Table of Contents:
1, A brief history of evolution.
2, How to brand a species?
3, Concepts in evolution which we all know.
4, Variations, more-variations & quantitative
5, Species branding’s role in Darwinian
6, Different prospects of species branding.
7, Environment’s roles.
8, Species branding in populations.
9, A case study with microbes.
10, Resurfacing of past theories.
Final word.
Mind map for this book.
List of figures.
Word cloud for this book.
Back cover.
We all know that during the days of Darwin, the field
of microscopy was at its infancy, and genetics did not exist as
a field at all... at these times Darwin made remarkable
achievements in the understanding of the origins of life... but
science has come a long way since the days of Darwin...
This book discusses about the concepts Darwin would
have probably worked on, if he would be living (amongst us)
in these days. The days of information superhighways,
exponential growth in genomic knowledge and the
unfortunate information overload that has come with it.
Though this book is basic it can be called a research
edition, in the sense that it requires at least some prior
knowledge in the subject area to continue to understand and
enjoy reading it.
I wish you to have a good time.
This book is dedicated towards the
betterment of science and the human
Figure:1 Evolution chandelier. [1]
A brief history of evolution
Also called as 'modern synthesis', neo-darwinism is a
combination of both classical darwinism and the mendelian
genetic theory. M odern synthesis has been widely accepted,
but its views on speciation are still under debate. Neodarwinists insisted that speciation happens by gradual
accumulation of small genetic changes over time. According to
them this also includes gradual changes to the morphology
over time, as one species gets converted into a narrowly
distinct species. With this being a theory, confirmation for
these events which happened during evolution over extended
periods of time could be done only by studying the fossil
remains. And the fossils tell a different story.
Punctuations in fossils
In spite of the neo-darwinian claim of gradualism, fossil
evidences have-not shown gradual stages of evolution from
one species into its closely related species. Evolutionary
trees drawn using these fossils show, rapid 'bursts' of
speciation followed by long periods of 'stasis' where the
species stayed unchanged. This model of evolution is referred
to as 'punctuated equilibrium' Fig:2 and has been widely
accepted [2, 3]. The absence of fossils which are missing
links connecting two given genera (inter- genera/ family /order
missing-links), persuaded the non-darwinists to question the
neo-darwinian views on speciation through fine gradations.
And this successfully influenced the supporters of neodarwinism; to accept and accommodate this fact by making
changes to their theory.
Figure:2 Punctuated equilibrium. [4]
Neo-darwinian speciation
With speciation being an occasional event, the neodarwinians subsequently claimed that the genotypic and
specially the phenotypic gradualism happen in isolation at
secluded locations like an island separated by water barrier
(/river) Fig:3&4 or far side of a mountain range which divided
terrain acting as a land barrier [5-7]. Neo-darwinists also
claim that under these circumstances the fossils of the ‘intergenera/ family /order missing-links’ could have been
preserved, in remote sites away from where the common
fossils are found, but would not-have been unearthed until
this day. With this being a theory, the presence of these
remote fossils has not-been confirmed.
Figure:3 Neo-darwinian speciation. [8]
Figure:4 Neo-darwinian speciation. [9]
Morphological discontinuity
Darwin was aware of this problem and he believed that
the 'morphological discontinuity' which was seen in fossils of
his time, was because of incomplete fossil records. He hoped
that as more fossils get unearthed in the future it would
include ‘inter- genera/ family /order fossils’, which he
believed would only add strength to his theory. But
paleontology has come a long way ever since Darwin's days.
M ost of the fossil types being unearthed now are previously
known ones, and new fossil types are rarely being uncovered
nowadays. Also the mathematical models in paleontology
suggest that fossil records are nearly complete [10].
Artifacts theory
Darwin and his supporters also believed in the 'artifacts
theory'. According to which the fossil record was punctuated
as it was full of artifacts; and all species are not-equally
represented, since many species did-not get fossilized. They
specifically claimed that organisms with soft bodies are notrepresented as they were difficult to be fossilized and to be
part of the record. The artifacts theory has been disproved
recently with the excavation of soft bodied animal fossils in
south-China Fig:5&6 [11].
Figure:5 Photograph and interpretive drawing of M iddle
Cambrian cnidarian jellyfish fossil in lateral view. [12]
Figure:6 Cubozoan embryo fossils from the Lower
Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation, Shaanxi, South China.
Analyzed in detail through computed microtomography
(M icro-CT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM )
without coating. [13]
Punctuations in taxa
Apart from the fact that fossils fail to support gradual
speciation, the branching patterns observed in higher order
taxa of both plants and animals also fail to support
gradualism. Systematics and cladistics have shown that major
features of 'body plans' (phyla) and their associated
components arose not-in the gradual way [14]. So biologists
are on a constant search for alternatives to Darwin's
gradualism all through the past one and a half century.
Alternatives to neo-darwinism
Though many alternatives to darwinism have been
proposed, the famous ones are those which support nongradual speciation. These include saltationism, mutationism,
systemic mutation, quantum evolution, quantum speciation,
hopeful monster hypothesis etc. They have gained some
recognition after the emergence of the field of developmental
biology (evo-devo) in the 1980s, but they lack the popularity
which darwinism still holds.
The Species Problem
A species is a group of any given organism, which are
capable of breeding inbetween them. In population terms:
they are a population of a given organism which breed among
themselves, but donot breed with a different population of
that organism. It is observed that in many species of fishes,
insects; the distinction between the many different species is
not very clear. So one is unable to draw the line of
demarkation in between those species. This is known to
scientists as the 'Species Problem' or 'Darwin's Problem'.
But every species is capable of distinguishing itself
from its neighbouring species. How that is done.., will be
discussed in detail in the next chapter. M oving in to the next
chapter, we will be shifting gears to learn how a species gets
branded, and about the hypothesis of species branding.
How to brand a species?
What makes a given species unique? How is a given
species capable of distinguishing itself from its neighbouring
species? These subjects are discussed in this chapter in detail.
Species branding factors & 'the hypothesis
of species branding'
Today we see branding and trade marking happening all
around us. Each commercial brand tries to achieve a brand
identity, which highlights its unique innovations from the rest
of the pack. Similarly in nature (it appears that) each species
tries to brand itself; so as to protect all the phenotypic
novelties it develops, from getting dispersed among the other
species. Species branding factors (SBFs) are the molecular
factors which ‘tag’ a given species thereby preventing it from
reproducing with any other species, but enabling
reproduction with the same species. Some of the proteins
involved during fertilization have been known to be good
examples for primary species branding factors. These
proteins are part of all the three steps of the fertilization
process; hence they ensure species-specificity at multiple
levels. These include:
1, Chemotaxis of sperm towards the ovum.
2, Sperm and egg interaction through membrane surface
3, Fusion of the nuclei from the egg and sperm.
Let’s discuss each of these in detail.
1) Chemotaxis of sperm occurs at a species specific
manner for eg: a monkey’s sperm does not get attracted to
human ovum. This phenomena has been documented in
several species of echinoderms, molluscs, urochordates, and
cnidarians [15, 16]. For example: the protein 'resact' in the
sperm’s surface acts as a chemoattractant receptor-protein;
which enables the sperm migration towards the ovum, as
found in the sea urchin Fig:7 Arbacia punctulata [17]. This
receptor protein differs in different organisms and is specific
to its unique chemoattractant, there by acting as a species
branding factor.
Figure:7 The small peptide RESACT acts as a
chemoattractant for the sea urchin sperm. When receptors on
the surface of the sperm bind RESACT; and then a signal
transduction cascade involving cyclic GM P (cGM P) is set in
motion, triggering faster sperm swimming. [18]
2) Sperm and egg interaction is also species specific. As
seen in the sea urchins, surface proteins of the sperm such as
'bindin' attach with, receptors such as 'EBR1' on the egg’s
vitelline membrane [19]. In the mouse sperm, a transmembrane protein called 'fertilin' Fig:8, enables its binding to
the protein 'integrin' Fig:8 present on the egg’s membrane [2022]. These surface proteins associated with reproduction are
good examples of SBFs.
Figure:8 The molecules on the sperm surface, such as fertilin
and cyritestin, may be involved in sperm–egg binding. Okabe
and colleagues found that sperm’s Izumo protein is essential
for membrane fusion. On the egg, CD9 is required for fusion
and might collaborate with other proteins such as integrins or
glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins. [23]
3) Fusion of the nuclei from the egg and sperm is also
species specific; which is brought by the action of 'fusogenic'
proteins. These proteins have been reported to be similar to
the fusogenic proteins found in some viruses, like the 'HA
protein' of influenza virus Fig:9 [24, 25] and the 'F protein' of
Sendai virus Fig:10 [26]; where they bring forth the viral and
cell fusions. Bindin and fertilin are also believed to promote
fusion of the nuclei in sea urchins and mouse respectively.
These fusogenic proteins which vary across different
organisms serve as SBFs.
Figure:9 Influenza-A viruses are enveloped, negative strand
RNA viruses. The virus enters the cell by receptor-mediated
endocytosis, viral HA binds to host cell receptors that
contain terminal α-2,6-linked or α-2,3-linked sialic acid
(α-2,6-SA or α-2,3-SA) moieties. [27]
Figure:10 Fusion mechanism in the 'F protein' of Sendai
virus according to the “viral fusion pore” model of Lee K.
Nuclear gate keepers (NGK) Fig:11 [29] are good examples of
secondary SBFs. They are proteins which are stationed at the
nuclear pores Fig:12 where they prevent the entry of genetic
material from another species through viruses. They are
highly species specific and thus prevent breeding across
species. Proteins such as bindin and NGK are probably the
fastest evolving proteins and are able to diverge rapidly when
compared to other proteins of the organism. They brand a
given species, preventing its interbreeding and enabling it to
diverge far from the parental species. In doing so these SBFs
spear head the process of speciation.
Figure:11 Structure of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), an
assembly of 456 proteins that controls the flow of molecules
between the DNA-storing nucleus and the rest of the cell.
Figure:12 Nuclear pore complexes on the nuclear membranes
of frog oocytes as seen from the cytoplasm. [31]
Prokaryotes do-not have a nucleus and so the NGKs. But
prokaryotes are also known to have evolved similar
mechanisms to protect and brand their own genomes.
Archaebacteria as well as eubacteria possess the restriction-
modification system; [32, 33] which chop any foreign DNA
entering their cell. They would also safeguard and brand their
genome by methylating it at unique sites. Codon bias Fig:13
and GC content which varies between organisms also play a
vital role in branding, by providing the host DNA an upper
hand over any foreign DNA that might have sneaked into the
Figure:13 Codon positions. [34] Comparative analysis of
the codon usage of all ORFs of CrleGV (black) and CpGV
(gray). The nucleotide bias of the first and second codon
positions are given to the left. The dinucleotides and the
encoded amino acids are given on the outer circle. The
nucleotide distribution of the third codon position is given to
the right.
Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus (CrleGV)
Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)
Figure:14 Codon usage rose plots for four representatives of
different genera of Vibrio…[35]
There are also other genetic factors which aid in species
branding and speciation, like the 'interspersed repeats' Fig:15
[36]. These repetitive DNA stretches get scattered within
newly evolving 'copies of a gene'. They preserve the new
gene from being replaced by the 'original gene' through
homologous recombination Fig:16&17. The original gene
might exist as a paralogue Fig:18 in the same genome, or
might enter from another individual through mating. The
interspersed repeats thereby protect and enable the new
copy to diverge, by accumulating mutations and to evolve
new functions.
Figure:15 Categories of repetitive nuclear elements. [37]
Figure:16 Direct repeats excising DNA.
Figure:17 Inverted repeats flipping DNA.
Figure:18 Shared ancestry among homologous proteins
across a gene family. [38]
Let us keep aside the species branding factors for a
while and discuss the different concepts in evolution which
we all know about.
Concepts in evolution which we all know
The variations seen among, the members of a given
species or in-between two seperate species; is due to the
occurance of the many micro and macro-mutational events.
This chapter discusses them in detail.
Micro-mutation and micro-evolution
M icro-mutations are small changes that happen to the
genome of an organism like point mutations, small scale
duplications, gene level rearrangements, minor recombinations
etc. These mutations mostly bring about changes to the
genotype and may go unnoticed (silent mutation), but rarely
they do produce phenotypic changes. If the change results in
a slight phenotype then it is called micro-evolution, but on
the other hand if it is a quite remarkably altered phenotype
then it is termed as macro-evolution. As one knows, not-all
mutations cause evolution. For example: a point mutation in
‘hot spots’ like a developmental gene [39, 40] or at an active
site of a protein Fig:19, or a promoter of a gene Fig:20&21 or
an yet to be discovered switch in the neighborhood of the
gene has a better chance of resulting in a new phenotype,
than one that occurs in an ubiquitous gene, the loop region
Fig:22 of a protein or intron of a gene Fig:23 etc. As obvious
the outcome being a micro or macro-evolution depends upon
the degree of phenotypic effect the mutation produces; with
micro-evolution generally referred to as a neo-darwinian mode
of gradual evolution.
Figure:19 Active site as seen in the induced fit model of
enzyme action. [41]
Figure:20 A simple regulatory region of DNA located
upstream of the gene. [42]
Figure:21 Eukaryotic promoters are extremely diverse and
are difficult to characterize. They typically lie upstream of
the gene and can have regulatory elements several kilobases
away from the transcriptional start site. [43]
Figure:22 A simple protein structure with clearly visible;
loop, α-helix and β-sheets (Structure of pancreatic RNase A).
Figure:23 M ost eukaryotic genes, have coding regions
(exons) interrupted by non-coding regions (introns). [45]
Macro-mutation and macro-evolution
M acro-mutations are large changes that occur in the
genome of an organism like gross mutations, large scale
duplications Fig:24, genome level rearrangements Fig:25,
major recombinations Fig:26 etc, which results in big changes
to the genome. These changes generally get reflected as new
phenotype but may also go unnoticed by just contributing to
the genotype. Here again, the scale of the phenotypic effect
will determine if it is a macro- or a micro-evolution. Genome
duplications mostly result in an enhanced new phenotype or
macro-evolution. M acro-evolution being a relatively rare
event, the evidences for genome duplication events can be
seen in the sequenced genomes of organisms which live today.
For example: gene shuffling in antifreeze gene [46] (where
macro-evolution happens through micro-mutations), genome
duplications in fishes and other organisms Fig:27 [47, 48]
(where macro-evolution happens through macro-mutations),
macro-evolution of insect body plans [49] etc..
Figure:24 Global gene duplication: distribution of the
duplicated genes on the 21 Tetraodon chromosomes. [50]
These duplications are most likely brought about by a
heightened activity of transposons and small scale
recombination events through repetitive elements.
Figure:25 Genomic rearrangements can be triggered by a
multitude of factors. The inner ring shows four broad
categories and the outer ring shows components within these
categories. [51]
Figure:26 Crossover recombination (at the chromosomal
level) between repeated DNA sequences at non-allelic
positions can generate a deletion, a duplication, an inversion
or an isodicentric chromosome. [52]
Figure:27 Genome duplication: Hox clusters are indicative of
whole-genome duplication events which happened across life
forms. [53]
M acro-evolution occurs abruptly (at random) and
much less frequent than micro-evolution. This is the reason
why one is not-able to observe it, when one goes looking for
it. But one can catch an event of macro-evolution if one
would observe an organism continuously for many thousands
of generations. So within a human life span one can observe
macro-evolution only in organisms with very short generation
times, like the microbe E. coli Fig:29 [54-56] with a
generation time of only 20 minutes or the viruses Fig:30 [5759].
Figure:28 M utations in terms of evolution.
Long term evolution studies: Saltation seen
in E. coli [56]
· Prof. C. Lenski has been running an adaptive evolution
experiment in an asexual Escherichia coli (ones without
conjugation capabilities) ever since 24 th February 1988.
The populations have reached the milestone of 50,000
generations in February 2010.
· Prof. Lenski's laboratory at M ichigan State University
cultures these E. coli in a minimal growth medium with
citrate as the main food source (and another food source
in minimal amounts provided just for survival needs). The
point to note is that wild-type E. coli cannot grow on
citrate when oxygen is present (Cit-).
· These E. coli are grown in flasks and 1% of each
population is transferred to a flask of fresh growth
medium in regular intervals. Samples are also regularly
frozen as glycerol stabs.
· Around generation 33,127, the experimenters noticed a
dramatically expanded population-size in one of the
samples; they found clones in this population could grow
on the citrate. These bacteria evolved the ability to grow
on citrate under the oxygen-rich conditions of the
· They also found the ability to use citrate could
spontaneously re-evolve in a subset of genetically pure
clones isolated from earlier time points in the
population's history. Such re-evolution of citrate use was
never observed in clones isolated from before generation
· Examination of samples of the population frozen at
earlier time points led to the discovery that a citrate-using
variant (Cit+) had evolved in the population at some
point between generations 31,000 and 31,500.
· The researchers have also found that, all Cit+ clones had
duplication mutations of a 2933 base pair segment. A
macro-evolutionary event has in fact happened in this
case, most likely through micro-duplication (micromutation). One should note that in this laboratory
experiment, more than 31,000 generations and trillions
and trillions of individual organisms were involved; during
Prof. Lenski’s scanning for the evolution of a single
phenotype (Cit+) in an organism which is limited in its
genome size and complexity.
Figure:29 Prof. C. Lenski’s long term lines of E.coli on 25th
June 2008 close-up of citrate mutant (middle flask). [56, 60]
Figure:30 The circulating influenza-A viruses change by
mutation, so antibodies become less effective at neutralizing
the virus. Therefore infections can occur repeatedly
throughout one’s lifetime as new subtypes of influenza-A
emerge. [61] These adaptive mutations confering extreme
disease resistance, could be considered as macro-evolution
due to micro-mutations; happening at the level of the surface
M acro-evolution can also occur due to unanticipated
(sudden) expression of silent micro-mutations (genotypic
changes) that have been silently building up over successive
generations, known as hidden evolution. Hsp90 is a good
example for this [62-65]. Under stress it releases the
expression (phenotypic expression) of a variety of mutations
in the developmental control proteins which had been
accumulating until then.
One has to get himself aware that evolution need-not
necessarily and always be micro-evolutions brought about by
micro-mutations. Sequenced genomes of organisms hold
proof for the occurrence of macro-mutations and macroevolutions, but they are known to happen on an infrequent
Apart from micro and macro-mutations; variation can
be brought about in any organism through genetic fluctuations
called quantitative traits, which is discussed in the next
Tip: From now-on in this book; one has to be bit careful while reading
through words like micro-mutation, micro-evolution, macro-mutation and
macro-evolution. They have been defined on relative terms and have been
applied in their corresponding context, but unfortunately could be little
confusing to any-one reading this book for the first time. Especially in
exceptional cases where micro-mutation leads to macro-evolution. In case
of any mix-up, please remember to go through chapter-3: “ concepts in
evolution which we all know”.
Variations, more-variations and quantitative
While the variations we discussed in the previous
chapter may considered as the 'real' variations found in the
organisms, there are also transcient variations which tend to
fluctuate in betwen generations. They are known as the
Quantitative traits; these variations when occuring in nature,
can easily mislead even expert scientists and must be taken in
to account.
Quantitative traits
As obvious, variations in morphology are seen in
members of any given species that exists today (at least due
to SNPs). These variations are necessarily-not the products
of micro-evolution, but are the quantitative traits brought
about by polygenic effects. These traits are nothing but
heritable 'fluctuations'. They never contribute to the gradual
process of evolution because the population still remains as a
single species, is interbreedable and the traits are mostly
' reversible' . They are the reason behind the variations seen in
M endel's peas Fig:31; for example the height: which has been
known to 'fluctuate between generations' and has-not
continued to increase (grow taller) through evolution. The
different breeds of dogs Fig:32&33 may also be treated as
quantitative traits, because of their ability to interbreed and
the reversibility of certain traits. Though micro-evolution
happens today, what appears like gradual evolution in most
cases is actually heritable 'fluctuations' (quantitative traits)
[66-68], which are rather widespread.
Figure:31 M endel examined the inheritance patterns
of seven different pea-plant characters. For each
character, one of the two parent traits disappeared in
the F1 hybrids, but reappeared in approximately one
quarter of the F2 generation (not shown here). [69]
Figure:32 A taller breed of dog with one of the smallest
Figure:33 Some of the different breeds of dogs. [71]
The effects of quantitative traits on paleontology,
where classification is primarily done based on morphology;
remains an open question. Especially some of the admired
'transitional fossils' (missing links) with fine-gradations in
morphology might-not be the products of micro-evolution.
But they would be the variants brought about by quantitative
traits (when living in favorable natural environments). Fossils
of these kind of variants which slightly differ in morphology,
could enable the curators to arrange them as 'series of
specimens' Fig:33 and to present them as evidence for the
'different stages of progression' of micro-evolution. If we
could give some thought to our minds: imagine what if
today’s dog species get fossilized and are dug up by future
paleontologists? What if their fossilized skeletons are neatly
arranged to explain the micro-evolution of dogs; starting with
the little chihuahua and ending up with the great danes, with a
few missing links getting discovered once in a while!
So it would be better ‘not’ to use morphological
variations as a criterion in any way, when gauging the finegradations of 'micro-evolution' in the organisms that exist
today. But it would be wise to use the degree of incapacity to
interbreed (hybridize) caused by the “divergence of species
branding factors”, as the chief criterion to measure the
progress of micro-evolution. Let's go through this in detail in
the next chapter.
Species branding’s role in Darwinian
Speciation concepts
The following speciation concepts have been framed
based on the degree of difficulty to interbreed, experienced
due to the divergence of species branding factors. It could be
theorized that as speciation proceeds; the least separate
species interbreed even in the wild, then there are the once
that are a bit-further away which interbreed only under
captivity, those that are still-further interbreed only by
invitro means (IVF) and with being further-apart they are
clearly distinct species and they don't interbreed. Lets look in
to these in detail.
1) Inbreeding evasion:
From the classical definition of species, species are a
group of organisms which are not-capable of interbreeding
with other species in the wild. As observed during inbreeding
evasion where the process of speciation appears to begin; the
newly formed variants mostly prefer mating with similar
variants, than breeding with dissimilar variants. For example:
two groups of Drosophila pseudoobscura, were fed with two
different types of food for eight generations Fig:34 [72]. At
the end of the experiment they preferred mating only with
those individuals; who had consumed the same food type
(similar variants), over mating with those that had consumed
the other food type (dissimilar variants). In this sense
Drosophila pseudoobscura consuming a certain type of fruit
in the wild Fig:35 for successive generations, will avoid
breeding with variants of the same species which have been
consuming another type of food for several generations.
Figure:34 Inbreeding evasion experiment as observed by
Diane Dodd in fruit flies. [73]
Figure:35 Diane Dodd’s fruit fly experiment happening in
nature. [74, 75]
The interruption in breeding between morphologically
identical Drosophila pseudoobscura (reproductive isolation)
may be caused by factors such as, the epigenic switches like
methylation. They could isolate the 'new variant' of a species
by avoiding it from mating with other members of the same
species, there by initiating the process of origination of a new
species. There is also the possibility that the reproductive
isolation could be due to simple reasons such as preference
due to body odor, caused by consuming different food types.
In any case, inbreeding evasion could be considered as an
initiating event in the long run towards speciation.
Difference in bird songs/ mating calls (behavioral
isolation), reproduction at different times of the year
(temporal isolation) etc, could be the result of inbreeding
evasion; and could be taken as the extrinsic (external)
outcomes of inbreeding evasion.
2) Interbreeding in captivity:
As speciation proceeds further, inbreeding evasion and
geographic grouping leads to new morphological groups like
the finches that bear unique beak shapes. Some of these
variants are capable of interbreeding in captivity, while they
do-not normally interbreed in the wild. For example:
interbreeding has been reported between several species of
Darwin's finches which are known to interbreed more often in
the lab than in the wild. This ability to interbreed shows that
the species branding factors of these finches are still the
same. From their breeding pattern they can no more be
considered as distinct species, but have to be regarded as
different breeds (dissimilar variants) of a single species. After
Darwin had left the Galapagos Islands, continued research on
the Darwin's finches has observed that the different species
of finches that were celebrated by Darwin Fig:36 do in fact
interbreed with each other even in the wild. Geospiza fortis
has been reported to interbreed with G. magnirostris [76], G.
fuliginosa interbreed with G. fortis [77], G. scandens
interbreed with G. fortis [78].
Figure:36 Drawings of the different heads and beaks of
finches that Darwin observed in the Galapagos Islands.
Recent studies in molecular biology on Darwin’s
finches confirm that their beak morphology is the outcome of
five different genes (polygenic) Fig:37 [80] i.e. Bmp4,
Calmodulin, TgfβIIr, β-catenin, Dkk3. This adds support to
the view that the different species of Darwin's finches can be
considered as mere variations Fig:38 and those that interbreed
may actually belong to a single species Fig:39. Reports of the
different species of Darwin's finches interbreeding in the
wild, questions the very definition of species. The classical
definition of species, as organisms which do-not interbreed
with other species in the wild, seems to be fragile and may
need an update. Because interbreeding happens among the
finch species; in captivity and even in the wild, one can be
sure that no species branding has happened in them.
But in some organisms, it has been reported that; the
outcome of the captive interbreeding is sterile progeny or
lethal zygotes. This sterility or lethality could be due to
incompatibility among gene pairs (Dobzhansky-M uller gene
pairs), of the two hybridizing species. These gene pairs are
known to be compatible when breeding with-in members of
their own species. With two different species of Drosophila
(D. melanogaster & D. simulans) hybridizing; they
essentially have the same chromosome number, which means
their genomes might not differ by macro-mutations. But most
likely differ by micro-mutations like the Dobzhansky-M uller
gene pairs. Upon confirmation, these gene pairs might also be
considered as new species branding factors.
Figure:37 The distinct beak morphologies in Geospiza are
generated by differences in the time and place of expression
of different genes: Bmp4, Calmodulin, TGFβIIr, β-catenin,
Dkk3. Through their action on different skeletal tissues,
different genes alter independent dimensions of growth. [81]
Figure:38 The beak of the sharp-beaked finch, G. difficilis,
represents a basal morphology for Geospiza. Expression and
function of the genes bring changes in beak dimensions of the
more derived species. [82]
Figure:39 Functional analysis of : TGFβIIr, β-catenin, Dkk3
etc, in the chicken model system. [83]
3) Interbreeding in vitro:
As speciation diverges the dissimilar variants further,
they interbreed not-even in captivity; but only through in
vitro means in the lab such as in vitro fertilization Fig:40.
This could be because of some ‘primary’ species branding
factors which have diverged quickly. This could include the
cell surface proteins which are needed for the entry process
of the sperm in to the ovum. In vitro fertilization overrides
these proteins by the injection of sperm directly into the
ovum. For example: stickle back fishes are found in the
northern hemisphere where their different species vary in
features like body size, body shape, presence or absence of
the defensive armor, size & pattern of skeletal structures,
etc.. M ore than 40 different species of stickleback fishes have
been classified. Among them some species can interbreed
through laboratory mating, while there are some other species
which can interbreed only through in vitro fertilization [84,
85]. Because these variants yield to interbreeding through in
vitro manipulations, this makes us understand that only the
primary species branding factors (those proteins involved in
chemotaxis and Sperm egg surface interaction) have diverged
and their secondary species branding factors have-not
diverged far enough. So these stickle back variants cannot be
called as distinct species. Therefore, they may be considered
(together with the finches) as 'un-established species'. But
one can be sure that branding, has happened to a certain
extend in these stickle back variants.
Figure:40 Three spined stickle backs. [86]
Figure:41 The standard in vitro fertilization procedure. [87]
4) Fully branded species:
With further deviation of the diverged variants, their
'species branding process' gets completed. As a result they
can never interbreed either in the wild or in captivity or even
with the help of in vitro techniques like in vitro fertilization.
At this stage they may be authenticated as separate species
or as stable morphological forms. These stable species have
the potency to establish themselves in large numbers and to
leave behind ample fossils.
A stable species is one which has distinguished its
species branding factors far-away from its species of origin
such that; both the primary and secondary species branding
factors have diverged. As it is widely accepted, a species
radiates into different morphological variants; when a new
niche is born or when a former niche gets vacant following a
mass extinction event OR due to artificial selection. From the
above sections it is evident that; all these progenitors of a
species like a few finch varieties and some of the stickle back
fish variants may-not be classified as different species, as
they interbreed. But they could be only considered as
different morphological variants or subspecies. It could take a
while until stable species emerge out from among these
variants. It could also be that only the stable species leave
behind the ample amount of fossils required to be discovered
through excavations in the future. Apart from the fossils of
stable species, fossils of all other variants obviously would
be found in limited numbers and might be perceived as the
rare missing links.
From what has been discussed till now, one gets to
know that the species branding factors are an independent
macromutation/evolution. The different prospects of speciation are
discussed in the next chapter. Speciation can have several
prospective results depending upon, whether it involves
micro- or macro-mutations and if it involves the SBFs or not.
Different prospects of species branding
The species branding hypothesis acts as an unifying
hypothesis on evolution; and explains the various aspects of
evolution, which are discussed in this chapter.
Figure:42 The prospects of micro-mutations and macromutations in terms of SBFs.
Prospects of micro-mutation
Case 1: Micro-mutations involving both SBF
and non-SBF genes (Darwinian speciation)
Apart from micro-mutations happening to SBF genes
(during Darwinian speciation), over time micro-mutations
also happen to the non-SBF genes. As seen in the previous
chapter we come to know that micro-mutations happening in
the genes of the species branding factors (SBF) could result in
the origin of a new sub-species. These new subspecies over
time could speciate in to new species. This process of
speciation passes through different stages of speciation like
inbreeding evasion, capacity of inter-breeding only in
captivity, capacity of inter-breeding only by in vitro means
and the establishment of stable species. These radiating new
species slowly get ‘adapted’ to the environment by
occupying a micro-niche.
Case 2: Micro-mutations involving only SBF
genes (Cryptic species)
Cryptic species can be explained with the help of
species branding factors. The cryptic species originate when
a given litter of progeny differ, in its species branding factors
from the parent’s SBFs. Interbreeding among the members of
the litter (in course of time) would give rise to a population
of the new cryptic species; which look exactly similar to the
parental species in all means. But are incapable of
interbreeding with it. Examples for cryptic species include
tetrahymena; species of flies, fungi, fishes, corals etc.
Case 3: Micro-mutations involving non-SBF
genes (Variants / Quantitative traits)
· M ost micro-mutations result in new genotypes. These new
genotypic variations are primarily due to the single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs), but majority of these SNPs do-not
exhibit phenotypes.
phenotypes. This may be the result of SNPs Fig:43 (the
exceptional ones) which are capable of exhibiting a
phenotype. Or can be due to small scale duplications, gene
level rearrangements, minor recombinations etc. These minor
mutations are generally located in, or around the vicinity of a
gene; and could be associated with quantitative traits (QTL).
Together they could produce different morphological variants
or breeds, which may not be evolutionarily beneficial (as their
features tend to fluctuate over generations).
· M icro-mutations can also lead to macro-evolution as seen in
the case of Prof. C. Lenski's experiment on E.coli which was
discussed earlier in chapter 3.
Figure:43 S ickle cell anemia is an example of a SNP which
produces a phenotype and happens in a non-SBF gene. But
this deleterious SNP is not-evolutionarily beneficial. [88, 89]
Prospects of macro-mutation
M acro-mutations almost always result in macroevolution by bringing about major changes to the genome;
these changes may include changes to the SBFs or not.
Case 4: Macro-mutations involving both SBF
and non-SBF genes (Speciation through
Genome level duplication brings about major changes to
the genome of a given organism Fig:44 possibly through
duplications and shuffling. This could include changes
occuring to both the SBF and non-SBF genes. But because
copies of the original SBFs are possibly present; this will
permit continued mating with the parental population,
resulting in hybrids (of the same species). With the huge
incrementations to the genome produced as a result of the
duplication, it would probably take at least a few generations
for the nascent mutant to settle down into a relatively stable
form. The mutant mating with the parental population would
only assist the smooth occurrence of this process. Over time
hybrid SBFs would be generated which would enable
inbreeding only among the new hybrids. The intensity of
phenotypical innovation brought about by this event will
determine if a new species, or a genus or order or class is
produced. With new features not-found in any of its relatives;
the organism would sneak into a new ecological niche if
possible into a new ecosystem, thereby ‘adopting’ a new
environment. Eg: 2R & 3R genome duplications which
happened during the evolution of fishes were macroduplication events, Fig:27 they
accompanied by co-duplication of the corresponding SBFs.
By this way fishes have colonized the oceans. Insect body
plans have evolved through genome duplication events
(macro-evolution through macro-mutations). Through this
way insects have colonized the earth.
Figure:44 How to pass from the bony vertebrate’s last
common ancestor genome (12 chromosomes) to the genomes
of humans and Tetraodon. M odel derived from the study of
synteny groups between those two modern vertebrates. [90]
Case 5: Macro-mutation involving non-SBF
genes (Hybrid species)
As a fact two phenotypically different species like lion
and tiger have been known to mate and produce hybrid
progeny (liger/tion). In the first place this process shows that
the SBFs of the two given species have-not diverged and are
compatible (it is only that the non-SBF genes differ
massively). As observed, the difference in the chromosome
numbers between the hybridising species pair (see example);
is indicative of macro-mutations which had already diverged
their non-SBF genes. But their ability to mate shows that
they have compatible (same) SBFs.
But unlike case-4, where the hybridization process
(mixing and matching of genes) happens within the same
species and occurs as a smooth progression that gets on
perfecting over generations. In case-5, the hybridization
occurs between two different species and instantly in a single
generation. This only leads to more defects than innovations,
especially in the reproductive genes. As observed in many
cases, the offspring are often substandard and sterile. So
obviously the SBFs have no evolutionary role to play.
As examples: Tiger and lion though belonging to
different species can mate to produce offspring Fig:45&46;
similarly horse (64 chromosomes) and donkey (62
chromosomes) can mate producing the mule/hinny (63
chromosomes) Fig:48&49, which are mostly sterile. One
could infer that the SBFs are same in the two related species,
so they are capable of matting to produce offspring. But the
difference in their chromosome numbers shows that macroevolution (at the non-SBF genes) had seperated them.
These different morphological variants (hybrids) which
are produced are mostly evolutionarily non-beneficial. The
occurrence of this type of hybrids in fish [91], amphibian
[92], birds [93] & mammals [94] etc only reminds us on the
presence of, these many pairs of animals holding compatible
SBFs (primary) in between them. The fact that these hybrids
occur very rarely, could also explain the scarcity of the
intermediate types of some fossil records.
Pl Note: Deletion of one/few chromosomes in a given
genome (organism) is also M acro-mutation. This can give rise
to a new hybrid-species. The new species will have a
relatively compact genome and can hybridize with the
parental species; provided it still contains the SBF gene in its
genome. Eg., It is possible that through chromosomal deletion
The Wild horse (66 Chr) >> gave>> Domestic
Horse (64 Chr) >> gave>> Donkey (62 Chromosomes).
During the origin of these hybrid species, their primary
SBFs remain unaltered...!
Figure:45 Tion. [95]
Figure:46 Liger. [96]
Figure:47 Leopon. [97]
Figure:48 M ule. [98]
Figure:49 Hinny. [99]
Figure:50 Zorse. [100]
Figure:51 Zonkey. [101]
[Figure:52 Cama. [102
For a whole list of hybrid animals please refer to:
Environment’s roles
The environment which is an external factor obviously
plays the prominent role in shaping the evolution of
organisms. Some organisms like the puffer fish have had such
severe 'negative environmental pressure' (purifying selection)
that they lost the extra genes by deletion and have resulted in
having compact genomes. On the other hand fishes in the
artic and antartic have evolved antifreeze proteins which give
them an advantage over the environment or in other words
they are under 'positive environmental pressure' (adaptive
selection). There exists a third type of external pressure
which is the 'neutral environmental pressure' seen in
organisms like the lungfish and coelacanth. This neutral
pressure allows them to continue having their rudimentary
hind legs instead of fins.
The Great Barrier Reef today stands as an example of
evolution through co-operation among varied organisms. And
much evidence has accumulated in this topic of ecology. But
many of the symbiotic relationships among organisms
probably were not revealed during the times of Darwin, that
Darwin was biased towards evolution through natural
selection (negative selection) and not adaptive selection
(positive selection) which his colleague Alfred Russel Wallace
believed in. In other words, Wallace emphasized on the
importance of adaptation to the environment for survival and
Darwin emphasized on competition even-between individuals
of the same species for survival. But unfortunately
misinterpretation of science by policy makers led to wars of
historic proportions. But today’s world is relatively much
peaceful and well developed, now we know that cooperation,
collaboration, mergers and accusations are all part of the
Evidence for possitive selection can also be found in
microbes. This include the cyanobacteria that entered in to an
endo-symbiotic relationship with the eukaryotes, becoming
the chloroplast. Similarly the aerobic bacteria became
mitochondria. And the amoeba transformed in to the white
blood cells.
Evolution in action
While the neo-darwinian views insist on evolution only
through gradualism the other darwinian concepts like
selection, adaptation, survival etc. are widely acknowledged
as visible proofs for evolution happening even today. To
quote a few examples of evolution in action: environmental
selection either natural or artificial (the peppered moth Biston
betularia) [103], the survivor is the fittest and it can
propagate (the cane toad of Australia) [104], adaptation to
the environment (Italian wall lizard Podarcis sicula evolution
in the island of Pod M rčaru [105] (possibly macroevolution), the yellow bellied three-toed lizard Saiphos
equalis of Australia which either lays eggs or gives live birth
as an adaptation to coastal regions or inland area [106],
adaptive variations (Darwin's finches) [107, 108], evolution
of drug resistance in bacteria [109, 110], and viruses [111,
112] (mostly saltation), etc.
As we know, population genetics has a prominent role
to play in evolution. Species branding and its role in the
population aspects of evolution are discussed in detail in the
next chapter.
Species branding in populations
All the different concepts discussed so far in this book
can be interpreted in terms of population biology, this
chapter has the details.
Sympatric speciation Fig:53&54
Obviously variations can be observed in any given
species. They may be in the form of genetic variations which
are not-visible, or the phenotypic variations which are the
visible products of some of the micro-/macro-mutations. Just
to iterate: phenotypic variations (those which are not
fluctuations) may be caused by micro-evolutions (mostly
micro-mutations) or macro-evolution (either micro or macromutations).
During sympatric speciation, most likely microevolution happens frequently. But in the course of time most
organisms which evolved through micro-evolution get filtered;
as these slight mutants are incapable of competing with their
established originator, for the existing niche. But most
organisms that evolved through macro-evolution obviously
could have the fitness to occupy the existing niche (or even a
new niche). Unfortunately these macro-evolved organisms
may still retain the ability to reproduce with the originator
species (if branding had-not occurred in them), so the new
characters which they had acquired may get dissipated by
interbreeding. But if species branding would have taken place
in them, then they are capable of: becoming fully branded
species (in course of time), populating in vast numbers and
leaving behind huge amounts of fossils. As against the other
less fortunate macro-evolvants; which do-not undergo species
branding and are unable to establish themselves. And so they
become rare fossils; (these macro-evolvants which exhibit
‘unique phenotypes’ might give rise to those rare fossils,
which are generally considered as the ‘misfits’ among a series
of fossils).
Figure:53 Various types of speciation among populations.
Figure:54 Various types of speciation among populations.
Allopatric speciation:
Unlike sympatric speciation which we looked at earlier,
micro-evolvants have a better chance to survive in allopatric
speciation Fig:53&54; since these organisms move to a
different location (founder event), separated by a physical
barrier (vicariant). In this new location micro-evolutions may
give the evolvants an upper hand, even over a native of this
location. But in other case if macro-evolution would take
place in this location, then without doubt it could give the
evolvants a much better leverage.
If individuals of these evolved organisms would move
back to the originator’s primary location, (before species
branding had taken place in them); then they would only be
capable of forming hybrids with the originator population.
But if these evolvants had undergone species branding in
advance, then phenotypically and reproductively they stay
as distinct species; even if they were to get back to the
originator’s primary location.
Species branding in microbial populations:
Due to their small size and short generation times; very
large number of variations (genotypic and phenotypic) can be
seen in a given microbial species. But even strains which have
evolved unique phenotypes do-not branch off in to new
species. Instead these phenotypes are shared with other
strains through horizontal gene transfer processes; such as
conjugation, fusion, by means of viruses etc..
When a given strain finds a niche for itself, and if
species branding would take place in it; then this strain can be
said to have successfully established as a new species. So by
now any genotypic or phenotypic innovation that would
take place in the new species, is retained (confined) within
the species; and necessarily need-not be shared with peers.
The next chapter of this book involves an insilico case
study using different bacterial varieties.
A case study with mammals and microbes
The following text in this section has to be taken with a
pinch of salt, as the available data is not-exhaustive. While
natural selection (through reproductive isolation) is an
extrinsic source for speciation (hindering gene flow); species
branding is the intrinsic factor for the same. To find out how
species branding happens intrinsically, one could try to
understand how species branding happens in the primary
SBFs of M ammals and of the simple systems like M icrobes.
This chapter deals with case studies carried out in the
mammalian and microbial systems, by studying their
genomes through insilico means.
1, Mammalian bioinformatics-case studies:
Earlier in chapter 2 we had discussed a bit, about the
interaction of proteins on the surface of sperm and egg during
the fertilization process. In this section we will be dealing
with them in detail.
IZUM O1 is a cell surface protein which was identified
in 2005 [115] ; and is found on the surface of the sperm cells.
Homologues for this protein are found across many
mammalian sequenced genomes. JUNO is its counterpart
found in the surface of the egg cells. First identified in 2014
[116], it also has homologues across many mammalian
sequenced genomes.
Empirical studies have confirmed the binding of
IZUM O1 with the JUNO protein, and crystal structures
have also been made available for this pair. This confirms the
docking between IZUM O1 with JUNO; with this pair of
proteins serving as a lock & a key, in between the fertilizing
egg & sperm. This promissing protein pair is capable of
revealing us vital information about species hybridisation,
species branding and the species problem; than ever before.
So a detailed case study involving IZUM O1 & JUNO
proteins, was done through bioinformatics means.
Donkey and the Horses:
Donkey ( Equus asinus) has 62 chromosomes, while the
Domestic horse ( Equus caballus) has 64 chromosomes and
the Wild horse (E quus przewalskii) has 66 chromosomes. In
spite of the difference in their chromosomal numbers; they
are capable of interbreeding with one another, and producing
hybrids like hinny, mule etc.
A comparison of the IZUM O1 proteins and the JUNO
proteins from these mammals shows that; their sequences
align Fig:55&56 very well with one another (~100%
Pl NOTE: In all the below alignments the color Red
represents 'identical amino acids' among the aligned protein
sequences; while the color Blue represents 'mismatches'
which are the non-identical amino acids. And Green indicates
the Sequence ids.
Figure:55 An alignment of three isoforms of the Egg-surface
protein IZUM O, from three different Equus species.
Figure:56 An alignment of the Sperm-surface protein JUNO
from the different Equus species.
Inference : The Equus species alignments show
absolutely No mismatches, when thier IZUM O proteins
were aligned. While they show just a single mismatch in their
aligned JUNO proteins. This high level of identity among
these species branding factors (IZUM O and JUNO) reflects
the fact that Equus species can easily form hybrids.
Figure:57 The names of the hybrids, formed between the
different Equus species [117].
Pl Note: The genome sequences of Zebra and Pony are
yet to be available.
Mouse and Rat:
M ouse ( Mus musculus) Fig:60 has 40 chromosomes,
( Rattus
norvegicus) Fig:60 has 42 chromosomes. Serious efforts to interbreed them have all failed
[118]. Sequence comparison of
the IZUM O1 proteins and the JUNO proteins from both the
organisms shows that Fig:58&59; there are serious
mismatches in between the two aligned sequences along the
entire stretch.
Figure:58 An alignment of the Egg-surface protein IZUM O
from Rat and M ouse.
Figure:59 An alignment of the Sperm-surface protein JUNO
from Rat and M ouse, with mouse having two isoforms of the
Inference: The alignment between Rat and M ouse
shows large number of mismatches, at both the IZUM O &
JUNO proteins. This result is perfectly in-line with the
known fact that, efforts to breed a rat and a mouse over many
centuries have all failed..!
Figure:60 A picture of M ouse and Rat [119].
Camel Species:
Arabian camel ( Camelus dromedarius), the Bacterian
camel ( Camelus bactrianus) and the Wild Bacterian camel
( Camelus ferus) all of them Fig:63 have 74 chromosomes as
part of their respective genomes. They do, but rarely
interbreed with one another, producing hybrids like Bukht.
A comparison of the IZUM O1 proteins and the JUNO
proteins from these Camelids shows that Fig:61&62; their
sequences align with one another considerably.
Figure:61 An alignment of the Egg-surface protein IZUM O
from three different Camelus species.
Figure:62 An alignment of the Sperm-surface protein JUNO
from three different Camelus species.
Inference: The alignment between the different Camelids
shows few mismatches. This alignment does not show a vast
diference as observed in the case of 'Rat vs M ouse' or is
highly identical as in the case of the 'Equus Spps'; but falls in
between. This co-relates with the fact that, hybrids do occur
among the Camelus but relatively rarely.
Figure:63 A picture of the different Camelids and their
hybridization pattern [120].
Sheep and Goat:
Sheep ( Ovis aries) Fig:66 has 54 chromosomes, while
the Goat ( Capra hircus) Fig:66 has 60 chromosomes. In spite
of the difference in their chromosome numbers; they do but
rarely interbreed with one another, producing hybrids like
geep or shoat Fig:67.
A comparison of their, IZUM O1 proteins and the
JUNO proteins; results in their sequences aligning with one
another considerably Fig:64&65.
Figure:64 An alignment of the Egg-surface protein IZUM O
from Goat and Sheep.
Figure:65 An alignment of the Sperm-surface protein JUNO
from Goat and Sheep.
Inference : The sequence alignment seen between goat and
sheep is similar to Camelids, showing few mismatches. Again
supporting the fact that hybrids do occur between them, but
relatively rarely.
Figure:66 Picture of a goat and sheep pair [121].
Figure:67 Picture of a geep/shout [122].
The above case study involving four different sets of
mammals reveals, the three distinct levels in their ability to
1) With Equus Spps being the first; having high
sequence identity and are easy to hybridize.
2) Then comes the 'Camelids' and 'Goat vs Sheep';
where the sequence identity is fairly identical and they rarely
3) Finally the 'Rat vs M ouse'; showing high degree of
difference between their sequences, corelating well with
their inability to hybridize.
Confirmational test LEAD:
The case studies done so far fall in favor of the Species
Branding Hypothesis; suggesting that IZUM O1 & JUNO
proteins act as potential Species branding factors. But the
role of these proteins can be confirmed; only when the
corresponding proteins from some of the Cryptic species
sets would be sequenced. Upon sequencing, if one finds that
the sequences of a given Cryptic species would differ; then it
would help one confirm that these proteins in fact play a
major role in species hybridisation. In this case these the
proteins would also play a vital role in the origin of a new
2, Microbial bioinformatics-case studies:
To find out how the 'process of species branding'
occurs, one could try to understand how it has happened in
simple systems like microbes. Which in turn could be learnt
by looking at, how the restriction enzymes have evolved
across various bacteria. Studies in Bacteria suggests that
Species branding can happen at a smaller or in a larger scale.
Micro-species branding:
Just like micro-mutation or micro-evolution, species
branding can also happen at a smaller scale. HinP1I and M spI
the restriction modification systems can be considered as a
good example for this. Their tight structural superimposition
and the trivial difference between their restriction-cleavage
sites, is a good example for micro-species branding
Figure:68 Structural superimposition of HinP1I (green) and
M spI (cyan). [123]
Figure:69 As visible both the restriction enzymes differ
only slightly in their cleavage sites. [124]
Macro-species branding:
Similarly like macro-mutation and macro-evolution,
large scale species branding can also be seen in the microbial
restriction modification systems. Examples for these kinds of
restriction modification systems, can be seen from figure
Fig:70. The figure shows how diverse the restriction enzymes
can be and how modular evolution has taken place in them.
Figure:70 M acro-species branding among restriction
enzymes. [125]
The topology diagram with triangles represents β-strands,
circles represents α– and 310-helices, and
connecting lines represents loops.
Shaded shapes are the conserved ones and white ones are
Structural distance matrix using PDB files:
For making any comparison in between restriction
enzymes; one has to look to structural information, since
sequence similarity among them is highly limited. In an in
silico experiment by TR Singh et al, multiple structure files of
restriction enzymes in PDB format were compared to write
an output file containing the set of distance matrices Fig:71.
The distance matrix scores correspond to the level of
difference between the various restriction enzymes.
Figure:71 Structural distance matrix using PDB files. [126]
Phylogenetic tree made using the derived
distance matrix:
To visualize the relation between the various restriction
enzymes; the distance matrix scores in between the various
restriction enzymes (as computed by TR Singh et al) were
used to generate a phylogenetic tree Fig:72 by using the
program FITCH.
Figure:72 Phylogenetic tree made using the derived distance
Interpreting the phylogenetic tree: given below are
examples for micro-species branding and macro-species
branding, their phylum and class are also included.
Examples for micro-species branding
{MspI & HinP1I}
Moraxella catarrhalis [M spI]
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: γ-proteobacteria
Haemophilus influenzae [HinP1I]
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: γ-proteobacteria
Examples for macro-species branding
{EcoRV & [BamHI + SdaI]}
E.coli [EcoRV]
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: γ-proteobacteria
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens [BamHI]
Phylum: Firmicutes
Class: Bacilli
Streptomyces Spps [SdaI]
M icro-species branding can be easily differentiated
from macro-species branding by looking at the above
highlighted class and phyla in the phylogenetic tree of
bacterial groups Fig:73. In the case of microbes the restriction
enzymes act as primary SBFs during speciation; while
antibiotic production, virulence, zymic activity, codon bias
etc. can be considered as the secondary SBFs during this
speciation process.
Figure:73 Universal phylogenetic tree of bacterial groups.
Resurfacing of past theories
The recent availability of genome information is making
the evolutionary histories of many organisms to be re-written
[120, 121]. The genomic era is also generating new evidences
to support former theories of evolution like lamarckism. In a
debate between gradual versus punctuated change one could
make an educated guess that darwinism is right in the sense
that gradualism does occur often at the genotypic level.
Saltationism is also right in its own sense that 'morphological
discontinuity/punctuation' occur typically at the phenotypic
level, seen as noticeable changes to the morphology.
Neo-lamarckism and epigenetic inheritance
Surprisingly, the discarded theory of lamarckism has
also earned recognition in recent years as neo-lamarckism or
soft-inheritance. According to which characteristics acquired
during an individual's lifetime can be transmitted to their
offspring in non-mendelian ways. Epigenetics [122-124]
explains how this non-genetic inheritance happens and
describes the molecular events behind it. The environment is
known to affect regulatory proteins like hormones which in
turn methylate the DNA at unique sites, thereby switching
on and off the expression of specific genes. Though this DNA
gets inherited the mendelian way; by being bonded to it are
the modifications, (e.g. methylation) that are possibly passed
on as well. Therefore, the genes are inherited either switched
on or off; which in turn influences the phenotypic characters
of the new generation. So in the end characters acquired
during one's lifetime could be passed on to his progeny
through epigenetic inheritance. It should be emphasized
however, that all current hypotheses about epigenetic
inheritance should be taken with a grain of salt.
Looking at the punctuations seen in the fossils, one
gets the feeling that macro-mutations could have led the
vertical evolutionary process, while micro-mutations
contributed mainly towards horizontal (lateral) evolution.
Figure:61 An illustration of micro and macro-evolution
(from the phenotypic perspective). With X-axis as time and
Y-axis as phenotypic innovation.
Final word
With the advent of the era of systems and synthetic
biology, a more holistic approach to life science could be
expected in the near future. The system of species branding
and the various factors associated with it could be revealed to
us sooner than we would imagine for it to happen. Cambrian
evolution, evo-nhancer hypothesis and other concepts will be
discussed in a separate book which is in the making… for the
mean time I will be happy to have your comments posted to
Figure:62 Darwin commenting about his theory in his book;
‘On the origin of species: by means of natural selection or,
the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life’.
With evidences for saltation found in the sequenced
genomes of organisms [125-127]; Darwin mentioning about
“slight modifications” in his book makes one doubt, if his
statement could be correct? But Darwin cannot be considered
wrong, Fig:62 as genotypic evolution mostly happens
gradually and phenotypic evolution mainly occurs as
noticeable saltations (as supported by Prof. C. Lenski’s
experiment and the punctuations seen in fossils). Having said
this, darwinism and saltationism can be considered as the two
sides of the same coin; Richard Goldschmidt, Stephen Jay
Gould and others observed the phenotypic changes or
saltation that was obviously seen in both the living organisms
and the fossils. While darwinist like Susumu Ohno tried to
explain the saltations through genotypic causes (like genome
duplications) which brought about the huge phenotypic
changes in organisms.
The problem with present day Darwinists is that:
They seem to mistake, the much frequently occuring
quantitative traits, for the less prevalent microevolutions.
They supposedly under estimate the power of
saltations. Especially those macro-evolutions which
are brought about by micro-mutations.
They seem to ignore the possibility of phenotypic
innovations evolving rapidly, due to micro-mutations
occuring at the evolutionary hot-spots.
And they appear not to accept the ground reality
about the fossil records.
They wrongly believe that speciation happens at the
level of populations, following a gradual phyletic
tree. While it specifically happens at the level of
SBFs, following a (relatively) 'punctuated'
evolutionary tree Fig:61.
This work of literature just tries to give a ‘big sketch’
on speciation by making a consensus out of the data available
to us. But the big picture will be revealed to us, only when
genomic sequences of many more organisms become
available. With many genome projects in the line, there is
much hope that this would become a reality. Undoubtedly
natural selection has its hand over any and every aspect of
evolution. But during the origin of new species, speciesbranding is the intrinsic factor which drives speciation; while
natural selection has to be taken as the extrinsic factor which
influences speciation from the exterior.
FAQs (Frequently asked questions)
· How could the spectrum of related fossils originate?
When we look at the different breeds of dogs we see
that they are the quantitative traits of the dog species. It is
just that the dog quantitative traits have been segregated by
means of artificial selection. Similarly quantitative traits can
be found in any given organism, which when segregated by
means of natural selection; give rise to a spectrum of variants
of that organism. These variants generally leave behind a
spectrum of related fossils. Among them the variant which
eventually establishes itself would leave behind the ‘most
fossils’, in other words would leave behind the ‘most
common’ fossil-type. And the other variants together would
leave behind a spectrum of ‘rare fossil types’.
· How could we differentiate the variants seen during
speciation), from their quantitative traits?
For example Darwin observed variants of finches
which are a good example of speciation thorough microevolution; but the question remains as how do these variants
differ from the quantitative traits of the finches..? The answer
is simple: it does not matter if they are variants or
quantitative traits, if species branding has taken place in
them; then speciation through micro-evolution has happened
in them, if it has not then they will be considered as mere
quantitative traits. From observations most Darwin’s finches
seem to be mere quantitative traits, that were separated by
means of natural selection; as they tend to interbreed in
nature. But the ones which do not interbreed, could be
considered as the non-QTL variants; formed as the result of
· How could unique fossils originate?
We know that during sympatric speciation a new
species originates from among the native organisms. Under
these circumstances of absence of any natural barriers, the
newly formed species most likely is a macro-evolvant which
survives the competition, as micro-evolvants easily perish in
this environment. Under these circumstances unique
organisms and organisms which originate by saltation tent to
evolve. These organisms leave behind the unique fossils
which do not have any missing links to connect them to the
other related organisms’ fossils.
· What are the evidences against the popular belief that
99% species of organisms that lived on the face of the
earth did not get fossilized?
The artifacts hypothesis claimed that fleshy parts of
organisms get fossilized extremly rarely and so claimed that
99% of species types did not get fossilized. This hypothesis
has been disproved by the unearthing of jelly fish fossils in
south china. Furthermore, with the scarcity of the missing
links, just the common fossils are being repeatedly unearthed
during fossil hunting expeditions (even at different
continents). This shows the inequality in numbers among the
different types of organisms which lived on the face of the
earth. The major fossils must belong to the organisms which
had established themselves. M issing links which surface once
in a while could belong to the un-established variants or
quantitative traits. And the unique fossils might belong to
unique organisms, which were sparse in numbers. Hence an
evolutionary tree drawn using phyletic gradualism can be
wrong; but a tree drawn using punctuated equilibrium (with
the common fossils) can be considered viable.
· Are there any examples for saltation?
Saltation or macro-evolution being a rare event can
happen approximately once in a thousand generations of an
organism. So observing saltations in most organisms is not
possible with in a human life span of about 70 years. But
saltation has been experimentally proved to happen in the
lab, using the bacteria E. coli which has a generation time of
only 20 mins. Sequenced genomes also provide us with
evidences for the occurrence of saltation events. Richard
Goldschmidt, one of the lead proponents of Saltation
exclaimed this in simple terms that “a reptile laid an egg and a
bird hatched out of it..”!
· What is species branding?
For example chimpanzees cannot reproduce by mating
with humans. In other terms sperm from a chimpanzee
cannot recognize a human ovum. Some how humans have
branded their sperm such that, they could mate between the
different breeds of humans and not with chimpanzees. This
kind of molecular branding seen in each organism is called as
species branding.
· Do humans have quantitative traits?
The different breeds of humans like caucasian
Europeans, native Africans, Asians, aboriginal Australians
and others may be considered as the quantitative traits in
humans. For example: M ulatto children are born, when a
black parent and a white parent get in to family relationship.
But on the other hand when two mulatto parents get in to
relationship, their characters can get segregated the mendelian
way and totally black or totally white children could be born.
This was the case with mulatto parents Kylee hodgson and
Remi horder who gave birth to twins Kian and Remee Fig:76.
Figure:76 Quantitative traits of humans in action.
This reversibility of ancestral characters confirms that
the different breeds of humans are none but quantitative traits
found in the human species.
· What are evolutionary hot spots?
Some key genes like the developmental genes; and
some mutational hotspots like the protein active sites, gene
promoters, could accelerate the evolutionary process; they
could be treated as evolutionary hotspots.
· What could be the reason behind donkey and horse
mating in spite of being different species?
As obvious donkey and horse must have had a
common ancestor. Their ability to mate to produce offspring
shows us that they have the same species branding factors.
M ost likely macro-mutations had occurred to their common
ancestor, so that they differ morphologically and genetically
from each other.
· Are evolution and speciation two different things?
Evolution literally means change; any change that
occurs in an organism is evolution. For example the human
species has learnt to use its brain in phenomenally dexterous
ways in just over the past two decades. This means humans
have evolved over the recent years.
Speciation is different from evolution; it is about the
origin of a new species. For example if a breed of humans are
unable to interbreed with another; then speciation has
happened in the new breed, and a new species of humans can
be believed to have risen. But in reality no such cases have
been reported. Also cryptic species of humans have not been
reported. So humans have evolved over the years but have
not yet speciated.
Evolution and speciation are two different things. To
cut the long story short, speciation happens in the case of
cryptic species. But in the case of hybrid species evolution
Contents of this book as Mind map:
NOTE: (Pl zoom-in [+] to view in a mobile device/ Best
viewed on a computer screen)
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• The URLs are references as per accessed on 16.04.2014
• This book has extracts from the PhD thesis:“The actinome
of Dictyostelium amoebae: comparative in silico and in vivo
characterization”, submitted to the Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversity, Munich, Germany.
List of figures
Figure:1 Evolution chandelier.
Figure:2 Punctuated equilibrium.
Figure:3 Neo-darwinian speciation.
Figure:4 Neo-darwinian speciation.
Figure:5 Photograph and interpretive drawing of M iddle
Cambrian cnidarian jellyfish in lateral view.
Figure:6 Cubozoan embryos from the Lower Cambrian
Kuanchuanpu Formation, Shaanxi, South China. Analyzed in
detail through computed microtomography (M icro-CT) and
scanning electron microscopy (SEM ) without coating.
Figure:7 The small peptide RESACT acts as a
chemoattractant for sea urchin sperm. When receptors on the
surface of the sperm bind RESACT, a signal transduction
cascade involving cyclic GM P (cGM P) is set in motion,
triggering faster sperm swimming.
Figure:8 The molecules on the sperm surface, such as fertilin
and cyritestin, may be involved in sperm–egg binding; Okabe
and colleagues find that Izumo is essential for membrane
fusion. On the egg, CD9 is required for fusion and might
collaborate with other proteins such as integrins or
glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins.
Figure:9 Influenza-A viruses are enveloped, negative strand
RNA viruses. The virus enters the cell by receptor-mediated
endocytosis, viral HA binds to host cell receptors that
contain terminal α-2,6-linked or α-2,3-linked sialic acid
(α-2,6-SA or α-2,3-SA) moieties.
Figure:10 Fusion mechanism in the 'F protein' of Sendai
virus according to the “viral fusion pore” model of Lee K.
Figure:11 Structure of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), an
assembly of 456 proteins that controls the flow of molecules
between the DNA-storing nucleus and the rest of the cell.
Figure:12 Nuclear pore complexes on the nuclear membranes
of frog oocytes as seen from the cytoplasm.
Figure:13 Codon positions. Comparative analysis of the
codon usage of all ORFs of CrleGV (black) and CpGV (gray).
The nucleotide bias of the first and second codon positions
are given to the left. The dinucleotides and the encoded amino
acids are given on the outer circle. The nucleotide distribution
of the third codon position is given to the right.
Figure:14 Codon usage rose plots for two representatives of
different species of Vibrio.
Figure:15 Categories of repetitive nuclear elements.
Figure:16 Direct repeats excising DNA.
Figure:17 Inverted repeats flipping DNA.
Figure:18 Shared ancestry among homologous proteins
across a gene family.
Figure:19 Active site as seen in the induced fit model of
enzyme action.
Figure:20 A simple regulatory region of DNA located
upstream of the gene.
Figure:21 Eukaryotic promoters are extremely diverse and
are difficult to characterize. They typically lie upstream of
the gene and can have regulatory elements several kilobases
away from the transcriptional start site.
Figure:22 A simple protein structure with clearly visible
loop, α-helix and β-sheets (Structure of pancreatic RNase A).
Figure:23 M ost eukaryotic genes, coding regions (exons) are
interrupted by non-coding regions (introns).
Figure:24 Global gene duplication: distribution of the
duplicated genes on the 21 Tetraodon chromosomes. These
duplications are most likely brought about by a heightened
activity of transposons and small scale recombination events
through repetitive elements.
Figure:25 Genomic rearrangements can be triggered by a
multitude of factors. The inner ring shows four broad
categories and the outer ring shows components within these
Figure:26 Crossover recombination (at the chromosomal
level) between repeated DNA sequences at non-allelic
positions can generate a deletion, a duplication, an inversion
or an isodicentric chromosome.
Figure:27 Genome duplication: Hox clusters are indicative of
whole-genome duplication events which happened across life
Figure:28 M utations in terms of evolution.
Figure:29 Prof. C.Lenski’s long term lines of E.coli on 25th
June 2008 close-up of citrate mutant.
Figure:30 The circulating influenza-A viruses change by
mutation, so antibodies become less effective at neutralizing
the virus. Therefore infections can occur repeatedly
throughout one’s lifetime as new subtypes of influenza-A
emerge This could be considered as a macro-evolution
happening at the level of the surface antigens.
Figure:31 M endel examined the inheritance patterns of
seven different pea-plant characters. For each character, one
of the two parent traits disappeared in the F1 hybrids, but
reappeared in approximately one quarter of the F2 generation
(not shown here).
Figure:32 A taller breed of dog with one of the smallest
Figure:33 Some of the different breeds of dogs…
Figure:34 Inbreeding evasion experiment as observed by
Diane Dodd in fruit flies.
Figure:35 Diane Dodd’s fruit fly experiment happening in
Figure:36 Drawings of the different heads and beaks of
finches that Darwin observed in the Galapagos Islands.
Figure:37 The distinct beak morphologies in Geospiz a are
generated by differences in the time and place of expression
of different genes: Bmp4, Calmodulin, TGFβIIr, β-catenin,
Dkk3. Through their action on different skeletal tissues,
different genes alter independent dimensions of growth.
Figure:38 The beak of the sharp-beaked finch, G. difficilis,
represents a basal morphology for Geospiza. Expression and
function of the genes bring changes in beak dimensions of the
more derived species.
Figure:39 Functional analysis of TGFβIIr, β-catenin, and
Dkk3 in the chicken model system.
Figure:40 Three spined stickle back.
Figure:41 The standard in vitro fertilization procedure.
Figure:42 The prospects of micro-mutations and macromutations in terms of SBFs.
Figure:43 S ickle cell anemia is an example of a SNP which
produces a phenotype and happens in a non-SBF gene. But
this deleterious SNP is not-evolutionarily beneficial.
Figure:44 How to pass from the bony vertebrate’s last
common ancestor genome (12 chromosomes) to the genomes
of humans and Tetraodon. M odel derived from the study of
synteny groups between those two modern vertebrates.
Figure:45 Tion.
Figure:46 Liger.
Figure:47 Leopon.
Figure:48 M ule.
Figure:49 Hinny.
Figure:50 Zorse.
Figure:51 Zonkey.
Figure:52 Cama.
Figure:53 Various types of speciation among populations.
Figure:54 Various types of speciation among populations.
Figure:55 An alignment of three isoforms of the Egg-surface
protein IZUM O, from three different Equus species.
Figure:56 An alignment of the Sperm-surface protein JUNO
from the different Equus species.
Figure:57 The names of the hybrids, formed between the
different Equus species.
Figure:58 An alignment of the Egg-surface protein IZUM O
from Rat and M ouse.
Figure:59 An alignment of the Sperm-surface protein JUNO
from Rat and M ouse, with mouse having two isoforms of the
Figure:60 A picture of M ouse and Rat.
Figure:61 An alignment of the Egg-surface protein IZUM O
from three different Camelus species.
Figure:62 An alignment of the Sperm-surface protein JUNO
from three different Camelus species.
Figure:63 A picture of the different Camelids and their
hybridization pattern.
Figure:64 An alignment of the Egg-surface protein IZUM O
from Goat and Sheep.
Figure:65 An alignment of the Sperm-surface protein JUNO
from Goat and Sheep.
Figure:66 Picture of a goat and sheep pair.
Figure:67 Picture of a geep/shout.
Figure:68 Structural Superimposition of HinP1I (green) and
M spI (cyan).
Figure:69 As visible both the restriction enzymes differ
only slightly in their cleavage sites.
Figure:70 M acro-Species Branding among Restriction
Figure:71 Structural distance matrix using PDB files.
Figure:72 Phylogenetic tree made using the derived distance
Figure:73 Universal phylogenetic tree of bacterial groups.
Figure:74 An illustration of micro- and macro-evolution
(from the phenotypic perspective).
Figure:75 Darwin commenting about his theory in the book;
‘On the origin of species: by means of natural selection or,
the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life’.
Figure:76 Quantitative traits of humans in action.
Cover picture: Adapted from the portrait of Charles Darwin
by John Collier in 1883.
I am very grateful to my Ph.D guide Prof. Michael
S chleicher for his constant support and motivation;
especially more so for his kindness. I am very fortunate to
have had him as my doctor father; who (according to me)
belongs to a rare breed of human individuals, who make
decisions by not only listening to their brains but also to their
I am very thankful to my friend Dr. Arasada Rajesh. I
am also obliged to thank my friends in the M unich area
namely, Sumathi, Sinnaiya Thavarasa, Selvakirubai, M ohan
and Dr. Pandey and other good hearts.
I am also thankful to my earlier teachers and professors
who have developed in me a thirst for life-sciences; namely
M r. Saravana Rajan, M r. Radha Krishnan, Prof. S. Krishna
Swamy, Prof. K. Dharmalingam, Prof. S. Shanmuga Sundaram
. I also acknowledge the support I had received from all my
friends around the world, many of whom, I unfortunately am
not in constant touch. I am thankful to my friends Kannan
Sriram, Yathesh Kumar, M r. Gnanashekar, Danush Jeyan and
late M r. Jawaharlal Paul.
M ost of all, I cherish the support and motivation I
received from my family members; my mother I. Daisy
M ary, my father V.M Joseph, my sister Sophia Jegan, my
uncle Prof. Henry Louis, Aunt Jesintha and other dear ones.
Word cloud for this book: