Demosaicking images with motion blur

2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing

DEMOSAICKING IMAGES WITH MOTION BLUR Shay Har-Noy, Stanley H. Chan, and Truong Q. Nguyen UC - San Diego, ECE Dept.,, ABSTRACT In standard digital color imaging, each pixel position acquires data for only one color plane and the remaining two color planes must be inferred through a process known as demosaicking. Furthermore, the image is susceptible to blurring artifacts due to a moving camera or fast moving subject. In this work we develop a robust framework to demosaick the color filter array (CFA) image while reducing the blur corrupting the image. We begin by defining a color motion blur model that describes the motion blur artifacts affecting color images. We then integrate the motion blur model in the demosaicking algorithm to obtain a computationally efficient framework for deblurring while demosaicking. Index Terms— Cameras, image restoration, image sensors. 1. INTRODUCTION The typical digital image acquisition pipeline uses a single sensor along with a color filter array (CFA) that captures only one component at each spatial location (e.g. the Bayer Pattern [1]). Demosaicking algorithms that leverage the spatial and spectral redundancies in the image are then applied to the M × N output of the CFA to produce an M × N × 3 color image (see [2] for a review). Traditional image demosaicking methods usually do not consider the blurring artifacts and assume that the ”known” M × N pixels are accurate. Furthermore, image restoration [3] techniques typically assumes that no demosaicking took place and that all M × N × 3 pixels are accurate. In this paper we consider the problem of joint deblurring and demosaicking where both of these assumptions are broken. The fundamental tradeoff between temporal and spatial resolution [4] causes the problem of motion blur to be particularly relevant. As the density of pixels on a CCD sensor increases, the size of each pixel gets smaller and therefore so does the amount of light hitting the sensor at each pixel location. In This work is supported by Broadcom Corporation and UC Discovery. The authors would like to thank Quang Dam Le, Sunkwang Hong for their assistance and support. Also Dr. Keigo Hirakawa for his insight and for providing assistance in gathering relevant code and sample images. 978-1-4244-4296-6/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE 1006 order to maintain a high SNR at each pixel location, the exposure time must therefore be increased leading to motion blur in the case of camera or subject motion. Indeed, demosaicking and deblurring has been previously discussed in a few prior works [5–8], to which we will compare our results. The proposed deblurring-demosaicking framework uses recently developed methods of CFA signal decomposition [9, 10] to extract the M × N luminance image. The estimate of the luminance image is then sharpened using any image deblurring technique with the result combined with an estimate of the demosaicked color image to form a final color image consistent with the deblurred M × N luminance image. Due to the flexibility in choosing the demosaicking and deblurring methods, the algorithm is able to utilize both the state of the art demosaicking techniques and image restoration techniques based on the computational constraints of the application and desired perceptual performance. In section 2 we introduce a model for motion blur in color images acquired with a digital camera using a CFA. Section 3 discusses demosaicking in the frequency domain along with a method to extract the full resolution luminance component. Section 4 introduces an algorithm that combats blurring artifacts during the demosaicking process. We apply our method to natural and simulated images to show its effectiveness in section 5. 2. COLOR MOTION BLUR MODEL Having an accurate motion blur model allows us to quantify improvements provided by algorithms aimed at reducing motion blur. As the exposure time on a digital imaging device becomes longer, a scene with significant motion will be more likely to blur across multiple sensor pixels. Consider a filter bank operating on a row of the ”true” color channel of an image, C(z), that suffers from motion blur (Fig. 1). The color channel is first downsampled by 2 at which point a blurring kernel, Hc (z), is applied. The blurred and downsampled color channel is then upsampled and interpolated/demosaicked using some some filter F (z). Although most modern demosaicking algorithms rely on the inter-channel redundancies in a CFA image to improve demosaicking, for our purposes the simple model will suffice. ICASSP 2010 C(z) Hc (z) ↓2 F (z) ↑2 Cmb (z) (a) C(z) ↓2 ↑2 U (z) Hc (z 2 ) F (z) Cmb (z) (b) Fig. 1. Two equivalent filter banks depicting horizontal motion blur on a row captured using a Bayer color filter. This filter model allows us to write an expression for the final blurred color channel: Cmb (z) = 1 [C(z) + C(−z)] Hc (z 2 )F (z) 2 (1) where Hc (z) is the blurring kernel that depends on the motion in the scene and may depend on the color channel. Consequently, to model motion blur in a given image we apply the blurring kernels to each of the channels in the downsampled CFA domain or equivalently apply Hc (z 2 ) to each of the color channels after demosaicking. 3. CFA SIGNAL DECOMPOSITION The M × N multiplexed Bayer CFA image can be interpreted in the frequency domain as a luminance component at baseband and two chrominance components modulated to a higher frequency [9]. Let fCF A [n1 , n2 ] be the M × N Bayer CFA output, fL [n1 , n2 ] the luminance component, and fC1 [n1 , n2 ] and fC2 [n1 , n2 ] the two chroma components we get: fCF A [n1 , n2 ] = fL [n1 , n2 ] + fC1 [n1 , n2 ](−1)n1 +n2 + fC2 [n1 , n2 ] ((−1)n1 − (−1)n2 ) (2) where ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ 1 fL 4 ⎝ fC1 ⎠ = ⎝ − 1 4 fC2 − 14 1 2 1 2 0 1 4 − 14 1 4 ⎞ fR ⎠ ⎝ fG ⎠ fB Fig. 2. FFT of a Bayer CFA image with approximate locations of the luminance and chrominance components. ⎞⎛ (3) and fR , fG , and fB are the full resolution RGB color planes. Fig. 2 shows the approximate locations of the modulated chroma and baseband luminance components in the frequency domain. The demosaicking algorithm presented in [10] operates by extracting the luminance component, fL , and demodulating the chroma components (i.e. extract fC1 and fC2 ) allowing it to recover the full resolution M × N × 3 RGB image using the inverse of the matrix in eq. (3). The optimal filter coefficients for extracting these signals can be obtained by minimizing the total squared error between the true components fL , fC1 , fC2 and the estimated ones fˆL , fˆC1 , fˆC2 over a training set. In our algorithm, we use the optimal coefficients computed in [10] to extract a high quality estimate of the luminance image. 1007 4. DEBLURRING DURING DEMOSAICKING The proposed deblurring and demosaicking framework sharpens the luminance image extracted using the method described in section 3 and combines it with an estimate of the standard demosaicked image. The combination is performed sh ˆsh , fB , such by choosing the final sharp color planes, fˆRsh , fˆG that they are close to the demosaicked result, i.e. fˆRsh ≈ fˆR , sh fˆG ≈ fˆG , fˆBsh ≈ fˆB , while still being consistent with the estimate for the sharpened luminance component. More precisely: sh − fˆG 22 + fˆBsh − fˆB 22 argmin fˆRsh − fˆR 22 + fˆG sh ,fˆsh ,fˆsh fˆR G B subject to sh fˆRsh + 2fˆG + fˆBsh = fˆLsh . 4 (4) Notice that there are no spatial dependencies between the pixels in eq. (4) and thus we can solve the procedure element by element through a non-iterative solution using Lagrange multipliers: sh ˆsh sh , fB , λ) = (fˆRsh − fˆR )2 + (fˆG − fˆG )2 Λ(fˆRsh , fˆG   ˆsh + 2fˆsh + fˆsh f G B . + (fˆBsh − fˆB )2 + λ fˆLsh [i, j] − R 4 To find the minimum of the above equation we set its scalar partial derivatives equal to 0 and solve the system of equations to arrive at the optimal result: ⎛ ˆsh fR ⎜ fˆsh ⎜ G ⎝ fˆsh B λ ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎠ ⎝ 5 6 − 13 − 16 − 43 − 31 1 3 − 31 − 38 − 16 − 13 5 6 − 43 2 3 4 3 2 3 16 3 ⎞⎛ ˆ fR ⎟ ⎜ fˆG ⎟⎜ ⎠ ⎝ fˆB fˆsh ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ . (5) ⎠ L Thus the optimal final image can be obtained through a linear combination of the estimates of the RGB image {fˆR , fˆG , fˆB }, and the deblurred luminance image fˆLsh using eq. (5) (Fig. 3). Algorithm 1 Demosaick Deblurring Algorithm derived based on all of the images in the Kodak dataset1 . These optimal coefficients were also used for extracting the fˆL estimate to which a total variation deblurring procedure was applied [11]. Given a blurry M × N Bayer CFA image, and the blurring PSF: 5.2. Simulated Results 1. Obtain an estimate of luminance component fˆL using the approach detailed in section 3. 2. Sharpen the estimate of the luminance component to form fˆsh using any image deblurring algorithm. L 3. Form an estimate of the demosaicked M × N × 3 RGB image {fˆR , fˆG , fˆB } using any fast demosaicking algorithm. 4. Combine the sharp luminance component fˆLsh , and the blurred demosaicked RGB color planes according to eq. (5). fCF A G fˆL Deblur Demosaick fˆLsh fˆR fˆG fˆB Σ Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed algorithm. The block labelled G corresponds to the procedure detailed in section 3 to extract an estimate of the luminance component. Fig. 3 shows a block diagram of Alg. 1 where we are able to choose both the demosaicking and deblurring algorithms based on our complexity constraints and desired perceptual quality. 5. SIMULATION RESULTS 5.1. Natural Motion Blur To assess the effectiveness of Alg. 1 in a real world application we acquired images using a commercial digital camera where we introduced significant panning camera motion and chose an appropriate exposure time to create the motion blur artifact. Alg. 1 was then applied to the acquired blurry mosaicked image. For deblurring-demosaicking purposes, the length of the motion blur filter was chosen based on amount of perceived blur in the image and the direction was known a priori. The demosaicking procedure used in Fig. 4 was the procedure described in [10] with the optimal filter coefficients 1008 To quantify the perceptual improvements seen in Fig. 4 we simulate motion blur on the standard Kodak set of images [12] using a known blurring kernel to the images as described in section 2 to simulate a Bayer ICF A acquired with a moving camera. The blurring kernel had a length of 5 and had a nonzero response time. We found that applying the perfect box blurring kernel had little effect on the objective or subjective results. To obtain an objective measure of quality we calculate the PSNR of each of the demosaicked RGB color planes as well ∗ distance [13], Structural SIMilarity as the SCIELAB ΔEab Index [14] (SSIM) metric averaged across all three RGB color planes (Q̄), and the color extension to SSIM (Qcolor ) [15]. A ∗ lower ΔEab indicates better quality whereas a higher value for all of the other metrics indicates better quality. Table 1 shows the performance of Alg. 1 implemented with the TV deblurring method and the demosaicking procedure described in [10]2 compared to demosaicking alone and the joint demosaicking-deblurring method of [8]. The optimal filter coefficients used to extract the {fˆL , fˆC1 , fˆC2 } images from ICF A were rederived using the first twelve images in the Kodak dataset. The results indicate that Alg. 1 offers improvements over simple demosaicking and the joint deblurring-demosaicking method described in [8]. 6. CONCLUSION In this work we developed a framework for joint demosaicking and deblurring of images acquired using a color filter array (CFA). The framework leverages models of color motion blur and recent advances in CFA signal decomposition and is able to leverage state-of-the-art image restoration and demosaicking techniques. Objective and subjective results both indicate that the presented algorithm indeed reduce the amount of blur visible in the image and improves the image quality. 7. REFERENCES [1] B.E. Bayer, Color imaging Array, U.S. Patent 3971065, 1976. [2] B.K. Gunturk, J. Glotzbach, Y. Altunbasak, R.W. Schafer, and R.M. Mersereau, “Demosaicking: color 1 The authors would like to express their gratitude to E. Dubois for making his code available and offering suggestions. 2 Additional full resolution results and a sample implementation are available at:∼sharnoy/IEEETranDemosaick/ Fig. 4. Natural image acquired with a moving digital camera comparing the output of Alg. 1 (right) and the demosaicking procedure described in [10] (left). Table 1. 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