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The last decade has witnessed a groundswell of enthusiasm for children's gardens and the educational programs that are closely integrated with them. Children can learn new skills, have fun, play and develop self-confidence by spending time in the garden tending plants. Most children enjoy being outdoors and love digging in the soil, getting dirty, creating things and watching plants grow. Nevertheless today's children lack experience with gardening complexity. The purpose of this article is to review benefits of the gardening for children not only in the school but also in the urban parks and landscape settings. In addition providing design principles of this place in order to gardening for landscape architecture is another purpose of this research. Children's gardens and gardening programmes have long been seen as beneficial for children physically, psychologically, educationally and socially. The garden and contents should be specifically designed and scaled for children. ÖZET Son on yıldır çocuk bahçeleri ve onlarla yakından bütünleşen eğitim programları için ilgi çeken konu olmuştur. Çocuklar bahçede bitki bakımı ile vakit geçirerek yeni beceriler öğrenir, eğlenir, oynar ve özgüvenlerini geliştirebilirler. Çocukların çoğu açık havada olmaktan hoşlanır ve toprak kazmayı, kirlenmeyi, bir şeyler oluşturmayı ve bitkiler büyürken izlemeyi sever. Buna rağmen bugünün çocukları bahçelerden ve bahçecilik işleri deneyiminden yoksundurlar. Bu araştırmanın amacı, çocuklar için sadece okulda değil aynı zamanda kentsel park ve peyzaj alanlarında bahçe ve bahçe işlerinin faydalarını araştırmaktır. Ayrıca araştırmanın başka bir amacı ise peyzaj mimarlığında bahçe işleri için yer seçimi ve tasarımı ilkelerini belirlemektir. Çocuk bahçeleri ve bahçe programlarının çocuklar için fiziksel, psikolojik, eğitimsel ve sosyal olarak uzun süreli fayda sağladığı görülmüştür. Bahçe ve içeriklerinin özellikle çocuklar için tasarlanmış ve ölçeklendirilmiş olması gereklidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bahçecilik, Eğitim Programları, Çocuk Bahçeleri. .
Kastamonu eğitim dergisi, 2021
Purpose: This research aims to investigate the interaction of primary school students with nature and to evaluate these interactions in terms of classroom teachers' views. Methodology: Case study method within the qualitative research approach was used in the study. The study group of this research includes 10 classroom teachers and 18 primary school students on 3th grade who were selected randomly and voluntary basis. So as to get basic data, semi-structured interviews has used by asking 10 question to teachers and 5 for students. The data were analyzed through the "constant comparative analysis" method, one of the qualitative data analysis methods. Findings were presented in tables and direct quotations from teachers' conversations were used where appropriate to support the analyzed data. Conclusions: According to results of the study, most of the participants have a common view that a great number of students are exposed to virtualization when they are getting away from the nature and have a fear against to nature and also they do not have the chance to know the nature. When the results obtained from the students were examined, it was concluded that the students did not know the meaning of terms such as natural life and organic. It has been determined that the topics that students wonder about nature are related to the growth and nutrition of animals and plants and also the current issues. Suggestions: At the end of the study, some suggestions were made for the practical applications that can be made in the educational environments about the internalization of the natural life by the students.
Bu makalede ele alınan Bornova Çocuk Dünyası Projesi 2016 yılında Bornova Belediyesi tarafından 5. Mansiyon ödülü almaya hak kazanmıştır.The spatial planning and design process are based on the user profiles and their needs. In this context, it is important to know the characteristics of the user groups consisting of children, young people, the elderly and individuals with special needs in terms of healthy and successful design. Therefore, in the design for child users, indoor and outdoor spaces serving the physical, cognitive, and socio-sensory development and based on the principles of colorfulness, mobility and naturalness should be designed. The Children’s World project designed in this context was realized in Bornova district of İzmir province in Turkey. The aim of this study is to design indoor and outdoor playgrounds that reflect the world of children. The children’s playgrounds aim to serve the developmental stages of the child and to be based on the landscape design princip...
Son on yildir cocuk bahceleri ve onlarla yakindan butunlesen egitim programlari icin ilgi ceken konu olmustur. Cocuklar bahcede bitki bakimi ile vakit gecirerek yeni beceriler ogrenir, eglenir, oynar ve ozguvenlerini gelistirebilirler. Cocuklarin cogu acik havada olmaktan hoslanir ve toprak kazmayi, kirlenmeyi, bir seyler olusturmayi ve bitkiler buyurken izlemeyi sever. Buna ragmen bugunun cocuklari bahcelerden ve bahcecilik isleri deneyiminden yoksundurlar. Bu arastirmanin amaci, cocuklar icin sadece okulda degil ayni zamanda kentsel park ve peyzaj alanlarinda bahce ve bahce islerinin faydalarini arastirmaktir. Ayrica arastirmanin baska bir amaci ise peyzaj mimarliginda bahce isleri icin yer secimi ve tasarimi ilkelerini belirlemektir. Cocuk bahceleri ve bahce programlarinin cocuklar icin fiziksel, psikolojik, egitimsel ve sosyal olarak uzun sureli fayda sagladigi gorulmustur. Bahce ve iceriklerinin ozellikle cocuklar icin tasarlanmis ve olceklendirilmis olmasi gereklidir.
Ekoloji, 2010
Trabzon kenti yerleþim alanlarýnda yürütülen bu çalýþmada, konut ve site bahçelerinin mevcut odunsu bitki türleri tespit edilerek çeþitli peyzajda kullaným özeliklerine (estetik ve görsel, fonksiyonel, sosyokültürel ve ekolojik) göre deðerlendirmeleri yapýlmýþtýr. Örnekler, kent dokusu (doku1, doku2, doku3 ) ve konut yaþý (< 10 yýl, 10< yýl >50 ve >50 yýl ) parametrelerine göre seçilerek toplam 125 bahçede çalýþma yürütülmüþtür. Araþtýrmada yerinde inceleme, ölçüm, fotoðraflama ve örnek toplama yapýlmýþtýr. Veri deðerlendirme aþamasýnda bulunma yüzdesi en fazla olan ilk 10 bitki türü istatistiðe tabi tutularak bu türlerin peyzajda kullaným tercihi analizleri yapýlmýþtýr. Çalýþmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre, Trabzon kenti konut ve site bahçelerinin bitki tür çeþitliliði açýsýndan toplam 232 takson ile önemli bir deðerde olduðu, egzotik türlerin yoðun kullanýldýðý, incelenen parametreler ile karþýlaþýlan türler arasýnda anlamlý bir iliþki olduðu belirlenmiþtir. Peyzajda kullaným tercihleri açýsýndan bitkilerin estetik özelliklerinden meyve, form, doku ve koku, fonksiyonel özelliklerinden yönlendirme, perdeleme, vurgu, ekolojik özelliklerinden hava kirliliði ve tuza toleranslý olma ile yöresel olma özellikleri ön plana çýkmaktadýr. Bu çalýþma ile yerleþim alanlarýnda karþýlaþýlan bitki türlerinin peyzajda kullaným özelliklerinin belirlenmesinin kentsel peyzaj alanlarýnda yapýlacak bitkilendirme çalýþmalarýna ýþýk tutmasý amaçlanmaktadýr. Abstract In this study, existing vascular plant species were determined and evaluated according to plant characteristics (esthetic & visual, functional, socio-cultural and ecological characteristics) in gardens of both detached house and site in the residential areas in the city center of Trabzon. Total of 125 sample gardens were surveyed with respect to different house age type (<10, 10-50 and >50 years) and housing density types (high, medium and low density type). During the study, the plants were pictured, measured, and sampled for species identification. We analyzed only the first 10 species that are most abundant for landscape preferences for each residential type. The study results showed that the gardens of detached house and site have an important floristic diversity with 232 plant taxa. In addition, it was determined that the non-native species are used widely in the study area and there is a significant relationship between plant species and the parameters used. According to our results; fruiting, form, texture and scent for the aestheticvisual characteristics; direction, screening and accent for the functional characteristics and tolerance of air pollution and salinity in ecological characteristics along with the regional integrity came into prominence for landscape preferences based on the species characteristics. Our aim at this study was to determine plant species characteristics and their usage area in residential areas in order to help planting design in urban landscapes.
Journal of International Social Research, 2017
Children with orthopedic disabilities (and their families) are constantly challenged when it comes to connecting with the natural environment. School gardens can significantly compensate for this lack of touch with nature. The present article examines the current status of green play environments in Ankara and aims to offer an optimized plan for designing the Dogan Chalar Special Education School garden. To plan the school garden, a multi-method approach was employed which incorporated cognitive presentation, a survey of the concerns and opinions of the parents of students with orthopedic disabilities, and interviews with such students themselves and their teachers. The findings provide both a model for the utilization of school grounds to improve children's educational development and social interactions and a helpful source for professional designers of school gardens.
There has been several research about the benefits of outdoor activities on preschool children's development and learning. However, there is a lack of implementation regarding the results of the related research in early childhood settings. The purpose of this study is to investigate related literature considering what these shortcomings are, how they can be compensated and to analyze National Early Childhood Curriculum in Turkey in terms of outdoor play environments and outdoor activities. In order to reach these aims, this study indicates the types of outdoor play environments in terms of the opportunities that they offer for children's playing, the effects of such different environments on children's play preferences, and the barriers against children's experiences outdoors. Moreover, it is clear that most of the studies investigating outdoor play environments in Turkey are conducted in in the field of landscape architecture rather than early childhood education field. The results showed that outdoor play environments are investigated regarding the physical characteristics of the environment and there is lack of emphasis on the impacts of outdoor play environments and activities on children's development and learning. Therefore, this study also aims to give information about how outdoors can be used as learning settings and how outdoor activities can support children's development and learning. Lastly, the results indicated that Turkish Ministry of National Education, Early Childhood Education Curriculum doesn't emphasize the value of outdoor play environments and outdoor activities; therefore teachers have the responsibility on their shoulders to compensate this deficiency. Öz: Dış mekan ve dış mekan aktivitelerinin okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının bütünsel gelişim ve öğrenmesi üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğu ile ilgili çok sayıda bilimsel araştırma bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu çalışmaların sonuçlarının okul öncesi eğitim ortamlarına aktarılmasında eksiklikler görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bu eksikliklerin neler olduğu ve nasıl giderilebileceği ile ilgili yazın taramasını incelemek ve Türk Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Okul Öncesi Müfredatını, konu dahilinde incelemektir. Belirlenen hedefler doğrultusunda bu çalışmada, dış mekanların çocuklara oyun oynama fırsatları sunmaları açısından hangi gruplarda toplandığı, bu gruplamaların çocukların oyun tercihleri üzerindeki etkileri ve çocukların dış mekan deneyimleri kazanmaları önündeki engeller belirtilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, konu ile ilgili yapılan yazın taramasında, Türkiye'de açık oyun alanlarının, okul öncesi eğitim alanından ziyade peyzaj mimarlığı alanında araştırıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmaların sonuçları, açık oyun alanlarının, çoğunlukla yalnızca fiziksel özellikler açısından ele alındığını ve dış mekan aktivitelerinin çocukların gelişim ve öğrenmesine ne derece katkıda bulunduğu konusundaki eksiklikleri ortaya konmuştur. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın bir diğer amacı da Türkiye'de açık oyun alanlarının eğitim ortamları olarak nasıl kullanılabileceği ve bu alanlarda yapılan aktivitelerin çocukların gelişim ve öğrenmesine nasıl katkıda bulunabileceği ile ilgili bilgiler vermektir. Son olarak, bu eksikliğin Türkiye Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Okul Öncesi müfredatında dahi görüldüğü vurgulanarak, öğretmenlere bu eksiği kapatmak konusunda büyük sorumluluk düştüğü belirtilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dış mekanlar, dış mekan aktiviteleri, okul öncesi eğitim The importance of outdoor environment and outdoor activities for preschool children in early childhood education The early years tremendously facilitate children's learning and development through the help of a wide array of opportunities for children to play, investigate, and discover the world around
Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi
Bu araştırmada Kaz Dağı Milli Parkı ve yakın çevresindeki yerleşimlerde yaşamayı tercih eden emekli göçmenlerin bu alana dair düşünce ve algılarının nasıl olduğu ve bu algı ve düşüncelerinin birbirleriyle ilişkili olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın amacı, emekli göçmenlerin araştırma alanında daha yoğun olarak nerelerde toplandığı ve Kaz Dağı'nın beşeri ve doğal çevresine yönelik algı ve düşünceleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin bulunup bulunmadığını sorgulamaktır. Araştırmada karma model benimsenmiştir. Bu kapsamda 127 emekli göçmene anket, 30 emekli göçmene ise zihin haritası tekniği uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda emekli göçmenlerin KMNP ile ilgili algılarının düşünceleri ile ilişkili olduğu anlaşılmıştır. KMNP etrafındaki çevreyi iyi, güzel, düzenli ve bakımlı bulanların doğal çevre hakkındaki düşüncelerinin olumlu olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca emekli göçmenler araştırma alanını havadar, doğal, sakin ve huzurlu bulmaktadırlar.
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2018
Urban green spaces contributing to sustainable development of cities are of the characteristics of increasing human quality of life. It is a requirement for more comfortable physical and psychological life to predict the needs in a place resulting from its physical, physiological, psychological and social structures and to shape such environment consisting of open spaces according to such needs. Today's cities have turned out to be the clusters of concrete structures due to rapid human population and distorted and dense urbanisation. Urban human quality of life is also negatively affected by environmental problems such as air, water, soil and noise pollution and the use of arable lands out of their main aims. Excessive building density in cities due to various reasons increases rants on lands and confines the ratio of public areas like green spaces. Main material of the study is urban small gardens, a type of community gardens which can be evaluated to be alternative green space sources in urban design works, several examples of which can be seen abroad from old days to present. Such garden types are known in Turkey in the names of small gardens, public gardens, urban gardens, hobby gardens and urban allotment gardens. As study method, related literature review was performed from Turkey and abroad and required etude, analysis and synthesis methods were used. As a conclusion, large cities lack of green spaces and recreation areas. In the present study, the role and importance of urban gardens, a type of allotment gardens seen for a long time in the world, in liveable and sustainable urban design is focused by considering that in urban design studies, urban gardens can be evaluated as an alternative green space use. Positive contributions of urban small gardens were put forward on humans and the increase of green area rate.
İlköğretim Online, 2019
In this case study, it has been aimed to reveal preschool teachers' views and practices about outdoor play at preschool. Data collected through semi-structured interview form, observation form and outdoor play time information form. Research group has been consisted of 15 preschool teachers, affiliated to Turkish Ministry of Education located in Ankara province, Çankaya and Yenimahalle districts. It has been discovered in the findings which have been done within the scope of research, the playground, game materials, genre of games and the duration of play of children alter in accordance with the curriculum of the institution and the variety and well-kept of game materials. It has been found that roles of the teachers working for different institutions in outdoor play resemble. The teachers think the elements that prevent children playing outdoor are weather conditions and points of views of parents on children's outdoor play.
The Rashomon effect occurs when an event is given contradictory interpretations by the individuals involved. The effect is named after Akira Kurosawa's 1950 lm Rashomon, in which a murder is described in four contradictory ways by four witnesses [1]. The term addresses the motives, mechanism, and occurrences of the reporting on the circumstance and addresses contested interpretations of events, the existence of disagreements regarding the evidence of events and subjectivity versus objectivity in human perception, memory, and reporting. Lurking behind the theory of experience and chance, co∼eventum mechanics [2, 3, 4], and our modern understanding of mind and matter is the simple idea of co∼event. And among scientists, there is growing confidence that focusing on a co∼event is becoming more and more productive than it once was. Here we consider the co∼eventum mechanistic approach with the co∼eventum mechanistic Bayesian theorems [5] to analyze the Rashomon case in forensics.
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