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This study is performed as an effort to analysis contributions of various macroeconomic variables suspected as enforcing influence toward portfolio investment. The data used in this study during the period of 1995-2014. The objective of this study is to test the influence of interest rate, economic growth, inflation and exchange rate on private investment in Indonesia. Method applied in this study is survey method using explanatory approach. This study uses multiple regression (OLS) as the analysis tool. Conclusion of this study includes that increase in inflation and economic growth will significantly increase portfolio investment, while increases in interest rate and exchange rate will significantly degrade portfolio investment in Indonesia.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021
Recent archaeobotanical analysis revealed that the botanical remains from the site of Tongo Maaré Diabal (Mali) are composed primarily of pearl millet remains (up to 85%). Contemporaneous West African sites (500-1200 Cal AD) usually display more diverse patterns, especially by the end of this period. Indeed, contemporary urban sites of the West African Sahel often comprise combined and diversified farming systems of millet (Pennisetum glaucum), African rice (Oryza glaberrima), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), Echinochloa sp. and fonio (Digitatia exilis). This article seeks to explain the near-exclusive focus of Tongo Maaré Diabal's agricultural economy on millet, particularly with regard to the site's status as a settlement of iron workers.
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Dopo ciò praticato, venne presa risoluzione di sbarcare per sorpresa in Ponza, di fermare la poca guarnigione, impadronirsi delle sue armi, prendere seco quanti relegati e soldati della compagni di punizione più si potesse e muovere verso Sapri. Riuscito felicemente questo tentativo, e impadronitosi Pisacane e i suoi compagni di circa settanta fucili militari, sì diressero a Sapri, dopo però aver perduto sessantatré due botte, e circa trenta tromboni, che rimasero in mano di que' fra i relegati di Ponza, i quali non vollero imbarcarsi. «Discesi in Sapri nella notte dal 28 al 29 non vi rinvenimmo la forza armata da mille a duemila compromessi [promessi?], come il Comitato napoletano avea fatto credere a Pisacane. Pur tuttavia i rivoltosi, dopo aver chiesto notizie del Barone Gallotti [Giovanni Gallotti che Pisacane conosceva dell'epoca della Repubblica Romana] e che peraltro non si fece mica vedere, mossero verso il fortino col disegno di prendere la volta di Potenza, ch'era stata destinata come punto centrale della rivoluzione. Ed in realtà cade a proposito soggiungere, che ivi doveano riunirsi gli affiliati di tutti i punti, per guisa da con centrarvisi trentamila uomini, e marciare sulla capitale dove sebbene il partito nazionale sia poco esteso, ma audace, aveasi in mira d'impadronirsi per sorpresa di S. Elmo e Castelnuovo mentre contemporaneamente i rivoltosi di Genova covavano il progetto di rendersi padroni de’ forti, delle armi e dell’arsenale inviando armi e gente armata nel nostro reame per appoggiarvi il movimento. Il che costitutiva una naturale illazione delle promesse, giacché essendo generale la cospirazione negli Stati Italiani, dovea la rivolta scoppiare nel medesimo tempo in Roma, Firenze e, altri punti, meno la Lombardia, le Calabrie e gli Abbruzzi, tra cui non erano state ancora rannodate le opportune corrispondenze. Ed invero il Comitato napoletano avea già commesso a Pisacane di mandar corrieri nelle Calabrie e stabilire nesso di relazioni con quelle contrade per poter cosi, fra l’altro, ripiegare colà in caso di rovescio. Pisacane ed i suoi seguaci nella sicurezza di trovare simpatie ne’ paesi che doveano percorrere, giunsero in Torraca, ove furono incontrati da due Padulesi. i cui nomi sono da me ignorati. Uno di essi aveva alta taglia, capelli castani, pochi peli sul viso e circa anni 28, l’altro di bassa statura, con capelli e pochi peli sulla faccia anche castagni, e forse contava 32 anni. Entrambi costoro invitarono Pisacane ed i suoi di recarsi in Padula, dove cinque o sei cento armati si sarebbero a loro riuniti. Mostrandosi inchinevoli allo invito, mossimo per quella volta, spintivi ancora dal provvederci di viveri, di che assolutamente difettavamo. Ivi pernottammo in una casa, che giace verso la parte superiore del paese, e precisamente nel luogo detto la Piazzetta, in cui abitava una signora cognominata Romano, con una figlia morente. Io però e gli altri capi, durante la breve dimora fattavi, dormimmo in una stalla sottostante (...) Avremmo dovuto sottostare alla ferocia di uomini armati che, si nominavano Guardie Urbane. Fummo non solo derubati di trentamila franchi in oro, di che solamente eravamo padroni, e di cui seimila trovavansi presso Pisacane, quattromila dugento gli aveva io, e poco meno Giambattista Falcone (Cosentino e non Reggino), A mentre il rimanente era in potere degli altri compagni, ma financo spogliati, ignudi, e quindi percossi a colpi di scure, di bastoni e di coltelli; e fu così che rimasero estinti più di ottanta de’ nostri, fra quali Pisacane e Falcone. «Ad altre dimande. «Ha risposto — null'altro conoscere. — «Datagli lettura della presente dichiarazione, l’ha confermata, e si è sottoscritto con noi — Firmati — Giovanni Nicotera — Francesco Pacifico — Michele Orienzi.
Medieval Feminist Newsletter, 1997
Early medieval burial remains in Gaul have received scholarly attention since at least the seventeenth century owing to the precious nature of the artifacts which were interred with the dead. By the nineteenth century, skeletal traces in these graves also attracted notice due in part to the dubious contributions of phrenology to academic debates on national origins. In his first book, Guy Halsall has therefore rightly noted the problematic nature of the Merovingian archaeological evidence excavated during the past 150 years in the region of Metz. By collecting this often poorly published data and organizing it more scientifically, he has better ascertained what material may be reliably salvaged for a the study of distant communities which have left scholars few other clues.
Governing Parents: Early Childhood, Intensive Mothering and Disciplinary Power in Switzerland, 2024
Inspired by Michel Foucault and his work on power in modern states, which gave rise to the concept of ‘governmentality’, this book explores, first, how the Swiss state, through state-funded experts like the mothers’ and fathers’ advisors (MVBs), sets out to monitor and guide childrearing practices in early childhood, and second, how parents of small children govern themselves. In recent years, early childhood has become an important focus of Swiss health and family policy and the subject of several parliamentary initiatives aimed at expanding early childhood programmes in order to protect children’s wellbeing and rights. Here, a child’s experiences during its first years of life are deemed ‘seminal’ for its future health, as well as academic and social success. The Swiss UNESCO Commission’s 2019 report on early childhood, for example, renders early childhood education and care an investment by the state in a nation’s future and claims that children benefiting from these programmes will be healthier, achieve a higher level of education and engage in fewer criminal activities. The ‘outcomes’ of early childhood experiences are a concern for Swiss government institutions, whose policies are marked by taking a preventive approach to child welfare, in the sense that they centre on preventing ‘negative’ influences on children before they even arise, or addressing them before they can cause long-term damage to their health and development. Thus, young children, but also – and maybe more importantly – their parents, become the target of preventive expert monitoring and guidance. In the case of Switzerland, the government provides expert guidance through the mothers’ and fathers’ counselling (the MVB) – a nationwide, state-funded early childhood service. Parents’ use of the MVB is intended to be health promoting and risk preventing, while advisors seek to build long-term, cooperative and trustful relationships with parents. I examine both the MVB’s mission as an institution and the counselling practices and concerns of individual advisors, as well as their (power) relationships with parents in detail, which also elucidates the limits of experts’ capacity to govern parents. Additionally, parents’ accounts of raising their children are explored in the context of ‘maternal ambivalence’, a deeply gendered phenomenon produced by conflicting emotions, needs and demands. I argue that notions of ‘good’ mothering, which are highly influenced by the intensive mothering ideology, shape mothers’ experiences of ambivalence, such as an increased governing of conflicting emotions towards their children. Parents’ accounts of the experience of becoming parents and rearing their children shed light on parents’ self-work intended to manage negative emotions, which is explored through Foucault’s notion of technologies of self. In this book, I connect prominent concepts in Parenting Culture Studies with Foucault’s notion of disciplinary power in order to explore the practices which are seen by state-affiliated experts as being appropriate to govern parents, and to gain a deeper understanding of the concerns that guide parents’ (self)governance. I investigate the (often gendered) links between intensive modes of childrearing and disciplinary power relations which have remained understudied by empirical research.
Göçmen Mahallelerinde Yaşam: Türkiye'de 2010 Sonrası Göçler ve Göçmenlerin Toplumsal Katılımı, 2023
She has conducted research and has published articles, books and reports in English and Turkish on topics such as the informal shuttle trade between Turkey and former Soviet republics, African migrants and refugees in Istanbul, the forced displacement of Kurds, women's vocational education, seasonal migrant labour in the hazelnut value chain, Syrian and Turkish youth, and the working conditions of service providers who work with refugees.
DIID, Disegno industriale industrial design/DIID, 2024
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NAŠE MORE : znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo, 1998
Nile Journal of Communication and Computer Science/Nile Journal of Communication and Computer Science, 2024
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018
European Journal of Operational Research, 2010
AmerIndian Reseach, 2019
Revista Estudos Feministas, 2021
Reallexikon der Germanischen Alterumskunde Band 20, 2002
Royal Society Open Science, 2019
Veterinarni Medicina, 2025
Annals of Oncology, 2014
Journal of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, 2018
Economics Development Analysis Journal, 2014
فرهنگ مشاوره و روان درمانی, 2019
Proceedings Frontiers in Education 35th Annual Conference, 2005