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International Journal of Research, 2018
In our daily life every day, we face new technology which provides new and better performance. Now a day 4G and 5G are most emerging trends in the telecommunication system. 5G is upcoming technology and still under experimental condition and might be launched commercially in 2020 and it will offer 1Gbps internet speed. The first generation based on Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). It was the first analog mobile communication system which supported only audio calls. 2G or Second Generation is considered the most renowned and influential in the communication world. It is also named the Global system of mobile communication (GSM). A Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) based technology which provides greater speed up to 2 Mbps or slightly exceed. By introducing third generation, a new service has added such as video call. The fourth generation(4G) is based on the standards of LTE(Long Term Evolution) and ()WiMAX, which offers speeds of up to 173 Mbps, that has been modified to reach 225 Mbps using new standards ()LTE-A, that enables you to download a movie at 800 MB in less than half a minute.
1. 5G technologies will change the way most high-bandwidth users access their phones. With 5G pushed over a VOIP-enabled device, people will experience a level of call volume and data transmission never experienced before.5G technology is offering the services in Product Engineering, Documentation, supporting electronic transactions (e-Payments, e-transactions) etc. As the customer becomes more and more aware of the mobile phone technology, he or she will look for a decent package all together, including all the advanced features a cellular phone can have. Hence the search for new technology is always the main motive of the leading cell phone giants to out innovate their competitors. Recently apple has produced shivers all around the electronic world by launching its new handset, the I-phone. Features that are getting embedded in such a small piece of electronics are huge.
5G Technology stands for the 5th Generation Mobile technology. 5G is a next major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the 4G standards.5G is expected to provide speed upto 10Gbit/s, wider frequency band, high increased peak bit rate, high system spectral efficiency, ubiquitous connectivity and significant increase in QoS as compared to current 4G technology. Evolution of mobile communication technology to 5G is discussed in this review, followed by protocol stack and 5G architecture. A wide comparison is given between the various generations so as to compare why 5G technology is better and needed.
5G technologies will change the way most high-bandwidth users access their phones. With 5G pushed over a VOIP-enabled device, people will experience a level of call volume and data transmission never experienced before.5G technology is offering the services in Product Engineering, Documentation, supporting electronic transactions (e-Payments, e-transactions) etc. As the customer becomes more and more aware of the mobile phone technology, he or she will look for a decent package all together, including all the advanced features a cellular phone can have. Hence the search for new technology is always the main motive of the leading cell phone giants to out innovate their competitors. Recently apple has produced shivers all around the electronic world by launching its new handset, the I-phone. Features that are getting embedded in such a small piece of electronics are huge.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2019 The new age of 4G technology is upon us which is about to reshape our lives. 4G offers us greater bandwidth, higher data rates, efficient spectrum use, and increased interoperability across the globe It supports user friendly, innovative, and secure application environment These systems will support comprehensive personalized services, providing stable system performance and improved quality of service. During the last few decades, mobile communication has developed rapidly. The 1st Generation deployed in the 1980s was an analog technique. Though Speech chat was the only service available, 1G still laid the basic structure of mobile communications and solved many fundamental problems such as adopting cellular architecture, multiplexing frequency band, roaming across domain, noninterrupted communication etc.2G was based on digital signal processing techniques deployed during 1990s. It is regarded as an evolution from analog to digital technology. The introduction of Subscriber Identity Module-SIM card and supporting capabilities for a large number of users were 2G’s main contributions. 2.5G extended the 2G with data service and packet switching methods. It brought the Internet into mobile personal communications. This was a revolutionary concept leading to hybrid communications. 3G provided higher data
Cellular communication has shown significant improvement over the years in the manner in which people communicate with each other. With the ever increasing demand by the mobile users for better coverage and capacity, the wireless communication technology has seen an evolution starting from 1G in 1980's to the current 4G LTE. In order to provide faster, reliable, more responsive and ubiquitous coverage, The Mobile and Wireless Communication (METIS) Enablers for the Twenty Twenty Information Science project of European Union started research work of 5G at the end of 2012. 5G stands for 5 th generation is the next generation of mobile connectivity technologies that supports mobile broadband as well as networking of billions of devices. It has a flexible infrastructure capable of handling ever increasing demand for mobile data and providing connectivity for future technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), the future of mobile communication. 2. COMPARITIVE STUDY OF 1G TO 5G SYSTEMS 1G : The first generation systems called Advanced Mobile Phone Systems (AMPS) evolved in the early 1980's and provided flawless mobile connectivity introducing mobile voice services. 2G : The second generation systems are still the most widespread technology in the world. It is a digital wireless technology that increased voice capacity. They are either TDMA or CDMA based. TDMA is used in Global System for Mobile Communication or GSM that operates in the 850Mhz and 1900Mhz bands in the US and 900Mhz and 1.8Mhz bands in the rest of the world. 3G : The third generation systems optimized mobile for data, enabling mobile broadband services, thus representing the convergence of 2G wireless systems into a single global system. It is also called Universal Mobile Telecommunications Standard (UMTS). One of the major advantage of UMTS is its global roaming capabilities, they use CDMA techniques and include UMTS (W-CDMA), CDMA 2000, TD-SCDMA. 4G : 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) or fourth generation systems delivers more capacity for faster and better mobile broadband experiences. It is described as MAGIC :mobile multimedia, anytime anywhere, global mobility support, integrated wireless solution and customized personal service. In this system the carriers use orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). According to ITU a 4G network requires a mobile device to be able to exchange data at 100 Mbit/s. 5G : 5G mobile telecommunication standards for 5 th generation systems comprise of packet switched wireless systems using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. The standard is expected to be introduced in 2020's and provides users with 1000 times greater bandwidth as well as 100 times larger data rate to cover huge applications for future mobile stations. The specifications are capable of providing Wireless World Wide Web Applications (WWWW).
Today 3G mobile systems are on the ground providing IP connectivity for real-time and non-real-time services. On the other side, there are many wireless technologies that have proven to be important, with the most important ones being 802.11Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) and 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMAN), as well as ad-hoc Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) and wireless networks for digital TV and radio broadcast. Then, the concepts of 4G is already much discussed and it is almost certain that 4G will include several standards under a common umbrella, similarly to3G, but with IEEE 802.xx wireless mobile networks included from the beginning. The main contribution of this paper is definition of 5G (Fifth Generation) mobile network concept which is seen as user-centric concept instead of operator-centric as in 3G or service-centric concept as seen for 4G. In the proposed concept the mobile user is on the top of all. The 5G terminals will have software defined radios and modulation scheme as well as new error-control schemes can be downloaded from the Internet on the run. The development is seen towards the user terminals as a focus of the 5G mobile networks. The terminals will have access to different wireless technologies at the same time and the terminal should be able to combine different flows from different technologies. Each network will be responsible for handling user-mobility, while the terminal will make the final choice among different wireless/mobile access network providers for a given service. The paper also proposes intelligent Internet phone concept where the mobile phone can choose the best connections by selected constraints and dynamically change them during a single end-to-end connection. The proposal in this paper is fundamental shift in the mobile networking philosophy compared to existing 3G and near-soon 4G mobile technologies, and this concept is called - the 5G.
5G Technology stands for fifth Generation Mobile technology. From generation 1G to 2.5G and from 3G to 5G this world of telecommunication has seen a number of improvements along with improved performance with every passing day. This fast revolution in mobile computing changes our day to day life that is way we work, interact, learn etc. This paper also focuses on all preceding generations of mobile communication along with fifth generation technology. Fifth generation network provide affordable broadband wireless connectivity (very high speed). The paper throws light on network architecture of fifth generation technology. Currently 5G term is not officially used. In fifth generation researches are being made on development of World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc Wireless Networks (DAWN) and Real Wireless World. Fifth generation focus on (Voice Over IP) VOIP-enabled devices that user will experience a high level of call volume and data transmission. Fifth generation technology will fulfill all the requirements of customers who always want advanced features in cellular phones. The main features in 5G mobile network is that user can simultaneously connect to the multiple wireless technologies and can switch between them. This forthcoming mobile technology will support IPv6 and flat IP. Fifth generation technology will offer the services like Documentation, supporting electronic transactions (e-Payments, e-transactions) etc.
The innovation in the mobile technology had brought the 5G wireless technology which stands for Fifth Generation. The 5G technology will be connected by the wireless with several numbers of devices at simultaneously which will bring the life into live. This paper reviews that how the innovation have takes place from the various generation like 1G,2G,3G,4G and now 5G. Also, this paper focuses on how 5G network provides reasonable broadband wireless connectivity all preceding generations of mobile communication. The some of the technology have been listed like cloud computing, WWWW (World Wide Wireless Web) and etc. It shows that the 5G is advanced in technology wise than its previous generation. By using all this technology the mobile will be lighter weight than its previous generation.
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