SUPERVISOR’S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Research report titled on ‘Affordability of Drinking Water in Coastal Rural Bangladesh’ is an original work done by Dhananjoy Dey as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master of Science degree in Geography and Environment, Jagannath University, Dhaka. The report has been prepared under my guidance and is a record of the bona fides work carried out successfully. He has completed his project work under my supervision and guidance. I wish his bright future. …………………………… Dr. Mallik Akram Hossain Professor Dept. of Geography and Environment Jagannath University Dhaka-1100 I DECLARATION I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this project has been carried out by me and has not been previously submitted to any other University for an academic certificate. The work I have presented does not breach of any existing copyright. I further undertake to indemnify the Department against any loss or damage arising from breach of the foregoing obligations. Sincerely Yours Dhananjoy Dey Id No: M140602003 6th Batch 2014-2015 Dept. of Geography and Environment Jagannath University II ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am very grateful to my most esteemed teacher and the supervisor Dr. Mallik Akram Hossain, Professor of the Department of Geography and Environment, who gave his valuable advice, guidance especially his valuable time with parental sympathy. That experience was really helpful to do this work with confidence. He inspired me to take challenge for working on “Affordability of Drinking Water in Coastal Rural Bangladesh”. I would like to give thanks to the local people who helped me collect data on the condition of Affordability of Drinking Water. I am also grateful to Local Governmental Member of Boro Kholisha who helped me get the information. At the end, I am indebted to my parents and family members because without their inspiration and support, this research would never been completed successfully. Above all I must mention the respondents and participates of the study without whose keen interest and profound support, the implementation of the research would have been impossible. I am extremely grateful to them for providing their full support throughout the Study. For most, I am grateful to Almighty Submissive Dhananjoy Dey 10 August, 2017 III Table of Contents Supervisor’s Certificate…………………………………………………………………….......I Declaration………………………………………………………………………………….....II Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………………III Table of contents………………………………………………..………….….....…..... IV- VII List of figures ………………………………………………………………….…………..VIII List of tables……………………………………………………………………………..... VIII Acronyms.................................................................................................................................IX Abstract …………………………………………………………………....……………… …X Chapter One Introduction 1-5 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background of the study 1 1.3 Objectives of the Study 2 1.4 Rationale of the Study 2 1.5 Selection of Study Area 3 1.6 Present sources of Drinking water in the study area 4 1.7 Organization 4 1.8 Limitations 4 1.9 Conclusion 5 Chapter Two Literature Review 6-10 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 Review of Literatures Relevant to Current Study 6 2.2.1 Safe Drinking water 6 2.2.2 Water supply 7 2.2.3 Coastal Areas 8 The coastal zone of Bangladesh 8 2.2.4 Affordability 9 Affordability measurement 10 2.3 Conclusion 10 IV Chapter Three Profile of the Study Area 11-18 3.1 Introduction 11 3.2 Geography 11 3.3 Extent and Location 11 3.4 Population 15 3.5 Area 15 3.6 Archaeological heritage and relics 15 3.7 History of the War of Liberation 15 3.8 NGO activities 15 3.9 Transport 16 3.10 Educational institute 16 3.11 Land 17 3.12 Climatic condition 17 3.13 Main crops 17 3.14 Water bodies 17 3.15 Religious institutions 17 3.16 Communication facilities 17 3.17 Manufactories and Cottage industries 18 3.18 Access to electricity 18 3.19 Health centers 18 3.20 Natural disasters 18 Chapter Four Methodology 19-28 4.1 Introduction 19 4.2 Research Design 19 4.3 Sources of Data and Methodology 21 4.4 Sample Design & Sampling Unit 21 4.5 Sampling Technique 22 4.6 Field Survey Design 22 4.7 Techniques of Data Collection 22 4.8 Sources of Data 23 4.9 Methods of Data Collection 23 4.9.1 The primary data 23 V Key Informant Interview (KII) 24 4.9.2 The secondary data 24 4.10 Elements of Data collection 25 4.11 Field Work 25 4.12 Data processing & analysis 26 4.12.1 Quantitative analysis 26 4.12.2 Qualitative analysis 26 4.13 Evaluation and reporting stage 28 Chapter Five Socio-economic Condition of the Study Area 29-38 5.1 Introduction 29 5.2 General Background 29 5.3 Age of the Respondent 30 5.4 Family Member of respondent 31 5.5 Family types 32 5.6 Living Year 33 5.7 Educational Qualification 34 5.8 Present Occupation 35 5.9 Monthly Income 36 5.10 Monthly Expenditure 37 5.11 Land Ownership Pattern 38 Chapter Six Present state of drinking water facility in the study area 39-51 6.1 Introduction 39 6.2 Technological Options of Drinking water sources 40 6.3 Drinking water Sources of Coastal Bangladesh in References to the Study area 40 6.3.1 Pond 40 6.3.2 Rain Water Harvesting System (RWHS) 41 6.3.3 Rooftop Catchment Areas 43 6.3.4 Pond Sand Filter (PSF) 43 6.3.5 Shallow and Deep Tube wells 45 6.3.6 Fresh water purifier plants 46 6.3.7 Solar Powered Desalination Plants 47 VI 6.3.8 Manage Aquifer Recharge (MAR) 47 6.4 Present physical condition of drinking water 49 6.4.1 Drinking water color quality 49 6.4.2. Taste of Water 50 6.4.3 Primary and secondary Source of Drinking water 51 Chapter Seven Drinking water supply and demand in the study area 52-57 7.1 Introduction 52 7.2 Drinking Water Supply in the Coastal Bangladesh 52 7.3 Drinking Water Demand 54 7.4 Drinking Water Supply 55 7.5 Frequency of Water supply 56 7.6 Drinking water Availability in a household 57 Chapter Eight Water Affordability 8.1 Introduction 58 8.2 Affordability of drinking water 58 8.3 Number of household buy water from the provider 60 8.4 Number of household afford to buy water 61 8.5 Number of households giving feedback to new water provider 62 8.6 Number of payable household 63 Chapter Nine Summary Finding, Recommendations and Conclusion 64-66 9.1 Summary Findings 9.2 Recommendation 9.3 Conclusion References 58-63 64 65 66 67-72 Appendix 1 1.1 Key Informant Interview Questionnaire Survey 73-77 VII Lists of Photographs, Figures and Maps Figure No Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 30 Figure 31 Figure 32 Figure 33 Figure 34 Figure 35 Figure 36 Name of the Figure Study area map Dacope Upazila in Bangladesh Map Boro Kholisha in Dacope Upazila map Study area (Boro Kholisha) The research design Techniques of data collection Sources of data Primary data collection Research Methodology Age of the Respondent Family member Family types Living Year Graphical presentation Educational Qualifications Present Occupations Monthly Income Monthly Expenditure Percentage Land ownership in the study area Pond in the study area Rain Water Harvesting System in the study area Pond Sand Filter in the study area Deep Tube wells in the study area Fresh water purifier plant Solar Powered Desalination Plant in the study area Manage Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in the study area Color quality of drinking water Test of drinking water of different sources Primary and secondary sources of drinking water Water demand Water Supply Frequency of water supply Drinking water Availability in a household Number of household buy water from the provider Number of affordable to buy drinking water in the study area Percentage of giving feedback household Percentage of payable household Page no. 3 12 13 14 20 22 23 24 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 List of Tables Table No. Table 1 Table 2 Name of the Table Major sources of secondary data and information Age of the Respondent Page 25 30 VIII Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 Table 16 Table 17 Table 18 Family Members Living Years Educational Qualifications Present Occupations Income Scenario of the people of Boro Kholisha Monthly Expenditure Land Ownership Scenario of Boro Kholisha Taste of Water Primary and secondary Source of Drinking water in the study area Drinking water demand Drinking water supply Frequency of Water supply Drinking water Availability in a household Number of household can afford to buy water Number of households giving feedback to new water provider Number of different ranges payable household 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 50 51 54 55 56 57 61 62 63 Acronyms GO NGO RWHS WHO UNWP BBS BRAC ASA FGD BWDB KII NRC DoE GIS HEED WV SPSS RCC UN SSC HSC MAR MGD GIS Government Organization Non-Government Organization Rain Water Harvesting System World Health Organism United Nation Water Program Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee Association for social Advancement Focused Group Discussion Bangladesh Water Development Board Key Informant Interview National Research Council Department of Environment Geographic Information System Health Education Economic Development World Vision Statistical Package for Social Science Reinforced Cement Concrete United Nations Secondary School Certificate Higher Secondary Certificate Manage Aquifer Recharge Millennium Development Goal Geographic Information System IX ABSTRACT The development of a society is significantly dependent on the availability of healthy water. But presently like all the other parts of the world, Bangladesh is facing increasing scarcity of water resources. At this situation, sustainable management of fresh water can be ensured by utilization of alternative water sources. This study investigates different local and traditional drinking water sources in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Khulna, a remote salinity affected area of South-west costal region of Bangladesh. This study would help understand the present situation of drinking water supply in the study area. This research project also describes the socio economic condition, drinking water supply and demand, and affordability of drinking water in Boro Kholisha village. The collected data both qualitative and quantitative have been analyzed by MS office and MS Excel. The study area is created based on field survey and Arc GIS 10.2. This study has found that approximately 92% of the household cannot afford to buy drinking water. This study will be effective for facilitating the coastal water scarce community. This study also tried to give some listed recommendations may be taken for further intervention and forming sufficient potable water supply system in the study area and also give guide lines for modifications of different types of drinking water sources from planning perspective at Boro Kholisha. X