This study has a background of concern for land ownership in Bali, especially in coastal areas, the which has plenty of potential to be developed into a creative tourist attraction in the future to provide welfare society. The purpose of this study was (i) determining the potential for coastal tourism can be developed as a creative tourism products, (ii) identifying what the constraints faced in developing the tourism potential of the coastal area as a creative tourism products (iii) determine strategies that can used in developing the tourism potential of the coastal area as a creative tourism products. This study uses descriptive qualitative method, comparative, and SWOT analysis techniques. Data collected by observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Location of research on Kedungu Beach, Pangkung Tibah Beach, Yeh Gangga Beach, Nyanyi Beach located at Tabanan Regency and Kuta Beach, Nusa Dua Beach, Serangan Island located in Badung Regency. These locations Represent the condition of the coastal region has been developed and under developed. Informants or respondents in this study include all tourism stakeholders such as : government, tourist, businessman, local community and academic community. The results showed (i) the potential of the creative industries that can be developed include: art, crafts market, video and photography, music and performing arts, scenery and culture attractions, landscape, accommodation , restaurants and surfing; (ii) the constraints faced in developing the tourism potential of the coast as a creative tourism products include: still a lot of potential coastal region has not been applied as a tourist destination by the local government, most strategic land has changed hands to investors, gray and black sand, the cleanliness of the beach that does not meet the standards, (iii) the strategies proposed by seeking the status of coastal areas that have the potential to be designated as a tourist attraction developed by the Government of the District, to stop the sale of land to investors, the formation of groups of tourism awareness and promote cooperation on all stakeholders. The results of this study would be useful to provide input on policies in the field of tourism development of Bali Province. This study has limitations that only use a few objects coastal areas , therefore the following research can be developed on a larger object that covers the entire coastal area of the island of Bali .

SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN BALI COASTAL AREAS TO BE CREATIVE DESTINATION I Made Bayu Wisnawa 1, I Ketut Sutapa 2, Luh Komang Chandra Dewi 3 STIPAR Triatma Jaya, Bali, Indonesia 1 STIPAR Triatma Jaya, Bali, Indonesia 1,2 STIE Triatma Mulya, Bali, Indonesia 3 Abstract This study has a background of concern for land ownership in Bali, especially in coastal areas, the which has plenty of potential to be developed into a creative tourist attraction in the future to provide welfare society. The purpose of this study was (i) determining the potential for coastal tourism can be developed as a creative tourism products, (ii) identifying what the constraints faced in developing the tourism potential of the coastal area as a creative tourism products (iii) determine strategies that can used in developing the tourism potential of the coastal area as a creative tourism products. This study uses descriptive qualitative method, comparative, and SWOT analysis techniques. Data collected by observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation.  Location of research on Kedungu Beach, Pangkung Tibah Beach, Yeh Gangga Beach, Nyanyi Beach located at Tabanan Regency and Kuta Beach, Nusa Dua Beach, Serangan Island located in Badung Regency.  These locations Represent the condition of the coastal region has been developed and under developed. Informants or respondents in this study include all tourism stakeholders such as : government, tourist, businessman, local community and academic community. The results showed (i) the potential of the creative industries that can be developed include: art, crafts market, video and photography, music and performing arts, scenery and culture attractions, landscape, accommodation , restaurants and surfing; (ii) the constraints faced in developing the tourism potential of the coast as a creative tourism products include: still a lot of potential coastal region has not been applied as a tourist destination by the local government, most strategic land has changed hands to investors, gray and black sand, the cleanliness of the beach that does not meet the standards, (iii) the strategies proposed by seeking the status of coastal areas that have the potential to be designated as a tourist attraction developed by the Government of the District, to stop the sale of land to investors, the formation of groups of tourism awareness and promote cooperation on all stakeholders. The results of this study would be useful to provide input on policies in the field of tourism development of Bali Province. This study has limitations that only use a few objects coastal areas , therefore the following research can be developed on a larger object that covers the entire coastal area of ​​the island of Bali . Keywords: Coastal tourism potential, Creative Destinations, Sustainability Introduction The concept of sustainable development could be applied in any development activities and in all fields (Nita and Bogea, 2013, French, D.A,2002, and Suaedi,2014). This condition is caused by globalization and the understanding of capitalism that seeks to explore all the resources for the satisfaction of human needs, to accelerate the destruction of natural resources (Ali, 2005) that are difficult or can not be renewed. Here the role of sustainable concept is an attempt to reduce the rate of destruction of the environment and resources towards the preservation and restoration, so that in the future does not cause various problems for human life (Scherrer,Y.M,2009, Holladay,2011). Tourism can not be denied is a giant industry and able to run the economic in a country where tourism is developed (Holladay,2011). The development of tourism is rapidly increasing with the increasing need for people to have fun, reducing saturation and restore spirit after long and tired activity. The rapid development of tourism can not be separated from the effects of globalization, advances in transportation, information technology that allows everything done quickly, efficiently and cheaply (Dreher and Martens,2008, Mowforth and Munt,2008, Kelly and Prokhovnik,2004) Bali is an international tourist destination located in Indonesia and become the pride of the nation (Hitchcock,2001). The development of tourism in Bali so rapidly, pushing investors flocked to invest to be developed quickly (Drake,2007). This situation has a good impact on the movement of the economy, employment, increased tax revenue, the devisa and thus has a multiplier effect in the various sectors of life are capable of prospering society (Collinson,2012). Consequently, on the other hand the negative impacts arising from tourism in Bali. Various problems arise, in many people's lives is felt starting to annoy (Colinson,2012). Social issues, culture, economy, environment emerging today indicates the development of tourism in Bali has reached saturation point (Sudiarta.M,2012) . Capacity of the island of Bali which is very limited as it were forced to continue to be exploited for the sake of satisfying pleasure travelers and meet the interests of various parties, especially investors (Utama, 2015). Construction of physical facilities, particularly accommodation to meet the needs of tourism continuous basis, without regard to the balance of supply and demand (Wiranatha and Smith,2000). This is done more for investment property, which is capable of generating high returns than investments in other sectors. As a result, the price of land in Bali is increasing, and more enticing Balinese to sell ancestral land, in order to pay taxes and meet the demands of life. In some cases, in the past, often the Balinese were led to sell their land in order to meet the demands of development and the greed of investors. One effort to be able to implement the concept of sustainable tourism in Bali is to do the creative industries in the coastal areas of Bali. This is because the creative industries conducted by using creative ideas by utilizing renewable resources and do not damage the environment. The coastal area of the island of Bali has tremendous potential to be developed as a tourist attraction, covering natural resources, social life, customs and culture of coastal communities that are very attractive to be used as a tourist attraction (Amanah and Utami, 2006). While until now occurs imbalance in the optimization of the development potential of coastal resources for tourism activities, The study, entitled "Sustainable Tourism Development in Coastal Regions Bali Being Creative Destinations" based motivation in achieving sustainable Bali to develop a sustainable tourism development supported creative economic activity. Chosen coastal areas of Bali, because it saves tremendous tourism potential and not evenly developed. Coastal tourism development in Bali, is expected to be supported / accelerated through creative economic activity. Tourism development through creative economic activity, must be based on the concept of sustainable tourism development, so as to reduce the negative impact of the development of tourism itself. Based on the above, it can be formulated in the following research questions as follows: What kind of potency can be developed as a sustainable creative product on coastal areas of Bali? The approach used to address this problem is to identify the coastal tourist attraction which can be managed with activities, ideas, creativity, and creative thinking to realize the tourism product in accordance with the principles / concepts of sustainable tourism development. What kind of constraints faced in developing the tourism potential of the coast to be creative sustainable tourism products in the coastal region of Bali? The approach used to address this problem is to compare the resources owned by the coastal island of Bali with the concept of creative economic development framework (Pangestu, 2008), to realize the creative economy on the coast of the island of Bali. What strategies are used to develop coastal tourism potential to be creative sustainable tourism products in the coastal island of Bali? The approach used to address this problem is by using the SWOT technique through observation and indepth interview. Literature Review Thinking Concepts The world has recognized the role of tourism for economic development, environmental, community and social life (Ecles, 1995). By karenya can also be said that tourism is a powerful tool to resolve poverty, employment opportunities and increase foreign exchange (Croes, 2006; Scheyvens & Mornsen 2008) .Disisi other, is in the nature of the entity on earth that in addition to providing good impact tourism has an impact that is not good for the environment. Therefore, the concept of sustainable tourism development based on the preservation of the environment is to be in the kingdom in every aspect of tourism development (Sastrayuda, 2010). So that the efforts of the most important and difficult to do is to change the mindset and behavior in tourism activities for each stakeholder towards environmentally conscious thinking is fundamental to do (Ross & Wall, 1999). Relevant to the development of sustainable tourism in Indonesia, where each region has a wealth or abundant tourism resources. Creative Economy is a manifestation of the quest for sustainable development through creativity, which sustainable development is a competitive economic climate and has reserves of renewable resources. Large Messages creative economy is resource utilization infinite, ie ideas, talents and creativity (Pangestu, 2008). Sustainable tourism is an expectation of uncertain circumstances semakint today. The concept of sustainable tourism which is a derived from the concept of sustainable development has the meaning that the construction is done today is expected to meet today's needs and the needs of future generations (WCAD in Fagance (2001) Tourism Tourism is an activity that can be understood from many approaches, the Law Decree No. 10 of 2009 on Tourism, explained that tourism is a wide range of tourist activities and supported a variety of facilities and services provided by the public, employers and government. Ismayanti (2010: 223) states Tourism is a journey undertaken various activities outside the home for more than 24 hours for the purpose of having fun by using a variety of tourist facilities, such as transportation, and accommodation. Tourism activity is defined as trips taken temporarily from their original places to the destination area for the reason not to settle or make a living, but just to have fun, meet curiosity, spend leisure time or vacation time and other objectives (UNESCO,2009). One or more people who travel and perform activities related to the so-called tourist Travelers. Travelers can be grouped into two, namely tourists and foreign tourists. Tourists tourists are Indonesian citizens who travel while foreign tourists tourists intended for foreign nationals who travel. Development In Indonesian Dictionary is defined as the development as a process, how to act to develop something for the better, perfect advanced and useful. So development is a process / activity to promote something that is considered necessary for such a manner in order to rejuvenate or maintain that have been developed in order to become more and more developed manarik. Development is to promote and improve or enhance something already existing Yag (Lanya: 1995: 17) Stages of development is an evolutionary cycle stages that occur in the development of tourism since a newly discovered tourist destination / exploration (discovery), then developed and ultimately a decline (decline). According to Butler (1980) in Pitana (2005: 103) there are seven phases of the development cycle tourism or tourism (destination area life cycle) that carry different implications and impacts, theoretically include: (1) Phase Exploration (exploration / discovery), ( 2) Phase Involvement (engagement), (3). Development phase (construction) (4) Phase consolidatioan(consolidation), (5) Phase stagnation (stability), (6) Phase Decline (decrease), (7) Phase Rejuvenation (rejuvenation).From the above definition it is a development of this research is an activity to promote the place or area to explore the potential that could be developed into an object and tourist attraction that can improve the livelihoods of its people. Creative Economy Murjanayasa, 2010), the creative economy is an activity that is based on the fulfillment of intellectual, skills, talents, and ideas are original. Or creative economy is the process of increasing the value-added results from the exploitation of intellectual property in the form of creativity, skill and talent of individuals becoming a product that can be commercialized. Development mindset creative economy can be developed from an understanding of the creative industries.Creative industries are Reviews those industries have roomates Reviews their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent, and the which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property and content ( UK Creative Industries Taskforce, 1998). A product derived from the creative process can be characterized as follows. (I) a short life cycle, (ii) Has a relatively high risk, (iii) It has a high margin, (iv) It has a high diversity, (v) Has a high competition and (vi) Easy imitated (Murjanayasa, 2010) Clearer definition submitted by UNDP (2008) who formulated that the creative economy is an integral part of the knowledge that is innovative, creative use of technology, and culture. The scope of activities of the creative economycan cover many aspects. Department of Commerce (2008) identified at least 14 sectors are included in the creative economy, namely: (i) Advertising, (ii) Architecture, (iii) Market art, (iv) Crafts (handicraft), (v) design, (vi) Fashion,(vii) Film, (viii) video, and photography, (ix) an interactive game, (x) Music, (xi) performing arts, (xii) Publishing and printing, (xiii) computer services and software, (xiv ) Radio and television, (xv) Research and development Creative Economy and Tourism Development Creative economy and the tourism sector are the two things that affect each other and can synergize if managed properly (Ooi, 2006). The concept of tourism activities can be defined by three factors, ie there must be something to see, something to do, and something to buy (Yoeti, 1985). Something to see related to attractions in tourist destinations, something to do related to the tourist activity in the area tour, while something to buy souvenirs related to purchased in tourist areas as personal memorabilia \ tourists. In three of these components, the creative economy can go through something to buy with creating innovative products typical of the region. In the development of the creative economy through tourism sector which is explained further by Yozcu and İçöz (2010), creativity will stimulate tourist destination to create innovative products that will provide added value and higher competitiveness compared with other tourist destinations Sustainable Tourism Development Sustainable tourism development was first floated by the World Commission on Environment and Development (1987), which states that: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without comprimising the ability of future generation to meet Reviews their own needs". Furthermore, the principles developed in the development of sustainable tourism which includes (i) ecological sustainability, (ii) cultural and social sustainability, (iii) economic sustainability. Sustainable tourism development is defined as the process of tourism development oriented to the preservation of resources needed for development in the future "form of tourism that are consistent with natural, social and community values ​​and the which allow both host and guest to enjoy positiveand worthwhile interaction and shared experience (Eadington and Smith in Suwena, 2010). The terms of sustainable tourism activities include: (i) are ecologically sustainable, ie tourism development does not cause negative effects on local ecosystems where conservation is a requirement that must be taken to protect natural resources and the environment from the negative effects of tourism activities (ii) to be socially acceptable and not cause social conflict, (iii) are culturally acceptable (Suwena 2010) Further Gherco and Trandafir, 2014, adding that sustainable tourism means the ability of a tourist destination to maintain the competitiveness of all the issues that arise, to attract tourists for the first time came to make them loyal, maintain the unique culture and environment. Sustainable tourism should be a balance between economic development and protection of the natural potential of the environment as a whole. Sustainable tourism development strategy includes three aspects: (i) the quality, which is able to bring valuable experience to the visitors, as improving the quality of life of local communities and protect the environment, (ii) continuity, which is able to ensure the sustainability of natural resources based on cultural sustainability of local communities and satisfying visitor experience (iii) the balance, sustainable tourism ensure a balance between the needs of the tourism industry, the environment and local communities (Gherco and Trandafir, 2014). The importance of planning in the development of sustainable tourism that does not conflict with the culture, the local community, the environment, in particular non-renewable resources should be implemented immediately (Veresci in Fitra, 2001) Research Methods Location Research This study took place in Kedungu Beach, Pangkung Tibah Beach, Nyanyi Beach located in Tabanan and Kuta Beach, Nusa Dua Beach, Serangan Island located in Badung regency. These locations represent the condition of the coastal region undeveloped and the developed Determining the location of this research is done deliberately given the uniqueness owned that shows inequality coastal tourism development on the island of Bali so attractive to be used as a material consideration. While the determination of the issues raised is based on has not been enough research on these issues and has significance in the development of sustainable tourism, especially in the coastal areas of Bali. The variables / variable will be observed role in this research are: Community activities which contain the potential of creative economy so mpu produce creative tourism products that include: (i) Advertising, (ii) Architecture, (iii) Market art, (iv) Crafts (handicraft), (v) design, (vi)Fashion , (vii) Film, (viii) video, and photography, (ix) an interactive game, (x) Music, (xi) performing arts, (xii) Publishing and printing, (xiii) computer services and software, (xiv) radio and television, (xv) Research and development The event, which contains the concept of sustainable tourism development. SWOT analysis components which include: (i) Strength, (ii) Weakness, (iii) Opportunities and (iv) Threats faced in developing the potential of the coastal area as an ongoing creative destination. Research Models This study uses a model as shown in Figure 1 below: Figure 1. Research Model Sustainable Tourism Development in Bali Coastal Areas to be Creative Destination Responden Research. The respondents of this research are: (i) local community (ii) tourists (iii) government (iv) Travel Bureau and (v) academicians in the field of tourism product development Methods of Sampling The focus of this research is aimed at the public and tourists visiting this village. Determination of the community sample in this research is using purposive sampling method with particular consideration (Sugiyono, 2008: 124). Considerations used in this research is public and tourists who have knowledge of the object to be studied. Method Of Collecting Data The data obtained from this study were collected by the method of: (i) questionnaire, (ii) interviews, (iii) the method of documentation and (iv) the method of observation on the coast of Bali (Kedungu Beach, Pangkung Tibah, Nyanyi Beach, Tanah Lot, Kuta, Nusa Two, Serangan) the direct observation to the field to determine the internal and external situation of the coastal state of Bali as well as the problems faced. Data Analysis Techniques Taking into account the purpose of research that has been set, then this study tend to use qualitative methods with quantitative and qualitative descriptive approach. Once the data is collected, it will be analyzed and discussed: (i) to address the first and second, then the information obtained will be compared with the theory and the concept of creative economy and eco-tourism in order to obtain answers berkelnajutan on the potential and constraints faced, (ii) to answer the third issue, in formulating a strategy that will do a SWOT analysis techniques (Boryk, 2010) The results of the discussion will be summarized and equipped with suggestions. Results and Discussion Information Obtained from Implementation Stages Research Coastal Physical Condition Bali Geographically Bali Province is located at 8o3'40 "-8o50'48 'South Latitude, 114o25'53" -115o42'40 "east longitude, with physical limits: (i) the north of Bali, (ii) East: Lombaok Strait, (iii) South: Hindia Ocean, (iv) the West: Bali Strait (Prop.Jatim). Bali province is mountainous and hilly areas covering most areas. Relief island of Bali is a mountain chain that extends from West to East. Among the mountains are still active volcano, Gunung Agung (3.142m) and Mount Batur (1,717 m). How many other dormant mountain reaches a height of 1000-2000m. In the review of the slope of the slope, Bali island consists mostly of land with a slope of 0-2% to 15-40%. 0-2% slopes dominate southern coastal region and a small portion north coast of Bali with a total area of 96 129 ha. While land with a slope of 2-15% are mostly found in the Badung, Tabanan, Gianyar, Buleleng, and the rest spread evenly in the area around the beach with an area of 132 056 ha. Land with 0-50m height above sea level has a relatively gentle surface covering an area of 77321.38 Ha.Luas total area of Bali Province is 5634.40 ha to reach the 529 km long coast. Potential Creative Economy Developed Fit to Sustainable Concept Table 1 Potential Creative Economy Developed Fit to Sustainable Concepts in Coastal Regions Bali Source: Research, 2015 Specification: 1 = Kedungu Beach, 2a and 2b = Pangkung Tibah, 3= Nyanyi, 3 = Tanah Lot, 4 = Kuta, Nusa Dua = 5, 6 = Serangan Based on Table 1 above can be crystallized that the coastal area of Bali has a creative economic potential to be developed in the concept of sustainability, particularly in the areas of: (i) art and performance, (ii) music, (iii) the video and photography, (iv) market art, (v) advertising, (vi) the craft, (vii) design, (viii) fashion and (ix) research and development. While the field of architecture, films, interactive games, publishing and printing, computer services and software, radio and television still has not been identified for development in the coastal region. Southern coast of the island of Bali has been developed (Tanah Lot, Kuta, Nusa Dua, Serangan) seemed to dominate the creative potential of sustainable economic development, while the southern part of Bali Island Coastal undeveloped (Kedungu, Pangkung Tibah) only has the potential to performing arts , and music. Conditions of coastal communities in underdeveloped seem more marginalized as a result of tourism development. Constraints Faced in the Development of Tourism Potential to Become Beach Travel Products Creative Environmental Kedungu Beach. Based on interviews, questionnaires, with the pattern of participatory rural appraisal, there are some obstacles encountered in the development of tourism potential Kedungu Beach to be creative tourism products are environmentally sound, as follows: Coastal areas (such as :Kedungu Beach, Nyanyi and Pangkung Tibah) has not been set as a tourist destination which was developed by the local government. Most of the land is no longer owned by the local population, in which investors own most of the land around Kedungu Beach, Nyanyi and Pangkung Tibah since 1985. Undeveloped coastal areas ( Kedungu Beach , Nyanyi and Pangkung Tibah ) have gray sand. This condition causes the sand beach is less exotic , different from Kuta and Nusa Dua Beach, with white sand color. This causes the position of those Beach as a second or third choice for beach tourism The facilities are limited with low standard of management. Access to undeveloped coastal areas (such as: Kedungu Beach , Nyanyi and Pangkung Tibah ) narrow and winding , and not supported by signpost information board yet . It is quite difficult for first-time travelers to visit The local community is not equipped with the knowledge about tourism, despite of already having an hospitality manner but it would be nice if the component related communities have the basic attitude of tourism. Strategies Used to Develop Tourism Potential to Become Coastal Creative Sustainable Product in Under Developed Coastal Areas To determine the development strategy by using the matrix IFA and EFA and SWOT Analysis.  The strength In principle, the coastal area of the island of Bali is a strategic area because it is close to the object / other tourist attractions that are well known in the world. Colorful coral formations Waves suitable for surfing Society suave, open and able to accept differences. The attitude of hospitality has become a part of life of local communities, where it is because of religion and customs are practiced in everyday life which is based on the concept of "karmaphala" and "Tri Kaya Parisudha". Weaknesses Most strategic land along the coast belong to investors. The beach is not clean enough. Most people do not have knowledge about tourism. Not listed as a tourist attraction developed by the local governement. Less exotic beach sand. Tourism facilities are very limited. Opportunities Increasing tourist visits to the island of Bali. The trend of investors to develop tourism are increase. Bali has a tourist attraction that is already well-known in foreign countries, which can be used to promote undeveloped coastal areas. Travelers with special interest very fond of surfing are still very natural beach with waves adequate for surfing The development of tourism alternatives that lead to nature, conservation and sustainability. Threats The more land that is slowly taken over by investors. Coastal abrasion as a result of global warming. The country's economy is not stable. Travel warning by some countries. Competition to competitors which has same products Internal Factors Analysis Using Matrix IFA and EFA By considering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threatness , the weighting and ranking is done by using the Internal and External Factor Analysis Factor Analysis. Score Score IFA is 2.45 and EFA is 3.40. The Results of Matrix Internal-External and Policy Direction The matrix shows the meeting between the total score of EFAS and IFAS located on the 2nd cell, ie, Grow and Maintain (grow and maintain / building). The 2nd cells can be categorized in a growth strategy, by (i) increasing access to wider markets, (ii) develop new products, (iii) improving the services offered. Therefore coastal areas still not managed professionally and not well organized, then based on the analysis of internal and external factors, efforts need to be done as follows: (i) Establish a special comitee that is responsible for the development of tourism in coastal areas, (ii) Put the under developed coastal region to be one of tourist attraction to be developped by local community(iii) Promoting the coastal region through the websites, travel agencies, (iv) development of creative potentials are able to produce creative and environmentally friendly products, (v) Provide socialization and training on tourism awareness, (vi) hold festivals to promote coastal areas, (vi) not to sell land to investors, but only lease it, (vii) Increase the quantity and quality of basic amenities, like: toilet (viii) Improving access entrance, including the signpost on the coastal areas to be developed. Conclusions Constraints faced in the development of coastal areas become creative and sustainable destinations include: (i) the enactment of status as a tourist destination that developed the Regional Government, (ii) strategic land ownership to investors, (iii) the black sand, ( iv) the cleanliness are very low, (v) tourist facilities are very limited, (vi) better access, including sign board (vii) the local population lacks knowledge about tourism. Strategies that may be done include: seeking the status of the coastal region became one of the tourist attraction developed by local government, to stop the sale of land to investors, the establishment of tourism awareness group that works to develop tourism in Kedungu Beach, and improve cooperation with all stakeholders of tourism Suggestion It’s needed to be an effort to make coastal areas of potential Bali as a tourist destination that is developed in each district government, so it has a clear legal aspects. 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