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Comment l'enchaînement où la logique de Boole et Frege est suivie par celle de C.I. Lewis et A.N. Prior conduit au point conceptuel où Deleuze fait intervenir Vuillemin.
The use of electronic equipment has increased in last few years. Therefore there is an immense need to ensure that the line current harmonics of any equipment connected to AC main line is limited to comply the regulatory standard. This requirement is satisfied by introducing some form of Power factor Correction (PFC) techniques to make the input current sinusoidal and reduce the harmonics. In this paper, a systematic review of power factor correction (PFC) boost rectifiers is presented. Performance comparison of conventional PFC boost rectifier at different duty ratio and voltages are shown and their efficiency is calculated.
This is a 2 ½ week unit designed to cover high-school and introductory college level topics in the properties of gases and gas particle behavior. The unit includes thirteen activities. Seven of the activities use computer models to explore these topics in greater depth and using a greater degree of student inquiry and guided discovery than would be typically possible through other learning activities in the same amount of time.
En nuestra vida cotidiana nos referimos con total naturalidad a las víctimas de las situaciones más diversas. Sin embargo, ser o no ser víctima no es una cuestión tan evidente, sino que se trata de una condición que puede ser debatida, evaluada y en ocasiones, inclusive, rechazada. La compilación de estos textos traducidos del francés, inéditos en español, se propone contribuir a la comprensión del proceso de consagración de la condición de víctima en nuestro mundo actual, así como a los debates alrededor de ese fenómeno.
Abai KazNPU Bulletin Series of Pedagogical Sciences 77 (1): 13-19, 2023
The use of AI technologies like ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize academic research by offering support in writing, editing, and research processes. However, its limitations, such as the potential for bias and inaccuracies in information, as well as plagiarism and ethical concerns, must be considered. This paper presents preliminary insights into the opportunities and challenges of using ChatGPT in academic research. Structurally, it is based on three sections. The first section concerns the impact of ChatGPT on research production and the question of authorship. The second section is related to emerging ethical concerns like fairness, privacy, accountability, and transparency. The third section is dedicated to the future role of researchers and the identification of new metrics to assess the value of their research activities. The methodology used in this study involves a critical study of the perspectives expressed by researchers on LinkedIn and the information gathered during a conversation using ChatGPT. The main conclusion is that AI technologies have the potential to aid the research process and, as such, they should be constructively embraced in the academic environment. Nonetheless, new ethical norms and assessment tools are required to fully capitalize on the positive benefits while mitigating the potential risks.
Il volume presenta i risultati di una indagine sui profili giuridici dello scioglimento unilaterale del matrimonio, focalizzando l’attenzione sugli sviluppi avvenuti nell’arco di tempo che abbraccia il quarto e il quinto secolo d.C. Considerati gli aspetti lessicali dei termini ‘repudium’ e ‘repudiare’ e inquadrato l’istituto alla luce della sua evoluzione nelle epoche precedenti, la ricerca affronta le tematiche giuridiche in una più ampia prospettiva che tiene conto anche dei profili storici, culturali, sociali, religiosi e linguistici. L’esame della particolare fisionomia del ripudio - istituto influenzato da istanze connesse alla concezione della funzione del matrimonio e della famiglia – è impostato sul confronto critico tra i testi delle costituzioni imperiali e i dati offerti da altre fonti, in modo da ricostruire il contenuto giuridico e il suo rapporto dialettico con il crogiuolo di culture, religioni e diritti della coeva società tardoantica.
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2007
A colored-noise Kalman filter is designed to diminish the error effects caused by sensors placed on vibrating structures. This paper deals with sensors that are used to estimate position, attitude or both. Here we focus on a vision-based system, which uses a set of lightemitting diode beacons with a focal plane detector to determine line-of-sight measurements. Estimation of both position and attitude is possible with this system. Vibrational effects are added to the beacon locations and a colored-noise filter is designed to mitigate the effects of the beacon movements on state estimation. A sensitivity study is conducted for this paper work, where the effects of beacon location errors on the estimation of a vehicle's position and attitude are examined. Beacon location variation is introduced into the standard vision-based navigation problem as second-order vibration noise. Further, an error in the process-noise covariance is assumed and its effect on the estimated quantity is observed. Different magnitudes of vibration are added to the beacons position and the robustness properties of the colored-noise filter is analyzed. Results indicate that the colored-noise filter provides significant improvements over a filter that does not account for vibrational effects.
Abstrak Peluang untuk terjadi atau tidak terjadi. Yang menunjukan seberapa besar kemungkinan bahwa suatu peristiwa terjadi, diantara keseluruh peristiwa yang terjadi. Peluang itu tidak akan melebihi angka 1. Peluang suatu kejadian itu diantara 0 sampai dengan 1 (0 < P (A) < 1). Probabilitas Besar nya kesempatan (kemungkinan) suatu peristiwa yang akan terjadi. Terdapat beberapa hal penting yaitu beseranya kesempatan dan peristiwa yang akan terjadi. Besarnya kesempatan dari suatu peristiwa akan terjadi adalah antara 0 sampai dengan 1. Jika suatu peristiwa memiliki kesempatan akan terjadi 0, peristiwa tersebut pasti tidak akan terjadi. Namun jika suatu peristiwa memiliki akan terjadi1, peristiwa tersebut pasti akan terjadi. Kesimpulan, bahwa semakin kecil probabilitas suatu peristiwa (probabilitas yang semakin mendekati 0), semakin kecil kesempatan (kemungkinan) peristiwa tersebut akan terjadi. Sebaliknya semakin besar probabilitas suatu peristiwa (probabilitas yang semakin mendekati 1), semakin besar kesempatan (kemungkinan) peristiwa tersebut akan terjadi. Besarnya kesempatan ini dapat ditulis dalam bentuk bilangan decimal, pecahan, dan bentuk persen. Misalnya , probabilitas suatu peristiwa ialah 0,25. Besarnya probabilitas untuk peritiwa tersebut juga dapat ditulis dengan bilangan ¼ atau 25%. (Sudaryono, 2012) Rumus :
Oficio, 2024
La transición entre los siglos XIX y XX estuvo marcada por la modernización de la infraestructura urbana de la Ciudad de México, en particular de su sistema de abastecimiento de agua, cuyo progreso se definió por el uso del concreto como parte de un enfoque higienista en la planificación urbana. En este contexto, su valor no se limitó a las ventajas de versatilidad, resistencia y durabilidad de este material, sino que en última instancia representó una cultura constructiva que definiría la materialización de la Ciudad de México. En se sentido, este estudio histórico incluye una metodología cualitativa, descriptiva y valorativa que contribuye a la valoración patrimonial del sistema de abastecimiento de agua. El uso del concreto en estas obras aparece como un agente de cambio que ha permitido contribuir al urbanismo, la arquitectura, la construcción y la tecnología, y completar un paradigma en la cultura técnica de la ciudad que define un periodo.
Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture, 2022
interventions, 2008
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2014
European journal of biology and biotechnology, 2024
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2015
Antiviral Research, 1996
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Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan, 2022
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