Vol. 21, No. 1-2, January – February 2019, p. 74-92
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review
Laboratory of Energy, Mechanical and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of M'hamed Bougara
(UMBB), Independance Avenue, 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria
Université Paris-Est, CERTES, IUT de Sénart-Fontainebleau, 36 rue Georges Charpak, 77567 Lieusaint, France
Photovoltaic cells are considered as one of the most critical components in photovoltaic systems for they convert the
sunlight photons into electricity. However defects on the surface of the photovoltaic cells have a detrimental effect on them.
Thus, research focuses on one hand on the degradation caused by the cracks namely on their impacts on the efficiency of
photovoltaic modules and on the other hand on the techniques which are used to spot them. The main objective of this
review is to inquire on the impact of the microcracks on the electrical performance of silicon solar cells and to list the most
used detection techniques of cracks.
(Received July 9, 2018; accepted February 12, 2019)
Keywords: Photovoltaic module, Crystalline silicon cell, Cracks, Degradation, Crack detection
1. Introduction
Renewable energy sources are a viable alternative for
clean energy production. Among these sources, solar
photovoltaic energy has been the most vastly used and the
most developed one for the last decade. According to the
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), 94
GW of photovoltaic capacity was installed in 2017 [1].
Under this leap of production, a large number of
photovoltaic technologies are commercialized such as
crystalline silicon, amorphous silicon and other thin film
technologies like cadmium telluride (CdTe), copperindium-selenide (CIS) and copper-indium-gallium
diselenide (CIGS) cells. Crystalline silicon solar cell
technology is at present broadly utilized in photovoltaic
installations given that single crystalline silicon solar cells
have a high conversion efficiency. The latter was
measured at 25% under 1 kW/m2 irradiance with AM1.5
spectrum at 25°C [2]. This technology is followed by
polycrystalline cells which are simple to manufacture and
less expensive but with lower efficiencies in the magnitude
of 20% [3]. For the thin film technology, the most popular
cells are the amorphous silicon (a-Si) solar cells with a
conversion efficiency of around 12% in laboratory [2] and
5-7% under outdoor conditions [4]. It should be noted that
the conversion efficiency for the CdTe technology is
beyond 20% [2,5] and has lately been reported at 22% [6].
Each of these technologies suffers from performance
degradation caused by the aging and the deterioration of
the constitutive materials under operating conditions. The
degradation of the photovoltaic modules and their
reliability in field conditions have been a major research
topic since the 1970s and had first been handled in the
framework of the Flat Plate Solar Array project sponsored
by the American energy department [6,7].
The degradation is defined as a gradual deterioration
of the characteristics of a component or of a system which
may affect its ability to operate within the limits of an
acceptability criteria and which is aroused by the operating
conditions [8]. The most frequent photovoltaic module
degradation modes are:
– Delamination;
– Bubbles;
– Cracks in the cell;
– Defects in the anti-reflective coating;
– Burnt cells.
Scientific research has been focusing over the last
decades on cracking in silicon solar cells and wafers, one
of the predominant identified degradations of the
crystalline silicon modules according to the NREL [8,9].
Cracks may develop at different stages of the lifetime of
the module especially during manufacturing as the
soldering induces high stresses into the solar cells [10–12].
Vibrations during transport while handling can lead to
cracks or equally to expanding them [13,14].
There are three distinct sources of cracks during
manufacturing. The most common one is when the
residual stress pulled in by the soldering process induces
cracks starting from the cell interconnect ribbon [15].
Cracks are indeed frequently located at the end or at the
starting point of the connectors where the residual stress is
the highest. Secondly, the cracks may be initiated by the
needles which press on the wafers when in production.
Finally, the bouncing of photovoltaic cells against a hard
object while in the manufacturing process frequently
engenders cracks commencing at the edge of the cell.
Owing to the remarkable technological progress at the
material level, the photovoltaic industry has been
experiencing a very rapid development. The size of the
solar cells has been reduced for the last 15 years to lower
their costs [16]. The thickness of the solar cells has been
decreased from 300 µm to less than 150 µm or even to
under 100 µm on production lines and at the same time
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review
their surface has been raised to 210 mm × 210 mm. These
changes have rendered the cells more brittle and
susceptible to fracture while handling, storage and
lamination of the module [15–17]. In parallel to this
development, effective means to detect faults would be
worth elaborating to carry out reliable and cost-effective
inspections to avoid cellular defects.
The cracking problem has now become crucial as
before the years 2000, it was not considered as a
quantitative indicator for evaluating the quality of
photovoltaic modules. To ensure the reliability of the
manufactured cells, laboratory tests with guidance from
field experience are performed such as [19]:
Extending the time or cycles of the same tests
used in the qualification test sequence;
Increasing/decreasing the acceleration factors in
the same tests used in the qualification test sequence;
Combining stresses during testing;
Using different accelerated stresses that are not
included in the qualification tests which may be indicated
from field results.
Using accelerated stress tests to precondition
modules for outdoor exposure.
Complementary tests like snow tests and artificial
aging in laboratory using the electroluminescence
technique for characterization revealed that microcracking
of solar cells can lead to large electrically disconnected
cell areas [20], with up to 16% of power loss [21].
In addition to laboratory tests on single panels, published
field data disclosed that microcracked cells have nonconstant current-voltage characteristics in time and an
undesirable increase of the operating temperature [22].
The present article is a literature review on the origins
and the characteristics of cracks in photovoltaic modules
and wafers. It also provides an indepth note on the
commonly used detection techniques for silicon solar cells.
The impact of the cracks on the performance of a
photovoltaic array and the different approaches to detect
their presence are described. Thereafter, the outcomes of
the studies and the various detection techniques are
discussed with some solutions.
The article is organized as follows. First, a description
of a classical silicon photovoltaic cell is done. Then, the
origins, the causes of appearance and the classification of
cracks within a silicon photovoltaic cell are explained.
Next, the methods used by researchers to reproduce cracks
and study their behaviours under different tests are given.
The consequences on the electrical characteristics of a
photovoltaic module are shown. Finally, before summing
up the work, the main techniques employed to detect the
microcracks are depicted with a comparison.
material, generally a tedlar/aluminium/tedlar stack acting
as a conductor. The two following layers are the doped
semiconductor materials. For a silicon cell doped with
bore and phosphorus, the L2 layer p-type doped has a
deficit of electrons, while the L3 one n-type doped has an
excess of electrons. An electrical field and a difference of
potential are induced in the contact zone of both these
layers. The exposure of the semiconductor junction to
solar radiations creates an excess of electrical charges for
both the layers enabling to separate the positive charges
from the negative ones. The grid L4b is placed in contact
with the semiconductor surface. The grid is made of metal
and functions as an electron collector and conductor. The
anti-reflective layer L4a aims at maximizing the light that
reaches the active region of the cell. The materials used
are silicon dioxide and silicon nitride with cone or
pyramid texture. The last layer L5 protects the cell with an
encapsulation made either with glass or a polymer or both.
Fig. 1. Structure of a solar cell [23]
A solar cell is represented by an equivalent circuit
composed of a current source (Iph), a diode (D), a
shunt/parallel resistance (Rsh) and a series resistance (Rs)
as depicted in Fig. 2. The basic idea is to consider the
photovoltaic effect as a source of a photogenerated current
due to the movement of electrons and holes in the PN
junction. The recombinations in the PN junction are
modelled with one or two diodes [22].
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit for a solar cell [22]
2. Description of a silicon photovoltaic
Photovoltaic modules are multilayer systems as
depicted in Fig. 1. The first layer L1 is the back contact in
other words the backsheet, which includes a metal
Equation (1) gives the current-voltage response of a
photovoltaic module with silicon cells connected in series
A. Ennemri, P. O. Logerais, M. Balistrou, J. F. Durastanti, I. Belaidi
V R s .I
I I ph I s exp n
a .k .T
V R .I
1 n
n is the number of cells,
I ph , I s and I are the photogenerated current, the
saturation current and the module terminal current
respectively (A),
V is the module terminal voltage V ,
Rs and Rp are the series resistance and the parallel
resistance respectively
a is the diode quality factor for polycrystalline silicon
k is the Boltzmann’s constant
1.3806503 1023 J K ,
T is the ambient temperature K .
3. Cracking in photovoltaic modules
The cracks in the photovoltaic cells may emerge
during the transportation or the installation of panels and
also under particular operating conditions such as snow
loads, strong winds and hailstorms [23–25].
Cracks can be observed at the start and at the end of
the busbars, along them and on the surface of the cell
[20,26]. They can have distinct sizes and orientations in a
photovoltaic solar cell. They are categorized as
microcracks when the size is inferior to 30 µm in width
and as macrocracks when the critical length of 1 cm is
reached [27]. They can also be classified according to their
relative orientations regarding the busbar: parallel,
perpendicular, dendritic or with several directions. The
cracks open at the surface of a silicon wafer are reported
as facial cracks, whereas when they extend or spread down
towards the deepness of a wafer, they are called sub-facial
In field applications or during transportation,
photovoltaic modules can be submitted to high
temperatures, mechanical loads or other constraints, all of
which prompt the appearance of cracks [28]. In the
framework of laboratory tests, the cracks are introduced by
diverse methods. The most prevalent means to reproduce
cracks is the mechanical load test described in the IEC
61215 10.16 standards [29] which is useful to determine
the ability of a unit to withstand stresses due to wind or
static loads of snow or ice. A load corresponding to 2400
Pa is gradually applied to the front of the module to
simulate a wind pressure of 130 km/h (approximately
± 800 Pa) with a safety factor of 3 for evenly distributed
gusty winds. The load can be obtained pneumatically or by
means of a weight covering the entire surface. In the latter
case, the module must be mounted horizontally. If the
module has to be qualified to withstand heavy
accumulations of snow and ice, the load applied to the
front of the module during the last cycle of this test is
elevated, from 2400 Pa to 5400 Pa.
There exists as well the hail test to give an indication
of the state of the photovoltaic modules when subjected to
the impact of hailstones. This test is carried out by using
suitable moulds for the casting of spherical ice balls of the
required diameter for the projection with a determined test
speed. A launcher capable of propelling an ice ball at the
precise velocity is employed so as to hit the module within
the designed impact location. The path of the ice ball from
the launcher to the module may be horizontal, vertical or
at any intermediate angle. The standard diameter used is of
25 mm with a test speed of 23 m.s-1 but other diameters
can be specified for special environments [29].
Moreover, there are tests where the load is applied per
specimen called strength testing or four point bending. For
the latter case, four point flexure devices are put to use to
check out the wafer and the cell. They contain two
bandings beam / rolls with two adjustable compression
dies which can be used with a load. The test specimens are
supported by two rolls at their bottom side and are loaded
by two rolls on their top side [26,30].
Lastly, to create pre-existing cracks and study their
evolution depending on the imposed flexure, moderate
impacts were made with Poly Methyl Methacrylate
(PMMA) balls of 4 cm diameter at a velocity of 6 m/s
[31]. This way, cracks are introduced by an indentation
4. Behaviour of cells and cracks under
different tests
The cell cracks present in a photovoltaic module may
spread in width and in length in the course of a functioning
owing to mechanical and thermal stress. The consequences
of applying tests reproducing the apparition and the
development of cracks are analyzed here.
4.1. Mechanical load test
In the study of Kajari-Schröder et al., the standard
IEC 61215 10.16 test was applied to 27 photovoltaic
modules, the highest load being a 5400 Pa pressure [20].
The setup uses 5×3 suction cups uniformly distributed
over the photovoltaic module to apply the push and the
pull load. EL images were taken before and after the
mechanical load test. The comparison of the two images
highlights that 41% of the cells are cracked after the
mechanical load test and that the distribution is as follows:
1% of the cracked cells broke perpendicular to
the busbars which is the orientation giving the nominal
risk of electrically separated cell area,
14% have dendritic cracks,
15% show several cracking directions,
20% have cracks with diagonal directions,
50% of the cracked cells have an orientation
parallel to the busbars, which is the orientation of the
greatest electrically separated cell area.
Another analysis of the criticality of the cracks formed
during a uniform load test for determining the potentially
separated cell area of these cracks revealed that cracks
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review
parallel to the busbars frequently have a risk of separating
cell areas within 16 to 25% [32].
Two distinct types of dark areas appeared in the
electroluminescence (EL) images of silicon based solar
cells after these tests: the irregular shaped areas represent
cracks on silicon wafers and regular rectangular shaped
areas stand for cracked or broken fingers on the front grid
4.2. Strength testing
This method is used for examining both the strength
of silicon wafers and silicon solar cells. The four point
bending setup is most commonly employed for testing
wafer strength. It loads homogeneously a large area by
uniaxial bending moments including the surface and the
edges of the sample. The results display that the layered
structure can be considered having only a minor influence
on the stiffness and on the stress distribution of the solar
cells compared to a pure silicon wafer [34]. The strength
of solar cells strongly relies on the loading direction
caused by the metallization structure. For current standard
solar cells, the sunny side evinces no influence on the
loading direction. Otherwise, the backside exhibits
different strengths depending on the loading direction.
Concerning the crack development within the solar cell
layers, the sunny side in tensile stress shows many more
cracks compared to the backside in tensile stress.
Nevertheless, the entire cell is not separated on all its
thickness including the metallization. On the backside,
higher fracture stresses occasioned the appearance of
cracks related to the loading direction.
silicon wafer caused the disconnection of some fingers in
the soldered cell [35]. Silicon has approximately a six time
lower coefficient of thermal expansion compared to
copper. It is then contracted, and the tin which has wicked
along the finger is pulled back and upwards towards the
copper ribbon. These factors create a crack.
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of a poorly
welded cell revealed that the solder melts the ribbon for a
certain distance along the fingers during welding which is
an indication of over-soldering. The microcrack that is
formed in the solder disconnects entirely the finger of the
bar. Such a crack is susceptible to get widened during
thermal cycling to totally disconnecting the metal finger
[33]. The thermal fatigue has an impact along the grain
boundary of the welding on the interconnection between
the soldering copper and the silver metallization [26].
Fig. 3 illustrates some cracks for samples subjected to
various accelerated stresses.
4.3. Humidity-freeze test
Photovoltaic modules are subjected to temperature
cycles between 85°C and -40°C with relative humidity of
85% (according to IEC 61215) for this test used to check
the coating resistance regarding the formation of cracks or
the delamination due to heat in combination with
humidity. After 200 humidity-freeze cycles, 29% of the
cracked cells are degraded and only 7% of them develop
an electrically disconnected cell area [32]. This separated
area is in most cases lower than the threshold to affect the
power output of the photovoltaic module. The results of
this study also proved that about 40% of the cells are
degraded with multiple crack orientations and 33% with
parallel directions. A criticality analysis of these cracks
pointed out that the probability of a part being electrically
separated or degraded after an accelerated aging test
strongly depends on the orientation of the crack.
4.4. Thermal cycling test
The photovoltaic modules are subjected to cycles
between temperatures ranging from -40°C to 85°C for 200
cycles, with a maximum ramp rate of 100°C/h to check
their resistance against the formation of microcracks.
Down through these thermal cycles, the difference in the
thermal expansion between the metal ribbon and the
Fig. 3. SEM images illustrating the formation of cracks
in the soldering interconnection: (a) -20 to 70°C;
(b) -35 to 85°C; (c) -50 to 100°C [26]
The analogy between fracture mechanics and contact
mechanics is elaborated because thermoelastic effects are
quite complex. The difference in temperature between the
damaged areas and the intact regions of a solar cell can
lead to a considerable reduction of the crack opening.
For small cracks, this could bring about the closure of the
crack and a self-healing of the fissure with an increase in
the thermal conductance [36]. The coupling between the
elastic and the thermal field can be expressed by the
equations of thermoelasticity, continuity and thermal
conduction. Microcracks introduce additional thermal
resistance. On one hand, the mechanical problem is
described by:
u dV f udV u dS t g dS
A. Ennemri, P. O. Logerais, M. Balistrou, J. F. Durastanti, I. Belaidi
is the stress vector,
u is the displacement vector,
f is the body force vector,
is the vector of prescribed tractions on the boundary,
t , and g gt , gn .
On the other hand, regarding the thermal problem, the
equation can be written in transient regime in the absence
of internal heat sources as below:
q T dV C T& TdV q TdS q g dS
V is the mass density kg .m 3 ,
CV is the specific heat J .kg 1 .K 1 ,
q is the vector of prescribed normal heat fluxes.
Delamination of encapsulant materials in photovoltaic
cells often emerges at regions of metallization. A recently
developed metrology for measuring the adhesion energy of
module interfaces was used to evaluate the adhesion of
encapsulation of each material of the upper layers of a
photovoltaic module [37]. It is grounded on fundamental
concepts of fracture mechanics. The adhesion of ethylene
vinyl acetate (EVA) encapsulant to screen-printed silver
metallization was evaluated. The fracture energy of the
EVA/silver interface (952 J/m2) was 70% lower than that
of the EVA/antireflective (AR) coating (>2900 J/m2) and
60% lower than the one of the EVA to the surface of the
cell (2265 J/m2). After merely 300 hours of damp heat
aging, the adhesion energy of the silver interface dropped
to and plateaued at 50–60 J/m2 while that of the
EVA/AR coating and EVA/cell remained mostly
stationary. Elemental surface analysis highlighted that the
EVA separates from the metallization in a purely adhesive
manner, indicating that bonds at the interface were likely
displaced in the presence of humidity and chemical
products at elevated temperature, which in part accounts
for the propensity of metalized surfaces to delaminate in
the field.
5. Crack impact on the electrical
characteristics of the solar cells
The fragility makes the solar cells prone to cracks
under the diverse conditions engendering a decrease in the
energy produced over the years [38] and also fastforwarding degradations such as corrosion, delamination,
hot spot and discoloration [39].
The power loss depends on the number of cracks and
on their orientations, distributions and dimensions.
The orientation, the distribution and the distinctive impacts
of cracks on the output power of a photovoltaic module are
depicted in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Maximum power loss of a single crack
for different orientations [20]
According to the study of Köntges et al., the risk of
power loss of photovoltaic modules caused by microcracks
after testing the mechanical load is less than 2.5% [40].
However, the cyclic thermal stress leads to fatigue cracks
at the solder interconnection [41], which in turn increases
the series resistance Rs of a photovoltaic module.
The result of the augmentation of Rs is the lessening of the
fill factor (FF). Consequently, the decrease of power
generated by a solar cell can be attributed to the decrease
of FF which is occasioned by the increase in Rs.
In addition to this power loss, all modules have high
glass corrosion after a humidity freeze test [40]. Indeed,
for all the cases of cell microcracks, a loss of cell surface
greater than 8% leads to a substantial influence of this
crack on the power output of the module.
To study the process of the expansion of microcracks
in a crystalline solar cell under a thermal effect, the EL
image can be used to determine the output characteristic as
a function of the microcrack model. The I-V
characteristics may be analyzed as a function of the crack
growth model. Three distinct orientations for the cracks
could be considered to obtain a mathematical modelling:
perpendicular to busbar, parallel to busbar and diagonal to
busbar [42]. The photocurrent may be written as a function
of the current density J and of the total area A of the cell:
J .A
So, the expression of the current output changes for
each case depending on the defect region occasioned by
cracking is:
V IR s
q V
I out J A Adefect I 0 exp
R sh
where Adefect means a small region brought about by the
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review
To model the effect of cracking with regard to the
electrical field, the saturation current (Is) is considered
linearly dependent on the electrically active cell area, as
found in [44]:
is the total cell area m .
Ainactive is the inactive cell area m ,
Fig. 5. Calculation of an inactive area using
a cross product of vectors [42]
For the case of a microcrack diagonal to busbar, the
inactive area is calculated using a cross product of vectors.
As illustrated in Fig. 5, the vector product corresponds to
the area of a parallelogram. Thus, the inactive region can
be expressed as follows:
A B sin
The same definition applies to a photovoltaic module.
The saturation current and the photocurrent become:
I s I sD 0 1 D
1 D
I ph I
D 0
Song et al. developed an electric model to study the
electrical characteristics of a photovoltaic module
according to the cracked surface [42]. The error at the
output between the measured values and the result of the
model simulation was determined. Both the results were
very close with a difference in the order of 3% as shown in
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Comparison of I-V curve with theoretical
prediction and experimental result [42]
A simulation study based on field data for the impact
of cracks in multicrystalline silicon solar cells on
photovoltaic module power estimated the power loss of the
modules between 6 and 22% [43].
A multi-physics and multi-scale numerical approach
permitted to study the evolution of microcracks in
polycrystalline silicon solar cells composing photovoltaic
modules and their effect on the electrical response [44].
This method took into account the microstructure of
polycrystalline grains and the effect of grain boundaries
which could be a source of microcracks. The intergranular
cracks were simulated using a fracture mechanics model
for the cohesive zone with the nonlinear finite element
Fig. 7. Characteristic curves of intact and microcracked
photovoltaic module [44]
A. Ennemri, P. O. Logerais, M. Balistrou, J. F. Durastanti, I. Belaidi
Fig. 8. Increase of the power loss according to the
thermal cycles [26]
The numerical implementation revealed that the
proposed approach can be applied in the real case [44].
The results for the electrical response of the intact and the
cracked modules (D=79%) are displayed in Fig. 7.
The series resistance grows with each processing
condition concerning a thermal cycle test [26]. The main
impact of this raise is a diminution of the maximum power
point Pmax as given in Fig. 8.
Due to the encapsulation of silicon photovoltaic cells
in a ductile polymer material, mechanical deformity
influences the electrical field intensity as demonstrated by
an experimental study based on the technique of
electroluminescence [31].
Another experimental study revealed that only 60% of
cracks had an important impact on the total amount of
power generated by photovoltaic modules [45]. Only
15.6% of the overall photovoltaic modules examined had
no cracks. The rest contained at least one type of crack:
diagonal (26.7%), parallel to busbars (20%), perpendicular
to busbars (8.9%) or cracks with multiple directions
(28.9%). One should note that 60% of cracks have a
substantial impact on the output power performance for all
the screened photovoltaic modules. Fig. 9 shows that the
significant cracks are present in 60% out of 84.4% of the
cracked arrays.
An experiment to evaluate the impact of discoloured
lines such as snail trails was carried out by Liu et al. [46].
The measured power reduction was greater than 5%.
However, this research brings up that this loss is not
related to the snail streaks but to the microcracks. A recent
research mentioned that a photovoltaic cell with snail trails
and another one with microcracks were closely related to
each other [47]. It can be proven that the occurrence of
snail trails indicates the presence of microcracks.
The reduction in the maximum power point ranges from
10% to 30%.
Fig. 9. Percentage of cracks in the examined photovoltaic modules [45]
6. Crack detection methods
The photovoltaic industry and research laboratories
introduced tools for the characterization and the detection
of defects under manufacturing processes and during
operation. In this section, some Non-Destructive
Techniques (NDT) and cross-sectioning techniques
(Destructive Techniques, DT) are described.
The techniques reviewed hereafter are based on
electromagnetic parameters plus thermography and
infrared radiation.
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review
Fig. 10. NDT for silicon solar cell
6.1. Non-destructive technique
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is the process of
inspecting, testing or evaluating materials, components or
assemblies for discontinuities or differences in
characteristics without destroying the serviceability of the
cell or the system. The NDTs detailed below are classified
in the chart of Fig. 10.
6.1.1. Electrical testing and electromagnetic NDT
Electromagnetic techniques are used to judge the
internal damage and related properties of materials by the
variation of electrical or magnetic properties.
determine the AC parameters of solar cells and modules
The equivalent circuit of a solar cell in the dynamic
regime is obtained from the DC one diode equivalent
circuit (Fig. 2) by replacing the diode with the diffusion
capacitance Cd, the transition capacitance Ct and the
dynamic resistance of diode Rd.
In addition, the dynamic equivalent circuit can be
simplified using the parallel resistance combined with the
parallel capacitance. The AC equivalent circuit and the
simplified AC equivalent circuit for a solar cell are
disclosed in Fig. 11. Testing of DC-AC electrical parameters
The DC electrical parameters of solar cells play a
major role not only in characterizing the solar cells or
controlling their quality, but equally in the fabrication and
in the evaluation of the power performance for reliable
solar panels.
Nowadays, due to the development of new types of
photovoltaic cells and of a large number of photovoltaic
power plants, a growing number of published papers can
be found on the methods to study the AC behaviour and to
Fig. 11. The AC equivalent circuit (a) and the simplified
AC equivalent circuit for a solar cell (b) [55]
The aging of a solar cell includes not only the
electrical losses, but also the material deterioration
influencing the rate of charge recombination and the bias
in the PN junction. The same goes for cracking.
A. Ennemri, P. O. Logerais, M. Balistrou, J. F. Durastanti, I. Belaidi
This method allows a thorough analysis of the
behaviour and the dynamic performances of a photovoltaic
system. Laser beam induced current (LBIC)
LBIC technique is a notable method allowing the
photocurrent response of a solar cell to be mapped [56].
It is employed under short-circuit current conditions and
permits the calculation of the local diffusion length of the
solar cell material from local photocurrent data.
A scheme of the LBIC apparatus is displayed in Fig.
12 [57]. It works with three excitation wavelengths
supplied by a dual laser diode (639 nm and 830 nm laser
lines) and a second laser diode (785 nm). The two laser
beams are perpendicularly oriented.
A beam splitter directs the laser beams into a
trinocular microscope, which is used to concentrate the
excitation laser beam onto the sample surface. When a
light beam is scanned over the surface of a photosensitive
device, it creates electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor
inducing a DC current which is in turn measured utilizing
suitable devices [58]. Laser beam induced current methods
have been investigated both for fast-line scan techniques
and for detailed surface mapping [59]. The major
drawback of the LBIC method is the necessity of electrical
contacts making it nigh impossible to be applied to wafer
inspections [60].
Furthermore, the scanning needs to be performed for
the entire wafer area and this process is very timeconsuming even though the accuracy of the LBIC is
acceptable [61].
recombination [63] the reason for which the EBIC analysis
is very useful in spotting defects that act as recombination
centres in semiconductor materials. However, EBIC
requires a PN junction and the detection range is limited to
a few diffusion lengths from the junction.
EBIC currents are generally within the nanoampere to
the microampere range while the primary beam current is
in the picoampere magnitude. In regions around the PN
junction where physical flaws exist, electron-hole
recombination is enhanced, reducing then the collected
current in such altered areas. Thereby, if the current
through the junction is employed to produce the EBIC
image, the areas with physical shortcomings will appear
darker in the EBIC image than those without any.
EBIC imaging is thus a convenient tool for finding
sub-surface and other difficult-to-see damage sites.
The crack can be clearly seen in the image. Hence, this
technique is useful to detect the presence or the absence of
microcracks in solar cells or wafers. High critical temperature superconductor
superconducting quantum interference device
SQUID is an extremely sensitive instrument which
can detect weak magnetic signals. It is used not only to
measure changes in the magnetic flux, but also with other
physical quantities such as voltage, current, resistance,
inductance, magnetic induction, magnetic field gradient or
magnetic susceptibility [64,65].
Thereupon, SQUID is a useful technique to evaluate
the performance of solar cells, to measure the excitation
current and to spot the presence of microcracks in solar
cells [66].
6.1.2. Ultrasonic and Sonic NDTs
Ultrasonic and sonic NDTs are mostly employed in
industries [67–69] and have a lot of members such as
ultrasound-echo, phased/linear array ultrasonic, air
coupled ultrasonic, laser ultrasonic and local resonance
spectroscopy. Some of them have already been
investigated for solar cell inspections by now [69].
Through the ultrasonic and solar cell interaction of
reflection, transmission and scattering of the wave,
the macro defect detection, geometry measurement,
microstructure and the change in mechanical properties of
solar cells can be detected and characterized and their
performance can subsequently be evaluated [70]. Resonance ultrasonic vibration (RUV)
Fig. 12. System scheme LBIC [48] Electron beam induced current (EBIC)
EBIC is an electrical defect characterization technique
that detects recombination sites, doping level
inhomogeneities and electrical irregularities in solar cells
[62]. EBIC imaging is very sensitive to electron hole
The technique was developed by A. Belyaev [71] and
appears to be one of the most used methods in detecting
cracks and microcracks.
It is grounded on the ultrasonic vibration analysis.
This technique allows to detect the variations in the
characteristic of the frequency response after an ultrasonic
excitation of the wafer or of the silicon cell.
The piezoelectric transducer emits ultrasonic vibrations
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review
that produce sound waves vibrating the wafer or the cell.
The limitation of this method is its sensitivity to the length
and to the location of the crack as it permits to detect
cracks up to the submillimeter lengths without knowing
the exact place of the cracks. However, the method is
widely used owing to the fact that it does not scratch the
silicon surface and its speed of diagnosis is in the order of
2 seconds / cell or wafer. Nevertheless, this technique does
not reveal the place of the crack [17,63]. The RUV relies
on the deviation of the resonance frequency response
curve measured on a wafer with peripheral or bulk
millimetre-length crack from identical non-cracked wafers.
Through a resonance frequency curve selected from a
broad range (20–100 kHz), the RUV method enables crack
detection with simple criteria for wafer or cell rejection.
Fig. 13 is a schematic diagram of an experimental
RUV system.
frequency acoustic waves are attenuated quickly in air,
requiring the placement of wafers in a coupling medium.
This approach permits the detection of cracks as small as
5–10 µm.
Fig. 14. SEAM signal detection from a mc-Si wafer [73] Lamb wave air coupled ultrasonic testing
Fig. 13. A schematic of experimental RUV system [72] Scanning electron acoustic microscopy
SEAM is a technique used for depth discrimination of
multilevel integrated circuits and is applied for the
characterization of morphological defects in solar cells
It is based on the detection of electron acoustic signals
that are generated within the multicrystalline (mc-Si)
silicon wafer by a periodic intensity-modulated electron
The principle is illustrated in Fig. 14. SEAM is
utilized for the detection of facial microcracks where a
focused high-frequency acoustic beam operating in a
pulsed mode is scanned over the front surface of the wafer.
These pulses are transmitted through the silicon wafer
at the velocity of the sound and are reflected at various
interfaces, including the front and the back surfaces of the
The pulse echo technique operates at frequencies up to
250 MHz. The cracks are visualized through material
discontinuities due to acoustic impedance mismatch
caused by the microcracks. The duration needed to scan a
100 mm by 100 mm wafer is between 10 and 15 min
making this method unsuitable for mass production.
In addition, the wafer must be submerged in a water bath
or covered with a water droplet because the high-
This technique can be used for crack detection in 200
µm thick silicon wafers at 200 kHz [74]. Mass production
requirements of silicon wafer solar cells have raised
significantly with a need to produce high quality flawless
wafers in large volumes and at low costs [75]. There is a
critical need for online inspection systems which can
quickly catch weaknesses and are cost effective.
Therewith, LAC-UT technique is greatly developed for
detecting cracks in silicon wafers [76].
The ultrasonic energy travels through the thickness of
the silicon wafer sample in the form of Lamb waves and is
then converted back into electrical energy by the second
air coupled transducer that acts as a receiver. The received
signal from the air coupled transducer is amplified in
series of stages by the inbuilt amplifier present in the
Monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon wafers
with defects of 20 µm size are uncovered by a LAC-UT
system [74].
6.1.3. Visible optical NDT
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI)
technology is a non-contact real-time measurement
technology in the audience because of its versatility, high
accuracy, wide frequency range and simple measurement
[77]. The ESPI non-destructive detection technology
achieved rapid development and is able to pick the
displacement, strain, surface defects and cracks [78].
It also enables to identify deformation on the specimen
surface in accordance with its fringe pattern affected by
the boundary conditions and by the original deformation of
the specimen [79].
This method depends on the variation of the strain
distribution due to the thermal deformation within the
A. Ennemri, P. O. Logerais, M. Balistrou, J. F. Durastanti, I. Belaidi
solar cells brought on by discontinuities in the material
properties or in the crystal lattice [80].
The ESPI image is taken from the back of the solar
cells as ESPI is more suited for sensing rough surfaces
instead of smooth ones. Furthermore, the charged couple
device (CCD) camera signal is recorded by a personal
computer. A temperature controllable planar heater is
utilized to apply a heat flux to the object.
The edge-supported solar cell is heated to induce the
bending deflection. Specklegram sensing is taken at
constant temperature increments till speckle fringes near
the crack become sufficient to determine the crack length.
6.1.4. Thermal NDT
Application of thermal imaging is very extensive:
electricity, underground pipelines, fire, medical relief and
industrial inspection have a huge market with the high
technology development of social economy and the
progress of science. The infrared thermal imaging is used
in more fields as well [73,74,81].
The combination of a thermography system with noise
reduction by a lock-in system has become an important
tool in many areas of non-destructive testing of materials
and devices [75,76]. There are two main types of lock-in
thermography, namely, dark lock-in thermography (DLIT)
and illuminated lock-in thermography (ILIT). The former
is used by applying either a reverse bias to concentrate
current in shunts or a forward bias to sense shunts.
The latter uses light instead of voltage applied by contacts
to drive currents through the shunts [82]. Lock-in thermography (DLIT/ILIT)
The principle of lock-in thermography is based on the
application of a periodic or sinusoidal input energy wave
(thermal emitter, ultrasound, microwave, eddy current,
flash lamp) to the surface of the object being examined.
The local temperatures on the surface of the object are
Dark lock-in thermography (DLIT) technology refers
to the solar cell with positive and negative bias (without
external light irradiation) for which only the dark current
flows in the solar cell [83]. DLIT was first proposed for
solar cell inspection by Breitenstein et al. [84]. The latter
also reported a quantitative study of the shunt resistance
distribution on a solar cell using an infrared thermal
camera [85]. Accordingly DLIT is extensively used for
inspecting various types of solar cells.
ILIT is the first measurement technique that gives a
quantitative and a spatially resolved measurement of the
power losses in solar cells under operation conditions [86].
Originally, ILIT was mainly put to use under open-circuit
condition (Voc-ILIT) to investigate on the material quality
and to carry out measurements on solar cells all along the
cell manufacturing process [87]. Besides, it is operated at
the maximum power point (MPP) to investigate the
influence of distinctive deficiencies and cracks on the
performance of solar cells.
Meanwhile distinguishable measurement modes,
which were primarily tailored to the investigation of losses
in series resistance on solar cells, evolved [88].
This technique has a high resolution but its limitation
is its long acquisition time. Only cracks with triangular
shape with large mouths at the surface and tiny tips are
recognized. This method also suffers from thermal
blurring. Induction thermography
Induction thermography or eddy current pulsed
thermography ECPT [82,83,89] uses electromagnetic
pulses to excite eddy currents in electrically conductive
materials. The eddy currents generate and release heat
through resistive losses. The heat can be discerned on the
surface by an infrared camera [90]. Surface cracks or
hidden cracks neighbouring the surface brings up local
moves of the electrical current densities becoming visible
in the thermographic images [91]. The first applications of
induction thermography or pulsed eddy current
thermography were reported more than two decades ago in
the steel industry [92].
6.1.5. Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) NDT Electroluminescence (EL)
The photographic surveying of electroluminescence
(EL) under forward bias is proved to be a powerful
diagnostic tool to inquire visually not merely on the
material properties but also on the process induced
deficiencies in silicon solar cells [93]. The EL image can
distinctly highlight the barely visible faults as dark objects,
showing at the same time random dark regions in the
background, rendering automatic inspection with EL
images very difficult [94].
The EL imaging system is a contact technique solely
applicable for a finished solar cell [95]. The EL images are
displayed as grayscale leading to difficulties in
distinguishing the deficient areas. This fast and precise
technique is superior to the conventional scanning method
such as the LBIC one [93].
In this approach, solar cells are in the forward bias
condition enabling them to emit infrared radiations.
The luminescence ranges from 950 nm to 1250 nm with a
peak occurring at approximately 1150 nm. Emission
intensity is dependent on the density of flaws in the
silicon, with fewer ones resulting in more emitted photons.
The EL system should be placed in a dark room as the
image of the cells has to be taken by the cooled charged
couple device (CCD) camera.
Electroluminescence is classified as a contact
technique. The imaging may be applied solely to the
finished cell modules and solar panels. Another limitation
is the interference with other deteriorations like scratches
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review Photoluminescence (PL)
The image acquired by the photoluminescence
technique is equally an infrared image as in the case of
Photoluminescence (PL) imaging was introduced by T.
Trupke et al. [97]. The principle is to excite the electrons
of the valence band with a higher energy photon to pass to
the conduction band. The excitation thereupon sends the
electrons to a more elevated state of energy before
returning to a lower energy level with the emission of a
The imaging setup is very similar to the EL one. The
only discrepancy is that the electrons are excited by means
of a laser source [98]. The system of detection based on
the imaging photoluminescence is better than all the other
systems and is ideally suited for automated production
lines [99]. Fig. 15 shows the principle of this technique.
one of THz cameras utilizing photoconductor arrays,
bolometers and superconducting tunnel junctions make the
LTEM expandingly used in the field of photovoltaic cells
LTEM images allow the visualization of the
crystalline grain structure of the solar cell and the
dynamics of photocarriers. They render the local electric
field distribution in the cell. LTEM emerges therefore as a
promising technique for the evaluation and the inspection
of solar cells [103].
Nakanishi et al. [104] employed a laser terahertz
emission microscope (LTEM) as a novel tool for
evaluating solar cells. Through their research, THz
emission can be observed without electrical contacts.
These results shed light on the feasibility of LTEM for
application as a noncontact inspection technique that
evaluates the conversion efficiency and the dynamics of
excited carriers in photovoltaic cells.
Salek et al. investigated the effects of continuous
wave laser illumination on terahertz emissions from a
polysilicon solar cell. The results highlighted that terahertz
waves were attenuated in the presence of illumination by a
cw laser. These modifications are related to the numbers of
free carriers in the solar cell and can be explained in terms
of screening of the electric field in the depletion layer of
the PN junction, as a result of the presence of photoexcited
carriers. They also throw into evidence that the amplitude
of the terahertz emission depends on the wavelength of the
illumination laser and is smaller for a short wavelength
laser as a result of surface recombination. The findings of
these experiments suggest that LTEM could be a useful
technique for analyzing and inspecting solar cells [101].
6.1.7. Machine vision
Fig. 15. PL measurement setup [99] Quantitative lock-in carrierography (LIC)
Lock-in thermography (LIT) is available for the
detection of shunts, series resistances and grain
boundaries, and can be used to ascertain the power loss
based on appropriate calibration [85].
Lock-in carrierography (LIC) is a non-contacting
optoelectronic frequency-domain PL imaging method
applied to quantify the solar conversion efficiency and the
photoelectric voltage of industrial silicon solar cells [100].
6.1.6. Terahertz NDT
Terahertz (THz) technology has many potential
applications in numerous fields such as spectroscopy,
imaging, quality assurance and homeland security [93–95].
One of the most attractive tools for terahertz
application is the Laser Terahertz Emission Microscopy
(LTEM) [101,102]. With the rapid development of LTEM
technology, the ability to investigate super-current
distribution, ferroelectric domains and microprocessors,
the development of a scanning probe type LTEM and the
Machine vision relies on the machine instead of on the
human eyes to measure and judge [100,105]. The machine
vision system by means of machine vision products (image
capture devices, include CMOS and CCD) will be
converted into the target image signal and sent to a
dedicated image processing system according to the pixel
distribution and to the brightness, and the colour
information into digital signals.
This technology is amply used in the discovering of
flaws in polysilicon solar wafers [106,107]. The detection
of invisible microcracks in multicrystalline silicon solar
wafers is very problematic because of the heterogeneously
textured backgrounds of the wafers. The challenge is
twofold. First, invisible microcracks must be visualized to
image devices. Secondly, an image processing sequence
capable of extracting microcracks from the captured
images must be developed [105].
6.1.8. Impact testing
The acoustic measurements are obtained by
mechanically exciting vibratory modes in singlecrystalline silicon wafers to notice the location and the
types of microcracks [108]. This method depends on the
A. Ennemri, P. O. Logerais, M. Balistrou, J. F. Durastanti, I. Belaidi
audible impact response from cracked wafer sounds which
differs from an uncracked wafer.
The setup is based on applying impacts to the wafer
utilizing a miniature piezoelectric impact hammer with a
vinyl tip, bearing a weight of 2.9 g and a length of 10 cm,
generating waves with up to 2 000 Hz frequency [108].
The impact response is measured with a microphone
mounted at 2 cm above the test wafer. The reported results
display the dependence of the natural frequencies, the peak
amplitudes and the damping levels with the crack type and
its location. However, the force applied during impact tests
can cause cracks, even in intact cells. This approach is
uniquely used to detect facial fissures with a total length of
only 10 mm.
6.2. Materials investigation and cross-sectioning
The cell or the wafer is broken down in order to
determine the mechanical properties such as strength,
toughness and hardness to find out for example if the
quality of a weld is good enough to withstand extreme
pressure or to verify the properties of a material.
7.1. Characteristics, tests and impact of cracks
The main studies presented about cracked cells in
photovoltaic modules are included in Table 1. For each
study, the essential results, the observations or conclusions
are indicated with the techniques used to induce fissures or
to detect them.
7.2. Detection methods
Non-destructive methods are compared in Table 2
namely the most used and the most promising ones either
in the photovoltaic cell industry or in the supervision and
in the control of photovoltaic installations.
For the cross sectioning technique, the use of FIB
offers several advantages over other techniques. While
cleaving or dicing and polishing for SEM investigations
take several hours, FIB permits cross sections to be
realized within just a few minutes. Also, with FIB it is
possible to figure out the precise location of the cross
section. An arbitrary number of subsequent cross section
‘slices’ can be accounted for on the same sample [114].
7.3. Proposed solutions
6.2.1. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
This method (SEM) is the most accessed one among
other electronic microscopes because of its high resolution
and its particular advantage of providing great depth field
which enables obtaining images of the sample surface with
a 3D appearance and if possible the chemical composition.
The electron beam is created by an electron gun and is
passed through lenses of electromagnetic nature and
apertures that diminish the diameter of the beam focusing
on the surface of the sample and diverging in its path.
The beam is deflected by two pairs of electromagnetic
coils allowing the probe to move along a line in the
surface and to change the location to a next one so as to
scan a new line [109].
6.2.2. Focused Ion Beam (FIB) microscopy
This technique (FIB) is suitable for metals, polymers,
ceramics, composites, fibre/powder and semiconductors.
Biological, geological applications and pharmaceuticals
can also be handled with it [110].
FIB uses an ion beam to interact with the specimen.
The interaction is similar for the electrons with the SEM
technique but owing to the difference in the size, the
interaction between ions and atoms is higher than that
between atoms and electrons producing a decrement in the
energy of ions and in the penetration depth.
7. Summary and discussion
The above-mentioned studies on cracks in
photovoltaic cells and the methods to characterize them
are synthesized in Tables 1 and 2 respectively.
To mitigate the effects of cracks in the photovoltaic
panels, the formation of cracks has to be warded off and
the prevention of thermal fatigue, cyclic and mechanical
load requires to be anticipated. Also the design of a
metallic grid or of a new structure unaffected by the cell
cracks could reduce their effect.
Researchers are trying to find and propose solutions to
avoid or reduce the appearance of cracks and their
propagation tendency. Their results highlight a
relationship between the thickness of the solar cell and the
criticality of cracks [115]. The effect is more important on
thinner cells although the photovoltaic industry tends to
reduce them. Hence, one of the solutions would consist in
developing a technology that meets the mechanical
requirements necessary to satisfy this reduction.
Another solution would be to limit the defects and to
improve the quality of the materials used in solar cells by
minimizing the material-induced defects such as defects in
the structure of a grain boundary or by avoiding
recombination due to a crystalline defects induced by the
manufacturing process through aluminium particles or
scratches [116,117].
Concerning the design, Kajari-Schröder et al.
discussed a new strategy for reducing the risk of loss in the
power output of the photovoltaic modules. A 90° rotation
of the busbars would not affect the frequency of cracks
and has the potential to lessen the criticality of the
generated cracks by up to 50% [20]. Increased number of
bypass diodes in the photovoltaic modules enable to
protect them against damaged and shaded cells [118] or
adding more busbars, to bring them up to 4 or 5, could also
be a relevant solution. Nevertheless, this raise in the
number of busbars has the downside potential of creating a
larger number of open cracks per module [119].
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review
Another strategy is proposed to use a more flexible
cell metallization preventing electrical isolation of the cell
parts in the case of a broken silicon in order to reduce the
influence of cracking and to favour the thermal stability of
the constituent materials used in the photovoltaic module
[40]. The optimal design of the structure of the
photovoltaic module requires the accounting of thermal
expansion [42].
Results show that the cyclic strain deformation
typically induced by temperature variation in European
climate zones implies a significant amount of plasticity in
the busbars and a substantial residual strain [120]. The
broadening of the cell spacing to curtail the value of the
applied cyclic strain could be a practical solution to abate
the occurrence of the plastic deformation and to keep back
the failure of the busbars [116].
Table 1. Contributions of the studies on cracked photovoltaic modules
Techniques used
Thermal cycle
Thermal cycling
Mechanical analysis
Mechanical load test
(IEC 61215 10.16)
Statistical and numerical
Mechanical load test
Humidity freeze test
Simulation model
Mechanical load test
Artificial aging (200
humidity-freeze cycles)
Electric model
SEM microscopy
Mechanical load test
Artificial aging (200
thermal cycling test)
Electric model
Computational method
Strength testing (4-pointbending test)
Essential results, conclusions or observations
Electrical impact on cell cracks originates from an interruption of the front-side
contact network.
Continued thermal cycling weakens the grid finger intersected by the crack line.
Determination of the probability of a grid finger discontinuation.
Calculation of the associated loss for the cell area.
Existence of cracks at the busbars and cracks starting at other points of the cell.
Soldering induces high stress in the silicon cell concentrated at the end of the
solder area.
Lamination process critical for crack initiation.
Predominant microcrack in the busbar and in the soldered interconnectors.
Strong dependence between the criticality of cracks and their orientations.
Statistical distribution of crack orientations.
Cracks parallel to the busbars appear more frequently.
Risk of power loss under 2.5% caused by microcracks after mechanical load
Increase of the resistance between cracked cell fractions subsequent to
accelerated test.
Correlation between the number of cracked cells and the power degradation
ensuing accelerated aging test.
High criticality on the output power of cracks parallel to the busbars.
High propagation probability under artificial aging for cracks parallel to the
busbars and for cracks in several directions.
Obtention of I-V curves by classifying the patterns into three shapes according
to the direction of the cracks and by simulating them.
Error close to 3% for the simulation results regarding the actual measured output
Continuous development of the microcrack of a solar cell under thermal stress
due to the change of temperature.
Appearance of two distinct types of dark areas after IEC test:
- irregularly shaped regions as a result of cracks in the silicon wafers
- regular rectangular shaped cracks on account of disconnected fingers at the
finger–busbar intersection (in poorly welded regions of the silicon wafer)
Determination of the electrically inactive area from the analysis of the
microcrack pattern.
Capability of the method to analyze the orientation and the distribution of
microcracks, and equally the effect of cracking on the electrical characteristics.
Numerical implementation revealing that the proposed approach can be applied
to the real case.
Strength and breakage of solar cells depending strongly on the side and on the
direction of loading caused by the metallization structure.
Lowest strength detected for the backside being loaded with tensile stress
A. Ennemri, P. O. Logerais, M. Balistrou, J. F. Durastanti, I. Belaidi
Techniques used
SEM microscopy
Essential results, conclusions or observations
parallel to the busbars.
SEM microscopy
Thermal cycle
Finite element (FE)
Impact of the thermal fatigue along the grain boundary of the welding on the
interconnection between the soldering copper and the silver metallization.
Growth of the series resistance under each processing condition concerning a
thermal cycle.
Changes of the average normalized maximal power as a function of the thermal
Estimation of the power loss of the photovoltaic modules between 6 and 22%
with field data.
Calculation of the parameters of the distribution of output powers for equivalent
break resistance values.
Break resistance values not known with certainty in the real cases.
Novel electric model with spatially varying distributed resistance (DR)
accounting for damage in the material surrounding a channel crack to predict the
current through the thickness of cracked silicon solar cells, as well as the current
and the voltage along the grid line.
Cracks above 4 mm2 leading to severe shunts with high probability.
Shunts with very low parallel resistance in Cz-Si solar cells attributed to metalto-metal contacts between front and rear sides of the solar cell.
Reduced robustness of Cz-Si compared with mc-Si with regard to the formation
of shunts at microcracks stemming from a widening of the crack channels above
10 μm in alkaline texturing, facilitating the formation of metal-to-metal contacts.
No cracks for 15.6% of the overall photovoltaic modules examined.
Important impact on the total amount of power generated by photovoltaic
modules by 60% out of 84.4% of the arrays.
Crack statistics
Monte Carlo simulations
Electric model
Vickers tests
SEM microscopy
Electron-beam induced
Statistical analysis
Surface analysis
Table 2. Comparison for NDT methods
NDT techniques
DC/AC electrical
Electron beam induced
current (EBIC)
High critical
quantum interference
Scanning acoustic
microscopy (SAM)
Ultrasonic and
Laser beam induced
current (LBIC)
Resonance ultrasonic
vibration (RUV)
High detection speed
Detection of DC and AC
electrical parameters
Comprehension of the
measuring parameters
Powerful device for
mapping distribution of
recombination active defects
and impurities in solar cells
Convenient device for
finding sub-surface and
other difficult-to-see damage
High sensitivity
High bandwidth
High resolution
Restricted to theoretical analysis
Slow detection speed
Need for electrical contacts
Scanning to be performed for the entire
wafer area
Slow detection speed
Limited scope of application
Expensive equipment
Inconvenient operation
High detection accuracy
High sensitivity (5-10 µm
Long acquisition time (10-15 min)
Used as a standalone tool
Necessitates a special sample preparation
(covering the wafer with water)
Low sensitivity to crack length and location
High throughput
High detection speed
Non-contact method
NDT techniques
Lamb wave air coupled
ultrasonic testing
Electronic speckle
pattern interferometry
Illuminated lock-in
thermography (LIT)
Ultrasound lock-in
thermography (ULIT)
Needs the usage of a coupling agent
Difficult to achieve fast in-service detection
No interference between
cracks and scratches
Low detection depth
Low detection accuracy
High resolution imaging of
Non-contact method
High resolution imaging of
Non-contact method
Used with wafers and solar
High throughput
Long acquisition time
Offline inspection only
Suffers from thermal blurring
Long acquisition time (30 min)
Expensive advanced thermal imager
Requires a special sample preparation
(covering surface of wafer with black paint)
Necessitates external power supply
Imaging resolution limited by wavelength
Used only with finished solar cells
Interferences with other defects such as
Necessitates light source excitation
Imaging resolution limited by wavelength
Used only with finished solar cells
Interferences with other defects such as
Long acquisition time
High throughput
Non-contact method
Used with wafers and solar
Quantitative lock-in
carrierography (LIC)
High spatial resolution
Non-contact method
High throughput
Large detection area
Laser terahertz
emission microscope
Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR)
Cracks in silicon photovoltaic modules: a review
Impact testing
resolution compared to
High throughput
8. Conclusion
The most significant information available on cracks
in solar cells and photovoltaic modules, their impact on the
efficiency and the detection techniques used have been
reviewed. The main conclusions are as follows:
The cracks either within the silicon wafers or in
the ribbon bar intersection do not necessarily affect the
power of a photovoltaic module. However, research
studies point out that cracked photovoltaic modules suffer
from a lower stability of energy production under the
effect of artificial aging and the same runs for photovoltaic
modules installed in fields. Cracks induced by the
production process of the photovoltaic modules should be
avoided as much as possible, by reason that they serve as
starting points for the propagation of the cracks during
operating even under very small amplitudes of stress.
Current qualification tests are not sufficient to
estimate the damage caused by cracking and the module
lifetime under field conditions making this task more
Highly-priced equipment
Immature technology
Impacts could introduce cracks
Detects cracks with total length of only
10 nm
difficult to envisage the worldwide operating of
photovoltaic systems in all climate zones with different
The different technologies of detection: acoustic,
ultrasonic, optical, electromagnetic, thermal, eddy and
infrared testing of silicon solar cells have been reviewed.
The future of solar cells and material efficiency depends
on the evolution of these detection technologies that are
helpful for the advancement towards rapid detection,
quantitative detection and fine evaluation especially with
non-destructive methods. These technologies must take
into account the variety of parameters to be measured and
the complex structure of the detection site.
Scientific researchers and the photovoltaic
industries, among the existent technologies, use more the
luminescence technology (EL and PL) not suffering from
thermal blurring, less expensive and usually requiring a
lower acquisition time than the others. A luminescence
device provides high quality results but choosing between
A. Ennemri, P. O. Logerais, M. Balistrou, J. F. Durastanti, I. Belaidi
EL and PL techniques, PL is better than EL as it can be
applied for solar wafers and equally for solar cells.
Non-destructive tests highlight if cracks,
corrosion or other faults exist while destructive tests in
turn indicate how and when the objects are in danger of
breakdowns or failures.
A promising technique that combines nondestructive and destructive methods that would meet the
needs of various types of solar cell defects, rapid and
quantitative detection, non-contact and fine determination
could be developed in future works.
The development of a model associated with the
various parameters in terms of cracking will be an
attractive domain of research to perfect the knowledge of
the behaviour of photovoltaic modules during their life
cycle under the consequences of degradation modes.
The authors wish to extend their great gratitude to
Mrs. Wilhelmina Logerais, a native English speaker, for
her particular help during the entire process of paper
composing and revising.
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