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2018, Jewish History
2 pages
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Goitein's Mediterranean Society is remarkable and paved the way for a generation-indeed, generations-of scholars. In this brief note, I discuss some of the fundamental questions Goitein left unanswered.
Jewish Quarterly Review, 2012
Jewish History, 2019
S. D. Goitein's nuanced description of the structure, functioning, and administrative reach of the Jewish community, most fully articulated in the second volume of A Mediterranean Society, was enlarged on, revised, and challenged in the work of two subsequent generations of scholars. Addressing the mixture of hierocratic and democratic elements that Goitein identified within the medieval Jewish community, this growing body of scholarship has examined anew and in greater detail such issues as the balance of power between the centralized leadership and the local community, the extent of the Jewish community's political autonomy, and the influential role in communal affairs played by wealthy and well-connected elites with access to the Muslim court.
Press, 1999. Pp. xxii + 503.
Journal of Hebrew Studies Vol. 60, 473-488, 2019
Jewish History 32: Documentary Geniza Research in the Twenty-first Century, 2019
Jewish communal organization has always been a major topic in Jewish histori-ography, not only because of its importance in the past, but also because of its continuing importance as a model for contemporary Jewish life. This essay traces the development of nineteenth-and twentieth-century scholarship on Jewish communal life from its beginnings in the early research conducted by the Wissenschaft scholars until Goitein's works, which mark a distinctive watershed in the study of this theme. Its main arguments are that Jewish communal history was shaped by contemporary political and ideological questions and that it took a long and slow path toward integrating the Cairo Geniza materials as its main base of evidence.
Goitein was a polymath. His fields of interest and studies covered a variety of disciplines; from linguistics and literature, through Bible, ethnography, anthropology and comparative religion, to social and economic history. ' The human drama embedded in history occupied his world and became the focus of his scholarly activity. The figure of the "Eastern Man" fascinated him; the world of the Middle East obsessed him and pervaded almost all of his publications. The tension between the East, to which he was drawn, and the West, from which he distanced himself as a youth, is clearly evident in his personal stories, which betray the dialectics of his struggle with the opposite extremes of East and West-as if his life embodied the poetic verse "From Thee shall I flee-to Thee." On the one hand, he was disenchanted with modem western culture, which he saw as mostly opposed to Jewish religious culture and which had therefore never really put down roots into the Jewish heart; he recognized the advantages
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