Summary of PL Kyodan

This provides a brief overview of the PL Kyodan movement. Primary source and secondary source bibliographies are also included.

PL Kyodan – Scholars list the founder of PL Kyodan as Kanada Tokumitsu (d. 1919). PL Kyodan refers to the Rev. Tokuharu Mitsu (1871-1 3 as the First Fou der. PL K oda has ide ra gi g roots i esoteric Shingon Buddhism, Shinto sect Mitake-kyo, and 19th C mountain faith practices. Originally called Shinto Tokumitsu Kyo, it was renamed in 1931 after Miki Tokuharu (referred to previously as the First Founder), student of Tokumitsu and former Zen priest took over leadership. The new name, Hito no Michi, Way of Man/Humans, also reflected a change in emphasis away from esoteric practices in favor of orre t fa ilial a d so ial relatio ships. Leadership passed to Tokuharu’s so , Miki Toku itsu alt. Tokuchika Miki, Second Founder, 1900-1983) in 1936. In 1946, the name changed again to the current a e, PL or Perfe t Li ert K oda . The asi philosoph of PL K oda is Life is Art a d is refle ted i all aspe ts of life. Da i g pla s a i porta t role i ere o ies. As a e te sio of the Life is Art idea, mishirase and mioshie (divine warning and divine instruction, respectively) are important concepts, indications of divine guidance in the world. The Oshieoya tea hi g pare t pro ides guida e for PL Kyodan members and aids in interpretation of mishirase and mioshie. PL Kyodan claims over one million members worldwide. Categories: 20th C; 21st C; Japan; Japanese religion; contemporary religion; Buddhist inspired; Shinto inspired; religion and dance (or movement); religion and art; international movement; Primary sources: PL Kyodan English language website: (links to teachings and a list of works by the Second Founder) Church of Perfect Liberty, North America: Church of Perfect Liberty, Canada: The PL Order, ed. Perfect Liberty: How to Lead a Happy Life. The PL Order, 1951. Secondary sources: Bach, Marcus. The Po er of Perfe t Li erty: Out of Japa : A Creati e Breakthrough i Hu a ity’s Quest for a New Man in a New Age. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971. Ellwood, Robert. Introducing Japanese Religion. New York and London: Routledge, 2008. Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo. Religion in Japanese History. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. PL K oda i Encyclopedia of Shinto: Norbeck, Edward. Religion and Society in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change. Rice University Studies, Vol. 56, No. 1. Houston, TX: William Marsh Rice University, 1970. Picken, Stuart D. B. Essentials of Shinto: An Analytic Guide to Principal Teachings. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994.