BSBSUS501 Task

BSBSUS501 Task: 2 Implementation and presentation. Lucas Antunes dos Santos Australian Ideal College Implementation plan objectives: -Reduction of the energy use. -Sustainability of environment. -Engage in various activities to save the environment. -Recording accurate records. Action Required Associated Target Resources Timeline Accountability Planning for Objectives Reduction of electricity by 2% Human resources 1 month Mr. John Gilbert Organizing the resources for Sustainability Reduction of wastage of water by 2% Human and financial resources 2 months Ms. Elena GIL. Providing training to the employees Engaging staff in the working of the organization Human resources 2 months Mr. James Demal Recording of Data Recording on the monthly basis Human and financial resources 5 months Mr. Joey Tribal Monitoring the Working By inspiring the audiences in an effective and efficient manner Human resources 2 months Mr. James Tribal Controlling the Working By recording and daily supervisions 5 months Ms. Monica Ross Communication of Staff Members By setting the intranet communication system Human and financial resources 2 months Mr. Ross Filal Evaluation of Working By comparing with actual targets Human and financial resources 3 months Mr. Ross Bing. Monitoring Strategies Description of the Objectives Key Perfomance indicators Baseline (Previous year) Target Data collection methods Reduction of the energy use Through the electricity bill. 2017-2018 To reduce the energy level to the use of 2% per annum Primary as well as secondary data collection method. Surveyis conducted in an effective manner. Sustainability of environment Sustainability report as well as the budget of the business to expand the income on such aspects 2017-2018 Reduction of the use of landfill waste along with the use of recycling and the reuse Primary as well as secondary data collection method. Engage in various activities to save the environment Corporate social responsibility report, as well as campaing associated with it 2019 Provide necessary training to the employees in relation to it Secondary data collection method using the literature reviews Recording accurate records Record of the data at various places 2019 Recording of the data on the monthly basis Primary data are collected from the sources where there is proper recording is taken into account effectively