AUVSI's Unmanned Systems North America 2008
Proceedings Sponsored By:
Honeywell Unmanned Aircraft System Solutions
Conference Program
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Opening Plenary Session
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Poster Presentations
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Oral Presentations
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air Vehicle Operations, (2) Cross-Platform
Communication, (3) Ground Vehicle Missions I and (4) Maritime Autonomy
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Oral Presentations
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air Vehicle Control I, (2) Air Vehicle Operations II, (3)
Cross-Platform Autonomy and (4) Ground Vehicle Missions II
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Oral Presentations
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air and Cross-Platform Control, (2) Air Vehicle
Operations III, (3) Air Vehicle Power and Propulsion and (4) Ground Vehicle Payloads
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Poster Presentations
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Oral Presentations
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air Vehicle Air-Space Control, (2) Air Vehicle Civil
Applications I, (3) Ground Vehicle Navigation and (4) Maritime Missions
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Oral Presentations
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air Vehicle Air-Space Control, (2) Air Vehicle Civil
Applications I, (3) Ground Vehicle Navigation and (4) Maritime Missions
Tuesday, June 10
8:00 – 12:00 noon
Opening Plenary Session
8:00 a.m. –
Opening Plenary Session
12:00 noon
Mr. Chris Anderson, Editor, Wired Magazine; Creator,; and
Author, The Long Tail
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
(no presentation available)
Maj Gen Michael Kostelnik, USAF (Ret.), Assistant
Commissioner, Office of Customs and Border Protection Air (no presentation)
and Marine, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
(no presentation available)
Brig Gen Thomas Andersen, USAF, Director of Plans and
Programs (A5), Headquarters, Air Combat Command
Dr. Nady Boules, Director, Electrical & Controls Integration Lab, GM Research
& Development, General Motors
(no presentation available)
Mr. Doug Davis, Manager, Unmanned Aircraft Program
Office, Federal Aviation Administration
LTC Steven Noe, USA, Product Manager, Future Combat
Systems, Unmanned Ground Systems; and Mr. Richard Fisher, Deputy Product
Manager, Future Force Unmanned Aircraft Systems
LtGen Friedrich Ploeger, DEU AF, Executive Director, NATO
Joint Air Power Competence Centre
Wednesday, June 11
8:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Poster Presentations
Patrick Marshall, AFRL/RYAT, Matt VanBaren, Dr. John Wood and Dr. Dan Jensen, US Air
Force Academy
Real Time Mission Monitor: A Situational Awareness Tool for Conducting Airborne Field
Dr. Richard Blakeslee and Michael Goodman, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, John Hall,
Philip Parker and Yubin He, University of Alabama Huntsville
Algorithm Acceleration Across Heterogeneous Processing Element
Alan Commike, Quantum3D
Network-Centric Positioning Technology for Interoperable Unmanned Vehicle Systems
Dr. Jeff Fayman and Dr. Lydia Bock, Geodetics, Inc.
Precision Engagement with Unmanned Air Systems in Complex Urban Air Flows
Dr. Bohdan Cybyk, David Drewry, Timothy Frey and Jack Keane, Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Accurate Trajectory Tracking for Land Vehicles Using Novel Nonlinear Controller
Vladimir Djapic, SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego, and Dr. Jay Farrell, University of
California, Riverside
Countering the Maritime Threat Using Autonomous Systems
Jonathan Pethen, John Morrison and Steve Ray, QinetiQ
An Overview of the NASA SIERRA UAS
Matthew Fladeland, Randy Berthold, Steve Dunagan and Jim Brass, NASA Ames Research
Center, Geoff Bland, NASA Wallops Flight Facility, and Lesli Monforton, Naval Research
Model-Based Design Workflow for Large Safety-Critical Systems: A Discussion Regarding
Model Architecture
Mike Anthony and Jon Friedman, The MathWorks
Micro Air Vehicles that Perch: Concepts and Prototypes for MAVs with Low Energy
Expenditure States
Dr. John Wood, Chris Perry, Jason Parcus, Brandon Hua, Dakota Olsen, Ken Pedersen, Capt
Mike Anderson and Dr. Dan Jensen, US Air Force Academy
Architecting an Integrated Reconfigurable Application Platform for UXVs
Dr. Rajive Joshi, Real-Time Innovations, Inc.
Vision-guided Autonomous Quad-rotor Helicopter Flight Stabilization and Control
Dr. D. J. Lee, Spencer Fowers, Beau Tippetts and James Archibald, Brigham Young University
Collaboration for Multi-Vehicle Mission Planning
Dr. Michael Leen, OR Concepts Applied
Online Path Planning on a Sliding Fixed Size Fixed-Resolution Grid Map
Elizabeth Liao, Scott Niekum and Mark Ollis, Applied Perception, a Foster-Miller Company
Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft In Offshore and International Airspace Operations
Douglas Marshall and Benjamin Trapnell, University of North Dakota
Fast Jet Control of Multiple UAVs
Dr. Jon Platts, J.A. Kemsley and D. Richards, QinetiQ
Flight Simulator for UAV
Ing. Endri Rachman and Radzuan Razali, School of Aerospace Engineering - Universiti Sains
Software for Effective Delivery of Net-Centric Information to UAV Operators
Jeff Collier, Dominic Bartek, John Miles and John Hudson, SYTRONICS, Inc.
Supplemental Information Displays (SIDs) in Uninhabited Air Vehicle (UAV) Ground
Control Stations
Dr. William Marshak, Jeff Collier and John Reising, SYTRONICS, Inc. and Michael J. Findler,
SYTRONICS, Inc. and Wright State Research Institute
Weaponized Unmanned Surface Vessel for Anti-Submarine Warfare
David Toth, Naval Undersea Warfare Center
A Real-time Electro-Optical Sensor System Simulator for UAV Sense and Avoid
Leo Wong, Atul A. Phadnis, Omid Shakernia and Won-Zon Chen, Northrop Grumman
Corporation, and Bonnie Schwartz, Air Force Research Laboratory
Wednesday, June 11
Oral Presentations
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air Vehicle Operations, (2) Cross-Platform
Communication, (3) Ground Vehicle Missions I and (4) Maritime Autonomy
Air Vehicle Operations
Opening The Airspace For UAVs
Nigel Mills, QinetiQ, Maureen Mccue, BAE Systems, Nick Miller, Thales, Richard
9:30 –
Bourne, FRL, Gary Clayton, EADS, Mark Jefferies, Rolls-Royce and Dr. Andrew
Lucas, Agent Oriented Software
Army UAS Systems: Technology that is Shaping the Future of Modern Warfare
10:00 –
(not available for posting)
10:30 a.m.
COL Donald Hazelwood, UAS Project Office
10:30 –
Broad Area Maritime Surveillance
11:00 a.m. CAPT Robert Dishman, NAVAIR PMA-262
USMC and Shadow
11:00 –
Maj Kenneth Briggs, OPNAV N88, LtCol P.J. Kerr, APW-81 and Vic Wigfall, IPTL
11:30 a.m.
PMA 263, Lt Col Chris Patten, APW-81
Cross-Platform Communication
Achieving UAS Interoperability and Networking through Common Datalink
9:30 –
10:00 a.m.
Richard Lober, Cubic Corporation
10:00 –
10:30 a.m.
Wearable Control and Communications System for use with UAVs, UGVs and
10:30 –
11:00 a.m.
Dr. Hagen Schempf, Todd Graham, Joseph Martin and George Skoptsov, CMU
Development of a Scalable Common Modular Control System for Air and
11:00 –
Ground Unmanned Vehicles
11:30 a.m. Geoff Butler, Nigel Cox, Rex Helton, Greg McDermott, Andy McKenzie and Andy
Wright, BAE Systems
Ground Vehicle Missions I
Use of the Lightweight Reconnaissance Vehicle (LRV) for Police Actions
9:30 –
David Timian, Andrew Poulter and Laurie McIntosh, ARA and Lt. Robert Evans,
10:00 a.m.
Vermont State Police
Modeling Environmental Uncertainty in Ground Robot Navigation
10:00 –
Ryan Meuth, Paul Robinette and David Wunsch, Missouri University of Science and
10:30 a.m.
Remote Operation of the Black Knight Unmanned Combat Vehicle
10:30 –
Jean-Sebastien Valois, John Bares and David P. Rice, National Robotics Engineering
11:00 a.m. Center, Timothy J. Pasko, BAE Systems and Herman Herman, National Robotics
Engineering Center
11:00 –
Validating the Performance of an Autonomous Car
11:30 a.m. Michael Clark, Carnegie Mellon-ISR, Dr. Chris Urmson and Robert Bittner,
Carnegie Mellon, Robotics Institute, Dr. Sam Harbaugh, Integrated Software, Inc.
and Bryan Salesky, National Robotics and Engineering Consortium
Maritime Autonomy
Intelligent Autonomy for Unmanned Sea Surface and Underwater Vehicles
9:30 –
Dr. Terry Huntsberger, Hrand Aghazarian, Andres Castano, Gail Woodward, Curtis
10:00 a.m. Padgett and Dan Gaines, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Christine Buzzell, Naval
Undersea Warfare Center
Mission-Level Autonomy for Autonomous Undersea Vehicles
10:00 –
David Scheidt and Steve Marshall, JHU/APL, Dan Stilwell and Brian McCarter,
10:30 a.m.
Virginia Tech
10:30 –
MOOS and IvPHelm Approach to Autonomous Surface Vessels
11:00 a.m. Alon Yaari, SARA, Inc.
Sensors and Autonomy Development for the Autonomous Maritime Navigation
(AMN) System
11:00 –
Les Elkins and Ping Zhuang, Spatial Integrated Systems, Inc., Terry Huntsberger and
11:30 a.m. Hrand Aghazarian, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Steve Crawford, Technology
Systems Incorporated, Reynolds Monach, Wagner Associates and Joe Fuller,
Marshall University
Wednesday, June 11
Oral Presentations
1:00 - 3:00 p.m
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air Vehicle Control I, (2) Air Vehicle Operations II, (3)
Cross-Platform Autonomy and (4) Ground Vehicle Missions II
Air Vehicle Control I
Sense and Avoid (SAA) Air Traffic Detection Sensor System III Demonstration
(not available for posting)
1:00 –
1:30 p.m. Andrew White and Michael Deschenes, DRA and Dr. John McCalmont and Louis
Chan, AFRL
Autonomous Terminal Area Operations Control of Unmanned Air Vehicles
1:30 –
Dr. Han Park and Michael Grage, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Crystal
2:00 p.m. Wiedemann, Air Force Research Laboratory, Mark Micieli and Russell Wolfe,
Modern Technology Solutions, Inc., and Chris Brinton, Mosaic ATM
2:00 –
From UAV System to System of UAV Systems
2:30 p.m. Eli Yitzhaki, Elbit Systems
Fractal Control Architecture for Multiple UAVs Missions
2:30 –
Anil Raj and Michelle Darrah, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Dr.
3:00 p.m.
Sergey Drakunov, Embry-Riddle Aeronautcal University
Air Vehicle Operations II
Predicting the Cost of Future UAV Systems
1:00 –
Mark Sferra, Todd White and Huat Ng, Wyle Labs, and Robert Altizer, Systems
1:30 p.m.
Planning and Analysis
1:30 –
Canadian MALE UAS Operations - Lessons Learned
2:00 p.m. Lori Guétré and Andrew Carryer, MDA
ASTM International's Portfolio of Industry Consensus UAS Standards
2:00 –
Jeff Goldfinger, L-3 Communications and ASTM Committee F38 Vice Chairman,
2:30 p.m. Mike Howell, Northrop Grumman Corp. and ASTM Committee F38 Chairman, and
James Jewell, UAV Marketspace and ASTM Committee F38 Membership Secretary
The Use of Mission Systems Engineering in Developing a Capability Based
2:30 –
Unmanned System
3:00 p.m.
Susan Brown, Raytheon Missile Systems
Cross-Platform Autonomy
Measuring Software Complexity to Target Risky Modules in Autonomous
Vehicle Systems
1:00 –
Clark, Carnegie Mellon-ISR, Dr. Chris Urmson, Carnegie Mellon University
1:30 p.m.
Robotics Institute, Dale Brenneman, McCabe Software and Bryan Salesky, National
Robotics and Engineering Consortium
Autonomy Levels for Unmanned Systems (ALFUS) Framework (not available for
1:30 –
2:00 p.m.
Hui-Min Huang, NIST, U.S. DOC
Flight and In-Water Experiments of Autonomy and Human Interface
2:00 –
Technologies with Multiple Unmanned Systems
2:30 p.m.
Marc Steinberg, Office of Naval Research
2:30 –
A Metric Taxonomy for Human Supervisory Control of Unmanned Vehicles
3:00 p.m. Dr. Mary Cummings, Patricia Pina and Jacob Crandall, MIT
Ground Vehicle Missions II
1:00 –
Unmanned Vehicles in Land Warfare ISR
1:30 p.m. Roy Peshin, Simlat UAV Training Solutions
Sensor Technology and Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) Operations, Lessons
1:30 –
Learned from Urban Challenge
2:00 p.m.
Dr. Peter Drewes, Brian Satterfield and Heeten Choxi, Lockheed Martin
Implementing an SAE J2735 DSRC and JAUS Capable Extra-Vehicle
2:00 –
Communications System
2:30 p.m.
Michael Brown and Paul Avery, Southwest Research Institute
2:30 –
Harmonizing UK and US Software Standards for Use in Unmanned Systems
3:00 p.m. Luke Perkins, QinetiQ
Wednesday, June 11
Oral Presentations
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air and Cross-Platform Control, (2) Air Vehicle
Operations III, (3) Air Vehicle Power and Propulsion and (4) Ground Vehicle Payloads
Air Vehicle Control I
4:00 – 4:30 Windows for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Andrew Kirschbaum and Bob Brown, D.P. Associates, Inc.
Motive and Affect-based Robotic Control (MARC)
4:30 – 5:00 Dr. Aaron A. Pepe, Ph.D., Wayne Zachary, Ph.D., Darius Miller and Vassil
Iordanov, CHI Systems Incorporated, Lynn Miller, Ph.D. and Stephen Read, Ph.D.,
University of Southern California
Tree-coding of Beliefs for Improved Scalability of Stigmergic Control Systems
5:00 – 5:30
Jay Moore, Dr. Jerold Emhoff and Christopher McCubbin, The Johns Hopkins
University Applied Physics Laboratory
Air Vehicle Operations III
Cooperative Hunter/Killer UAS Demonstration
4:00 – 4:30
Jeffrey Barton, Sean Martin and Christopher Chiu, JHU/APL, Walt Johnson and
Reed Christiansen, Procerus Technologies
A Human Factors Centered Approach to UAV Mishap Analysis
4:30 – 5:00
Geoffrey Carrigan, M. L. Cummings and John Duffner, Humans and Automation
Laboratory MIT, and Dave Long, Lean Advancement Initiative
5:00 – 5:30 The UK Predator Experience (not available for posting)
SQN LDR Richard Sanderson, RAF
Air Vehicle Power and Propulsion
Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) Mission Life Extension Through Perching
4:00 – 4:30
Capt. Michael Anderson, Eric Mees, Eddie Wright, Rob Carter, Will Johnson, Matt
VanBaren, Dr. John Wood and Dr. Dan Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy
Addressing the Flight Duration Issues for Micro Air Vehicles – Innovative
Concepts and Prototypes for Importing Energy into the System
4:30 – 5:00
Dr. John Wood, Dr. Dan Jensen, Mike Yakima, Rich Riley, Seth Horner, John
Smyrski, Kyle Smith, Chris Schumacher and Capt. Michael Anderson, US Air
Force Academy
Preliminary Design of a Low Speed, Small UAV for Surveillance (not available
5:00 – 5:30
for posting)
Jun Hu and Guanglin He, Beijing Institute of Technology
Ground Vehicle Payloads
Enhancing Man-Portable Robot Functionalities Through Integration of New
4:00 – 4:30 Sensor Packages
Donald Fellars, Brandon Sights, Gaurav Ahuja, Greg Kogut, Bart Everett and
Estrellina Pacis, SPAWAR Systems Center - San Diego
Nemesis: Robotic System for Humanitarian Demining
4:30 – 5:00
Dr. Dan Jensen, Mike Yakima, Dr. John Wood, Rich Riley, Seth Dr. Michael
Hannan, John Wetzel and Jonathan Miller, Applied Research Associates
Thursday, June 12
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Poster Sessions
Sensor Analysis for Submarine Launched UAV
William Mulholland, Vince Amato and Paul Ryan, Whitney, Bradley & Brown
Flying Fish: A Persistent Ocean Surveillance Buoy with Autonomous Aerial Repositioning
Daniel Macy, Ryan Eubank, Ella Atkins, Luis Bernal, Peter Washabaugh and Guy Meadows,
University of Michigan
Intelligent Control of Unmanned Systems as an Emergent Property of Situational
Michael A. Brown and Paul Avery, SwRI
RF Emitter Geolocation Using Multiple Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
Chris McCubbin, Robert Bamberger, Jay Moore and Ravi Goonasekeram, Johns Hopkins
University Applied Physics Lab
Army Combat Casualty Care Collaborative Robotics & Unmanned Systems for Multiple
Michael Beebe, Dr. Gary R. Gilbert, Mr. Troy Turner and Colonel James McGhee, MD, U.S.
Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center, and David Rousseau, U.S.
Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego
Development of a UAV Deployable Reconnaissance System
John Bird, Jonathan Gaines, Chris Bright, Patrick Kopfle, James Chiang and Kevin Murray,
Virginia Tech
Synchronous Methods in Acoustics
Dr. Colin Bradbury, Mt. Hukee Labs, Inc. dba Pacific Nautilus
Autonomous UAV Based Glycol Injected Pyrotechnic Ball Dispenser for Controlled Burn
Rodney Brown and Lucas Martinez, Air Force Research Lab
Wireless Video Noise Classification for Micro Air Vehicles
Jeffrey Byrne and Raman Mehra, Scientific Systems Company, Inc.
Hands-free Control of Robots Using Non-Vocal Speech to Emulate Joystick-type
Continuous Commands
Jonathan Brown, Tarun Pruthi, Siddharth Chhatpar, Lester Ngia and Jim Harris, Think-A-Move,
Development of Small Scale Ducted-prop Aerial Vehicle
Dr. Seong Wook Choi, Sam Ok Koo and Jai Moo Kim, KARI (Korea Aerospace Research
Sensor Data, Gaming Provide Valued Mission Rehearsal for Ground Troops
Mark Conger, Northrop Grumman, and Jon Damush, 2D3 Inc.
Intelligent C2 Systems for Unmanned Ground Vehicles
Charles Little, Ralph R. Peters and J. Brian Rigdon, Sandia National Laboratories, and Kevin L.
Conrad, Lockheed Martin
Airborne Platform CONOPS and Net-Centric Processing Extensions to Support Next
Generation Tactical Manned/ Unmanned Teaming
Thomas Gaska, Dr. Robert Szczerba, Jeremy Impson and David Ciarletta, Lockheed Martin
Systems Integration – Owego
HISAS 1030 on HUGIN AUV - High-resolution, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar
Chris Hancock, Terje Fossum and Svein Otto Schjerven, Kongsberg Maritime AS
Semi-Autonomus Control of an Emergency Response Robot
Dr. Andreas Hofmann, Jamie Nichol and Daniel Theobald, Vecna Technologies, and Joe Fuller,
Marshall University
A Multi-Objective Decision and Learning Model for Increased Autonomy of Unmanned
Matthew Howard and Zhihua Qu, University of Central Florida, Kevin Conrad and Joseph
Kaloust, Lockheed Martin
A DSP-Based Target Recognition Algorithm for Unmanned Aircraft System
Dr. Jinhui Lan, Tonghuan Huang and Lili Wan, University of Science and Technology Beijing,
and Jie Li, Beijing Institute of Technology
Vision-Based Landing Guidance System for Micro Air Vehicle on the Sea
Jie Li and Yingdong Huang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Auto-Adaptive Processing on Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles
Robert Jannarone and John Tatum, Brainlike Surveillance, Inc., John Joseph, Nathan Naluai and
Donald Statter, Naval Air Systems Command
SolarBubbles: An Autonomous Solar-Powered UAV
Andrew Klesh, Daniel Macy, Anthony Smith, Patrick Senatore, Nick Rooney and Jon Wiebs,
University of Michigan
The Latest Generation of AUV Mounted Multibeam Echosounders: Improving Deep Sea
Chris Malzone, Thomas Meurling and Jon Marcus, RESON
Underwater to Above Water Communications using RF Technology
Brendan Hyland, WFS Ltd.
Highly Capable Payloads for Small/Medium Sized UAVs
Dr. William L. Kiser, Jr., Jeffrey Callen, Phillip Sherlock and John Branthoover, Penn State
Electro-Optics Center, and Kevin Kearney, GeoSpatial Systems
Smart Area Weapons For UAVs
Richard Sterchele, Lou Cataldo and Lisa Atherton, Textron Defense Systems, and Ben Smith,
Textron Corporation
Lynx SAR/GMTI Radar Update
Jim Thomson and Frank Yakos, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
Thursday, June 12
Oral Presentations
9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air Vehicle Air-Space Control, (2) Air Vehicle Civil
Applications I, (3) Ground Vehicle Navigation and (4) Maritime Missions
Air Vehicle Air-Space Control
9:30 –
UAS Airspace Integration - The Communication Challenges
10:00 a.m. Michael Neale, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
10:00 –
Enhanced RF Connectivity for Dense UAS Environments
10:30 a.m. Dr. John Boyd, Cubic Corporation, Rob Frank, James Baker, Rockwell Collins, Inc.
10:30 –
High-Level Alternatives for Integrating Unmanned Aircraft into Civil Airspace
11:00 a.m. Andrew Lacher, Kelly Markin and Dave Maroney, The MITRE Corporation
Human Supervisory Control of an Autonomous Helicopter Using LIDAR and
11:00 –
Dr. Kevin Kochersberger, Andrew Culhane and Adam Sharkasi, Virginia Tech,
11:30 a.m.
Jacob Crandall, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and John Smart, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
Air Vehicle Civil Applications I
Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Hurricanes: NOAA and NASA’s Early
9:30 –
Dr. Joseph Cione, NOAA AOML Hurricane Research Division, Eric Uhlhorn,
10:00 a.m.
NOAA Hurricane Research, Peter Turlington, NASA Goddard Wallops, Michael
Goodman, NASA Earth Sciences Office, and Peter Bale
UAS for International Polar Year and Arctic Science Missions
10:00 –
Dr. Susan Schoenung, Longitude 122 West, Inc., and Randal Albertson, NASA
10:30 a.m.
Dryden Flight Research Center
Western States UAS Fire Mission 2007: Overview of Capabilities, Successes
and Fire Management Community Perspective
10:30 –
Vince Ambrosia, CSUMB/NASA-Ames Research Center, Tom Zajkowski,
11:00 a.m.
RedCastle Resources/USDA-Forest Service, Everett Hinkley and Darrel VanBuren,
USDA Forest Service, and Brent Cobleigh, NASA-DFRC
Operational Experience with Long Duration Wildfire Mapping UAS Missions
11:00 –
Over the Western United States
11:30 a.m. LCDR Phillip Hall, Greg Buoni, Brent Cobleigh and Kathleen Howell, NASA
Dryden Flight Research Center
Ground Vehicle Navigation
Design and Evaluation of a Self-Contained Collaborative Autonomy Unit for
9:30 –
10:00 a.m.
Dr. Douglas C. MacKenzie and Aditya Nawab, Mobile Intelligence Corporation
Vision-Based Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Off-Road Navigation (not
10:00 –
available for posting)
10:30 a.m. Dr. Wes Huang and Brian Stancil, Applied Perception, Inc., a Foster-Miller
Packbot with Mapping Kit: Real-time 2D Mapping and Safe-Guarded
10:30 –
11:00 a.m.
Jonathan Brookshire, iRobot
LADAR-Based Vehicle Tracking and Trajectory Estimation for Urban Driving
11:00 –
Dr. Daniel Morris, Paul Haley, William Zachar and Steve McLean, General
11:30 a.m.
Dynamics Robotic Systems
Maritime Missions
Increasing Hydrographic Survey Capacity and Capability by Use of AUVs
9:30 –
Chris Hancock, Kongsberg Underwater Technology, Inc., Dr. Freddy Pøhner,
10:00 a.m.
Karstein Vestgård and Bjørn Jalving, Kongsberg Maritime AS
Reliable Mission Execution Using Unreliable UUVs
10:00 –
Gary Giger and John Dzielski, Applied Research Lab/PSU, and Mahmut Kandemir,
10:30 a.m.
Pennsylvania State University
An Autonomous Energy Harvesting Sailing Vessel for Persistent Ocean
10:30 –
Dr. Linda Frizzell-Makowski, Richard Shelsby, David Scheidt, Karl Kreatschman,
11:00 a.m.
Anthony Nardo, Charles Cooperman, Jennifer Mann, Ronald Mitnick, David
Shibilisky and John Cole, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
11:00 –
Manta Ray - Unmanned Underwater Riverine Craft
11:30 a.m. Richard Adams, Trident World Systems, Inc.
Thursday, June 12
Oral Presentations
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Four concurrent tracks as follows: (1) Air Vehicle Civil Applications II, (2) Air Vehicle Control,
(3) Air Vehicle Systems and (4) Multiple Platforms
Air Vehicle Civil Applications II
Using Small UASs to Capture Multispectral Imagery for Use in Precision
1:00 – 1:30 Agriculture
David Dvorak, Mariusz Czarnomski, Matthew Lendway, Florent Martel, William
H. Semke and Richard R. Schultz, University of North Dakota
Autonomous UAV Swarms for Detection and Classification of Chemical and
Biological Agents
1:30 – 2:00
Chad Hawthorne, Chris Chiu, Steve Marshall and Adam Watkins, JHU/APL, David
Ferris, United States Naval Academy, and Chris Keiser, Edgewood Chemical and
Biological Center
Interoperability Challenges with UAV Sensor Data
2:00 – 2:30
Donnie Self, National GeoSpatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Airborne Integration
FAA Sense and Avoid Requirements: A Starting Point
2:30 – 3:00
Capt Eric Rucker, Lt. Kenneth LeBay and LtCol Andy Thurling, 452d Flight Test
Air Vehicle Control II
1:00 – 1:30 Case Study: Controlling and Autonomously Landing a Damaged UAV
Dr. David Vos, Athena Technologies, Inc.
1:30 – 2:00 Human Factors in GCS Design: The Predator/Reaper Approach
Carl Thunberg, 658th AESG, and Anthony Tvaryanas
2:00 – 2:30 A Day in the Life of a UAV Deployment: Lessons Learned
Don Iverson , The Boeing Company
2:30 – 3:00 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Survivability Testing and Analysis
David Hall, Ron Dexter and Mike Ray, SURVICE Engineering Company
Air Vehicle Systems
1:00 – 1:30 Solar HALE UAVs
Frank Kiendl, German Liaison Office
1:30 – 2:00 Naval UAS Expansion
Gary Kessler, NAVAIR PEO (U&W)
2:00 – 2:30 Fire Scout Systems Description and Status Update
Michael Fuqua, Northrop Grumman
2:30 – 3:00 Advanced-UAS, a Modular UAS Solution for Surveillance & Recce Missions
Franz Bucher, EADS – Deutschland GmbH
Multiple Platforms
Lessons Learned When Leaping from Simulation to Live Operations with
1:00 – 1:30 Multiple Unmanned Systems
Thomas Moulds, Defense Technologies, Inc., Marc Steinberg, ONR, and Sean
Kaner, Wyle Lab
Mixed-Initiative Adjustable Autonomy for Human-Unmanned System
1:30 – 2:00
Dr. Meghann de Brun, Vera Zaychik Moffitt, Jerry L. Franke, Dimitri Yiantsios,
Trevor Housten, Adria Hughes, Drew Housten and Shannen Fouse, Lockheed
Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories
Collaborative Target Localization and Inspection Using a Heterogeneous Team
2:00 – 2:30 of Autonomous Vehicles
David Van Covern, TORC Technologies, Dr. Charles Reinholtz, Embry Riddle
University, Al Wicks and Craig Woolsey, Virginia Tech
Efficient Swarming Algorithms for Information Distribution
2:30 – 3:00
Christopher McCubbin, R. Scott Cost, Markus Dale and Daniel Bankman,