Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition [THRD-Coalition]
P. O. Box 105926, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA Mob: +255 769 642 208
E-mail: thrddefenders@gmail.com Web: www.thrdc.or.tz Facebook: THRDCOALITION
The I ter atio al Wo e ’s Day is o
e orated orld ide o Mar h 8 every year. It is a day
when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether
national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. The Tanzania Human Rights
Defenders Coalition therefore, would like to join all Women in the world today in the
e oratio of the I ter atio al Wo e ’s Day. This year’s I ter atio al Wo e ’s Day
theme is PRE““ FOR PROGRE““ . And in regard to this theme, the Coalition would like to
amplify the campaign for the Progress of the situation of Women Human Rights Defenders
(WHRDs) in Tanzania as well as every effort that has been taken so far to ensure WHRDs
continue with their work without any fear or threats.
In Tanzania, the violation of rights against women is still rampant. Some of these violations
include; series of violations of women rights ranging from gender based violence (GBV); rights
to inheritance; exclusion from leadership and political positions; restrictions on property and
land ownership; poor access to education and development opportunities. Apart from the
listed women rights related violation; Tanzania on the other hand is currently undergoing a
serious era of human rights violation such as democratic rights, rights to life, freedoms of
speech and other liberties. Despite this threatening working environment; Tanzania is still
having a number of prominent Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) who stand firm and
frontline in the fight against human rights violations in Tanzania.
Among others, THRDC as a way commemorating this day, wishes to recognize few WHRDs who
constantly remained on the frontlines against all sort of human rights violations in 2017/2018.
1. Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan - Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania and also
Champion of women rights and child rights in Tanzania
2. Halima Mdee – Member of Parliament, courageous female politician and female political
activists who use politics to champion women rights
3. Dr. Helen Kijo-Bisimba–Executive Director-Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC); A veteran
and bold WHRDs who stands for Rule of Law, Democracy and Free & Fair Election
4. Adv. Fatma Karume–Partner, IMMMA Advocates; Woman Human Rights Defender who uses
legal profession to champion for the respect of justice, the Rule of Law, Democracy and Free &
Fair Election.
5. Vicky-Ntetema – Executive Director-Under the Same Sun; honest and audacious WHRD who
has, and still is tirelessly working to ensure Tanzania becomes a safe place for people with
disability, particularly people with Albinism.
6. Rose Sarwatt–Executive Director, Tanzania Widows Association (TAWIA); WHRDs who works
day a d ight a d so eti es ithout supported proje ts to e sure that ido ’s rights are
respected and protected in Tanzania
7. Ms. Maria Sarungi Tshehai –Executive Director-Change Tanzania; WHRD who became an
agent of change and the voice of voiceless in various online platforms.
8. Ms. Salma Said – Journalist and WHRD in Zanzibar who uses online platforms and the media
to reveal political and human rights violation in Zanzibar
9. Ms. Jane Magigita – Executive Director-Equality for All; WHRD who champions for women
development, inclusion and equality.
10. Maanda Ngoitiko–Executive Director- Pastoralist Women Council (PWC); WHRD in rural
area who despite life threats challenges, she continues to defend land rights for marginalized
pastoralists groups in Ngorongoro district.
As we appreciate the role of veterans WHRDs who are still vibrant and forefront in the field of
human rights, media and politics THRDC also encourage upcoming WHRDs in Tanzania like Elsie
Eyakuze, Rebecca Gyumi, Faraja Nyalandu, Angela Benedicto, Ummy Nderinango, Carol Ndosi
and others to keep the ball rolling and continue to be the agents of change and frontline
defenders of democracy, women rights and human rights in general, today and tomorrow.
As e ark the I ter atio al Wo e ’s Day today the 8th March 2018, THRDC calls upon all
women human rights defenders and the Government of Tanzania to among other things:
• A plify this year’s I ter atio al Wo e ’s Day a paig the e: PRE““ FOR PROGRE““
• Ad o ate y alli g upo the la
akers to enact a specific law, which among other things
will recognize HRDs as change of agents, appreciate their work and provide HDs protection
whenever faced with obstacles while executing their activities. This will enhance protection of
women and other HRDs rights at large
• Ad o ate for the a e d e t a d/or repeal of dra o ia a d dis ri i atory la s
affects HRDs rights.
hi h
• Co ti ue fighti g agai st the dis ri i ati g so ial, ultural, a d religious stereotypes,
expose them to a number of risks in the course of their activities.
hi h
• Work i solidarity a d ha e o e oi e hile fighti g for their rights. Ha i g o e oi e ill
increase their space in the society and whatever they are fighting for will easily be understood
and worked upon.
• To promote the participation of women as equal partners with men in achieving sustainable
development, peace, security, and full respect for human rights.
• To e po er o e as a e tral feature of Ta za ia's efforts to address so ial, e o o i a d
political challenges across the country.
Happy I ter atio al Wo e ’s Day to all Wo e HRDs i the World
Issued on 8th March, 2018
By: Onesmo Olengurumwa
National Coordinator- THRDC