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Chapter XI
Protected Area Deforestation in
South of Sumatera Indonesia
Steven R. Brechin
Surya Chandra Surapaty
Laurel Heydir
Eddy Roflin
The purpose of this chapter1 is to explore the relationships between population and
the environment found at the local level. Empirically, we attempt to determine why
small-scale coffee farmers have deforested large portions of established protected
areas (i.e., designated as protection forests and wildlife reserves) within the District
of Lahat, South Sumatera, Indonesia. The relationships between population and the
environment tend to be complex, fluid, and mediated by a number of additional
factors. The relationships between farmers and protected forests found in Lahat are
no different.
This more complicated notion of the relationship between population and the
environment, however, is frequently overlooked in the literature.2 Since these are
forest areas under a managerial regime, it follows that politico-administrative factors
must have contributed to their deforestation. But how important are other factors?
And, are they related to changes in population? Finally, from a policy perspective,
can we gain any insight from our research into how to best correct local population–
environment imbalances?
1. The information presented here is from an on-going collaborate research effort between
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; Princeton University, Princeton,
New Jersey, USA; and Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia. Portions
of this chapter were presented in a paper at the Third Symposium on Social Science in
Resource Management, Texas A&M University, College Station Texas, May 16-19, 1990. This
chapter has substantially revised from a paper presented at the International Symposium on
Population–Environment Dynamics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 1–3,
1990. The authors would like to thank Profs. Stephen Siebert and Jill Belsky, and the Press'
reviewers for their useful comments.
2. In his review of the population–environment literature related to development concerns,
Myers (1991) is amazed how little actual research has been conducted on the interrelationships
of these two important variables. In applying this same observation to a specific resource, the
Overseas Development Administration of the United Kingdom makes note strikingly few
systematic studies on the links between population and tropical deforestation, hindering our
understanding of this important environmental problem (ODA 1991).
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The chapter is divided into several sections. It begins with a brief discussion
of the literature on tropical deforestation and the status of protected areas. The
main body of the chapter contains research findings on the probable causes of
protected area deforestation. It also includes a more conceptual analysis of
population–environment relationships in general and a review of future policy
Tropical Deforestation and Protected Area Status
Deforestation of the world's tropical forests is a major international issue that
needs little introduction. Environmentalists and others are concerned about the
loss of biological diversity, possible climatic change, the replacement of forests
with unsustainable agricultural activities, flooding, erosion, loss of hydrological
functions, and more (World Resources Institute 1990-91; Global Coalition 1990;
Gradwohl and Greenberg 1988). The pace of tropical deforestation is alarming.
The World Resource Institute (WRI) has estimated the rate of tropical
deforestation at approximately 20.4 million hectares per year (WRI 1990: 102).
This latest estimate almost doubles Food and Agricultural Organization's 1980
estimate of 11.4 million hectares per year (WRI 1988).
From the latest figures on tropical deforestation, Indonesia is ranked third
among all countries in annual forest loss, losing an estimated 900,000 hectares
of tropical forests each year, (a rate of 0.8 percent per year) (WRI 1990:102).
Throughout the tropical countries, including Indonesia, the principal forces
behind the deforestation of tropical forests are said to be agricultural expansion
(due largely to increasing population), and unsustainable commercial logging.
However, both these factors can usually be traced to governmental policies of
one form or another (WRI 1988;1990; Repetto 1988); as well as other issues
such as the technologies being employed and cultural practices. Specifically, in
Indonesia, slash and bum farmers cause about 50 percent of the country's
deforestation; the government's resettlement program creates 40 percent; and
commercial loggers, 10 percent (Repetto & Gillis 1988). Consequently, when
attempting to control tropical deforestation in Indonesia, understanding the
behavior of rural people and the pressures they face become essential tasks.
Parks and other protected areas throughout the world, likewise, are seriously
affected by events originating outside their borders. They include: industrial
pollution, excessive tourism, shrinking or nonexistent budgets, land
fragmentation, economic development pressures, growing rural populations
seeking arable land, and angry residents (Machlis and Tichnell 1985; Meganck
and Goebel 1979; Brechin and West 1990; West and Brechin 1991a). Once
again the problems facing our world's parks and protected areas can certainly be
traced to a number of causes including population growth pressures, economic
development activities, changes in lifestyles, poverty, lack of economic
alternatives, and short-sighted governmental policies.
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In Indonesia, it has been estimated that 17 percent of the country's protected forest
areas (i.e., forests that are not to be cut) have either been logged or cultivated by
farmers (Vatikiotis 1989). Although there has been some international work to
investigate the effect of population factors such as growth and migration on tropical
deforestation in general, it has not generally extended to their effects on specific
protected areas (Allen and Barnes 1985; Vayda and Sahur 1985; Whitten 1987; Potter
1988; Rudel 1989; and Cruz and Cruz 1990). Likewise, in the study of protected
areas, numerous publications have noted the problem of farmers and others
encroaching on protected areas (Vogt 1946; Wetterberg 1974; Eckholm 1976; 1978;
Meganck and Goebel 1979; Machlis and Tichnell 1985; West and Brechin 1991a).
Few, however, have looked at the population–environment dynamics of farmer
encroachment in any detail. This case study investigates the socio-political causes of
farmer-based tropical deforestation and its effects on conservation management
Description of Study Site and Methods
South Sumatera is a vast (109,254 square km) province of Indonesia, on
Sumatera, one of the country's major outer islands (Sriwijaya University) (figure
11.1). The province was home to about 6.3 million people in 1990, and contains a
variety of ethnic groups, 80 percent of whom live in rural areas (1990 Census,
and Sriwijaya University). South Sumatera is blessed with natural resources such
as forests, oil, gas, coal and other minerals, and produces many agricultural
products. Its capital, Palembang, is a national center for the chemical and cement
industries. Ecologically, the province consists mostly of lowlands and coastal
wetlands. The exception is a mountainous region in the extreme western portion
of the province, including its highest point, the volcano Mount Dempo, at 3159
meters (10,425 feet). Mount Dempo is the climax of a larger mountain range,
known as Bukit Barisan, which runs north-to-south along the western edge of
Sumatera (Dalton 1988).
Geographically, the study area is located in the Kabupaten (district) of Lahat,
which is in the western highlands (figure 11.2). A rich agricultural region, Lahat
is a major center for the coffee which is cultivated throughout the higher
elevations. Within Lahat there are protected areas under several different
management categories (conservation/national parks, protection forests, limited
production forests, and regular production forests), which, after their expansion in
1982, cover about 290,600 hectares. Consequently, about 41.4 percent of Lahat is
technically under forest management (Surapaty et al. 1991)3 (table 11.1). Such a
large protected area has placed considerable pressure on available land resources.
Nearly 80 percent of Lahat's protected areas are non-commercial conservation
areas (protected forests and wildlife reserves), not meant for harvesting (table
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Probable Causes of Deforestation
The problem of illegal farming in the protected forests of Lahat appears to have
begun in the mid-1970s. The movement of farmers, which began as a trickle became
a steady stream by the mid 1980's. Satellite images clearly show dramatic loss of
forest cover between 1982 and 1989 and even between 1982 and 1985.6 In 1988, a
government report concluded that illegal farmers in Lahat were responsible for
deforesting 29,399 hectares (or about 18 percent) of the district's protected areas (see
Tempo 1990; Surapaty et al 1991)7 (table 11.2).
The environmental consequences have been locally and provincially significant.
Complaints from villagers at the foot of these mountains have grown in recent years.
In particular, villagers are noting formerly uncommon problems such as floods during
the rainy season and the lack of water in the dry season. Irregular water flow has
disrupted village life, bringing increased health problems, silting of the traditional
irrigation systems used for rice cultivation, and even some deaths (1991 Field Notes,
Tempo 1990).8 Soil erosion throughout the region appears to be clogging important
natural waterways. For example, provincial authorities noted that the Musi River, the
area's largest river, is rapidly silting-up, affecting both commercial water traffic, and
the river's fisheries (1989 Field Notes, Donner 1987).
The study, to date, has concentrated only on five southern kecamatans (subdistricts) within Lahat: Pagar Alam, Jarai, Kota Agung, Pulau Pinang, and
Tanjung Sakti. These were selected because: (1) their deforestation of protected
areas is relatively high and thus they have received considerable attention from
the government; (2) the people found in these kecamatans share a common
language, Pasermah4; (3) coffee is widely grown these; and (4) it is home to
many of the illegal farmers. Data is still being collected for this study, but
research teams have made field visits in July 1989, August 1990, January 1991,
and May 1991. Information has been collected from a number of sources. Indepth, conversational style, interviews with farmers, political officials, and
former traditional leaders have been conducted. Secondary data on population,
economics, agriculture, and forestry have been obtained from sub-district,
district, and provincial governmental agencies, including forestry departments,
development planning boards, statistical offices, trade associations; and from
published literature.5
3. For forest management purposes, Indonesia uses a classification system of
Conservation/National Parks; Protection Forest; Limited Production Forest; Continuous
Production Forest; and Conversion Forest. Percentage of forest protection area is based
on Lahat land area of 7,014.23 Km2 – Table 11.4.
4. There are three other languages in Lahat area: Lematang, Kikim, and Lintang (1991
Field Notes).
In a month-long operation from August 1990, government personnel with police
escorts used helicopters to forcibly remove all illegal farmers from these protected
forest areas including: Mount Dempo, Gumai Pasemah, Mount Patah, Isau-Isau
Pasemah, Isau-Isau Lematang Ulu, and at the mountains near Kota Agung. A number
of the farmers, along with a local official, were jailed. At a few locations coffee trees
and farmers' temporary houses were burned (Sriwijaya Post 1990ab; Tempo 1990;
5. We must note that due to the formality of the Indonesian government, all data collection
activities have to be formally approved and are monitored. Before field research begins,
colleagues at Sriwijaya University obtain written approval from the Provincial Governor in
Palembang. This written approval is hand-delivered to the Bupati (the administrative head of
District) in Lahat. After his approval, a representative of the district office, usually a planning
officer, accompanies the research team to the field. The accompanying official serves essential
functions as local guide and is a formal point of contact to local-level officials, which is
essential for obtaining their cooperation. Still, this official is present during all interviews and
may even participate in the discussion. Our sense is that the official did not significantly
influence the answers we obtained. Still, this possibility needs to be considered.
6. We are working with the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERRA) on
remote sensing applications to deforestation issues in South Sumatera. Much of this work is
under the Population–Environment Monitoring System (PEMS) program of the Population–
Environment Dynamics Project, The University of Michigan.
7. The 18% figure is based on the amount of protected area that existed prior to the 1982
expansion, 165,900 ha.
8. The Environment Research Center at Sriwijaya University with funding from the Ford
Foundation has been studying some of these consequences. See also Naning, M.I. et al. 1988.
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1991 Field Notes). This has frightened illegal farmers sufficiently to keep them
out of the mountains so far. In so far as the government is concerned, the era of
illegal coffee farming in Lahat has come to a close.9
Population Pressure Factors
TABLE 11.2 Protected Area Deforestation by Forest Name and Sub-district
(Unexpanded Area, 1988)
A critical issue of this research concerns the possible impact population pressures
may have had on the area's land resources, especially the forests. Increases in Lahat's
population size and density over time may have resulted in farmers eventually
overwhelming the available arable land for coffee and other types of cultivation.
Deforestation of the area's protected forests and nature reserves could be, then, the
result of farmers being forced to cultivate the steeper slopes of the protected areas,
possibly the only available lands left for cultivation. Indeed, support for this notion
comes from population data which compares Lahat to South Sumatera (table 11.3).
Numbers and Density
Table 11.3 clearly demonstrates the level of population increases for Lahat and
South Sumatera. From 1961 to 1990 Lahat increased from 310,035 individuals to
599,347, an increase of about 93 percent. During the same period, the South
Sumatera province grew from approximately 2.8 million to about 6.3 million, an
increase of about 125 percent. Although Lahat's population has nearly doubled over
the last thirty years, it rose considerably less than the average of all the districts. It is
not understood why this is the case.
Although population size is commonly linked with discussion about environmental
impacts, population density is a more useful indicator for gauging land pressure (table
11.4). It is quite clear that, after excluding the urban areas of Palembang and Pangkal
Pinang, Lahat is the second most densely populated district within South Sumatera.
This tends to support the possibility that farmers in search of new land were forced up
the mountains. A number of those interviewed indicated that farm land began
becoming noticeably scarce in the 1970s.10
Source: Lahat Regional Forestry Department
From this research there appear to be several factors that have encouraged
certain farmers to continue to illegally cultivate coffee in the protection forests.
They include: population density pressures from natural growth and inmigration; the coffee production cycle, including the traditional shifting
cultivation practices of local coffee farmers; inadequate protected area
management practices; and economic incentives created by changes in the
international coffee market.
9. These matters are delicate indeed. In 1989, violence broke out in which a number of
people were killed when governmental authorities and farmers clashed over, among other
issues, the removal of illegal farms from protected areas in Lampung Province (south of
South Sumatera) (1989, 1990 Field Notes).
Table 11.5 lists the population density of our study area in 1990, adjusted for the
land area under protection status. When the protected areas are subtracted from the
total land area, the population density of Lahat and our study area increased
Table 11.5 demonstrates that the sub-districts of Jarai and Pagar Alam are
relatively much more densely settled than the other sub-districts of the study area.
Jarai, at 315 people/square km (1990), is near the density of Bali in 1961 (320
people/square km) (Biro Pusat Statistik 1987), which is not an insignificant level. It is
important to point out, as well, that most of the protected area deforestation within
this study area is found in these two sub-districts.
10. It should be noted that there are no government or private plantations or other large land
holdings in the study area. Of course, the establishment of these types of land-uses would place
greater strain on remaining lands.
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In comparing the amount of deforestation, with the number of illegal farmers, with
the density levels (all by sub-district), a series of striking correlations emerge. When
evaluating sub-districts, those with low to high amounts of deforestation correspond
exactly to those with low to high numbers of illegal farmers, and again with those
with low to high population densities. These numbers are presented in Table 11.6. 11
The figures obviously suggest a strong relationship between population density and
Migration: Trans-migrants or Local Migrants
The existence of a relatively high population density, however, tells little about
how the area became that way or where the illegal farmers come from. In-migration
is a likely possibility. In addition to the natural rate of increase (i.e., population
growth resulting from number of births exceeding number of deaths) of 2.38 percent
per year, South Sumatera, including Lahat, has experienced significant in-migration.
The province has, for some time, been a major designation site for the government's
transmigration program (Romsan 1989; Whitten 1987). Romsan (1989:54) estimates
that between 1934 and 1988, 741,425 persons were relocated to South Sumatera from
Java and the other densely populated inner islands of Indonesia. Although most of
these families were sent to lowland areas, a number of trans-migrants were relocated
to areas within Kabupaten Lahat as well.
This influx of migrants may well be a possible source of illegal farmers. There are
stories throughout Indonesia of failed relocation projects, forcing the trans-migrants
to seek livelihoods elsewhere (Secrett 1986; Whitten 1987; Hanson 1981). There
have also been cases of trans-migrants invading the protected forests of Indonesia
(Whitten 1987 suggests it is a minor problem, while Secrett 1986 suggests it is
major). Romsan (1989; Romsan, per. comm. 1991) has found trans-migrants to be
important sources of forest destruction in some parts of South Sumatera. Table 11.7
shows the transmigration numbers for South Sumatera and Lahat from 1980 to 1987.
Table 11.7 shows that 31,928 or about 11 percent of the trans-migrants to South
Sumatera settled in Lahat. Although it only represents about 5.3 percent of Lahat's
total population in 1990, it is not an insignificant number. The arrival of thousands of
people needing land could have directly or indirectly encouraged the deforestation of
the area's protected forests. In addition, the greatest deforestation appears to have
occurred during this same time in the mid to late 1980's.
11. The only minor exception concerns the inverse order of density between the two lowest
sub-districts Pulau Pinang and Kota Agung. This slight anomaly, however, seems to have an
explanation. In Kota Agung residents and officials alike said that many farmers have not been
cultivating all of their land holdings. Instead, many have been "saving" parcels for future use.
Although physically more land exists, socially it is unavailable, as some farmers are
withholding parcels of land from production. Those interviewed considered the practice to be
selfish and inequitable, noting that some people didn't have land to farm. The result has been a
"defacto" increase in density, but the physical availability of the land would tend to decrease
the density in the actual figures.
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TABLE 11.7 Transmigration in South Sumatera and Lahat 1980–1987
(Number of People)
Source: Statistical Office of South Sumatera Province
Based upon the interviews with officials and farmers, however, it appears that
illegal farmers are not from ill-fated transmigration projects. Rather, the illegal
farmers tend to be local migrants, i.e., from other local areas (kecamatans or
sub-districts) within Lahat, from an adjacent Kabupaten, or from Bengkulu, a
neighboring province. This finding tends to support the conclusion of Whitten
(1987) rather than those of Secrett (1986) and Romsan (1989). It is likely,
however, that in-migration has indirectly encouraged protected area
deforestation by reducing the amount of unused arable land, as reflected in the
relatively high density rates.
According to the field research, there appear to be four different groups of
illegal coffee farmers in Lahat's protected areas:
1. Tanjung Sakti. Many illegal farmers are from this area. They are local
people from the Lahat District (from the Kecamatan Tanjung Sakti).
2. Semendo. These illegal farmers are from an adjacent kabupaten, Muara
Enim. They are then outsiders to the Lahat, but not to South Sumatera. They
have their own native land, but arable land is very limited. Many young
families are in search of new farms.
3. Manna. Outsiders to Lahat from Bengkulu, an adjacent province directly
west of South Sumatera. They share a common ancestry with the Pasemah
peoples centered in Pagar Alarn and believe they have some claim to the land
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4. Javanese/Sudanese . Only a relatively small number of illegal
farmers from Java. Those that are here are not from failed
transmigration projects, but have come in search of adventure or for
employment. They tend to serve as laborers for the more wealthy
local illegal farmers, such as the Tanjung Sakti.
The Semendo are traditionally rice farmers from the low lying subdistrict of Muara Enim. Their system of inheritance is "tunggu tubang",
in which the oldest daughter when married acquires the parent's
property. This arrangement forces the remaining family members to
find new agricultural land elsewhere. Some have found themselves
growing coffee in highland areas. The Manna are more traditional
coffee farmers (i.e., practicing farming as a way of life) and generally
farm a one to two hectare plot. The third and apparently largest group,
the Tanjung Sakti, are very aggressive farmers who cultivate coffee as
a short-term means to acquire wealth. Their goal is to save enough
money to move to the urban areas to pursue other occupations while
maintaining coffee farms in the hills. The Tanjung Sakti frequently
establish several farms and hire Javanese "interns" as tenant farmers to
occupy one site while they move on to establish another (Heydir et al.
1990; 1991 Field Notes).
There also appears to be a unique combination of illegal farmers in
each sub-district of the study area. Table 11.8 shows estimated
breakdown (by percentage) of illegal farmers by ethnic group (or home
area) in each kecamatan of the study area. From the interviews, it
appears that the arriving individuals sent home news of their success
which encouraged others to come (1991 Field Notes). This appears to
be particularly true of the Tanjung Sakti who tended to illegally farm
the wildlife reserve (Gumai Pasemah) north of the towns of Jarai and
Pagar Alarn.
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TABLE 11.8 Percentage of Illegal Farmers by Ethnic Group or Origin for Each
Study Area Sub-district
productivity, trees yield an average of two to three tons per hectare. After about eight
years, the coffee yield declines significantly. In anticipation of the decline, the
farmers move on to seek new land, thereby restating the cycle only after the third or
fourth year (1991 Field Notes; Heydir 1990:34).
The shifting cultivation cycle of coffee farmers is significant for at least four
reasons. First, established tradition makes opening up new land for cultivation an
understandable practice. Shifting cultivation can, of course, be a sustainable practice
under conditions of low population density (Dove 1985). It is also a behavior that
might not be easily changed. Second, because of the long lead time required to
establish new coffee crops, new land is opened ideally while other land is in
production. This type of cultivation practice obviously doubles the strain on land
resources. Third, farmers who practice shifting cultivation have traditionally had little
incentive to cultivate intensively which would ease the pressure on the land. Finally,
under conditions of growing population density, local farmers as well as newcomers
looking for land would most likely be pushed farther up the mountains in the
direction of protected forests, the only unoccupied lands left.
Protected Forest Management
Source: Field Notes 1991
Coffee Production Cycle: Shifting Cultivation
Coffee is not native to Indonesia. It was introduced by the Dutch colonialists
around 1699 as a cash crop (Heydir et al 1990) and in South Sumatera some
time later. Today, coffee is produced in 13 of Indonesia's 27 provinces. In 1989,
369,667 tons of coffee were produced nationwide with approximately two-thirds
of it exported, mostly to Japan (26 percent), Germany (23 percent), Netherlands
(16 percent), and the United States (11 percent) (Biro Pusat Statistik 1989).
Twenty-five percent of all Indonesian coffee comes from South Sumatera alone,
the most of any one province (Biro Pusat Statistik 1989). Within South
Sumatera, the District of Lahat supplies nearly sixty percent of the province's
coffee production (Coffee Exporters’ Association, Palembang; 1991 Field
Notes; Heydir et al 1990:4). In short, coffee is clearly an important crop in our
study area.
Protected area deforestation is likely caused, in part, by the way coffee is
produced. In Lahat, at least, coffee farmers have traditionally been shifting
cultivators. New ground is broken and coffee trees planted. Fruit is not harvested
until usually the third year. Harvesting takes place once a year, extended over
about a four month period, usually May through August. At their peak in
Because these forests are under a managerial regime, their invasion by farmers
obviously suggests an administrative failure of one sort or another. Of some
interest is the history of these forests. Far from being products of modem
conservation efforts, a significant part of these areas were established centuries
ago by local authority structures (marga) as forests to serve a combination of
woodstock reserves and watershed protection functions (Ayek Tulung) (1989,
1990, and 1991 Field Notes; Heydir et al. 1990; Brechin et al. 1990).
The Dutch Colonialists made their way to South Sumatera in 1859. In 1874
they initiated "Domein-Verklaring" in which all unclaimed land came under state
rule. Traditional marga systems, while under Dutch control, managed their own
lands, including forests. Although marga officials still actively helped regulate
their use, the Dutch in 1916 formally incorporated the marga forests with their
forest areas and collectively called them "Bosch-Wezen" or registered forests. In
1967 (after independence), the Indonesian government continued this
arrangement under Forestry Principle #5. As under the Dutch, the Pasirah or
marga head, with his council, regulated their forest use through traditional law or
"adat." This arrangement ended in 1983 when the marga system in South
Sumatera was completely dismantled by the central government and replaced
with the "desa" or village system. Presently the country's forests are under the
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Forestry and are administered in an hierarchical
manner from the central government to province to district level.
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From the research, it seems that under national government control, the
managerial regime existed mostly on paper, lines on maps with little actual
initial enforcement. Whitten 1987 found the same for other parts of Indonesia as
well. Government control of protected area boundaries became a post-hoc
matter, years after they were initially invaded. It appears the forests were more
tightly controlled under Dutch rule. There are reports that illegal farmers were
shot occasionally (Heydir et al. 1990). With national independence, after World
War II, the level of supervision of forests fell dramatically due to tight budgets
and limited personnel. It was reported that during the 1970's the level of forest
supervision became even weaker. Even today there is also, on average, only one
forester for every three kecamatans (1991 Field Notes).
waves throughout the international coffee markets. For Indonesian coffee farmers the
domestic price differential between coffee and rice rose to 53:1 in 1977 (1991 Field
Notes).14 Figure 11.3 shows coffee and rice prices, as well as coffee production levels
over time. The decline in coffee's advantage over rice reached its lowest mark in at
least fifteen years in 1987.
Unlike the Dutch foresters, the Indonesian foresters in Lahat today, except for
a special police force, are unarmed. They also have no vehicles, i.e., they are
completely on foot, and walk alone through the forests. Their tasks in the
protection and other non-commercial forests are to observe local situations and
report boundary violations to their forestry superiors at the district level (1991
Field Notes). Under this system, sub-district administrative officials, including
the head (Camat), have no direct authority over the local forestry officials or
their activities12 (1991 Field Notes). There are obvious drawbacks to this
supervisory system, including the lack of coverage, but also the creation of an
atmosphere of intimidation and corruption which is discussed later.
Economic Factors: Coffee Prices
For farmers, coffee has been a relatively lucrative cash crop. And most coffee
farmers are considered fairly wealthy by local standards. Until recently, coffee
generally held a 7:1 to 13:1 domestic price advantage over paddy rice, a major
staple crop.13 In 1976 and 1977, however, the price of coffee skyrocketed due to
coffee crop failures in Brazil (1991 Field Notes; per. comm. National Coffee
Association, New York 1991; and deGraaff 1986). This created a price shock
12. One Camat we interviewed complained about his lack of control over forestry
officials. He noted that sub-district officials have nothing to say about where they or what
they do. He complained that it was 8 months after he arrived as the new Camat before he
met the local forestry official (1991 Field Notes).
13. This information is from South Sumatera Commerce Department, the Lahat
Statistical Office; and Coffee Exporters’ Association, Palembang. Prices were in Rupiah
per Kilogram.
14. The numbers presented above are based upon national-level data collected on
coffee and rice prices noted above from the South Sumatera Commerce Department.
Although no hard figures were collected from the field, local farmers and officials
consistently noted a 10:1 coffee price advantage over rice. This probably reflects local
price paid to farmers as opposed to the number presented in Figure 11.1 (1991 Field
Notes; Heydir et al, 1990).
In summary, the protected area deforestation within the study area appears to have
been the result of a complicated set of factors, including population density pressures,
the coffee production cycle, inadequate protected area enforcement, and a rise in
international coffee prices.
The illegal farmers responsible for this deforestation tended to be local migrants,
who were lured to the protected forests by the usually high price for coffee, caused by
a series of severe frosts in Brazil during the mid-1970s. They were not members of
unsuccessful transmigration projects. As local lands were occupied, the protected
forests were in effect the only lands available for cultivation. The farmers' entry into
the protected forests was facilitated by the initial lack of boundary enforcement from
forestry officials, a little corruption, and some confusion as to the precise location of
the boundaries.
This study found two groups of illegal farmers. In fact there are many more
families within the second group than the first. The first group is those who more or
less purposefully invaded the protected forests to cultivate coffee; these have been the
focus of the study. The second and much larger group is the farmers whose holdings
became illegal as a consequence of the government's 1982 decision to substantially
expand the size of many protected areas by redrawing boundaries. Thus, a distant
governmental decision has transformed many rural families into illegal occupants of
state owned protected areas.
The second group is noteworthy for several reasons. Most important, the
government, by its efforts to correct perceived deficiencies in its conservation
program, has unwittingly but significantly increased the population density of the
region by decreasing the amount of available land. This has greatly complicated the
situation and will make solutions that much more difficult to achieve. Second, in its
treatment of the matter, the government is making little distinction between the two
groups of illegal farmers.
Of considerable interest is the fact that the protected areas under central
government control were deforested first. Although all protected forest areas were
technically under the control of the Ministry of Forestry, many of the areas included
former marga forests which effectively remained under the local control of the marga
head, Pasirah and regulated by "adat" or customary law. Local control of the forest
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areas seems to have been quite effective up until the traditional marga system
was dismantled entirely in 1983 (1989, 1990, 1991 Field Notes; Romsan 1989;
Heydir et al. 1990; Poffenberger 1990a). After 1983, farmers began to invade
these parts of the protected forests as well (1991 Field Notes).
From a farmer's perspective, the uncertainty regarding the precise location of
the areas' boundaries has further complicated the situation. Many markers are
missing or have been moved numerous times, both legally and illegally, to the
point that no one is certain of the boundaries' correct location. In some cases, it
was noted that certain forestry officials had changed boundary markers for a
price. Even more honest forestry officials, however, would be powerless to stop
a large influx of farmers into the forests. In short, an unarmed, solitarily forester
on foot is no match for a group of machete-wielding farmers. In one area there
are reports of collusion among local government officials who sold protected
land to unsuspecting farmers eager to grow coffee. This greatly complicated the
situation with illegal farmers being able to provide documents of ownership
(Tempo 1990; 1991 Field Notes). Also of interest, several officials commented
that enforcement of the protected area seemed to lessen precisely at the time the
coffee prices rose dramatically (1991 Field Notes). This may only be
coincidence or the result of more conscious action by powerful figures in more
central positions with economic ties to coffee markets. In a similar vein,
corrective action is presently taking place at time when coffee's price advantage
over other crops such as rice is at a fifteen year low point (fig. 11.3).
It seems that since independence in 1945, the protected forests of South
Sumatera have undergone three expansions: in 1971, 1975, and 1982. A fourth
change took place in 1986, but it only reorganized the classification of existing
protected areas, new areas were not added. Significant change occurred in 1982.
This was the result of a decision to change the criteria used for defining
protected areas and determining their classification (1991 Field Notes). The
former criteria consisted of forests with elevation greater than 700 meters and
slope of 45 percent or greater. The new criteria was a formula which took into
account slope, soil type, and rainfall.15 The result was nearly a 350 percent
increase (from 1,562,783 to 5,214,700 hectares) in the size of protected areas in
South Sumatera. Many villages and residents are now technically illegal
occupation and are expected to be relocated. In Lahat, it appears the amount of
protected forests increased from approximately 165,000 to 290,600 hectares, an
increase of about 76 percent (Lahat Forestry Department; Surapaty et al. 1991).
15. The formula was (Slope x 20 + Soil x 15 + Rainfall x 10). Total score determined
type of area. For example a total score of 175 + = protection forests; 124-174 = limited
production forests; < 124 = production forests (South Sumatera Provincial Forestry
Department, Palembang).
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In attempting to understand the relationships between population and
environment from the case study, each of the four factors (population density;
coffee production cycle; conservation management practices; and rising coffee
prices) appear to have collectively contributed to the deforestation. The most
powerful factor, however, in determining the amount of deforestation seems to
be population density. As was noted above in table 11.6, the most densely
populated areas were the sites of greatest deforestation.
the effectiveness of the marga system. These may be so ingrained in everyday life as
to be extremely difficult to change without creating other problems. Clearly, though,
effective state policies and implementation could have greatly reduced the impact of
the exogenous influence of market forces and the movement of people. But from a
population perspective, given the uniform lack of enforcement across the study area,
the increased land pressure through population increases, as reflected in density,
certainly appears to be the single most powerful factor in determining the amount of
deforestation in each sub-district of the study site (table 11.6).17
The four factors, however, are interrelated. For example, the high population
density surrounding the protected region encouraged farmers to seek out the
protected forests as the only remaining unoccupied lands. However, these
farmers could have been stopped from entering the forests given better resource
management efforts. The lack of a substantive conservation management regime
allowed farmers unimpeded access to the forests, at least initially. This may help
explain why population density appears to be highly correlated with the amount
of deforestation. More effective boundary enforcement may have forced some
other dynamic. The fact the marga forests remained intact when the marga
system was operating while the state-regulated protected forests were invaded
suggests that certain control mechanisms might have worked.16
Similarly, the dramatic rise in coffee prices alone is an insufficient cause.
Coffee prices created tremendous incentives for cultivation. Again, this became
a factor due to the lack of alternative arable lands, and was compounded by the
tradition of shifting cultivation among the coffee growers and the weak
enforcement structures. The increase in demand for more coffee cultivation
might have been met by utilizing unused agricultural lands or intensified use of
existing lands. A host of other likely scenarios could be conjured up using
different dimensions of these same factors.
From the case study, it is obvious that the relationships between population
and environment must consider the impact of other variables. The dynamic is
not unilaterally determined. Rather, it is actually the result of the confluence of a
number of factors occurring at different scales and at different times. For
example, the poor weather that destroyed much of the coffee crop in several
high production states in Brazil contributed to the deforestation of specific
protected areas in Southeast Asia. The obvious link is international market
mechanisms. Other factors may be more controllable, such as the character and
effectiveness of state conservation management policy. Other factors may
depend on local customs, such as the shifting cultivation of coffee farmers and
16. In many situations within developing countries, resource management problems
seem to develop when e resource control responsibilities are shifted from local to state
levels. The effectiveness of some local institutions in regulating forestry use in
developing countries has become well documented (Uphoff 1986; Brokensha and Riley
Possible Policy Directions
It is difficult to predict what will happen to the farmers and forests of Lahat. The
future will be determined, in large part, by the implementation of specific
governmental policies.
The main policy currently being pursued by the government is the relocation of
illegal farmers. This includes both types of illegal farmers discussed above. Here
illegal farmers include those individuals who were the subject of our investigation
and those villagers who are now considered illegal because of the government's
decision to expand the boundaries of protected areas. 1,167 families (or 4,720
individuals) are in this group (Surapaty et al 1991; 1989, 1990, 1991 Field Notes).
Because of the number of families involved and the lack of suitable relocation sites,
however, it is unlikely this program will be very successful. Little concrete action has
been taken so far due to the lack of capital and alternative lands. 18
In the summer of 1991 most of these illegal farmers were biding their time in the
local towns such as Pagar Alam, and harvesting existing crops. The government has
agreed to allow illegal farmers to harvest the 1991 crop only if they don't clear any
additional land. After this harvest, they are not to return to the protected areas
(Tempo 1990; 1991 Field Notes). They are also waiting to see if the whole affair will
blow over so they can return to their lucrative enterprise. Thus, this may be only a
hiatus in the deforestation of Lahat's protected areas. Relocation by itself is not the
answer to the problem. The government has yet to institute any changes in regard to
its resource management policies. It appears content with using dramatic means when
it becomes necessary to enforce protected area boundaries, some time after they have
been violated.
17. This is supported by the data collected so far from four sub-districts within the study site.
Obviously more data from similar additional sites, which would allow for statistical tests, are
required before we could confidently substantiate this claim.
18. One exception is the village of Semidang Alas (Kecamatan Pagar Alam). Villagers are
presently being relocated to a site at lower elevation, called Padang Muara Dua. The site is one
of only a handful of unoccupied lands left in the District (government owned). At 650 hectares
the site will provide land for about 200–250 families, which is slightly more than the present
size of Semidang Alas. At a lower elevation within Lahat, the soil and climate are not ideal for
coffee. They will be required to cultivate rubber trees, a crop with which they have no
experience, nor is it a crop as financially lucrative as coffee (Heydir et al. 1990).
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Clearly if the government is to respond effectively to issues involving
population–environment relationships, a more integrated, or at least
comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach is required. Piecemeal solutions to
complex, interrelated problems will likely succeed only in creating more
problems. Likewise a more integrated monitoring system is required to observe
the rnany varied connections that compose this affair. Some elements of a
comprehensive policy could consist of the following:
Revised Conservation Protection Policies and Administration
As was discussed in the chapter above, one of the main reasons for the
invasion of protected forests was the lack of immediate control over their
boundaries. Consequently, tighter control over important forest areas is
desperately needed to eliminate similar problems in the future. This is especially
true for those farmers who illegally invaded the forests at the higher elevations
to plant coffee on the steeper slopes, and, as a result, caused most of the
environmental damage. More personnel, better equipped and supervised, would
be an important first step to implementing such a policy. Another option would
be to return control of forests to more traditional governmental systems. Before
they were dismantled, the margas were fairly effective in regulating forest use.
Empowering traditional governmental authorities with local resource
management responsibilities is an option that is gaining some support in the
recent resource management literature (Poffenberger 1990a; Brokensha & Riley
1989; and Uphoff 1986). Although this type of action would presently contradict
existing government policies, we believe it could be quite fruitful for the
government environmental protection efforts. By finding ways to resurrect
selected traditional enforcement structures and integration them with the new
national governmental structures could possible create more effective regulatory
There may be a need to simultaneously revise existing conservation policies
that require the automatic removal of resident people from protected areas. This
refers specifically to the class of farmers declared illegal due to the expansion of
protected area boundaries. This concern ties in with the relocation option
discussed below. Instead of automatically removing residents, perhaps other
options could be initiated that would help to achieve the conservation objective
but not require moving large numbers of people. Various alternatives that
regulate certain land uses or initiate preventative measures may be far more
appropriate, especially when alternative lands are scarce (West and Brechin
1991b.) Conservation zones, for example, are widely used throughout the world.
In addition, perhaps certain types of agroforestry practices could be established
to help encourage more sound and sustainable agricultural activities. This would
require substantial changes in the way the Ministry of Forestry is presently
pursuing forestry practices in South Sumatera.19
19. See Poffenberger 1990bc; and Peluso and Poffenberger 1989 for examples of
alternative approaches.
Reforestation Activities
As of yet, the government has failed to initiate any program to reforest the
damaged protected areas. Flooding and silting of irrigation systems will
undoubtedly continue in some form for some time to come, especially in
those areas where coffee trees have been destroyed. The government should
take active steps to replant trees where needed and to stabilize soil and water
resources of the region. An opportunity exists to constructively include local
people in these useful conservation activities (see Dani and Campbell 1986).
Population Control
Although Indonesia in general remains a model of effective population
control through voluntary family planning programs, rural South Sumatera's
fertility rate still remains relatively high. Presently South Sumatera has a
growth rate of 3.09 compared with an average of 1.98 for all of Indonesia
(Biro Pusat Statistik 1990). More active population programs in this region
can be beneficial in reducing the population dimension of future population–
environment relationships in the region. This suggests policies geared toward:
(1) limiting fertility through family planning programs; (2) limiting inmigration to the area; or (3) relocating some farmers to less densely populated
areas if appropriate areas can be found. If relocation is to be pursued and
equity maintained, effort will be required to make important distinctions
among the two types of illegal farmers.
Agricultural Intensification
On a positive note the government, as part of its general development
program, is promoting intensive cultivation practices throughout Indonesia. In
Lahat, there appears to be some limited success with coffee. Of course, with
little in the way of alternative land resources, most coffee farmers have been
forced to stop their more traditional practice of shifting cultivation. In one
community, the village head has been actively working with other local
farmers and encouraging them to cultivate intensively by using coffee plant
waste as fertilizer (1991 Field Notes). To be more effective, however,
agricultural intensification needs greater local emphasis, with special
attention to coffee cultivation.
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Creation of Economic Alternatives
Given the relatively high density of the rural highlands, another option would
be to create greater economic opportunities in the urban areas and sectors. Urban
pull may help to draw excess populations from the hinterlands where they
practice unsustainable agriculture because they are forced to cultivate the more
marginal lands. Another option would be to pursue the development of
alternative but equally lucrative crops that could be grown in the less-denselypopulated lowland areas. This last option usually requires the development of
infrastructure, such as roads, as well as markets. Both options are difficult and
would have to be included as part of larger development agendas.
West and Brechin (1991b) in their review of parks and people issues note that
relocating residents from protected areas should be an option of last resort. In
many countries relocation tends to be the first and only option considered. In
locations where population density is relatively high and pressure on existing
land severe, relocation is likely to only substitute one set of problems for
another. This would probably be the case in Lahat. Unless the authorities are
prepared to move the illegal residents outside the district, relocating several
thousand farm families successfully to alternative sites nearby will be extremely
difficult because of the lack of available land.
If it becomes necessary to determine who should remain and who should go,
authorities may want to review carefully the characteristics of the various groups
of illegal farmers may be classified as "intentional" and "inadvertent." In
addition, there are important differences among the intentional group. Some are
impoverished people who out of necessity farm one to two hectare plots for
subsistence. By contrast, most of the environmental destruction caused by the
intentional group came from commercially oriented farmers who frequently
cultivated several plots of two to three hectares for profit. Greater compassion
should also be directed toward those farmers who are inadvertent victims of
changes in resource management regimes and for those who are truly
Finally, several important governmental officials expressed the need to more
strongly regulate the movement of local migrants (i.e., that by individuals and
families within the same district which is not recorded presently) (1991 Field
Notes). It was their feeling that the problem of illegal farmers stemmed largely
from the government's inability to control the movement of its citizens.
Although there is a logic to their thinking, the problem of illegal farmers could
have been managed without reducing further the personal liberties of its citizens
through, among other things, more sophisticated resource management
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personnel and practices. In addition to the preservation of personal freedoms, a
stronger resource management administrative system could provide other benefits as
well. Such a system would be in a better position to re-weave conservation practices
into everyday village life, sustaining productive livelihoods for future generations. It
would also reduce the occurrence of serious environmental problems and destruction.
In addition, if conservation measures could be adopted by more rural people, the need
for drastic measures, including arrests and relocation and the expense (social, fiscal,
administrative, and environmental) that it entails could be avoided for the greater
benefit of all.