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Background: Self-efficacy is one's belief in ability to succeed in specific situations and considerable factor to maintaining healthy behaviors. It has an important role in person-centred care and significantly improves after effects of heart attacks. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a peer based intervention on cardiac self-efficacy of the patients after bypass surgery. Methods: In this clinical trial study, 60 patients undergoing bypass surgery were chosen and assigned equally into the control and intervention groups. The patients were assigned into two groups by block randomization. While routine education was presented to the patients in the control group, intervention group were taught using the peer education in two sessions. Cardiac self-efficacy of all the selected patients was assessed orderly in 36-month (3 years) follow-up after surgery. Inclusion criteria used to choose the suitable patients were as the following: no record of CABG surgery, understanding and talking Persian language, willingness to participate in the research, age between 40 and 70 years, no dementia, confusion, mental and psychological problems which might hinder their participation. In addition, exclusion criteria in this study were patient's death, serious physical problems after CABG surgery, emergency and unexpected surgeries, or cancellation the CABG surgery due to patient's situation. Data was collected using cardiac self-efficacy scaleand analyzed using chi-square, independent t-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Results: The patients in both groups were homogenous in terms of demographic data. The mean score of cardiac self-efficacy in the intervention group was significantly different from control group in 3-year follow-up after surgery (P<0.038). Conclusions: Based on this study, accomplishment of peer based intervention can be a beneficial educative-supportive approach in cardiac surgery fields.
Nursing in critical care, 2014
This study aimed to investigate the effects of a peer education on cardiac self-efficacy (CSE) and readmission of the patients undergoing bypass surgery. Self-efficacy is an antecedent vital factor in both initiating and maintaining healthy behaviours. It significantly improves after effects of heart attacks, anxiety and diminishes the possibility of readmission. This study is a randomized-controlled trial. Sixty patients undergoing bypass surgery were chosen and assigned equally into the control and intervention groups. While routine education was presented to the patients in the control group, intervention group were taught using the peer education in two sessions. CSE of all the selected patients was assessed orderly in 5 days, 4 weeks and 8 months after surgery. Moreover, their readmission was investigated after 8 months from surgery. Data was collected using demographic and the CSE scale. Data were also analysed by using χ(2) , Kolmogorov-Smirnov and repeated measures analysis ...
Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences, 2015
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is one of the most effective methods in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. CABG can be a source of stress in candidate patients. Training and education can reduce the induced stress and its devastating physical and psychological side-effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the impact of peer education on stress management in CABG candidates. METHODS: In this clinical trial, 100 CABG candidates, admitted to Mazandaran Cardiac Center, were selected and randomly divided into intervention and control groups. The control group was routinely trained, while peer education, in addition to routine training, was applied in the intervention group in a one-hour meeting the day before the surgery. In order to record patients' personal and medical information, a researcher-made checklist was used. Also, for stress evaluation, DASS-21 questionnaire was applied the day before and one hour before the surgery...
Journal of Medicine and Life, 2015
Background and Objectives: One of the main treatment methods of coronary artery disease is coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. The anxiety level in patients undergoing this surgery is relatively very high. Thus, reducing anxiety in these patients is an important step toward wellness. This study aimed to compare the effects of peer education (PE) and orientation program (OP) on the anxiety levels of patients before CABG surgery. Material and Methods:This randomized controlled trial was conducted in 2014 at the Mazandaran Heart Center on three groups of 50 persons each: PE, OP, and control (Cl). The anxiety levels of patients in each group were measured one day and one hour before the surgery. All groups received routine education. In addition, the PE group received PE and the OP group received OP. Two questionnaires were used to collect the demographics and the clinical data; and Spielberg state anxiety questionnaire was used to measure the anxiety level. Data from descripti...
Silva, A. (2014). AUSIA Framework to Improve On-Site Communication in the Commercial Construction Industry (Unpublished doctoral thesis).
Jundishapur Journal of Chronic Disease Care, 2016
Background: The patients undergoing coronary artery angioplasty should be motivated to adhere to lifestyle modifications. One of the factors affecting this issue is cardiac self-efficacy. Cardiac self-efficacy motivates individuals to select a lifestyle related to their cardiovascular diseases through creating the desire to adjust with such behaviors. Objectives: The current research aimed to determine the cardiac self-efficacy predictors after coronary artery angioplasty. Patients and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 193 patients undergoing coronary artery angioplasty in Dr. Heshmat educational therapeutic center were selected through convenience sampling. The data were collected by a questionnaire consisted of two sections, including socio-demographic factors and cardiac self-efficacy after oral consent of the subjects. Then data were analyzed via descriptive (frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson, ANOVA and independent t-test). To define cardiac self-efficacy predictors, multi-linear regression model was applied. Results: Based on the obtained results, the mean age of subjects was 58.35 ± 9.97 years, the majority were male (60.6%) and the underlying diseases history (57.5%) and the mean time interval between repeated angioplasty was 17.48 ± 25.2 months. Also the mean score of cardiac self-efficacy among these patients was 8.43 ± 4.5. Also, based on the results of the statistical tests, there was a significant relationship between age (P < 0.001), gender (P = 0.024), education (P < 0.0001), hypertension history (P = 0.006), living conditions (P = 0.03), job (P = 0.001) and monthly income (P = 0.003) with cardiac self-efficacy. As the multi-linear regression test results suggested, age was the only cardiac self-efficacy predictor. Conclusions: The current study results implied low cardiac self-efficacy score in the study units; then it is recommended to consider care plans to improve the cardiac self-efficacy.
Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2013
The effectiveness of in-hospital self-care patient education, delivered to patients following heart surgery, is questionable, as evidence indicates individuals are not able to absorb and/or retain information at this time. In the absence of adequate instruction, individuals will not have the relevant information to engage in specific self-care behaviors, resulting in the onset of complications and/or hospital readmissions. The purpose of this pilot study was to collect preliminary evidence to demonstrate the impact of an individualized education intervention given above and beyond usual care, delivered, at two points in time, following hospital discharge. A randomized controlled trial was used in which 34 patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Chi-square analyses to examine differences between groups on complications and hospital readmission rates were conducted. Findings point to the impact of the intervention in reducing the number of hospital readmissions and compl...
Revista Liminales. Escritos sobre Psicología y Sociedad, 2020
Este estudio tiene por objetivo describir los significados asociados a la corporalidad que tienen mujeres en tratamiento de cáncer de mama y que participan en un grupo de apoyo, considerando tres dimensiones del cuerpo: la imagen corporal, la feminidad y la sexualidad. Al ser un estudio cualitativo consta de una entrevista semiestructurada de carácter grupal a cinco mujeres participantes del grupo de apoyo “Nueva Vida Rancagua”, realizándose un análisis interpretativo de contenido, el que permitió visualizar la problemática desde la visión de las propias protagonistas. Los hallazgos del estudio dan paso a nuevas dimensiones que reflejan cómo los distintos significados del cáncer afectan sus experiencias respecto a la corporalidad, acrecentado por discursos y otredades que representan actitudes y comportamientos de una sociedad o comunidad frente a la enfermedad. Se analizan estos discursos en función de los grupos de apoyo, tanto en su impacto perjudicial para desarrollo de la enfer...
Filsafat pendidikan Islam pada hakikatnya merupakan landasan dasar bagi penyusunan suatu sistem pendidikan Islam. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa filsafat pendidikan Islam merupakan acuan atau pedoman bagi perancang dan pelaku dunia pendidikan dan pengajaran Islam yang bersumber dari Al-Qur'an dan hadits.
JESSI, 2023
Technological developments have various impacts on society, both positive and negative. With the increasingly rapid growth of e-commerce and the variety of applications and sites available, the number of online transactions is also increasing. But on the other hand, the level of crime that occurs on the Internet is also increasing. Online fraud is increasingly occurring with various types and media used. This research aims to find ways to improve security so that public interest in online transactions can increase. Apart from efforts by business people and legal and government officials, the level of public awareness also needs to be increased. The research method was carried out using literature methods, observation and direct involvement with the activities of online fraudsters, surveys of respondents from various demographics, conducting interviews and simulating fraud on several respondents. The research results show varying levels of awareness, but there are still those who are deceived. The researcher proposes several solutions namely anti-fraud campaigns in the form of videos, involving the public proactively through cloudsourcing and providing a free hotline for reporters.
In the past two decades, coronary artery disease (CAD) has been the most prevalent heart disorder sweeping developing countries. 1 Among cardiovascular diseases (CVD), CAD is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. 2 In Iran, there has been rapid growth in the prevalence of CAD and in its resulting morbidity and mortality. CAD has been the cause of 46% of mortality cases and its incidence rate is 181.4 in every 100,000 individuals. 3 Although medications have been helpful in controlling CAD, coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) is a necessary option for many of these patients. 4 In all of the heart surgeries, CABG is very common. Among patients who have had CABG surgery, fear, anxiety, and tension may appear, which can result in the loss of faith in their ability, and therefore in their self-efficacy.
Albert Bandura's (1977) theory of self-efficacy was developed within the framework of social cognitive theory. 5 Selfefficacy beliefs are not judgments about one's skills, objectively speaking, but rather about one's judgments of what one can do with those skills. 6 Self-efficacy refers to the individual's confidence in fulfilling specific health behaviors to accomplish a desired goal. 7 Good self-efficacy is a critical concept in dealing with tensions and stressful situations resulting from the CAD. Self-efficacy thus has an important psychological role in diminishing negative effects caused by the CABG. 8 Cardiac selfefficacy (CSE) is a cardiac-specific measure of one's belief regarding his/her ability to perform activities related to the symptoms and challenges of CVD. 9 Low CSE is related to poor health and depression in patients and they are very vulnerable to complications of the disease. 10 Previous studies to increase CSE in CABG surgery patients are limited. However, some studies have been conducted among patients with acute myocardial infarction [11][12][13] and coronary syndrome. 14 Patients undergoing CABG surgery should be educated regularly to be prepared for unanticipated situations postoperatively. 15 Peer education is defined as a tool applied by people who share the same experiences. 16 Peer-based interventions have become a common method to effect important health-related behavior changes. 17 Peer-based intervention is a strategy in which individuals from a target group provide information, training, or resources to their peers. 18 Based on the literature, peer-based interventions in CVD have caused lifestyle changes regarding improvements in physical activity and eating behavior, 19 higher baseline health status, functioning, social support, 20 improved heart health, 21 significant
improvement in knowledge, 22 and reduced risk of coronary heart disease. 23 Considering the great importance of peer education, there has not been any study to investigate and follow up the effects of peer-based intervention on self-efficacy in patients undergoing CABG surgery. Therefore, this study aims to investigate a peerbased intervention on CSE in patients undergoing CABG surgery; a 3-year follow-up is the result.
The present study is a randomized controlled trial ( Figure 1). This study was conducted on 60 patients who were undergoing CABG surgery. The patients were selected from Imam Khomeini and Shariati Hospitals in Tehran, Iran. The patients in the control and intervention groups were selected from the two hospitals equally. Participants were selected on the basis of a simple sampling strategy. Next, random allocation [block randomization (block size: 6)] was conducted. The inclusion criteria were as follows: patients who did not have any record of CABG surgery, understand, and talk the Persian language; willingness to participate in the research; aged between 40 and 70 years; and did not have dementia, confusion, mental, and psychological problems, which might hinder their participation.
Figure 1
Analysed (Five days post surgery) (n=30) Excluded from analysis (n=0) Analysed (three yearspost surgery) (n=27) Excluded from analysis (n=3) No answer the phone call Lost to Five days post surgery follow-up (n= 0) Lost to three years post surgery follow-up (n= 3) No answer the phone call Discontinued intervention (n= 0) Allocated to intervention (n= 30) Received allocated intervention (n=30) Did not receive allocated intervention (n= 0) Lost to Five days post surgery follow-up (n= 0) Lost to three years post surgery follow-up (n= 4) No answer the phone call Discontinued intervention (n= 0) Allocated to control (n= 30) Received allocated control (n= 30) Did not receive allocated intervention (n= 0) Analysed (Five days post surgery) (n=30) Excluded from analysis (n=0) Analysed (three yearspost surgery) (n=26) Excluded from analysis (n=4) No answer the phone call Analysis Follow-Up Enrollment Assessed for eligibility (n= 71)
In addition, exclusion criteria in this study were as follows: patient's death; serious physical problems after CABG surgery such as severe pain from chest and leg incisions, wound infection, loss of appetite, fatigue, emergency and unexpected surgeries, or cancelation of the CABG surgery due to patient's situation. The selected patients were randomly assigned into two groups, control and intervention, using the block randomization method. 24 A demographic questionnaire and CSE scale were used for collecting the data. The validity of the demographic questionnaire was checked using the content validity method; therefore, 10 faculty members approved it. The CSE scale was used to assess CSE. 25 This instrument was developed to measure self-efficacy related to heart diseases. This scale consists of 16 items divided into two main sections: symptom control items and functioning maintenance items consisting of, respectively, eight and five items. There are three additional items associated with obesity, smoking, and dietary habits, which were applied to subjects requiring modification of risk factors. Each item was scored on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 0 (i.e., strongly disagree) to 4 (i.e., strongly agree). 13,26 The CSE scale is a valid and reliable measure when evaluating self-efficacy in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). 9,14,[25][26][27] Sample size (in each group, 30 participants), based on the Parent and Fortin (2000) study, was calculated based on the requirement to achieve 80% power at a significance level of 5%. 28 The peers were selected from the patients who had already undergone CABG surgery and could be accessed for participation in the study. The factors upon which the authors tried to select the peers were as follows: 29-31 diploma graduate; 1 year from their last CABG surgery; showed a high level of self-efficacy using the CSE scale. According to the aforementioned criteria, two peers were selected. The peers were educated by related experts through lectures and interactive discussions during three sessions (Table 1). Furthermore, the peers discussed the educated topics at the end of each session and also their educational experiences.
Table 1
The content of each sessionThe first session a. The concepts, importance, benefits of peer education b. Communication skills (i.e. non-verbal behaviors, active listening, and ability to receive and send the clear communication messages) were taught.The second session a. The required level of practice, control of dyspenea, fatigue, chest pain, weight, diet, regular level of activity, and social interactions were taught to the peers.Table 2. Demographic information of the population in the intervention and control groups
The intervention and control groups were given routine information about surgery and recovery during the hospitalization by health professionals. After the peers were prepared with three educational sessions, the patients in the intervention group also went through two educating sessions on 2 consecutive days before CABG surgery; it is noteworthy that each session lasted for 1 h with peers. However, the control group only received the routine education provided by the hospitals. Patients in the intervention group underwent peer education preoperatively and the education was presented 1 day preoperatively. Educational sessions were held in the open-heart surgery ward of the hospital; also, the researcher had a supervisory role during the sessions. Then, the intervention groups were evaluated two times to complete the CSE scale (5 days and 36 months postoperatively).
The Research Ethics Committee (No: 90/D/130/2329) affiliated to the Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, approved the study and the consent form. Moreover, the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials registered the study with the number IRCT201205029623N1. In this study, the selected participants were thoroughly informed about both the purpose and the process of the study. Moreover, they were assured that participation in and withdrawal from, the project were voluntary, and the permission to use the CSE scale was granted by Professor Mark Daniel Sullivan.
Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) (version 16.0, for Windows). We used the chisquare test, Fisher's exact test, independent-samples, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows that the data had a normal distribution in each group (sig=0.8). The patients in both groups were homogenous in terms of demographic data. All information about the demographic data of both groups is given in Table 2. The CSE of the patients was checked in the order of 5 days and 3 years postoperatively ( Table 3). The CSE of the patients in the intervention group was higher, compared with that of patients in the control group (P<0.001).
Table 2
Table 3
Cardiac self-efficacy of the population in the intervention and control groups
This study evaluated the role of a peer-based intervention (peer education) on cardiac self-efficacy of patients undergoing CABG surgery. Cardiac self-efficacy is a person's belief in his/her ability to manage the challenges posed by a coronary disease, and its role has been evaluated in several coronary populations using the CSE scale. Based on the results, peer education could be considered as a practical, clinical, effective, and suitable tool to be applied for increasing the CSE, which can contribute to an increase in patients' self-confidence to develop physical activity. CSE is in fact due to a direct relationship between self-efficacy, self-confidence, and physical activity in patients with CVD. 32 The levels of CSE determine the degree of confidence and that reflects the own functional abilities of patients. Thus, if patients have not shown even improvement in CSE, we must perform an educational program to develop that.
We found low levels of CSE among control group patients who participated in this study. Similar to reports by Cajanding (2015), those 143 patients perceived a structured discharge planning program among patients with cardiac problems. 13 The average score of CSE in the patients of the intervention group at 5 days (P<0.001) and 3 years follow up (P<0.038) is significantly higher, compared with the control group. In a study conducted by , a similar relationship between the CSE and receiving education in the control and intervention groups was found. Wu et al. (2012), in their research project entitled "Peer supporters for cardiac patients with diabetes: a randomized controlled trial," found that significant improvement in knowledge was achieved for the intervention group. But significant improvements in selfefficacy and self-care behavior were not observed. 22 The result of Wu et al. (2012) was in opposition to our study. Design of peer base intervention is an essential component to the accomplishment of the project. 33 Walker and Avis (1999) mentioned in their article why peer education fails and explained common reasons for that. 34 The top reasons are as follows:
1-A lack of clear aims and objectives for the project.
2-An inconsistency between the project design and the external environment/constraints which should dictate the project.
4-A lack of appreciation that peer education is a complex process to manage and requires highly skilled personnel.
5-Inadequate training and support for peer educators.
6-A lack of clarity around boundary issues and control. 7-A failure to secure multi-agency support.
In our study, we tried to comply with these topics.
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