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CITATIONS 0 READS 7 2 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Active Judge, Case management for a effective and efficient Civil Justice View project Alvaro Pérez Ragone Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile) 75 PUBLICATIONS 36 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Alvaro Pérez Ragone on 15 December 2016.
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The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
CIOB WCS 2019, 2019
The construction industry will continue to be a key driver of economic growth for any country. It is one of the biggest industries in the world which contributes heavily to the economic development of a country. However, the productivity and the effectiveness of the industry have often been called into a question. Therefore, a number of different modelling tools and software have introduced to upgrade the standards of the construction industry. This review seeks to identify how blockchain can address the project management perspectives of the construction industry with respect to the guidelines mentioned in the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Five major criterions namely purchase management, contract management, asset and inventory management, finance management and subcontractor management were selected for the analysis using the PMBOK guidelines. For that, literature review using articles in ScienceDirect which appeared the context "blockchain in construction", "blockchain and project management", "application of blockchain" were referred. It is identified that the blockchain technology can assist financial management without involving third parties, subcontractor management by linking derivable and payment schemes, contract administration by using smart contracts, inventory and asset management by tracking and tracing material movements and purchase management by linking key stakeholders in supply chains.
İslam ve Bilim, 2024
Bilginin İslamileştirilmesi tartışmaları, doksanlı yıllarda başlamış ve İsmail Ragi al-Faruqi'yle özdeşlemiştir. Bir İslam bilimi olacağını savunan al-Faruqi bunun nasıl olacağının yöntemini, yazdığı Bilginin İslamileştirilmesi/Islamization of Knowledge adlı kitabta göstermeye çalışmıştır. Ancak Faruqi'nin hem İslam bilimi iddiası hem de yöntemi oldukça yoğun tartışmalara yol açmıştır. Bu yazı İslam Bilimi tartışmalarını ve kabul/reddeden taraflarının düşüncelerini ortaya koyarak, bunların birbirlerine; özellikle de Serdar'ın bütün taraflara yönelik eleştirisini ve eğer böyle bir şey olacaksa onun ne tür özellikler taşıması gerektiğine dair düşüncelerini konu edinmekte; böylece konunun yeniden tartışılmasının kapısını açmak istemektedir. The discussions on the Islamization of knowledge began in the nineties and Ismail Ragi identified with al-Faruqi. Al-Faruqi, who argued that there would be an Islamic science, tried to show the method of how this would happen in his book Islamization of Knowledge. However, both Faruqi's claim of Islamic science and his method have led to intense discussions. This article examines the discussions on Islamic Science and the opinions of the parties that accept/reject it, and examines their criticism of each other, especially Serdar's criticism of all parties, and his thoughts on what kind of characteristics it should have if there were to be such a thing; thus, it aims to open the door to a new discussion of the subject.
Theologika, 2007
Financial Analysts Journal, 1975
Access Journal - Access to Science, Business, Innovation in the digital economy
Molecular Ecology, 2011
L'Esprit Créateur, 1987
Science, Religion and Culture, 2018
Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies, 2017
Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2020
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2018
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009
Research Square (Research Square), 2024