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Instructions in everyday life – are they effective? If not why not? What exactly makes a good set of instructions? This presentation looks at: What is an SOP? What makes an SOP well written? How to write good SOP’s Form & Function - instructions at BPL Building in compliance
Documentation is an essential activity conducted in all the scientific and technical establish-ments/agencies. The process of documentation has changed a lot with time and became more and more scientific and professional. Now a day any organization for getting any authority or certification like International Organization for Standardization (ISO), should have quality standard documentation of all the activities going on in its premises or network. In spite of having a sound understanding of the ethics, activities and quality policies, writing a SOP may look to be time consuming and complex task. This article is tailored specially to provide a ready format for writing a SOP. This review paper highlights important areas of considerations and steps forwards in a sequential manner to reduce the possibilities of errors. By following these steps in a chronological manner one may easily write a SOP on any activity or operation to ensure good practices in any organization especially in a d...
International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs
Standard operating procedure (SOP) is detailed, written step-by-step instructions for achieving uniformity while performing specific tasks to minimize variations of repeated tasks and plays a key role in the implementation of a quality management system. It is a document that describes the procedures that will be followed to accomplish various tasks. The procedures are organic documents and best-written SOPs fail if they are not followed. Poorly written, unavailable, and inadequate SOPs hamper working processes and lead to non-compliance in the implementation of quality management systems. A well-crafted SOP offers clear direction and instruction that minimizes deviations at different times using different personnel. The SOPs should be user-friendly and describes the processes in the sequential manner in which they are intended to occur and thus leading to a logical flow of events. In this article, SOP writing is summarised in seven steps, namely (i) Preparing, (ii) Reviewing, (iii)...
Standart operation procedures, as being a set of written instructions that document a routine or repetitive activity followed by an organization, are documents which increase performance of the determined process, so helping coming into being processes which increase quality. They must be revised continuously to manage the same quality. Standart operation procedures have an important role in the processes which cannot be known before, so with SOPs, management groups will manage more useful works with less time. This study tries to explain which techniques are used, what are necessary and which type of works needs must be done for writing SOPs.
PLOS Computational Biology, 2020
Research publications and data nowadays should be publicly available on the internet and, theoretically, usable for everyone to develop further research, products, or services. The long-term accessibility of research data is, therefore, fundamental in the economy of the research production process. However, the availability of data is not sufficient by itself, but also their quality must be verifiable. Measures to ensure reuse and reproducibility need to include the entire research life cycle, from the experimental design to the generation of data, quality control, statistical analysis, interpretation, and validation of the results. Hence, highquality records, particularly for providing a string of documents for the verifiable origin of data, are essential elements that can act as a certificate for potential users (customers). These records also improve the traceability and transparency of data and processes, therefore, improving the reliability of results. Standards for data acquisition, analysis, and documentation have been fostered in the last decade driven by grassroot initiatives of researchers and organizations such as the Research Data Alliance (RDA). Nevertheless, what is still largely missing in the life science academic research are agreed procedures for complex routine research workflows. Here, well-crafted documentation like standard operating procedures (SOPs) offer clear direction and instructions specifically designed to avoid deviations as an absolute necessity for reproducibility. Therefore, this paper provides a standardized workflow that explains step by step how to write an SOP to be used as a starting point for appropriate research documentation.
Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing, 2014
Journal of Communication, 1961
Like most large companies United Air Lines finds it necessary to prepare manuals of standard operating procedures to guide employees in many of its departments. In order to find out the reactions to these manuals, the writer conducted a study in which he quizzed a stratified sample of three hundred employees in a series of patterned thirty-minute interviews. The approach was informal-although the items comprising the questionnaire had been carefully prepared and extensively pretested, the writer reworded whenever he felt that doing so was necessary. presents the results of the survey. Based upon them the writer has prepared the following ten "rules" for preparing manuals of standard operating procedures: 1. A system of job-oriented manuals needs a good index for each manual more than it does an over-all index for the whole system. 2. Planners of company manuals must watch for changed circumstances-e.g., the growing complexity of fixed plant equipment, which may create the need for new manuals, such as a building mechanic's handbook. 3. Without a professional illustrator on the staff, a publications group runs the risk of publishing relatively ineffective technical drawings. 4. Most employees view the reading of company regulations as a pretty dreary and unprofitable occupation. 5. When the communication of changes in procedure is inadequately planned, one result will quite certainly be resistance to change. 6. To communicate changes in procedure efficiently, the instructions should briefly explain the effect (although not necessarily the cause) of the changes.
Relaciones, 2024
Los estudios de procedencia de recursos líticos en Pampa Occidental han contemplado variables, como frecuencia, calidad, disponibilidad, distancia de la fuente de aprovisionamiento, entre otras. Una roca frecuentemente registrada en la subregión es la ortocuarcita, de procedencia no local que, junto a los grupos tipológicos confeccionados, remiten a contextos artefactuales de Pampa Oriental. Una pieza recuperada en superficie, en el sitio 1 de la localidad Tapera Moreira, constituye un caso excepcional para la subregión. Se trata de un instrumento compuesto de tamaño muy grande, con posible enmangamiento, que actuó también como reservorio de materia prima. Complementariamente, se presentan los resultados de los análisis arqueobotánicos y funcional de este artefacto. Se evalúan las estrategias de aprovisionamiento de rocas de procedencias extraregionales y su posible funcionalidad en el contexto del sitio. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del análisis tecno-tipológico y su comparación morfológica con artefactos similares recuperados en otros contextos de la región pampeana. Complementariamente, se presentan los resultados de los análisis arqueobotánicos y funcional de este artefacto. Se evalúan las estrategias de aprovisionamiento de rocas de procedencias extraregionales y su posible funcionalidad en el contexto del sitio.
Marco conceptual de la Tutoría y Orientación Educacional en la EBR -Documento de trabajo 1 MARCO CONCEPTUAL DE LA TUTORÍA Y ORIENTACIÓN EDUCACIONAL EN LA EBR 1
Cuestión Urbana, 2022
En este artículo nos proponemos reflexionar acerca de los desafíos que las organizaciones sociales y sindi- cales tienen en la actualidad. Para ello, revisitamos algunas discusiones actuales en el campo de la acción colectiva para pensar el vínculo entre el Estado y los actores colectivos, atendiendo al modo en que se re- nueva a la luz de las transformaciones estructurales acontecidas durante los últimos años. Concretamente, nos preguntamos acerca de los procesos de organización popular a partir de los dilemas planteados para las organizaciones sociales y sindicales con el retorno de un gobierno peronista al poder y a partir de la irrupción de la pandemia en 2020.
Revista Íconos No. 47, 2013
Nuova Rivista Storica, 2024
Migration letters, 2024
Current Law Journal, 2021
Kriminologie - Das Online-Journal | Criminology - The Online Journal, 5(1), 29–51, 2023
Interface, 2024
Україна Модерна , 2023
Cuadernos dieciochistas. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2019
Embracing a Culture of Lifelong Learning, 2021
A Libertarian Anarchist Analysis of Norman Geisler’s Philosophy of Government, 2023
Journal of Standards Based Assessment Research, 2015
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2011
European Journal of Public Health, 2015
Encontro De Producao Discente Pucsp Cruzeiro Do Sul, 2013
Child Care in Practice, 2020
Journal of General Internal Medicine
International Journal of Cardiology, 1995