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e le altre, che si svolgerà a Brescia, Vicenza e Padova dal 29 novembre al 1° dicembre. Gli Enti promotori desiderano cogliere l'occasione offerta dall'anniversario per sollecitare una rinnovata riflessione sia sulle rime e le lettere di questa figura illustre della poesia cinquecentesca sia su alcune delle rinomate scrittrici del Rinascimento, attive tra Brescia e Bergamo, Padova e Venezia. Il Convegno intende anche approfondire la fortuna delle loro opere lungo il corso dei secoli nella tradizione letteraria, musicale e figurativa. La giornata bresciana del Convegno sarà dedicata in particolare alle liriche provenienti dalle città (e dalle province) di Brescia e di Bergamo: Lucia Albani Avogadro, Emilia Brembati Solza e, soprattutto, Veronica Gambara. Le opere di queste poetesse entreranno in dialogo con quelle di ulteriori protagoniste della cultura coeva (come Veronica Franco), in relazione con letterati quali Bembo, Aretino, Maffio Venier e altri. Un capitolo particolarmente significativo della fortuna delle petrarchiste cinquecentesche riguarderà il ruolo svolto dall'erudizione bresciana del Settecento, interessata al recupero e alla valorizzazione dei testi poetici e delle testimonianze epistolari delle scrittrici. Per illustrare il rilievo assunto da tali voci liriche femminili, verranno eseguite intonazioni musicali e madrigalistiche sulle rime delle poetesse, realizzate dagli studenti del Liceo Musicale "Veronica Gambara". A completare il quadro, presso la Biblioteca Civica Queriniana di Brescia, è stata allestita una mostra di stampe e manoscritti utili per la ricostruzione sia dell'epoca delle petrarchiste venete sia di quella dell'erudizione settecentesca che ne tramanda esemplarmente la memoria. Nella giornata del 30 novembre il Convegno proseguirà all'Accademia Olimpica di Vicenza, dove il programma include letture e interventi sulle rime di Gaspara Stampa e sulla loro presenza nella tradizione lirica moderna, con l'esecuzione di un Concerto teatrale, curato da Alessandra Borin, che testimonia l'interesse poetico e musicale suscitato dalla poesia della Stampa nei "salotti letterari ottocenteschi". Il 1° dicembre, il Convegno si svolgerà a Padova con al centro la figura e la lirica di Gaspara Stampa, indagate nei loro legami con il contesto sociale e culturale coevo, nonché rispetto alle questioni filologiche e critiche della constitutio e traditio del "Libro di rime" della poetessa padovana. Verranno poi ripercorsi alcuni capitoli illustri della fortuna delle opere dell'autrice nella tradizione italiana, nell'erudizione settecentesca (segnatamente arcadica) e nella storia della musica: questo lungo percorso che dal Cinquecento arriva fino ai nostri giorni è il segno più evidente della straordinaria vitalità di una scrittura femminile che ha sollecitato nuove letture, rielaborazioni molteplici e percorsi inediti tra musica, arte e poesia.
Review of International Studies. 37(5): 2311-2336., 2011
This article aims to understand the phenomenon of international terrorism by wedding a constructivist understanding of terrorism with an overview of the historical evolution of the state. The Westphalian state has replaced three types of authority: religious, personal and local. Political challenges to the modern international system inevitably derive their claim to legitimacy from one of these other forms of authority. I argue that there is a correlation between the kind of legitimacy claim a ‘terrorist’ cause is based on and how threatening we find the activities based on that claim. The less the distance between the unrecognised legitimacy claim on the one hand and the principles conferring legitimacy in the modern states system on the other, the less ontologically threatening we find the claimants to be. All historical variants of modern ‘terrorism’ fall into one of two categories of disruptive activity. They are either based in claims to local authority and target only particular states, or in claims to personal and/or religious authority and reject the modern states system altogether. Groups labelled as terrorist can therefore be classified as system-affirming or system-threatening. The former is a contained problem, but the latter has followed geographically broadening spread pattern throughout the international system.
Management theories are implemented to help increase organizational productivity and service quality. Not many managers use a singular theory or concept when implementing strategies in the workplace: They commonly use a combination of a number of theories, depending on the workplace, purpose and workforce. Contingency theory, chaos theory and systems theoryare popular management theories. Theory X and Y, which addresses management strategies for workforce motivation, is also implemented to help increase worker productivities.
"The term 'environmental justice' refers to the fair and equitable treatment and participation of all peoples, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, or socio-economic class, with respect to the development and implementation of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. It aims to ensure that all peoples enjoy the same degree of protection from environmental risks and hazards, equal access to natural resources and environmental benefits, as well as equal access to information and decision-making, thus ensuring a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work. Proponents of environmental justice seek to redress inequitable distribution of environmental burdens and to equitably distribute access to environmental goods such as nutritious food, clean air and water, recreation facilities, health care, education, transportation, and safe jobs. They identify several causes of environmental injustice, which include institutionalized racism; the commodification of land, water, air and energy; unaccountable government policies; and lack of resources and power in affected communities. However, critics of environmental justice contend that any such 'unjust' effects are unintentional, attributable to a variety of factors, and that environmental justice is a vague concept that may stand in the way of economic benefits brought by industrial projects."
The purpose of this chepter is to document the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) for a set of four university chemistry professors teaching Stoichiometry; i.e. the study of the mass and amount of substance ratios between two or more substances undergoing a chemical change or, in brief, ‘the science of chemical calculations’. This topic can be taught with a simple algorithmic purpose (going for immediate procedures without much understanding about what to do and/or why doing it) or it can be used to reinforce crucial concepts on the chemical reaction or even the particulate constitution of matter. A discussion is presented on the approach given by these four professors in their General Chemistry classes, which has been classified as Conceptual, Representational, Contextual and Procedural. Results are conclusive on the various pedagogical focuses on three of the approaches (Representational, Contextual and Procedural), and the equivalence of the four professors Conceptual approach. Results also reveal a link between Conceptual and Procedural knowledge.
Reflexões sobre a prova no processo penal, 2024
Neste trabalho pretende-se compreender qual o papel das provas nos processos que tratam dos crimes relativos à legislação de drogas brasileira, e de que maneira as mesmas são apreciadas pelos julgadores. Partimos da constatação de que os elementos trazidos ao processo pelo inquérito policial e os depoimentos de policiais militares são a base probatória sobre a qual se fundamentam as decisões judiciais condenatórias, desempenhando um papel decisivo para o resultado final dos processos, os quais possuem um alto rigor punitivo. Foram analisados dados secundários, provenientes de duas pesquisas recentes na área e que abordam a questão das provas no processo tanto em sede de primeiro, quanto de segundo grau. Como resultado, pode-se concluir que não existe nos processos de tráfico de drogas uma paridade de armas entre as partes, uma vez que as provas apresentadas pela acusação e que muitas vezes trazem elementos dos inquéritos, são agregadas ao processo sem muitos questionamentos, diferente do que ocorre com aquelas trazidas pela defesa dos réus. Além do mais apurou-se que são desrespeitadas garantias basilares para a efetivação do devido processo legal, de modo que foi apurado o estabelecimento da inversão do ônus probatório por parte dos julgadores em diversos casos analisados, no que se refere ao reconhecimento da minorante para o tráfico privilegiado.
bioRxiv, 2020
The Armenians, a population inhabiting the region in West Asia known as the Armenian Highland, has been argued to show a remarkable degree of population continuity since the Early Neolithic. Here we test the degree of continuity of this population as well as its plausible origin, by collating modern and ancient genomic data, and adding a number of novel contemporary genomes. We show that Armenians have indeed remained unadmixed through the Neolithic and at least until the first part of the Bronze Age, and fail to find any support for historical suggestions by Herodotus of an input from the Balkans. However, we do detect a genetic input of Sardinian-like ancestry during or just after the Middle-Late Bronze Age. A similar input at approximately the same time was detected in East Africa, suggesting large-scale movement both North and South of the Middle East. Whether such large-scale population movement was a result of climatic or cultural changes is unclear, as well as the true source...
in: Hannah-Lena Hagemann and Alasdair Grant (eds.): Rebels and Rulers in the Early Islamicate World: Power, Contention and Identity, Edinburgh: EUP, 2024.
American Philosophical Quarterly, 2020
Indoor Air, 2004
Research Journal of Health Sciences, 2020
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2000
Journal of Thermal Biology, 2019
Journal of International Medical Research, 2008
Ius comitiãlis, 2022
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2007
Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection