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Ans-A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. Applications running across the VPN may Therefore benefit from the functionality, security, and management of the private network. 17. what is latency ? Ans-Network latency is an expression of how much time it takes for a packet of data to get from one designated point to another. In some environments latency is measured by sending a packet that is returned to the sender; the round-trip time is considered the latency. 18. What's the benefit of subnetting? With the help of subnetting we can break a large network into smaller networks and assign IP addresses to those networks without changing our major network. It helps in utilizing our IP addresses more efficiently. 19. What is BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)? BGP is an exterior gateway protocol used to connect two or more different autonomous systems. It is widely being used to route the traffic of Internet. It can also work for internal AS but we have better protocols for internal connectivity. It has Administrative distance of 20 for external routes and 200 for internal routes. 20. Explain clustering support? Ans-In a computer system, a cluster is a group of servers and other resources that act like a single system and enable high availability and, in some cases, load balancing and parallel processing. 21. What is DoS? Ans-DOS (Disk Operating System) is an operating system that runs from a hard disk drive. The term can also refer to a particular family of disk operating systems, most commonly MSDOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). 22. What is NOS? Ans-A network operating system (NOS) is a computer operating system system that is designed primarily to support workstation, personal computer, and, in some instances, older terminal that are connected on a local area network (LAN). 23. What is Gateway-to-Gateway protocol? Gateway-to-Gateway protocol is now obsolete. This was being used for routing datagrams between internet gateways. It uses Minimum hop Algorithm. CCNA INTERVIEW QUESTION WITH ANSWER GLOBAL NETWORK KING Written By-Mr. Abhishek Maurya 24. What are firewalls? Ans-A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules. Firewalls have been a first line of defense in network security for over 25 years. They establish a barrier between secured and controlled internal networks that can be trusted and untrusted outside networks, such as the Internet. A firewall can be hardware, software, or both. 25. What are some drawbacks of implementing a ring topology? Ans-In case one workstation on the network suffers a malfunction, it can bring down the entire network. Another drawback is that when there are adjustments and reconfigurations needed to be performed on a particular part of the network, the entire network has to be temporarily brought down as well. 26. What is a Multi-homed Host? Multi-homed host is defined as a node connected with more than one networks. Like a PC can be connected with both Home network and a VPN. These kind of hosts can be assigned with multiple addresses, one for each network. 27. What is OSPF? OSPF stands for Open Shortest Path First. It is a link state routing protocol that can connect a large number of networks without having any limitation to number of hops. It uses Dijkstra Algorithm and considers Cost as its' metric. It has AD of 110 and uses the concepts of Areas, Router-id, Process-id and Virtual link for connectivity. 28. What is Routing? Routing is a process of exchanging route information form one router to another. Without routing it is impossible to connect two or more networks located at different or same geographical areas. 29. What is a Protocol? Protocol is set of rules on which a sender and a receiver agrees to transmit the data. Protocols are responsible for data communication in between networks 30. What is a Frame Relay? Ans-Frame relay is a packet-switching telecommunication service designed for cost-efficient data transmission for intermittent traffic between local area networks (LANs) and between endpoints in wide area networks (WANs). CCNA INTERVIEW QUESTION WITH ANSWER GLOBAL NETWORK KING Written By-Mr. Abhishek Maurya 31. What is HDLC? Ans-A high-level data link control (HDLC) is a protocol that is a bit-oriented synchronous data link layer. HDLC ensures the error-free transmission of data to the proper destinations and controls the data transmission speed. HDLCs can provide both connection-oriented and connectionless services. 32. What is DLCI? Ans-A data link connection identifier (DLCI) is a Frame Relay 10-bit-wide link-local virtual circuit identifier used to assign frames to a specific PVC or SVC. Frame Relay networks use DLCIs to statistically multiplex frames. DLCIs are preloaded into each switch and act as road signs to the traveling frames. 33. Explain difference between Router,Switch and Hub ? Ans-Following are the differences in Hub, Routers and Switches, Hubs Hubs operate at Layer 1 of OSI model. Hubs cannot process layer-2 or layer-3 traffic. Layer-2 deals with hardware addresses and layer-3 deals with logical (IP) addresses. So, hubs cannot process information based on MAC or IP addresses. Hubs cannot even process data based on whether it is a unicast, broadcast or multi-cast data. Hub transfers data to every port excluding the port from where data was generated. Hubs work only in half duplex mode. Collisions can happen. In case of a collision, a hub rejects data from all the devices and signals them to send data again. Usually devices follow a random timer after which data is sent again to hub. Maximum 2-12 number of ports can be found on Hubs. Switches Switches are network devices that operate on layer-2 of OSI model. Some switches operate at higher level too. Switches are also known as intelligent hubs. Switches operate on hardware addresses (MAC) to transfer data across devices connected to them. It performs broadcast at first, after that Unicast. Major difference between Bridge and Switch being that a switch forwards data at wire speed as it uses special hardware circuits known as ASICs. CCNA INTERVIEW QUESTION WITH ANSWER GLOBAL NETWORK KING Written By-Mr. Abhishek Maurya Switches support full duplex data transfer communication. As layer 2 protocols headers have no information about network of data packet so switches cannot forward data based or networks and that is the reason switches cannot be used with large networks that are divided in sub networks. Switches can avoid loops through the use of spanning tree protocol. Switches can have 24-48 ports and can be practically unlimited ports because they don't divide speed unlike Hubs. Routers Routers are the network devices that operate at Layer-3 of OSI model. As layer-3 protocols have access to logical address (IP addresses) so routers have the capability to forward data across networks. Routers are far more feature rich as compared to switches. Routers maintain routing table for data forwarding. Routers have lesser port densities as compared to switches. Routers are usually used as a forwarding network elements in Wide Area Networks. 34. What is Checksum? A checksum is an error-detection method in a the transmitter computes a numerical value according to the number of set or unset bits in a message and sends it along with each message frame. At the receiver end, the same checksum function (formula) is applied to the message frame to retrieve the numerical value. If the received checksum value matches the sent value, the transmission is considered to be successful and error-free. A checksum may also be known as a hash sum 35. What is Redundancy ? Redundancy is a method of insuring network availability in case of network or path failure. Generally referred as backup paths in a networks. 36. What is multicast routing? Ans-Multicast IP Routing protocols are used to distribute data (for example, audio/video streaming broadcasts) to multiple recipients. Using multicast, a source can send a single copy of data to a single multicast address, which is then distributed to an entire group of recipients. CCNA INTERVIEW QUESTION WITH ANSWER GLOBAL NETWORK KING Written By-Mr. Abhishek Maurya 37. What are the criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network? Ans-. A. Performance It can be measured in many ways, including transmit time and response time. B. Reliability It is measured by frequency of failure, the time it takes a link to recover from a failure, and the network's robustness. C. Security Security issues include protecting data from unauthorized access and virus 38. What is the key advantage of using switches? Ans-Switch doesn't broadcast on all the ports. They can be managed and vlans cab be created. They are fast, can store MAC addresses. They also don't divide the speed on each ports. CCNA INTERVIEW QUESTION WITH ANSWER GLOBAL NETWORK KING Written By-Mr. Abhishek Maurya 44. What is POE (Power over Ethernet)? Ans-Power over Ethernet or PoE pass electric power along with data on twisted pair Ethernet cabling. This allows a single cable to provide both data connection and electric power to devices such as wireless access points, IP cameras, and VoIP phones. It minimizes the number of wires required to install the network. 45. What are the advantages of Distributed Processing? Ans-Distributed data processing is a computer-networking method in which multiple computers across different locations share computer-processing capability. This is in contrast to...
IBM Systems Journal, 2000
This paper reviews the evolution of routing mechanisms in IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA) since its inception in 1974 to the present. Routing mechanisms are related to changes in the application and communications environment. Also discussed are possible evolutionary paths that may be taken in the future to address the problems of large heterogeneous networks. This paper traces the evolution of SNA routing from adsiract, but no other portions, of this paper may be copied or distributed royalty free without further permission by computerpresent and speculates on possible directions that republish any other portion of this paper must be obtained from may be taken to meet future needs. In addition to the Editor. _the introduction Of the architecture in 1974 to the based and other information-service systems. Permission to IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL,
Dayane Ceneviva, 2018
Momento ANTERIOR ao recebimento da denúncia Momento anterior a FASE PROCESSUAL Uma das formas pelas quais se produzem os atos necessários ao oferecimento da denúncia. Existem outros sistemas que não o do inquérito policial. O delegado de polícia é o TITULAR DO INQUÉRITO POLICIAL Será presidido pelo delegado de polícia. Existe uma discussão sobre a condução dos atos investigatórios pelos membros do Ministérios Público (EUA) ou até pelo juiz de instrução (França). No Brasil os atos investigatórios são realizados pelo Delegado de Polícia. • POR QUAL RAZÃO O INQUÉRITO POLICIAL É REALIZADO? OBJETIVO Colheita de informações relacionadas a AUTORIA e MATERIALIDADE. Após, as informações são encaminhadas à Promotoria para que este OFEREÇA, ou DEIXE DE OFERECER a denúncia. • NATUREZA JURÍDICA PROCEDIMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO PRÉ-PROCESSUAL E, PORTANTO, PRECISA TERMINAR ANTES DE INICIAR O PROCESSO PENAL • O PROMOTOR DE JUSTIÇA (TITULAR DA AÇÃO PENAL) Não está atrelado aos termos do inquérito policial. O inquérito policial é dispensável, se o Promotor já dispõe de elementos suficientes à propositura da denúncia, logo, o INQUÉRITO NÃO É NECESSÁRIO, É DISPENSÁVEL FORMAS DE INSTAURAÇÃO DO INQUÉRITO POLICIAL: Algumas formas para início do inquérito policial 1. OFÍCIO: O delegado tem acesso a prática de determinado crime, ou tem acesso às informações relativas a pratica de determinado crime e de OFICIO instaura o inquérito policial, por meio de portaria; 2. REQUISIÇÃO: O promotor de justiça ou juiz de direito REQUISITA ao delegado de polícia que ele instaure INQUÉRITO POLICIAL. No que tange a requisição, o delegado não dispõe a DISCRICIONARIEDADE quanto à possibilidade ou impossibilidade de instauração. É OBRIGADO. 3. REQUERIMENTO: A vítima ou quem tem qualidade para representá-la pede ao delegado que instaure inquérito. O DELEGADO NÃO É OBRIGADO A INSTAURÁ-LO. E se o delegado apresenta uma recusa fundamentada de não instaurar inquérito policial: Art. 5.º, §2 Do despacho que indeferir o requerimento de abertura de inquérito caberá recurso para o chefe de Polícia.-Superintendente Regional da PF (Federal); No âmbito Estadual: Quem determina é a Constituição Estadual: Delegado Geral de Polícia ou Secretário de Segurança Pública.-AÇÕES PENAIS PÚBLICAS CONDICIONADAS OU PRIVADAS-O inquérito será instaurado mediante a representação da vítima (AÇÃO PENAL PÚBLICA CONDICIONADA). E ação penal privada, exclusiva, personalíssima, a vítima precisa REQUERER/CONCORDAR. NOTITIA CRIMINIS APÓCRIFA-DENÚNCIA ANÔNIMA §3º-Qualquer pessoa do povo que tiver conhecimento da existência de infração penal em que caiba ação pública poderá, verbalmente ou por escrito, comunica-la à Autoridade policial, e esta, verificada a procedência das informações, mandará instaurar inquérito.-STF entendeu que a Notitia Criminis Apócrifa não tem, por si só, condições de instaurar inquérito, então precisa passar pelo crivo, pela constatação da procedência pelo delegado de polícia. DIREITO PENAL-CARREIRAS POLICIAIS
La construcción de la gran catedral de Sevilla ejemplifica lo ocurrido en las grandes fábricas góticas castellanas levantadas o reformadas en el transcurso de nuestro Quatrocento: la presencia masiva de maestros canteros foráneos en la dirección de las obras hasta finales del siglo en que son reemplazados por mano de obra ya española, tanto en la dirección como en los cuadros intermedios de la construcción. La llegada del "gusto" tardogótico, favorecido desde las altas esferas eclesiásticas con la importación de arquitectos noreuropeos, supuso la sustitución a lo largo del siglo XV de la mano de obra encargada de diseñar y levantar las grandes fábricas góticas castellanas, entonces en manos de arquitectos nacionales 1 . Este trabajo indaga sobre las nuevas capacidades de los arquitectos venidos del norte y en las vías de transmisión de las mismas a arquitectos autóctonos. (LAMINA I.
O artigo se propõe a problematizar e refletir sobre iniciativas recentes de governos estaduais e locais, no Brasil, que envolvem, em maior ou menor grau, a militarização de escolas públicas como medida destinada a coibir casos de violência nessas instituições de ensino. Combina resultado de revisão bibliográfica com informações retiradas de matérias jornalísticas e dados de campo, estes últimos provenientes de pesquisa empírica qualitativa realizada no município de Petrópolis, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foi possível reconhecer que, apesar do necessário respeito ao interesse, cada vez maior, de famílias por um ensino militarizado, a opção por resolver conflitos escolares dessa forma pode não ser adequada, mas pelo contrário recrudescer as animosidades, afastando a escola de seu papel principal.
Both Jacques (2010) and Zeisler (2015) propose explanations for the synchronically unexpected past zos of the Tibetan verb ‘eat’. After evaluating their proposals, this essay suggests that zos is the regular outcome of a sound change *-as > -os, the results of which were erased through analogy in almost all other verbs.
Galicja. Studia i materiały, 2018
Comunicación y Democracia, con nota introductoria, 2020
Nursing Ethics, 2009
奈良教育大学次世代教員養成センター研究紀要, 2019
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching
Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis, 2023
Public Finance Quarterly, 2019
Teknologi Pendidikan; Pancasila; Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo, 2022
Mormon History Association, 2024
Filozofska Istraživanja, 2013
Research Square (Research Square), 2024
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International Conference on Machine Learning, 2014