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2004, Applied and Environmental Microbiology
3 pages
1 file
Accumulative indirect evidence of the epidemiology of Mycobacterium ulcerans infections causing chronic skin ulcers (i.e., Buruli ulcer disease) suggests that the development of this pathogen and its transmission to humans are related predominantly to aquatic environments. We report that snails could transitorily harbor M. ulcerans without offering favorable conditions for its growth and replication. A novel intermediate link in the transmission chain of M. ulcerans becomes likely with predator aquatic insects in addition to phytophage insects. Water bugs, such as Naucoris cimicoides, a potential vector of M. ulcerans, were shown to be infected specifically by this bacterium after feeding on snails experimentally exposed to M. ulcerans.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2002
Mycobacterium ulcerans is an emerging environmental pathogen which causes chronic skin ulcers (i.e., Buruli ulcer) in otherwise healthy humans living in tropical countries, particularly those in Africa. In spite of epidemiological and PCR data linking M. ulcerans to water, the mode of transmission of this organism remains elusive. To determine the role of aquatic insects in the transmission of M. ulcerans , we have set up an experimental model with aquariums that mimic aquatic microenvironments. We report that M. ulcerans may be transmitted to laboratory mice by the bite of aquatic bugs (Naucoridae) that are infected with this organism. In addition, M. ulcerans appears to be localized exclusively within salivary glands of these insects, where it can both survive and multiply without causing any observable damage in the insect tissues. Subsequently, we isolated M. ulcerans from wild aquatic insects collected from a zone in the Daloa region of Ivory Coast where Buruli ulcer is endemic...
PLoS Medicine, 2007
Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 2017
SUMMARY Buruli ulcer is a noncontagious disabling cutaneous and subcutaneous mycobacteriosis reported by 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and South America. The causative agent, Mycobacterium ulcerans , derives from Mycobacterium marinum by genomic reduction and acquisition of a plasmid-borne, nonribosomal cytotoxin mycolactone, the major virulence factor. M. ulcerans -specific sequences have been readily detected in aquatic environments in food chains involving small mammals. Skin contamination combined with any type of puncture, including insect bites, is the most plausible route of transmission, and skin temperature of <30°C significantly correlates with the topography of lesions. After 30 years of emergence and increasing prevalence between 1970 and 2010, mainly in Africa, factors related to ongoing decreasing prevalence in the same countries remain unexplained. Rapid diagnosis, including laboratory confirmation at the point of care, is mandatory in order to reduce dela...
Gestión de la Producción II Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial GEC-0917 2-2-4 2.-PRESENTACIÓN Caracterización de la asignatura.
Background: Multimodal treatments for high-risk endometrial cancer (EC) combining surgery followed by chemotherapy (CT) and radiotherapy (RT) (either concomitant RTCT or sequential CT followed by RT) have numerous side-effects that can negatively impact EC survivor’s quality of life (QoL). Objective: We aimed to evaluate the long-term impact on QoL of sequential adjuvant radio-chemotherapy (RTCT) for women treated for localized EC. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted among patients with FIGO stage II or III endometrial cancer treated with surgery followed by sequential carboplatin-paclitaxel based chemotherapy and radiotherapy (RTCT), or by radiotherapy alone (RT), without recurrence within 5 years after surgery. Concomitant chemotherapy was not allowed. Quality of life was evaluated at least 2 years after the end of treatment by EORTC QLQ-C30, EN24, CIPN20 and HADS questionnaires.
In the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) setting it may be a challenge to obtain the second language input necessary for language learning. A potential source of input may be episodes of television; however, little previous research has been done indicating whether episodes are a suitable source of aural input for EFL learning. Past research has concentrated on short videos of a type that learners might not choose to learn English from. The experimental design employed in this thesis expands upon earlier methodologies by employing full-length episodes of television intended for an English-speaking audience. The thesis is comprised of five studies investigating aspects of language learning through viewing television. The first study examines comprehension gains from the first to the tenth episode viewed, comprehension across 10 episodes viewed, and the effects of vocabulary knowledge on comprehension. The results showed significant comprehension gains from the first to the final ep...
Specially dedicated to mom Fatmah binti Halipa, dad Mohamad Yunus Ambosaka, special friend Nur Hazilah Binti Omar, brother Fazdee, sister Fazdiana, friends, cousins and other friends and relatives who have encouraged, guided and inspired me throughout my journey of education IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As with any other text, the number of individuals who have made it possible for exceeds those whose names grace the cover. At the hazard of leaving someone out, I would like to explicitly thank the following respective individuals for their priceless contribution and commitment towards in accomplishing this project proposal. First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, En. Mohamad Shukri Bin Zainal Abidin, for his patience and guidance throughout the whole year for the completion my Final Year Project (FYP). I would also like to thank my family members and Nur Hazilah for always being there to support me all the time and give me the courage and strength that are necessary for me to carry on with this project. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the lecturers that have taught me throughout my education in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and also to my fellowfriends in campus and hometown. Once again, a sincere thanks. V ABSTRACT Renewable energy is rapidly gaining importance as an energy resource as fossil fuel prices fluctuate. One of the most popular renewable energy sources is solar energy. This thesis describes the design and development of a 'microcontrollerbased solar panel tracking system'. Solar tracking enables more energy to be generated because the solar panel is able to maintain a perpendicular profile to the sun's rays. As such, it is vital that those in engineering fields understand the technologies associated with this area. The project includes the design and construction of a Microcontroller-Based Solar Tracking Control. These solar tracking systems are controlled using PIC18F452 Microcontroller. This project also covers the designing and construction of the Solar Tracking mechanical structure together with the associated electronic circuits. Two Servo motors (HX5010) is mounted to control the altitude angle, and one Servo Motor (HXT12K) for the elevation angle. Two pairs of Light sensors (CdS) were installed for detecting the light source position. The PIC18F452 is programmed using C language in microC PRO for PIC. A working system will ultimately be demonstrated to validate the design. Problems and possible improvements will also be presented. VI ABSTRAK Kejatuhan harga sumber tenaga seperti minyak galian menyebabkan kepentingan sumber tenaga alternatif semakin berkembang pesat. Salah satu sember tenaga alternatif yang paling popular adalah tenaga solar. Tesis ini akan membincangkan rekabentuk dan pembangunan 'microcontroller-based solar panel tracking system'. "Solar tracking" dapat menghasilkan keluaran tenaga yang lebih banyak, kerana solar dapat mengekalkan permukaannya selari dengan cahaya matahari. Oleh itu, adalah tanggungjawab bagi mereka yang berkencimpung dalam bidang kejuruteraan untuk memahami teknologi yang berkaitan dengan bidang ini. Projek ini akan membincangkan rekabentuk dan pembangunan 'microcontrollerbased solar panel tracking system'. Projek 'Solar Tracking System' in menggunakan PIC18F452 Microcontroller sebagai kawalan. Projek ini juga merangkumi rekabentuk dan pembangunan struktur mekanikal 'Solar Tracking' bersama litar elektronik yang berkaitan. Dua Servo Motor (HX5010) digunakan untuk mengawal sudut 'altitude' dan satu Servo motor (HXT12K) untuk mengawal sudut 'elevation'. Dua pasang penderia cahaya (CdS) digunakan untuk menentukan kedudukan sumber cahaya. PIC18F452 diprogram menggunakan bahasa C di 'microC PRO for PIC. Pada akhir tesis ini, sistem yang siap dan dapat berfungsi dengan baik akan dibentangkan. masalah dan penambahbaikan untuk projek yang akan dibuat pada masa akan datang juga akan dibentangkan. VII TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi
סגולה, גליון 37, פורים תשפ"ד
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