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This provides a brief overview of the PL Kyodan movement. Primary source and secondary source bibliographies are also included.
Designated] Advisor -Advocacy and Campaigning, ARN, Mae Sot, Thailand. Preamble Myanmar is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the globe, with more than 100 different languages and dialects spoken. Ethnic nationalities occupy approximately half of the land area of the country, particularly in the mountains and border areas.
Wacana, 2015
A pesantren is a typical component of the Indonesian cultural heritage. Besides being thought of as one of the oldest type of educational institutions in Indonesia, pesantren have played a significant contributing role in the process of nation building in modern Indonesia. Pesantren have many roles in society in education, the economy and in the social and political fields in which pesantren alumni play a role. Currently, pesantren roles are being challenged by modernization and they have to change or transform into modern institutions in order to survive. Nevertheless, traditional pesantren continue to resists change and they insist on preserving their identity in terms of authority and student teacher relationships. This article seeks to analyse the efforts that the traditional Pesantren Cidahu in Banten makes to preserve its identity and to maintain its authority in modern society. By hanging on to modest practices, Pesantren Cidahu manages to continue to exert strong influence over its students and over the society in West Java in general.
International Association of Buddhist Studies - XVIIIth Congress, University of Toronto, August, 2017. Release of A. K. Narain Commemoration Volume: From Local to Global - Papers in Asian History & Culture. Buddhist World Press, Delhi, 2017. Bahen Centre, University of Toronto. 18:00-19:00 pm, Wednesday, August 23, 2017. Professor Awadh Kishor Narain (“AK” to his contemporaries), a noted Indian historian, chaired the founding meeting of the International Association of Buddhist Studies in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1977. He subsequently served as our President and Chief Editor of our Journal. He devoted his lifetime to exploring Buddhism and offering leadership to our academic community, until his passing in 2013. He focussed on India but often stretched it to other areas of Asia reflecting a broader interconnectedness. Buddhism, an international aspect of Indian and of Asian culture and beyond, is a constant topic in all his endeavours. He sees cultural areas, not nation states and boundaries, and Buddhism was a focus of his considerable activities, both organisational and in the field of academic contributions. This brief panel will formally release two publications celebrating his life: • a book entitled From Global to Local: Papers in Indian History and Culture – Prof. A.K. Narain Commemoration Volume, edited by Kamal Sheel, Charles Willemen & Kenneth Zysk (Delhi: B.R. Publishing, 2017); and • a special issue of the Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, edited by Roger Jackson. The event is hosted by John Deyell (independent scholar), Monika Zin (Saxon Academy of Sciences), and other contributors. Convener: Kamal Sheel (Banaras Hindu University)
A pesantren is a typical component of the Indonesian cultural heritage. Besides being thought of as one of the oldest type of educational institutions in Indonesia, pesantren have played a significant contributing role in the process of nation building in modern Indonesia. Pesantren have many roles in society in education, the economy and in the social and political fields in which pesantren alumni play a role. Currently, pesantren roles are being challenged by modernization and they have to change or transform into modern institutions in order to survive. Nevertheless, traditional pesantren continue to resists change and they insist on preserving their identity in terms of authority and student teacher relationships. This article seeks to analyse the efforts that the traditional Pesantren Cidahu in Banten makes to preserve its identity and to maintain its authority in modern society. By hanging on to modest practices, Pesantren Cidahu manages to continue to exert strong influence over its students and over the society in West Java in general.
Bibliothbque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographic Services services bibliographiques 395 Wdlingtorr Street 395, nre Wehngtm Ottawa ON K I A 0154 OttawaON K I A ON4 Canada Canada Your M Varo rdY m m Our tI& M I 0 ?iWWlCO The author has granted a nonexclusive licence allowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell copies of h s thesis in rnicrofonn, paper or electronic formats. L'auteur a accord6 une licence non exclusive perrnettant a la Bibliotheque nationale du Canada de reprodwe, pr&er, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette these sous la fome de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format Bectronique. The author retains ownership of the copyright in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's ~ermission. L'auteur conserve la propri W du droit d'auteur qui protege cette these. Ni la these ni des extraits substantiels de celie-ci ne doivent &re imprimes ou autrement reproduits sans son
Śaivism and the Tantric Traditions, 2020
This volume results from a symposium held at the University of Toronto in honour of Alexis G.J.S. Sanderson. The symposium was convened in March 2015 in anticipation of his retirement as the Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at All Souls College, Oxford University. The event was conceived by Srilata Raman, who worked tirelessly and resourcefully to make it a success. In this she was aided by Shaman Hatley, co-convener of the symposium, and a number of graduate students, especially Kalpesh Bhatt, Tamara Cohen, Larissa Fardelos, Nika Kuchuk, and Eric Steinschneider, to whom we offer our sincere thanks. It was immensely satisfying to have so many of Professor Sanderson's former doctoral students assemble from across the world for the occasion, students whose graduate studies at Oxford spanned more than three decades of Alexis Sanderson's teaching career. The volume is based mainly on papers presented in the symposium, with additional contributions by several of his former pupils who had not been able to present their work at that time (Parul Dave-Mukherji, Csaba Dezső, Csaba Kiss, Ryugen Tanemura, and Anthony Tribe), as well as by Diwakar Acharya, his successor to the Spalding Professorship. We would also like to extend our thanks and recognition to those who enriched the symposium with excellent papers, but who for various reasons could not include these in the present volume:
Oxford Research Encyclopedia Religion, 2019
This encyclopedia article from the ORE discusses, among other things, the long-term impact of the Kadampa movement in Tibet. The copy-editors of the ORE have not been able to control the hyphenation in Sanskrit and Tibetan words; my apologies for any remaining typographical errors. You can find a better version of the map if you go to the original on the ORE website.
Generally, this short essay reflects on some aspects of the metamorphoses of being in the life-rites and dramaturgics of resistance and how this correspond and connect with spiritual formation, Christian witness, and the theopolitics of struggle for social rebirth. Specifically, this discussion proceeds from a re-view of the pakikisama-to-pakikibaka conversion narratives of political pilgrims and religious activists [then and now] from cultural/ritual studies perspectives and with the Christian idea of spiritual regeneration and prophetic witness. The field of general ritual studies had opened up, says Jean-Yves Hamelin. i The 'rite of passage' as described and named is 'no longer necessarily linked to the henceforth uncertain realm of religion or the 'magico-religious'. ii The ritual process, Hameline so posits, can also be tapped and applied to all sorts of situation. This reinforces what Tiryakian is saying about Durkheim's proposition of 'effervescence (the exceptional increase of force which individuals feel when they assemble together)' as not limited to primitive society but is also 'characteristic of revolutionary or creative epochs'. iii Resistance politics (Pakikibaka) and its ritualisations (protest rally, camp, caravan, hunger strike, etc) can and should also be studied in relation to the ritual process patterning social movements. This ritual process is graphic in many social activists' talambuhay (life story) and autobiographical sketches. The talambuhay or talakayang buhay (narration of one's life story and political development) is one important component of activists' ritualizations. It is standard among activists to outline their talambuhay/ talakaybuhay with at least the bago-ako-namulat (before-my-eyes-were-opened) and paano-akonamulat (how-my-eyes-were-opened) stages of their ideological and political formation. These stories of becoming are narrated and framed
exbition Catalogue, Biennale de Québec, 2005, 2005
Regarding Plato, Diogenes wondered, “What use is a man who spent all his time philosophizing without ever worrying anyone?” Today, everyone would agree that the same urgency to worry remains present. But how?
Academia Biology, 2024
IMA fungus, 2013
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2010
Historia Mathematica, 1986
Le Naturaliste canadien, 2015
Current Anthropology
Quito, Ecuador : Flacso Ecuador, 2016
Techno.Com, 2022
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Neuroprotocols, 1992
International journal of computer engineering in research trends, 2023
Bioresource Technology, 2014
Biophysical Journal, 2012
Physics Letters B