Mainstream international relations approaches view foreign policy from a realist perspective. As a critique of realism’s focus on power and interest, liberalism and social constructivism has made values and norms popular in foreign policy analysis. There exists a wide literature on relations between universal values and foreign policy. Compare to the richness of macro level analyses of universal values in foreign policy, literature on role of the values of a certain society on nations’ foreign policy choices is rare. Dominant values and norms of a society affect states’ ambitions and behavior in international community. Those social values also influence on governments’ choice of policy, national image and the development of universal concepts such as freedom, peace and social justice. In this context, this paper is aiming to discuss the reflections of social values in foreign policy. Following a brief review of the literature on the subject, the article will discuss and analyze values foreign policy nexus within the framework of Schwartz’ theory of basic values.

FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN UNIVERSAL AND SOCIAL VALUES Bezen Balamir Coskun, PhD Schwartz’s 10 Basic Values Self-Direction - Defining goal: independent thought and action-choosing, creating, exploring. Stimulation - Defining goal: excitement, novelty, and challenge in life Hedonism - Defining goal: pleasure or sensuous gratification for oneself. Schwartz’s 10 Basic Values Achievement - Defining goal: personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards. Power - Defining goal: social status and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources. Security - Defining goal: safety, harmony, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self Conformity - Defining goal: restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms. Placing foreign-policy behavior in Schwartz model of value relations Universalism will be positively related and highly predictive of cooperative internationalism. Conservation will be positively related and highly predictive of militant internationalism. If self-enhancement values are directly opposed to universalist values, they will have the opposite effect of universalism, leading to lower cooperative internationalism and higher militant internationalism. Placing foreign-policy behavior in Schwartz model of value relations Openness will be associated with greater cooperative internationalism and lower militant internationalism. Isolationism will be associated with higher levels of conservation, lower levels of universalism, high levels of self-enhancement and low levels of benevolence. The place and role of values in the modern international system has been a subject of constant debate. In spite of all these discussions, even in the manifestation of a system that centers the interests and power balances of the states, there are certain values that are considered as universal values. The nation-state actors within the system accept those universal values of the system or at least respect the existence of these values in order not to be excluded from the international system. Those who do not accept these values are labeled as rogue states by the international community. While States have taken foreign policy decisions, they also incorporate values from their own societies into the foreign policy making process. From the perspective of Schwartz’ Values Scala, if their social values are consistent with universal values, the states will exhibit a conservative approach in order to get advantage of self enhancement. If their social values are in conflict with the values that the system has been imposing, they will exhibit selftrancendence behavior by offering their social values as an alternative, which will fall in the openness part of the scale. Based on the adaptation of Schwartz's model to the international system, Russia and China are aiming to create new standards of values in the international system by spreading their values since they oppose to and dissatisfied with the US leadership and the values represented by the US. China and Russia has been aiming to introduce their social values and traditions to the system while challenging universally accepted values in the system. While Russia and China has been engaging self transcendent behavior by pursuing a change in the values system of the international community, their alternatives largely derive from their own social values. At this point the question that remains unanswered is whether China and Russia would succeed in dominating the international system with their own values. In this study our focus was Russia and China, yet many semiperiphery states including Turkey, India and Iran have engaged in acts of challenging the values of the centre. Thank you…