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11 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
This paper examines the distinction between leaders and managers within the context of learning organizations. It emphasizes the importance of learning as a source of competitive advantage and discusses how adult learning and organizational culture influence leadership practices. Key leadership skills are identified, highlighting the need for openness, political abilities, and a commitment to ethical decision-making as fundamental for effective leadership and continuous learning within organizations.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2008
PurposeThe organizational learning and learning organization literatures lack empirical support in delineating the role leaders play in fostering or hindering learning. This study aims to build upon previous research on facilitative leadership in learning organizations to consider how leaders contribute to and detract from learning at the individual and organizational levels in the corporate context.Design/methodology/approachPreliminary survey research confirmed that the Fortune 500 company being considered for the study was perceived as a learning organization by its employees. The study then proceeded with critical incident interviews with managers and their direct reports, resulting in a cross‐case content analysis of four categories: triggers, beliefs, behaviors, and outcomes, which prompted the development of a preliminary model of the learning process depicted by participants.FindingsThe findings revealed that learning leaders have several distinct characteristics and skills,...
His current research interests focus on leadership in military contexts and measuring a full range of leadership styles.
The Leadership Quarterly, 2009
This essay conveys some of the author's ideas about the influence of leaders on organizational learning. Limitations of some well known leadership theories for explaining this influence are described, and ideas for developing more comprehensive and accurate theories are suggested. Examples of specific ways leaders can influence organizational learning are provided. The methods used for most of the research on the subject are evaluated, and some alternative methods are suggested.
Journal of Education and Research
From a philosophical viewpoint and a technical perspective, this paper claims that learning organizations are the most effective organizations which 1) demonstrate transformative leadership practices, 2) work to instigate a learning-based organizational environment, and 3) continually promote learning behavior at all levels, to name a few of its key characteristics. Like other organizations, educational organizations would exhibit individual behavior, collective actions and interactions which define their norms and values. The purpose of this paper is to explore: what it means to be a learning organization; what are and should be its key characteristics; and how to create a learning organization. The findings of this study show that learning organizations are characterized by a collective struggle to achieve organizational goals, where culture and climate concerns become paramount, and learning is viewed as part of everyone’s business regardless of individual differences, roles, an...
Strategy & Leadership, 2018
Purpose The article guides the process for each aspiring leader to develop his or her own unique approach to leading. Design/methodology/approach Executives and managers can deepen theirunderstanding of leadership by mining three sources: the burgeoning archives of contemporary leadership theory and practice, case histories of leaders and leadership and the classic writings of literature, history and philosophy. Findings More managers must learn to be leaders, and the best way to make it happen is to avoid the cliches, the leadership training marketing hype, the platitudes and the pseudo-scholarly research and take charge of your own leadership journey. Practical implications The core of the do-it-yourself approach is to learn to lead by doing. Mastering the role of a leader is a challenge that, like mastering any craft, requires continual practice. Originality/value The article is an antidote to leadership training marketing hype. Instead of buying dubious advice, potential leaders can seize the opportunity to be creative, to discover a personal approach to leading that fits the time and place and is compatible with their own persona, values and beliefs.
The Leadership Quarterly, 2009
Journal of Applied Business Research, 2018
This paper used learning theory and path-goal theory to propose a learning leadership model. The practical side of these two theories is suitable for this proposed model, its agenda, and its tools for improving organizational learning. The model is based on the assumption that leaders need to develop their competences and the competences of subordinates by creating a continuous learning process through sharing, exchanging, and improving knowledge and experiences. The model states that learning leaders act as facilitators of the organizational learning process and adopt the right attitude to motivate subordinates for learning by removing obstacles and creating a learning culture.
Many organizations are adopting the strategy of continuous learning to survive and remain competitive in the turbulent business environment. Becoming a learning organization is one of the best ways an organization can improve their services and practices in order to increase their effectiveness and achieve competitive advantage. In this context, the leadership styles of the top management are imperative in facilitating the transition to be a learning organization. The current study attempts to: (1) examine the link between leadership styles (transformational leadership and transactional leadership) and building a learning organization and (2) whether the influence of transformational leadership is stronger than of a transactional type of leadership. The statistical results obtained from 150 manufacturing firms in Malaysia indicate significant positive relationships between transformational leadership and building a learning organization. The findings suggest the leadership style that is characterized by idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration are important to generate learning in the organization.
How do participants in the National Leadership Education for School Principals conceptualize school leadership, and how has their participation in the program affected them as leaders? These are the questions analyzed in this article, based on data from a student cohort comprising 63 students. We have analyzed one of their portfolio texts and their responses to an electronic open-question survey. Findings are discussed in the light of school leadership theories, Mintzberg's (2009) triangular theory of leadership and a graded concept of theory (Ertsås & Irgens, 2016). Participants conceptualize school leadership as a complex practice exercised by knowledgeable role models, whose leadership is focused and transparent, rooted in common core values, sound working relations, bent on improving student learning. A variety of elements in the program have contributed to developing participant concepts of leadership. The fusion of strong theory and practical experience seems to have played a predominant role. Our findings contrast criticisms of management education programs in the international literature. Our analyses are based on participant self-reports, which restricts the scope of our conclusions. There is a need for further research on the links between leaders' espoused conceptualizations of leadership and their actual leadership practice. Sammendrag Hvordan konseptualiserer deltakere i den norske rektorutdanningen skoleledelse, og hvordan har deres deltakelse i programmet påvirket dem som ledere? Disse spørsmålene drøfter vi i denne artikkelen på grunnlag av data fra
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Personal , 2018
Brussels, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Rome, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), April 2019, 160 p., ISBN 978-88-3365-205-4, 2019
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International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 2019
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Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Espejo de monografías de comunicación social, 2024
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1975
International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries, 2023