Ship Repair - Stern Tube Assessment for Replacement


Total USD = USD 37, 753-Price difference if permanent repair carried out = USD45,800-37,753 = about USD8000.00 Soft patched 370mm L = 3390mm OD = 414mm Judgment: We anticipated that, during the last repair, machining down of sleeve up to its permissible tolerance (6mm) was not achievevable. It meant that, it was expected that though the sleeve is machined down up to the max permissible, the porosities (due to corrosion) still can't be removed. Thus, the sleeve was slightly machined down and its surfaces were smoothened by Belzona. 31/08/2014-afloat repair at accessible area only with DEVCON – minor patch-up-used spare seal-Belzona coating was in bad condition + broken – (detached)

Stern Tube Assessment for Replacement in 2015 D/D Date Remarks 04/03/2012 - Linear/Sleeve repair (fwd and aft) – skimmed + applied Belzona Deep worn down Both skimmed Fwd liner -deep & pits Shaft seals renewed Shaft bearing fwd (aft) Soft patched & grinded to original 414 mm Last clearance = 2.1 mm Man Hours - USD 18, 863 , New Bearing – USD 11, 800 , New Seals -USD 7090, Total USD = USD 37, 753 Price difference if permanent repair carried out = USD45,800-37,753 = about USD8000.00 Soft patched 370mm L = 3390mm OD = 414mm 31/08/2014 04/03/2015 Judgment: We anticipated that, during the last repair, machining down of sleeve up to its permissible tolerance (6mm) was not achievevable. It meant that, it was expected that though the sleeve is machined down up to the max permissible, the porosities (due to corrosion) still can’t be removed. Thus, the sleeve was slightly machined down and its surfaces were smoothened by Belzona. - afloat repair at accessible area only with DEVCON – minor patch-up - used spare seal - Belzona coating was in bad condition + broken – (detached) Thus it is proven that Belzona repair is not reliable - Proposed Repairs: - Option 1: New shaft sleeve, fwd & aft 34, 400 New shaft bearing, fwd & aft 11, 800 New shaft seal, KEMEL 15, 200 Man-Hrs 18, 600 Total USD 80,000 Without shaft bearing (fwd and aft) which were USD68,200.00 replaced 2 years back (the best option) Risk option 1: The probability of worn off bearing which were replaced 2 years back is very low. Class is accepting up to max 6mm clearance. - Option 2 Machine down up to max 6mm + undersize seal (fwd & aft) 18, 800 New seal (KEMEL) 15, 200 Oversize bearing 11,800 Total 45,800 If machine down failed, liner to change with original (fwd and aft). 34,800 Based on the last docking repair, the probability of success is very less Total USD80,600 Risk Option 2: Docking downtime as the as the original sleeve and seals will only be purchased at shipyard once confirmed repair fails.