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Desde sus orígenes, el hombre ha tratado de comunicarse mediante grafismos o dibujos. Las primeras representaciones que conocemos son las pinturas rupestres, en ellas no solo se intentaba representar la realidad que le rodeaba, animales, astros, al propio ser humano, etc., sino también sensaciones, como la alegría de las danzas, o la tensión de las cacerías. A lo largo de la historia, este ansia de comunicarse mediante dibujos, ha evolucionado, dando lugar por un lado al dibujo artístico y por otro al dibujo técnico. Mientras el primero intenta comunicar ideas y sensaciones, basándose en la sugerencia y estimulando la imaginación del espectador, el dibujo técnico, tiene como fin, la representación de los objetos lo más exactamente posible, en forma y dimensiones. Hoy en día, se está produciendo una confluencia entre los objetivos del dibujo artístico y técnico. Esto es consecuencia de la utilización de los ordenadores en el dibujo técnico, con ellos se obtienen recreaciones virtuales en 3D, que si bien representan los objetos en verdadera magnitud y forma, también conllevan una fuerte carga de sugerencia para el espectador.
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2015
The materials used for teaching sculpture in Salaga Senior High school (SHS) in Northern Ghana have mainly been clay, cement, and wood. Using only these materials comes with varied limitations. The harsh weather constraints, monotony in the use of the same materials over long periods and the inability to purchase other materials as they are expensive and inaccessible to students due to the inadequate funding in purchasing materials for studio work have been the main challenges to the effective teaching and learning of sculpture in the Salaga SHS. This necessitated an inquiry into groundnut shells which are abundant in the Salaga community and could be used as a viable sculpture material but is disposed of by burning or dumping with consequent environmental pollution. The researchers used the quasi experimental method of inquiry with selected binders to determine their suitability for modelling, casting and carving using groundnut shells. The groundnut shell powder was prepared by collecting, sorting, drying, and milling. They conducted a laboratory test for the chemical composition and toxicity of the groundnut shells. The researchers mixed the groundnut powder with selected binders in producing aesthetically pleasing modelled, cast and carved works. Findings revealed that groundnut shell (powder) is nontoxic and suitable for sculpture. Sculpture teachers and students of Salaga SHS and other Schools as well as Art tertiary institutions in Ghana are encouraged to use groundnut shell (powder) as alternate sculpting material.
Spisy Archeologického ústavu AV ČR Brno 77, 2023
Stránská skála represents a globally important geological and archaeological site known also as a rich source of Jurassic cherts, which were exploited to varying degrees throughout much of Moravian prehistory. Over the last decade, research into the exploitation and workshop area at Stránská skála, especially with a focus on understanding these activities from the Late Neolithic to the beginning of the Bronze Age. This book presents the results of the first research seasons of the project. It outlines the development of the chipped industry from the workshop area, both in terms of the variability of the local chert as a raw material and in terms of technological, typological, chronological, socio-economic and gender aspects. Attention is also paid to the reconstruction of distribution networks of Stránská skála-type chert in individual periods of prehistory and the first indications concerning the localisation and nature of post-Paleolithic chert exploitation at Stránská skála are also presented, which are set in the context of similarly dated mining and workshop complexes in Central Europe.
On the Demerits in Planning Shanghai City, in Chinese
This study focuses on the state of usage of quality tools and techniques in Indian service industries. To achieve this objective, a comprehensive instrument was constructed and distributed to select Indian service companies. The usage of quality tools and techniques was surveyed and then analysed. The study sample consists of a group of 172 selected Indian service companies from various industries like healthcare, information and communication technology (ICT), banking, and hospitality. The survey findings revealed that usage of tools and techniques for quality improvement in Indian service companies is low and majority of the Indian service industries implement easiest and simple to use quality tools and techniques. The survey also showed some areas for further improvement like usage of advanced and complex quality tools such as 5-'S', Pareto analysis, Kaizen activities, and business process reengineering (BPR) which are barely used. Further, some managerial implications and future scope of this study are also reported at the end.
El estado actual del desarrollo del cálculo numérico y la computación permiten llevar a cabo numerosos tipos de estudios sobre el comportamiento de los sistemas eléctricos mediante modelación matemática y simulación computacional, no obstante, la modelación física todavía sigue siendo una herramienta útil. La simulación física de los sistemas eléctricos se realiza mediante los denominados analizadores de redes –también llamados cuadros de cálculo–, los cuales pueden ser de corriente continua o de corriente alterna. Los analizadores de redes alimentados mediante fuentes de corriente continua están constituidos por muchas unidades de resistores –cuyas resistencias pueden variarse para conseguir los valores requeridos– y paneles de instrumentos dotados de voltímetros y amperímetros para efectuar las mediciones correspondientes. Como es bien conocido, los sistemas de potencia operan en su gran mayoría en corriente alterna, sin embargo, muchos estudios pueden efectuarse utilizando cuadros de corriente directa. Evidentemente, la posibilidad de utilizar analizadores de redes de corriente continua para estudiar sistemas de corriente alterna está limitada a aquellos casos en los cuales los ángulos de fase de las tensiones y las corrientes carecen de importancia; aunque también se han desarrollado métodos que hacen posible la realización de estudios de flujo de potencias activas y reactivas mediante analizadores de redes de corriente directa.
The justice is guided by the principle that's constituted the guaranty of the justiciables that can allow avoiding to fell in arbitrary. One of the key principle that had did objet of our thought is that one of the presumption of innocence which forbidden to present all the one who make objet of proceedings like guilty or innocent before irrevocable sentence. However, this principle is opposed at other by the least, the one of the due to be informed or the freedom of the press. Our reflection came from a bitter report, according to which the media in DRC break without scruple the principle of presumption of innocence in presenting in Medias (audio-video) the persons showed as had committed an infringement as already accused (Guilty) with affirmation unreservedly neither shade at the risk of them self to fall under law (press offense or defamation, harmful imputation). We show some cases of violation of this fundamental principle and suggestion to solve them.
People who don't feel sick are not necessarily healthy. The act of preventing or treating a disease before it becomes severe will also be easier and cheaper. This is where the main benefits of doing Medical Check Up (MCU), to detect health problems as early as possible and provide information needed for further treatment. This research aims to analyze the effect of the marketing strategy plan and the brand image of Permata Keluarga Hospital on the loyalty of PT employees participating in medical checkup (MCU) with employee trust as an intervening variable. The design of this research is Explanatory Research (Explanatory Research) with a sample of 220 employees from PT who have done MCU examination at Permata Keluarga Hospital 2x. Marketing strategy and brand image are independent variables. Patient trust is the intervening variable and employee loyalty is the dependent variable. This study uses a questionnaire using a Likert scale. Testing data analysis using SEM-AMOS. The results showed that marketing strategy had a positive and significant effect on brand image. The marketing strategy has a positive and significant effect on loyalty. The marketing strategy has a positive and significant effect on trust. Brand image has no significant effect on loyalty. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on trust, trust has a positive and significant effect on loyalty. And the marketing strategy and brand image of Permata Keluarga Hospital influences loyalty which is mediated by the trust of the employees of PT participants of medical checkup (MCU).
La pédagogie numérique comme solution à la continuité pédagogique en temps du COVID-19, 2021
Considerazioni Intempestive. Riparlare dell'arte contemporanea, 2018
Dijital Çağın Bilgi Sorunları: Yalan Haber, Sahte Bilgi , 2024
Diritto: storia e comparazione Nuovi propositi per un binomio antico, 2018
Micropalaeontological Society, 2020
Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 1990