CALL FOR PAPERS: Rethinking Osiris

The Organizing Committee are pleased to invite all scholars to participate in the International Conference “Rethinking Osiris” on March 26-27, 2019 in Florence. The myth of Osiris is of extreme importance for our knowledge of the history of ancient Egypt. The figure of the god allows us to understand some of the fundamentals of Pharaonic civilization such as the functioning of the monarchy and the right of succession, the natural cycle of the Nile River -as Osiris symbolized his regeneration- and the belief in the possibility of a life beyond death. New exhibition in recent times on its figure as “Isis und Osiris” (Hannover 2017-2018); “Osiris. Dios de Egipto. El ser que permanece perfecto” (Barcellona 2016), “Osiris. Egypt’s sunken mysteries” (Paris 2016, London 2016, Zurich 2017 and soon Saint Louis Art Museum in Missouri 2018), witness not only the great interest on Osiris’ figure, but mainly the important role as paradigm played by this cornerstone god; toward whom Pharaohs, men (Egyptian and foreign) and also gods, had measured their personal identity, moral and juridical values, both in daily and afterlife. In the light of the new exhibitions organized around the world and the new discoveries made (e.g. new Osiris Tomb in Sheikh Abd el-Gourna), following different analytic perspectives (e.g. personal god concept vs. cultural god concept, images of god vs. images of man), and making challenging questions (e.g. What is the nature of the relationship between Osiris and the world? Does the world existence depend upon Osiris?), it is useful to re-consider its pivotal and multifaceted function, which attracted so much interest during the millennia, rethinking Osiris at the dawn of the Third Millennium. One might re-think the conceptualization of the vast and heterogeneous body of material that bears upon what is conventionally known as ‘Osirian religion’. Papers are welcomed from scholars belonging to various fields of scholarship, and specialists of different historical and cultural areas. The scholars who wish to participate must use the form below to submit a contribution proposal containing an abstract of their paper (max 300 words) by September 30, 2018. Speakers must hold a MA degree or equivalent. Papers must be presented in English. Presentations should not exceed 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for questions and discussion. The organizing committee will select abstracts according to specific criteria such as new or original field data and innovative theoretical and methodological approaches. More information and Submissions online:

CAMNES Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies RETHINKING OSIRIS International Conference 26/27 March 2019 - Florence, Italy