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The research paper focuses on finding the various innovative practices incorporated by the front office department of The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi hotel and measuring their impact on guest satisfaction comprehensively. Based on the findings, it is found that there is reasonable positive & healthy impact of various innovative practices incorporated by the front office department of The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi hotel on guest satisfaction, retention & loyalty.
The paper presents a theoretical framework of online hotel reservation systems' (OHRS) design. The author introduces the value model of an OHRS as a central concept in the OHRS's design process. Several marketing principles of the system's design are presented -ease of use, information sufficiency, information transparency, personalized service, ease of updating, compatibility, and interactivity. The paper also elaborates some of the critical marketing decisions in the design process -orientation of the system (to agents or direct customers), net or commissionable rates, room inventory, booking additional services, booking limitations, issuing travel and booking related documents, online payments, market intelligence, customer feedback capabilities and additional onsite resources.
The goal of this study was to determine whether luxury hotel managers and customers have the same understanding of service quality and satisfaction and whether there is a disparity between services offered by luxury hotels and the way customers actually experience them. This study used interviews with managers and guests of 5-Star hotels in Taiwan and qualitative analysis to understand definitions and perceptions of luxury, service quality, and satisfaction. The major findings of the study were that (1) there were no fundamental disconnects in the respective understandings of managers and guests, however the two groups used different language to describe luxury, service quality, and satisfaction; (2) the managers evaluated satisfaction in terms of services provided, but the guests conceptualized satisfaction in terms of value received for the price of lodging, and (3) luxury, service quality, and satisfaction were closely related in the minds of the managers and guests and were not independent constructs. Recommendations are made based on marketing communications theory, that (1) all factors identified in this study can be considered to be part of the brand identity of the hotel, (2) local culture can introduce variables that may be outside the scope of international standards, and (3) information on local expectations and preferences can inform advertising and public relations efforts of the hotel. This study is significant because little research into luxury hotel customer satisfaction has been done using qualitative methodology, which provides a richer understanding of the experiences of the participants than can quantitative design. Note -- All authors are: Carol Lu Chung Yuan Christian University, United Kingdom Celine Berchoux Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Li, Taiwan Michael W. Marek Wayne State College, Wayne, Nebraska, USA Brendan Chen National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiping City, Taiwan
Развијање комуникативне компетенције у учењу страног језика постојало је и у прошлости, мада се почев од осамдесетих година 20. века у савременој методици указује на њено централно место у настави страног језика па и српског, од најранијих фаза учења. У реферату ће се поћи од теоријског оквира и дефиниције комуникативне компетенције и посебно природних облика комуникације (дијалог). Затим ће се анализирати примери дијалога као најчешћег облика вербалне интеракције у неколико уџбеника српског као страног. Циљ је да се одговори на питање да ли дијалози у дидактичком материјалу на располагању наставницима у раду са страним студентима одговарају реалној/природној ситуацији и које/какве културолошке поруке нуде. Кључне речи: српски као страни језик, комуникација, разговорни језик, дијалог.
Zbornik Lovranšćine, 2022
U povijesti hrvatskoga planinarstva djelovanje Planinarskoga društva „Orljak“ iz Opatije (dalje: Društvo) slabo je poznato, no njegov četvrtstoljetni rad i zapažene aktivnosti na području Liburnije ukazuju na opravdanost dokumentiranja te važne epizode lokalne, regionalne, pa i nacionalne planinarske povjesnice. U ovome se članku stoga istražuje rad i djelovanje Društva od njegovih pretpočetaka u obliku Planinarskoga aktiva „Orljak“, koji djeluje u okviru Planinarskoga društva „Opatija“ (od 1980.), preko osnivanja samostalnoga Društva (1984.) te razdoblja rasta i intenzivna rada 1980-ih, postupna zamiranja 1990-ih i naposljetku nekoliko zabilježenih bljeskova značajnijih aktivnosti u početnome desetljeću 21. stoljeća. Rad se temelji na temeljitoj analizi dosad neobjavljenih arhivskih izvora iz nekoliko različitih fondova, a ti su podaci dopunjeni intervjuima s pojedincima koji su u određenome razdoblju bili aktivni članovi Društva te sekundarnom literaturom. Riječ je o dosad slabo p...
Este ensaio se insere na longa tradição dos cineastas que refletiram sobre o cinema, as artes e o mundo através de suas próprias obras. Não se trata de um texto crítico sobre um filme, mas de uma pesquisa sobre a montagem e o lugar do espectador a partir de questões ligadas à educação que antecedem o filme e a ele não se limitam. É através do filme que discutimos problemas entre a montagem – mais especificamente de imagens- que-estão-aí – e as formas de engajamento subjetivo nas imagens.
The only known description of these Christmas Gray's Inn Revels did not find print for nearly a century later when an intriguing account of it was mysteriously published in 1688 under the title of Gesta Grayorum: Or, The History of the High and mighty Prince, Henry Prince of Purpoole. 1 The anonymous edition is based on a manuscript (which is no longer extant) apparently written by an unknown member of Gray's Inn who personally witnessed the events. The introduction to the curious volume provides no details of how the manuscript came into the hands of its unknown printer, which according to its title page was printed for W. Canning with a dedication by 'W. C.' to Matthew Smyth, Esq., Comptroller of the Inner Temple. The anonymous author of the volume names no author for any of part of the Christmas Gray's Inn Revels which are the only source for Bacon's speeches for the six councillors addressed to the Prince of Purple (a manuscript copy of which were originally part of his Northumberland MSS with his Shakespeare plays Richard II and Richard III) and a record for the premier of his Shakespeare play The Comedy of Errors. The magnificent Christmas Gray's Inn Revels or Gesta Grayorum (affairs of Gray's Inn) after detailed consultations the week before commenced on 20 December 1594 with the election of one Henry Holmes as the Prince of Purple who had assigned to him a Privy Council, to advise him in matters of state and government, together with other officers of State and Law, a large household, Gentlemen Pensioners to attend on him, and a royal guard to protect his sacred person. For the provision of his treasury, the support of his state and dignity, several letters in the form of Privy Seals were sent to members of his court requesting they contribute to the defraying of the enormous cost involved for the intended performances of their planned entertainments, masques and plays. By this means, states its anonymous author, the Prince of Purple's coffers were increased and bolstered 'by the great Bounty of divers honourable Favourers of our State, that imparted their Liberality, to the setting forward of our intended Pass-times.' 2 Its anonymous author proceeds to name just one of the benefactors, namely Bacon's uncle Sir William Cecil, the brother-in-law of Sir Nicholas Bacon (married to the Cooke sisters Lady Mildred Cooke Cecil and Lady Anne Cooke Bacon) 'Amongst the rest, the Right Honourable Sir William Cecill, Kt. Lord Treasurer of England, being of our Society, deserved honourable Remembrance, for his liberal and noble Mindfulness of us, and our State; who, undesired, sent to the Prince, as a Token of his Lordship's Favour, 10l. and a Purse of fine rich Needlework .' 3 One wonders if the token of Cecil's favour was collected or delivered to Bacon whose residence at Gray's Inn was only a short distance from Cecil House on the Strand, his uncle's main residence during law terms, in the most active periods of government business. The inauguration of the Prince of Purple (a cipher for Bacon himself-a Tudor Prince who was later married dressed head to toe in purple-the colour of royalty) took place before his enormous entourage of about one hundred and forty officers and attendants. The anonymous author of the Gesta Grayorum script named no fewer than eighty-one individuals involved in the proceedings part of a total of around one hundred and forty when those here stipulated by title and description are added.
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Staletá Praha 2014/2, roč. 30, 65-85, 2014
Shenzhen Forum, 2020
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2020
Casa Leiria eBooks, 2022
Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, 2018
Revista Direitos Sociais e Políticas Públicas (UNIFAFIBE), 2018
Dones Valentes: Recomanacions per informar sobre les agressions sexuals, 2018
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2021
Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT, 2021
Filozofia (Philosophy), 2017