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1991, The University of Chicago Press
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IJMES, 2024
The Ottoman state and the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople during the mid-19th-century Tanzimat reform era relied on ethno-confessional and gendered differences, new administrative organization, and coercive institutions like the police to centralize and expand their power. Yet Armenian men and women used those same tools of power to seek justice in ways that created instances of disorder for their families, local community, the church, and the Ottoman state. Attending to the voices and experiences of Armenians through untapped petitions from Erzurum, Mush, and Van, this article highlights the ways in which provincial Armenians interacted with and navigated their diverse ethnoconfessional milieus.
In new aspects at different computing environment as a worthy new direction for computer architecture research: personal mobile computing, where portable devices are used for visual computing and personal communications tasks. Such a device supports in an integrated fashion all the functions provided today by a portable computer, a cellular phone, a digital camera and a video game. The requirements placed on the processor in this environment are energy efficiency, high performance for multimedia and DSP functions, and area efficient, scalable designs. We examine the architectures that were recently proposed for billion transistor microprocessors. While they are very promising for the stationary desktop and server workloads, we discover that most of them are unable to meet the challenges of the new environment and provide the necessary enhancements for multimedia applications running on portable
Esta guía define y utiliza el formato definido para los artículos completos de investigación a presentar en la revista de divulgación científica investigación VÍA INNOVA, en su tercera edición en la ciudad de Ibagué. Por tanto, se recomienda su uso como plantilla, ya que recoge todas las características exigidas para la publicación del artículo.
teoria pura del derecho mi favorito
African Journal of Rural Development, 2023
This study determined timber volume and timber value recovery of different plantation sawmill technologies. Data were collected from four sawmills in three forest plantation clusters. A two-way ANOVA was used to test the difference in performance between sawmill technologies and the combined effect of sawmill type and log diameter on performance. Sawmill technology significantly (p < 0.05) affected timber volume recovery and value recovery. The medium band sawmill had both the highest volume recovery (43%) and value recovery (209,700 UGX/m3) whereas the mobile circular sawmill had both the lowest volume recovery (26%) and value recovery (90,000 UGX/m3). The interaction effect of sawmill technology and log diameter significantly (p < 0.05) affected timber volume and value recovery. Mean timber volume recovery of sampled sawmills was 32% while value recovery was 123,800 UGX/m3. Studies on effect of market demands and sawyer's skills on volume, value and throughput and how they can be optimized to improve profitability and sustainability of the resource are recommended.
Revolutionary Russia , 2018
Review of Michael David Fox (ed.) 'The Soviet Gulag: Evidence, Interpretation, and Comparison (2016). This review appeared in the journal Revolutionary Russia in 2018.
La bobina primaria es una bobina plana de Arquímedes, también puede ser helicoidal. Esta bobina tiene su propia reactancia inductiva determinada por la frecuencia que crea el explosor , la resonancia a esta frecuencia induce una tensión en la bobina secundaria debido a su proximidad.
A continuación deberá subir la actividad de MODELO DE NEGOCIOS que realizó en el Módulo 2 "Como hacer un plan de negocios", de este Programa de Incubación en Línea. Puede subir la actividad que había realizado previamente en PDF o puede descargar el archivo actual en Word, guardarlo después de llenarlo debidamente y subirlo.
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International law and the Cold War, 2019
Páginas de Filosofía, 1997
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, 2023
Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, 2009
Mitochondrial DNA Part B
Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 2008
Journal of Nutrition, 2007
Revista Economica, 2013
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020