Adaptive Leadership - Overview

Grow Your Business- LL2 Plan Introductions Introductions/Speed Networking 8-9 AM Recap of the GYB Journey Activity 9-9.30 AM The GYB journey so far: Participants to discuss in pairs/triads (not necessarily in their pods) to discuss about: What they recollect about the GYB approach from the last learning lab Their “Big Goal” Their key learnings from the last LL/pod meeting? Each group to share their learnings with the larger group Facilitator to Re-cap the journey : What is GYB approach all about and how is it different from traditional programmes? What are we trying to do- The “WHY” How practices fit into the approach What are we working towards: Reviewing the “Big Goal” Celebrating Success Its all about celebrating small wins- because they are steps towards reaching the Big Goal! Participants to share the successes achieved in the last 2 months: Participants brainstorm in groups of 4/5 (not in their pod groups) to discuss about: The practices they have started working on Progress they have made in downloading/understanding the practices What they may have done differently since learning about the practices Are there any changes that they have seen in the way we have been running our business? Or any other change? Each group to share their discussions with the larger group Acknowledging the progress made so far: Participants to rate themselves on a scale of 0-10 (0 being no change observed, 3 being- 30% change, while 10 being 100% change seen in the way their business has been functioning) Brief discussion around what has worked for participants who have high scores and what hasn’t worked for ones with low scores. Introduce briefly on the peer learning/peer consultants aspect (which will be discussed in detail in the next section) Celebrating the small wins - Awards Ceremony (with some music!): Awards to be given for the following: Maximum tools downloads – (Participant who has downloaded the maximum number of tools to also share with the group how they have used/implemented/ key insights they got from the tool) Practice implementation – (Award to everyone who has reached to the stage of talking to the stakeholders before implementing the practices/ have implemented the practice) Course Enrollment – (Ask the participants to share any insights they have gained from the courses) Awards for the pods While giving the award participants to also share their success stories, so as to motivate others 9.30-10.15 AM Break 10.15-10.35 AM Practices Refresher Recap of the Practices: 5 stations will be made in the room, each representing one practice. Participants will be allocated a station (by draw of lots) and will be asked to discuss in groups about the practice, post which they will make a 5 min presentation (Its more like making a sales pitch about their station!)highlighting: What the practice is all about How it can be used in the business The key tools Experience of someone who has actually used/implemented the practice (We will keep the physical copy of tools at each station so that they can use them during their discussion (The idea is a lot of participants may not have logged on to the platform and seen the tools and other resources available to them- showing them the tools may get them excited to login and access the resources. The platform login part will be the next section) 10.35-11.15 Platform Quiz So where is it that we will be able to find all these resources and many more for the GYB journey? – The AMI Platform The GYB Online Quiz – to make them familiar with the platform and also to bring out the various roles that can be assigned in the pod (role of techie will be highlighted after the quiz) 11.15- 11.45 Pod Interactions and role allocation Working together in Pods: Facilitator to highlight the concept of Peer Learning as a critical component to succeed (Revisiting and linking to the T-Shirt factory) Discussion among pods on their performance as a group Pods will be given 10 min to discuss how have they done in the last 2 months: - How has the experience been working in pods? - How they have done as a Pod? (Some successes) - What have been some of the key insights that they have gained from each other's businesses? - What have been some of the challenges they have faced as a pod? - What should they change going forward? Each pod to share their experience with the larger group especially focusing on what they plan to differently as a group ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facilitator to relate the challenges faced by the group to the role allocation: - Convener - Team worker - Project advisor - Time keeper - Techie Pods to discuss and finalize who will be assigned which role ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Facilitator to introduce the concept of Accountability Partner 11.45-12.15 PM Progress Tracking Facilitator to revisit the key learnings from the T-Shirt simulation and bring out the importance of measuring progress Recap of the key business metrics in GYB Helping participants filling up the metrics survey 12.15-1 PM Lunch 1.00-2.00 PM Business Case along with AMI 5 discussion One business will be chosen from the group as a “case study” that everyone (with facilitator) will work together to provide solutions to. This will include: a step-by-step walk-through of the elements of at-least two AMI 5 practices things to think about to empower participants to apply this method to working on another practice enabling participants to become peer coaches for one another in their pods 2.00-3.00 PM Sharing business challenges Participants discuss about their business challenges in groups of 4/5 focusing on the following: Their business challenges The AMI 5 they have chosen and why The approach they will be taking /have taken in the GYB journey The tools (if any) they have used Participants to now choose any one company from within the group and help them come up with solutions like in the case 3.00- 3.30 PM Closing and Next steps 3.30 – 4.00 1