Sustainable and Integrated
use of Agave
Sustainable and Integrated
use of Agave
Sustainable and Integrated
use of Agave
6 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONACYT,
Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A.C. CIATEJ,
Red temática mexicana aprovechamiento integral sustentable y biotecnología de los agaves Agared,
Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
III International Symposium on Agave. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. November 3-5, 2016
is under Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) Creative Commons License
The CIATEJ promotes for the fair and appropriate use of information of this document.
When using copyrighted third-party images or texts to promote their material.
It is required to be cited appropriately.
This publication is available in electronic format (PDF) on the institutional website at
Compiled and reviewed by:
Thematic 1, Benjamín Rodríguez-Garay, Ph. D.
Thematic 2, Manuel R. Kirchmayr, Ph. D.
Thematic 3, Sara Herrera, Ph. D. & Judith Urias, Ph. D.
Thematic 4, Gustavo Davila-Vazquez, Ph. D.
Thematic 5: Ariel Vazquez, Ph. D.
Editorial coordinator: Antonia Gutiérrez Mora, Ph. D.
Style correction: Benjamín Rodríguez-Garay, Manuel R. Kirchmayr, Sara Herrera, Judith Urias,
Gustavo Davila-Vazquez & Ariel Vazquez
Editorial design: Jorge Valente García
Photographs used were courtesy of CIATEJ &
The vector images used in this volume were designed by &
Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico
Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave / Benjamín Rodríguez-Garay, Manuel R. Kirchmayr, Sara Herrera,
Judith Urias, Gustavo Dávila-Vázquez & Ariel Vázquez.
Address: 1227 Camino Arenero, El Bajío, Zapopan 45019, Jalisco, Mexico
Telephone number : +52 (33) 3345 5200
199 p.; 21.6 cm X 27.9 cm
ISBN: 978-607-97421-6-4
T1. Scientific trends on Agave, T2. Science and technology of Agave beverages and other
derivatives, T3. Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products, T4. Industrial processing of
Agave wastes and subproducts, T5. Social and ethnobotanics aspects.
Scientific trends on Agave......................................................................................................13
Biological control of agave wilt with Trichoderma sp. associated with Agave root.
López-Domínguez H.G., Qui-Zapata J.A., Vega-Ramos K., Uvalle-Bueno J...............13
Determination of chromosome number in two species of agave collected in the state of
Hidalgo, Mexico.
Rodríguez-Domínguez J.M., Gordillo-Tello A.B., Soto-Carrasquel A.,
Barba-González R., Rodríguez-Garay B......................................................................19
Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on in vitro shoot multiplication of Agave
angustifolia Haw.
Romo-Paz F.J., Rodríguez-Garay B..............................................................................23
Expression analysis of CesA gene related to fiber production in Agave fourcroydes Lem.
García-Castillo M.J., Hernández-Zepeda C., Tamayo-Ordoñez M.C., Canche
Escamilla G., Duarte-Aranda S., Sánchez-Teyer L.F...................................................27
Genetic transformation of Fusarium oxysporum as a tool for the study of pathogenesis
during agave infection.
Navarro López D.E., Dupré P., Qui-Zapata J.A............................................................33
In vitro conservation of three species of agaves by using temporary immersion system.
Herrera-Isidrón L., Isidrón-Pérez M., Herrera-Isidrón J.A., Castro-López S.,
Nieto-González A., Núñez-Palenius H.......................................................................39
In vitro culture of Agave spp. in biorreactors under led light.
Herrera-Isidrón J.A., Núñez-Palenius H., Herrera-Isidrón L., Isidrón-Pérez M.,
Trejo-Rodríguez R., Herrera-Altuve J.A., Hernández-Francisco V.,
Morales-Luna R..........................................................................................................43
Offshoots induction in agave mezcalero (Agave spp) by applicating phytohormone,
nitrogen and using strangling method.
Quezada Díaz A., Orea Lara G., Hernández Vargas V., Loera H.M.............................47
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives.......................................55
Characterization of microbial population dynamics associated with different
8 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
juices of Agave tequilana.
Quezada R., Gschaedler A., Kirchmayr M..................................................................55
Co-culture yeast-bacteria as candidates for Tequila production.
Torres-Guardado R., Arellano M., Kirchmayr M., Gschaedler A...............................61
Determination of sotol quality produced in Durango.
Cifuentes D.L.A., Gómez Ortiz S., Velasco González O............................................65
Effect of temperature and glucose concentration on ethanol and ethyl acetate production
during fermentation using Kluyveromyces marxianus.
Iñiguez-Muñoz L.E., Arellano-Plaza M., Prado-Ramírez R., Gschaedler A...............71
Effect of thermal hydrolysis time of agave and their impact on the fermentation process.
Jiménez Cebrian G., López Ramírez J.E., Ramírez Romo E., Estarrón Espinoza M.,
Ojeda Cantón J.A., Pérez Martínez F.J., Arellano Plaza M.........................................75
In-line and at-line monitoring of yeast cultures for a rapid evaluation of the state of
the cell.
Arana A., Barbosa E., Preziosi L., Grousseau E., Herrera E., Arrizón J., Cervantes J.,
Gschaedler A...............................................................................................................81
Isoamyl acetate production by Pichia fermentans isolated from alcoholic fermentation
of Agave juice
Rentería-Martínez O., Sánchez-Castañeda A.K., Hernández-Carbajal G.,
Rutiaga-Quiñones O.M., Rojas-Contreras J.A., López-Miranda J., Paéz-Lerma J.B.,
Soto-Cruz N.O............................................................................................................85
Methanol in Agave distillates. A review.
Prado-Ramírez R........................................................................................................89
Tolerance to phenolic compounds by mezcal yeasts.
Vital-López P., Ramírez-González M., Narváez-Zapata J., Larralde-Corona C.P......97
Validation of a method for the determination of volatile compounds
that could be markers of authentic tequila.
Lugo-Melchor Y., Rodríguez-Campos J., Cedeño-Cruz M., Bravo S..........................101
Volatile profile of artisanal Raicilla processed in the Jalisco state.
Estarrón-Espinosa M., López-Ramírez J. E., Arellano-Plaza M., Gschaedler A........105
Yeasts diversity and distilleries technification of Durango´s mezcal.
Martínez-Estrada S.C., De la Cruz-Arguijo E.A., Gurrola-Reyes J. N.,
Larralde-Corona C.P., Narváez-Zapata J.A...............................................................111
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products..................................................117
Automatic determination of Kluyveromyces marxianus fructanase enzymatic
Barbosa E., Arana A., Pliego J., Gschaedler A., Arrizon J., Femat R.,
Herrera-López E.........................................................................................................117
Characterization of polysaccharides extracts of A. durangensis pineapple Agave.
Valencia-del Toro G., Aguilar-Doroteo J., Aguilar-Doroteo L., Torres-Ricario R.,
Garín-Aguilar M. E.....................................................................................................123
Effect of agave fructans addition on technological properties of white bread.
Camacho-Ruíz R.M., Torres-Pedraza C., Alvarado-Osuna C....................................127
Effect of fructans on quality parameters of dark chocolate.
Domínguez-Murillo A.C., Urías-Silvas J.E.................................................................133
Evolution of sugars from Agave tequilana Weber during cooking by using infrared
López-Ramírez J., Arellano-Plaza M., Estarrón-Espinosa M., Pérez-Martínez F.,
Ramírez-Romo, E., Mondragón-Cortez, P................................................................139
In silico analysis of predicted fructanase from a filamentous fungus for agave
fructans hydrolysis.
Ordaz E., Camacho-Ruíz R.M., Mateos-Díaz J.C., Rodríguez J.A.............................145
New dietary supplement from Agave fourcroydes in broiler rabbits.
Iser-Toro M., Martínez-Aguilar Y., Rosales-Cortés M., Valdivié-Navarro M.,
Estarrón-Espinosa M................................................................................................149
Yield and composition of Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dick y A. tequilana
F.A.C. Weber fructans
Godínez-Hernández C. I., Aguirre-Rivera J. R., Juárez Flores B.I.............................153
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts......................................................159
Agave fiber (A. salmiana). Proposal for industrial eco utility.
Vargas Rodríguez L., Morales Luna R., Arroyo Figueroa G., Pérez Nieto A.,
Hernández Figueroa A.C., Fuentes Ramírez, R.........................................................159
Evaluation of Tequila vinasses as a substrate for the fermentative production
of Trichoderma harzianum inhibitors against the phytophatogen of Phytophthora infestans.
Mejía-Gutiérrez M.A., Mateos-Díaz J.C., Vega-Rodríguez A.D., Asaff-Torrez A.,
Arellano-Plaza M......................................................................................................163
Identification of volatile compounds found in Tequila vinasses.
Rodríguez-Félix E., Rodríguez-Campos J., Cervantes-Martínez J.,
Villanueva-Rodríguez S., Davila-Vazquez G.............................................................169
Social and ethnobotanics aspects........................................................................................177
Analysis of the social, economic and productive characteristics of Agave-Mezcal
producing municipalities in Mexico using a logistic regression model.
Vázquez-Elorza A., Rivera Ramírez J., Hernández López J.J., Contreras Medina D.,
Reyes-Munguía A......................................................................................................177
Municipal socioeconomic characteristics of Agave-Mezcal in Mexico.
Vázquez-Elorza A., Rivera Ramírez J., Hernández López J. J., Contreras Medina D.,
Reyes-Munguía A......................................................................................................185
Appellations of origin as a developmental strategy for the designation of mezcal origins.
Gallardo-Valdez J......................................................................................................191
10 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
The agave plants emblematic of Mexico have been used since ancient times and today are
still used in several applications, the most known being the production of alcoholic beverages and
in particular tequila. The agaves and their derivatives are a subject of investigation of many Mexican
institutions as well as foreign ones. Over the years, research topics have been diversified, addressing
a wide range of topics such as genetic improvement, micropropagation, diseases, agave fructans
(characterization and application as an ingredient), agave distilled beverages other than tequila,
exploitation of by-products, among others.
In its third edition, the International Symposium on Agave (ISA III) organized by the Centro de
Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnologia y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A.C. (CIATEJ) allowed to
bring together researchers from all over the country as well as foreigners to share their research
and discuss the different issues related to agaves and the diversification of their uses. During the
symposium there were 36 oral presentations as well as 34 works in the form of posters.
Of the works, some of them were selected and are presented in chapters form in this work. They
are divided into 5 major topics: scientific aspects related to the agave, science and technology of
beverages obtained from agave, extraction/purification and biological effects of fructans and other
byproducts, treatment and utilization of by-products and finally social and ethnobotanical aspects.
The papers presented make clear the great potential of the agaves but also highlights the points
that have to be taken care of and / or addressed as soon as possible like the conservation of the
germplasm, the problems of phytopathology as well as the sustainable use of the endemic species
of Agave. In the works related to beverages and fructans, the great variety of products available in
terms of beverages and the importance of the microorganisms involved in the fermentations, and in
the case of fructans the diversification of their applications in different foods are described.
The CIATEJ with this third organization of the International Symposium of Agave continues to
demonstrate its great commitment to this sector and the scientific community to promote the
dissemination of research work by promoting contact with industry and thanks all institutions,
government agencies and companies that allowed to realize this new edition of ISA III as well as the
publication of this work.
Anne Christine Gschaedler Mathis, Ph. D.
Director Zapopan Unit
Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C.
12 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Scientific trends on Agave 13
THEMATIC I Scientific trends on Agave
Biological control of agave wilt by Trichoderma sp. associated
with agave root
López-Domínguez H.M1, Vega-Ramos K.2, Uvalle-Bueno J.3 and Qui-Zapata J. A.4*
One of the main strategies to control root diseases associated with Fusarium oxysporum, is the
use of Trichoderma strains as biological control. However, most of the commercial products
contain microorganisms isolated from others crops to those that are planned to protect and
from environmental conditions that do not correspond to those where they will be used. Then, it
is necessary to isolate strains associated to the root of the plants that have to be protected. This
strategy was explored for the control of agave wilt, the main disease of blue agave (Agave tequilana
Weber var. azul). The aim of this work was to isolate strains of Trichoderma associated with agave
and to evaluate its protection against agave wilt. Samples of agave rhizosphere were taken on
commercial crops of blue agave. Isolation of Trichoderma strains was made on selective media
THSM. Subsequently, 20 isolates were selected to evaluate their protection capacity during infection
of agave plantlets I with F. oxysporum. Plantlets were inoculated with a spore suspension (1X107
spores/ml) of each Trichoderma isolated. Subsequently, they were inoculated at the base of plant
with a spore suspension of F. oxysporum (1X107 spores/ml). A scale of 1 to 5 for the disease index was
performed, where 1 corresponds to a healthy plant and 5 a plant with severe symptoms of disease.
For each Trichoderma strain, root colonization was evaluated by trypan blue staining. It was observed
that several isolates of Trichoderma show a protective effect against F. oxysporum, unlike commercial
strains that did not show a better protection. In addition, better protection was observed in those
isolates that had higher colonization of agave root. It was possible to obtain isolates of Trichoderma
that colonize the root of the agave and protect it against infection by F. oxysporum.
Key words: Fusarium oxysporum, Agave wilt, Trichoderma.
1, 4. Biotecnología Vegetal, CIATEJ. Camino Arenero #1227, El Bajío. Zapopan, Jalisco, México. CP 45019.
2, 3. Azul Agricultura y Servicios S.A. de C.V. (Casa Cuervo) Circunvalación Sur No. 51A, Fraccionamiento Las Fuentes, Zapopan, Jalisco,
México. CP 45070
* Corresponding author. Email:
14 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
The blue agave (Agave tequilana Weber variety azul) is the only raw material authorized for the
production of tequila. This crop has great losses caused by pest and diseases that afect up to 30%
of the total area of cultivation (CRT 2010). One of the major diseases of the crop is agave wilting
that is associated with the fungus Fusarium oxysporum (Avila-Miranda et al. 2010). To control root
diseases associated with F. oxysporum, antagonistic fungus Trichoderma sp. has been widely used
in various crops of importance with high efectiveness (Fravel et al. 2003). Although there are
studies related to the use of Trichoderma for agave wilting control, the results of these studies are
inconclusive for ield applications because of agave environmental and crop conditions. The fungus
Trichoderma has diferent mechanisms of protection against infection by phytopathogenic fungi such
as: mycoparasitism, competition for space and nutrients, antibiosis and association with the root of
the plant to inducing plant defense mechanisms (Howell 2003). The root colonization could be one
of the most important mechanisms for the protection against infection of F. oxysporum in the agave.
Strains included in commercial products have been isolated from various crops and also strains
are enhanced by protoplast fusion techniques, as an example is the T-22 strain (Harman 2000). It
is considered that for these reasons the commercial strains are not readily colonize the roots of
agave, and that are not withstand the environmental conditions where the agave develop (Kedrics
et al. 2003). For these reasons, it is necessary to isolate Trichoderma native strains with the ability
to associate to the root of agave and to protect against infection from F. oxysporum. The aim of this
work was to isolate strains of Trichoderma associated with agave root and evaluate its protection
against agave wilt.
Collection of rhizosphere samples
Twenty rhizosphere samples (30 cm deep) from the base of healthy agaves and wilt symptoms were
collected from ive sampling points located in the states of Jalisco.
Isolation of Trichoderma strains
For isolation of Trichoderma strains, a serial dilution technique was followed and a 103 and 105
dilution of each sample was prepared. One ml of each solution was pipetted on to a THSM agar
plate and incubated at 28 °C for 1 week (Williams et al. 2003). Colonies appearing on the plates were
isolated and re-inoculated into a PDA plate. After 7 days, single spore colonies were obtained by
subculturing at 28°C. Distinct morphological characteristics were observed for identiication, and
were compared to a taxonomic key for the genus Trichoderma and the plates were stored at 4 °C.
Biological material
Trichoderma strains isolated from commercial products for comparison with native strains were
used. Commercial strains were Trichoderma harzianum (T-22), T. virens and T. viride.
Fusarium oxysporum isolated from the collection of CIATEJ referred to as FPC was used as a pathogenic
Evaluation of protection against Fusarium oxysporum infection to agave
Scientiic trends on Agave 15
Twenty isolates were selected to evaluate their protection in agave plantlets against infection of
F. oxysporum. Plantlets of agave from in vitro micropropagation of line PNOV were used (GarcíaVera 2011). Plantlets were inoculated with a spore suspension (1X107 spores/ml) of each Trichoderma
isolated, 20 days before to inoculation of the pathogen. Subsequently, they were inoculated at the
base of plant with a spore suspension of pathogenic F. oxysporum (1X107 spores/ml). Plantlets were
incubated in plant growth chambers at 27ºC and photoperiod 16:8h light/dark. We used ive replicates
per treatment. photographic records were made every 15 days during four months of the experiment.
The disease index (DI) was evaluated following an ordinal scale of 1 to 5, where 1 corresponds to a
healthy plant and 5 a plant with severe symptoms of disease (García-Vera 2011).
Agave root colonization
For each Trichoderma strain, root colonization was evaluated by trypan blue staining. Roots were
cleared in 10 % KOH for 6 h, rinsed with water. Subsequently, they were stained with a 0,1 % trypanblue solution in lactophenol overnight and ixed in 50 % lactic acid. Of each replication, 1 cm of ive
root segments was examined microscopically and the percentage of infected roots was calculated
(Ahmad and Baker 1987).
Of the 20 isolates of Trichoderma selected, three of them had low protection against infection of
Fusarium oxysporum (Fig 1A). While ten of the isolates showed outstanding protection. Commercial
strains showed low efectiveness in protecting against infection of F. oxysporum under the conditions
of the experiment (Fig 1B y E).
Figure 1. Protection of Trichoderma strains against infection of F. oxysporum.
Ø: Control, FPC: Fusarium oxysporum, TH: Trichoderma harzianum, TV: T. viride, TVR: T. virens and T1-T20:
Isolates of Trichoderma from the rhizosphere of agave. A: Percentage of plants with disease symptoms and
disease index. B: Plantlets of agave inoculated with TH; C: Plantlets of agave inoculated with native Trichoderma
strain T18; D: Plantlets of agave inoculated with native Trichoderma strain T7; E: Plantlets of agave inoculated
with TVR. Arrows indicate disease symptoms.
16 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Figure 2. Colonization of agave roots by Trichoderma strains. A: Control, B: Fusarium oxysporum, C, D:
Trichoderma sp. T7; E, F: Trichoderma sp. T18. G, H: T. harzianum T-22. Arrows indicate the presence of mycelium.
Bar represents 50 µm.
Root-colonization Trichoderma strains, also showed greater protection against infection by F.
oxysporum (Fig. 2). As for the commercial strains, its colonization was lower if compared to the
native strains. It was noted that Trichoderma harzianum (T-22) its protection depended on its root
colonization (Fig. 2G y H).
It was possible to obtain isolates of Trichoderma that colonize agave roots and protect them against
infection by F. oxysporum. These strains ofer better protection than the commercial strains.
This work was part of a Project funded by Casa Cuervo S.A. de C.V
Ahmad JS, Baker R. 1987. Rhizosphere competence of Trichoderma harzianum. Phytopathology 77:182189
Ávila Miranda ME, López-Zazueta JG, Arias-Castro C, Rodríguez-Mendiola MA, Guzmán-De Peña DA,
Scientiic trends on Agave 17
Vera-Núñez José A, Peña-Cabriales JJ. 2010. Vascular wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum in agave (Agave tequilana Weber var. azul). J. PACD 12: 166–180
Consejo Regulador del Tequila (CRT). 2010. Actualización de la base de datos y diagnóstico itosanitario, Agave tequilana weber var. azul. Consultado el: 28 octubre de 2016. Disponible en:
Fravel DR, Olivain C, Alabouvette C. 2003. Fusarium wilt and its biocontrol. New Phytologist 157:493–
García-Vera AG. 2011. Evaluación de los hongos ilamentosos asociados a la rizósfera de Agave tequilana Weber var. azul con potencial como biofertilizantes y/o agentes de biocontrol contra
cepas patogénicas de Fusarium oxysporum. Thesis. CUCBA, U de G.
Harman GE. 2000. Changes in Perceptions Derived from Research on Trichoderma harzianum T-22.
Plant Disease 84:377-393.
Howell CR. 2003. Mechanisms employed by Trichoderma species in the biological control of plant
diseases: the history and evolution of current concepts. Plant Disease 87:5-10
Kredics L. Antal, Z. Manczinger L., Szekere, A., Kevei F and Nagy E. 2003. Inluence of environmental
parameters on Trichoderma strains with biocontrol potential. Food Technology and Biotechnology 41:37-42
Williams J, Clarkson JM, Mills PR, Cooper RM. A Selective Medium for Quantitative Reisolation of Trichoderma harzianum from Agaricus bisporus Compost. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
18 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Scientific trends on Agave 19
THEMATIC I Scientific trends on Agave
Determination of chromosome number in two species of Agave
collected in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico
Rodríguez-Domínguez, J.M.11, Gordillo-Tello, A.B.2, Soto-Carrasquel, A.3, Barba-González, R.4 y
Rodríguez-Garay, B.5*
Chromosome numbers of Agave applanata and Agave salmiana (two economically important species
for the State of Hidalgo, México) are presented here. Metaphasic chromosomes were prepared
according to various cytogenetic techniques: squash, splash, smear, steamdrop, and a modified
steamdrop method; the best chromosome dispersion was obtained through steamdrop and modified
steamdrop techniques in both species. The results showed different number of chromosomes: 2n=60
and 2n=150 for A. applanata and A. salmiana respectively. A. applanata showed a bimodal karyotype
consisting of 10 large + 50 small chromosomes, on the other hand, A. salmiana also showed a bimodal
karyotype consisting of 25 large + 125 small chromosomes. Considering the basic number x=30, A.
applanata is a diploid species (2n=2x=60), whereas A. salmiana is a pentaploid species (2n=5x=150).
This is the first report on the chromosome number of A. applanata.
Key words: Agave applanata, Agave salmiana, Asparagaceae, Cytogenetics, Ploidy level
Agave is a genus of the monocotyledonous family Asparagaceae, belonging to the subfamily
Agavoideae. It is distributed from southern U.S.A. to Colombia and Venezuela, including the Caribbean
Islands (García-Mendoza, 2002). The genus has a basic chromosome number x=30 showing different
degrees of ploidy. Through chromosome counting and flow cytometry, it has been determined
that in the genus Agave there are chromosomal numbers from 2n=2x=60 to 2n=6x=180 (Robert
et al. 2008). The genus Agave has asymmetrical bimodal karyotypes (fifty short chromosomes and
1, 4, 5. Unidad de Biotecnología Vegetal, Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C. / Camino
Arenero 1227. El Bajío del Arenal. C.P. 45019. Zapopan, Jalisco, México. FAX (33)33455200 ext 1001.
2. Universidad Tecnológica de la Selva / Entronque Toniná carretera Ocosingo-Altamirano Km 0.5 S/N Predio Laltic C.P. 29950 Ocosingo,
3. BIOS Tecnología Aplicada S de RL de CV. Calle Rancho Calabazas S/N. Col. Santiago Jaltepec C.P. 42060 Pachuca de Soto,
* Corresponding author. Email:
20 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
ten long chromosomes on the diploid cytotypes) feature that could be associated with a great
morphological and ecological specialization (García-Mendoza, 2007). The chromosome number
of plants can provide useful information for diverse fields of research including karyotaxonomy,
genetics, cytogenetics, plant breeding, ecology, biogeography and molecular biology.
Agave applanata and Agave salmiana (Fig. 1) are two economically important species for the State
of Hidalgo, México. A. applanata is an important host species for the edible worms “chinicuiles” or
“gusano rojo del maguey” (Comadia redtenbacheri), which have been traditionally used as food in
Mexican cuisine. On the other hand, A. salmiana is used to obtain “aguamiel” (honey water) and
“pulque” (a fermented non-distilled beverage) and their leaves are used in the “barbacoa” industry a
typical Mexican dish (Castro-Díaz and Guerrero-Beltrán, 2013).
Figure 1. Plants of Agave growing in the State of Hidalgo. a) Agave applanata. b) Agave salmiana.
The aim of this work was the determination of chromosome number in plants of A. applanata and A.
salmiana from the State of Hidalgo, Mexico.
Root tips were obtained from ten plants of A. applanata and A. salmiana collected in two different
populations in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. Metaphasic chromosome preparations were performed
according to various cytogenetic techniques: squash (Belling, 1921), splash (Tapia-Pastrana and
Mercado Ruaro, 2001), smear (Kurata and Omura, 1978), steamdrop (Kirov et al. 2014) and a modified
steamdrop method (Rodríguez-Domínguez et al. 2016) to determinate which produced a greater
chromosome spread; all samples were stained with acetorcein at 2%. The evaluation of metaphasic
cells was carried out in a qualitative way. Data were evaluated trough nonparametric statistical
analysis (Kruskal-Wallis and Mood tests) with a 95% confidence level. Chromosome preparations
were observed with a Leica DMR-A2 microscope and the best ten spread metaphases of both, A.
applanata and A. salmiana were captured with an Evolution QEi camera (Media Cybernetics Inc.,
Scientific trends on Agave 21
Bethesda, Maryland, USA) with the Image Pro-Plus software and the images were sharpened with a
High-Gauss filter.
Mitotic metaphases with a good chromosome dispersion were obtained through steamdrop and
modified steamdrop techniques in both species, whose number of chromosome spreads was higher
than those obtained by using the other mentioned techniques. The results showed different number
of chromosomes: 2n=60 and 2n=150 for A. applanata and A. salmiana respectively (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Mitotic chromosomes of Agave applanata (a) and Agave salmiana (b). Barr=5µm.
A. applanata showed a bimodal karyotype consisting of 10 large + 50 small chromosomes, being
this is the first report on chromosome number for this species; on the other hand, A. salmiana
also showed a bimodal karyotype consisting of 25 large + 125 small chromosomes. Regarding A.
salmiana, tetraploids and hexaploids have been reported previously (Vignoli, 1936; Granick, 1944;
García-Mendoza, 2007) our findings showed that the analyzed plants in the analyzed populations
are pentaploids.
Considering the basic number x=30, A. applanata is a diploid species (2n=2x=60), whereas A.
salmiana is a pentaploid species (2n=5x=150).
22 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
This study was supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Programa de Estímulos a la
Innovación 2016 to BIOS TECNOLOGÍA APLICADA S DE RL DE CV. Project: “Desarrollo de técnicas
industriales para la producción y explotación del maguey”. Project No.: 232546.
Belling J. 1921. On counting chromosomes in pollen-mother cells. The American Naturalist 55: 573574.
Castro-Díaz AS, Guerrero-Beltrán J. 2013. El agave y sus productos. Temas Selectos de Ingeniería de
Alimentos 7: 53-61.
García-Mendoza A. 2002. Distribution of Agave (Agavaceae) in Mexico. Cactus and Succulent Journal
74: 177-188.
García-Mendoza A. 2007. Los Agaves de México. Ciencias 87: 14-23.
Granick EB. 1944. A karyosystematic study of the genus Agave. American Journal of Botany 31: 283298.
Kirov I, Divashuk M, Van Laere K, Soloviev A, Khrustaleva L. 2014. An easy “SteamDrop” method for
high quality plant chromosome preparation. Molecular Cytogenetics 7: 21.
Kurata N, Omura T. 1978. Karyotype analysis in rice. 1. A new method for identifying all chromosome
pairs. The Japanese Journal of Genetics 53: 251-255.
Robert ML, Lim KY, Hanson L, Sánchez-Teyer F, Bennett MD, Leitch AR, Leitch IJ. 2008. Wild and agronomically important Agave species (Asparagaceae) show proportional increases in chromosome number, genome size, and genetic markers with increasing ploidy. Botanical Journal of the
Linnean Society 158: 215–222.
Rodríguez-Domínguez JM, Ríos-Lara LL, Tapia.Campos E, Barba-González R. 2016. An improved technique in slide preparations to obtain well-spread metaphases from plants with large and
numerous chromosomes. Biotechnic & Histochemistry
Tapia-Pastrana F, Mercado-Ruaro P. 2001. A combination of the “squash” and “splash” techniques to
obtain the karyotype and assess meiotic behavior of Prosopis laevigata L. (Fabaceae: Mimosidae). Cytologia 66: 11-17.
Vignoli L. 1936. Cariologia del genere Agave. Lavori del Reale Istituto Botanico di Palermo 7:176–217.
Scientific trends on Agave 23
THEMATIC I Scientific trends on Agave
Effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on in vitro shoot
multiplication of Agave angustifolia Haw
Romo-Paz F.J.1 and Benjamín Rodríguez-Garay2*
The effects of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) as nitric oxide donor on the micropropagation of Agave
angustifolia Haw were investigated. 100% of explants in all treatments were able to form buds. The
multiplication of axillary buds in the culture medium containing no SNP (Control) was observed to be
slow, and the generation of new shoots per experimental unit was reduced (25.2), in addition to short
shoots (7.62 cm) as compared to SNP treatments. On the contrary, the average number of shoots
and shoot length was greater when the concentration of SNP increased (20 and 40 µM), showing
that the addition of SNP significantly affects the development and regeneration of plantlets in vitro.
The culture medium supplemented with 40 µM sodium nitroprusside was found to be statistically
the best treatment, considering the high number of new shoots per experimental unit (46.6) and the
average length of sprouts (12.56 cm).
However, the multiplication of axillary buds decreased when the concentrations of SNP were above
40 µM. This result shows that shoot multiplication is regulated by SNP in a dose dependent manner.
Key words: Nitric oxide, mezcal, Agave beverages, in vitro propagation, SNP.
The lack of an adequate supply of plant material for plantations, is a common problem for Agave
agribusiness. Micropropagation is an efficient method to produce large quantities of clonal material
in shorter periods of time than traditional methods, making efficient the continuous establishment
of plantations (Richwine et al. 1996). Recently, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a donor of nitric oxide
(NO), has been used to promote regeneration of shoots in several plant species, such as Vanilla
planifolia (Tan et al. 2013), Dioscorea opposita (Xu et al. 2009) and Malus hupehensis (Han et al. 2009).
Plant hormones play an important role in the functioning, growth and development of plants, so
that NO is now considered as a plant hormone (Leterrier et al. 2012). NO has the characteristics of
1, 2. Unidad de Biotecnología Vegetal, Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C., Camino
Arenero 1227, El Bajío del Arenal, C.P. 45019, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding autor. e-mail:
24 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
a radical, which explains its high reactivity. The addition of NO through chemical donors such as
sodium nitroprusside (NPS) is a topic of current interest in the in vitro plant propagation. The aim
of this work was to study the efect of SNP in the micropropagation of Agave angustifolia Haw by
improving the proliferation and quality of the produced shoots.
To determine the efect of SNP in the micropropagation, explants were placed on semi-solid
MS basal medium and supplemented with 44.39 µM benzylaminopurine (BA), 0.11 µM of
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (Castro-Concha et al. 1990), 3% (w/v) sucrose and diverse
concentrations of SNP (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100 µM). All culture media was solidiied with 0.8% (w/v)
agar. The media were adjusted to pH 5.8 ± 0.2 and autoclaved. The SNP was added after autoclaving
the media. Cultures were incubated at 27 ± 2°C under a photoperiod of 16-h light and 8-h darkness.
Furthermore, all the culture containers were covered with red plastic (630 nm) to avoid degradation
of SNP. The percentage of explants forming shoots and number of shoots per experimental unit
were evaluated after 40 days of culture. The results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and mean
comparation by Tukey’s test, P ≤ 0.05.
100% of explants of A. angustifolia Haw formed buds. The multiplication of plantlets in the culture
medium containing no SNP (control) was observed to be low, as the generation of new shoots per
experimental unit was (25.2), in addition to short shoots (7.62 cm) as compared to other treatments
(P ≤ 0.05). The average number of shoots and shoot length was greater when the concentration of
SNP increased (20 y 40 µM), inding that the addition of SNP as donor NO positively afected the
development and regeneration of in vitro plantlets of Agave angustifolia Haw (Fig. 1), due to its direct
efect on components of the cell wall that promote plant growth by decreasing cell-wall ligniication
and accelerating cell expansion (Wang et al. 2010).
The culture medium with 40 µM NPS, was the best statistically treatment (P ≤ 0.05), taking into
account the high number of new shoots per experimental unit (46.6) and the average length of
sprouts (12.56 cm).
On the other hand, the multiplication of shoots decreased when the concentrations of SNP were
above 40 µM. Some of the efects observed in explants treated with high concentrations of NPS (60
µM and 100 µM) was a low shoot production, tissue necrosis and leaf senescence, which was probably
due to increased oxidative stress that inhibited the growth of the plantlets (Wang et al. 2010), similar
to that reported by Guha and Rao (2012) in Cymbidium sp. who concluded that necrosis was due to
oxidation imposed by SNP by generating a toxic H2O2 content. These facts demonstrate that shoot
multiplication is regulated by the efect of SNP in a manner dependent on the dose, phenomenon
observed by Han et al. (2009) where cell death and senescence increased as the concentration of NO
Finally, the mechanisms by which NO improves eiciency in micropropagation in depth need to be
elucidated. To our knowledge, this is the irst report on in vitro axillary shoot multiplication of Agave
angustifolia Haw using SNP as a nitric oxide donor.
Scientific trends on Agave 25
Figure 1. Effect of different SNP concentrations on shoot multiplication of Agave angustifolia Haw. Bar = 5 cm.
The effect of SNP seems to be of a dose dependent manner and inducing in vitro shoot proliferation
at 40µM in Agave angustifolia Haw.
F. J. Romo-Paz is a graduate student at Maestría en Ciencias en Innovación Biotecnológica-CIATEJ,
and financially supported by CONACyT-México.
Castro-Concha L, Loyola-Vargas VM, Chan JL, Robert ML. 1990. Glutamate dehydrogenase activity in
normal and vitrified plants of Agave tequilana Weber propagated in vitro. Plant Cell Tissue and
Organ Culture 22:147–151
Guha S, Rao U. 2012. Nitric oxide promoted rhizome induction in Cymbidium shoot buds under magnesium deficiency. Biologia Plantarum 56:227–236
Han X, Yang H, Duan K, Zhang X, Zhao H, You S, Jiang Q. 2009. Sodium nitroprusside promotes multiplication and regeneration of Malus hupehensis in vitro plantlets. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ
Culture 96:29–34
Leterrier M, Valderrama R, Chaki M, Airaki M, Palma JM, Barroso JB, Corpas FJ. 2012. Function of nitric
oxide under environmental stress conditions. In: Khan NA, Nazar R, Iqbal N, Anjum NA, editors.
Phytohormones and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 99–113
Richwine AM, Tipton JL, Thompson GA. 1996. Micropropagation of Hesperaloe parviflora. In Vitro Cell
26 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
and Developmental Biology-Plant 32:262–266
Tan BC, Chin CF, Alderson P. 2013. Efects of sodium nitroprusside on shoot multiplication and regeneration of Vanilla planifolia Andrews. In Vitro Cell and Developmental Biology-Plant 49:626–630
Wang H, Zhang S, Zhang W, Wei C, Wang P. 2010. Efects of nitric oxide on the growth and antioxidant
response of submerged plants Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. African Journal of Biotechnology
Xu J, Yin H, Wang W, Mi Q, Liu X. 2009. Efects of sodium nitroprusside on callus induction and shoot
regeneration in micropropagated Dioscorea opposita. Plant Growth Regulation 59:279–285
Scientific trends on Agave 27
THEMATIC I Scientific trends on Agave
Expression analysis of CesA gene related to fiber production in
Agave fourcroydes Lem.
García-Castillo M.J.1 Hernández-Zepeda C.2 Tamayo-Ordoñez M. C.3 Canche Escamilla G.4 DuarteAranda S.5, Sánchez-Teyer L.F.6*.
Agave Linnaeus, 1753 is a genus that includes about 166 species widely distributed in Mexico. Within
this genus they have been described species with commercial importance, such as Agave fourcroydes
Lem., which is characterized by high fiber content. To date is unknown the molecular factors that
may be involved in that certain genotypes of Agave species have better fiber production and quality.
However in some plant species such as cotton (Gossypium hirsitum L.) and flax (Linum usitatissimum
L), it has been observed that the variation in the content of natural polymers (cellulose, hemicellulose
and lignin) can be related to the quality of fiber. A. fourcroydes it is a species used in the production
of fiber, but the behavior of genes related to the production of polymers is unknown. In this research
we analyze the content of cellulose in A. fourcroydes Lem. plants with different sizes and also we
analyzed the expression of CesA gene. The results indicated that larger plants have a higher cellulose
content, which are correlated with increased expression of CesA gene. Meanwhile plants with low
and medium size exhibited low expression of CesA gene (1 to 3 times less) compared to larger plants.
The variations found by size plant, cellulose content and relative expression of CesA gene indicates
that possibly environmental factors involved in growing play a major role in the development of
plantations of Agave L. and possibly affecting their production and fiber quality.
Key words: Cellulose synthase, fiber, A. fourcroydes Lem., CesA gene.
Agave fourcroydes Lem. belonging to the Asparagaceae family is a plant widely used for fiber
production and extraction of spheroidal metabolites (Infante, 2003). There are efforts trying
improve the henequen industry in Mexico and global level. However it is to achieve this requires
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán A.C. Calle. 43 Núm. 130 Col. Chuburná de Hidalgo C.P 97200 Mérida, Yucatán.
* Corresponding author: e-mail:;
28 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
achieving competitiveness in production, through the transfer of technology, allowing producers to
make eicient management of Agave and reduce costs, increase the volume of production and iber
quality. Within the context of competition, natural ibers are subject to competition from synthetic
ibers. Therefore emphasized in increasing the productivity and quality of natural ibers. In some
species of plants such as cotton (Gossypium hirsitum L.) and lax (Linum usitatissimum L.), it has been
observed that high levels of polymers such as cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin is related to increased
production and quality iber. Additionally it has been observed a relationship with the expression of
genes involved in the synthesis of these biopolymers.
Relative to the previous point and according to Guo et al. (2009), three genes coding for cellulose
synthase enzyme isolated from Gossypium hirsutum L. have shown to increase its expression
during anthesis (DPA), to 12, 15 and 18 days, reaching higher levels in the 18 day. This suggests the
important participation of cellulose synthase gene for the production of cotton iber. Also, Li et al.
(2013), identiied six isoforms of CesA gene in Gossypium hirsutum L. and Gossypium barbadense L.
(GhCesA5-GhCesA10). Co-expression analyses indicated that CesA1, CesA2, CesA7, and CesA8 were
isoforms that present a greater expression during the biosynthesis of secondary wall. Meanwhile the
isoforms CesA3, CesA5, CesA6, CesA9, and CesA10 demonstrated to be involved in processes related
to the formation of the primary wall for the initiation of cotton iber and its elongation. Similar
reports have been described in Eucalyptus grandis L., where the expression of three cellulose synthase
genes (EgraCesA1, EgraCesA2, and EgraCesA3) in xylem cells has been related to the biosynthesis of
wall cell, similar to that described in Gossypium spp. (Lu et al. 2008). As previous reports, support it
possibly during the production of iber in plants, the CesA gene, has a fundamental role that could be
connected with the production and the quality of iber in plants. Additionally the CesA gene proved
to be involved in functions that involve primary and secondary cell wall formation.
Although that A. fourcroydes Lem. is widely used in the production of iber, it is unknown the behavior
of genes related to cellulose and hemicellulose production, reason by which this research analyze
the cellulose content in plants of A. fourcroydes Lem. of diferent sizes and analyze the relative
expression of CesA gene. The information generated in this work can in the future be used for the
improvement of cultivars of A. fourcroydes Lem. in order to improve the productivity and quality iber.
Plant material.
Plant material was collected in hacienda Santa Teresa in Telchac village, select leaves of 5 years
of diferent sizes. Samples was collected in 3 blocks, between each block a distance of 20m was
considered. From each block were selected 3 sizes of plants (low, medium and larger), we collected
samples by triplicate.
Determination of fresh weight, dry weight and cellulose content in Agave.
The determination of extractable was performed according to the method T-207 cm-99 of the TAPPI.
For the quantiication of lignin used the Klason method (ANSI, 1977a) and for cellulose quantiication
was performed according to Rajev Kumar et al. (2009), additionally the parameters of leave length,
dry weight, fresh weight and humidity were determined by triplicate in the samples.
Scientific trends on Agave 29
Relative expression of CesA gene.
Extraction of RNA was performed by the method of TRizol® and proceeded to cDNA synthesis
with Kit PROMEGA. For the design the primers was considerate the conserved domain of cellulose
synthase. The qPCR was realized with One Step (Applied Biosystem). The gen 18S rDNA gene was
used as reference gene according Tamayo-Ordoñez et al. (2016) and Tamayo-Ordoñez et al., (2015)
Data Analysis
Data corresponding to leave length, dry weight, fresh weight and cellulose content, were subjected
to ANOVA analysis, using SAS statistical software package. 9.0 (2000) and the program Origin 9.1.
Statistical tests were evaluated with α = 0.05 and the means were compared using Tukey’s test (P
> 0.05).
Twenty seven plants of different sizes were collected and were classified according to their size in
low, medium and larger, which show leave length of 139.37, 110.09 and 75.88 cm, respectively (fig.
1A). The values of fresh weight, dry weight, and percentage of humidity were analyzed and identify
classes. Statistical analyses indicated three data classes that coincided with the different size of
plants. Fresh weight and dry weight, data indicated that plants of larger size (139cm), present on
average 773g fresh weight and 196g of dry weight. Medium-sized plants (110 cm), showed present
410g of weight fresh and 108g of weight dry. Low-sized plants (75 cm), presented on average 196g
of weight fresh and 33g of dry weight (figs. 1B y 1C). The Tukey test indicated that the three classes
of data presented differences significant, the larger plants present higher values of weight fresh and
weight dry, values that decreasing according to size of plants analyzed.
30 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Figure 1. Schematic representation of parameters evaluated in A. fourcroydes Lem. plants of different size. A)
Length leaf. B) Fresh weight, C) Dry weight and D) percentage of cellulose content.
Determination of cellulose content, indicated that the plants of larger, medium and low plants
present 48%, 24% and 8% of cellulose content, respectively. The greater amount of cellulose was
found in larger plants. (figure 1D).
The expression analysis indicated major expression of CesA gene in larger plants. These plants showed
a relative expression of 1 and 3 times more in comparison to medium and low plants. This could be
related to that large plant contain major number of cells and higher expression the gene related to
biosynthesis for to maintenance and primary and secondary wall formation is required. (figure 2).
Figure 2. Relative expression of CesA gene in A. fourcroydes Lem. plants with different size.
In literature, highest values of cellulose content are reported in A. fourcroydes Lem. and A. lechugilla
(≥76%). Results obtained in this study indicated that the larger plants showed higher percentage
of cellulose content, however are 1.8 times more lower than those reported by Vieira et al. (2002),
suggesting that in our plants collected the habitat where they grow plays an important factor in the
gain in fresh weight, dry weight, and possibly cellulose content. Finally, respect to relative expression
of CesA gene is possible that in large plants, the total number of cells is greater in comparison to
middle and low plants, it is possible that in larger plants require more expression of genes involved
in the maintenance and primary and secondary wall formation, coinciding with a greater expression
of CesA gene in A. fourcroydes Lem. of larger size.
Scientiic trends on Agave 31
The variations found in expression of CesA gene and cellulose content in A. fourcroydes Lem.
plants with diferent size, indicates that environmental factors (Sims, 2003), could be afected the
development of A. fourcroydes Lem. plants and could afect their productivity and quality of iber.
To CONACYT, to Yaharia Tamayo Ordoñez PhD for reviewing this research and José Luis Herrera Ing.
for technical support.
ANSI/ASTM. 1977a. Standard test methods for lignin in wood D 1106-56. American National Standard
Institute, Washington DC.
Gou, J. Y., Wang, L. J., Chen, S. P., Hu, W. L., Chen, X. Y. 2007. Gene expression and metabolite proiles
of cotton iber during cell elongation and secondary cell wall synthesis. Cell Research 17:422434.
Infante, D. González G. , Peraza-Echeverría L., Keb-Llanes M. 2003. Asexual genetic variability in Agave. Plant Science 164:223-230
Li, A., Xia, T., Xu, W., Chen, T., Li, X., Fan, J., & Peng, L. 2013. An integrative analysis of four CESA
isoforms speciic for iber cellulose production between Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium
barbadense. Planta 237:1585-1597.
Rajeev -Kumara, Gaurav- Magob, Venkatesh -Balanc, Charles E. Wymand. 2009. Physical and chemical characterizations of corn stover and poplar solids resulting from leading pretreatment
technologies. Bioresource Technology 100:3948–3962
Shanfa Lu, Laigeng Li, Xiaoping Yi, Chandrashekhar P. J., and Chiang V. L. 2008. Diferential expression
of three eucalyptus secondary cell wall-related cellulose synthase genes in response to tension
stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 59:681–695
Sims, I. 2003. Structural diversity of fructans from members of the order Asparagales in New Zealand.
Phytochemistry 63: 351
Tamayo-Ordóñez M.C., Rodriguez-Zapata L.C., Narváez-Zapata J.A., Tamayo-Ordóñez Y.J., Ayil-Gutiérrez B.A., Barredo-Pool F., Sánchez-Teyer L.F. 2016. Morphological features of diferent
polyploids for adaptation and molecular characterization of CC-NBS-LRR and LEA gene families in Agave L. Journal of Plant Physiology 195:80-94
Tamayo-Ordóñez, Y.J., Narváez-Zapata, J.A. & Sánchez-Teyer, L.F. 2015. Comparative Characterization
of Ribosomal DNA Regions in Diferent Agave Accessions with Economical Importance. Plant
32 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Molecular Biology Reporter 33:2014–2029
Vieira, M. C., Heinze, T., Antonio-Cruz, R., & Mendoza-Martinez, A. M. 2002. Cellulose derivatives
from cellulosic material isolated from Agave lechuguilla and fourcroydes. Cellulose 9:203-212.
Scientific trends on Agave 33
THEMATIC I Scientific trends on Agave
Genetic transformation of Fusarium oxysporum as a tool for the
study of pathogenesis during agave infection.
Navarro López D.1, Dupré P.2, Qui Zapata J.3*
Agave tequilana disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum has not been widely addressed at level of
plant-pathogen interaction; therefore the knowledge provided by a histopathological interaction can
generate a significant impact on the characterization of the disease. The aim of this work is transform
F. oxysporum with the gene of the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) to evaluate the infection during
compatible interaction of F. oxysporum with A. tequilana Weber var. azul. For transformation, a
construct was generated with the expression vector pUE08 which contains the constitutive promoter
of pyruvate kinase pki1 and the trpC terminator, in which was inserted in frame with the promoter
the sGFP (variant S65T) gene obtained from pMKH1 plasmid, into the restriction sites EcoRI/BamHI
resulting in a construct designated as pUE-sGFP. This construct was analyzed by sequencing and the
results obtained show that the gene is inserted in frame with the promoter, so can be concluded that
sGFP gene will be expressed correctly when it will be inserted into F. oxysporum.
Key words: Fusarium oxysporum, Green Flourescent Protein (GFP), wilt disease, pki1 promoter, trcC
Agave tequilana Weber var. azul (blue agave) is one of the 272 endemic species of Mexico considered
the exclusive raw material for the manufacture of tequila, with an established surface for planting
of 89, 000 Ha, that comprises 224, 847 356 plants with yielding of 30 kg per plant (Vega-Ramos
et al. 2013). One of the problems facing crop is the wilt disease (marchitez del agave) caused by
Fusarium oxysporum, the most common species of the genus of great agronomic interest (Di Pietro
et al. 2003). Little has been reported about the mechanisms of pathogenesis of F. oxysporum in agave
to the establishment of the disease. An approach to the agave - F. oxysporum interaction was made
in previous work by evaluating resistance at biochemical level (accumulation of reactive oxygen
1, 2, 3. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A. C. Unidad de Biotecnología Vegetal. Camino
arenero #1227 Col. El Bajío del Arenal. CP. 45019 Zapopan Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
34 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
species (ROS), production of pathogenesis related (PR) proteins, phytoalexins and phytoanticipins
(Bahena-Reyes, 2014; López-Velazquez, 2015). However, to date histopathological characterization
of the interaction of F. oxysporum with its host has not been addressed.
In view to investigate the interaction, we propose to transform F. oxysporum using the green
luorescent protein (GFP) marker gene and to infect A. tequilana with the transformed strain. The
characterization of this interaction hereafter will provide important knowledge for the development
of strategies for disease control. We report here the construction of the plasmid that will be used in
further experiment.
For the transformation of F. oxysporum strain, a vector containing the constitutive promoter
from the gene encoding pyruvate kinase (pki1) from Trichoderma reesei, the terminator trpC from
Aspergillus nidulans and the marker gene GFP was generated. Oligonucleotides were designed with
the restriction sites BamHI and EcoRI and a polymerase chain reaction was performed to obtain the
sGFP fragment (S65T variant) from the plasmid pMKH1-sGFP. The fragment was digested with EcoRI/
BamHI restriction enzymes and puriied using the Minielute reaction cleanup kit (QIAGEN®). 30 ng
of the puriied fragment mixed with 10 ng of pUE plasmid and 5u of T4 DNA ligase (Promega®) were
ligated in a 1:3 molar ratio vector insert protocol. The ligation was then puriied with ten volumes of
n-butanol, electroporated in Escherichia coli DH5-α strain and plated on LB medium supplemented
with 25µ•ml-1 of cloramphenicol. pUE plasmid contains the hygromicin B phosphotransferase (hph)
gene, β-galactosidase (lacZ) gene for blue/white screening and chloramphenicol gene for bacterial
selection marker. All cloning manipulations were made on DH5-α strain and a high yielding competent
cells where prepared following the method of Tang et al. (1994).
To ensure the sGFP insertion was in frame with pki1 promoter, three oligonucleotides were designed,
two upstream at the promoter region at 497bp and 261bp from the sGFP start site and one at the
terminator trpC, then a PCR was performed and the results were visualized by electrophoresis assay
in a 0.8% agarose gel.
The obtained sGFP fragment and the corresponding construction for the sGFP expression in F.
oxysporum were sequenced and analyzed by alignment with the reference sequences obtained from
NCBI database in the Snap Gene Software.
The fragment corresponding to sGFP gene from the pMKH1-sGFP plasmid was obtained with the BsGFPFCGCGGATCCATGGTGAGCAAGGGCGAGGAG y BsGFPR-CCGGAATTCTTACTTGTACAGCTCGTCCATG
oligonucleotides, generating a product with 720bp cloned in the expression vector pUE on the
restriction sites EcoRI/BamHI, and the resultant plasmid was called pUE-sGFP (Fig. 1).
Scientiic trends on Agave 35
Figure 1. Schematic representation of plasmid map pUE-sGFP.
The pUE-sGFP plasmid irstly was analyzed by the resistance of DH5-α to chloramphenicol and
blue/withe screening. Then, the polymerase chain reaction products analyzed in agarose gel
showed the correct fragment sizes of 1377bp (obtained by the 1GFP-CGTTGCTGTGAG ACCATGAG
and 2GFP-GCGGATTCCTCAGTCTCGTA oligonucleotides) and 1141bp (obtained by 3GFPCGTTGCTGTGAGACCATGAG and 2GFP oligonucleotides), lines 2 and 5 respectively Figure 2. Beside
this the fragment corresponding to 720bp sGFP was analyzed in constructions, pUE-sGFP and pGEMsGFP with the and BsGFPR, lines 8 and 9 (Fig. 2).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ - - + - - + - + - - + - - +
Figure 2. Electrophoresis assay of pUE-sGFP construction. Line 1 shows the molecular weight marker, line 2
and 5 shows the fragments of 1377bp and 1141bp obtained by PCR with 1GFP-2GFP and 3GFP-2GFP primers
respectively. Lines 3 and 6 are the pGEM-sGFP plasmid employed as negative control of PCR reaction. Lines 8
and 9 shows the 720bp sGFP fragment obtained with the BsGFP-F and BsGFP-R from the pUE-sGFP and pGEMsGFP.
36 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Finally we analyzed the sequencing results by alignment with an in silico construction of pki-sGFPtrpC sequence in which the 880bp downstream and 269bp upstream from the sGFP start codon,
with an exception of an unmatched sequence of 32bp which correspond to the multiple cloning site,
match with the reference sequence as shows ig. 3.
Figure 3. Sequencing analysis of pUE-sGFP construction. A 32 bp segment doesn’t anneal and correspond to
the multiple cloning site of pUE08 plasmid.
The pUE-sGFP is constructed in frame with the pki1 promoter whereby the resulting transformant of
F. oxysporum strain, will express sGFP protein and will be used to evaluate the agave–F. oxysporum
This work was part of the CB-2010-01-155060 project funded by Basic Research Fund Sector SEPCONACYT to QZJ. The authors acknowledge Dr. Alfredo Herrera-Estrella for the plasmids pMKH1sGFP and pUE08.
Bahena-Reyes E. 2014. La interacción Agave tequilana weber variedad azul – Fusarium oxysporum.
Caracterización de los mecanismos de defensa vegetal. Bacherlor’s thesis. Instituto Tecnológico de Acapulco, Guerrero, México.
Di Pietro A., Madrid M., Caracuel Z., Delgado-Jarana J., and Roncero I. 2003. Fusarium oxysporum:
exploring the molecular arsenal of a vascular wilt fungus. Plant Pathology 4: 315-325.
López-Velázquez J. 2015. Efecto del quitosano en la respuesta de defensa vegetal del Agave tequilana
Weber var. azul a la infección de Fusarium oxysporum. Bacherlor’s thesis. Universidad Politécnica del Valle de Toluca, Estado de México, México.
Tang X., nakata Y., Li H., Zhang M., Gao H., Fujita A., Sakatsume O., Ohta T., Yokoyama K. 1994. The
optimization of preparation of competent cells for transformation of E.coli. Nucleic Acids Research 22:14:2857-2858.
Scientiic trends on Agave 37
Vega-Ramos K. L., Uvalle-Bueno J. X., and Gómez-Leyva J. F. 2013. Molecular variability among isolates of Fusarium oxysporum associated with root rot disease of Agave tequilana. Biochemical
Genetics 51:243-255.
38 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Scientific trends on Agave 39
THEMATIC I Scientific trends on Agave
In vitro conservation of three species of agaves by using
temporary immersion system.
Herrera-Isidrón L.1, Isidrón-Pérez M.2, Herrera-Isidrón J. A.3, Castro-López S.4, Nieto-González A.5,
Núñez-Palenius H.6*
Plants from Agave spp. are conserved at “UG-SAGARPA in vitro National Collection of Agaves, Camote
de Cerro and Achiote” in the University of Guanajuato. At present, plants are kept in semisolid basic
medium Murashige and Skoog (MS). Temporary immersion systems (TISs) offer significant advantages
for plant conservation, like improvement in plant quality and survival, due to an efficient supply of
nutrients and oxygen in the liquid medium. Here we describe efficient methodologies for the in vitro
conservation of two economically relevant agaves (Agave tequilana and Agave applanata), and for
the endangered species Agave victoriae-reginae. TISs were useful for the in vitro conservation of three
important species of agave providing high levels of viability (70-85%) and survival (85-90%).
Key words: Agave spp., Temporary immersion systems, germplasm.
The in vitro National Collection of Agaves, Camote de Cerro and Achiote at University of Guanajuato
(UG-SAGARPA), allows the production of plants which can be kept under minimum growth
conditions. At present, plants are conserved in semisolid basic MS medium (Murashige and Skoog,
1962). Temporary immersion systems (TISs) offer significant advantages for plant conservation like
improvement in plant quality and survival due to an efficient supply of nutrients and oxygen in the
liquid medium (Etienne and Berthouly, 2002). Additionally, TISs reduce costs, manual labors and it
facilities the medium change. Additionally, TISs decrease costs, because liquid media includes no
agar, laboriosity is reduced when compared to solid media and it facilitates automation (Watt, 2012).
1, 4, 5. Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingenierías Campus Guanajuato (UPIIG), IPN
2. Universidad Agraria de la Habana (UNAH)
3. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales (IMRE), Universidad de la Habana.
6. División de Ciencias de la Vida (DICIVA), Universidad de Guanajuato
* Corresponding author. e-mail: palenius@ugto,mx
40 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Previous reports have established in vitro regeneration protocols for A. victoriae-reginae and A.
tequilana propagation (Rodriguez-Garay et al. 1996; Ramírez-Malagón et al. 2008; Martínez-Palacios
et al. 2003), whether by indirect somatic embryogenesis or by direct organogenesis; while very few
has been reported for A. applanata in tissue culture. In those cultures, plants grew in semi-solid
substrate including a gelling agent, being agar one of the most expensive ingredients in the culture
medium. Handling of vegetal material and its periodic transfer to renewed media is time consuming
and causes contamination and tissue damage (Weathers and Giles, 1988).
To overcome the diiculties associated with semisolid media, system of propagation based in
temporary immersion provides an interesting approach, consisting in the immersion of plant tissue
during speciic periods of time in the culture medium (Etienne and Berthouly, 2002). As a contribution
to the current procedures of agave conservation, here we describe eicient methodologies for the in
vitro conservation of two economically relevant agave species (Agave tequilana and Agave applanata),
and for the endangered species Agave victoriae-reginae.
Agave in vitro seedling explants were inoculated into a SIT system containing MS half-strength liquid
media and they were supplemented with plant grow regulators (PGR) at diferent concentrations
(Table 1).
Table 1. Plant grow regulators (PGR) and range of concentrations used in SIT assays.
All cultures were kept at 25 ± 2 °C under a 16 h photoperiod. Data of plant viability (increment in
the plant size and in the number of new leaves, shoot and root induction) were recorded after 1024 weeks in culture, according to the agave species. The efect of the immersion frequency (1 min
of immersion every 24, 48 or 72 h) and pre-acclimation on the plant survival was examined for A.
tequilana and A. victoriae-reginae.
Viability of agave plants cultured in SIT varied from 66 to 86 % (Fig. 1). For A. applanata, 33% of
plants showed necrosis signals, maybe due to the high PGR concentration used in some treatments
being similar to Ramírez-Malagón et al. (2008).
Scientific trends on Agave 41
Figure 1. Viability percentage of three agave species cultured in SITs. A) A. tequilana, B) A. applanata, C) A.
victoriae- reginae. blue: viability, red: necrosis.
Figure 2. Survival of agave plants in the pre-acclimatization stage on peat moss substrate. Left: A. tequilana,
right: A. victoriae-reginae.
One minute single immersions in liquid medium every 72 h were optimal for keeping sanity of
agave plant cultured in TISs. This reduces laboring in regards to conventional semisolid medium for
germplasm preservation, which is advisable. The use of peat-moss in the pre-acclimatization allowed
98% plant survival (Fig. 2).
Temporary Immersion Systems in liquid media were useful for the in vitro conservation of Agave
tequilana Weber var. azul, A. applanata, and A. victoriae-reginae three important species of agave
providing high levels of viability (70-85%) and survival (85-90%).
42 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
This work was partially supported by CONACYT, grants 266302 and 457504. Likewise, by SAGARPACOFUPRO grant DF1600000635-2016.
Etienne E, Berthouly M. 2002. Temporary immersion systems in plant micropropagation. Plant Cell,
Tissue and Organ Culture 69:215–231.
Martínez-Palacios A, Ortega-Larrocea MP, Chavez VM, Bye R. 2003. Somatic embéryogenesis and
organogenesis of Agave victoriae-reginae: Considerations for its conservation. Plant Cell, Tissue
and Organ Culture 74:135-142.
Murashige T y Skoog F. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue
cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15:473-497.
Núñez H, Malagón R, Ramírez R. 2014. Manual de operación de la colección in vitro. Available on: Archivos del Laboratorio de Cultivo de Tejidos Vegetales. División de Ciencias de la Vida. Universidad
de Guanajuato-Irapuato. p1-40.
Ramírez-Malagón R, Borodanenko A, Pérez-Moreno L, Salas-Araiza MD, Núñez-Palenius HG,
Ochoa-Alejo N. 2008. In vitro propagation of three Agave species used for liquor distillation
and three for landscape. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 94:201-207
Rodríguez-Garay B, Gutiérrez-Mora A, Acosta-Dueñas B. 1996. Somatic embryogenesis of Agave victoria-reginae Moore. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 46:85-87
Weathers PJ and Giles KL. 1988. Regeneration of plants using nutrient mist culture. In Vitro Cellular
and Developmental Biology-Plant 24:727–732.
Watt, M. P. 2012. The status of temporary immersion system (TIS) technology for plant micropropagation. African Journal of Biotechnology 11:14025-35.
Scientific trends on Agave 43
THEMATIC I Scientific trends on Agave
In vitro culture of Agave spp. in biorreactors under LED light.
Herrera-Isidrón J.A.1*, Núñez-Palenius H.2, Herrera-Isidrón L.3, Isidrón-Pérez M.4, Trejo-Rodríguez R.5,
Herrera-Altuve J. A.6, Hernández-Francisco V.7 y Morales-Luna R.8
Plants from four different Agave species (A. tequilana, A. salmiana, A. durangensis and A. applanata)
were cultured in vitro by using Temporary Immersion System (TIS) under LED illumination. Plants
received about 60 or 120 µmolˑm-2ˑs-1 from LED lamps while controls received just 16.1 µmolˑm-2ˑs-1
from fluorescent lamps. Plants were individually placed in homemade SIT and distributed in shelters
according light intensity. Aluminum foils were used to cover the shelters in order to increase light
intensity but avoiding the use of extra LED lamps. The growth chamber was maintained at 25 ±2
°C under a 16-h photoperiod. Temporary immersion cultures were established with immersion
of explants for 1 min every 72 h. Primary results revealed that plants grew normally under our
experimental conditions. The combination of LED lamps and aluminum foils might benefit Agave
plants multiplication and conservation while reducing power consumption. However more immersion
cycles are necessary in order to confirm this tendency.
Key words: Agave spp, LED light, Temporary immersion systems.
Agave is a succulent genus within the Asparagaceae family. These xerophytes plants have thick leaves
which usually end in a sharp point and are indigenous to arid regions of Mexico (Escamilla-Treviño,
2012). They find application in liqueur industry, human food and forage, among others. Agave plants
usually grew very slowly; they need several years to reproduce and to propagate. In order to shorter
the propagation period, Plant Tissue Culture techniques (PTC) have commonly be used. Among PTC,
1. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales (IMRE), Universidad de la Habana. Cuba.
2, 5. División de Ciencias de la vida (DICIVA), Universidad de Guanajuato.
3, 7, 8. Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingenierías Campus Guanajuato (UPIIG), IPN.
4. Universidad Agraria de la Habana (UNAH). Cuba.
6. Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA). Cuba.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
44 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
the Temporary Immersion Systems (SIT) in liquid media is presently the preferred method for plant
propagation because it produces pathogen-free and invigorated plants, while reduces costs and time
(Watt, 2012). Plants receive short-period immersion in 50% culture media while most of the time
they remain not immersed. Light is usually provided from luorescent lamps but it has been recently
reported the use of LEDs (Stutte, 2009) since they consume less energy and produce less heat than
luorescent counterparts. However, photosynthesis and photomorphogenesis are both afected by
light quality, light intensity and photoperiod (Cope et al., 2014). As photosynthetic active radiation
(PAR) difers from one light source to the other, the aim of this work was to address the capacity of
Agave spp. plants to be propagated under LED light.
Explants from A. tequilana Weber var. azul, A. salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dyck, A. durangensis Gentry and
A. applanata Koch ex Jacobi were cultured in TIS under conditions reported elsewhere (Mordocco, et al.,
2009). Beginning at the leaf base, just above the apical main meristem, a 4–5 cm long basal portion
of the leaf roll (including a small meristem) was excised and placed in sterile Murashige and Skoog
(MS) half-strength liquid media (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) supplemented with 6-Benzylaminopurine
(BAP) 1mgˑl-1, 2,4-D 10µg and vitamins. Illumination was provided by LEDs (Fig. 1, left) or by luorescent
lamps (control) with Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) 16.1 ± 1.4 (mean ± SEM) µmolˑm-2ˑs-1
for 16 h and 8 h darkness. Immersion lasted 1 min every 72 h and temperature was kept at 28.7 ± 0.9
ºC. Several growth variables were recorded: plant height, canopy width, leaf number and necrotic
areas. One-way breakdown ANOVA plus Tukey pos-hoc test was used to assess the diference between
variables values measured at the beginning and after four weeks of culture.
Plants are more likely to absorb light in some wavelengths than in others, likewise lamps radiate
diferent light intensity distribution across the 400-700 nm wavelength bandwidths. All Agave plants
survived after the 4 weeks period and plants sanity was ine (Fig. 2, right). Most of the evaluated
growth factors showed no diference among the plants which received LED or luorescent light.
Figure 1. Single plants
within SITs located on
four shelves. LED PAR:
A) 62.8±1.9, B) 60.2±1.6,
C) 117.7±3.4, D) 118.9±2.5
foils increase light intensity.
Right. A.durangensis plant
after 4 weeks under LED
Scientiic trends on Agave 45
Table 1 depicts values recorded for A. durangensis plants, the rest of the species showed similar results
(data not shown). The plant height was the only factor which increased more in LED illuminated
plants than in the ones which receive luorescent light. No diference was observed in plants under
LED intensities L1 and L2, even when L2 was almost twice of L1. The incorporation of blue or red LED
light during in vitro propagation of Rehmannia glutinosa has reported a beneicial way to increase
the medicinal values of the plant (Manivannan et al., 2015). However, additional data from longer
experiments should be analyzed before replacing the light sources.
Table 1. Efect of light intensity over four growth variables in A. durangensis plants. Data indicates
diferences between variables at the beginning and after four weeks of culture.
L1: includes data from shelves A) and B), L2: shelves C) and D). Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Means with
diferent letter within rows do statistically difer according to one-way breakdown ANOVA and Tukey pos-hoc
test. p: 0.05, n = 9.
About 80 W were needed in order to reach 16 µmolˑm-2s-1 PAR by using luorescent lights, whereas
only 10 watts were necessary to obtain the same PAR when LEDs lamps were used. Therefore, the
use of LEDs in PTC, speciically in TIS, was a sustainable way to reduce energy consumption in Agave
propagation protocols, without afecting the plant proliferation rate and viability
Plants from A. tequilana, A. salmiana, A. durangensis and A. applanata species growing under LED
light did not difer regarding plant height, canopy width, leaf number and necrotic areas from plants
growing under luorescent light in our experimental conditions.
This work was partially supported by CONACYT, grants 266302 and 457504. Likewise, by SAGARPACOFUPRO grant DF1600000635-2016.
46 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Mordocco A, Brumbley J. and Lakshmanan P. 2009. Development of a temporary immersion system
(RITA®) for mass production of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. interspeciic hybrids). In vitro Cell
and Developmental Biology-Plant 45:450–457
Cope K., Snowden M, Bugbee B. 2014. Photobiological interactions of blue light and photosynthetic
photon lux: efects of monochromatic and broad-spectrum light sources. Photochemistry and
Photobiology 90:574–584
Escamilla-Treviño L. 2012. Potential of Plants from the Genus Agave as Bioenergy Crops. Bioenergy
Research 5:1–9
Manivannan A, Soundararajan P, Halimah N, Ko C and Jeong B. 2015. Blue LED light enhances growth,
phytochemical contents, and antioxidant enzyme activities of Rehmannia glutinosa cultured in
vitro. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology 56:105–113
Murashige, T. and Skoog, F. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15:473–497
Núñez, H., Malagón, R, Ramírez, R. 2014. Manual de operación de la Colección Nacional in vitro de
Agaves, Camote de Cerro y Achiote UG-SAGARPA. Available on: Archivos del Laboratorio de
Cultivo de Tejidos Vegetales. División de Ciencias de la Vida. Universidad de Guanajuato-Irapuato. pp. 1–40.
Stutte, G. W. 2009. Light-emitting diodes for manipulating the phytochrome apparatus. Horticultural Science 44:231–234
Watt, M. P. 2012. The status of temporary immersion system (TIS) technology for plant micropropagation. African Journal of Biotechnology 11:14025–35.
Scientific trends on Agave 47
THEMATIC I Scientific trends on Agave
Offshoots induction in agave mezcalero (Agave spp) by
applicating phytohormone, nitrogen and using strangling
Quezada Díaz A.1, Orea LaraG.2*, Hernández Vargas V.3, Loera Gallegos H.M.4
The natural reproduction of Agave mezcalero (Agave spp) in the southeast of Durango state is not
enough to satisfy the produce necessary for the the mezcal industry. The main means of propagation
is by seed, obtaining plants with broad genetic variability. Only some plants (3 to 4%) form tillers,
limiting its spread to obtain uniform plants that supplies raw materials to the mezcal industry. In
this research it was evaluated the effect of ethrel 240 as fitohormona, application of nitrogen, and
throttled of apical meristem of plant in the incitement of tillers for agave mezcalero. It was used
plants of Agave mezcalero with a height between 25 and 30 cm. They were provided with plastic
mulch and drip irrigation. The treatments consisted of the application of ethrel 240 in concentration
of 20, 40, 60 and 80 ppm; two nitrogen sources CO (NH2)2 and KNO3; and removing and not removing
the apical meristem. The parameter evaluated were the number of leaves, the length of the leaf, the
canopy of plant, and the number of offshoots. The results showed that the concentration with the
most number of offshoots obtained were with 60 and 40 ppm ethrel. The best source of nitrogen was
potassium nitrate (KNO3) for the incitement of offshoots in agave. The strangling of apical meristem
did not make any statistical difference for the incitement of offshoots. In fact, it limit the growth of
the plant. The distance among each plant should be greater than 30 X 30 cm. Otherwise, the quick
growth of plants will saturate the 30 X 30 cm space, and it will not allow counting the number or
the development of tillers. The use of mulching system should be avoided since plastic prevents the
growth of buds, causing weakness and death of tillers.
Key words: spread, buds, stem, bud.
1, 2, 3. Biotecnología y Alimentos, CIIDIR-ISTITUTO POLITECNICO NACIONAL, Unidad Dgo. Sigma 119, Fracc. 20 de nov II, Durango, Dgo.*Becario de COFAA. CIIDIR-IPN, Unidad Dgo.
4. Conservación y Manejo de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente, UJED, Río Papaloapan y Blvd. Durango, s/n, Colonia Valle del Sur,
Durango, Dgo.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
48 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
In arid and semiarid areas of southeastern of Durango state, the Mezcalero Agave is an important
plant in the development of the economic activity. The Mezcalero Agave (Agave spp) is mainly
used to produce mezcal. This industry has depended on the extraction of natural populations of
plants (Valenzuela, et al., 2003). Because the Agave mezcalero has a 94-96% germination, it mainly
reproduces by seed. However, this method of reproduction has high genetic variability. In the other
hand, the reproduction by tillers creates uniform plants, but this method is very limited because only
3% of population produces tillers (Orea, et al., 2014). The spread of Agave could be sexual by seed or
asexual by apomixis, rhizomes, or tillers. Most agaves used to produce mezcal come from clones. They
are reproduced by rhizomatous, shoots and bulbils from the inlorescence. Other species of Agave
rarely or never proliferate tillers (Nobel, 1998). Vegetative propagation practices such as strangling,
severe pruning, drought, ix branches to the groustrand, remove lower buds, lowers and fruit removal
can stimulate vegetative growth. (Salisbury, 2000). The use of organic compounds such as growth
regulators or plant hormones can inhibit or modify the physiological process of the plant (Weaver, 1976).
Application of ethylene stimulates germination of various grains, shoot growth in bulbs, hardwood
cuttings, and root; premature leaf abscission, young fruits and other organs (Weaver, 1976; Hernandez,
2009). The application of ethylene concentrations around 10 ppm causes the production of roots,
stem, tissues of leaves, and roots develop preexisting in the stems (Azcon, 1993). In pineapple, ethylene
stimulates the generation plant shoots applied at concentrations 20 ppm, with 18.52 g/L of urea, and
pH 8.5 (Panama, 2003). The applications of nitrogenous in plant banana; reinvest the reproductive
growth to vegetative growth; and stimulating budbreak (Cruz, et al., 2012). The demand for the mezcal
industry requires to establish commercial plantations similar to the parent plant materials. However,
because its reproduction by tillers is scarce, it is necessary to seek alternative vegetative propagation.
The purpose in this investigation is to incite ofshoots in Agave Mezcalero (Agave spp) by application
phytohormone, nitrogen, and using strangling method.
The experiment was conducted at the Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo
Integral Regional Unidad Durango, del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CIIDIR IPN). It was used Mezcal
maguey plants as vegetative material from a nursery garden with age of 2.5 years, and height between
25 and 30 cm. The experiment was set in beds of 1.20 m width and a system of plastic mulch and drip
irrigation (Hernández, 2013). After six months from planting, the treatments were applied. Treatments
consisted in the application of ethrel 240 with concentration of 20, 40, 60 and 80 ppm; two sources of
nitrogen CO(NH2)2 or KNO3 each with a concentration of 18.14 g/L; adjustment of pH to 8.5 (Panamá,
2003); and strangling of the apical meristem for a set of plant. Following, two applications of 640
mL of each treatment mentioned above were applied to each plot. They were applied directly to the
base of the leaves with one day of separation. Both applications were provided during afternoon time.
The experimental unit consisted in one plots of 1.20 x 1.20 m with one meter apart between plot. In
each plot, Agave plants were replanted with a distance of 30 x 30 cm between plants with a total
of 16 plants. A sample was taken each month for a period of seven months. In the seventh and last
sample the extraction of the plants were performed. The parameters evaluated were: total number of
outbreaks, number of leaves, length of leaf and canopy. The experiment was designed under random
conditions with a factorial arrangement AxBxC, and four repetitions (Montgomery, 2004). The results
were analyzed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) program (SAS Institute, 1996) using analysis of
variance and mean test using Tukey method α ≤ 0.05.
Scientific trends on Agave 49
The effect of different levels of ethrel 240, nitrogen source, and strangling of the apical meristem
in some plants, did not show statistical differences on the parameter under study- Number of
leaves (NH), leaf length (LH), leaf width (AH), plant’s canopy (DP), and number of tillers incited
(NB). Through the first six samples and with exception of the AH parameter in sample six (data not
reported), treatment 16 made a statistically difference with lower AH value (10.69 cm) with respect
to other treatments. Table 1 shows the results obtained in the seventh sample and shows that the
parameters NH, LH, AH and DP did not made statistically difference. However, for the NB parameter,
treatments made statistically different.
According to Table 1, for the buds parameter, two treatments showed statistical differences with
respect to the others. The first treatment consisted in a concentration of ethrel 240 of 60 ppm,
strangling of apical meristem, and application of KNO3. On the other hand, the other treatment
consisted in a concentration of 40 ppm without strangling the apical meristem and application of
KNO3. These two treatments showed the highest values with 3.56 and 3.50 number of incitement of
offshoots, respectively.
Table 1. Response of Agave mezcalero (Agave spp) plants to the application of ethrel 240 (20, 40,
60, 80 ppm), nitrogen (CO (NH2)2 and KNO3), and strangling of the apical bud in some plant for the
incitement offshoots.
50 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
On contrary, the treatment that consisted of 40 ppm of ethrel 240, urea as a nitrogen source, and
strangling obtained the lowest value of buds incitement. In addition, this treatment was the one
with the lowest average value with respect to the control having a value of 0.69 induced ofshoots.
The pattern in the number of leaves (NH), leaf length (LH), leaf width (AH), and plant’s canopy
(DP) did not showed a signiicant diference. This suggests that the experiment was developed under
homogeneous conditions (Figs. 1 and 2) because the vegetative growth was not afected by the
incitement of tillers. In fact, this can be veriied with the NH variable, as shown in ig. 2.
Figure 1. Initial phase of the experiment, one
month after planting the agave.
Figure 2. End of experiment, seven months
after planting the agave.
Additionally, ig. 3 shows the behavior of the agave plantation as response of the application of
ethrel 240, nitrogen, and strangling for the incitement of ofshoots during seven months of
experimentation. observation showed that during the irst three samples, the incitement of tillers
was not perceptible. nonetheless, an increase in the incitement of tillers was shown after the fourth
sample. This increment remained constant until the last sample was made.
Figure 3. Tillers development in agave mezcalero plants.
Although there were no statistical diferences in the studied parameters in the irst six samples, the
behavior of the variable-NB remain similar. However, in the seventh sample, a considerable increase
of NB was observed. This result was obtained because in the last sample, plants were extracted.
Scientiic trends on Agave 51
This allowed to count all tillers formed. In contrast to previous samples where it was not possible to
quantify all tillers completely because they were covered by the plastic mulch, and also because of
the quick growth of the plants covered all the space among them. Moreover, it should be noted that
the diiculties to quantify the tillers appeared in the third collection of data (after 3 months). The
spaces among plants left at the time of planting (30 x 30 cm) on each plot was quickly covered by the
growth of plant’s leaves. And signiicantly hindered the counting of tillers formed by each treatment
(Figs. 4 and 5).
Figure 4. Distance among each plant (30
x 30 cm) at the beginning of treatments
Figure 5. Growth of plants after three months
of applying treatments. (Third sampling).
Several of the formed tillers had considerable damage because the plastic mulch did not allow
them to emerge and thus the tillers continued their development in the absence of solar radiation.
These tillers showed a weak growth while others led to decomposition and death of the stem due
to the high temperature and humidity prevailing underneath plastic mulch. When realising about
this problem, the plastic mulch was broken around the plant to avoid the problem. However, this
practice was not good enough and still several tillers were damaged or lost as shown in igs. 6 and 7.
Figure 6. Breaking plastic mulch to allow the
surface of tillers.
Figure 7. Breaking plastic mulch to allow the
surface of tillers.
Based on the above results, it is considered that, the use of plastic mulch should be avoided for the
production of tillers, even if plastic mulch could provide the advantages of eicient water use, quick
growth of plants, and good quality (Hernández, 2013).
52 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
1). The application of nitrogen and ethrel 240 incited plant of Agave spp to form ofshoots
2). Most induction of ofshoot was in treatments of 60 and 40 ppm ethrel, KNO3, with and
without strangling
3). In the production of ofshoot, mulching is not recommended because the plastic does not
allow the emergence of ofshoot
4). Because there was not found statistical diferences in the incitement of ofshoots by
strangling plants and without strangling plants, it not recommended practicing strangler
because it afects their development.
Azcon, B. J. 1993. Fisiología y bioquímica vegetal. McGrawn- Hill- Interamericana de España. Madrid.
581 p.
Cruz, B. L. H. y Ruiz, M. D. S. 2012. Tesis de licenciatura. Métodos para acelerar la emisión y desarrollo
de hijuelos en el plátano (Musa sp) en la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamora, Honduras.
Zamorano, Honduras. p. 2.
Hernández, G. R. 2009. Crecimiento vegetal. Facultad de ciencias forestales y ambientales Universidad de los Andes – Mérida – Venezuela. In: (01 de octubre 2013).
Hernández, V. V. 2013. Respuesta a la fertilización orgánica de plantas de agave mezcalero del sureste
de Durango. M.S. Thesis. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. CIIDIR. Durango. 60 p.
Nobel, P. S. 1998. Los incomparables agaves y cactos. Trillas. México, D. F. 211 p.
Montgomery, D.C. 2004. Diseño y análisis de experimentos. Ed. Limusa Wiley. Segunda edición. México. pp:63-69
Orea, L. G. Gómez, O. S. y Hernández, V. V. 2014. 16.
Efect of nitrogen and concentration of nutrients in the development of seedling of Agave durangensis Gentry. Procc. II International Simposium on Agave, 2014.
Salisbury, F. B. y C.W.R. 2000. Fisiología de las plantas 3. Desarrollo de las plantas y isiología ambiental. Thompson. España. 987 p.
SAS 1996. Statistical Analysis System. SAS Institute.
Valenzuela, R. J. F. Velasco, G. O. H. y Márquez, L. M. A. 2003. Desarrollo sustentable del Agave mezcalero en Durango. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional, Unidad Durango. Durango. CIIDIR, CBTA 171, SAGDR. México. 217 p.
Scientiic trends on Agave 53
54 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 55
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Characterization of microbial population dynamics associated
with different juices of Agave tequilana
Quezada R.1, Gschaedler A.2, Kirchmayr M.3
Currently tequila distilleries use diffusers for the extraction of sugars from the agave plant, which
make the global production process more efficient. It is possible to observe great changes in the
color and quantity of organic matter in the agave juices according to the method of extraction (traditional or diffuser); in the case of the process by diffuser, the hydrolysis treatment of sugars also
generates an impact on the appearance of the agave juices.
The concentration of bacteria increased in the traditional processes as compared to the diffuser
processes; while the concentration of yeast increased in the diffuser processes. Only one genus of
yeast (Saccharomyces) and bacteria (Lactobacillus) were present in all fermentations. S. cerevisisae
populations were detected in the presence of 2 or 3 different genera of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in
all agave juices obtained by traditional and by diffuser processes.
Key words: Tequila, fermentation, microbial population dynamics.
The methods for identification of microorganisms can range from the use of morpho-physiological and biochemical techniques to the use of molecular techniques such as sequencing, PCR-DGGE,
PCR-RFLP and PCR real time (Segura García et al., 2010) and now mass spectrometry MALDI-TOF can
be included as another reliable alternative for microorganism identification.
A wide range of alcoholic beverages derived from agave plants where the manufacturing processes
varies between each region and the microflora involved in the fermentation step is highly diverse
(Lappe-Oliveras et al., 2008). Among these, Tequila is the beverage most widely recognized in Mexico and in the world. The traditional production process involves the “jima” of agave plants, cooking
1, 2, 3. Departamento de Biotecnología Industrial. CIATEJ. Camino el Arenero 1227. Col. El Bajío del Arenal. CP. 45019, Zapopan, Jalisco. Tel.
01 (33) 33 45 52 00 Ext. 1305.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
56 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
in an oven or autoclave, grinding, fermentation and distillation. Currently, in the Tequila industry, it
is common to use diffusers that make the extraction of fructans more efficient; in this process, the
cooking step is replaced by the extraction of sugars from the raw agave and afterwards the hydrolysis of the fructans through a thermal and acidic treatment. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of the different practices on microorganisms involved in the fermentation process.
Sampling was performed in four tequila distilleries in Jalisco state with a total of six processes, taking
into account the two types of processes: traditional (A1, A2, B, C1) and with use of diffuser (C2, D).
Cell concentrations were determined by counting using a Neubauer counting chamber and recovery
of microorganisms was achieved by plating serial dilutions onto agar plates; for yeast Wallerstein
Nutrient agar (WL, SIGMA-ALDRICH) with chloramphenicol and for bacteria De Man, Rogosa and
Sharpe (MRS, SIGMA-ALDRICH) agar was used. Identification was performed by MALDI-TOF MS
using the Maldi-Biotyper 3.1 software (BRUKER DALTONICS).
Clear differences could be observed between the agave juices obtained by traditional processes and
diffuser processes; the amount of solids in the juices obtained by the traditional process was higher
meanwhile the color was lighter in the juices obtained by diffuser, as show in fig. 1.
Figure 1. Juices of Agave tequilana. 1a. Traditional process and 1b. Diffuser process
In the fig. 1b, it is possible to observe that the aspect of both agave juices is different although both
were obtained by diffusor; this is because the process of hydrolysis of fuctans is different. In the case
of distillery C2 the hydrolysis is carried out by thermal and acidic treatment; and in the distillery D
the hydrolysis is by treatment in an autoclave causing darkening of the juice through caramelization
of the sugars.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 57
Table 1. Microbial cell counts in Neubauer’s Counting Chamber
As shown in Table 1, the concentration of bacteria was higher in the traditional processes as compared to the diffuser processes while the concentration of yeast was increased in the diffuser processes.
When comparing the concentrations of bacteria and yeast between both processes the ratio ranged
from 9 to 40 in traditional juices and from 0.7 to 2 in diffuser juices.
Table 2 shows the different genera of yeast (y) and bacteria (b) isolated from the different fermentations. Only one genus of yeast and bacteria, Saccharomyces and Lactobacillus, were present in all
fermentations. Just in one traditional process acetic acid bacteria could be detected while in one
diffuser process Streptococcus could be observed, being the first report of this genus in alcoholic
fermentation carried out with agave juice.
Table 2. Identification of microbial populations by MALDI-TOF.
58 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
In Table 3, it is possible to observe the evolution of each identified yeast specie, showing that some
genera maintained its population throughout the fermentation; also, there are yeasts only present
in some stage of fermentation (beginning, middle or ending).
Lachance in 1995 identified yeast species in a traditional tequila fermentation process (Lachance,
1995), finding Brettanomyces, Candida, Hanseniaspora, Kluyveromyces, Pichia, Saccharomyces,
Torulaspora and Zygosaccharomyces; in this study, as shown in Table 2 and Table 3, there are similarities
in some genera but additionally the genera Clavispora, Debaryomyces, Issatchenkia and Lachancea
were identified, however Candida was not identified.
In the beverages derived from agave the presence and concentration of volatile compounds such as
acids, alcohols, esters and terpens have a great impact for the quality of the beverage. In spontaneous
fermentation of wine, the first period of aroma production is carried out by the non-Saccharomyces
yeast which can produce high concentrations of some compounds with a remarkable influence
on the sensory quality (Escalante Minakata et al., 2008). For example, Hanseniaspora and Pichia
carry out the esterification of alcohols increasing the concentrations of esters (Rojas et al., 2001);
and Kluyveromyces marxianus produces compounds such as alcohols and esters with fruity aroma
(Wittmann et al., 2002). In this study it was possible to observe the presence of these genera in both
traditional processes and processes with diffuser.
Table 3. Characterization of yeast population dynamics by PCR-DGGE.
A clear impact of agave juice preparation practices on microbial population composition in differenTequila fermentations could be observed regarding the relative abundances of bacteria and yeast
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 59
populations; however further sampling campaigns are needed to correlate the observed differences
in microbial diversity to the agave juice extraction methods.
The authors thank Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) for economic support (grant
for an MSc student) and research grant for project SEP-CONACYT #256281
Escalante-Minakata P, Blaschek HP, Barba de la Rosa AP, Santos L, De León-Rodrıguez A. 2008.
Identification of yeast and bacteria involved in the mescal fermentation of Agave salmiana.
Letters in Applied Microbiology 46: 626-630.
Lachance MA. 1995. Yeast communities in a natural tequila fermentation. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
68(2): 151-160.
Lappe-Oliveras P, Moreno-Terrazas R, Arrizón-Gaviño J, Herrera-Suárez T, García-Mendoza A,
Gschaedler-Mathis A. 2008. Yeasts associated with the production of Mexican alcoholic non
distilled and distilled Agave beverages. FEMS Yeast Research 8(7): 1037-1052.
Rojas V, Gil JV, Piñaga F, Manzanares P. 2001. Studies on acetate ester production by non-Saccharomyces
wine yeasts. International Journal of Food Microbiology 70: 283–289.
Segura García LE, Kirchmayr MR, Flores Berrios EP, Gschaedler Mathis AC. 2010. PCR-RFLP de la región
ITS-5.8S como herramienta de identificación de levaduras: ventajas y desventajas. e-Gnosis 8:
Wittmann C, Hans M, Bluemke W. 2002. Metabolic physiology of aroma producing Kluyveromyces
marxianus. Yeast 19: 1351–1363.
60 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 61
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Co-culture yeast-bacteria as candidates for tequila production
Torres-Guardado, R.1, Arellano, M.2, Kirchmayr, M.3, Gschaedler, A.4*
Tequila production is a complex process carried out by different yeast, classified in two important
groups, Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces, where the major aromatic contribution in the fermentation process is realized by non-Saccharomyces species. In tequila fermentation process is possible to find different yeast species; some of them are able to establish positive, neutral and negative
interactions. During cider and wine fermentations positive impact of interactions are reported, like
reduction of the time of alcoholic fermentation or increasing of esters levels. The aim of this work
is the study of direct yeast-bacteria interactions using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces
marxianus yeasts, and Leuconostoc sp. bacteria in co-culture fermentation. According to the results,
it was possible to classify the yeast-bacteria interactions and identify the possible candidates for
tequila fermentation process.
Key words: Interaction, LAB, Tequila, Non-Saccharomyces, Mixed cultures.
Tequila is a distilled beverage obtained by alcoholic fermentation process from the sugar of cooked
agave plant cores; the tequila production involves the alcoholic fermentation process and also two
distillation steps, first (ordinario) and the second (rectificado) where tequila is obtained (Prado-Jaramillo et al. 2015). In wine fermentation process yeast-yeast and yeast-bacteria interactions had been
studied and different reports show that the interactions has an impact on the composition of volatile compounds and that the alcoholic fermentation is realized in minor time (Cheraiti et al. 2005). In
agave fermentation process the yeast-yeast interaction has a positive impact in volatile composition
and ethanol yield (Lopez et al. 2014), moreover the LAB presence in agave juice had been reported,
but their function, interaction and impact is unknown (Narváez-Zapata et al. 2010). The aim of this
1, 2, 3, 4. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco (CIATEJ), Camino el Arenero 1227, El Bajío arenal, C.P.45019, Zapopan Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
62 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
work was to evaluate the co-culture fermentation in similar conditions as agave juice (concerning
sugar concentration).
Yeast and bacteria
The yeast used Saccharomyces cerevisae and Kluyveromyces marxianus and also Leuconostoc sp
bacteria are from CIATEJ collection strains bank.
The growth the LAB and yeast was in MRS culture media enriched with 130 g/L of sucrose, incubated
at 30°C for 96 hours in 100 ml lask.
Yeast and bacterial cell counts
The cell count was determinate by low cytometry every 5 hours during three days and 24 hour the
latest two days.
Sugar consumption
Sugar consumption was determinate using the DNS method, the results were expressed in g/L
(Nehme et al. 2008).
Cell population and substrate consumption were studied in the co-cultures Saccharomyces cerevisiaeLeuconostoc sp, Kluyveromyces marxianus-Leuconostoc sp in a period of 96 hours (Figure 1, 1A). In
the co-culture Saccharomyces cerevisiae-Leuconostoc sp, yeast had a similar behavior with the single
culture during exponential phase but after 20 hours of growth in co-culture Saccharomyces cerevisiae
showed a decrease in cell population. This phenomena coincides with the increment of the bacterial
population at the same time, this efect had been reported by Cañas et al. (2015). The substrate
consumption rate was minor in contrast with single culture up to 60 hours; after that time the coculture and single of the yeast culture consumed the substrate totally at 96 hours (Figure 1, 1B).
This behavior allows to identify that no substrate competition is occurring between yeast-bacteria
species according with Duarte et al. (2011). On the other hand, the bacteria Leuconostoc sp. growth
with similar rates as the co-culture with Kluyveromyces marxianus as bacteria single culture until 72
hours, where the cell population increased (Figure 1, 2A). However the yeast in co-culture showed
a delay in 15 hours and a poor development in cell population during the fermentation period, this
phenomena were reported by bacteria inhibition in yeast according to Rossouw el al. (2012). During
the co-culture fermentation, the substrate consumption rate was afected compared with the yeast
(single culture Figure 1, 2B), being a disadvantage in fermentation of alcoholic beverages processes
(Cañas et al. 2015).
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 63
n (g/L)
unt /mL
Substrate concentration (g/L)
Cells count /mL
Time (h)
Time (h
Time (h)
Time (h)
Figure 1. Comparison of single and co-culture yeast-bacteria fermentations. 1A: Saccharomyces cerevisiaeLeuconostoc sp, 1B: Kluyveromyces marxianus-Leuconostoc sp; cell growth pure culture of Leuconostoc sp
(filled circle), pure culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (circle), Leuconostoc sp. co-culture (filled triangle)
and Saccharomyces cerevisiae co-culture (triangle). 2A: substrate consumption Saccharomyces cerevisiaeLeuconostoc sp, 2B: substrate consumption Kluyveromyces marxianus-Leuconostoc sp. bacteria (filled circle),
yeast consumption (circle) co-culture consumption (filled triangle).
With the results obtained in this study it was possible to determine the neutral, positive and negative
microbial interactions in co-culture fermentation process. In case of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeLeuconostoc sp co-culture, the bacterial test suggests a cell promotion effect without detriment in
yeast population, which indicates a positive interaction between yeast-bacteria. On the other hand
Kluyveromyces marxianus-Leuconostoc showed an inhibition effect in yeast population and decrease
in the substrate consumption rate. In the co-culture fermentations is necessary to evaluate gas and
liquid chromatography to determine the effect in the quality of the final product in order to identify
potential candidates for tequila fermentation process.
To CONACYT for the research grant and to the project of basic science 256281.
64 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Cañas PM, García E, Pérez-Martín F, Seseña S, and Llanos M. 2015. Sequential inoculation versus coinoculation in Cabernet Franc wine fermentation. Food Science and Technology International 21:
Cheraiti N, Guezenec S, and Salmon JM. 2005. Redox interactions between Saccharomyces cerevisiae
and Saccharomyces uvarum in mixed culture under enological conditions. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 71: 255-60.
Duarte WF, de Sousa MV, Dias DR, Schwan R. 2011. Efect of Co-Inoculation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
and Lactobacillus fermentum on the Quality of the Distilled Sugar Cane Beverage Cachaça.
Journal of Food Science 76: C1307-C18.
Lopez C, Beaufort S, Brandam C, and Taillandier P. 2014. Interactions between Kluyveromyces
marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in tequila must type medium fermentation. World
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 30: 2223-29.
Narváez-Zapata JA, Rojas-Herrera RA, Rodríguez-Luna IC, and Larralde-Corona CP. 2010. Cultureindependent analysis of lactic acid bacteria diversity associated with mezcal fermentation.
Current Microbiology 61: 444-50.
Nehme N, Mathieu F, Taillandier P. 2008. Quantitative study of interactions between Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and Oenococcus oeni strains. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 35:
Prado-Jaramillo N, Estarrón-Espinosa M, Escalona-Buendía H, Cosío-Ramírez R, Martín-del-Campo S.
2015. Volatile compounds generation during diferent stages of the Tequila production process.
A preliminary study. LWT-Food Science and Technology 61: 471-83.
Rossouw D, Du Toit M, Bauer F. 2012. The impact of co-inoculation with Oenococcus oeni on the
trancriptome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and on the lavour-active metabolite proiles during
fermentation in synthetic must. Food Microbiology 29: 121-31.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 65
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Determination of sotol qualityproduced in Durango
Cifuentes D.L.A.1*, Gómez Ortiz S.2, Velasco González O.3
The States of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila have the designation of origin of the sotol which
has awarded them the Mexican Institute of the Industrial property, on June 13, 2002. It product that
protects, is a drink alcoholic originally of the area geographical that covers all and each one of them
municipalities that make up these three States, since have with a production considerable, what
wants to say is that these States are them unique entities in the country and them unique places in
the world that can develop a drink and call the Sotol.
Due to the great boom that has had this alcoholic beverage is that, in 2006, producers of these
three States signed the Constitutive Act of the Council regulator Mexican of the Sotol, with the aim
of boosting production at home and abroad, as well as implementing the technology, because this
drink is still processed in a rustic way.
The analytical control of these so-called alcoholic products is necessary at a rate of risk involving
exaggerated health consumption. The Norma Oficial Mexicana stipulates only certain tests for each
type of drink, depending on its nature.
This project focuses on the analyses physicochemical of one of the most important drinks alcoholic
that occur both in Durango, as in other States in the North of the country called sotol, which is
obtained from the fermentation of the juice of the plant Dasylirion spp., whose common name is
sotol, a species of sea grass leaves long, fibrous plant lanceolate-shaped, green, whose usable part
for the elaboration of the sotol is the pineapple or the head and that is native to the arid zones of the
North of Mexico. To determine of the quality of sotol that takes place in the Durango state expires
with the stated parameters of the NOM-159-SCFI-2004.
Key words: Sotol, Durango, Vinateros, Denomination of Origin, Dasylirion spp
1, 2, 3. IPN CIIDIR DURANGO, COFAA, Sigma 119, Fracc. 20 de noviembre II, C.P. 34220 Durango, Dgo. México
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
66 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
The States of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila have the designation of origin of the sotol which
has awarded them the Mexican Institute of the Industrial property, on June 13, 2002. It product that
protects, is a drink alcoholic originally of the area geographical that covers all and each one of them
municipalities that make up these three States, since have with a production considerable, what
wants to say is that these States are them unique entities in the country and them unique places in
the world that can develop a drink and call the Sotol.
Due to the great boom that has had this alcoholic beverage is that, in 2006, producers of these
three States signed the Constitutive Act of the Council regulator Mexican of the Sotol, with the aim
of boosting production at home and abroad, as well as implementing the technology, because this
drink is still processed in a rustic way.
Here the importance of investigating the quality of the sotol that occurs in this region to determine
whether it is really within the parameters to brand the Norma Oicial Mexicana which sets the
features and speciications that must meet all the members of the productive, commercial and
industrial chain of the Sotol. This Norma Oicial Mexicana is applied to all processes and activities
related with the production of sotol, as well as packaging, marketing and commercial practices
linked to the alcoholic beverage called Sotol.
The analytical control of these so-called alcoholic products is necessary at a rate of risk involving
exaggerated health consumption. The standard oicial Mexican stipulates only certain analysis for
each type of drink, depending on its nature.
This project is focused in the analysis physico-chemical of an of them more important drinks alcoholic
that is produce both in Durango, as in others States of the North of country called sotol, which is
retrieved of the fermentation of the juice of the plant. Dasylirion spp., whose common name is sotol,
a species of sea grass plants of long, ibrous, leaves of lanceolate shape, green, whose usable part for
the elaboration of the sotol is the pineapple or the head and that, is native to the arid zones of the
North of Mexico.
During the 18TH and 19TH centuries, in the Mexican rural landscape, dominated the Haciendas,
self-suicient communities that produced what they needed to eat: meat, grains, handicrafts and
indigenous beverages made from grape, sugarcane or agave, depending on the region, products that
were served with pride at the table of the landowners. Its quality depends on much of the skills and
knowledge of the producers of sotol either handmade or produced industrially.
The sotol the vinateros produce is obtained from cooking, grinding, fermentation and distillation
of the juice of the plant species of the genus Dasylirion spp., whose common name is sotol, sea
grass loor of long, ibrous, leaves of lanceolate shape, green, whose usable part is pineapple or head
assessed beverages produced in the Nombre de Dios, Cuencamé, and Mezquital, Durango, for being
the main producers analytical determinations: percent of alcohol in volume at 20 °C, dry extract
(g/l), methanol mg/100 ml of anhydrous alcohol, aldehydes (such as acetaldehyde) mg/100 ml of
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 67
anhydrous alcohol, higher alcohols mg/100 ml of anhydrous alcohol, esters (such as ethyl acetate)
mg/100 ml of anhydrous alcohol, furfur aldehyde mg/100 ml of anhydrous alcohol.
Table 1. Physico-chemical analyses on samples of sotol. % Av % alcohol volume; e.s. extract dry
(g/l); A.S. higher alcohols (mg / 100ml of anhydrous alcohol); Mt methanol (mg / 100 ml of alcohol
anhydrous); To the aldehyde (mg / 100 ml); Ester (mg / 100 ml); Furfural (mg / 100ml).
According to the produced sotol (Figs. 1-7), the vinata physico-chemical specifications of San Miguel
de Temoaya, Mezquital, Dgo, has a content of methanol, esters and aldehydes above the limit
allowed by the standard. Similarly, Torrecillas, Cuencamé, Dgo., vinata not conforms to your content
% of Alcohol, higher alcohols, methanol, esters, and Furfural is located at the bottom and on top of
the minimum and maximum of the standard.
The producers do not have a control in the production process of sotol. Do not know the existence
of the norm, much less of the importance of having a Denomination of Origin.
Figure 1. Representation
of the sampling points.
Figure 2. Cutting of sotol.
Figure 5. Heads cooked sotol
Figure 3. Raw heads
Figure 6. Fermentation Batteries
Figure 4. Floor furnace
Figure 7. Destilador
68 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
According to the literature review carried out for the implementation of this project, it can be
concluded that there have been little or no studies on the various stages of the process of elaboration
of the sotol. So I think that it is of great importance, the study of all stages of the production process
and in particular fermentation, distillation and rectiication since they originate compounds which
have an impact on the composition of distillate end, as well as its organoleptic characteristics.
Producers do not have control in the process and this so I could see that from the selection of raw
material, they do not have very clear the exact moment in which sotol plants should be cut, and
sometimes even if they have a clear cut plant that does not comply with the requirements looking
only to complete the charge to get in cooking.
Based on the experience of the producers of the vinatas performance of the production of sotol
low during the time waters, covering the period between the months of June to September (which
coincides with the sampling of this project) which leads us to conclude that during this period the
sugar content is bosses and therefore yield in production.
And that possibly sugars reducers are greater in times of drought, even though this would be another
objective of study to be able to check it.
Analysis of dry extract of the Nombre de Dios and Temoaya, Mezquital, vinatas shed a value that lies
within the parameters that it marks the NOM-159, although as we could observe the sotol turrets
is located well above the permissible parameter, noting once removed the sign from the oven, the
formation of candy, which leads us to think that this sotol sufered adulteration and that added
some kind of sugar During its development.
In accordance with the results obtained with regard to esters, speciically ethyl acetate, you can see
that the vinatas of Nombre de Dios, as well as the turrets are within the range allowed by the NOM159, while the vinata from Temoaya, Mezquital above passes the parameters permitted by the said
standard, although I cannot determine accurately that to this, as is you can be attributed both to the
type of matter prima, as well as to the process of production.
Analysis of methanol to the diferent samples and noting the results in such tests I can conclude
the sotol produced in the vinatas of Nombre de Dios., and Torrecillas, Cuencamé, Dgo., have levels
of methanol permitted by the NOM, while that of Temoaya, Mezquital, Dgo., is above the margin
permitted by this standard which leads me to conclude that this sotol is not suitable for human
consumption and that can cause a poisoning in who ingests it.
The analysis of the dry extract of the vinatas of the Nombre de Dios and Temoaya, Mezquital, show a
value that is within the parameters that we mark the NOM-159, although as we were able to observe
the sotol of turrets is well above the parameter allowed, noting once removed from the sample of
the oven, the formation of caramel, which leads us to think that this sotol sufered an adulteration
and you have added some type of sugar during its elaboration.
In the analysis of methanol to diferent samples and observing the results obtained in these analyzes
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 69
can I conclude that the sotol produced in the vinatas of Nombre de Dios, Dgo., and Torrecillas,
Cuencamé, Dgo., have levels of methanol allowed by the NOM, while that of Temoaya, Mezquital,
Dgo., is above the permitted margin by this standard, which leads me to conclude that this sotol is
not suitable for human consumption and which can cause poisoning in who ingests it.
CIATEJ, Informe inal de la asistencia técnica realizada a la empresa “Unión de Sotoleros, S.C. de
Rl.M.I”, agosto 2012.
Herrera Ramírez EB, Herrera RR, Aguilar CN, Contreras Esquivel JC, De la Garza Toledo H. 2011. El
sotol una planta con pasado, presente y fututo. Departamento de investigación en alimentos.
Facultad de ciencias químicas.
NMX-005-NORMEX-2005. Para la determinación de aldehídos, esteres, metanol y alcoholes
superiores en bebidas alcohólicas.
NMX-V-013-1996-NORMEX. Bebidas alcohólicas-determinación del por ciento de alcohol en volumen
a 293 k (20°c) (% alc. vol.).
NMX-V-017-NORMEX-2005. Para la determinación de extracto seco y cenizas para bebidas alcohólicas.
NOM-159-SCFI-2004. Para bebidas alcohólicas-sotol-especiicaciones y métodos de prueba
SEMARNAT. 2013. Información personal del ing. Ricardo Edmundo karm von Bertráb, delegación
70 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 71
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Effect of temperature and glucose concentration on ethanol
and ethyl acetate production during fermentation using
Kluyveromyces marxianus.
Iñiguez-Muñoz, L.E.1, Arellano-Plaza, M.2, Prado-Ramírez, R.3, Gschaedler A.4 *
Kluyveromyces marxianus have been isolated from a wide variety of habitats; this yeast appears to
have a great future in biotechnological applications due to its characteristics such as: ability to grow
on a wide range of substrates; thermotolerance; high growth rates and a better tendency to ferment
when exposed to higher sugar concentrations. The potential of K. marxianus also has shown a higher
volatile compounds production during agave juice fermentation for the tequila production. The aim
of this study was to evaluate the temperature and glucose concentration effect on ethanol and ethyl
acetate production.
Fermentations at 45°C caused slow growth of yeast and it was not able to consume all the available
glucose in the medium. In fermentations at 25°C and 35°C, the growth was higher and increased
almost 3 times. The highest ethanol production was observed at 35°C. Furthermore, low temperature
fermentation (25°C) increased the ethyl acetate production, similar effect has been observed in S.
cerevisiae yeast used in wine fermentation.
In conclusion, fermentations at 25°C and high glucose concentrations using K. marxianus, increased
the ethyl acetate and ethanol production, those preliminary results could be used for agave juice
Key words: K. marxianus, fermentation, volatile compounds.
During alcoholic beverages fermentation S. cerevisiae is not the only microorganism that can
contribute to the aroma and flavor of the final product. Non-Saccharomyces yeasts, which occur
1. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A. C. Camino el Arenero 1227 El Bajio del Arenal
Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author.
72 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
naturally in all wine fermentations, are metabolically active and these metabolites may impact the
quality of the alcoholic beverages (Jolly et al. 2014).
In recent years, re-evaluation of non-Saccharomyces yeasts role in winemaking has demonstrated
that mixed fermentations using controlled inoculations of S. cerevisiae started cultures and nonSaccharomyces yeast represent a feasible way to enrich the aromatic quality of alcoholic beverages
(Ciani and Comitini, 2011).
Kluyveromyces marxianus have been isolated from a wide variety of habitats, and appears to have
a great future in biotechnological applications due to its characteristics such as: ability to grow on
a wide range of substrates; thermotolerance; high growth rates and a better tendency to ferment
when exposed to higher sugar concentrations (Fonseca et al. 2008; Lane and Morrissey, 2010). The
potential of K. marxianus also has shown a higher volatile compounds production during agave
juice fermentation for the tequila production (López-Álvarez et al. 2012; Amaya-Delgado et al. 2013;
Segura-García et al. 2015).
The aim of this study was the evaluation of the temperature and glucose concentration efect on
ethanol and ethyl acetate production during fermentations using K. marxianus (DU3) yeast.
The Kluyveromyces marxianus (DU3) was isolated from spontaneous mezcal fermentation (CIATEJ
collection). Fermentations were performed in Erlenmeyer lasks containing 500mL of mineral
medium previously described (Tibayrenc et al. 2011), the temperatures were 25°C, 35°C and 45°C,
the sugar concentration 100 g/L, 150 g/L and 200 g/L, and 100 rpm were ixed for mix. Volatile
compounds were quantiied by gas chromatography connected with head-space equipped with a
lame ionization detector (FID) and a HP-INNOWAX column was used. Quantifying reducing sugars
was performed by DNS, the reaction is based on the reduction of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid in 3-amino5-nitrosalicylic when the aldehyde groups are oxidized by the carboxyl groups. The optical density
was determined at 600 nm absorbance using a spectrophotometer.
Fig. 1 shows the growth of yeast K. marxianus (a) and reducing sugars concentrations (b) during
fermentations at diferent temperatures. It is observed that the maximal growth was obtained with
fermentation temperatures of 25°C and 35°C after 48h of culture. Fermentations at 45°C caused
slow growth and no statistically signiicant diferences between the high and low concentration of
glucose are detected (p <0.05). In addition, the yeast was not able to consume the available glucose
after 48 h of fermentation at 45°C (see ig. 1b).
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 73
Figure 1. a) Optical density and b) reducing sugar concentrations during K. marxianus fermentation at different
Fig. 2a shows that increased ethanol production was achieved with temperatures of 35°C (62.08
mg/L ± 0.98) and 25°C with high initial glucose concentration in the medium (59.42 mg/L ± 3.11). On
the other hand, fig. 2b shows that during the condition 25°C and high glucose concentration in the
culture medium, the highest production of ethyl acetate (92.25 mg/L ± 11.01) was observed.
Figure 2. a) Ethanol and b) ethyl acetate production during K. marxianus fermentation at different temperatures.
Although it has been observed that low temperatures favor esters production during fermentation
of wine with S. cerevisiae (Molina et al. 2007), the yeast K. marxianus and in particular the strain
DU3 produces more ethyl acetate that S. cerevisiae. In high temperature (45°C) an interesting
phenomenon in which the concentration of esters in the medium decreases is observed and ethanol
concentration is maintained stable.
The results obtained in this study show that fermentation temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C
favor ethanol production using the yeast K. marxianus; it also showed that it is possible to obtain
high concentrations of ethyl acetate in fermentations at 25°C. These preliminary results may be used
for fermentations agave juice in order to increase the aromatic quality of the final product.
74 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Student Laura Iñiguez thanks CONACYT for the scholarship provided and CONACYT project # 252465.
Amaya-Delgado L, Herrera-López EJ, Arrizon J, Arellano-Plaza M, Gschaedler A. 2013. Performance
evaluation of Pichia kluyveri, Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in industrial
tequila fermentation. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 29: 875-881.
Ciani M, Comitini F. 2011. Non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts have a promising role in biotechnological
approaches to winemaking. Annals of Microbiology 61: 25-32.
Fonseca G, Heinzle E, Wittmann C, Gombert A. 2008. The yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus and its
biotechnological potential. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 79: 339-354.
Jolly NP, Varela C, Pretorius IS. 2014. Not your ordinary yeast: non-Saccharomyces yeasts in wine
production uncovered. FEMS yeast research 14: 215-237.
Lane MM, Morrissey JP. 2010. Kluyveromyces marxianus: A yeast emerging from its sister’s shadow.
Fungal Biology Reviews 24: 17-26.
López-Álvarez A, Díaz-Pérez AL, Sosa-Aguirre C, Macías-Rodríguez L, Campos-García J. 2012. Ethanol
yield and volatile compound content in fermentation of agave must by Kluyveromyces marxianus
UMPe-1 comparing with Saccharomyces cerevisiae baker’s yeast used in tequila production.
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 113: 614-618.
Molina AM, Swiegers JH, Varela C, Pretorius IS, Agosin E. 2007. Inluence of wine fermentation
temperature on the synthesis of yeast-derived volatile aroma compounds. Applied Microbiology
and Biotechnology, 77: 675-687.
Segura-García LE, Taillandier P, Brandam C, Gschaedler A. 2015. Fermentative capacity of
Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces in agave juice and semi-synthetic medium. LWT-Food
Science and Technology 60: 284-291.
Tibayrenc P, Preziosi-Belloy L, Ghommidh C. 2011. On-line monitoring of dielectrical properties of
yeast cells during a stress-model alcoholic fermentation. Process Biochemistry 46: 193-201.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 75
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Effect of thermal hydrolysis time of agave and their impact on
fermentation process
Jiménez Cebrian G.1, López Ramírez J.E.2, Ramírez Romo E.3, Estarrón Espinoza M.4, Ojeda Cantón J.A.5,
Pérez Martínez F.J. 6, Arellano Plaza M.7*
During the tequila process it is necessary hydrolyze the agave fructans to obtain fermentable
carbohydrates. The most common system to hydrolyze the agave fructans is using the thermal
hydrolysis. However, each tequila factory controlled the time and temperature of agave cooked.
Those conditions have an important impact on the fermentation stage, because during these
phase yeast inhibitors are produced as furfural and 5-hhydroxymethylfurfural by Millard
reactions and caramelization process. The aim of this work was demonstrate the effect of the
thermal hydrolysis on the fermentation process. The agave juice was obtained using four different
times of thermal hydrolysis (12h, 24h, 36h and 48h). The results obtained shown than the agave
cooked at 24h and 36h produce the highest ethanol concentration using the yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae (AR5), those results are related to the low concentrations of some compounds that
are inhibitors of the fermentation process like furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and the
high fermentable sugar concentration. However, when the fermentation was carried using the
Kluyveromyces marxianus (SLP1) the results were better, because the inhibitors not influenced in
the fermentation capacity and the ethanol production was highest than the obtained with the
S. cerevisiae.
Key words: Fermentation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Inhibitors
Compounds, Ethanol Production.
1., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A.C. Unidad Zapopan, Biotecnología
Industrial, Camino al Arenero 1227 Colonia El Bajío, Zapopan, Jalisco, C.P. 45019. México.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
76 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Agave tequilana Weber blue var. is used for the production of tequila, agave syrup and fructans.
Most of these processes except fructans, require an hydrolysis step to produce monosaccharides
and disaccharides, which is made by cooking either oven loor, masonry oven, autoclave and even
by acid hydrolysis juice crude extracted by difusion (Cedeño, et al. 1999). It is necessary to consider
that sugars during cooking are subject to a series of reactions, with complex mechanism, it is
a function of pH, cooking time, temperature and composition of the raw material. The products
obtained generally contribute to the lavor and aroma of alcoholic beverages produced from agave.
Among the main reactions are caramelization, Maillard reactions, oxidation-dehydration and
production of volatiles such as methanol. Some research mentioned the presence of compounds
obtained by Maillard reactions in tequila as 3-methyl-1-butanol, phenethyl alcohol (Jiménez et al.
2016), 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), methyl-2-furonate, 2-3-dihydroxy-3,5 dihydro-6-methyl-4
(H) -pyran-4-ione (López, 1999), 2-acetyl-5-methylfuran, furfuryl alcohol 3-3,4,5-trimethylpyrazole
and (Waleckx, et al 2010). Furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) are yeast inhibitory
compounds. During sugar degradation, furfural is mainly derived from pentose dehydration and
5-HMF is formed from dehydration of hexoses. Those compounds could damage the yeast during
fermentation, reducing enzymatic and biological activities, breaking down DNA, inhibiting protein
and RNA synthesis (Gschaedler et al 2015). Most yeasts, are susceptible to various inhibitory, however,
yeast strain as the S. cerevisiae (AR5) and Kluyveromyces marxianus (SLP1) were isolated from agave
juice in presence of furfural and 5-HMF, and could be resistant to those compounds.
The aim of this work was demonstrate the efect of the thermal hydrolysis on the fermentation
process using yeast natives from agave juice.
Culture of Strain
Used Strains
Two yeast strains were used Saccharomyces cerevisiae (AR5) and Kluyveromyces marxianus (SLP1),
they were isolated from tequila and mezcal juices. They are located on the strains bank of the Centro
de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A.C. (CIATEJ).
Solid Medium
The yeasts were maintained and grown in a solid medium prepared with 3 g glucose, 1.5 g yeast
extract, 3 g of peptone and 5.25 g agar, dilute to 150 ml, this was placed in an Erlenmeyer lask with
capacity of 1 L. The medium was sterilized at 121°C and at 1.5 kg/cm2 pressure during 15 minutes. It
was poured into sterile Petri dishes 10 mm x 10 mm, in a laminar low hood, subsequently left to
gel and stored at 4°C for later use. Once the gelled medium is inoculated with a baked yeast strains
obtained from the bank, incubated at 30°C for 48 h in an incubator
Liquid Medium
The liquid medium was prepared with 6.6 g of peptone, 6.6 g glucose and 3.3 g yeast extract, dilute
to 330 ml, the medium was placed in an Erlenmeyer lask with a capacity of 1L. The medium sterilized
at 121 ° C and at 1.5kg/cm2 pressure for 15 minutes. The medium was inoculated with cells previously
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 77
grown on solid medium, incubated in an orbital at 250 rpm for 12h at 30 ° C. Have elapsed 12h, the
medium was centrifuged and was obtained a tablet, which was performed two washes with sterile
physiological solution (NaCl) 0.08%. After the tablet was re-suspended in 20 ml of physiological
solution, direct counting was performed under microscope and the necessary milliliters were
calculated to inoculate agave juice with 10 million cells per milliliter.
Batch Fermentation
The fermentation was carried out in Erlenmeyer lask. They were prepared using 250ml of agave juices
and adjusted at 12°Bx. The agave juice was obtained using four diferent times of thermal hydrolysis
at 98°C (12h, 24h, 36h and 48h) (Jiménez et al., 2016). Each juice was sterilized at 121°C and at 1.5 kg/
cm2 pressure 15 minutes (igure 1).The lask were inoculated using native agave yeasts Saccharomyces
cerevisiae (AR5) and Kluyveromyces marxianus (SLP1). The fermentation process was carried out by
duplicate on each agave juice for 72h.
Sugar Consumption and Ethanol Production
Sugar consumption and ethanol production were determinate by liquid chromatographic analysis,
it was used Agilent Zorbax® SB-AQ column of 250 for 4.5 mm operating at 30°C, having as mobile
phase phosphate bufer solution 20 mM at pH 2 (acidiied with phosphoric acid) and acetonitrile in
relation 99/1 (v/v), with a low rate of 0.5 ml / min and an injection volume of 20 µl. The machine
which conducted the analysis was an HPLC Agilent Technologies 1260, coupled to UV detector at
a wavelength of 210 nm and a refractive index detector. Calibration curves for quantiication were
performed at diferent concentrations with the following standards: glucose, fructose, sucrose and
The agave juices obtained after cooking were used for fermentation applying two yeast species, S.
cerevisiae (AR5) and K. marxianus (SLP1). The results obtained for S. cerevisiae are shown in the ig. 1,
the sugar concentration in each juice were diferent although were adjusted at 12°Bx, however, the
sugars were consumed almost completely but at 48 h of cocking time juice the sugars remained
were more than 10%, indicating the fermentation inhibition. The ethanol production was better on
agave juice obtained at 24h and 36h of agave cooking; it could be possible because the fermentable
sugars were higher. On the juices obtained after 12 h of thermal hydrolysis the ethanol production
was lower, it is possible because the juice could maintain oligofructans, which are not fermentable.
The agave juice obtained after 48h of cooking time, have yeast growth inhibitors as the furfural and
5-hidroxymethylfurfural. Those compounds could afect the yeast fermentation and decreased the
ethanol production.
78 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Figure 1. Ethanol production and sugar consumption using S. cerevisiae yeast (AR5). Initial sugars concentration
(S0), final sugars concentration (SF), initial ethanol concentration (E0) and final ethanol concentration (EF).
The results obtained using the K. marxianus yeast are shown in fig. 2, where can be observed that
inhibitors and the oligofructans compounds did not decreased the ethanol production as the S.
cervesiae yeast. Unlike the ethanol production was higher using the K. marxianus yeast.
Figure 2. Ethanol production and sugar consumption using K. marxianus yeast. Initial sugars concentration
(S0), final sugars concentration (SF), initial ethanol concentration (E0) and final ethanol concentration (EF).
The thermal hydrolysis times of agave at 24h and 36h gives the best ethanol production using the
S. cerevisiae yeast; those results are related to the low concentrations of some compounds that are
inhibitors of the fermentation process like furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. Those compounds
that are inhibitors not influenced in the fermentation capacity when was used K. marxianus yeast. It
can be proved observing that ethanol production was better at thermal hydrolysis times of agave at
12h and 48h the using the K. marxianus.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 79
Cedeño Cruz M, Alvarez-Jacobos J. 1999. Production of Tequila From Agave: Historical Inluences and
Contemporary Processes. In: Jacques KA, Lyons TP, Kelsall DR (Eds.) The Alcohol Textbook, 4th
ed (pp 225-241). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, U.K.
Gschaedler A, Amaya L, Arellano-Plaza M, Arrizon-Gaviño J, Herrera-López E, Iñiguez-Muñoz L,
Kirchmayr M. 2015. La Fermentación: Etapa Clave en la Elaboración del Tequila. In: Ciencia y
Tecnología del tequila: Avances y Perpectivas, 2nd ed. CIATEJ, Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Jiménez CG, López JE, Ramirez RE, Estarrón EM, Ojeda JA, Pérez FJ, Arellano M. 2016. Efecto del Tiempo
de Cocimiento del Agave Sobre Hidrolisis de Fructanos. AMIDIQ, 37, 222-226.
LópezMG. 1999. Tequila aroma. In: Flavor chemistry of ethnic foods (pp. 211-217). Springer US.
Waleckx E., Juan C. Mateos-Diaz, Gschaedler A, Colonna-Ceccaldi B , Brin N, García-Quezada G,
Villanueva-Rodríguez S, Monsan P. 2010. Use of inulinases to improve fermentable carbohydrate
recovery during tequila production. Food Chemistry 124:1533–154.
80 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 81
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
In-line and at-line monitoring of yeast cultures for a rapid evaluation of the state of the cell
Arana A.1, Barbosa E.2, Preziosi L.3, Grousseau E.4, Herrera E.5, Arrizón J.6, Cervantes J.7, Gschaedler A.8*
Cell physiology in microbial cultures is an important parameter to evaluate in pursuance of achieving
process efficiency. The aim of this work was to test rapid acquisition techniques to assess viability,
cell size and morphology of Kluyveromyces marxianus SLP1, in the course of batch and continuous
cultures using in-line and at-line approaches. During a batch culture, the K. marxianus SLP1 strain
was subjected to a thermal shift, from 30ºC to 43ºC, where the in-line permittivity slightly
decreased. When the temperature was raised from 43ºC to 52ºC, permittivity diminished drastically.
Also, a continuous culture varying temperature and specific growth rate was carried out in order to
register the physiological changes of K. marxianus SLP1 when in a low and high β-fructofuranosidase
production state. Cell volume and morphology during the two physiological states were different
from each other, being the cell smaller and elongated during the high enzyme production status.
The tools used in this work demonstrated to be of fast elucidating cell stress response and viability
which, together with image analysis, could be of great help to reveal the physiological state of the
Key words: Yeast, Cultures, Rapid monitoring, Physiology.
In practice, microorganisms in all industrial fermentations are taken to their physiological limits.
High product concentration, nutrient limitation and rough environmental conditions are some of
the classic stress generating circumstances that affect the cell state and even its survival. The idea of
evaluating the physiological state of the microorganisms has been a recurrent subject in bioprocesses
1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A. C. (CIATEJ) Camino arenero No. 1227,
Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
3, 4. UMR Qualisud, Université de Montpellier II, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
82 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
engineering (Konstantinov, 1996) and it is considered essential to design efective control strategies
in order to accomplish process optimization.
Among the key parameters to monitor during a cellular culture (substrate concentration and
metabolites, temperature, pH, gas partial pressures, protein concentration) the concentration and
state of the cells is of paramount importance (Justice et al. 2011) resulting in valuable physiological
information (speciic yields), making the biomass determination a common and needed parameter
to evaluate (Schuster, 2000). Moreover, the size and morphology of the cell are known as good
references to determine a metabolic state (Tibayrenc et al. 2010). Recent publications have pointed
out that cell size, number of cells and viability could be obtained through on-line image analysis (Wei
et al. 2007). Image microscopy, together with at-line measurements of the cell size dispersion could
be an appropriate approach in order to obtain additional information on the physiological state of
the cell.
Regarding cell viability, dielectric spectroscopy has been utilized to monitor microbial growth
kinetics (Olguín et al. 2009), to elucidate cell concentration, conductivity on the culture medium,
the cytoplasmic conductivity and the volume change of the vacuole in yeast cells (Asami, 2002) as
well as for following the evolution of the membrane capacitance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during
ethanolic fermentation and physicochemical stress by the efect of acetic acid on the cytoplasmic
conductivity recorded in real time (Tibayrenc et al. 2011).
Inside the bioprocesses, the mainstream of information is obtained from of-line measurements,
consequently remaining insuicient for the development of control strategies in real time for
optimizing the potential of the microorganisms by designing high yield processes. The evaluation
of the physiological state of the cells in real time is quite important for the understanding and
improvement of the cellular metabolism to achieve an eicient control to improve the metabolites
of interest.
Batch culture
A 16L bioreactor with sterilized chemically deined medium (Tibayrenc et al. 2010) and sucrose
(100g/L) was inoculated with a pre-culture of Kluyveromyces marxianus SLP1 up to an on-line optical
density value of 0.08. This culture was kept at a pH of 4.5, a temperature of 30ºC, an agitation from
400rpm to 800rpm and an aeration from 4L/min to 8L/min (to avoid oxygen limitation).
Continuous culture
Experiments were performed in a 2L bioreactor with a working volume of 1.4L using chemically
deined medium and K. marxianus SLP1. Several parameters were evaluated (temperature from 22ºC
to 30ºC, speciic growth rates from 0.04h-1 to 0.35h-1 and input substrate concentration from 25g/L
to 40g/L). The pH was kept constant at 4.5 and dissolved oxygen above 20%.
In-line and at-line measurements
Growth and viability were followed in real time using an in-line permittivity probe (Fogale, France)
which was previously calibrated and sterilized. Cell size was obtained at-line using the CASY
automated cell counter (Roche Innovatis, Germany) diluting the samples in CASYTON®. Cell images
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 83
were acquired with a digital camera mounted on a microscope at a 40X magnification.
In-line permittivity slightly decreased when the first thermal stress was applied. Then, when the
temperature was raised to 52ºC, viability diminished drastically, probably due to cell lysis, while the
in-line optical density remained almost constant (Fig. 1A). Changes in cell size dispersion (Fig. 1B) was
only noticeable when the second thermal shift was performed (43ºC to 52ºC) showing the thermotolerant capabilities of this particular strain.
Figure 1. A. In-line permittivity and optical density of K. Figure 1. B. Cell size dispersions with the CASY
marxianus during thermal stress in batch culture.
automated cell counter.
Fig. 2A shows the differences in size and morphology of the cell when in a low/high enzyme
production. The difference from microscope manual size measurements (Fig. 2A) and the CASY
automated cell counter (Fig. 2B) was 2.38% in the low enzyme production state (LEP) and 9.23% for
the high enzyme production state (HEP). Variability between size measurements may be attributed
to cell morphology. In the LEP, several cell size dispersions could be observed (Fig. 2), being one of
them close to the dispersion found during the HEP, which may explain that during the LEP only a
fraction of the cell population was producing the enzyme.
Figure 2. A. Cell size dispersion and shape during low/
high enzyme production in a K. marxianus continuous
Figure 2. B. Cell size dispersions of the two
physiological states with the CASY automated cell
84 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
The use of an in-line dielectric spectroscopy probe, demonstrated to be an excellent real time tool
to elucidate cell stress response and viability when thermal shock was applied. This tool, together
with an automated cell size meter could be used as an indicator of a desired physiological state for
improving the production of a metabolite of interest and to avoid viability loss due to environmental
This work was inanced by the ANR-CONACYT (Project number: 162712). The authors thank AGARED
(269948) for making possible the divulgation of this work. The PhD student Alejandro Arana Sánchez
thanks CONACYT for the grant and for the approval of the Programa de Cooperación de Posgrado
(PCP, 228094, Mexico-France).
Asami K. 2002. Characterization of biological cells by dielectric spectroscopy. Journal of NonCrystalline Solids 305: 268–277.
Jobé AM, Herwig C, Surzyn M, Walker B, Marison I, von Stockar U. 2003. Generally applicable fed-batch
culture concept based on the detection of metabolic state by on-line balancing. Biotechnology
and Bioengineering 82: 627–39.
Justice C, Brix A, Freimark D, Kraume M, Pfromm P, Eichenmueller B, Czermak P. 2011. Process control
in cell culture technology using dielectric spectroscopy. Biotechnology Advances 29: 391–401.
Olgín RA, Rojas JA, Diaz MJ, Salazar Y. 2009. Monitorización del crecimiento de microorganismos
en sistemas cerrados utilizando espectroscopia de impedancia eléctrica. Revista Mexicana de
Ingenieria Biomédica 30: 98–108.
Schuster KC. 2000 Monitoring the physiological status in bioprocesses on the cellular level. Advances
in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 66: 185–208.
Tibayrenc P, Preziosi-Belloy L, Roger JM, Ghommidh C. 2010. Assessing yeast viability from cell size
measurements. Journal of Biotechnology 149: 74–80.
Tibayrenc P, Preziosi-Belloy L, Ghommidh C. 2011. On-line monitoring of dielectrical properties of
yeast cells during a stress-model alcoholic fermentation. Process Biochemistry 46: 193–201.
Wei N, You J, Friehs K, Flaschel E, Nattkemper TW. 2007. An in situ probe for on-line monitoring of cell
density and viability on the basis of dark ield microscopy in conjunction with image processing
and supervised machine learning. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 97: 1489–1500.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 85
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Isoamyl acetate production by Pichia fermentans isolated from
alcoholic fermentation of Agave juice
Rentería-Martínez O.1, Sánchez-Castañeda A.K.2, Hernández-Carbajal G.3, Rutiaga-Quiñones O.M.4,
Rojas-Contreras J.A.5, López-Miranda J.6, Paéz-Lerma J.B.7, Soto-Cruz N.O.8*
The study of the fermentation parameters for Pichia fermentans resulted in the selection of the
conditions, which allowed the growth and the isoamyl acetate production. Temperature of 28°C,
pH 5.0, 1 vvm air flow and agitation speed of 120 RPM allowed obtaining the higher production of
isoamyl acetate, which was 18 mg/L. Modifying cane molasses determined that the composition of
the medium culture plays an important role in the production of isoamyl acetate in P. fermentans.
The addition of isoamyl alcohol since the beginning of the fermentation allowed the increased of
the production with regard to the use of the amino acid L-Leucine. Otherwise, the increase in the
concentration of reducing sugars reduced the synthesis of the isoamyl acetate, however, increasing
the content of assimilable nitrogen unto 250 mg N2/L was obtained an increase of the aroma
production of 0.53 ± 0.01 to 0.93 ± 0.03 g/L. Evaluation of other components of the molasses by the
Plackett-Burman design, established that the MgSO4, Cl2Ca and isoamyl alcohol have significantly
influence in the synthesis of isoamyl acetate.
Key words: aroma, cane molasses, isoamyl alcohol, L-leucine, Plackett-Burman
Isoamyl acetate is a compound of great importance in the aroma industry, due to its characteristic
banana aroma. It is widely used in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The current
legislation considers the aromas from microbial or enzymatic processes as natural products. Thus,
it has increased the importance of the production of this compound by biotechnological processes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Instituto Tecnológico de Durango. Felipe Pescador 1803 Ote, Nueva Vizcaya, C.P. 34080. Durango, Dgo. México. Tel.
* Corresponding author. email:
86 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
(FAO, 2012). Hernandez-Carbajal et al., (2013) demonstrated that the yeast Pichia fermentans ITD00165, isolated from spontaneous fermentation of juice Agave durangensis (Paéz-Lerma et al.,
2013), showed greater potential for isoamyl acetate production. However, this yeast has been poorly
studied. Then, the objective of this work was to study the metabolism and the parameters that
influence the synthesis of isoamyl acetate in P. fermentans ITD-00165.
This work was performed using the strain Pichia fermentans ITD-00165, belonging to the collection
Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology at the Instituto Tecnológico de Durango. The influence of the
temperature (20, 28°C), pH (3.5, 5, 6.5), air flow (0.5, 1 VVM) and agitation speed (0, 120 RPM) on the
synthesis of isoamyl acetate were evaluated. The effect of the concentration of sugars was performed
by the hydrolysis of cane molasses with the method reported by Jaramillo et al., (2014). The effect of
the nitrogen content was performed by adding NH4Cl and yeast extract in two concentrations, 150
and 250 mg N/L (Barbosa et al., 2009). Isoamyl alcohol (1 g/L) and the amino acid L-leucine (4 g/L)
were evaluated as isoamyl acetate precursors.
The analysis of the nutritional elements was made using the placket-Burman (PB) design at two
levels (Table 1). The duration of fermentations was 36 h for all experiments. Samples were taken
every 4 hours. All experiments were performed in duplicate. The quantification of isoamyl acetate
was performed using the method reported by Hernández-Carbajal et al., (2013). The data analysis
was made using analysis of variance one-way, with a range comparison test, using the method of
Duncan with a confidence level of 95% (p = 0.05).
Table 1. Complete Plackett-Burman design.
Table 2. Reducing sugars and nitrogen.
The best conditions for yeast growth and isoamyl acetate production were: 28° C, pH 5.0, air flow
of 1 vvm and agitation speed of 120 RPM. These conditions allowed producing the highest isoamyl
acetate concentration (18 mg/L). The addition of precursors increased isoamyl acetate production
(Table 3, fig. 3). Nevertheless, the highest concentration of isoamyl acetate was obtained by the
addition of isoamyl alcohol at the beginning of the fermentation.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 87
Table 3. Isoamyl acetate production with addition of isoamyl alcohol and L-leucine.
The increase in the concentration of reducing sugars in cane molasses (Table 2) did not increase the
synthesis of isoamyl acetate in P. fermentans (Fig. 1). Low content of nitrogen present in the molasses
possibly was the limiting factor in synthesis isoamyl acetate.
Figure. 1. Effect sugars on isoamyl acetate production.
Figure. 2. Effect nitrogen on isoamyl acetate production.
Figure. 3 Production of isoamyl alcohol.
Figure. 4. Principal effects on isoamyl acetate production.
Statistical analysis showed that a medium having a high sugar content (132.59 g/L) is not influenced by
the type of nitrogen source (NH4Cl or yeast extract). However, the initial concentration of assimilable
nitrogen proves to be significant for the synthesis of the aroma. Increasing the initial concentration
of assimilable nitrogen (250 mg N/L) allowed increasing aroma production up to 96 and 930 mg/L,
using NH4Cl and yeast extract, respectively (Fig. 2). The analysis of Plackett-Burman design (PB)
determined that the CaCl2, MgSO4 and isoamyl alcohol were the most influential components on
isoamyl acetate production in P. fermentans (Fig. 4). The CaCl2 and MgSO4 were used as indicators of
the viability and vitality on yeasts (Rees and Stewart, 1997). Akita et al., (1990), established that the
presence of magnesium is required for the activity of the enzyme alcohol acetyltransferase (AATase)
responsible for the synthesis of acetate esters. Finally, it has been described the importance of
isoamyl alcohol as precursor of the isoamyl acetate (Quilter et al., 2003).
88 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Isoamyl alcohol is the better precursor for isoamyl acetate production. The sugar content in the cane
molasses has not an inluence in the synthesis of isoamyl acetate, while isoamyl alcohol addition,
initial nitrogen content, CaCl2 and MgSO4 are important factors for the aroma production.
Akitaa O, Suzukia D, Obataa T, Haraa S. 1990. Puriication and some properties of alcohol
acetyltransferase from sake yeast. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry 54(6):1485-1490.
Barbosa C, Falco V, Mendes-Faia A, Mendes-Ferreira A. 2009. Nitrogen addition inluences formation
of aroma compounds, volatile acidity and ethanol in nitrogen deicient media fermented by S.
cerevisiae wine strains. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 108(2): 99–104.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations y World Health Organization. “Evaluation
of certain food additives: seventy-sixth report of the Joint FAO/WHO”. Expert Committee on
Food Additives. WHO Technical report series, No. 974, 2012.
Hernández-Carbajal G, Rutiaga-Quiñones OM, Pérez-Silva A, Saucedo-Castañeda G, Medeiros A,
Soccol CR, Soto-Cruz NO. 2013. Screening of native yeast from Agave durangensis fermentation
for isoamyl acetate production. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 56(3): 357-363.
Jaramillo RD, Perna O, Escobar J, Ríos LE. 2014. Efect of molasses cane treated with sulfuric acid
in the production of cellulose by Gluconacetobacter xylinus IFO 13693. Revista Colombiana de
Química 43(2): 25-31.
Páez-Lerma JB, Arias-García A, Rutiaga-Quiñones OM, Barriob E, Soto-Cruz NO. 2013. Yeasts isolated
from the alcoholic fermentation of Agave duranguensis during mezcal production. Food
Biotechnology 27: 342–356.
Quilter MG, Hurley JC, Lynch FJ, Murphy MG. 2003. The production of isoamyl acetate from amyl
alcohol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 109(1), 34-40.
Rees MRE, Stewart GG. 1997. The efects of increased magnesium and calcium concentrations on
yeast fermentation performance in high gravity worts. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 103:
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 89
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Methanol in Agave Distillates. A Review.
Prado-Ramírez R.1*
Mezcal, Bacanora, Tequila and Raicilla are agave distillates with an ancestral tradition in México. First
three distillates have denomination of origin and all have an important economic and social impact.
Agave distillates sector generates about 30 thousand direct employees and about the same quantity of
indirect employees. Agave distillates are complex, non-ideal alcoholic mixtures composed mainly by
water, ethanol and a large amount of chemical compounds called congeners, as alcohols (i.e. methanol,
n-propyl, isobutyl and isoamyl alcohols), esters, organic acids, terpenes and others compounds
belonging to different chemical groups. Different sensory congeners show small concentrations in
agave distillates and are not regulated officially but methanol is part of the regulated compounds.
Methanol is a harmful chemical compound that can be ingested in some quantity by humans and
may produce headache, vomiting, blindness and, in extreme cases, death. Toxicity of methanol is
derived from the formaldehyde and formic acid formation and ingestion of hazardous amounts of
methanol may be due to adulteration of agave distillates or due to uncontrolled production processes,
because of this, official norms for agave distillates in México include the specification for maximum
concentration of methanol in finished products. This review intends update information around this
important congener because of its relevance on human health and on economics of agave distillates
producers. Relevant factors as origin of methanol, effect of methanol consumption on health
consumer, specifications for methanol content in agave distillates regarding to different prestigious
distillates as well as different strategies for controlling methanol along elaboration processes of
agave distillates are reviewed considering the official specifications.
Key words: Methanol, Mezcal, Bacanora, Tequila, Raicilla.
In Mexico, distilled spirits industries that use different species of agave as a raw material, have a
significant social and economic importance. It is estimated that the production of Mezcal generates
a total of 5,000 direct jobs and about 25,000 indirect (COMERCAM, 2015). Meanwhile, the Tequila
1 Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A. C. Camino Arenero 1227. Colonia El Bajío del Arenal,
Zapopan, Jalisco. CP 45019, México.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
90 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
industry generates about 29 thousand direct jobs (INEGI, 2013); however, Raicilla and Bacanora
industries present today great growth opportunities. Agave distillates such as Mezcal, Raicilla,
Bacanora and Tequila, like other world recognized drinks such as rum, whiskey, cognac, brandy, etc.
are complex mixtures of two major compounds, water and ethanol, and a wide variety of chemical
compounds in small concentrations called congeners. The type and concentration of these congeners
are a result of the type of raw material and of the process under each distillate is manufactured
and among them are compounds belonging to diferent chemical groups such as alcohols, esters,
organic acids, furans, aldehydes, among others. The group of alcohols congeners found in agave
distillates comprise a group ranging from a single carbon alcohol (methanol) to 16 carbons, such as
hexadecanol (Benn and Peppard, 1996).
According to the oicial standard NOM-006-SCFI-2012, the agave authorized to produce Tequila is
Agave tequilana Weber; to produce Mezcal, the oicial standard NOM-070-SCFI-1994 indicates the
use of Agave angustifolia Haw, A. esperrima, A. jacobi, A. weberi cela, A. potatorum zucc, A. salmiana
Otto, A. durangensis and A. cupreata (Aguirre-Dugua and Eguiarte, 2013; Villanueva-Rodriguez and
Escalona-Buendía, 2012). For the preparation of Bacanora is used A. angustifolia (De Leon et al. 2008,
NOM-168-SCFI-2004) and for Raicilla, producers use A. maximiliana (De Leon et al. 2008) and A.
inaequidens (Valenzuela -Zapata et al. 2011). Tequila, Mezcal and Bacanora are distilled beverages
that have denomination of origin and Raicilla is still marketed under various trademarks. Elaboration
of agave distillates consists of a series of steps in common that are made with varying degrees of
modernization: a) harvesting and jima of agave, b) agave cooking to hydrolyze fructans (water
soluble carbohydrates that are the energy reserve of the plant), c) grinding of cooked agave to obtain
reducing sugars, d) fermentation of sugars, e) double distillation and, f) product inishing processes
and inal iltration.
Methanol is a chemical compound found in all agave distillates, which could be considered as one
of the key compounds to verify their authenticity; at room temperature is a volatile, colorless liquid
with a characteristic odor which also contributes to its sensory proile (Villanueva-Rodriguez and
Escalona-Buendía, 2012). These same researchers point out, for the processes of Tequila and Mezcal,
methanol as an important component that has its origin in the enzymatic demethylation of pectin.
this point coincides with that indicated for manufacturing diferent distilled beverages using other
raw materials such as fruits (Bauer-Christoph et al. 2003), such as apple and pear. In beverages
made from the fermentation of mashes of crushed fruits, methanol and higher alcohols are major
compounds that have an important inluence on the quality and safety of distillates and can cause
adverse efects on consumer health (Zhang et al. 2011).
Diferent researchers have reported the origin of methanol in manufacturing processes of alcoholic
and non-alcoholic beverages (Revilla and Gonzalez-San José, 1999; Zhang et al. 2011, Glatthar et al.
2001)) indicating as the source of methanol the enzymatic hydrolysis of fruit pectin thanks to the
action of enzyme pectin methyl esterase or PME (EC, during alcoholic fermentation. Pectins
are a heterogeneous group of structural polysaccharides of varying degrees of polymerization and
branching, that exist mainly in the middle lamella and the primary cell wall of cells of higher plants
(Ming-Chang et al. 2011); are secreted in the cell walls in highly methyl esteriied forms and are a
highly heterogeneous group of polymers including homogalacturonans and rhamnogalacturonans I
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 91
and II. The content of pectin has been quantified analytically in A. tequilana with a methoxyl degree
that can rise up to 40%, depending on the age of the agave (CIATEJ, 2016).
PME is an important enzyme for remodeling of tissues in plants and for growth and ripening of
fruits (Lewis et al. 2008). Pectolytic enzymes are usually classified into two groups according to the
statement by Baron (1990) and Brillouet et al. (1990), according to González-Revilla and San Jose
(1998). The first group are the pectin methyl esterases, which hydrolyze methoxy groups. The second
group is composed of the depolymerases that hydrolyze chemical links (1-4) of pectins and lyases.
These promote the elimination of a water molecule when disintegrate pectin (Revilla and GonzálezSan José, 1998).
Micheli (2001) describes the reaction of demethylation catalyzed by the PME on pectins (Fig. 1):
Figure 1. Demethylization of pectins and methanol formation.
Tellez (1998) made measurements of methanol during the cooking step of A. tequilana by using an
industrial retort. She determined the methanol concentration in sampled juices along the agave
cooking, finding concentrations up to 0.6 g/L in 24 hours, also indicating as important factors acidity
and temperature. Apparently, cooking is the main step for methanol generation in agave distillates
Officially, maximum methanol concentration in agave distillates is 300 mg/100 mL pure ethanol, in
international spirits is allowed a different maximum concentration, as is shown in Table 1. It can be
seen that methanol specification for agave distillates is lower than for other spirits.
Table 1. Official specifications for different distillates
Methanol Content, mg/100 mL pure alcohol. *CEE nº 1576/89. **Karadeniz and Birincioglu, 2011. m: Mexican
official norms.
92 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Methanol is rapidly absorbed by ingestion and inhalation, and to a lesser extent through the skin
(Zocca, 2007). In the body, methanol is metabolized in the liver and converted formaldehyde irst and
then formate (HCOO-). Formate, can cause severe damage to health and even death of those who
consume it. Methanol poisoning can cause serious damage to the central nervous system. Methanol
has been recognized for its neuropathological efects such as subcortical bilateral putamen necrosis
(Gonzalez, 2012), and cerebellar lesion in the hypothalamus, plus demyelination (Sandhir and Kaur,
2006). In diferent drinking levels, methanol can be toxic. For example, ingestion of 4 g of methanol
may cause symptoms like headache, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Ingestion of more than 10 g can
cause blindness and more than 24 g produces lethal efects (Ming-Chang et al. 2011). For illustrative
purposes, an agave distillate 40% ethanol v/v with a concentration of 250 mg methanol/100 mL of
anhydrous ethanol contains 1 g Methanol/L of distillate.
While production of Mezcal certiied by the Quality Regulatory Board (COMERCAM) in diferent
states has been increasing, there are still producer regions that need to launch a series of strategies
to ensure compliance with the oicial speciication of methanol. In a similar situation are producing
sectors of Raicilla and Bacanora. In contrast, virtually all production of Tequila is certiied by the
Tequila Regulatory Council.
Regarding to strategies to reduce the content of methanol in agave distillates, may be mentioned
those based on raw materials and on the process. With respect to the raw material, the usual practice
is to process pineapple agave without leaves, ie, process agave pineapples completely shaven, with
a white appearance to the naked eye. An agave prepared in this way has the potential to produce
distillates with lower methanol content of 300 mg / 100 mL pure ethanol. Also, is mentioned the
need to process not damaged agave pineapples. In the agave cooking step, the tequila industry uses
mainly internal pressure vessels, but in recent years, some companies ferment sugars obtained by
hydrolysis of the fructans from the agave leaching with hot water under temperature conditions
ranging from 75 to 85 °C, this avoids the heating of agave for long times and allows to obtain a lesser
methanol content in the product.
On the step of traditional grinding with roll mills, it is said that the higher the pressure of mills, the
higher the methanol content in the resulting distillate. This point has not been tested experimentally.
A strategy for reducing the PME activity can contemplate their inhibition by diferent techniques.
Kana et al. (1991) mention that, according to Lee (1975), the content of methanol in a fermented
mash can be reduced when musts are heat treated before fermentation. This makes sense when
one considers that most enzymatic reactions in diferent processes is stopped by applying heat for
a period of time. In addition to the use of temperature as a PME inhibitor mentioned, Lewis et al.
(2008) have used epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and gallocatechin gallate (GCG) as inhibitors of
the action of PME.
As for distillation, if this is done in two steps, strategy to reduce the amount of methanol in the
product is to perform tails cuts at each stage distillation when alcoholic strength is relatively high,
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 93
for example, higher than 25% ethanol v/v. in the second distillation. This strategy is based on that
higher concentrations of methanol are present at the end of distillation, when the fraction call tails
is received (Prado-Ramirez et al. 2005, Prado-Ramirez, 2014). Other alternative to reduce the content
of methanol in a batch of distillate product is to make mixtures according to previous calculations,
using for this purpose the methanol concentration of each batch and the desired concentration in
the inal mixture. Finally, Lachenmeier et al. (2006) report compliance with the oicial speciication
on the content of methanol as the most problematic for volatile compounds in agave distillates,
being a critical point for Bacanora and Mezcal. This is understandable in view of the technologycal
level of that is observed in their manufacturing processes.
Aguirre-Dugua X, Eguiarte LE. 2013. Genetic diversity, conservation and sustainable use of wild Agave
cupreata and Agave potatorum extracted for mezcal production in Mexico. Journal of Arid
Environments 90: 36-44.
Bauer-Christoph C, Christoph N, Aguilar-Cisneros B, López•MG, Richling E, Rossmann, Schreier P.
2003. European Food Research and Technology 217: 438–44.
Benn SM, Peppard TL. 1996. Characterization of Tequila Flavor by Instrumental and Sensory Analysis.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44: 557-566.
CIATEJ. 2016. De acuerdo a resultados de proyectos vinculados.
COMERCAM. 2015. En: En 5 años creció 200% la producción de mezcal. http://www.milenio.
com/estados/mercados-crecio-produccion-mezcal-Oaxaca-bebida-comercializacionventas_0_557344282.html. 5 septiembre 2016.
De León-Rodríguez A, Escalante-Minakata P, Jiménez-García MI, Ordoñez-Acevedo LG, Flores JL, Barba
de la Rosa AP. 2008. Characterization of Volatile Compounds from Ethnic Agave Alcoholic
Beverages by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Food Technology and Biotechnology
46(4): 448-455.
Glatthar J, Senn T, Pieper HJ. 2001. Investigations on reducing methanol content in distilled spirits
made of Bartlett pears. Deutsche Lebensmittel Randschau 97: 209–216.
González FJ. 2012 Lesiones en putamen debidas a intoxicación por metanol. Revista Española de
Medicina Legal 38 (3): 127-128.
INEGI. 2013. En: Información Básica de la Industria Tequilera. Cámara nacional de la Industria Tequilera. 1408056940.pdf. September 5th, 2016.
Kana K, Kanellaki M., Papadimitriou A, Koutinas AA. 1991. Cause of and methods to reduce methanol
content of Tsicoudia, Tsipouro and Ouzo. International Journal of Food Science and Technology
26: 241-247.
94 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Karadeniz H, Birincioglu I. 2011. Methyl alcohol poisoning in Trabzon (Turkey). Journal of Forensic
Sciences 56(3): 822-824.
Lachenmeier DM, Sohnius E, Attig R, López MG. 2006. Quantiication of Selected Volatile Constituents
and Anions in Mexican Agave Spirits (Tequila, Mezcal, Sotol, Bacanora). Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry 54(11): 3911-3915.
Lewis KC, Selzer T, Shahar C, Udi Y, Tworowski D, Sagi I. 2008. Inhibition of pectin methyl esterase
activity by green tea catechins. Phytochemistry 69: 2586–2592.
Micheli F. 2001. Pectin methylesterases with important roles in plant physiology. Trends in Plant
Science 6 (9): 414-419.
Ming-Chang C, Chien-Hao C, Ping-Hsiu H, Yuh TW. 2011. Methanol reduction in fruit winemaking
process. OH-306 The 12th ASEAN Food Conference. Bangkok, Thailandia.
Norma Oicial Mexicana NOM-070-SCFI-1994, Bebidas Alcohólicas-Mezcal-Especiicaciones.
17/08/1994. México.
Norma Oicial Mexicana NOM-168-SCFI-2004 Bebidas alcohólicas-Bacanora. 8/11/2005. México.
Norma Oicial Mexicana NOM-006-SCFI-2012, Bebidas alcohólicas-Tequila-Especiicaciones.
13/12/2012. México.
Prado-Ramírez R, González-Alvarez V, Pelayo-Ortiz C, Casillas N, Estarrón M, Gómez-Hernández HE.
2005. The role of distillation on the quality of tequila. International Journal of Food Science and
Technology 40: 701–708
Prado-Ramírez R. 2014. Tequila and Mezcal distillation technology: Similarities and diferences.
Sustainable and Integral Exploitataition of Agave 72-76.
Reglamento (CEE) Nº 1576/89 del Consejo, de 29 de mayo de 1989.
Revilla I, González-San José M. 1999. Methanol Release During fermentation of red Grapes treated
with Pectolytic Enzymes. Food Chemistry 63 (3): 307-3012.
Sandhir R, Kaur K. 2006. Inluence of ethanol on methanol-induced oxidative stress and
neurobehavioral deicits. Journal of Biochimica molecular y Toxicología 20 (5) 247-254.
Valenzuela-Zapata AG, López-Muraira I, Gaytán MS. 2011. Traditional knowledge, Agave Inaequidens
(Koch) Conservation, and the Charro Lariat Artisans of San Miguel Cuyutlán, México.
Ethnobiology Letters 2: 72-80.
Villanueva-Rodriguez S, Escalona-Buendía H. 2012. Tequila and Mezcal: Sensory atributes ans sensory
evaluation. In: J. Piggott (Ed.) Alcoholic beverages. pp359-378. Woodhead Publishing.
Zakharov S, Nurieva O, Navratil T, Diblik P, Kuthan P, Pelclova D. 2014. Acute methanol poisonings:
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 95
Folates administration and visual sequelae. Journal of Applied Biomedicine 1(2): 309–316.
Zhang H, Woodams EE, Hang YD. 2011. Inluence of pectinase treatment on fruit spirits from apple
mash, juice and pomace. Process Biochemistry 46: 1909-1913.
Zocca F, Lomolino G, Curioni A, Spettoli P, Lante A. 2007. Detection of pectinmethyl esterase activity
in presence of metanol during grape pomace storage. Food Chemistry 102: 59-65.
96 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 97
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Tolerance to phenolic compounds by mezcal yeasts
Vital-López P.1, Ramírez-González M.2, Narváez-Zapata J.3, Larralde-Corona C.P.4*
The phenolic compounds and other inhibitors of fermentation present in vegetable hydrolyzates
pose a significant challenge for the sustainable lignocellulosic materials refining industry and other
end products. For this reason, there is a continous search of microorganisms tolerant or better
addapted to such compounds. The aim of the present work was to characterized six selected yeasts
strains (Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces) belonging to the LBI-CBG mezcal´s yeast collection.
The four Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains tested showed a high tolerance to vanillin and furfural, up
to 1.5 g L-1. We also observed a delayed growth due to the effect of toxicity of vanillin and furfural for
the majority strains, however the growth was similar after of 72 hours except for the highest tested
concentration (2 and 3 g L-1, respectively), that could be possible a phenomena of adaptation or
biotrasformation of the inhibitors.
Key words: Phenolic compounds, Oxidative stress, Agave, Yeasts, Tamaulipas.
Mezcal industry, as well as any activity involving alcoholic fermentation, requires the action of yeasts,
however the composition of the agave must basically depends on the raw material, which varies in
turn with the agave species, agronomic and process conditions. Encouraged by the high potential of
using biofuels and biochemical to produce biofuels and biochemicals from lignocellulosic materials,
which are natural, abundant, and renewable. However, during the degradation of the lignocellulosic
materials, inhibitor compounds, including organic acids, furans, and phenolic compounds, are
formed with the release of sugars. These inhibitors stunt the growth and block the metabolism of the
microorganisms and induce the accumulation of ROS in S. cerevisiae, reduce enzymatic and biological
activity, break down DNA, and inhibit protein and RNA synthesis (Shen et al., 2014). It is well known
that agave musts also contain growth inhibitors such as furfurals, saponins and vanillin, the latter
1, 2, 3, 4. Instituto Politécnico Nacional - Centro de Biotecnología Genómica, Laboratorio de Biotecnología Industrial. Blvd. del Maestro
esq. Elías Piña, Col. Narciso Mendoza C.P. 88710, Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
98 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
is one of the major phenolic aldehyde compounds produced by the degradation of lignin, and all of
which cause stress in the yeast during fermentation (García et al., 2011). The characterization and
selection of vanillin and furfural tolerant yeast is an important pre-requisite for eicient bioethanol
production from lignocellulosic biomass, among other end products. The aim of this work was to
establish the mezcal yeast´s tolerance to oxidative stress, at diferent concentrations of compounds
like vanillin and furfural, measured by the production of carbon dioxide along of fermentation and
their growth capacity.
The six yeast strains used belong to the LBI-CBG (Tamaulipas´ mezcal) yeast collection and are
conserved in 60% glycerol at -70 °C, and the commercial wine strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Fermichamp (DSM Food Specialties B.V., The Netherlands) was used as control in this study. The
strains used are representative of the two species of yeast that have showed high tolerance to
hydrogen peroxide and sulphur compounds, furthermore they have shown fermentative contrasting
characteristics such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc3Y8, ScMsc3, Sc3D4) and Torulaspora delbrueckii
(Td1AN2 and TdAN9). Inocula were grown in YPD medium incubated for 24 h at 30 °C, with shaking at
200 rpm. All experiments were carried out using exponentially growing cells, inoculating to an initial
OD600 of 0.05 (approximately 1x106 cells mL-1) in Corning minibioreactors, with a working volume of
20 mL (medium M2 with relationship 1:9 Glucose/Fructose at 100 g L-1 of total sugars) shaking at
300 rpm at 30°C. Diferent concentrations of vanillin and furfural in a range from 0.5 to 3 g L-1 were
added. Kinetics of the production of carbon dioxide was monitored as weight loss. Each experiment
was done in triplicate for the statistical analysis. The yeast growth was followed by counting in a
Neubauer chamber, by counting the colony forming units (CFU mL-1) as described for the microdrop
technique (De la Torre et al., 2016) in YPD plates after incubation at 30°C, for 24 h.
Strains evaluated in this experiment were tolerant to most conditions tested, except for the higher
concentrations of vanillin and furfural (2 and 3 g /L, respectively) as shown in ig. 1. We observed that
for all strains that CO2 production was delayed when vanillin and furfural were added. However, the
inal production of CO2 was similar in the majority of the evaluated concentration levels. Furthermore,
at lower concentrations of vanillin and furfural the production of CO2 in some strains were higher
than in the control. This phenomenon was also observed by García et al. (2011) when the production
of ethanol increased by the presence of furfural, and this result can be extrapolated to our results
as CO2 and ethanol kinetics are closely linked during the irst stages of the ethanolic fermentation.
Hence, we can attribute the tolerance to vanillin and furfural due that some non-speciic aryl-alcohol
dehydrogenase enzyme(s) that can convert vanillin to the less toxic compound vanillyl alcohol in S.
cerevisiae (Shen et al., 2014) or converting the furfural to furfuryl alcohol under anaerobic conditions
(Sarvari et al., 2003). It is also known that genes encoding the ergosterol biosynthetic enzymes could
be associated with vanillin tolerance and to other inhibitor compounds, because the ergosterol is
important for maintaining the luidity and stability of the membrane. However, knowledge about the
toxicity of vanillin is still limited, and the mechanism by which the S. cerevisiae resist the intracellular
vanillin is still not clear (Shen et al., 2014).
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 99
Figure 1. Kinetics of carbon dioxide production of the strains tolerant with different levels of inhibitors. ----Control; vanillin concentrations: -■- 0.5, -▲- 1, -♦- 1.5, -●- 2 (g L-1); furfural concentrations: -∆- 1, -◊- 1.5, -○- 3
(g L-1).
On the other hand, the oxidizing effect of the compounds it was also observed due to inhibition
of cell growth (Fig. 2). The growth at 1.5 g L-1 vanillin and furfural were delayed, however, the final
biomass reached similar values to non-stressed conditions, but 48 hours later for vanillin and 72
hours later in the case of furfural. It is known that resistance to oxidative stress increases during the
stationary phase (Arellano et al. 2013), similarly to observed it in this work. The effect of toxicity of
vanillin had been observed previously so like the delay growth was observed by Nguyen et al., (2014)
to vanillin concentrations (0- 6 mM) was lower than in this work.
The seven yeast tested tested were tolerant up to 1.5 g.L-1 for both, vanillin and furfural, which is a
high tolerance, as agave must usually contain around 1 g L-1 of furfural. However, the results obtained
show a different behavior of the yeast strain, but not all strains can be produce carbon dioxide like in
normal conditions due to a mechanism not clear.
The authors thank the financial support of Instituto Politécnico Nacional (projects SIP2016-1919 and
2016-1090) and the IPN scholarship and BEIFI financial supports to PVL.
100 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Figure 2. Growth kinetics of the strains in the presence of 1.5 g L-1 of vanillin or furfural, monitored by cell
concentration (continuous lines) and by viable counts (dotted lines).
Arellano M, Gschaedler A, Noriega R, Clemente M, Manzo S, González A. 2013. Respiratory capacity
of the Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast isolated from the mezcal process during oxidative stress,
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 29: 1279–1287.
De la Torre F, Narváez J, López y López E, Larralde C. 2016. Ethanol tolerance is decreased by fructose
in Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts. LWT Food Science and Technology 67, 1-7.
Nguyen T, Iwaki A, Ohya Y, Izawa S. 2014. Vanillin causes the activation of Yap1 and mitochondrial
fragmentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 117(1): 3338.
Shen Y. Wang H. Zhang X. Hou J, Bao X. 2014. High vanillin tolerance of an evolved Saccharomyces
cerevisiae strain owing to its enhanced vanillin reduction and antioxidative capacity. Journal of
Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 41:1637–1645
Sarvari I, Johan C, Mohammad J, Niklasson C, Liden G. 2003. Effects of furfural on the respiratory
metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in glucose-limited chemostats. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 69(7): 4076–4086
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 101
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Validation of a method for the determination of volatile
compounds that could be markers of authentic tequila.
Lugo-Melchor Y.1, Rodríguez-Campos J.2, Cedeño-Cruz M.3, Bravo S.4*
Beverages made from agave, such as tequila, have a denomination of origin, the majority compound
are controlling by specification of official rules like NOM-006-SCFI-2012. Validation of analytic
techniques are the unique way to demonstrate the veracity of results. The principal families found in
this spirits are furans, terpenes, esters and some acetyls, highlight the family of terpenes, which is
believed to come from the plant, being the most abundant linalool, α-terpineol and trans α-farnesol,
this are responsible for the floral, sweet, citrus and woody aroma. Gas chromatography with flame
ionization detector is probably the technique most used for volatile compound identification.
Validation of analytic technique that identified the specific compound by Mexican rules and other
minority compound such as 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, ethyl octanoate, 2-acetyl furan, linalool,
5-methylfurfural, 4-terpineol, ethyl decanoate, menthol, furfuryl alcohol, alfa-terpineol, ethyl
dodecanoate, 2-phenylethanol, and alcohol perillyl that could be used as quality control to determine
the authenticity of agave beverages. The parameters of precision, linearity, percentage of recovery,
limit of identification and quantification were validated using CCAYAC criteria. This work presents
an analytical technique to identify and quantify minority compound that could be use such a marker
of authentic agave beverage.
Key words: agave, spirit beverages, authenticity.
The spirit beverages such as tequila can be easily adulterated and some of them can be sales as
tequila agave 100% or tequila. The Mexican official standard NOM-006-SCF-2012 evaluate some
components for the quality control of tequila such as ethanol (35-55 % v/v), superior alcohols as
propan-1-ol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, butan-1-ol and butan1, 2, 4. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A. C. Av. Normalistas 800 Col. Colinas de la
Normal 44270 Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
3. Cámara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera. Calzada lázaro Cárdenas 3289-5º piso, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
102 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
2-ol (20-500 mg/100 mL AA), methanol (30-300 mg/100 mL AA), aldehydes as acetaldehyde (040 mg/100 mL AA), esters as ethyl acetate (2-250 mg/100 mLAA) and furfural (0-4 mg/100 mg
AA). All these compounds are present in the tequila in high amounts and accordance with the law;
this compounds can be identiied and quantiied by gases chromatography coupled lame ionization
detector (GC-FID). Studies about diferent stages of the production process of tequila haven been
identiied 327 volatile compounds and they were classiied in 12 functional chemical group, however,
in the inal product (second distillation) haven been identiied 187 compounds (Prado-Jaramillo et
al. 2015). Most of these volatile compounds are present in small content and have an impact on the
aroma and lavor of tequila and present very low concentration (Escalona-Buendía et al. 2004).
The Mexican regulations just evaluate the major compounds that can be identify and quantify by
Gas Chromatography using Flame ionization detector (GC-FID), therefore is important to ind minor
compounds that can be classiiers from agave origin with simple techniques and robust analysis such
Compounds used as standards purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Toluca, México). The HPLC-grade
ethanol was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (Toluca, México).
Tequila Samples
The analytical method was evaluated with authentic silver tequila samples obtained from Cámara
Nacional de la Industria Tequilera (CNIT)
Sample preparation
Sample preparation was carry out in agree with the NOM-006-SCF-2012, using glass material class
A, the sample was prepared in 25 mL with 0.5 mL of IS1 and 0.5 mL of IS2, they are taken 2 mL in a vial
and injected in gas chromatography.
Chromatographic conditions and validated method
Chromatographic method was performed by a gas chromatography lame ionization detection
(FID) and autosampler (Agilent Technologies, 6890N), equipped with an Innowax capillary column
(60m*0.25 mm id*0.25µm ilm thickness). The oven temperature was programed at 40°C and
maintained by 6.5 min, increased until 165°C at a rate of 10°C min-1, 30°C min-1 to 220°C and inally
maintained at 220°C for 10 min. Temperature of the injector was 220°C and detector 240°C. The gas
carrier was helium at 0.7mL min-1. Sample injection was 0.5 µL and it was 3:1 as split ratio.
The chromatographic method was validated for linearity, precision, limit of detection and
quantiication and accuracy. It was injected ten levels of calibration curves according to the linear
range previously stablish; precision was evaluated by obtaining the repeatability and intermediate
precision using seven injections of each level, both parameters were expressed as relative standard
deviation (%RSD). The linearity was obtained by the percentage of relative coeicient (R2) and the
limits of detection (LOD) and quantiication limit (LQD) were estimated according to The International
Conference on Harmonisation guidelines 1994 and the accuracy was obtained using the analysis of
recovery. The tequila silver was spiked at, low, medium and high concentrations (80%, 100% and
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 103
120% of the concentration of the calibration curve) this was evaluate by three times, the results tell
us how recover what added.
Performance characteristics, such as trueness, precision, linearity and sensitivity of the GC-FID
method was evaluated, the results are shown in Table 1. The recovery percentage was obtain to the
measure of additional tequilas using the same ten levels of calibration curve, results obtained was
according to establish at the CAYACC between 80 – 120 %. Repeatability was evaluated using a level
of calibration curve and this was injected seven time in same condition, precision was evaluate using
3 levels of calibration curve en the acceptance requirements was CV< 5% to majority compound and
10% for the propose such as possible markers, percentage of variety coeicient was the reported,
accepting 3% for all compound in parameter intermiade presicion. Gas chromatography allow to
detect concentration around 0.01 mg*L-1 in some compounds, this concentration was an excellent
result for the propose of this job.
Linearity of all compound was measure using the criteria percentage of coeicient correlation equal
or most than 99%. The parameters measured in this validation, indicate that analityc technique can
be use for analysis of agave beverage, the validation present the evidence necessary to demonstrate
de veracity of obtain results.
Table 1. Validation parameters
104 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
The authors of this work want to thank CONACyT- Mexico for the inancial support to the project
Ref. 204249 carried out at CNIT and CIATEJ A.C.
NOM-006-SCFI-2012, Bebidas alcohólicas – Tequila – Especiicaciones
Prado-Jaramillo N, Estarron-Espinosa M, Escalona-Buendía H, Cosío-Ramírez R, Martín-del-Campo S.
2014. Volatile compounds generation during diferent stages of the Tequila production process.
A preliminary study. LWT – Food Science and Technology.
Martín-del-Campo S, Gómez-Hernandez H, Gutierrez H, Escalona-Buendía H, Estarron M, CosíoRamírez R. 2011. Volatile composition of tequila. Evaluation of three extraction methods.
Journal of Food 9: 152- 159.
Cuadros L, García A, Bosque J. 1996. Statistical estimation of linear calibration range. Analytical
Letters 29: 1231-1239.
Molina-Guerrero J, Botello-Alvarez J. 2007. Compuestos volátiles en Mezcal. Revista Mexicana de
Ingeniería Química 6: 41-50.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 105
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Volatile profile of artisanal Raicilla elaborated in the Jalisco
Estarrón-Espinosa M.1*, López-Ramírez J. E.2, Arellano-Plaza M.3, Gschaedler A.4
Raicilla, artisanal beverage produced in Jalisco and Nayarit states from different species of agave,
was characterized in its volatile profile by GC-FID and GC-MS. The majority volatile profile allowed
to determine that the parameters in which some products exceeded the limits regulated by Official
Mexican Standards were in esters, higher alcohols and furfural. On the other hand, 86 minor volatile
compounds were quantified by direct injection into a GC-MS system, of wich ketones, acids and
miscellaneous compounds were the most abundant.
Key words: Raicilla, volatile compounds, agave distillate.
Raicilla is a regional alcoholic beverage produced in Jalisco and Nayarit, Mexico. In its processes is
permitted to use 100% of the maguey A. maximiliana, A. inaequidens, A. valenciana, A. angustifolia
and A. rhodacantha, among others, except A. tequilana Weber var. Azul. Raicilla is distilled from
fermented juices spontaneously or with cultured yeasts, extracted from mature heads of the
previously cooked maguey (PROY-NOM-199-SCFI-2015). The Raicilla elaboration process basically
comprises the same stages of the artisan process to produce mezcal, bacanora and other important
mexican distilled beverages elaborated from the genus Agave, so its chemical composition is equally
complex. This product is still elaborated under traditional processes, currently its consumption
has increase and it is looking for international markets, nevertheless information on the volatile
composition related to their quality characteristics and identity is scarce. The aim of this study
was to characterize the volatile profiles of Raicilla from different regions of the Jalisco state, as the
composition and quality approach.
1, 2, 3, 4. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C.-Campus Zapopan. Camino Arenero 1227,
El Bajío del Arenal, C.P. 45019, Zapopan, Jalisco.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
106 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Raicilla samples and analytical reagents.
Eleven samples of diferent Raicillas “Silver 100%”, were kindly provided by local producers in the
municipalities of Mascota and Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco in July 2016. The samples were stored at 20 ±
2 °C until analysis. Ethanol, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, ethyl lactate, ethyl nonanoate, methanol,
2-butanol, 1-propanol, isobutanol, 1-butanol, isoamyl alcohol, 1-pentanol, 2-pentanol and furfural
were purchased (GC grade, purity ≥ 99 %) from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA).
Chromatographic analysis
The major volatile compounds regulated by Oicial Mexican Standard, were determined by GCFlame Ionization Detector (FID), standardizing the samples and calibration levels as described in the
Mexican Standard NMX-V-005-NORMEX-2013. The samples and standard disolutions were analyzed
by auto-injecting 1 µL (split 50:1) in a gas chromatograph 7890B Agilent technologies. Separation was
done in a HP-INNOWAX column (No. part 19091N-136 Agilent). Carrier gas was helium at a low rate
of 1 mL/min. Oven initial temperature was 50 °C for 7 min, then increased at 10 °C/min to 165 °C, and
inally increased at 20 °C/min until 220 °C, held for 5 min. Injector and detector temperatures were
220 and 250 °C, respectively. Quantiication was based on the internal standard method according
to NMX-V-005-NORMEX-2013. Each sample was assayed in duplicate.
Minor volatile compounds analyses were carried out by direct injection in a GC-MS. The column and
gas chromatograph used for this determination were the same described above, but GC detection
was coupled to an Agilent 5977A MSD. Samples were automatically injected (1 µL, splitless mode),
helium low at 1.5 mL/min. Oven temperature program was 60°C to 180 °C at 3 °C/min held 2 min,
then increased to 230 °C at 15 °C/min, held for 30 min. Injector and detector temperatures were
250 and 260 °C, respectively. Compound ionization was in EI mode at 70 eV and spectral signals
were obtained on scan mode. Tentative identiication of detected compounds was based in a mass
spectrum comparison with those obtained in the NIST16L library and conirmed by using pure
standards when possible. Quantiication was made with methyl nonanoate as reference standard,
analyzed under the same conditions that samples. Each sample was assayed in duplicate.
Alcoholic content (% alc. Vol.).
The alcoholic content in samples was measured according to Mexican Standard NOM NMX-V-013NORMEX-2013. % Alcohol volume was used for obtain the compounds concentration in anhydrous
alcohol base.
Majority volatile profiles
The proiles of the major compounds in diferent samples analyzed are shown in Fig. 1, whereas the
detailed quantitative results are shown in Table 1.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 107
Figure. 1. Major volatile profile in different Raicillas
Individual concentration of the major volatile compounds shown significant differences and
contributed to the formation of the global majority volatile profile of the Raicillas evaluated. Overall
seven of the eleven Raicillas tested met the specifications for content of aldehydes, esters, higher
alcohols, methanol and furfural indicated in the PROY-NOM-199-SCFI-2015 and NOM-142-SSA1/
SCFI-2014. Four products exceeded the allowed limit for esters with concentrations of 205.1, 339.5,
250.5, 210.5 mg/100 ml of anhydrous alcohol for samples R2, R5, R6 y R10 respectively. Sample R2
with 908.6 ml/100 ml of anhydrous alcohol exceeded the maximum limit of higher alcohols, while
samples R5, R6 y R10 were out of range for furfural with 5.9, 20.2 y 5.1 ml/100 ml of anhydrous
Table 1. Concentration of major volatile compounds in different Raicillas.
aRefered to alcohol/volume (20°C). bAs acetaldehyde. cMaximum and minimum values suggested in the PROY-NOM-199-SCFI-2015 for
Raicilla. cMaximum values permitted by NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014 for distillates.
108 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Minority volatile profiles
The direct injection of different Raicillas allowed the identification and quantification of 86 minority
compounds (not considered in the NOM). In Table 2, the identified compounds are listed, among
which, ketones, acids, miscellaneous compounds and other alcohols were the most abundant
Table 2. Minor volatile compounds identified en Raicilla.
Figure. 2. Minority volatile compounds in different Raicillas
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 109
Diferent concentrations of the minor compounds marked the diferences in their volatile proiles (Fig.
2). Esters and higher alcohols are generated during alcoholic fermentation and their concentration
in spirits is inluenced mainly by the microorganisms involved in the fermentation stage, as well by
process conditions during elaboration. The furfural is generated mainly during the cooking stage,
but its concentration change during the distillation of the fermented musts; so that the species of
agave used, the type and time of cooking, and distillation conditions are determinants in the control
of the concentration of this compound (Estarrón et al., 2015). Despite are few studies on the volatile
majority and minority composition of this beverage; De León et al. (2008), reported concentrations
of 166 mg/L, 217 mg/L and 490 mg/L for esters, methanol and higher alcohols respectively, this
values are low for methanol and higher alcohols compared to those evaluated in this study. On the
other hand, all the minor volatile compounds identiied in this study have already been reported in
previous studies on Raicilla (Arrizón et al., 2007; de León et al., 2008).
The characterization of the volatile compounds in Raicillas showed that only 63% meets the quality
speciications established by the Oicial Mexican Standard. The detection of signiicant diferences
in composition proiles and some physicochemical parameters outside permitted limits, suggests
large diferences in manufacturing processes, however it is necessary to determine the quality of this
artisan agave beverage in diferent production regions to warranty that Raicilla products meet the
law speciications.
The authors thank the kindly contribution of Raicilla samples to producers of Cabo Corrientes and
Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.
Arrizón J, Arizaga JJ, Hernandez RE, Estarrón M, Gschaedler A. 2007. Production of volatile compounds
in Tequila and Raicilla musts by diferent yeasts isolated from Mexican agave beverages.
Chapter 14: Hispanic Foods, Chemistry and Flavor. In ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 946 (pp. 167177). Oxford University Press.
De León A, Escalante P, Jiménez M, Ordoñez L, Flores J, Barba A. 2008. Characterization of
Volatile Compounds from Ethnic Agave Alcoholic Beverages by Gas Chromatography-Mass
Spectrometry. Food Technology 46 (4): 448-455.
Estarrón-Espinosa M, López-Ramírez JE, Martín del Campo Barba ST, Gallardo-Valdez J, RamírezRomo E, Cosío-Ramírez R, García-Fajardo JA. 2015. Calidad del Tequila: Marco Normativo y
Composición del Producto. Ciencia y Tecnología del Tequila, avances y perspectivas. 2ª Edición.
Capítulo 6, Pp, 174-256.
PROY-NOM-199-SCFI-2015, Bebidas alcohólicas-Denominación, especiicaciones información
110 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
comercial y métodos de prueba, publicada el 29 de febrero de 2016 en el DOF.
NMX-V-005-NORMEX-2013. Bebidas Alcohólicas-Determinación de aldehídos, ésteres, metanol y
alcoholes superiores-Métodos de Ensayo (Prueba), publicada el 23 de enero de 2014 en el DOF.
NMX-V-013-NORMEX-2013. Bebidas Alcohólicas-Determinación del contenido alcohólico, publicada
el 23 de enero de 2014 en el DOF.
NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014. Bebidas Alcohólicas. Especiicaciones Sanitarias. Etiquetado sanitario y
comercial, publicada el 23 de marzo de 2015 en el DOF.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 111
THEMATIC II Science and technology of Agave
beverages and other derivatives
Yeasts diversity and distilleries technification of durango’s
Martínez-Estrada S.C.1*, De la Cruz-Arguijo E.A.2, Gurrola-Reyes J. N.3, Larralde-Corona C.P.4, NarváezZapata J.A.5
Mexico is known for the production of alcoholic beverages produced by distilling the fermented juice
of different species of agave, one of these beverages is the mezcal. This drink is produced mainly by
artisanal process, so the fermentation is done with juice and bagasse, usually without inoculation.
The fermentation process is carried out by yeast, which are responsible for the production of ethanol
and other compounds that confer organoleptic characteristics to the final product.
This work analyzes the diversity of yeast during the fermentation process in two distilleries in the
state of Durango, Mexico; both distilleries have different production processes, an artisanal distillery
and the other one is semi-industrialized distillery.
Relevantly 34 yeasts were isolated, Where Saccharomyces cerevisiae were 47%, 44% Kluyveromyces
marxianus, Pichia manshurica 3%, 3% Torulaspora delbrueckii and 3% Pichia kluyveri. Differences were
observed in the distribution of Saccharomyces and Non-Saccharomyces between the two mezcal
distilleries. In Lagrimas de Dolores only Saccharomyces obtained in the final stages of fermentation.
On the other hand, artisanal distillery exhibited a high percentage of Saccharomyces in the early
stages in April unlike june, by the end, Saccharomyces and Kluyveromyces genera were obtained.
Key words: yeast, fermentation, mezcal, Saccharomyces, Non-Saccharomyces.
Mezcal is a traditional Mexican beverage obtained from the distillation of fermented juices of cooked
Agave heart (Flores-Berrios et al. 2005). Distilled beverages involve a complex of microorganisms
during the fermentation, where yeasts are responsible for the production of various chemical
compounds (Escalante-Minakata et al. 2008). The aim of this work was to identify and assess the
1, 3. Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIIDIR-Durango Calle Sigma #119, Fracc. 20 de Noviembre. Durango, Dgo.
2, 4, 5. Centro de Biotecnología Genómica, Blvd. del Maestro s/n esq. Elías Piña, Col. Narciso Mendoza, Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
112 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
diversity of the yeasts that occur in diferent fermentation stages (starting, middle and end) of
must obtained from Agave durangensis fermentations, from two distilleries with diferent levels of
Samples were taken at diferent times during fermentation in two mezcal distilleries: Lagrimas de
Dolores located in Durango, Dgo., and Avila located in Nombre de Dios, Durango, Mexico. Both
distilleries have diferent production processes. Avila’s factory presents an artisanal process, while
Lagrimas de Dolores is techniied.
Samples from Avila’s distillery were collected in april (NAP) and june (NAJ), while samples from
Lagrimas de Dolores were taken in june (LDJ). Yeasts were isolated in YPDA. Genomic DNA was
obtained by using the Wizard genomic DNA puriication Kit© (PROMEGA). Identiication was
conducted by direct sequencing of the 26S ADNr region using the Big Dye Terminator v3.1 cycle
sequencing Kit (Applied Byosistems) on an ABI 3130 sequencer.
34 yeasts were isolated, where 47% were Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 44% Kluyveromyces marxianus, 3%
Pichia manshurica, 3% Pichia kluyveri and 3% Torulaspora delbrueckii. Diferences were observed in the
distribution of Saccharomyces and Non-Saccharomyces (Fig. 1) between the two mezcal distilleries.
Lagrimas de Dolores exhibited a high percentage of Saccharomyces in the early fermentation stages,
but at the end, only Saccharomyces was obtained. On the other hand, Avila´s factory exhibited a
high percentage of Saccharomyces in the early stages in april (33.3%) unlike june (22.2%), by the end,
Saccharomyces and Kluyveromyces genera were obtained.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 113
Figure 1. Phylogenetic analysis of the 26S rDNA region. (Green) Beginning, (Yellow) middle and (Red) end
fermentation stages. Avila (NA) and Lagrimas de Dolores (LD).
Preliminarly we conclude that Avila’s distillery showed more yeast diversity, probably because this
distillery retains a more traditional process.
114 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
We thank the inancial support from Instituto Politécnico Nacional, project SIP 2016-0950 and BEIFIIPN support to SCME.
Escalante-Minakata P, Blashek HP, Barba de la Rosa AP, Santos L, De León-Rodríguez A. 2008.
Identiication of yeast and bacteria involved in the mezcal fermentation of Agave salmiana.
Letters in Applied Microbiology 46 (6): 626-630.
Flores Berrios EP, Alba González JF, Arrizon Gaviño JP, Romano P, Capece A. 2005. The uses of AFLP for
detecting DNA polymorphism, genotype identiication and genetic diversity between yeasts
isolated from Mexican agave-distilled beverages and from grape musts. Letters in Applied
Microbiology 41(2): 147-152.
Science and technology of Agave beverages and other derivatives 115
116 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 117
THEMATIC III Biological effects of Agave fructans
and other by-products
Automatic determination of Kluyveromyces marxianus
fructanase enzymatic activity
Barbosa E.1, Arana A.2, Pliego J.3, Gschaedler A.4, Arrizon J.5, Femat R.6, Herrera-López E.7*
The aim of this work was to monitor fructanase enzymatic activity produced by a non-conventional
yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus isolated from the mezcal process. For this purpose, a known enzymatic
analytical method was adapted to a sequential injection analyzer (SIA) designed in our laboratory.
Samples taken from a running bioreactor were put in a flask and were properly joined via tubing to the
SIA system. Off-line fructanase determination was carried out by pumping a specific volume of free cell
samples into the SIA system. When necessary, automated dilutions was performed, in function of the
culture elapsed time. Substrate was added to the sample and was incubated at 50°C for 15 min. Then
it was mixed with DNS reagent and heated at 90°C for 5 min, finally be cooled and read at 540 nm in
a spectrophotomer. The SIA measurements were validated against the standard method by means
of quantifying the amount of residual reducing sugars released from the hydrolysis of sucrose. The
results indicate that SIA system measurements are as reliable as the microplate methodology. The SIA
system allowed to measure the activity of a sample in a linear range of 0.01-1.4 U/ml. This methodology
developed with the SIA system is a promising tool to monitoring on-line the evolution of fructanase
production in a bioprocess with the purpose to consider automated control strategies.
Key words: Kluyveromyces marxianus, fructanase, monitoring, Sequential Injection Analysis, offline.
In a bioprocess, the yeasts are the largest and most valuable generators of bioproducts worldwide,
exceeding in production capacity and income to any other industrial microorganism (Kurtzman et al.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. Biotecnología Industrial, Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A.C., Unidad
Zapopan, Camino Arenero 1227, Col. El Bajío del Arenal, C.P. 45019 Zapopan, Jalisco, México
6. División de Matemáticas Aplicadas, IPICYT. Camino a la Presa San José 2055, Col. Lomas 4a. sección C.P. 78216. San Luis Potosí, S. L. P.,
* Corresponding author: email:
118 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
2011). K. marxianus has desirable characteristics for biotechnological applications, such as: capability to assimilate key substrates not metabolized by other yeast, such as lactose and inulin. This yeast
can grow at considerable fast rates, it has thermotolerance as it has the ability to grow above 52 °C,
and shows high secretory capacity of metabolites (Fonseca et al. 2008).
The fructanases are enzymes capable of hydrolyze β-fructofuranoside links of fructans and can be
used to obtain fructooligosaccharides (FOS) or fructose nectars (Corona-González et al. 2014). A
recent study has evaluated the fructanase and fructosyltransferase activity of non-Saccharomyces
yeasts isolated from the mezcal fermentation must, where K. marxianus had fructanase activity
(Arrizon et al. 2011).
Usually, determining enzyme activity requires taking a sample out from the bioreactor to analyze
it of-line at the laboratory. The disadvantage of this approach is the extensive time needed to recover the information from the bioprocess, hindering the possibility to develop control systems. It
will be of great interest to monitor enzymatic activity in real time, since from its determination of
optimization and control strategies can be designed in order to guarantee the maximum yield and
productivity in the bioprocess. Sequential injection analysis (SIA) systems are suitable devices to monitor biochemical key variables such as enzyme activity in a bioprocess on-line (Silvestre et al. 2011).
The aim of this work was to develop an automatic method to monitor of-line, the production of a
fructanase produced by a strain of Kluyveromyces marxianus isolated from the mezcal process using
a SIA system.
Microorganism and fermentation conditions
The yeast used in this study was Kluyveromyces marxianus SLP1 that belongs to the microorganism
collection of the Centro de Investigation y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C.
(CIATEJ). The Samples from batch and fed-batch fermentations (chemically deined medium, 20 g/L
glucose, pH 4.5) were centrifuged to separate the cell pack. Supernatant was stored at -20 °C until
the samples were analyzed.
Sequential injection analysis system description
Fructanase enzyme determination was carried out in a Sequential Injection analysis system designed
at the Industrial Biotechnology laboratory of the CIATEJ. The SIA system is composed by a mini-pump
for aspiration/injection, a holding coil, two multiposition valves, a reaction coil with temperature
control, a low cell with a light source and a spectrophotometer, see details in (Pliego et al. 2015).
Calibration curve
The calibration curve used in the SIA system consisted of 5 concentrations of glucose (0.0 g/L to 2.0
g/L). Each dilution was mixed with DNS reagent and heated up at to 90 °C for 5 min, and immediately cooled with ice for 1 min. The mixing mixture was diluted 1:4-fold, and inally read at 540 nm.
SIA system fructanase determination and validation.
The supernatant from the bioreactor samples were pumped to the SIA system and 10 g/L of sucrose
with pH 5.0 were mixed with the sample and carried to the holding coil of the measuring device. The
blank was obtained by mixing the sample with the DNS reagent followed by the addition of subs-
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 119
trate. The samples and blank were treated following the same procedure performed in the calibration curve. Samples were diluted in a ratio 1:4, and read at 540 nm. The SIA system measurements
were compared against the standard methodology used to quantifying enzyme activity in microplate
(Arrizon et al. 2011), our method does not use phenol. From this analysis a curve for each sample was
The developed methodology for the calibration curve showed that the response generated by the
SIA system was proportional to the glucose concentration of the enzymatic reaction. Fig. 1A shows
the summary of curves generated by the sequential analysis system for diverse runs of the calibration curve. It is noteworthy that the method is reproducible. Linear regression with areas under the
curve shows an adjustment of 99.7% (Fig. 1B).
Figure 1. A) Response curves obtained from the processed samples in the SIA system and the calibration
curve. B) linear regression with areas of the calibration curve.
Table 1 compares the enzymatic activity values obtained from microplate with the SIA system. It
can be observed not significant differences (below 1%) between the microplate with the SIA system
at high enzymatic activity obtained from the fed-batch cultures, this samples required dilution of
1:100 to fit the calibration curve. However, at low enzymatic activity values obtained from the batch
cultures the dissimilarities appeared between the SIA and the microplate measurements since the
standard deviation varied from 14% to 20%. This variability could be caused by an inadequate mixing
due to the presence and/or generation of air bubbles during processing and measurement; therefore,
the SIA performance is still under study to improve its reliability at low activities. The SIA system
allowed the measurement of the enzymatic activity of a sample in a linear range of 0.01-1.4 U/ml. In
a next stage, on-line fructanase activity determinations will be performed with the SIA system.
120 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Table 1. Comparison of enzyme activity microplate vs SIA
The results obtained let us show that the fructanase activity measurement through the SIA system is
as effective as the measurement in microplate, although its performance still needs to be improved
to increase reliability at low enzymatic values. The methodology developed with the SIA system is a
promising tool for on-line monitoring the evolution of fructanase production in a bioprocess, with
potential use for optimization and control purposes.
Authors would like to thank CONACYT for the support granted to the project SPECTRE 162712. Barbosa E. thanks CONACYT for the Master scholarship grant, 577098.
Arrizon J, Morel S, Gschaedler A, Monsan P. 2011. Purification and substrate specificities of a fructanase
from Kluyveromyces marxianus isolated from the fermentation process of Mezcal. Bioresource
technology 102(3): 3298-3303.
Corona-González RI, Pelayo-Ortiz C, Jacques G, Guatemala G, Arriola E, Arias JA, Toriz G. 2015.
Production of fructanase by a wild strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on tequila agave fructan.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107(1): 251-261.
Fonseca GG, Heinzle E, Wittmann C, Gombert AK. 2008. The yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus and its
biotechnological potential. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 79: 339–354.
Kurtzman C, Fell JW & Boekhout T. 2011. The yeasts: a taxonomic study. Elsevier.
Pliego J, Mateos JC, Rodriguez J, Valero F, Baeza M, Femat, Camacho R, Sandoval G, Herrera-López EJ.
2015. Monitoring Lipase/Esterase Activity by Stopped Flow in a Sequential Injection Analysis
System Using p-Nitrophenyl Butyrate. Sensors 15(2): 2798-2811.
Biological efects of Agave fructans and other by-products 121
Silvestre CI, Pinto PC, Segundo MA, Saraiva MLM, Lima JL. 2011. Enzyme based assays in a sequential
injection format: A review. Analytica chimica acta 689(2): 160-177.
122 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 123
THEMATIC III Biological effects of Agave fructans
and other by-products
Characterization of polysaccharides extracts of A. durangensis
pineapple agave.
Valencia-del Toro G.1*, Aguilar-Doroteo J.2, Aguilar-Doroteo L.3, Torres-Ricario R.4, Garín-Aguilar M. E.5
The Agave durangensis is an important complex specie of agave in Mexico because represents an
economic and cultural source for Durango City. The agave is used principally for mezcal production
in our country. The fructooligosaccharides are necessary in such production. At date, there are few
reports about type and amount of polysaccharides of A. durangensis. We used fresh pineapple from
A. durangensis of nine years of age, this sample was cut in 1 cm3 pieces of and two processes were
developed. On one hand, fragments were dehydrated and grinded, the resulting flour was extracted
with water, the aqueous extract was dried out (in Spray dryer) and the polysaccharides were precipitated with absolute ethanol. On the other hand, the pineapple juice was obtained and was mixed
with absolute ethanol and then polysaccharides were collected. The extract yield obtained in spray
dryer was 33% while the extract from maceration was 7%, but the IR spectra of polysaccharides
extracts obtained of spray dryer extract had additional peaks with respect to spectrum of polysaccharides obtained from pineapple juice. The use of spray dryer to obtain polysaccharides extracts of
agave allowed increase in yield. Therefore is important to perform the purification from the obtained
Key words: Agave durangensis, Frutooligosaccharides, IR spectra, Spray dryer, polysaccharides.
Members of the Agavaceae family are species rich in carbohydrates, which are, enable to produce fructans, this polysaccharides are reserve material and osmoprotectans against hydric stress. In
different Agave species, the fructans are synthesized and stored in the stems. The fructans have
different structure and molecular weights depended of specie and region of study. The comparison
of fructan linkage analysis between A. tequilana, Agave potatorum, Agave cantala, Agave fourcroydes
1, 2, 3. Laboratorio Cultivos Celulares, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, UPIBI-IPN.
4. CIIDIR Durango, Instituto Politécnico Nacional
5. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala-UNAM.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
124 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
and Agave angustifolia showed diferences in the proportions of glucose polymerized, as well as in
the proportions of β(2-6) and β(2-1) linkages of the principal chains (Mancilla-Margalli and Lopez,
Diferent studies have been realized on Agave fructans (i.e. characterization of their molecular structure, thermal and enzymatic hydrolysis, characterization their physiological mechanisms). However,
reports regarding the factors of the extraction process and the possible interactions among them are
limited (Flores et al. 2015). Recently, the attention of researchers has focused on the Agave fructans
extraction and several methods for fructans extraction have been proposed, among which hot-water treatment (Laurenzo et al. 1999) and maceration in distilled water extraction to obtain the agave
juice are used. In both methods is required the polysaccharides precipitation with ethanol. The aim
of this research was to obtain and characterize the polysaccharides extracts from Agave durangensis
Polysaccharides extraction process
A fresh pineapple from A. durangensis of nine years of age and harvested in the State of Durango,
México was used, this sample was cut in 1 cm3 pieces and two processes were developed. On one
hand fragments were dehydrated (Mellado and López, 2012) in an oven at 60 °C, once dry the material was grinded in a blender and pass through a 60-mesh sieve, the resulting lour was extracted
four times with water at 90 °C during 4 h. The aqueous extract was dried out (in Spray dryer) and the
polysaccharides were precipitated with absolute ethanol. On the other hand, the pineapple juice was
obtained; the pieces of pineapple agave were added with distilled water in 1:0.7 proportion weight:
volume, after this mix was crushed in a blender for 3 minutes, the macerated pulp was maintained
at 60-70 °C for 15-20 minutes, the obtained juice was mixed with absolute ethanol and the polysaccharides were collected (Mancilla and López, 2006). The polysaccharides extraction yield was determined according to the following equation: Extraction Yield (%) = (polysaccharides weight/wet raw
material weight) × 100%.
Characterization of Polysaccharides of A. durangensis
The polysaccharides content in the extracts was determined as the diference between the total carbohydrates and reducing sugars. The reducing sugars were quantiied via the DNS (Miller, 1959) method using D-glucose as the standard and total carbohydrates were determined by phenol-sulphuric
acid method (Dubois et al. 1956). The polysaccharides content was measured with the diference
between total carbohydrate and reducing sugars. The average chain length, as an index of degree of
polymerization (DP), was calculated according to (Paseephol et al. 2007): degree of polymerization
(DP) = Total amount of carbohydrate/Total amount of reducing sugar.
Infrared spectrums of polysaccharides were recorded in the solid state using a Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy (FTIR) in Perkin-Elmer 16F PC Spectrophotometer, between 550 and 4000 cm-1.
The qualitative identiication of polysaccharides was performed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC).
Phase ascension was composed of a mixture of solvents: butanol–propanol–water (7:5:4:2). After
drying the plate, the spots were visualized by spraying aniline–diphenylamine–phosphoric acid–acetone (1:1:5:50), followed by drying at 80 °C for 10 min (Mellado and López, 2012).
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 125
The aqueous extract yield obtained in spray dryer was 42% and the polysaccharides extract was of
33% while the extract from maceration was 7%. The agave polysaccharides obtained via spray dyer
exhibited a DP of 49.5. Of the total sample obtained, 143.6 g kg−1 corresponded to total carbohydrates and 2.9 g kg−1 were reducing sugars, whereas the polysaccharides obtained via maceration of
extracts exhibited a DP of 6.7, and the sample was composed of 281.6 g kg−1 carbohydrates and 46.6
g kg−1 reducing sugars. DP and concentration of fructans are highly dependent on the environmental
conditions: temperature, light, nutrients in the soil, among others (Flores-Girón et al. 2015). The FTIR
spectra of the polysaccharides extracted by different methods are shown in Fig. 1. The spectra are basically similar to the previously analyzed spectra of other examined systems (Cai et al. 2008; Pourfarzad et al. 2015; Zhao et al. 2011). In the IR area of about 3,200 cm−1, there is a wide intense band. This
band can be assigned to the O-H stretching vibrations of CH-OH groups from a fructo-furanose unit.
Some weak absorption peaks of about 2,888 – 2,977 cm−1 for C-H stretching vibrations, were observed in the spectra. The relatively strong absorption peak at around 1,581 cm−1 and 1,583 cm−1 reflected
the absorption of the C=O group which was part of glycosides. This is a characteristic of monomers
fructose and glucose (Zhao et al. 2011). Other peaks, between 1,020 and 1,050 cm−1 are resulted from
C-O bond and C-C bond, the peak at about 1,395 cm−1 represents the angular deformation of C-H
(CH3 group). In addition, a series of common spectra at about 1,269 and 1,455 cm−1 appeared in the
spectra of fructans, and they were related to bending vibrations and internal deformations of the
methylene CH2–OH group from the fructose ring (Pourfarzad et al. 2015).
Figure 1. IR spectra of polysaccharides extracts of A. durangensis obtained from agave juice (a) and dry agave
The TLC profile of polysaccharides extracts of Agave durangensis (Fig. 2) shown retention factors (Rf values) and spot
colors similar. In both methods of extraction were obtained the same carbohydrates and this also was observed in
the IR spectra.
Figure 2. TLC of polysaccharides extracts of Agave durangensis
Obtained from agave juice (F1) and dry agave (M1, M2).
126 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
The use of spray dryer to obtain polysaccharides extracts of agave allowed increase in yield. Therefore
is important to perform the puriication from the obtained extract.
This investigation was support for SIP-IPN20160240.
Cai W, Gu X, Tang J. 2008. Extraction, puriication, and characterization of the polysaccharides from
Opuntia milpa alta. Carbohydrate Polymers 71: 403–410.
Dubois M, Gilles KA, Hamilton J.K, Rebers PA, Smith F. 1956.Colorimetric method for determination
of sugars and related substances. Analytical Chemistry 28: 350–356.
Flores-Girón E, Salazar-Montoya JA, Ramos-Ramírez EG. 2015. Application of a Box–Behnken design
for optimizing the extraction process of agave fructans (Agave tequilana Weber var. Azul).
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 96(11): 3860-3866.
Mancilla MAN, Lopez MG. 2006. Water-Soluble Carbohydrates and Fructan Structure Patterns from
Agave and Dasylirion Species. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 7832-7839.
Mellado ME, Lopez MG. 2012. Fructan Metabolism in A. tequilana Weber Blue Variety along Its
Developmental Cycle in the Field. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60: 11704−11713.
Miller GL. 1959. Use of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for determination of reducing sugar. Analytical
Chemistry, 31(0): 420–428.
Paseephol T, Small D, Sherkat F. 2007. Process optimization for fractionating Jerusalem artichoke
fructans with ethanol using response surface methodology. Food Chemistry 104(1): 73–80.
Pourfarzad A, Najai MBH, Khodaparast MHH, Khayyat MH. 2015. Characterization of fructan
extracted from Eremurus spectabilis tubers: a comparative study on diferent technical
conditions. Journal of Food Science and Technology 52(5):2657–2667.
Zhao Q, Kennedy JF, Wang X, Yuan X, Zhao B, Peng Y, Huang Y. 2011. Optimization of ultrasonic
circulating extraction of polysaccharides from Asparagus oicinalis using response surface
methodology. International Journal Biological Macromolecules 49(2): 181–187.
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 127
THEMATIC III Biological effects of Agave fructans
and other by-products
Effect of agave fructans addition on technological properties of
white bread.
Camacho-Ruíz R.M.1, Torres-Pedraza C.2, Alvarado-Osuna C3*
Agave fructans are dietary fiber, which has been shown to have prebiotic activity and improve
mineral absorption. Besides offering health benefits when fructas are added to white bread, they
also improve their technological properties as texture, volume and color. Inulin type fructans have
been extensively studied in bakery; however, there are few studies of agave fructans. The aim of this
work was to study the impact of agave fructans addition on technological properties of white bread.
White bread formulations containing different proportions of chicory or agave fructans (including
10% or 18%) were developed. White bread without fructan addition was used as control. After baking
process, technical properties of breads were analyzed: color, specific volume and texture (hardness,
elasticity, cohesiveness, chewiness, resilience). Breads added that contain 18% of agave fructans
(Faa18) developed an intense brown color than other breads. In all formulations containing fructans,
either, chicory or agave, an important reduction in the specific volume was observed. Hardness,
increase depending of the percentage of fructan added, while elasticity was decreased. It is important
to note that agave fructans had less negative impact than chicory fructans. However, cohesiveness
and chewiness were highly affected when agave fructans were added, mainly in 18% addition. Agave
fructans in bakery have interesting features and brownish breads can be obtained, on the other hand,
chewiness was increased. We recommend addition of no more than 10% of fructan, because higher
concentrations produce a decrement in the cohesiveness, resulting in crumbling breads.
Key words: agave fructans, white bread, technological properties, dietary fiber, bakery.
Fructans are fructose polymers linked with β bonds between their units; it could be linear or branched
depending on their source. Inulin type fructans are linear polymers composed of fructose units linked
by β(2-1) fructose-fructose glycosidic bonds. Agave fructans are branched polymers with fructose units
1, 2, 3. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, Av. Normalistas No. 800, Colinas de la Normal,
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
128 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
linked by β(2-1) and β(2-6) fructose-fructose glycosidic bonds, and could have an internal or external
glucose unit (Lopez et al. 2003). Fructans are considered dietary iber or prebiotics because human
digestive enzymes are not able to hydrolyze them. Fructans can be fermented by colonic microbiota
promoting digestive health through short chain fatty acids production, improving the balance between
healthy and unhealthy bacteria in the colon (Gibson et al. 2004, Ramnani et al. 2015, Marquez et al.
2013). Besides the digestive health beneits, fructans can also improve the technological properties
of food. The beneits that fructans provide to food products depend on the characteristics of the
polysaccharide as chemical structure, solubility or degree of polymerization. Branched fructans are
more soluble than lineal fructans. Higher degree of polymerization fructans are used as fat replacement,
stabilizer, thickener, improving lavor and texture (Roberfroid, 2005; Madrigal and Sangronis, 2007).
In the other hand lower degree of polymerization fructans are used as sugar substitute, humectant,
improving palatability and favoring Maillard reactions. Inuline type fructans have been extensively used
in bakery with a strong impact in dough developing time, rheological characteristics, volume, color,
moisture and texture of bread (Hager et al., 2011; Meyer and Peters, 2009). On the other hand, it has
been observed that fructan addition on bread formulations decreases cooking times maintaining the
aromatic quality (Poinot et al., 2010). Nevertheless there are few research exploring agave branched
fructans incorporation into bakery products. This research aims to contribute to this knowledge.
Bread formulations and cooking
White bread formulations containing diferent proportions (10% or 18%) of chicory (GR and HP from
Beneo) or agave (Olifructine® from Nutriagaves) fructans were developed. GR and Olifructine® are
raw fructans, while HP are mainly long chain fructans. In all formulations, lour was replaced by
fructans. White bread without fructan addition was used as control. The same method of preparation
was used in all formulations, mixing 20 min, dwell time 30 min and cooking 30 min at 180°C.
Technological properties
Color. The color of the crust and the crumb of diferent breads was determined using a colorimeter
(Color Quest XE, Hunter Lab, USA), which measures the color on lat surfaces. The measuring
principle is based on recording the intensity of light absorbed by the black color and relected by the
white color, and the decomposition of light in the red, green, yellow and blue (L*a*b*).
Specific volume. The bread volume was determined using the displacement method of millet seed.
Texture. The texture analysis was conducted with TPA (texture proile analysis). For which slices of 10
mm thickness were cut with a strain of 50%, preventing the fracture. The transverse arm speed was
5 seconds. The sample was compressed twice to resemble two bites. Area under diferent curves was
determined to evaluate attributes: hardness, elasticity, cohesiveness, chewiness, resilience.
The efect of fructan addition on color of crumb and crust bread was measured through L parameter
in colorimeter, showed a soft efect when 10% of fructans were added. Only GR fructan in crust
and chicory ingredients in crumb showed less darkness (L parameter). In contrast, 18% of agave
fructan addition (Faa) developed an intense brown color in crust compared with control bread. Bread
crumbs added with agave fructans had similar behavior than control, while breads containing chicory
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 129
fructans were darker (Fig. 1). Volume is linked to density and softness of bread crumb, fermentation
period and interaction of ingredients with gluten. In all formulations containing fructans, both
chicory and agave, significant reduction in the specific volume was observed (Fig. 2). The effect of
fructan introduction on the texture profile is shown in Table 1. Addition of 18% of fructan caused bad
quality bread, crumbly and hard; but in the case of agave fructans the parameter measurement were
not possible to do. Resilience showed no differences between control, agave fructan and HP. In the
bread added with 10% of fructans, hardness increase only in breads added with chicory ingredients,
but breads with agave fructans remain soft like in bread control. Elasticity and cohesiveness decrease
in all breads added with fructan ingredients compared with control.
Figure 1. Appearance of baked breads. Faa: agave fructans (Olifructine®), GR: Chicory fructans GR, HP: Chicory
fructans HP.
Figure 2. Specific volume of baked bread. A: (10% fructans), B: (18% fructans). Faa: agave fructans (Olifructine®),
GR: Chicory fructans GR, HP: Chicory fructans HP.
Table 1. Texture profile of white breads with agave fructans (Faa) and inulin (GR, HP).
Means within columns that share different letter are statistically significant (p <0.05).
130 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
In order to ind some bakery product matched with functional food, a couple of formulations with
high concentration of fructans were evaluated on white bread. More than 10% of ingredient addition
is not recommended because of their negative impact on technological properties. The addition
of 10% of frutans from diferent origin showed increase of hardness, had no efect on resilience
and reduce elasticity and cohesiveness. Agave ingredients added at 10% showed no bad impact in
hardness and resulted in acceptable volume and quality of bread.
Cecilia Torres thanks to CONACYT for her Master fellowship.
Gibson GR, Probert H, Van Loo J, Rastall R, Roberfroid MB. 2004. Dietary modulation of the human
colonic microbiota: Updating the concept of prebiotics. Nutrition Research Reviews 17: 259–275.
Hager AS, Ryan LAM, Schwab C, Gänzle MG, O’Doherty JV, Arendt EK. 2011. Inluence of the Soluble
Fibers Inulin and Oat β-Glucan on Quality of Dough and Bread. European Food Research and
Technology 232(3): 405–13.
Lopez MG, Mancilla-Margalli NA, Mendoza-Diaz G. 2003. Molecular structures of fructans from
Agave tequilana Weber var. azul. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(27): 7835-7840.
Madrigal L, Sangronis E. 2007. La Inulina Y Derivados Como Ingredientes Claves En Alimentos
Funcionales. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición 57(4): 387.
Márquez-Aguirre AL, Camacho-Ruiz RM, Arriaga-Alba M, Padilla-Camberos E, Kirchmayr MR,
Blasco JL, González-Avila M. 2013. Efects of Agave tequilana fructans with diferent degree
of polymerization proiles on the body weight, blood lipids and count of fecal Lactobacilli/
Biidobacteria in obese mice. Food & function 4(8): 1237-1244.
Meyer D, Brigitte P. 2009. Bakery-Enhancing the Nutritional Value of Bread with Inulin. Agro Food
Industry Hi-Tech 20(3): 48.
Poinot P, Arvisenet G, Grua-Priol J, Fillonneau C, Le-Bail A, Prost C. 2010. Inluence of Inulin on Bread:
Kinetics and Physico-Chemical Indicators of the Formation of Volatile Compounds during
Baking. Food Chemistry 119(4): 1474–84.
Ramnani P, Costabile A, Bustillo AG, Gibson GR. 2015. A Randomised, Double-Blind, Cross-over Study
Investigating the Prebiotic Efect of Agave Fructans in Healthy Human Subjects. Journal of
nutritional science 4: e10.
Roberfroid MB. 2005. Introducing Inulin-Type Fructans. British Journal of Nutrition 93(S1): S13–25.
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 131
THEMATIC III Biological effects of Agave fructans
and other by-products
Effect of fructans on quality parameters of dark chocolate
Domínguez-Murillo A.C.1*, Urías-Silvas J.E.2
The high caloric value of traditional chocolate formulations leads consumers who seek a more
balanced diet to avoid it. The first modification of chocolate recipes for nutritional ends was the
elimination of sucrose. The rise in diet-related illness has led consumers to take a greater interest
in the ingredients used in the manufacture of many sugar-free products. Agave fructans and inulin
are functional food ingredient with potential prebiotic activity. The aim of the present study was
to obtain a prebiotic dark chocolate and the effects of agave fructans and inulin in the rheological,
textural and melting properties were examined and analyzed. The use of agave fructans had
statistically significant effects ( p<0.05 ) on the rheological properties of the samples, especially in
viscosity, showing the highest value, due a strongest inter-particle force. Otherwise, no statistically
significant differences were found between samples in the mechanical and molten properties, so it
can be deduce that the substitution of sucrose by inulin or agave fructans produces no change in the
Key words: Chocolate, agave fructans, inulin, rheology.
Dark chocolate can be described as a suspension of nonfat particles (sugar and cocoa solids), that
shows a non-Newtonian behavior (Beckett, 2008). Foods that contain low-calorie sugar and fat
replacers are popular due to a desire for dietary caloric reduction. Depending on the type of chocolate,
sucrose constitutes more than 40–50% of solids dispersed in fat and thus, its functional properties
including sweetness, stability, particle size distribution, mouthfeel (texture), and its impact on
rheological properties of the product are important for chocolate products (Belščak-Cvitanović et
al., 2015), therefore low-sugar chocolate with prebiotic properties have been formulated with several
different sugar replacements as inulin, polydextrose, and maltodextrin, however, an important
point to consider is their functionality in a variety of sugar and/or fat-containing products to obtain
1, 2. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A.C., Av. Normalistas 800 Colinas de la Normal,
Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author.
132 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
products with similar quality parameters (Konar et al., 2014).
The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between rheological, textural and melting
properties of dark chocolate as influenced by the utilization of agave fructans as sugar replacements
and compared with chicory inulin.
Dark chocolate samples were prepared in a refining-conching machine with 2 rolls and manual
tempering. Experimental samples were taken after the refining-conching step. The samples were
identified by the letters AF, IN or SA representing agave fructans, inulin or sucrose, respectively.
Rheological properties.
The rheological properties of the chocolate samples were carried out in a controlled stress–strain
rheometer, (AR-1000, TA-Instruments, USA) using bob and cup geometry. Each chocolate sample
was incubated at 50°C for 75 min, melted, transferred to the rheometer and pre-sheared at a rate
of 5.00 s−1 for 10 min at 40°C in the rheometer. The shear rate started at 5.0–60 s−1 within 120 s, and
50 measurements were taken. The data from the measurements were applied to the Casson model,
and related rheological parameters, such as yield stress and viscosity were determined (Konar et al.
Melting properties.
Melting properties were carried out in a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC Q200, TA-Instruments,
USA) and was calibrated using indium and octa-decane, using an aluminium pan as reference,
adopting the modified method reported by Afoakwa et al. (2008). Samples (15-20 mg) were loaded
into 40µl capacity pans. Pans were heated at 10°C/min from 15 to 200°C in a N2 stream. Onset
temperature (Tonset), end temperature (Tend) and enthalpy of melting ( H) were calculated for each
peak presents in the thermogram obtained. Each sample was analyzed in triplicate and mean values
and standard deviations are reported.
Mechanical properties.
The mechanical properties of the chocolate, such as hardness, were measured using a TA-TXPlus
Texture Analyser (Stable Micro Systems, UK) according to the modified method of Konar et al. (2014).
A penetration test were performed using a uniaxially cone (α = 40°) at the center of the rectangular
piece of chocolate (1.87 x 2.7 cm) at room temperature, to a penetration rate of 1.6 mm/s with a 60%
of compression of the original thickness. The results for the hardness (N) are expressed as the mean
value of six replicates.
Chocolate mass exhibited a non-Newtonian behavior, and is observed in fig. 1, in which the apparent
viscosity decreases increasing the shear rate, which proves the pseudoplastic or shear thinning nature
of chocolate. This behavior can be attributed to the breakdown of the inner structure dispersions; in
fact, the increase of shear rate causes the drop in the apparent viscosity of the molecules orientating
along the flow lines (Glicerina et al., 2015). Viscosity relates to pumping characteristics, filling of
rough surfaces, coating properties and sensory character of body, and is defined as the amount of
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 133
energy necessary to maintain a non-Newtonian fluid in movement, while the shear stress is the
energy required to start flow, and is related to the inter-particle interaction forces at rest, and both
rheological parameters, are given in Table 1. Formulation AF, which differs from SA (control) only in
the substitution of sucrose with agave fructans (Table 1), had the highest viscosity. Also this may
be result of a more effective crystallization and that increases the inter-particle forces in chocolate
containing agave fructans, which requires a greater force to maintain the flow. Viscosity ranged
from 2.93 to 3.44 Pa.s and the yield stress from 3.30 to 4.60 Pa, which agrees with the standards for
traditional dark chocolate (2-4 Pa.s and 4-32 Pa, respectively) (Beckett 2008).
Figure 1. Rheological behavior of dark chocolate samples.
Table 1. Rheological and mechanical properties of dark chocolate.
Otherwise no statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found between samples in the
mechanical properties (Table 1), however the chocolate sample that exhibits the highest hardness
was the inulin containing formulation, while the lowest was the one with fructans.
The molten behavior of the dark chocolate samples is presented in fig. 2, also the results of the
characterization of the molten properties are presented in the Table 2. No statistically significant
differences (p<0.05) were found between samples in the molten properties, then deducing that
the crystalline form achieved in tempering begins to melt at the same temperature, and therefore
the substitution of sucrose by inulin or agave fructans produces no change in the crystallinity and
melting properties.
Table 2. Molten properties of dark chocolate.
134 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Temperature °C
Figure 2. Melting behavior of dark chocolate samples.
With increasing consumer interest in functional foodstuffs and compounds, development studies
have been accelerated in this area. However, it is important that the products that are being
developed are consistent with the standard products with respect to other quality parameters
in addition to their functional features from the point of view of consumers’ acceptance level.
Therefore, investigating the variations in these parameters with the inclusion of agave fructans as
a prebiotic substance could have strategic significance. Chocolate with agave fructans shows the
highest viscosity due a strongest inter-particle force, but it was found no significant differences in
the mechanical and molten properties, so it can be deduce that the substitution of sucrose by inulin
or agave fructans produces no change in the crystallinity or thermal properties.
Afoakwa E, Paterson A, Fowler M and Vieira J. 2008. Relationship between rheological, textural and
melting properties of dark chocolate as influenced by particle size distribution and composition.
Eur. Food Res. Technol. 227: 1215–1223.
Beckett S. 2008. The Science of chocolate. Formerly Nestle´ Product Technology Center, York, UK
Belščak-Cvitanović A, Komes D, Dujmović M, Karlović S, Biškić M, Brnčić M. 2015. Physical, bioactive
and sensory quality parameters of reduced sugar chocolates formulated with natural
sweeteners as sucrose alternatives. Food Chem. 167:61–70
Glicerina V, Balestra F, Dalla R and Romani S. 2015. Effect of manufacturing process on the
microstructural and rheological properties of milk chocolate. J. Food Eng. 145: 45–50.
Glicerina V, Balestra F, Rosa MD, Bergenhstål B, Tornberg E and Romani S. 2014. The Influence of
Biological efects of Agave fructans and other by-products 135
Diferent Processing Stages on Particle Size, Microstructure, and Appearance of Dark Chocolate.
J. Food Sci. 79: 1–7.
Konar N, Özhan B, Artık N and Poyrazoglu E. 2014. Using polydextrose as a prebiotic substance in
milk chocolate: efects of process parameters on physical and rheological properties. CyTA - J.
Food 12: 150–159.
136 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 137
THEMATIC III Biological effects of Agave fructans
and other by-products
Evolution of sugars from Agave tequilana Weber during cooking
by using infrared spectroscopy
López-Ramírez J.1, Arellano-Plaza M.2, Estarrón-Espinosa M.3, Pérez-Martínez F.4,
Ramírez-Romo, E.5, Mondragón-Cortez, P.6 *
In this work, the transformation of fructans to fructose induced by cooking process in samples of
cooked agave juice was monitored using FTIR-ATR spectroscopy. The uncooked juice showed a FTIR
spectrum with typical groups related to the fructan molecule. The FTIR spectra of the cooked agave
juice changed in function of the cooking times, bands related to the partial and total transformations
from fructans to fructose. FTIR spectrum of the cooking sample at 48 h presented vibrational groups
related only to fructose. In the tequila industry, FTIR-ATR spectroscopy could be an efficient and fast
tool for controlling the cooking agave juice process.
Key words: agave, fructans, cooking, infrared, FTIR-ATR.
The elaboration of distilled beverages, involve the fermentation of sugars, principally fructose.
However, the sugars content in agave raw are not fermentable, for this reason, it needs a hydrolysis
process, commonly by cooking. Agave plants are collected in the field and later peeled. Then, agave
heads are cooked in traditional ovens or modern autoclaves during a time period. Next, the cooked
agave heads are crushed to extract the juice. Subsequently, these juices are fermented to obtain
ethanol. The principal components of uncooked agave’s head are water and fructans. The fructans
are formed by fructose molecules united by β (2→1) and β (2→6) links and in minor proportion
chains of glucose and saccharose (López et al. 2003).
In this work, the transformation of agave juice during the stage of cooking was observed by using
the technique of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)-Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C. Camino Arenero 1227, El Bajío del
Arenal, C.P. 45019, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author: email:
138 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
FTIR-ATR analysis are fast and needs a small amount of sample (Lohumi et al. 2015). This technique
is widely used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of components in organic samples that
uses information from the functional groups of the molecules involved (Stuart, 2004). These groups
are obtained from the interaction of the infrared beam with the sample placed on the ATR accessory
(Karoui et al. 2010). The aim of this study was to analyze the spectral changes of cooked agave juice
samples using FTIR-ATR spectroscopy.
Agave head samples were cooked in an autoclave during 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h at 95°C. The cooked
juice was extracted by milling. Spectra from all samples were obtained using a spectrometer CARY
360 (Agilent, USA) equipped with an ATR accessory. Samples were placed on diamond / ZnSe
crystal plate of 18 mm diameter and scanned from 4000 to 650 cm-1, 20 scans with resolution of
4 cm-1 at room temperature (~20ºC). Spectra of the samples were collected and rationed against a
background of water and presented in absorbance units versus wavenumber (cm-1). Each sample was
run in duplicate. Data manipulations were carried out via resolution-pro software (Agilent, USA).
Fructose content was measured in the agave juice samples by high performance liquid chromatography
Agave juices have two major components: fructans and water. Fructans are a diverse group of
polysaccharides that contains two or more β-linked fructose. Fig. 1 shows the infrared spectrum of
uncooked agave juice between 4000 and 750 cm-1. The spectral region between 1200 and 800 cm-1
can be attributed only to signals from the fructan molecule (Grube et al. 2002). The region between
3100 y 2800 cm-1 exhibits peaks related to C-H groups. The spectrum show around 3200 cm-1 a peak
associated with O-H group. Fig. 1 (a) shows only the infrared spectrum in the region from 1300 to
700 cm-1. In this region can be observed mainly peaks associated with fructans. At 1025 cm-1 appears
a high peak, which can be associated to C-C and C-O groups. The peaks around of 1135 and 930
cm-1 are attributed to the complex vibration of the C-O-C group and ring vibrational modes in the
composition of cycle structure.
Fig. 2 shows the infrared spectra of agave juice in function of the cooking times. In this igure can be
observed clearly the gradual disappearance of the peaks originally located in the infrared spectrum
of the uncooked juice (rich in fructans) (Fig. 2 (a)). For example, the band located at around 1025 cm-1
decrease drastically.
In the spectrum of the cooked sample at 48 h can be observed the total transformation of the fructans
to fructose (Figure 2 (f)). The peaks located at 1135, 1025 and 930 cm-1 in the fructans spectrum (Figure
2 (a)) practically disappeared. Fructose molecule spectrum presents a principal peak approximately
at 1060 cm-1, which is related to C-C and C-O groups. In the same igure the peaks located in 835 y 775
cm-1 are also related to the fructose molecule (Grube et al. 2002).
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 139
Fig. 3 shows the fructose content in cooked agave juice samples. In this figure can be observed that
fructose concentration increase in function of the cooking time. These results are consistent with
the characteristic of the absorption peaks shown in the obtained infrared spectra (Fig. 2).
Figure 1. Infrared spectrum of uncooked agave juice. The expanded region (1300-700 cm-1) shows the most
representative area related to agave fructans.
Figure 2. Infrared spectra evolution of cooked agave juice samples. Figure 2 (a), uncooked agave juice.
140 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Figure 3. Fructose content in cooked agave juice samples obtained by HPLC
In this work, by using FTIR-ATR spectroscopy the partial or total transformation of fructans to fructose
in cooked agave juice samples at different times were observed. The complete transformation of
fructans to fructose was observed in cooked agave juice sample after 48 h of cooking at 95°C. FTIRATR spectroscopy could be an efficient, flexible and fast tool to control of the cooking process of
agave juices.
Gallardo-Valdez J. 2015. Industria Tequilera, Visión y Tecnología de su Desarrollo. In: Ciencia y
Tecnología del Tequila, (pp 1-159). CIATEJ, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
Grube M, Bekers M, Upite D, Kaminska E. 2002. Infrared spectra of some fructans. Spectroscopy
Lohumi S, Lee S, Lee H, Cho BK. 2015. A review of vibrational spectroscopic techniques for the
detection of food authenticity and adulteration. Trends in Food Science and Technology 46:8598.
López MG, Mancilla-Margalli NA, Mendoza-Díaz G. 2003. Molecular structures of fructans from
Agave tequilana Weber var. azul. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51:7835-7840.
Karoui R, Downey G, Blecker C. 2010. Mid-Infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics: a tool
for the analysis of intact food systems and the exploration of their molecular structure quality
Biological efects of Agave fructans and other by-products 141
relationships. A review. Chemical Reviews 110:6144-6168.
Stuart B. 2004. Spectral Analysis. In: Infrared Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Applications, (pp 4570). Wiley and sons, Chichester, England.
142 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 143
THEMATIC III Biological effects of Agave fructans
and other by-products
In silico analysis of predicted fructanase from a filamentous
fungus for agave fructans hydrolysis
Ordaz E.1, Camacho-Ruíz R.M.2, Mateos-Díaz J.C.3, Rodríguez J.A.4*
Agave fructans are water-soluble polysaccharides and they are a rich source of sugars to obtain
fermented beverages, functional sweeteners and/or fructose syrups. However, their branched
structure limits its hydrolysis with enzymes from several sources. Nevertheless, filamentous fungi
(e.g. A. niger) are potential sources of exo-inulinases to produce fructose syrups from Agave fructans.
In this work, a predicted fructanase from A. terreus (ATPF) which, was compared with an exoinulinase from A. awamori (AAEI) through in silico docking with three substrates: sucrose, bifurcose
and neofructosylnystose. When ATFP was docked with bifurcose and neofructosylnystose (which
represents a more challenging hydrolysis such as agave fructans), these were closer by approximately
1 Å from the main catalytic residues in comparison with AAEI, suggesting that ATPF could easily
hydrolyze both substrates and therefore agave fructans; however, a biochemical characterization of
ATPF is needed to verify these findings.
Key words: Agave fructans, hydrolysis, fructanases, inulinases, filamentous fungi.
Fructans are water-soluble fructose polysaccharides that resist gastrointestinal human digestion.
They are commonly found in angiosperms, fungi and bacteria (Hendry, 1993). Depending on structural
features such as initial trisaccharide and glycosidic bonds, fructans can be classified into, inulins, neoinulins, levans, neo-levans and neo-fructans. Neo-fructans (Fig. 1), also known as agavins, mainly
found in Agave spp., are the most complex poly-fructans due to their highly branched structure
(Salinas et al., 2016).
1, 2, 3, 4. Biotecnología Industrial, Unidad Zapopan, Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A.C.
Camino El Arenero 1227, El Bajío del Arenal, C.P. 45019, Zapopan, Jalisco.
* Corresponding author. email:
144 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Figure 1. General structure of neo-fructans.
Most fructans can be easily hydrolyzed to obtain fermented beverages, functional sweeteners
or fructose syrups. However, in the case of neo-fructans such as agave fructans, their branched
structure limits its enzymatic hydrolysis. Because of this, finding endo- and exo-fructanases capable
of hydrolyzing Agave fructans has become a goal for researchers and the industry. Exo-inulinases
from A. niger have been successfully used as effective enzymes for exo-hydrolysis of agave fructans
(Huitrón et al., 2013), positioning the filamentous fungi as potential sources of such enzymes.
The 3D structure of A. niger exo-inulinase (ANEI) has not been reported yet; however, the 3D structure
of an exo-inulinase from A. awamori (AAEI) with a 92.3% sequence identity with ANEI has been
reported (Nagem et al., 2004). This means that this structure could be used as template for in silico
analysis to find new potential biocatalysts for enzymatic hydrolysis of agave fructans. The aim of this
work was to demonstrate the potential application of a predicted fructanase from A. terreus (ATPF)
through in silico docking in comparison with an exo-inulinase from A. awamori.
Amino acid sequence of ATPF (XP_001216776) was taken from A. terreus NIH2624 genome. The protein
domains and potential catalytic amino acids were determined using the PROSITE Database of protein
domains. ATPF 3D structure was modeled using Swiss-model server (Arnold et al., 2006; Peitsch et
al., 1995) based on the known X-ray structure of A. awamori exo-inulinase (PDB ID: 1Y9G). In silico
docking analysis was performed by using AutoDock Vina (Trott and Olson, 2010) and visualized with
Pymol Molecular Graphics System. Substrate molecules were built with Avogadro and ChemOffice
ATPF (499 residues) contains the motifs corresponding to the GH32 family (Table 1). These motifs
include two aspartate residue and a glutamate residue which are known as the ‘catalytic triad’
(Lammens et al., 2009). This enzyme has a 39% of sequence identity with AAEI, therefore, it was
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 145
possible to use this structure as a template to build the ATPF model. In silico docking analysis of
both enzymes (Fig. 2) was performed with three substrates: sucrose which is an easily hydrolyzable
substrate for these enzymes, bifurcose and neofructosylnystose which represent a more challenging
hydrolysis (such as agave fructans).
Figure 2. AAEI and ATPF dockings with sucrose (pink), Bifurcose (blue) and Neofructosylnystose (yellow) as
substrates. Distance in Å from the catalytic residues and the glycosidic bond are shown in black numbers.
For AAEI and ATPF, the fructosil residue of the sucrose molecule was correctly introduced in their active site
cavity with similar coupling energy, suggesting that this substrate can be easily hydrolyzed by both enzymes.
When bifurcose and neofructosylnystose were docked with the AAEI, the substrates were farther apart by
approximately 1 Å from the main catalytic residues in comparison with ATPF. These results suggest that
ATPF could easily hydrolyze bifurcose and neofructosylnystose and therefore agave fructans, in spite of their
branched structure. These variations may affect the biochemical properties of the enzyme, such as reaction
velocity; however, a biochemical characterization of ATPF is needed to verify these findings.
Table 1. Conserved motifs of GH32 family. The active site residues are shown in bold.
146 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
In silico docking analysis of predicted fructanase from A. terreus suggests this enzyme could be a
potential candidate for the exo-hydrolysis of bifurcose, neofructosylnystose and therefore of agave
fructans, however these results must be validated at a biochemical level.
The authors would like to thank the AGARED network supported by CONACyT.
Arnold, K., Bordoli, L., Kopp, J., Schwede, T., 2006. The SWISS-MODEL workspace: A web-based
environment for protein structure homology modelling. Bioinformatics 22, 195–201. doi:10.1093/
Hendry, G. a F., 1993. Evolutionary origins and natural functions of fructans – a climatological,
biogeographic and mechanistic appraisal. New Phytol. 123, 3–14. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1993.
Huitrón, C., Pérez, R., Gutiérrez, L., Lappe, P., Petrosyan, P., Villegas, J., Aguilar, C., Rocha-Zavaleta, L.,
Blancas, A., 2013. Bioconversion of Agave tequilana fructans by exo-inulinases from indigenous
Aspergillus niger CH-A-2010 enhances ethanol production from raw Agave tequilana juice. J.
Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 40, 123–132. doi:10.1007/s10295-012-1211-0
Lammens, W., Le Roy, K., Schroeven, L., Van Laere, A., Rabijns, A., Van den Ende, W., 2009. Structural
insights into glycoside hydrolase family 32 and 68 enzymes: functional implications. J. Exp. Bot.
60, 727–40. doi:10.1093/jxb/ern333
Nagem, R.A.P., Rojas, A.L., Golubev, A.M., Korneeva, O.S., Eneyskaya, E. V., Kulminskaya, A.A.,
Neustroev, K.N., Polikarpov, I., 2004. Crystal structure of exo-inulinase from Aspergillus
awamori: The enzyme fold and structural determinants of substrate recognition. J. Mol. Biol.
344, 471–480. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2004.09.024
Peitsch, M.C., Wells, T.N.C., Stampf, D.R., Sussman, J.L., 1995. The swiss-3dimage collection and pdbbrowser on the world-wide web. Trends Biochem. Sci. 20, 82–84.
Salinas, C., Handford, M., Pauly, M., Dupree, P., Cardemil, L., 2016. Structural Modiications of Fructans
in Aloe barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) Grown under Water Stress. PLoS One 11, e0159819.
Trott, O., Olson, A.J., 2010. AutoDock Vina: improving the speed and accuracy of docking with a new
scoring function, eicient optimization, and multithreading. J. Comput. Chem. 31, 455–461.
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 147
THEMATIC III Biological effects of Agave fructans
and other by-products
New dietary supplement from Agave fourcroydes in broiler
Iser-Toro M.1, Martínez-Aguilar Y.2*, Rosales-Cortés M.3, Valdivié-Navarro M.4, Estarrón-Espinosa M.5
This study was conducted to determine the effects of Agave fourcroydes powder as a dietary
supplement on the growth performance, gut morphology, serum concentration of IgG and the
hematology parameters of broiler rabbits. A total of 32 rabbits [New Zealand × Californian] were
weaned at 35 days. They were randomly selected for two dietary treatments (eight repetitions
per treatment), which consisted of a basal diet and a basal diet supplemented with 1.5 % driedstem powder of A. fourcroydes. On day 60 from the initiation of treatment, gut histomorphology
(duodenum and cecum), serum concentration of IgG and hematology parameters were all measured.
The results showed that A. fourcroydes powder supplementation improved (P<0.05) the average
daily feed intake, Average daily gain and final body weight. Correspondingly, this treatment increased
(P<0.05) the muscle and mucosa thickness, height and width of villi. However, duodenum crypts
depth was lower (P<0.05) when rabbits were fed with this natural product, compared with the basal
diet treatment. Results also indicated that the A. fourcroydes powder increased (P<0.05) the serum
concentration of IgG, but did not change the hematology parameters. This data indicates that A.
fourcroydes powder, as a supplement, had beneficial effects on increasing the growth performance
and serum concentration of IgG, as well as improving the gut morphology without affecting the
hematology parameters in broiler rabbits.
Key words: Agave fourcroydes, dietary supplementation, rabbit, growth performance, gut integrity.
Natural products are considered better alternatives to Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGP), from
the point of view of bio-safety and low residue (Martínez et al., 2013). The Agave genus, part of the
1, 2. Centro de Estudios de Producción Animal, Universidad de Granma, Apartado Postal 21. Bayamo, Granma. Cuba. C. P. 85100.
3. Centro de Investigación de Patología Animal, Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria, División de Ciencias Veterinarias, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
4. Instituto de Ciencia Animal, Apartado Postal 24, San José de Las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba.
5. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco, A. C., Unidad de Tecnología Alimentaria. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
148 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Agavaceae family, is native to Mexico. They have been cultivated since the pre-Columbian era for
the production of textile ibers, alcohol, molasses, pulp and fodder, as well as for erosion control
and soil conservation (García et al., 2015). Speciically, the stem of the Agave fourcroydes has a high
oligosaccharide content, which forms a poly-disperse mixture (García et al., 2015). In addition, our
previous studies have demonstrated the presence of lavonoids, anthocyanins, saponins, coumarins,
reducing sugars and tannins in this plant material (Iser, 2016). On the other hand, the dried-stem
powder of Agave tequilana, which are rich in fructans type inulin, is used as a supplement in the
diets of swine, this, enhance immunity, microbiology and intestinal morphology, as well as promote
the growth performance and meat quality (Sánchez et al., 2015). There are many chemical beneits
of Agave spp. for animal feed. However, there have been few studies done on the dietary use of
dried-stem powder of A. fourcroydes in animal nutrition; especially on the diet of rabbits. Thus, the
objective of the current study was to evaluate the efects of dried-stem powder of Agave fourcroydes
on growth performance, gut morphology, serum concentration of IgG.
Animal, housing, treatment and growth performance
A total of 32 rabbits [New Zealand × Californian], that were weaned at 35 days with an initial BW of
768 to 769g, were randomly selected to two dietary treatments. The dietary treatments consisted
of a basal diet (BD) and a basal diet supplemented with 1.5% dried-stem powder of A. fourcroydes.
Feed and water were freely available during the entire experimental period, which lasted for 60 days.
The temperature was kept at 22(±2) °C, and relative humidity was maintained between 60 and 65%.
BD was prepared according to the nutritional requirements of broiler rabbits (de Blas and Mateos,
2010). The dried-stem powder of A. fourcroydes was kindly provided for the study by the Study Center
of Animal Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Granma, Cuba. Rabbits were
weighed (BW) on days 35 and 95. Feed intake (g/rabbit/day) was measured daily. Average daily gain
(ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI), feed/gain ratio (F/G) and viability were calculated for the
period of 1 day to 60 days during the trial. At the end of the experiment, rabbits (one rabbit/pen)
were killed to sample gut tissues.
The analysis of gut morphology
The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) was divided into two segments; duodenum and cecum. Approximately
5 cm of intestinal tissue was cleaved, removed and ixed at 10% formalin in PBS, at 4°C for the
histomorphological analysis. After dewaxing, hydrating and staining the tissues with HematoxylinEosin, the thickness of muscle and mucous membrane, the width and depth of the crypts, as well
as the height and width of villi of the duodenum and cecum were determined by using an Axiostar
microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) connected to a computer with Opti-AnalySIS Basic
and soft imaging system software. Images to 500x and 100x were obtained (Jiang et al., 2012). Then,
the villus height/crypt depth ratio was calculated.
Determination of hematology parameters and serum concentration of IgG
Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein of eight rabbits, one rabbit per pen per
treatment, on the day of euthanasian at 95 days old. Leukocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total
proteins, erythrocytes and platelets were analysed. The Concentration of the Mean Corpuscular
Hemoglobin (CMCH), the Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) and the Mean Corpuscular Volume
(MCV) were determined by the following formulas: CMCH=Hb (g/100 ml) x100/ (Ht (%); MCH:
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 149
(Hgb*10)/leukocytes; MCV: Ht (%)*10)/ (RBCs (millions/mm3). The serum concentration of IgG was
determined using an analyser kit with γ-calculating instrument GC-300 (Beijing, China).
Statistical analysis
Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. The statistical analysis was performed by unpaired t-test using
SPSS 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). P values \0.05 were taken to indicate significance.
All rabbits were healthy and grew well throughout the entire experimental period of 60 days. A.
fourcroydes powder supplementation improved (P<0.05) the final BW, ADG and ADFI compared with
BD (Table 1). However, F/G did not show significant differences (P>0.05) among treatments.
Table 1. Effects of dietary supplementation of Agave fourcroydes powder on growth performance of broiler
rabbits (95 days old).
The experiment lasted for 60 days; n=16. BW: Body Weigh, ADFI: Average Daily Feed Intake, ADG: Average Daily Gain, F/G: Feed/Gain ratio.
Fructans, which are recognized as one kind of oligosaccharides presented in the A. fourcroydes can be
metabolized by microorganisms in the large intestine, which is beneficial for the synthesis of shortchain fatty acids. Thus, A. fourcroydes is capable of positively affecting the growth performance
by increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids (Falcão-e-Cunha et al., 2007). In rabbits,
fructans were reported to increase the population of lactic acid bacteria, particularly Lactobacillus
spp. and Bifidobacterium spp., which provokes a competitive exclusion against pathogenic bacteria
in the GIT, as well as a beneficial influence on body weight (Falcão-e-Cunha et al., 2007). Also, this
natural product has a high presence of flavonoids, a polyphenolic compound with the ability to
inhibit the production of nitric oxide (NO), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in LPSinduced macrophage cells, which ensures improvement in the absorption of nutrients, subsequently
increasing the body weight (Han et al., 2014). Table 2 illustrates the data from the analysis of the
gut morphology of broiler rabbits at 95 days old. In the duodenum and cecum, the Agave fourcroydes
powder increased (P<0.05) the muscle and mucosa thickness compared with BD, as well as improve
the (P<0.05) height and width of villi. However, the duodenum crypts depth of A. fourcroydestreated group was lower (P<0.05) than that of BD group (table 2). Meanwhile, the width and depth
of cecum did not show significant differences (P>0.05) amongst the treatments. Supplementation
of A. fourcroydes increases the thickness of muscle and mucosa in broiler rabbits, and subsequently
improves intestinal health (Jiang et al., 2012). The improvement of an intestinal barrier function,
though modulating the intestinal microbial community diversity, is mostly beneficial for the
150 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
animal’s health. Our results are consistent with these findings, as it was observed that A. fourcroydes
powder supplementation (1.5 %) increased (P<0.05) the height and width of the villi, due to suitable
intestinal conditions. These conditions include higher proliferation of lactic acid bacteria, decrease
of cecum pH (Iser, 2016), as well as thickening of the intestinal mucosa, suggesting that there may
indeed be an association between the intestinal health status and the absorptive capacity.
Table 2. Effects of dietary supplementation of Agave fourcroydes powder on gut morphology of broiler
The experiment lasted 60 days; n=8.
Furthermore, rabbits from the BD group had a higher width and depth of crypts than those from the
A. fourcroydes group. It is reported that the migration of specialised cells to the villi, especially with
the decrease of villus height, would elevate the depth of crypts (Jiang et al., 2012). A. fourcroydes
powder did not influence (P˃0.05) the hematology parameters of broiler rabbits according to Table
3. In addition, the serum concentration of IgG was higher (P<0.05) when rabbits were fed with the
A. fourcroydes powder as feed additives compared with the BD group. After the 60-day treatment, it
was found that A. fourcroydes powder, with high fructan concentrations and secondary metabolites,
did not cause adverse symptoms or diminish the defenses (white blood cells) in rabbits. The amount
of Serum antibody is an indicator of humoral immunity in all mammals. The rabbits can generate
abundant antibodies or proteins and promote the proliferation of B lymphocytes to defend against
any parasitic or pathogenic infections. Curiously, IgG represents about 80% of the immunoglobulins
in serum, which participated in humoral immunity against bacteria and pathogens (Gong et al., 2014).
Thus, A. fourcroydes powder supplementation may improve antitoxic and antibacterial immune
responses through the elevation of serum concentration (P<0.05) of IgG in rabbits. Several studies
have shown that certain functional foods can improve the phagocytic activity of the intestinal
leukocytes, as well as promote the proliferation of leukocytes B and secretion of immunoglobulins
A and G. Other studies on feed additives in non-ruminants have also found similar results when
animals were fed with foods rich in secondary metabolites (Gong et al., 2014).
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 151
Table 3. Effects of dietary supplementation of Agave fourcroydes powder on hematology parameters and
concentration of IgG of broiler rabbits.
The experiment lasted for 60 days; n=8.
MCH: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin; MCV: Mean Corpuscular Volume; MCHC: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin concentration.
In summary, feeding with 1.5% of A. fourcroydes powder improved the growth performance, as well
as the serum concentration of IgG and gut morphology in broiler rabbits. Supplementation of this
product did not affect the hematology parameters, suggesting that it can be used safely as a food
additive at a dose of 1.5% for broiler rabbits.
de Blas C J, Mateos GG. “Feed formulation”. In: C. de Blas, and J. Wiseman (Eds). The Nutrition of the
Rabbit, Ed. 2nd, (pp 222-232). CABI Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.
Falcão-e-Cunha L, Castro L, Maertens L. 2007. Alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in rabbit
feeding: a review. World Rabbit Science 15: 127–140.
García-Curbelo Y, Bocourt R, Savón L, García-Vieyra L, López M.G. 2015. Prebiotic effect of Agave
fourcroydes fructans: an animal model. Food & Function 9, 3177-3182.
Gong J, Yin Y, Hou Q, Yin L. 2014. Chinese herbs as alternatives to antibiotics in feed for swine and
poultry production: potential and challenges in application. Canadian Journal of Animal Science
94: 223–241.
Han J, Bian L, Liu X, Zhang F, Zhang Y, Yu N. 2014. Effects of Acanthopanax senticosus polysaccharide
supplementation on growth performance, immunity, blood parameters and expression of
pro-inflammatory cytokines genes in challenged weaned piglets. Asian-Australasian Journal of
Animal Sciences 27: 1035–1043.
Iser M. 2016. Physicochemical characterization of stems meal of Agave fourcroydes and its nutraceutical
152 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
supplementation on broiler rabbit diets. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Granma, Cuba.
Jiang J F, Song X, Huang M X. 2012. Efects of alfalfa meal on growth performance and gastrointestinal
tract development of growing ducks, Asian- Australasian Journal of Animal Science 25: 1445–
Martínez Y, Martínez O, Liu G. 2013. Efect of dietary supplementation with Anacardium occidentale
on growth performance and immune and visceral organ weights in replacement laying pullets.
Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 13: 1352–1357.
Sánchez D, Galindo J, Ayala M, Noa M, Duihuis T, Chávez I. 2015. Supplementation with oligofructose
from Agave (Agave tequilana) in pigs and its efect on values of volatile fatty acids and backfat.
Porcicultura Colombiana 27: 22–28
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 153
THEMATIC III Biological effects of Agave fructans
and other by-products
Yield and composition of Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dick y A.
tequilana F.A.C. Weber fructans
Godínez-Hernández C. I.1 2*, Aguirre-Rivera J. R.3, Juárez Flores B.I.4
Production, local use and export of Agave tequilana F.A.C. Weber (AT) fructans has recently grown
significantly. However, their classification as GRAS substance is still in progress by the FDA of USA.
So, still needs much to standardize its raw material to control variation in yields, composition
and purity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the yield and composition of fructans
extracted from stems individuals in full physiological maturity, “quiotillos” for Agave salmiana Otto
ex Salm-Dick (AS) and “novillos” AT. Each individual was sectioned into leaf bases and stem and
measured its dry matter, and the fructans concentrate (FC) of each stem was extracted and humidity
carbohydrate composition and ash were mesured. In both species the proportion of FC recovered in
the primary, secondary and tertiary juices was similar (p <0.05); quaternary only was higher in AT.
The total average yield of FC of a stem of AS is almost a third of AT, although its concentration in
the stem dry matter was similar in both species (p <0.05). In both species, more than 80% of FC
is composed mainly by fructans of higher than five polymerization degrees. The ash content was
higher in AS (p <0.05) than AT, and are mainly composed of Ca, in the form of oxalate crystals type
raphides insoluble in water. These crystals are larger (p <0.05) in AS than AT, but similar in thickness
(p <0.05). These results are relevant to scaling, design and process optimization in industrial level.
Key words: Agave salmiana, A. tequilana, fructans, composition, yield, raphides.
Production, local use and export of fructans of tequila maguey (Agave tequilana F.A.C. Weber)
(AT) has recently grown tremendously (Godinez et al. 2016b) and together with syrup production
derived from them can help reduce cyclical swings in this maguey market. For the production of
fructan erroneously the head or pineapple maguey (formed by the stem and the base of the leaves)
1. Programas Multidisciplinarios de Posgrados en Ciencias Ambientales-Universidad Autónoma de
San Luis Potosí. Av. Dr. Manuel
Nava # 201. Agenda ambiental 2° Piso, Zona Universitaria. C.P. 78210. San Luis Potosí, SLP. México.
2, 3, 4. Instituto de Investigación de Zonas Desérticas-UASLP. Altair #200 Col. Del llano. C.P. 78377. San Luis Potosí, SLP. México.
* Corresponding author: email:
154 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
is still using as raw material, instead of taking only the stem where fructans are stored (Aguirre et
al., 2001). In addition, by incorporating, the bases of the leaves extracts obtained are contaminated
with various compounds (chlorophylls, waxes, saponins and sugars) that have to be cleared, and
the harvest of this maguey usually is based on the vague chronological age. Fructans of this maguey
cataloging as GRAS substances is in progress by FDA of USA (Anonymous, 2015). However, there is
still need to standardize the raw material, to control the variation in yield, composition and purity of
these fructans, which depends on the physiological maturity of the harvested plants and the plant
structure used as raw material for this purpose. For Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dick (AS), with
potential in this respect for its largest natural distribution in the country (Aguirre et al., 2001) we
have advanced the standardization of its raw material, using only the stem, instead of the traditional
head or pineapple and plants in full physiological maturity (Godinez et al., 2016b). This stage is known
in the ield as maguey “quiotillo” (i.e little lowering stalk) for the case of AS, and maguey “novillo”
(i.e. steer) for AT. These stages of physiological maturity are recognized in the ield by the thinning
of the bud and that the tips of its last pencas to deploy are below the apex of the already deployed;
that is, this is before the appearance of lower stalk stage involving consumption of stored fructans
(Aguirre et al., 2001). Thus, the objective of this study was to compare the yields and composition of
the fructan extracted from stems of quiotillos or novillos individuals of these two species.
Five heads of AS were selected at quiotillo stage in Charcas, San Luis Potosi, and ive AT at novillo
stage AT in the municipality of Arandas, Jalisco, prepared in the usual way in both cases. They were
weighed and sectioned in stem and leaf bases; each section was weighed and processed separately;
a subsample of each stem and leaf bases was taken and dried at 60 ° C / 48 h (Shel-Lab FX-14, USA) to
constant weight (Ohaus 5120, USA) for measure its moisture. For the extraction of fructans another
subsample of each stem was taken and fructans were extracted according to the methodology that
we have developed (Godinez et al., 2016b). The yield was calculated according to the amount of
fructans concentrate (FC) obtained, and referred to the dry and fresh weight of each subsample.
Carbohydrate composition by HPLC (HP-1100 series Agilent Technologies, Germany) was assessed
with the methodology of Zuleta and Sambucetti (2001) modiied. The ash content was obtained
by incineration in mule (Sartorius BP221S, Germany) and composition of macro elements by ICPOES (Thermo Scientiic iCAP 7000 Series, USA) and micro elements by ICP-MS (Therrno Scientiic
X - Series 2, USA) at the Institute of Geology of the UASLP. The average size of raphides (crystals of
calcium oxalate) present in the stem raw juices was obtained from photomicrographs taken with a
camera and an optical microscope (Leica DM2000, USA), and with the help of software ImageJ 1.50
and a reference scale. The mean values, and standard deviation (SD) were calculated and compared
using a t-test.
In both species the proportion of FC obtained from primary, secondary and tertiary juices (PJ, SJ and
TJ) of the extraction process was similar, except for the quaternary (QJ), which was higher (p <0.05) in
AS than AT (Table 1); so, with two washes of bagasse (SJ and TJ) most FC is extracted in both species.
The average yield of FC of a stem of AS is almost a third of AT, although its concentration in the
stem dry matter was similar in both species (Table 2). In both species, without diferences (p <0.05),
Biological effects of Agave fructans and other by-products 155
the FC contains mainly fructans higher than five polymerization degrees, and similar 1-kestosa and
sucrose content, but the content of nystose, glucose and fructose was different (p<0.05) (Table 3).
Also, according to Mancilla and López (2006), the content of fructans in AT dry basis is about 73%,
and little more than 15% the amount of fructose, glucose and sucrose.
Table 1. Average ratio (%) of FC recovered during the extraction process
Table 2. Average weight (kg) of fresh (SFW) and dry (SDW) stem of A. salmiana and A. tequilana, ratio (%)
pineapple/stem fresh (RFS) and dry (RDS), and FC total (TFC) and relative (RFC) in the dry matter of the
These values contrast with 87.0% and 4.7%, respectively, found in this work for the same species,
which is probably due to differences in physiological ripeness, extraction method and the structure
used as raw material. Instead for AS we confirmed previous results by Godinez et al. (2016).
Table 3. Composition (%) of FC of Agave salmiana and A. tequilana
The FC ash content of AS was higher (5.16%) than AT (1.77%) and is mainly composed of Ca, K, S, Mg,
Na, Si, P and Sr (75.8, 9.4, 7.6, 2.2, 1.7, 1.2, 0.9 and 0.4%, respectively) and the ashes of AT of Ca, S, K,
Mg, P, Si, Na, Sr, Ba and Zn (51.9, 15.0, 10.6, 9.1, 4.4, 4.1, 1.9 , 0.6, 0.6 and 0.6%, respectively). Calcium
is as crystals of calcium oxalate (raphides), whose length was greater (315.12 ± 32.93µm) in AS than
156 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
in AT (192.57 ± 29.82µm), but were similar in thickness (6.08 ± 1.33 and 4.56 ± 1.01 µm, respectively).
These raphides type III (hex section), insoluble in water, are present naturally in species of Agave
(Raman et al., 2014.); their presence in the raw juices of maguey stem is little known, although being
insoluble in water and resistant to high temperatures, it is likely to persist until the distillation
of maguey spirits. In both species raphides tips are about 1 micron in diameter, which facilitates
puncture and death of yeast by contact of saponins or other enzymes of the maguey. The larger
size of the raphides and saponins content of AS may explain the greater pungent efect of their raw
“guishes” on skin (Salinas et al., 2001), and the inhibition of alcoholic fermentation (Zamora et al.,
2010). However, these insoluble in water raphides can be separated mechanically (León, 2000) by
centrifugation of raw or cooked maguey juices.
Knowledge of each of the components of the raw material used for the extraction of fructans and
for the production of maguey spirits is necessary as background to support scaling, design and
optimization of processes at industrial.
Pablo Díaz del Castillo Fraga of the mezcal factory “Laguna Seca”. Ing. Ismael Vicente Ramírez, Ing.
Martín Sánchez Navarrete (Tequila Regulatory Council) and M.C. Santiago Sánchez Preciado (UdeG)
for facilitating the acquisition of the heads of maguey tequilero.
Aguirre R., J.R. et al.2001. El maguey mezcalero potosino. México.UASLP-COPOCYT. 78p.
Anónimo.2015. Agave inulin - Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) notiication. NSF International.
FDA. GRAS notice (GRN) No. 582.
Godínez H., C. I.; J. R. Aguirre R.; B. I. Juárez F. 2016a. Importancia creciente de los fructanos del
maguey-Retos y perspectivas. Tecnoagave. 40:26-29.
Godínez H., et al. 2016b. Extraction and characterization of Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dick
fructans. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente. 22(1):59-72.
Mancilla M., N. A.; M. G. López. 2006. Water-soluble carbohydrates and fructan structure patterns
from Agave and Dasylirion species. J. Agric. Food Chem.. 54:7832–39.
León, J. 2000. Botánica de los cultivos tropicales. 3ª ed. San José, Costa Rica. Agroamericana-Instituto
Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura. 522 p.
Salinas, M. L. et al. 2001. Irritant contact dermatitis caused by needle-like calcium oxalate crystals,
raphides, in Agave tequilana among workers in tequila distilleries and agave plantations.
Biological efects of Agave fructans and other by-products 157
Contact Dermatitis. 44:94-96.
Raman V.; H. T. Horner, H.; I. A. Khan. 2014. New and unusual forms of calcium oxalate raphide
crystals in the plant kingdom. Journal Plant Research. 127:721:730
Zamora P., C.; et al. 2010. Variación de la concentración de azúcares y saponinas durante la cocción
del maguey mezcalero potosino. e-Gnosis. 8: 1-11.
Zuleta, A.; E. M. Sambucetti. 2001. Inulin determination for food labeling. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49:
158 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 159
THEMATIC IV Industrial processing
of Agave wastes and subproducts
Agave fiber (A. salmiana). Proposal for industrial Eco utility
Vargas Rodríguez L.1*, Morales Luna R.2, Arroyo Figueroa G.3, Pérez Nieto A.4, Hernández Figueroa A.C.5,
Fuentes Ramírez, R.6
In Mexico, only 45% of the weight of Agave salmiana is used for industrial purposes (pineapple to
pulque-mezcal and pulpa); the remains are generally disposed in open areas, leading to serious environmental problems. In the southeastern of Guanajuato, this specie is widely distributed and it is
mostly used as ornament due to the lack of another practical application. The objective of this study,
was to investigate the physical and chemical characteristics of the structural fiber of adult leaves
from the agave and, therefore, offer alternatives for industrial applications. Some of these properties
include mechanical strength, preset chemical attack and water and oil retention.
Key words: Hard fiber, structural fiber, maguey, agave, Agave salmiana
Mexico is very biodiverse, containing one of the most fibrous vegetables, the agave. However, its exploitation is limited to the production of tequila and mezcal drinks. Only 45% of the weight of Agave
salmiana (pineapples to pulque-mezcal and pulpa) is used for industrial purposes; the remains are
generally disposed in open areas, leading to serious environmental problems (Silva and Caballero,
2004; Parra-Negrete et al., 2010). Agavacea family produces an average of at 300 leaves by plant. A.
salmiana, is one of them, presenting the widest morphological variability and the greatest diversity
of environments. After taking advantage of the agave pineapple to produce “pulque”, the remanent
of the plant (leaves) is not further used.
1, 3, 4, 5. Priv. de Arteaga s/n, centro Salvatierra, Gto., CP 38900. Depto. Ing. Agroindustrial. División de Ciencias de la Salud e Ingenierías.
Campus Celaya-Salvatierra. Universidad de Guanajuato, México, fax +52 4666633413.
2. Ing. en Biotecnología. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. UPIIG. Av. Mineral de Valenciana No. 200 Col. Fracc. Industrial Puerto Interior,
36275, Silao de la Victoria, Gto. México.
6. Col. Noria Alta s/n Guanajuato, Gto. CP 36050. Depto. Ing. Química. División de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas. Universidad de Guanajuato.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
160 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
The adult leaves were harvested and peeled by mechanical friction (Maiti, 1995). An instrument
formed by two wooden beams in an 45° angle were used as the basis, while another one was used to
do mechanical friction on the vegetal material, this is shown in fig. 1. After, the fiber is dried at room
Figure 1. Agave´s fiber (Agave salmiana). Methodology for obtention fiber by mechanical friction.
About the mechanical characterization, rupture-weight was tested (NMX-A-069-1990) on fiber
twisted manually, using 3 mm of caliber. Other adicional tests to the fibers, were employed cleaning
agents used in the textile industry, they were exposed to chemical agents such as NaCl, CH3COOH
and NaOH at three different concentrations during 20h at 25°C. Finally, the capabilities for water and
oil retention were evaluated, with methodology of dietary fiber.
The methodology for obtention of agave´s fiber by mechanical friction, produces a final product, if
desired. It has one straightening good, as appears in fig. 2.
Figure 2. Agave´s fiber (Agave salmiana). Final product no cleaning in “jarcias” form.
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 161
The fibers without treatment, and according with the specifications for henequen agave provided
by the company CORDEMEX©, showed a low tensile strength with a value of 3.752 ± 0.79 kg per 3
mm jarcia. However, this can be improved by wetting or lubricating the fibers and a greater braided,
which increase the lineal density. Chemical degradation assay showed that the agave samples are
sensitive to NaOH (2.5, 5.0 and 10.0%); Fig. 3A shows the appearance before and fig. 3B hydrolyzate
appearance after treatment. However, presented high resistance to NaCl at all concentrations
tested (20 and 40%), see fig. 3D and 3E. Chávez & Domine (2013), which explained that chemical
degradation, occurs in the ligning-carbohydrates bonds, and thus causing the permanent loss of
mechanical properties. Finally, the liquid absorption assays for water and oil retention showed results
of 813.1± 37.92% and 69.23 ± 13.69% respectively, like the highly demanded fiber from bamboo.
Figure 3. Chemistry and physical tests in the fiber (Agave salmiana). A) y B) Fiber before and after attack at
different concentrations of NaOH, C) Appearance and granulometry (0.42-1.42mm) of the fiber employed in the
determinations. Test to determine the water retention capacity and retention capacity of organic substances
(edible oil), D) Fiber before and E) After to attack by salt (NaCl) and acid (HCl) at differents concentrations.
The high liquid retention capabilities of the fiber from adults leaves of A. salmiana, allowed to suggest
its application in eco-products as diapers, dietary fiber or as automotive oil filters.
Chávez SM., Domine, M. 2013. Lignina, estructura y aplicaciones: Métodos de despolimerización para la
obtención de derivados aromáticos de interés Industrial: U. P. de Valencia
Maiti, R. 1995. Fibras vegetales en el mundo - Aspectos botánicos, calidad y utilidad: Trillas, México
Parra-Negrete LA., Del Villar QP., Prieto RA. (2010). Extracción de fibras de agave para elaborar papel
y artesanías. Acta Universitaria 20(3): 77-83
162 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Silva, SL., Caballero, M. 2004. Desarrollo de tecnologías adecuadas para el proceso de producción del
mezcal en el Estado de Oaxaca: IPN México
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 163
THEMATIC IV Industrial processing
of Agave wastes and subproducts
Evaluation of tequila vinasses as a substrate for the
fermentative production of Trichoderma harzianum inhibitors
against the phytopathogen Phytophthora infestans
Mejía-Gutiérrez M.A.1, Mateos-Díaz J.C.2, Vega-Rodríguez A.D.3, Asaff-Torrez A.4,
Arellano-Plaza M.5
Tequila vinasses are produced during tequila distillation, they contain essential nutrients that may
be used for the formulation of economic culture media and nonetheless tequila vinasses are toxic
for several microorganisms. Vinasses from different tequila production processes, such as masonry
oven, autoclave and diffuser were used to formulate a culture media which was compared with
the Weidling medium (WM) for the production of Trichoderma harzianum inhibitors against the
phytopathogen Phytophthora infestans.
Reformulated fermented and unfermented vinasses showed more than 3.5 times inhibition of P.
infestans growth. Interestingly, fermented and unfermented vinasses showed a higher inhibition
than the fermented WM, suggesting that tequila vinasses could be an interesting substrate for
the fermentative production of Trichoderma harzianum inhibitors against the phytopathogen
Phytophthora infestans.
Keywords: Tequila Vinasses, Trichoderma harzianum, Phytopathogen, Phytophthora infestans.
Vinasses are produced during ethanol distillation, and they are also known as must, thin stillage,
distillery wastewater and distillery slop (Kuusisto, 2013). These kind of wastes are dark brown colored
because of the presence of melonoidins, have a low pH, between 3 to 5, and a high biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), ranging from 35,000 to 50,000 mg and
100,000 to 150,000 mg, respectively. On the other hand, vinasses contain many essential nutrients
1, 2, 3, 5. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A. C. Camino el Arenero 1227 El Bajío del Arenal
Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
4. Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A.C. Carretera a La Victoria km 0.6 C.P. 83304, Hermosillo, Sonora, México.
* Corresponding author. email:
164 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
which may be used for the formulation of culture media for the growth of microorganisms, however
vinasses are toxic and recalcitrant for many of them (Robles González et al. 2012).
When such agroindustrial wastes are not correctly treated they can be very hazardous when disposed
to the environment, because they are a source of possible diseases which can damage humans,
animals and other natural resources (Saval, 2012). For example in the Tequila industry, each liter
of Tequila produced, generates 1.4 kg of bagasse and 10–12 l of vinasses (López-López et al. 2010).
Previous research revealed the eicacy of biofumigation for the control of phytopathogenic fungi
and nematodes, using sugar beet, sugar cane and wine vinasses, (Santos et al. 2008). In another
study, the actinobacterium Streptomyces sp. MC1 was very efective for the vinasses treatment; this
strain was able to grow at very high vinasse concentrations (until 50% v/v) and remove over 50% of
the biodegradable organic matter in only 4 days (Colin et al. 2016). This works suggest an alternative
use of raw vinasses as a substrate for the production of high value metabolites of biotechnological
interest, such as bioemulsiiers as well as the possibility of growing microorganisms in loud
wastewater concentrations.
Trichoderma harzianum is the most commonly used fungus for many agricultural applications,
including biological control of plant diseases. This microorganism has been largely studied because
its well-known produced antifungal secondary metabolites as well as other signaling molecules
that positively afect the metabolism of the host plant, protecting it against pathogenic microand macro-organisms (Vinale et al. 2013). For example harzianic acid is a Trichoderma secondary
metabolite which shows antifungal and plant growth promotion activities. In our research group,
the weidling medium has been successfully used for grow and production of T. harzianum secondary
metabolites, however low cost agrowaste based culture media are needed in order to be able to
scale and transfer a feasible technology. Thus the aim of this work was to evaluate vinasses from the
tequila industry as a possible substrate for the fermentative production of Trichoderma harzianum
inhibitors against the phytopathogen Phytophthora infestans.
Microbial strain
Trichoderma harzianum was maintained on potato dextrose agar (PDA; SIGMA) slants at room
temperature and subcultured bimonthly. This strain has shown an efective biocontrol agent of
several soilborne plant diseases, including Phytophthora infestans.
Vinasses characterization
Tequila vinasses from diferent processes such as masonry oven, autoclave and difuser were used.
Each tequila vinasse was took immediately after discharge and frozen at -20°C until use. Vinasses
were iltered and centrifuged to lower non soluble solids. The nutrients as N, Ca, Mg, Mn, K, Cu, Zn,
Fe, Ni, P, sugars and pH were measured every 24h.
The tequila vinasses medium was prepared by adding nutrients as necessary. Fermentations were
performed in 250 mL Erlenmeyer lasks. The pH of the medium was adjusted to 4.0 before autoclave
sterilization (121°C/15 min). Flasks were inoculated with 1 mL of a conidial suspension containing 106
conidia/mL. The cultures were incubated on a rotary shaker (120 rpm) at 28°C during 7 days. Three
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 165
lasks were sampled each day. Glucose consumption was measured using DNS (3,5-Dinitrosalicylic
acid) at 540 nm (Miller, 1959). Biomass was spectrophotometrically estimated by measuring the
optical density at 600nm. Secondary metabolites were obtained after clariication by centrifugation
of a 7 day fermented vinasse culture. The fermented weidling medium using identical culture
conditions was used as control.
Phytopathogen inhibition
Phytophthora infestans was cultured at 20°C in Petri dishes with PGA (PGA: potato glucose agar;
absolute control) containing fermented and unfermented tequila vinasses and weidling media
(positive control). Growth was measured every 24 hours during 7 days.
Tequila vinasses from diferent processes such as masonry oven, autoclave and difuser, were
inoculated with Trichoderma harzianum, and the potential of the corresponding fermented vinasses
as growth inhibitors of the phytopathogen Phytophthora infestans was compared. All tequila
vinasses were good substrates for T. harzianum growth, but the tequila vinasses obtained from the
oven 1 showed the best performance. While the weidling medium showed the worst performance for
T. harzianum growth as shown in ig. 1, however this medium is one of the most used for growing T.
harzianum and producing secondary metabolites. All media tested needed almost 4 days to promote
the maximum fungal growth.
When the unfermented and fermented tequila vinasses (f) were used to evaluate the Phytophthora
infestans growth inhibition, a higher inhibition was observed using tequila unfermented vinasses (Fig.
2). These results can be probably explained by the high content of toxic compounds in non-treated
vinasses such as furans and saponins, thata are well known microorganism inhibitors (EspañaGamboa et al., 2011). Otherwise, all tequila vinasses exhibited a better Phytophthora infestans growth
inhibition capacity than the weidling fermented medium. F-Oven 1 and F-Difuser were the most
interesting fermented tequila vinasses in terms of P. infestans growth inhibition (table 1).
In 2008 Santos et al. observed the biocide efect of three agroindustrial byproducts; sugar beet, sugar
cane and wine vinasses. They mentioned from in vitro assays showed that wine vinasse has 100%
capacity to suppress fungal growth at concentrations between 5% to 7% for Fusarium oxysporum,
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Pythium aphanidermatum and Phytophthora parasitica in melonis; and was
necessary 10% to 15% for F. oxysporum f.sp. in radicis-cucumerinum (Santos et al. 2008). In the
present work, it is conirmed that the vinasses has a potential as substrate for the phytopathogen
inhibitor production and the best results using unfermented vinasses achieving until full inhibition.
Tequila stillage can be used to grow microorganisms of industrial interest. Difuser vinasses and
oven 1were better substrates for growing Trichoderma harzanium. Both fermented and unfermented
tequila vinasses showed greater P. infestans growth inhibition than the fermented weidling medium.
Tequila vinasses are an interesting substrate for the fermentative production of Trichoderma
harzianum inhibitors against the phytopathogen Phytophthora infestans.
166 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Figure 1A. Trichoderma harzianum growth in tequila vinasses. B. Inhibition comparison of Phytophthora infestans
Table 1. Phytophthora infestans growth in PGA medium with fermented and unfermented vinasses after 264
Colin VL, Juárez Cortes AA, Aparicio JD, Amoroso MJ. 2016. Potential application of a bioemulsifierproducing actinobacterium for treatment of vinasse. Chemosphere 144:842-847
España-Gamboa, E., Mijangos-Cortes, J., Barahona-Perez, L., Dominguez-Maldonado, J., HernándezZarate, G., Alzate-Gaviria L. 2011. Vinasses: characterization and treatments. Waste
Management & Research. 29(12): 1235-1250.
Kuusisto, LMdM. 2013. Development of a mathematical model, vump (vinasse utilization for methane
production). Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Texas at Arlington.
López-López A, Davila-Vazquez G, León-Becerril E, Villegas-García E, Gallardo-Valdez J. 2010. Tequila
vinasses: generation and full scale treatment processes. Reviews in Environmental Science and
Bio/Technology. 9(2):109-116.
Miller, G. L. 1959. Use of dinitrosalicylic acid reagent for determination of reducing sugar. Analytical
Chemistry. 31(3):426-428.
Robles González V, Galíndez-Mayer J, Rinderknecht-Seijasb N, Poggi-Varaldo HM. 2012. Treatment of
mezcal vinasses: A review. Journal of Biotechnology. 157(4):524-546.
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 167
Santos M, Diánez F, de Cara M, Tello JC. 2008. Possibilities of the use of vinasses in the control of
fungi phytopathogens. Bioresource Technology. 99(18):9040–9043.
Saval, S. 2012. Aprovechamiento de Residuos Agroindustriales: Pasado, Presente y Futuro.
BioTecnología. 16:14-47.
Vinale F, Nigro M, Sivasithamparam K, Flematti G, Ghisalberti EL, Ruocco M, Varlese R, Marra R,
Lanzuise S, Eid A, Woo SL, Lorito M. 2013. Harzianic acid: a novel siderophore from Trichoderma
harzianum. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 347(2):123-129.
168 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 169
THEMATIC IV Industrial processing
of Agave wastes and subproducts
Identification of volatile compounds found in Tequila vinasses
Rodríguez-Félix E.1, Rodríguez-Campos J.2, Cervantes-Martínez J.3, Villanueva-Rodríguez S.4,
Davila-Vazquez G.5*
Samples of vinasse (stillage) obtained from two different Tequila production processes were analyzed
to identify the presence of some volatile compounds considered as inhibitory compounds for dark
fermentative hydrogen production. Volatile compounds were extracted with a liquid-liquid extraction
method using different solvents. The extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to a
mass-selective detector. A total of approximately 110 compounds (p<0.05) were identified in the
extracts obtained with a mixture of pentane-dichloromethane 3:1 (v/v). Principal component analysis
(PCA) made it possible to define two groups belonging to different production processes. Cooking (C)
and raw (NC) agave stems processes were separated mostly by PC1. The presence of some reported
inhibitory compounds such as furans (furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfufural), organic acids (butyric acid,
propionic acid) and phenols (guaiacol, 2,6-dimethylphenol) were found in the vinasses from agave
stem cooking process. Therefore, tequila vinasses obtained from processes in which the agave stem
is not cooked would be more viable as a substrate for biohydrogen production, due to the reduced
presence of potential inhibitory compounds.
Key words: Agave, stillage, furans, phenols, furfural, organic acids.
Tequila is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages worldwide. It is obtained from the
fermentation of hydrolysable sugars from the stems of Agave tequilana Weber var. Azul (BautistaJusto et al. 2001; López-López et al. 2010). Distilleries for tequila production use similar processes,
with relatively few modifications in the hydrolysis process (Salgado, 2012).
Sugars from raw Agave plant require a hydrolysis, in order to transform complex sugars (fructans)
1, 5. Environmental Technology. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco (CIATEJ). Av. Normalistas 800, Col. Colinas de la Normal. CP 44270.
2, 3. Analytical and Metrological Services CIATEJ. Av. Normalistas 800, Col. Colinas de la Normal. CP 44270.
4. Food Technology CIATEJ. Av. Normalistas 800, Col. Colinas de la Normal. CP 44270.
* Corresponding author. e-mail:
170 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
to fermentable sugars (fructose and glucose), which can be metabolized by yeast for alcoholic
fermentation (Valenzuela, 2003). Currently there are diferent processes used to accomplish sugar
The traditional process consists in placing the raw agave stems in brick ovens or autoclaves for
stem injection (0.5-1.4 kg/cm2) at 80-120 °C for approximately 48 hours or 8-10 hours, respectively
(Martínez and Pérez, 2008; Peréz et al. 2015). Once the agave stems are cooked, they are placed on
conveyer belts to a mill with rotatory knives where they are shredded and washed under pressure
with potable water to dissolve the sugars. Finally, the agave stems are introduced to a press where
the agave juice is extracted (Valenzuela-Zapata, 1995; Salgado, 2012).
Nowadays another way to obtain agave juice directly from raw agave stems is being implemented due
to tequila’s process optimization (Salgado, 2012). The juice is obtained either by expeller pressing or
lixiviation extraction (solid-liquid extraction) through the physical phenomenom known as difusion
(using difuser equipment), collecting fructans before hydrolysis, which is done subsequently (Pérez
et al. 2015).
The processes for tequila production described previously might impact the distillery wastewater
(i.e. tequila vinasses) composition. Tequila vinasses (TV) are characterized for having low pH, high
temperature, high BOD, dissolved salts and a brownish color due to the content of polyphenols
and melanoidins (España-Gamboa et al. 2012; Buitrón et al. 2014a). Actually TV are considered as
feasible feedstock for the dark fermentative biohydrogen production (Buitrón et al. 2014b). However,
the presence of some volatile compounds such as furans, organic acids and phenols, which are
considered as inhibitory compounds for the dark fermentative process, could be an issue for this
process (Zumar et al. 2016; Lin et al. 2015).
Currently there is no reported evidence that proves the presence of such volatile compounds in TV,
nonetheless previous studies held in tequila, agave juice and sugar cane (Prado-Jaramillo et al. 2015;
Mancilla-Margalli and López, 2002; Awad et al. 2015), respectively, showed their presence. Therefore,
it is expected to ind some volatile compounds reported as inhibitors in TV according to literature,
which could be a handicap for TV utilization.
Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the use of three solvents in a liquid-liquid extraction
(LLE) method in order to identify the presence of some volatile compounds considered as inhibitory
compounds for biohydrogen production by dark fermentative process. TV samples obtained from
two diferent production processes were used.
Tequila vinasses were sampled from ive distilleries located at Tequila, Jalisco. Two of them came
from the raw agave process (NC) and the rest were collected from agave stem cooking process (C).
A 20 L sample of each vinasse was kept at 4° C until further utilization.
Volatile compounds extractions
Volatile compounds were extracted by the liquid-liquid method proposed by Prado-Jaramillo et al.
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 171
(2015) using diferent solvents as penthane/dichloromethane 3:1 (v/v) (Prado-Jaramillo et al. 2015),
hexane/dichloromethane 1:4 (v/v) (Awad et al. 2015) and dichloromethane (Mancilla-Margalli and
López, 2002). All solvents (HPLC grade) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA).
Previously 40 ml of tequila vinasse were centrifuged at 10 000 rpm for 10 minutes and iltered by
0.45 µm membrane. Afterwards the sample was settled in a centrifuge tube, to which 10 ml of the
solvents previous described were added. Subsequently the samples were shaken for 5 minutes and
centrifuged for 5 min at 5 000 rpm and 10 °C. The organic phase was separated, dried with anhydrous
Na2SO4 (Fermont, Mexico) and conserved at -21° C in amber lasks before concentration. The extracts
were concentrated to a inal volume of 1.5 ml with a nitrogen gas low. For their posterior analysis
the extracts were placed in suitable vials and preserved at -21° C until the chromatographic analysis
was performed.
Chromatographic analysis
Concentrated extracts were analyzed in a gas chromatograph 6890N Network system (Agilent
Technology, USA), coupled to a selective mass inert detector 5975 (Agilent Technology, USA).
Compound separations were performed using a HP-FFAP of 25 m x 0.32 mm (i.d) capillary column,
coated with a 0.52 µm ilm (Agilent Technologies, USA). Helium was used as carrier gas, using a 2 ml/
min low with an initial temperature of 40° C at 5 min. Followed by a temperature program of 20°
C/min to 100° C for 1 min, followed by a second rate of 3° C/min to a inal temperature of 230° C for
40 min. The injector and detector temperature were 220 and 240° C, respectively (Mancilla-Margalli
and López, 2002).
Volatile compounds identification by GC-MS
Unknown volatile compounds identiication was performed through an abundant ion comparison
with NIST library. Comparison of the mass spectra with the database library was performed with a
similarity percentage of 85-90%.
Statistical Analyses
The CG-MS chromatograms obtained were integrated and the peak areas were documented for each
compound identiied. Statistical analyses were performed with STATGRAPHICS CENTURION XVI
software (StatPoint Technologies, USA). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to evidence
the compounds showing signiicant diferences between solvents. Once the best solvent for volatile
compounds extraction was chosen, the compounds that matched the reported in previous works
were submitted to a principal component analysis (PCA) seeking to highlight the hydrolysis process.
Signiicant diferences in the volatile compound proiles were observed between the solvents used in
the LLE method. The chromatograms obtained with the blend of pentane/dichloromethane showed
signiicantly higher number of compounds identiied (about 110 volatile compounds, p<0.05)
belonging to diferent chemical groups as alcohols, furans, acids, aldehydes, ketones, pyrans, among
others. Only around 44% of them have been reported in previous studies with diferent samples
(Mancilla-Margalli and López, 2002; Prado-Jaramillo et al. 2015; Fagier et al. 2015).
Such compounds were analyzed by a PCA, as it can be observed on the positive side of the principal
172 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
component 1, compounds such as tetradecane, acetoin, dibuthyl phthalate are grouped together
showing a higher relationship with the raw agave process. Otherwise in the negative side, the
presence of inhibitory compounds (furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural, propionic acid, etc.) was found,
presenting a direct relationship with agave stem cooking process (Fig. 1).
According to the PCA, it can be inferred that the hydrolysis developed by cooking the agave stems
by autoclave, shows a significant impact in generation of acids, furans and phenols, which are
considered as inhibitory compounds for dark fermentative process (Quéméneur et al. 2012).
Fructans are insoluble in water at room temperature (25 °C), but are soluble at >50 °C. Reason
why, a lixiviation process and hydrolysis is required to obtain fermentable sugars. When the cooking
process is carried out, sugars are subjected to a series of complex reactions, among the principal
reactions performed, caramelization, Maillard and oxidation-dehydration reactions stand out (Pérez
et al. 2015).
These reactions are influenced by several factors, such as temperatures and time of cooking process
(Waleckx et al. 2008). In the research performed with agave juice by Mancilla-Margalli and López
(2002), the generation of furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfufural among others increased continuously
throughout the agave cooking process.
Therefore, the vinasses from an agave stem cooking process showed a different volatile compound
profile than those vinasses from the raw agave process. In the first, the presence of furans, organic
acids and phenols is important.
Figure 1. Volatile compounds principal component analysis (PCA) for scores (●) and loadings in tequila vinasses
extracts by hydrolysis process.
Tequila vinasses obtained from hydrolysis processes in which the agave stem is not cooked would be more
viable as a substrate for biohydrogen production, due to the reduced presence of potential inhibitory
compounds, compared to the vinasses obtained through the traditional tequila production process.
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 173
This research was supported by Fondo Conacyt-Ciencia Básica through project CB 2013-222677.
Elizabeth Rodríguez-Félix thanks Conacyt for the master’s studies scholarship number 421959.
Buitrón G, Patro-García D, Zhang A. 2014a. Biohydrogen production from tequila vinasses using a
ixed bed reactor. Water Science & Technology 70(12): 1919-1925.
Awad M, Elmugdad, AA, Aziz, MEA, Gabra, NM. 2015. Identiication of some Organic Compounds in
Sugarcane vinasse by Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry and Prediction of their Toxicity
Using TEST Method. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 8(4): 899-905.
Bautista-Justo M, García-Oropeza L, Barboza-Corona JE, Parra-Negrete LA. 2001. El Agave tequilana
Weber y la producción de tequila. Acta Universitaria 11(2):26-34.
Buitrón G, Kumar G, Martínez-Arce A, Moreno G. 2014b. Hydrogen and methane production via a
two-stage processes (H2-SBR + CH4-UASB) using tequila vinasses. International Journal of
Hydrogen Energy 39: 19249 -19255.
España-Gamboa EI, Mijangos-Cortés JO, Hernández-Zárate G, Domínguez-Maldonado JA, AlzateGaviria LM. 2012. Methane production by treating vinasses from hydrous ethanol using a
modiied UASB reactor. Biotechnology for fuels 5(82): 1-9.
Lin R, Cheng J, Lingkan D, Song W, Zhou J, Cen K. 2015. Inhibitory efects of furan derivatives and
phenolic compounds on dark hydrogen fermentation. Bioresource Technology 196:250-255.
López-López A, Davila-Vazquez G, León-Becerril E, Villegas-García E, Gallardo-Valdez J. 2010. Tequila
vinasses: generation and full scale treatment processes. Reviews in Environmental Science and
Bio/technology Journal 9:109-116.
Mancilla-Margalli N, López M. 2002. Generation of Maillard Compounds from Inulin during the
Thermal Processing of Agave tequilana Weber Var. azul. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry 50: 806-812.
Martínez MC, Pérez EL. 2008. Análisis del mercado potencial del tequila 100% agave. Tesis de
licenciatura, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México.
Pérez FC, Rodríguez E, Arellano M, Camacho RM, Prado R. 2015. Extracción del jugo de Agave. In:
Gschaedler AC, Rodríguez B, Prado R, Flores JL (Ed.) Ciencia y Tecnología del Tequila, avances y
perspectivas, (pp 55-95). Grupo Promueve Compañías SC., Guadalajara, Jalisco.México.
Prado-Jaramillo N, Estarrón-Espinosa M, Escalona-Buendía H, Cosío-Ramírez R, Martín-del-Campo S.
174 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
2015. Volatile compounds generation during diferent stages of the Tequila production process.
A preliminary study. Food and Science Technology 61:471-483.
Quéméneur M, Hamelin J, Barakat A, Steyer JP, Carrère H, Trably E. 2012. Inhibition of fermentative
hydrogen production by lignocellulose-derived compounds in mixed cultures. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37: 3150-3159.
Salgado OA. 2012. Perspectivas económicas de la producción de tequila vs tequila 100% agave. Tesis
de maestría, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Qro, México.
Valenzuela AG. 2003. El agave tequilero. Cultivo e industria de México. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa,
México, DF.
Valenzuela-Zapata AG. 1995. The Tequila Industry in Jalisco, Mexico. Desert Plants 11(4): 65-70.
Waleckx E, Gschaedler A, Colonna-Ceccaldi B. 2008. Hydrolysis of fructans from Agave tequilana
Weber var. azul during the cooking step in a traditional tequila elaboration process. Food
Chemistry 108:40-48.
Zumar MA, Mohee R. 2016. Inhibition of dark fermentative bio-hydrogen production: A review.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41:6713-6733.
Industrial processing of Agave wastes and subproducts 175
176 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 177
THEMATIC V Social and ethnobotanics aspects
Analysis of the social, economic and productive characteristics
of Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities in Mexico using a
logistic regression model
Vázquez-Elorza A.1, Rivera Ramírez J.2, Hernández López J.J.3, Contreras Medina D.4,
Reyes-Munguía A.5*
In Mexico, indigenous rural Agave-Mezcal producing communities reflect high levels of
marginalization presenting a contrast due to the fact that they maintain high potential of
increased productivity becasue of weather and environmental conditions governing cultivation.
Municipalities having indigenous populations are more likely to engage in these activities; however,
the probability of being an Agave-Mezcal producing municipality is 8.6% (p <0.05) when compared
with families in rural municipalities having the PROSPERA program ranging from 1,500≤2,150
holders with those of areas only having between 200≤850. Through the logistic regression analysis
from the program Stata®, it was possible to show that Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities
correlate with indigenous populations susceptible to social deprivation. Furthermore they were
characterized as having less members of the “PROSPERA” program and living mostly in rural
areas; it is relevant to note that for each additional percentage unit of occupants with dirtfloor housing, Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities increased by 27.5%, ceteris paribus. These
results show the necesity to form a national public policy aimed at strengthening Agave-Mezcal
production in most rural municipalities having desigation of origin (keeping in mind that the states
of Oaxaca, Michoacan and Guerrero are the main producers of Mezcal in the country). In this
sense, the importance of promoting the coordinated participation between institutions of social,
agricultural and economic development with a perspective outlook is considered highly important.
Furthermore, it is necessary to focus public budget policies on technology and innovation in rural
areas of Agave-Mezcal production.
Key words: Agave-Mezcal, marginalization, technology, logistic regression model.
1, 4. Catedrático CONACYT-CIATEJ. Integrante del Laboratorio de Prospección Tecnológica Interregional para el Desarrollo Innovador de
los Alimentos y la Alimentación. Av. Normalistas No. 800, Col. Colinas de la Normal, C.P. 44270, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
2. Director del Laboratorio de Prospección Tecnológica Interregional para el Desarrollo Innovador de los Alimentos y la Alimentación,
Catedráticos CONACYT - CIATEJ.
3. Colegio de Michoacán (COLMICH).
5. Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Zona Huasteca de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UAMZH-UASLP). Romualdo del
Campo 501, Fracc. Rafael Curiel, Cd. Valles. S.L.P. C.P.79060.
* Corresponding author. email:
178 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Prospection defined as “the process that is used systematically to glimpse at long term, the future
of science; technology; economy and society, in order to identify strategic areas of research and
emerging generic technologies that will likely bring economic and social benefits “(Martin, B, 2001)
is made necessary to provide for economic; political and social problems, including the use of and
/ or exploitation of food and technologies in emerging economies where resources are increasingly
essential to development. According to the diagnosis of the National Congress of Public Policies
for Field Labor held by the Mexican Senate of the Republic (2013), Mexico is considered the biggest
spender with the lowest results due to the misapplication of public policy. Also here we note a
contradiction which mandates the law for sustainable rural development (LDRS: ley de desarrollo
rural sustentable) where the agricultural budget is concentrated in areas with greater development in
infrastructure, contrasting that of the most marginalized zones. From this perspective, it is essential
to develop comprehensive and holistic studies (Lopez et al. 2014); it is also necessary to encourage
technological innovation, research and training in this sector (Garcia and Macias, 2010).
In 2014, the production of Agave-Mezcal accounted for approximately 2.79% of the national value
corresponding to the total of all agricultural products in the country (SIAP-SAGARPA, 2015). The
states of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, Michoacán and Guerrero accumulated 82.11% of the total
value of production, as well as 75.91% of total domestic production with a utilized sown area of
131,434.56 hectares generating direct and indirect employment. According to the Tariff Information
System Via the Internet (SIAVI) from the Secretary of Economy (2015), tequila exports totaled 916.9
million dollars from January to September 2015, 80.22% coming from the United States.
Escobar et al., (2012) notes that, “the estimation of the logistic regression model was performed by
the method of maximum likelihood. This method estimates the values of parameters “b” and the
regression that is most likely to have generated the values of the dependent variable of the sample,
that is, if the assumptions of the model are true”. How can odds ratios be interpreted? The values of
the odds ratio express how much the ratio of occurrence varies based on the event of change within
the independent variables.
Information obtained from INEGI, CONAPO, CONEVAL and SIAP-SAGARPA databases.
Logistic model
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 179
After studying a set of variables we resolved to use those shown in table 1 considering them to be
relevant to the subject matter of the investigation. The logistic regression model seeks to interpret
the regression coefficients and the predictive probability (LONG and FREESE, 2014). The binary
dependent variables establish Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities as (value 1) versus those of
non-production as (value 0).
Table 1. Socio-economic variables of the municipalities producing agave in Mexico
Source: Prepared based on data from CONAPO, SIAP-SAGARPA, CONEVAL (2015).
The purpose of introducing economic, social and Agave-Mezcal production variables is to identify and
analyze the characteristics of the producing municipalities that are suspected to explain the relative
frequency that agave producers resemble in different regions of the country. It is worth noting that
soil, climate and production conditions will be the study of further research. Also, it is important to
point out that diverse qualitative and quantitative variables, from the Municipal Strategic Planning
Index (IPE) of the National Institute for Federalism and Municipal Development (INAFED), have been
explored (Marginalization indexes (IMG) of the National Population Council (CONAPO)). However,
these were not statistically significant in the logistic regression model.
The Hosmer-Lemeshow test (HL) was performed in order to determine the goodness of fit of
the logistic regression model, 10 groups were generated obtaining HL chi2 (8) = 12.18, with 552
observations and Prob> chi2 = 0.1435. Table 3 shows the predictive power and discrimination of
the model. Sensitivity generates a test to correctly identify the mezcal producing municipalities.
According to Martinez Sanchez and Faulín (2006) this corresponds to the probability that a unit of
study is classified by the prediction model. In this case the classified + if predicted Pr (D)> = 0.5. It can
be observed that the positive predicted responses are 133 (municipalities) of which 123 are properly
180 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
classified with a positive observed response of (y = 1); while 10 units are classified incorrectly with a
negative observed response of (y = 0). Of the 419 municipalities specified with negative responses
only 44 are correctly classified, 375 are classified incorrectly. In short, the whole model correctly
classifies 90.22% of the observations (Table 2).
Table 2. Logistic model for Mezcal producing municipalities
Source: Data based on logistic regression model.
The estimated coefficients appear below in table 3. The results of the fit model are considered
adequate, due to the fact that the Pseudo R2 test is 52.43% with a probability of (p = 0.000). In
this case, it can be said that the ratio of the 552 agave producing municipalities are statistically
significant in eleven socio-economic variables of the model; the confidence level is 95% (p <= 0.05).
Most covariates maintain statistical significance in the contrast of related hypotheses with the
dependent variable (Agave- Mezcal producing municipality).It is worth noting that the PPT (200≤850,
2800≤Max), SSE, PM5 and MPI variables reflect higher values in hypothesis testing (not statistically
The odds ratio represents the frequency of the respected event in conjunction with the frequency
of its non-occurrence (Escobar, Fernandez and Bernardi, 2012); however, it does not reveal the
magnitude of change in the probability of outcome. It can thus be said that the Agave-Mezcal
producing municipalities having a level of PROSPERA members between 851≤1500 compared with
0≤200 decreases the odds ratio to 0.327; while the OR of localities having between 2151≤2800 holders
is reduced to 0.25, conserving the other variables as constant. Indeed, 67% of the Agave –Mezcal
producing municipalities have less than 1000 beneficiaries per municipality. For each additional
unit of indigenous municipalities the OR of Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities experiences an
increase of 3.73 while the percentage of occupants in dirt floor housing: OVT (ocupantes en vivienda
con piso de tierra) is increased by 1.27.
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 181
Table 3. Results of logistic regression model
Note: 4 failures and 3 successes completely determined.
Fuente: elaboración propia con datos del SIAP-SAGARPA (2015), CONAPO (2015).
The first three columns of table 4 show the standard logit coefficients (b), z value and probability (P>
| z |). Column “e ^ bStdX” expresses the change in reason for an increase of the independent variable
in a standard deviation. It is evident that for each additional unit of Agave producing indigenous
municipalities, there is a probable frequency increase of 273% of being an Agave-Mezcal producer;
the other variables remain constant. Also, for each additional percentage unit of occupants in dirt
floor housing, the quotient percentage of Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities is increased by
27.5%, ceteris paribus. Furthermore, when a standard deviation of the percentage of occupants in
homes without running water increases, the odds ratio of Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities is
increased by 113.60%; the other variables remain constant (p <0.01).
Table 4. Probabilistic properties of the logistic regression model
Source: Unique elaboration based on results
of logistic regression model.
b = raw coefficient
z = z-score for test of b=0
P>|z| = p-value for z-test
e^b = exp(b) = factor change in odds for unit increase in X
e^bStdX = exp(b*SD of X) = change in odds for SD increase in X
SDofX = standard deviation of X
% = percent change in odds for unit increase in X
%StdX = percent change in odds for SD increase in X
182 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Table 5 shows the average marginal predictions over probabilities based on the logistic regression
model for Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities according to the percentage of population aged
15 years or older with incomplete primary education (PSP) and indigenous municipalities (MUI).
On average, the PSP shows that with a standard deviation increase of one, approximately 0.5%
increase the likelihood of having an Agave-Mezcal producing municipality. In addition, with a one
unit increase of indigenous municipalities, the effect on the probability of being an Agave-Mezcal
producing municipality is 14.3%. On average, municipalities with PROSPERA members between
1500≤2150 compared with those of 200≤850 decrease the probability of being an Agave-Mezcal
producing municipality by 8.6% (p <0.05). The sum of members between 2150≤2800 compared with
those of 0≤200 decreases the probability of being an Agave-Mezcal producing municipality by 12.3%
(p <0.05). This evidence demonstrates that the fundamental problem facing the Agave-Mezcal
sector is located in rural locations that incorporate higher levels of marginalization.
Table 5. Marginal average predictions of PSP, PVP and MUI.
Source: Unique elaboration based on results of logistic regression model.
When a municipality in Mexico is considered indigenous, there is a 14% probability that it is engaged in
the production of Agave-Mezcal. However, when said municipality is comprised of PROSPERA holders
having between 1500≤2150 members compared with those of 200≤850, the probability of being an
agave-mezcal producer decreases by 8.6% (p <0.05). Indigenous-rural Agave-Mezcal producing
communities reflect higher levels of marginalization in Mexico. Therefore, it is necessary to create
a national and / or multi-regional strategy where assigned institutions coordinately participate in
regional, economic and agricultural development aimed at rural agave producing locations in
Mexico. This intervention should not be homogeneous nor come from above, but should be case by
case, adhering to the needs and characteristics of said localities. In general, prior knowledge of an
area is needed before attempting to implement public policies solely focused on economic growth
rather than sustainability and/or diversity.
Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (CONEVAL). Medición de la Pobreza
en México. (01 de noviembre de 2015).
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 183
Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO). México en cifras 2010. (11 de noviembre de 2015). http://
Escobar Mercado, M., Fernández Macías, E., & Bernardi, F. (2012). Cuadernos Metodológicos 45
Análisis de datos con Stata. Madrid, España: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
García Salazar, A., & Macías Rodríguez, F. J. (2010). Producción de maguey y Mezcal: estrategias
de desarrollo rural en Teúl de González Ortega, Zacatecas. (U. A. Chapingo, Ed.) Revista de
Geografía Agrícola 45: pp. 7-17.
Instituto Nacional para el Federalismo y el Desarrollo Municipal (INAFED) Secretaría de Gobernación
(SEGOB). (20 de noviembre de 2015).
Long, J. S., & Freese, J. (2014). Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata,
Third Edition. College Station, Texas: Stata Press.
López Nava, G., Martínez Flores, J. L., Cavazos Arroyo, J., & Mayett Moreno, Y. (2014). La cadena de
suministro del Mezcal del estado de Zacatecas. Situación actual y perspectivas de desarrollo.
Contaduría y Administración 2: 227-252.
Martin, B. (2001). Technology foresight in a rapidly globalizing economy. Science and Technology
Policy Research, University of Sussex, 5.
Martínez González, M., Sánchez Villegas, A., & Faulín Fajardo, F. J. (2006). Bioestadística amigable
(2da. ed.) España.
Secretaría de Economía. Sistema de Información Arancelaria (SIAVI). (13 de noviembre de 2015).
Senado de la República. (2013). Congreso Nacional de Políticas Públicas para el Campo. Seguridad
y Soberanía Alimentaria. pp. 49-56. México D.F.: Senado de la República. Instituto Belisario
Sistema de Información Agroalimentaria (SIAP) de la Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo
Rural, Pesca y Alimentación (SAGARPA). (01 de noviembre de 2015).
184 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 185
THEMATIC V Social and ethnobotanics aspects
Municipal socioeconomic characteristics of Agave-Mezcal in
Vázquez-Elorza A.1, Rivera Ramírez J.2, Hernández López J. J.3, Contreras Medina D.4,
Reyes-Munguía A.5*
The Maguey-Agave production system is an important source of regional development for small
producers located in 552 municipalities of the 2,457 that exist in the country of Mexico; in this context,
the involved producers share ethnic, cultural, social, economic, environmental and productive
aspects. The objective of this research is to analyze the characteristics and socioeconomic conditions
among Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities, with a multifactorial variable approach on planting,
marginalization, local planning and poverty. This information was obtained through domestic
sources from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (CONAPO), Consejo Nacional de
Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (CONEVAL), Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de
los Pueblos Indígenas (CDI) y Sistema de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera de la Secretaría
de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación (SIAP-SAGARPA). In general, prior
knowledge of an area is needed before attempting to implement public policies solely focused on
economic growth rather than sustainability or in respect to diversity. With this being said, territories
need to improve design, planning and process of public policy focused on economic growth in order
to improve social conditions.
Key words: Agave-Mezcal, Marginalization, poverty, public policies.
Presently the production of Agave-Mezcal is experiencing structural problems involving not only
productive, competitive and technological innovation aspects but also those of marginalization,
poverty, null regional development, lack of access to market values and asymmetries in the
approach to the knowledge of economy. According to information from the National Commission
1, 4. Catedrático CONACYT-CIATEJ. Integrante del Laboratorio de Prospección Tecnológica Interregional para el Desarrollo Innovador de
los Alimentos y la Alimentación. Av. Normalistas No. 800, Col. Colinas de la Normal, C.P. 44270, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
2. Director del Laboratorio de Prospección Tecnológica Interregional para el Desarrollo Innovador de los Alimentos y la Alimentación,
Catedráticos CONACYT - CIATEJ.
3. Profesor Investigador del Colegio de Michoacán (COLMICH).
5. Unidad Académica Multidisciplinaria Zona Huasteca de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UAMZH-UASLP). Romualdo del
Campo 501, Fracc. Rafael Curiel, Cd. Valles. S.L.P. C.P.79060.
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
186 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
for the Development of Indigenous Peoples: CDI (Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los
Pueblos Indígenas), of the 552 municipalities producing Tequila, Mezcal, Bacanora and Maguey, 65
are classiied as indigenous and 448 with a sparse indigenous presence. This means that there is
a close relationship between agave producers and poor conditions presented by the population in
these municipalities. Regarding the 167 Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities nationwide, 62.87%
(105) have dispersed indigenous populations, 7.18% (12) maintain an indigenous presence in the
population and 29.94% (50) are predominately indigenous (CDI, 2015). In this scenario it becomes
essential to rethink strategies on strengthening local capacities by involving stakeholders (producers,
entrepreneurs, and academia) and encourage scientiic, technological and innovational research in
the sector to improve social development and competitiveness.
In Mexico, Agave-Maguey production was concentrated, in 2011, in 552 municipalities that were
classiied into four categories: Bacanora (5 municipalities, representing 0.91% of total), Maguey (77,
13.95%), Mezcal (167, 30.25%), Tequila (297, 53.80%) and unclassiied (6, 1.09%) (SIAP-SAGARPA,
2015). According to the SIAP-SAGARPA information system (2015) , in 2014, the planted area of
Agave-Mezcal was mainly concentrated in 167 municipalities located in 12 states (Baja California Sur
with 3 hectares constituting 0.01% of the national total), Colima (46.5 ha, 0.22%), Durango (235
ha, 1.12%), Guanajuato (7,200 ha, 34.42%) Guerrero (1663.50 ha, 7.95%), Jalisco (765.66 ha, 3.66%),
Michoacán (1,971 ha, 9.42%), Nayarit (2 ha, 0.01%), Oaxaca (8587.39 ha, 41.05%), Puebla (202 ha,
0.97%), San Luis Potosi (34 ha, 0.16%) and Sonora (210 ha, 1.00 %).
When we relate the variables of the National Population Council (CONAPOa) with databases
from 2010 and from those of SIAP-SAGARPA (2015), there are 45 municipalities with very high
marginalization indexes (IMG - Índice de Marginación), 56 with high IMG, 256 with average,
132 low and 63 with very low . Most Agave producers are located in rural areas with high levels
of marginalization; however, this constitutes an alternative livelihood for many families. In
particular, the primary Agave-Mezcal production sector undergoes a difficult social, economic
and ecological agricultural position. From an official perspective, it is to be considered that “if
there were public policies, the situation of sustainability would improve, that is, there would be
no exploitation or mismanagement”, in other words, when the state is present through politics,
the indigenous population cease to be exploited and mismanagement diminishes. However,
it is important to study why the indigenous population, who are considered to be the most
sustainable type of persons, began to have such practices with adverse effects in regards to
ecological terms. Sometimes the non-presence of the state is more beneficial; this problem is
generally focused on how the agribusiness chain is articulated and in turn puts the market into
a context of increased poverty, vulnerability and insecurity. The Mezcal Product System notes
that in the absence of public policies targeted on reversing the damage caused by overuse and
mismanagement in the utilization of Agave species for agro industrial and artisan productive
use, agave inventories have become more expensive (communication staff, November 12, 2015).
In applying this approach to the Agave-Mezcal production system and in establishing starting
points, it appears that production undergoes structural problems of marginalization, poverty,
null strategic planning, market failures on arrival, and unequal access to information among
other variables; all of which involve not only technological innovation and productive aspects
but also ones of socio-economic and agro-ecological descent (Garcia et al., 2010).
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 187
Agave-Mezcal production chain incorporates cultural and social aspects that relate to a set of socioeconomic variables and those of production. In this regard we seek to analyze the production and
utilization from a multifactorial approach that includes planting variables, municipal marginalization
and poverty to relate the justiication of the study among Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities.
This information was obtained from various national sources such as: INEGI, CONAPO, CONEVAL
Local agricultural development of municipalities is based on planning that is developed toward its
interior. The Strategic Planning Index: IPE (Índice de Planeación Estratégica), compiled by the National
Institute for Federalism and Municipal Development (INAFED) of the Secretary of the Interior (SEGOB,
2015) seeks to measure municipality conditions through local planning management enhancements
and is classiied as a Full, Basic, Incomplete, Fragmented and Null. In this regard, in 2012, the IPE of
the 76 Agave-Mezcal producing municipalities resulted incomplete, 56 fragmented, 12 basic, 5 null, 4
full and 14 provided no information. The most representative states with this local issue were Oaxaca
and Guerrero. In this irst case, there are 67 municipalities with a scattered indigenous presence
in the population, 3 with an indigenous presence and 48 municipalities which are predominately
indigenous. In Guerrero there are 11 municipalities, 5 of which have a dispersed indigenous presence
and 3 with an indigenous presence (CDI, 2015). This reality generates a need to transform an area’s
social conditions by means of better proposals, decisions and efective and eicient public policies.
Table 1 shows the relationship of strategic planning variables and those of municipal assessment
with the rates of marginalization of the Agave producing municipalities (not considering
maguey). There is evidence that 82% of Mezcal producing municipalities (29 municipalities) with
fragmented and incomplete strategic planning levels have very high percentages of poverty, and
70% (7) correspond to those dedicated to the production of Agave-Tequila having an equal index
of fragmented and incomplete planning. Municipalities with high poverty dedicated to AgaveMezcal production account for 46 and have a municipal strategic planning characteristic that is
also found to have fragmented and incomplete levels (80%). In this sense prospecting becomes
one of the most important strategic elements for the integrated use of food; its technological and
commercial resources thereby favorably aiding in the combat and elimination of social problems
(marginalization) that plague many rural areas. For this, in the practice of prospection we are able to
identify the mode of operation of the environment and thus be competent to generate conclusions
and recommendations for the authorities to adopt an adequate solution (Malte et al., 2015).
188 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Table 1. Characteristics of Agave producing municipalities in Mexico.
Source: Unique elaboration based on data from CONAPO, SAGARPA, SEGOB.
The need to implement better strategies and sectorial planning programs is not atypical in agave
producing municipalities, which have low and medium marginalization rates given that their
characteristics are very similar governing lack of planning. This reality demonstrates the need to
implement public policies in order to raise the levels of local planning for more effective and efficient
public services as well as to generate better development plans for the agricultural sector in order
to impulse development.
The production of Agave-Mezcal presents opportunities for growth and regional development due
to the diversity and potential that most territories and climates have where it has been produced.
It is essential that the basic administrative units (municipalities) also endorse their commitment
to the development of Agave-Mezcal production in their localities given that the analysis shows
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 189
precarious planning in Mezcal producing territories. It is necessary to strengthen the link between
municipalities and Agave producing associations (Bacanora, Tequila, Maguey Mezcal) with research
institutions, technological development and national and international innovation in order to
strengthen capacities and encourage the development and implementation of integrated solutions
sustained by the knowledge derived from scientiic and technological activities focused on said
Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas (CDI). (13 de diciembre de 2015).
Catálogo de localidades indígenas 2010.
Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (CONEVAL). (01 de noviembre de
2015). Obtenido de
Medición de la Pobreza en México.
Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPOa). México en cifras 2010. (11 de noviembre de 2015). http://
Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPOb). Metodología del Índice de Marginación. (5 de enero
de 2016).
García Herrera, E. J., Méndez Gallegos, S. D., & Talavera Magaña, D. (2010). El género Agave SPP. en
México: principales usos de importancia socioeconómica y agroecológica. Revista Salud Pública
y Nutrición 5: pp. 109-129.
Instituto Nacional para el Federalismo y el Desarrollo Municipal (INAFED) Secretaría de Gobernación
(SEGOB). (20 de noviembre de 2015).
Malte, S., Pierre Emmanuel, F., Giacomo, B., & Jean Michel, C. (2015). Methodological Support for
Prospective Studies in New Concept Development. Procedia Engineering 131: pp. 1041-1049.
Sistema de Información Agroalimentaria (SIAP) de la Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo
Rural, Pesca y Alimentación (SAGARPA). (01 de noviembre de 2015).
optestadisticasiacon2012parcialsiacon-zip/.Text: Times New.
190 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 191
THEMATIC V Social and ethnobotanics aspects
Appellations of origin as a developmental strategy for the
designation of mezcal origins
Gallardo-Valdez J. 1 *
In Mexico, the term Designation of Origin (DO), is associated with the name of a geographical region
of the country used to describe a product that originates there. The quality or characteristics are
exclusively due to the geographical environment, understood in its natural and human factors
(Cámara de Diputados, 2016), this being the case for Mexico as it is mega-diverse in both biotic
resources and cultural aspects with a high natural resource potential. Despite this, to date it has 15
Appellations of Origin (Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial, 2016), 7 of which correspond to
fruit and vegetables, 3 to crafts and 5 to alcoholic beverages, three of which are protected distillates
of agave: Tequila, Mezcal and Bacanora. This is a very small number compared to some European
countries like Spain with 62, and France with 300 for this type of product (InfoDrinks, 2016). Some
experts attribute this phenomenon to the lack of vision and commitment from state governments to
manage resources or promote local products even though some of them could function as a trigger
for the development not only of primary activities, but also, tourist and gastronomic activities as
well. This could benefit hundreds of farmers and their families, particularly considering the case of
Mezcal Denomination of Origin (DOM) due to its links that make up the Maguey-Mescal production
Key words: Mezcal, Rural Development, Sustainability.
One of the goals outlined in the National Development Plan 2013-2018 (Gobierno de la República,
2013-2018), whose main objective called “México Prospero” is to lead Mexico to its fullest potential,
is aimed at increasing productivity and democratizing the Mexican economy through actions to
consolidate macroeconomic stability, promote efficient use of productive resources, strengthen
the field of business and establish sectoral and regional policies to promote development. In
this context, agencies like the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA),
1. Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A.C., Av. Normalistas # 800 Col. Colinas de la Normal, CP. 44270. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
* Corresponding author. email:
192 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
the Secretary of Tourism, the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), among others have
contributed to strengthen all the links of the Maguey-Mezcal chain crossed from various sectoral
programs in support with the producers. The Regulatory Council of Mescal’s 2015 report shows
important igures in the growth of production and consumption of this liquor that is mostly is made
by artisanal producers, showing that consumption of mezcal has gone from being a fashion trend,
which sees a lattering and promising future scenario in economic terms, to demonstrating that
the beneits generated by this phenomenon are coming to rural producers, who for decades had
been the least beneited from the policies and programs promoted by various government agencies
(Consejo Regulador del Mezcal-CRM, 2016). Currently, the mezcal industry is valued at just over one
thousand 200 million pesos and more than 8000 families depend on it. It is estimated that the
production of mezcal generates a total of 5,000 direct jobs and more than 25 thousand indirect jobs
nationwide (CRM, 2016), beneiting many rural communities, contributing to the entrenchment of
the population slowing migration, strengthening identity, culture and traditions surrounding this
iconic liquid.
Given this scenario, the production of mezcal is making an employment alternative and economic
development for many communities as well as raising the social and economic level of the population
engaged in the exploitation of raw materials, production, marketing and distribution. Several states
have turned their gaze to the DOM considering it as an alternative to promote development.
Based on the provisions in the Industrial Property Law, the Law on Sustainable Rural Development
(Cámara de Diputados, 2016), the National Development Plan 2013-2016 (Gobierno de la República,
2013-2016), the resolution which granted the protection provided for the designation of mezcal
origin (Diario Oicial de la Federación, 1994) and the Mexican Oicial Standard NOM-070-SCFI-1994
(Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial-IMPI, 1994), some of the states that were excluded
in the declaration of protection of the designation of mezcal origin issued in November 1994, have
asked the IMPI to demonstrate that they meet the requirements established by the Law of Industrial
Property by preparing technical studies showing that there is not only the potential of raw material
constituted in natural populations (wild) and induced cultures of various species of agave, but
tradition and craft techniques used in the production of mezcal involving social and cultural aspects
that strengthen the identity and traditions of the people allowing for more competitive development
options and better pay.
From 2001 to present, the territory covered by the DOM has had ive changes promoted by the state
governments of Tamaulipas, Michoacán, Guanajuato and Puebla, on the grounds that the owner of
the DOM is the Mexican state, and that there is a legal interest from the states of the federation in
calling for incorporation in just right. With the growth in domestic and international demand for
this liquor, it is understandable that in the near future new states like Morelos, Mexico State and
Aguascalientes, who have openly expressed interest, will become incorporated. This due to that
most rural communities have potential raw material and process knowledge thusly making it an
employment and economic development alternative (Fig. 1).
Social and ethnobotanics aspects 193
Figure 1. Addition of new territories to the DOM 1994-2015. Source: Prepared based on information published
in the Government Official Gazette.
With the addition of new territories to the DOM, Agave-Mescal production has been removed from
the informality of being an activity that for years has been conducted clandestinely in various states
of the country, becoming a productive option that benefits thousands of farmers and their families
who make up the Agave-Mescal production chain in hundreds of rural communities. The development
of mescal represents not only an economic option, but also aligns policies and social and sectoral
programs implemented by the federal government, such as combating poverty, contributing to
the entrenchment of the population in their communities, slowing the migration in the absence of
alternative economic development, thus the identity of mezcal is strengthened, being recognized as
a craft product originating from a specific region.
Cámara de Diputados del H. Congreso de la Unión. (2016). Ley de la Propiedad Industrial. (01 de
septiembre de 2016).
Cámara de Diputados. (2016). H. Congreso de la Unión. Ley de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable. (08 de
julio de 2016).
Consejo Regulador del Mezcal. (2016) Informe 2015. (01 de octubre de 2016).
Diario Oficial de la Federación (1994) RESOLUCION mediante la cual se otorga la protección
prevista a la denominación de origen Mezcal, para ser aplicada a la bebida alcohólica
del mismo nombre. Publicado el 22 de octubre de 1994.
194 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
Gobierno de la República 2013-2016. Plan Nacional de Desarrollo. (2016). Denominaciones de origen de los vinos de España. (08 de septiembre de
Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI) (1994). Norma Oicial Mexicana NOM-070SCFI-1994. Bebidas Alcohólicas Mezcal. Especiicaciones.
Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial. (2016). “Denominaciones de Origen, Orgullo de México”.
Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave
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