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Extemporaneous speaking, colloquially known as extemp, is a limited-preparation speech event based on research and original analysis. Extemporaneous speaking is a competitive speaking event in the United States in both high school and college forensics competition. Extemporaneous speaking provides 30 minutes of preparation time, followed by a seven-minute speech. When preparation starts, speakers are offered three questions to answer. Questions are based on current affairs, and topic areas generally include international and domestic policy, economic policy, and social or scientific issues. Speakers generally speak persuasively, though some areas of the US offer informative speeches. Origin: According to Pausanias (6.18.6), Anaximenes was "the first who practised the art of speaking extemporaneously." Extemporaneous Speaking was designed as an event to not be a memorized, rehearsed speech, but rather, a short, analytical speech spoken off the cuff, emphasizing critical thinking in addition to performance. Basic Information And Format: Extemporaneous speaking is a speech that is either persuasive or informative in nature, usually modeled off of a 5 paragraph essay. At top levels, extemporaneous is a smooth, dynamic performance that incorporates research, background knowledge, and opinion. A successful extemporaneous speech has an introduction that catches the listener's attention, introduces the theme of the speech, and answers the question through three, or sometimes two, areas of analysis, which develop an answer to the question. These areas of analysis are followed by a conclusion, which summarizes the speech. Extemporaneous speaking sometimes allows for the use of index cards, but many extemporaneous competitors forgo their usage, and many forensic leagues do not allow their usage. The use of the Internet is often not allowed during preparation. Debate and public speaking (collectively called "forensics") are generally stratified into novice and varsity levels. A varsity level extemporaneous speech typically contains anywhere from 6 -15 sources, while averaging 8-10
This work describes student attitudes toward religion, religious leaders and their infl uence. The research was conducted amongst the student body of the Faculty of philosophy in Novi Sad through analysis of their written responses. There are quotes that show the way that young people comprehend their families, religious infl uence, formation of the view of God, church and life in general. The results have shown that young individuals give deep thoughts to religious issues, and that their contemplations about the purpose of life lead them to seek answers in religion, while their encounters with mediators between man and God create a critical stance toward their own religions. Youth does recognize the importance of religion in society and their own lives, but they also realize that there is a lack of opportunity for religious leaders to help young individuals.
"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real,”- Niels Bohr Spirituality, Consciousness, Perspective: Starting with the last chapter, with my warning to the FBI in 10-30-20 about the Nashville Bombing of 12-30-2020 and going backwards to the beginning of my spiritual journey and quest quest in 1981 with the notarized exceptionally detailed What a Nightmare Warning-Spiritual-Psychic Experience and Mustard Seed Revelation, I cover a range of questions and issues from the ignorance and intolerance of academic materialists and misconceptions and dumb stereotypes which abound and need to be cleared out before any serious intelligent discussion can be had, For instance, there is the theory centered on the Distress Factor as one possible underlying cause of spiritual experiences, a brief sketch of some different types of spirituality with reflections relative to the types of spirituality identified by Corinthians (wisdom, knowledge, judgment, prophecy, etc), as well as a brief sum of experiences by Park and Paloutzian, and also an ultra-brief overview of Viktor Frankl, Carl Jung, and William James, as well as Quantum Physics and Niels Bohr observation that "Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real,” and lastly, some of the real world limitations of precognition. What might surprise many, is that I, personally, do not identify with being “psychic” and though as a result of my experiences I concluded that there is a transcendental Intelligence [God] – though I believe it is presumptuous to talk about God, I also do not identify with a Transcendental or other-worldly Force – but I view spirit and spirituality as creativity, Drive & Life Force. I love artists and identify with the spirituality of artists since my writing involves, besides rational analysis a lot creativity, imagination, an innovation. Also, as a result of long years (decades actually) I do believe that the Mustard Seed spiritual-psychic experiences is an expression of the Holy Spirit and that the Holy spirit is real – and in my view integrated to some extent or another in the Collective Consciousness. Lastly when I came across Christ’s statement in John 23 “Yet a time is coming……….. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” The concepts of “Spirt and truth” can embrace in one way or another just about any ideology, for the record. I should probably begin with the most recent spiritual-psychic experience in an email sent to FBI agent McElwee Preface: "Even a quick perusal of the psychological literature in general and research in the psychology of religion in particular demonstrates the need for comprehensive theories . Empirical studies abound, but they are widely scattered, poorly integrated, and more often than not lacking an overreaching theoretical framework (see Spence 1994). (p. 101 Crystal L. Park and Raymond F. Paloutzian, Handbook Of The Psychology Of Religion And Spirituality, Second Edition Guilford Press 2013) From my research, it appears clear that William James, Viktor Frankl, and Carl Jung had the best assessments of spiritual and religious beliefs. Each had their own personal spiritual experiences which without doubt helped them greatly in understanding spirituality and religion.
NUJS' International Journal of Legal Studies and Research, 2018
The change of power in 2015 and Maithripala Sirisena becoming the President of Sri Lanka is said to have sowed hopes for a political solution to the ethnic conflict. But the President has openly expressed on several occasions his intention in not compromising the unitary nature of the state and the primary status of Buddhism, the prime reasons for the conflict, under any circumstance, in the new Constitution. This assertion by the current president reflects that Sri Lanka, the Germany of South Asia, is yet to learn a lesson from its historical mistakes. This paper analyses the effectiveness of a federal constitution as a political solution to the ethnic conflict of Sri Lanka. The author in this paper has argued that even if Sri Lanka comes with a federal constitution, it is difficult to retain the different ethnic groups united due to the difficulties in creating a common national identity, a mandate for the unity of deeply divided ethnic societies.
Docter R.F., Gubel E., Martinez Hahnmüller V., Perugini A. (Eds.) Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World The State of the Art (Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series, 62). Peeters, pp. 401-426, 2022
After several decades of continued research, including excavations in stratified pottery workshops, archaeometric investigations and typological seriation, it is possible to provide an improved view of amphorae production in the Bay of Cadiz. Latest research grants archaeological data which makes possible to trace the main groups, from the Phoenician period to the Late Republican age, in which most of the Punic types ceased its production and were replaced by ‘provincial’ series almost fully Romanized. A significant number of workshops have been discovered and excavated in the insular hinterland of the city, mostly dating from the late-6th to the 1st century BCE, providing key information about the evolution of artisanal techniques and production trends. Also, recent archaeometric research has supplemented that information with new indications of the earlier stages of local pottery production (focusing both on amphorae and tablewares), and providing an accurate fingerprint for the identification of local ceramics of the 1st millennium BCE. Based on these data and the analysis of pottery finds from other sites located around the bay (such as Cadiz itself, Castillo de Doña Blanca, Chiclana, etc.), a massive production of transport vessels in the insular ateliers can be suspected from the colonial stage and particularly during the 6th to the 1st century AD linked to the commerce of salted fish (and other secondary commodities such as wine). Consequently, the main goals of this paper will be: 1) the examination of ‘families’ and types from Phoenician to Late Punic times, introducing some unidentified variants; 2) present a panoramic view of the workshops; 3) results of the archaeometric approaches and exploration of future steps of the research; 4) Analysis of stamps and its role in production processes; 5) Contents, residue analysis and experimental archaeology (filling up and sealing of amphorae); 6) study the distribution of the amphorae from Gadir, considering some significant case studies; and finally 7) discuss some ideas about the economic and social relevance of the amphora trade and the maritime activities in the Bay of Cadiz during the 1st millennium BCE.
1 de 39 LEY GENERAL DE ARCHIVOS TEXTO VIGENTE Nueva Ley publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 15 de junio de 2018 Al margen un sello con el Escudo Nacional, que dice: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.-Presidencia de la República. ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a sus habitantes sabed: Que el Honorable Congreso de la Unión, se ha servido dirigirme el siguiente
Cálculo diferencial e integral. William Anthony Granville.
Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae, 2022
Due to illegal construction works in 2016, the late medieval motte-and-bailey castle in Lubrza was significantly damaged. The immediately undertaken rescue excavations paradoxically led to better understanding of the complex based on the obtained archaeological evidence as well as written sources, architectural studies, and remote sensing data. Detailed analysis of the artefacts has made it possible to establish the basic occupations of the inhabitants of the tower, their standard of living, everyday life, wealth, diet, and social status. The archaeological research also allowed us to establish accurate chronology of the complex, which should be placed in the 14 th century.
International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies, 2020
XXV Bosporan Readings. Bosporus Cimmerian and barbarian world during the period of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Materials of the scientific archaeological conference., 2024
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 2024
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2010
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2000
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008
Toxicon, 2021
Journal of American Folklore, 2008
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1994
Microelectronics Reliability, 2015
Heart Asia, 2013
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2008
Revista e-scrita : Revista do Curso de Letras da UNIABEU, 2017
Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk etnologisk tidskrift, 2022