
1.Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being benefical, this is a danger to our societies. What are your views? In last few years, the morden technology has been developed very fast. People getting used to use the rapid and uncontrolled technology instead of (some people believe that) manpower. On the other hand, it brings problems to our societies. I will consider these different points of views in favour to support the modern technology. It has been argued that too much morden technology cause people losing their job. Nowadays, many factories are useing automatic technology instead manpower, in order to increase their business. However, It brings a huge problem of unemployment, furthermore, it would increasing on the crimes rate. Similiy, morden technology speeds up our life. people feel stressful about their jobs, families, and societies. It is no doubt that morden technology deveoloped our life more convenient than before. For example, we could keeping in touch with our friends which live far away from us pass through the internet. Moreover, companies could contact with their customer by the internet. It’s much cheaper than calling the long-distance phone. Besides, the technology development could help medicine inventing. 2.Many children are forced to stay at school and study subjects that will be of little value to them in the furure. These children may disrupt the education of the majority and should be allowed to leave school early to find themselves a job. What are your views? It is often said that students should study at school for some certain subjects and this will be good for their future. Another point is that those kids may interrupt their school work and be allowed to get a work early when they leave school. The view of point that students have to be forced to have the class at school is valid. One reason for this is that schools provide a plenty of academic knowledge to students and it is possible to enlarge students’ knowledge background when they are young and it is also a good method to force students to focus on their school work and this conditions might avoid students to spend their time to do bad thing. In Addition, some educations at school are useful for their life such as students might learn professional skills or knowledge that they may have more opportunities to find a job in their future. For example, employee prefer to hire a employer who had a good degree and owns a lot of professional skills and knowledge in Taiwan. On the other hand, it can be argued that children should leave school early to get a job because they can be sure their interesting and learn social skills through having a job. Furthermore they can get much experience of the society which experience can’t obtain at school and it is possible to encourage children how to manage the money that they’ve earned and try to independent. Even though there are some advantages of leaving school early to find a job, I would say that kids should study the certain subjects at school since the disadvantages are pointed out and because so many ways can train children to learn independant and social skills. 3.In some societies it is increasingly common to try to achieve good health and fitness through physically demanding sports, special diets, or preventative medicine convential or alternative. Some people, however, believe that the best way to stay fit and healthy is simply to lead a normal life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? These days, a lots of people try to exercise for good health. They regularly go to gym or enjoy running or take a preventative medicine. On the other hand, some people believe that the best way to stay fit and healthy is simply. When I watch the television, I find a lots of diet or exercise program. I’m also interested in special diet and physicall exercise. So, I do Yoga third a week, and I take a preventative medicine everyday. When my feeling is getting worse, I do Yoga. Yoga don’t need to hard physical activity. After finished the Yoga, I was very tired but my feeling is getting better than before. Preventative medicine also very important. Although we eat vegetable and fruit, we can’t absorb every nutrition. If you extrimely exercise very hard, it’s a problem. You can gain the musle but you can’t relaxing to maintain your musle. And if you take a various of medicine, you’ll become depand. However I prefer physical exercise and take a preventative medicine. If you want to improve in your life, I recommend some physical exercise and take a some vitamin medicine. It helps maintain your good health. 4.There is evidence that inhalting cigarette smoke causes health problems not only for smokers but for non-smokers who inhale other people’s smoke. In view of this, smoking should be banned in all public places, even though this would restrict some people’s freedom of action. What are your views? In recent years, the helalth problem has alreadly attracted notice it, because a lot of died for smoking or passive smoking. Therefore some people suggested that the Government should be banned in all public places. For example, such as restaurants, pubs, coffer shops and offices. It is worth being thought and discussed carefully. To start with, when governments thought this problem, have some thing should be concerned. For instance, such as people’s freedom and right. Furthermore, health education should be teach people since they were study in primary school or high school. For example, in my case, I know smoking will damage my heath, because cigarette including nikotin and chemical meterial, so I never smoking. Moreover, how would affect the business and cause many people will fire, it is often say that the enconomy will getting worst. For example, the restaurant will not have a lot of people spend money there, because they lose their freedom. Nevertheless, grovenments thought some problem should solve in the face of difficulty. Just as such as some restaurants and shops can arranged smoker area and non-smoker area. Overall, I believe health more important than money or anything. Therefore, some knowledges tell me smoking not only killer for health. For instance, such as drugs and drinking alcohol. I think grovenments should divert purpose or money basic education, if people got enough health knowledge, they would give up or never touch it. 5.You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English speaking country. You are not satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture. Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter • introduce yourself • explain what is wrong with the furniture • say what action you would like the landlord to take Dear Mr Smith, I am your tenant from Flat 3 on Riverside Street. We met each other when I signed the rental agreement in your office. I have lived here for 6 months now and I am writing to complain about some of the furniture. As you may remember, the dining table is in very poor condition and has uneven legs. It also does not match the dining chairs as these are too low to be comfortable for a table of that height. When I first pointed this out to you, you agreed to provide a brand new dining set. However, you have not done so and I would really like to resolve this matter as soon as possible. If it is more convenient for you, perhaps you could simply replace the table by finding one of a suitable height for the chairs. This would solve the problems without too much cost, so I hope you agree to this proposed solution. Looking forward to hearing from you, Yours sincerely, M.M. Egil 6.Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace with it. Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are living in denial. Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them from changing. Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the ‘safe’ patterns of behaviour are no longer appropriate. However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that ‘change is always for the better’. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are promoted because they have good impacts for the majority of people. A lot of innovations are made with the aim of making money for a few. This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are able to impose changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that are in their own interests. In conclusion, I would say that change can be stimulating and energising for individuals when they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including that which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes. 7.Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children. Do you agree or disagree? I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for. However, the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children. These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the ‘hero’ of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others. Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction. Spending time with other children and sharing nonvirtual experiences is an important part of a child's development that cannot be provided by a computer. In spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. Their adult world will be changing constantly in terms of technology and the Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world today. Therefore it is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives. Academic 1.The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. What are your views? 2.The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree? 3.The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. 4.In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this care. Who do you think should pay for this care, the government or the family? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience. Most common verbs for ielts Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,Sunday, weekdays, weekend Months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July August, September, October, November, December Hobbies: gardening, stamp collection, orienteering, caving, spelunking, scuba-diving, snorkeling, skateboarding, bowls, archery, ice skating, darts, golf, billiards, photography, painting, embroidery, climbing, chess, parachute, pottery, woodcarving. Subjects: science, politics, architecture, law, geography, history, biology, archaeology, literature, statistics, mathematics, performing arts, visual arts, logic, physics, psychology, anthropology, economics, philosophy,  chemistry, humanities, business management, agriculture. Marketing: catalogue, interview, research method, entertainment industry, TV program, strategies, leadership, management, customer, special offer, collecting data, display, products, questionnaire, survey, mass media, poll, business card, training, trainee, statistic, profit margin, newsletter, competition, merchandise, manufacture, recruitment. Studying at college/university: course outline, group discussion, handout, research, Proofreading, experiment, written work, report writing, experience, reference, textbook, student advisor, teamwork, module, topic, dictionary, laptop, printer, assessment, library, department, computer centre, classroom, attendance, deadline, give a talk, speech, lecture, tutor, main hall, computer laboratory, certificate, diploma, placement test, facilities, college, dining room, specialist, knowledge, international, accommodation, overseas students, full-time, home stay, primary, secondary, intermediate, media room, commencement, dissertation, leaflet,  school reunion,  feedback, tasks, outcomes, advanced, introductory, extra background, resources room, staff,  higher education, guidelines, post-secondary, faculty, pupils, pencil, supervisor, bachelor’s degree, compound, foreign students, schedule, vocabulary, student support services, student retention, publication,  registrar’s office, stationery. Works and jobs: designer, occupation, profession, decorator, architect, engineer, waiter, teacher, vacancy, professor, specialist, manager, waitress,  psychologist، volunteer, craftsman ,work experience, curriculum vitae, freelance, secretary,  mail address, receptionist, pilot,  lecturer, office assistant, clerk, accountant, guard, flight attendant, cashier, captain Health: yoga, tai-chi, keep-fit, salad bar, vegetarian, outdoor activities, leisure time, disease, meal, protein, balanced diet, food pyramid, vitamin, carbohydrates, rice, pasta, potatoes, pizza, tomatoes, bread, cereals, minerals, zinc, meat, seafood, eggs, beans, milk, cheese, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, citrus fruits, green pepper, blackcurrant, nuts, egg yolk, liver, medicine، treatment, remedy, nursing care, nursery, regular exercise. Nature: field, footbridge, river, mountain, forest, village, environment, waterfall, coast, reef, lake, valley, peninsula, earthquake, avalanche, tornado, typhoon, hill, cliff, island, desertification, volcano, disaster, landslides, storm, flood, hurricane, pond, catastrophe, erosion, jungle, oasis, dam, canyon The environment: coal, fossil fuels, acid rain, global warming, carbon dioxide, greenhouse effect, burning fossil, exhaust fumes, smog, climate, pollution, temperature, power plants, deforestation, nitrogen oxide, landfill, cattle, wind turbine, renewable, source of energy, reliable, solar panels, solar power, hydroelectric power, environmentally friendly, oxygen, chemical-free, vegetation, sea level, ocean currents, soil conditioner, firewood, desert, degradation, drought, contaminated. Languages: Japanese, German,  linguistics, bilingual, trilingual, polyglot, Portuguese, Mandarin, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Punjabi, Thai, Persian, Filipino, French, Italian, Greek, French Architecture and buildings: dome, palace, fort, castle, glasshouse, pyramid, log cabin, lighthouse, hut, skyscraper, sculpture Homes:  chimney, bedroom, semi-detached house, duplex, town house, row house, bungalow, thatched cottage, mobile home, houseboat, block of flats, apartment building, condominium,basement, landlord, terraced house,  tenant, rent, lease, neighborhood, suburb,dormitory, storey, kitchen, refrigerator, microwave, sofa, coffee table, ground floor, oven, hallway, insurance In the city: central station,  cities, street, lane, city centre,car park, department store, bridge, temple, hospital, garden, avenue, embassy, road system Transportations: boat, lifeboat, cargo plane, shipment, container ship,  ferry, liner, canal boat, narrowboat, dinghy sailing, hovercraft, hydrofoil,  sailboat, paddle steamer, cabin cruiser, kayak, canoe, punt, gondola, aircraft, rowing boat, rowboat, helicopter, seaplane, airship, hot-air balloon, airport, platform, hire a car, automobile, ,crew, passenger. Workplaces: staff selection, clinic, dentist, reception, appointment, colleague, workshop,  employer, employment, unemployed, technical cooperation, team leaders, showroom, information desk, stress, ability, vision,employee, internship,  confidence. Places: parliament, accommodation, local library, swimming pool, cafeteria, cottage, restaurant, bookshop, sports centre, city council, canteen, cafe,  dance studio, park, conversation club, kindergarten Money matters: cash, debit, low-risk investment, credit card, cheque, annual fee, monthly membership, tuition fees, poverty, bank statement, money management, current account, interest rate, deposit, student account, withdraw,  mortgage, grace period, in advance, budget deficit,retail voucher, coupon، counterfeit money, debt, interest-free credit, purchase, partial refund, annuity, public money, taxpayers’ money, income,  non-refundable, MasterCard, VISA, duty-free store, distribution costs, finance department, family finances. Rating and qualities:  expensive, cheap, reasonable, satisfactory, dangerous,poor quality, satisfied, disappointed, efficient, luxurious, safe, strongly recommended, colored, spotted, striped. Touring: souvenir, trip, tourist guided tour, ticket office, guest, reservation, view, culture, single double bedded room, picnic, tourist attraction, hostel, suite, memorable,  aquarium. Adjectives: energetic, social, ancient, necessary, fantastic, exciting, fabulous, dull, comfortable, convenient, suitable, affordable, voluntary، mandatory, compulsory, temporary, permanent, Immense, vast, salty, extinct, vulnerable, pessimistic, optimistic, realistic, practical, knowledgeable, flexible, confident, Western, intensive, tranquil, spectacular, intact, various Verbs: train, develop, collect, supervise, mark, edit, revise, exhibit, donate, surpass, register, support, hunt, persuade, concentrate, discuss, suggest, arrange, borrow, immigrate, review, learn, touch. Sports: jet-skiing, bodyboarding,  snowboarding, cricket, baseball, basketball, rugby, hang-gliding, skydiving, soccer, american football, hockey, swimming, tennis, squash, the javelin,  badminton, ping-pong, field, court, pitch, stadium, team, the discus, the hammer, the high jump, horse racing, show jumping, polo, cycling, canoeing, refreshment, gymnasium, extreme sports, paragliding, abseiling, athlete, gym, bungee jumping, white-water rafting, surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, mountain biking, push-up,judo, recreation, jogging, press-up, snooker, walking,   barbell, treadmill, championship. Shapes: Oval, Square, rectangular, triangular, polygon,  spherical, circular, curved, cylindrical, three dimensions, Measurement width, length, altitude, imperial system, metric system, spiral, Mass, depth, breadth, height, frequency Weather: humid, hot, sticky, breeze, chilly, cold, cool, dry, dusty, freezing, hot, warm, wet, weather forecast, antenna, moisture, Equipment and tools: helmet, light, musical instrument, cassette, silicon chip, digital monitor, gadget, device, screen, breaks, wheels , mechanical pencil, disk, backpack, The arts and media: Opera , Orchestra , concert , symphony, the press, conductor, vocalist, audience, festival, carnival, exhibition,classical music, theatre, cinemas, art gallery, museum,ballet, television, radio, graphics, newspaper The animal kingdom: lion, penguin, seabirds, poultry and game,  birds of prey,mammals, genus, species, cetacean, whale, primates, rodents, reptile, insects, octopus, phylum, fish, amphibian,  class, order, family, livestock, creature, plants: mushroom, fungus, stem, roots, cluster, fertilizer, leaves, seed, core, bark, trunk, twig, branch, flower. Vehicles: camper, double-decker bus, single-decker, minibus, forklift truck, school bus, coach, truck, tanker, van, lorry, transporter,tow truck, breakdown truck, pickup, jeep, taxi, cab, tram, underground, subway,caravan, tractor, stream train, freight train, goods train Expressions and time: midday, three times, three times per week, millennium,  a gap year, fulltime, part-time, midnight, century, decade, fortnight. Materials: aluminum, copper, fur, metal, steel,  rubber, plastic, ceramics, cement, stone, textile, cotton, fabric, wool, glass, leather, bone, paper, lumber/wood, glue, concrete, wax, paper, wood, silver, composite, fiberglass,  gold, feather Color: blue, white, orange, green, grey, black, red, yellow, purple, brown, pink Other: sufficient, dialogue, passport photo, state, variety, private sector, practice, gender, creativity, government, individual, original inhabitant, indigenous, demonstration,circuit, guarantee, commerce, carriage, narrative, strike, entrance, chocolate, satellite, decision, prototype, attitude,  activity, recipient, ultrasound, pedestrian safety, daily routine, personal fulfillment, traffic jams, procedures, creation, senior, opportunity, driving license, prize, junior, process, literary, man-made, republicans,waiting list, sewer systems, liberal democracy, democrats, umbrella, frequently updated, lunar calendar, libertarian, burger, videos, fund-raising event, magnet, dialect, ramification, straight,nature conservation, life expectancy, farewell, welfare, encyclopedia,  illiteracy, robot, proficiency, evolution, revolution.