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2017, research methodology
205 pages
1 file
Research Methods: The Basics is an accessible, user-friendly introduction to the different aspects of research theory, methods and practice. Structured in two parts, the first covering the nature of knowledge and the reasons for research, and the second the specific methods used to carry out effective research, this book covers: structuring and planning a research project the ethical issues involved in research different types of data and how they are measured collecting and analysing data in order to draw sound conclusions devising a research proposal and writing up the research. Complete with a glossary of key terms and guides to further reading, this book is an essential text for anyone coming to research for the first time, and is widely relevant across the social sciences and humanities. Nicholas Walliman is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Architecture at Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Architectural profession is embodied with knowledge and skills from disciplines that it constitutes a multi-layered subject. The Knowledge and culture in this field are developed from its long history through numerous operating platforms engaging multiple formats of exchange.
This research is a detailed study on the performance of external walls aimed at providing a guidance tool which will enable designers to determine the appropriate thermal upgrade system for a housing retrofit, particularly in Ireland; taking into account wall type, climatic conditions and orientation. This paper explains the steps taken to establish a research design and methodological approach suited to the topic at hand. The choice of research methodology is a difficult step for the researcher to decide upon in the research process. When it comes down to an architectural technologist, the process becomes even more difficult. Throughout a college process of taught procedures for accurate building design, solutions do not delve into the world of methodological approaches. Research methodology is simply not a common concept or approach throughout the Architectural/Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector. This paper assesses the existing limited research in the AEC sector, while hig...
Modern Language Journal, 2012
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020
Research is an interesting field of study which every student or scholar has to encounter in the course of time. The objective of this paper is to explore the various approaches to research so that students can gain insight and understanding. This paper attempts a review of the various approaches to research so that the reader can make an informed choice. The paper is based on secondary sources plus the author's own experience borne from decades of teaching. This paper does not claim to have exhausted the list of approaches to research as there are far many approaches than can be dealt with in a short review communication. However, it is hoped it will lay a foundation for further research into the field by readers.
This book is the outcome of more than four decades of experience of the author in teaching and research field. Research is a creative process and the topic of research methodology is complex and varied. The basic premise for writing this book is that research methods can be taught and learnt. The emphasis is on developing a research outlook and a frame of mind for carrying out research. The book presents current methodological techniques used in interdisciplinary research along with illustrated and worked out examples. This book is well equipped with fundamentals of research and research designs. All efforts have been made to present Research, its meaning, intention and usefulness. Focussed in designing of research programme, selection of variables, collection of data and their analysis to interpret the data are discussed extensively. Statistical tools are complemented with examples, making the complicated subject like statistics simplest usable form. The importance of software, like MS Excel, SPSS, for statistical analyses is included. Written in a simple language, it covers all aspects of management of data with details of statistical tools required for analysis in a research work. Complete with a glossary of key terms and guides to further reading, this book is an essential text for anyone coming to research for the first time and is widely relevant across the disciplines of sciences. This book is designed to introduce Masters, and doctoral students to the process of conducting scientific research in the life sciences, social sciences, education, public health, and related scientific disciplines. It conforms to the core syllabus of many universities and institutes. The target audience for this book includes those are going to start research as graduate students, junior researchers, and professors teaching courses on research methods. The book entitled “A guide to Research Methodology for Beginners” is succinct and compact by design focusing only on essential concepts rather than burden students with a voluminous text on top of their assigned readings. The book is structured into the following nine chapters. Chapter-1: What is Scientific Research? Chapter-2: Literature Review Chapter-3: How to develop a Research Questions & Hypotheses Chapter-4: Research Methods and the Research Design Chapter-5: Concept of Variables, Levels and Scales of Measurements for Data collection Chapter-6: Data Analysis, Management and Presentation Chapter-7: Tips for Writing Research Report Chapter-8: Glossary Related to Research Methodology Chapter-9: References It is a comprehensive and compact source for basic concepts in research and can serve as a stand-alone text or as a supplement to research readings in any doctoral seminar or research methods class. The target audience for this book includes those are going to start research as graduate students, junior researchers, and professors teaching courses on research methods.
This section presents an introduction of the study and review of the theories that are adopted in the study. These underpin the theoretical perspectives adopted in the process, the Statement of the problem, objectives and the scope of the study.
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