When A Dancer Bridged Philosophy Music & Dance.docx

Presently, in the race of capturing programs, and asserting presence through and on social media, younger aspirants in the field of Kathak either have little or no knowledge about the contribution and how much they can be inspired and can learn from those artists and specialists in the field from the past. People who brought Kathak to the centre by investing in the art form from pre to post independent era.

When A Dancer Bridged Philosophy Music & Dance Tribute to Rani Karnaa By Navina Jafa . Presently, in the race of capturing programs, and asserting presence through and on social media, younger aspirants in the field of Kathak either have little or no knowledge about the contribution and how much they can be inspired and can learn from those artists and specialists in the field from the past. People who brought Kathak to the centre by investing in the art form from pre to post independent era. Rani Karnaa’s journey in the realm of Kathak Dance was exploratory, she belonged to the first generation of ladies from nonprofessional artist families. “Impacted by the practical work of Gurus from Rajasthan – Hiralal, and Narayan Prashad among many others, she became one of my first student as I entered to teach in the Hindustani School of Music and Dance which later came to be known as Sangit Bharati in Mandi House in Delhi…Yes she was one of my first students…” Say Pandit Birju Maharaj (dated 8th May, 2018) Once she got married she moved to Calcutta, but one of her investment in her journey in aesthetics was with the Aesthetician philosopher and musicologist – Sushil Kumar Saxena, who together with Rani ji were often in the board of examiners for those of us who studied at the Kathak Kendra in late 1970s and 1980s. Dr. Saxena once told me “…to create a moving form of music, I have encouraged Rani to image the cadence and the emotional idea of musical forms such as dhrupads, taranas, trivet in the vocabulary of Kathak…my greatest admiration has been when I have been in simultaneous conversation with her and Pandit Birju Maharaj Magical way of mapping line, movement and rhythm come alive …” Along with Rohini Bhate, Rani ji was one of the earliest generation of educated women in Kathak who delved into the theoretical and literary aspects and applied it to the practical. Secondly, she was also one of the few artists who tried to bring the formal academic stream of philosophical studies under the tutelage of Dr. S.C. Saxena, who has written an important book on the idea of Kathak into the practical showcasing and he composed vibrantly many of which were adapted by Rani ji in her work. Sangeet Natak Akademi Rani Karnaa, if we stop to ponder will surely inspire many aspirants of Kathak, it will be worthwhile if the recording of her interviews and performances in the Sangit Natak Akademi are revisited many of us will only gain to critique and learn!