Turkish teachers who are working in the secondary schools attached to the Ministry of National Education in terms of the problems encountered in the process of reading and writing. In the study, descriptive phenomenology which is one of the qualitative research designs was used. Descriptive phenomenology has an epistemological perspective which cares what people know in real (Ersoy, 2016). The studies of descriptive phenomenology are aimed to describe by investigating the people’s sense about experiences on fact, notion and circumstance (Reiners, 2012). In this context, in accordance with this purpose, Turkish teachers who have experience on reading and writing and share these experiences will be included in this study group. In order to choose participants, maximum variation sampling method which is one kind of sample method will be used in the study. The aim of this is to create a small sample and mirror the variety of people who can be a side of this study’s problems (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2011). It is purposed to communicate with Turkish teachers who work in different part of Turkey. Survey data will be collected with semi-structured interview forms and observation forms used by teachers in class for reading and writing education in the interview. Questions of observation and interview forms will be prepared by researchers by caring as clear, not being so multidimensional and not being directive. Data obtained during the process of the study first will be analyzed then created subtitles by using content analysis with the results of data. In the process of creation subtitles two experts except researcher will analyze documents and create subtitles. Keywords: Reading, Writing, Teaching, Turkish Teacher, Phenomenology REFERENCES Ersoy, A. F. (2016). Fenomenoloji. Ahmet Saban ve Ali Ersoy (Ed.), Eğitimde Nitel Araştırma Desenleri, Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. Güneş, F. (2007). Türkçe öğretimi ve zihinsel yapılandırma. Ankara: Nobel. MEB. (2006). İlköğretim Türkçe dersi (6-8. sınıflar) öğretim programı. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı. Reıners, G. M. (2012). Understanding the differences between husserl’s (descriptive) and Heidegger’s (ınterpretive) phenomenological research, Journal of Nursing & Care, 1 (119). Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. View publication stats