Foulstone and Strines Moor Archaeological Survey

The following report presents the results of the first phase of archaeological surveying on the Gritstone uplands on the west and north side of Sheffield to be undertaken under the auspices of Sheffield Lakeland Landscape Partnership. The surveys are one of a number of elements that form the "Hidden History" component of the Heritage Lottery Funded project led by Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trusts. The survey found evidence for the small scale activities of a modest sized population that probably relate from the Late Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age (c.2200BC-700BC). This was represented by small groups of cairns that might have been for field clearance, funerary activity or both, alongside numerous small standing stones of possible esoteric function. The very ephemeral features that comprise the evidence probably survives due to lack of subsequent intensive use of the locale. Evidence for later interaction with this landscape is not evident before the post medieval use of the moors for grouse shooting.

Foulstone and Strines Moor Archaeological Survey, South Yorkshire, February 2019 Tim Cockrell Sheffield Lakeland Landscape Partnership Contents Contents ......................................................................................................................................1 Illustrations .................................................................................................................................2 Tables .......................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Summary ....................................................................................................................... 7 2. Location, Geology, Topography and Current Use ............................................................ 7 3. Historical and Archaeological Background ...................................................................... 9 4. Aims and Objectives .................................................................................................... 11 5. Methodology ............................................................................................................... 11 6. Fieldwork .................................................................................................................... 12 7. Discussion.................................................................................................................... 45 8. Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 47 Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... 47 References ...................................................................................................................... 48 Appendix 1: Database...................................................................................................... 50 Appendix 2: Additional Photographs ................................................................................ 53 1 Illustrations Figure 1: Location of Foulstone and Strines Moors (red). © OpenStreetMap contributors...................... 8 Figure 2: : Feature 35, in area D facing south-east across Running Moss to the deeply incised Strines Dike and north-west facing escarpment of Strines Moor. Source: author. ............................................... 8 Figure 3: : The "take off" stone on Mortimer Road (NGR 422284, 390701). Source: author .................. 10 Figure 4: : The study area and its survey area divisions. © OpenStreetMap contributors...................... 12 Figure 5: : Outcropping and boulders visible on the south west facing slope of the east end of Foulstone Moor. Source: author .............................................................................................................. 14 Figure 6: Distribution of orthostats and cairns in relation to outcropping. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service ........................................ 15 Figure 7: An orthostat on Strines moor, overlooking the largely featureless expanse in the vicinity of where springs rise at Broad Carr, feeding into the former Dale Dike (Strines reservoir). Source: author....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 8: The side and end elevations of feature 29, showing the cairn-like appearance of its setting and some packing stones visible on its east side. .................................................................................... 16 Figure 9: The plan view of feature 61, demonstrating its sub-rectangular shape. Source: author. ........ 16 Figure 10: Distribution of orthostats with stone holes and packing. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service......................................................................... 18 Figure 11: An artificially placed orthostat of recent historical date - a boundary marker between South Yorkshire and Derbyshire at the bottom of the west facing slope of Strines ridge. Source: author....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 12: Feature 65, the largest orthostat, partly collapsed to its west side but propped up by a prominent packing stone. Numerous others are visible within an eroded pit. Source: author .............. 20 Figure 13: One of a number of orthostats marking the boundary between Derbyshire and the Parish of Bradfield, in South Yorkshire. This unusually worn and small example (which includes Figure 11 above) might well predate the others, and is plausibly of medieval or early post medieval date. The inscription, though eroded, is probably later. Source: author................................................................. 21 Figure 14: An orthostat in the "Plaza" at the Late Neolithic ceremonial complex at the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney. Source: author. Courtesy of Nick Card .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 15: An orthostat from the ring circling the central cairn at the Bronze Age cemetary at Balnuaran of Clava, Inverness. This diminutive example illustrates well how small such orthostats can be. Source: author.................................................................................................................................... 22 2 Figure 16: A cairn at the base of the west facing slope of Strines ridge. Source: author........................24 Figure 17: The landscape context for feature 40, the cairn between Running Moss and Rising Clough. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service........................24 Figure 18: One of the densely overgrown cairns in the cairnfield on Foulstone Moor. Source: author..25 Figure 19: A largely buried cairn showing well worn rounded cobbles on Strines Moor. Source: author................................................................................................................................................... ...26 Figure 20: Features 58 (foreground) and 59 (left, centre) on Strines Moor, part of one of the small clusters of cairns and orthostats in the study area. Source: author.............................................................................................................................................. .......26 Figure 21: A small kerbed cairn at Foulstones Moor. Source: author.....................................................27 Figure 22: : A possible ring cairn on the ridge overlooking Strines Moor. Source: author......................28 Figure 23: A boulder of Gritstone, disturbed only by numerous weather worn striations (some are visible at the north end of rock here). Source: author............................................................................29 Figure 24: Detail of Figure 23. Source: author.........................................................................................29 Figure 25: Grooves at the north end of the large earthfast boulder, showing two cutting a shallow "dished" depression. Source: author.......................................................................................................30 Figure 26: Foreground: the larger of the two grove marked boulders showing some of the grooves above the 0.5m scale and the large and highly distinctive natural cupules. Background: the smaller of the grove marked boulders. Source: author............................................................................................31 Figure 27: The cup marked and grooved boulders adjacent to the stank pits on Whitwell Moor. The cup marks are small and poorly defined, but with precedents from elsewhere on the southern Pennines (see below). Source: author.....................................................................................................................32 Figure 28: The “cup marked” earth-fast boulder at the east end of Foulstone ridge. Source: author...................................................................................................................................................... .33 Figure 29: The longer of the two linear embankments. Source: author..................................................34 Figure 30: Features at Running Moss. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service................................................................................................................35 Figure 31: Holloways in relation to orthostats and cairns. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service...............................................................................................36 Figure 32: Feature 15, facing east with Holloway 1 visible in the background. Source: author..............37 Figure 33: The small plateau-like platform above holloway 2, facing north. Source: author..................37 3 Figure 34: Features of probable post medieval and recent historical date. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service..............................38 Figure 35: County boundary marker with guide stoop-like appearance. Source: author..............39 Figure 36: Possible medieval or early post medieval way marker on Strines Edge. Source: author................................................................................................................................39 Figure 37 : The first pair of putative estate boundary markers to be recorded in area A, Foulstone Moor. Source: author.....................................................................................................................41 Figure 38: Possible gate post next to fields adjacent to Strines public House. Source: author......42 Figure 39: Probable roughly prepared gateposts of recent historical date. Source: author.............................................................................................................................................43 Figure 40 : Brogging Moss Grotto, facing south. Source: author...................................................44 Figure 41: The fireplace inside Brogging Moss Grotto, facing west. Source: author.....................45 Figure 42: Foreground to background: Brogging Moss Grotto, Brogging Moss, Foulstone Moor Ridge, Strines Moor Ridge, Boot's Folly, Ughill Moors. Source: author....................................................53 Figure 43: Blackhole Moor, in the Moscar Estate, facing south-west from Brogging Moss. Source: author.......................................................................................................................................... ...53 Figure 44: Recording feature 13 on Foulstone Moor. Source: author............................................54 Figure 45: The end elevation of feature 10 on Foulstone Moor. Source: author...........................54 Figure 46: Feature 16 on Foulstone Moor, facing south-east towards Strines Moor Ridge. Source: author.......................................................................................................................................... ...55 Figure 47: Strines Dike in area G facing west, with Strines Moor Ridge (left). Source: autho..............................................................................................................................................55 Figure 48: The graffito in area D and a natural solution hollow, facing south across Running Moss to Strines Dike and Strines Moor Ridge. Source: author. .................................................................... 56 Figure 49: A grouse butt and rigg and furrow visible in a field on the south side of Strines Inn. Source: author......................................................................................................................................... .....56 Figure 50: Feature 47 on Strines Moor, area H. Boot's folly is in the background. Source: author.57 Figure 51: Feature 65, the largest of the mapped orthostats, in area I on the lower slopes of Strines Edge. Source: author................................................................................................................... ....58 Figure 52: A cairn on Strines Moor. Source: author......................................................................... 58 Figure 53: Overhead shot of an orthostat on Strines Moor. ........................................................... 59 4 Figure 54: Foulstone road with the north-west facing slope of Foulstone Moor behind. Left of centre: the quarry (trees) and Foulstone Delf (Cottage). right: the major outcropping towards the east end of the ridge. Source: author .......................................................................................................... 59 5 Tables Table 1: Dimensions of the orthostats in metres, presented as an average, with standard deviation indicating variance ............................................................................................................................ 17 6 1. Summary The following report presents the results of the first phase of archaeological surveying on the Gritstone uplands on the west and north side of Sheffield to be undertaken under the auspices of Sheffield Lakeland Landscape Partnership. The surveys are one of a number of elements that form the "Hidden History" component of the Heritage Lottery Funded project led by Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trusts. The survey found evidence for the small scale activities of a modest sized population that probably relate from the Late Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age (c.2200BC-700BC). This was represented by small groups of cairns that might have been for field clearance, funerary activity or both, alongside numerous small standing stones of possible esoteric function. The very ephemeral features that comprise the evidence probably survives due to lack of subsequent intensive use of the locale. Evidence for later interaction with this landscape is not evident before the post medieval use of the moors for grouse shooting. 2. Location, geology, topography and current use Foulstone and Strines Moors (SK 215 913) are situated to the eastern edge of the Millstone Grit group of carboniferous sedimentary rocks, approximately 15 kilometres from the centre of Sheffield (Figure 1). The moors occupy different geological zones, influencing their distinct and prominent character. Foulstone Moor, to the west, consists of Millstone Grit formations whereas Strines Moor is of Sandstone formations (BGS 2019). Between them is a narrow band of Siltstones and Mudstones which have been deeply eroded by the north eastward flow of Strines Dike and the south eastern flow of Rising Dike. Both of these streams rise together at Running Moss. Consequently, Strines Moor sweeps in an amphitheatral curve facing east in a gradual slope where springs rise, feeding into the former course of Dale Dike in Bradfield Dale. At the apex of the moor, where Strines Dike and Rising Dike have eroded away the siltstones, the west facing ridge falls in a dramatic escarpment (Figure 2). Foulstone Moor rises north west of the deeply incised course of Strines Dike in a gradual slope ending in a ridge which overlooks Strines Moor. It is also bounded by the course of Strines Dike on its east side, and by Running Moss Dike on its west side. Beyond the apex of its ridge, the moor falls to where Foulstone Dike cuts a channel only slightly less deeply incised than Strines Dike. To the north and west of the moor numerous springs rise in areas overlain deeply by peat at Brogging Moss and Blackhole Moor. The aspect of Foulstone and Strines Moors is thus distinctly east facing, being overlooked to their immediate west by the line of Derwent edge rising up above Blackhole Moor and Brogging Moss. 7 Figure 1: Location of Foulstone and Strines Moors (red). © OpenStreetMap contributors. Figure 2: Feature 35, in area D facing south-east across Running Moss to the deeply incised Strines Dike and north-west facing escarpment of Strines Moor. Source: author. 8 The entirety of the study area is designated by Natural England as a priority habitat of principle importance, primarily consisting of upland heathland (MAGIC 2019). Upland wetlands are also in evidence to a lesser extent in discrete patches, for the most part on the western side of the study area at Brogging Moss, Blackhole and Running Moss (MAGIC 2019). The moors are designated as areas of Special Scientific Interest and species present that are designated as priority species for habitat issues include Curlew, Lapwing and Snipe (MAGIC 2019). The moors are managed for grouse shooting, meaning that though covered in heather, burning is routinely undertaken in carefully measured parcels in order to encourage fresh shoots of the plant for consumption by the birds. A by-product of this is the colonisation of burned off areas by cowberry and bilberry while re-growth of the heather takes place. The presence of these forms of vegetation have been common on the moors since at least the 18th century (Hunter 1819: 459). In the tiny floodplains of the dikes and their incised courses, significant growth of bracken is often present. 3. Historical and archaeological background Flint scatters have been recorded at the headwaters of Pears House Clough, where springs rise adjacent to Mortimer Road at the bottom of the east facing slope of Strines Moor (SMR 031301/02; Museums Sheffield accession numbers MS1986.542; MS1977.635). These are stray finds of the Late Mesolithic, other examples of which have been recorded close by at Rising Clough (SMR 031301/01). A Late Mesolithic microlith was also recorded near the walled boundary of fields adjacent to Strines Public house (Museums Sheffield accession number MS1986.492). More recent Mesolithic stray finds include a probable knife recovered by Mr. Andrew Tissington from the narrow ridge between where Rising Clough and Strines Dike rise below the west facing escarpment of Strines ridge (NGR 421109, 389478), and a notched blade recovered from the opposite end of Strines ridge close to the walled boundary of fields adjacent to Strines Inn (NGR 421990, 390472). Strines Inn is a grade II listed building dating to the 17th century. Adjacent to the inn is another listed monument - the "Take Off" stone on Mortimer Road, where the road drops precipitously into the little gorge cut by Strines Dike. Take off stones marked where horses that were temporarily harnessed to wagons to assist in pulling heavy loads up roads with acute gradients. At the location of the stone, they unhitched the extra horses and the wagons carried on with their journeys. Mortimer road itself is a former turnpike. It is likely that it traversed this particularly difficult route, rather than an easier way, because it followed the line of a former packhorse route (Goddard 2019: xxiii). 9 Figure 3: The "take off" stone on Mortimer Road (NGR 422284, 390701). Source: author. This route passes through part of the southern pennine moorland landscape which for most of its history since the Iron Age has had remarkably little disturbance. This is partly due to the fact that so much of the uplands formed estates given their character by the fashion for hunting deer in the middle ages (Hey 2002: 95). This landscape was also utilised for the grazing of cattle and sheep when not in use for the chace (Hey 2002: 98). In the 16th century that part of the moors between Hallamshire and the Derwent Valley in Derbyshire was used by communities from both sides of the watershed, often in competition and dispute (Bevan 2004: 114). Sheep were the main livestock grazed on the moors (Hunter 1819: 459; Holland 1837: 21). However, by the middle of the 18th century increasing areas of moorland were being managed for grouse shooting. This was a pastime amongst the landed gentry that became increasing popular, as well as profitable for landowners with improvements in transport infrastructure and firearms technology (Bevan 2004: 126). Archaeological investigations within the study area itself are notable by their absence. A watching brief of seismic survey work was undertaken along Foulstone Road, the west end of Foulstone Moor, and Brogging Moss in 1988 (Merrony 1989). This included small excavations by controlled explosion, but did not reveal new archaeological information. Two surveys and a watching brief have been undertaken very close to the study area. A rapid walkover survey of neighbouring Hoyle farm, including fields to the east side of Mortimer Road, did not reveal obvious signs of prehistoric activity, but much relating to the 10 medieval and post-medieval periods (Taylor 1999). A walkover survey of the moorland landscape to either side of the public footpath along Derwent Edge did furnish information indicative of possible Bronze Age settlement to the west of Highshaw Clough on Derwent Moors (Garton 2014). This consisted of several small cairnfields, linear clearance and lynchets, as well as possible house platforms (Garton 2014: 90). It also included a "small upright stone" that might be natural, but was deemed to be potentially archaeological in nature, with no obvious way to determine its date. Subsequent to the walkover survey along Derwent Edge, a watching brief was undertaken of the works to upgrade the public footpath (Garton 2015). It was during this that three cup marked earthfast boulders were recorded at different locations along the path (Guilbert 2015). 4. Aims and Objectives The present survey is the first of several across the uplands on the western side of Sheffield, designed to contribute to "Hidden History" a series of archaeological projects that form part of the Heritage Lottery funded "Sheffield Lakeland Landscape Partnership". The broad aim of the partnership is to conserve and celebrate the natural, built and cultural heritage of north-west Sheffield. The moorland surveys focus on the possible prehistoric archaeology of the moors. Much work concerning the prehistory of the southern Pennines has been undertaken over many years (Ainsworth 2001; Barnatt et al 1994; Bevan 2004; Ashmore et al 2010; Barnatt et al 2017), but only a negligible amount on the South Yorkshire side of the watershed (Radley 1964; 1965; Cockrell 2017). The present work will begin to fill that lacuna, contributing to a more meaningful understanding of the moorland landscape as a whole. The main objective of the present survey was to map the locations of any features of potential prehistoric provenance and to record their main attributes. A secondary aim was to map other probable archaeological features when encountered. 5. Methodology The study area was designed to investigate areas of moorland defined by the extent of ridges, their slopes, and the valleys between them. The watersheds and sources of streams were included for control, without expectation that such elevated and wet areas would yield significant amounts of data. The study area was then sub-divided into discreet survey areas (Figure 4) that were investigated separately for the purposes of administering and organising the information, and in order to minimise potential confusion over how much and which parts had been covered on each visit. The survey areas were designed with the topography in mind, hence their variable size and shape. Again, this was done to easier facilitate the administration of work and minimise error. Each area was walked across in 11 approximately ten metre wide transects by team members in a line. All potential archaeological features were to be recorded regardless of possible date or function. Potential prehistoric features were recorded in the most detail, on pro forma recording sheets and assigned a unique number to be entered into the feature register. All features were photographed and their locations recorded using a Garmin etrex 10 hand held gps device, with waypoint averaging enabled to minimise error. Permission had been granted for surveying to be undertaken on the land owned by the Fitzwilliam (Wentworth) estate. When it was realised that part of the study area fell within the Moscar estate (areas E, F and the majority of area C) these areas were avoided. It was felt that since these areas (and area J) had only been included for control, that it would not be likely to create significant bias in the landscape sample. Figure 4: The study area and its survey area divisions. © OpenStreetMap contributors. 6. Fieldwork Fieldwork was undertaken over eleven days between the 8th of February and the 1st of March 2019. The whole of March had also been included within the plan, with the assumption in mind that winter weather would make progress slow and at times impossible. 12 The first two days were inauspicious, coinciding with storm "Eric" , resulting in slow progress. However, the weather in the rest of February was unseasonably warm and dry. Visibility was excellent. Volunteer participation was high. For these reasons fieldwork was able to be completed by the beginning of March. As expected, those parts of the study area where springs rise on the east facing slopes below Derwent Edge and which fell within the Fitzwilliam (Wentworth) estate did not yield any potential prehistoric features. The only other feature to be recorded was Brogging Moss Grotto in area J. All other survey areas produced features that are of probable prehistoric provenance as well as a limited number of post medieval features. These are described below by feature class. Standing Stones The single largest body of data consists of small standing stones, at fifty one features. These will be referred to as orthostats hereafter. In terms of understanding their date and function they are also by far the most problematic features to discuss. Some archaeologists have cast doubt on whether these kinds of features are archaeological at all, suggesting instead that they might be boulders or outcroppings of the local geological substrate (C. Merrony, pers.comm.). The suggestion is a plausible one, since loose boulders and outcroppings of the millstone grit formation are to be found in abundance across the moors, and Foulstone and Strines Moors are no exception (Figure 5). 13 Figure 5: Outcropping and boulders visible on the south west facing slope of the east end of Foulstone Moor. Source: author. However, the densest areas of outcropping are along the tops of the ridges at Foulstone and Strines moors. These are areas that have no orthostats in evidence (Figure 6). Elsewhere, although near areas where some outcropping, and more boulders, are in evidence, the relationship is not clear or not in evidence at all. In many places, orthostats stand out prominently precisely because of this (Cover photo; Figure 2; Figure 7; Figure 50). 14 Figure 6 : Distribution of orthostats and cairns in relation to outcropping. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. As noted earlier, quarrying is in evidence in a number of places across the moors but in particular at the north-east end of Foulstone ridge, in the vicinity of a cluster of orthostats, and along the south eastern spur of Strines ridge. less conspicuous and more opportunistic attempts at quarrying are in evidence at various places adjacent to Mortimer Road (alongside the modern drain marked in Figure 6 ), also near to some of the orthostats. Another plausible suggestion, therefore, is that some or all of the orthostats are the detritus left over from quarrying activities. However, almost all of them show signs of very long term exposure to erosion that is not consistent with the sharply defined angularity of stone quarried in recent centuries, or recently exposed. None have tool marks. In 35% of cases, deep erosion gullies are distinctly visible to the top edges, indicative of very long exposure whilst in a vertical position. Since the orthostats are not quarried, dressed or modified in anyway, their morphology and dimensions might also be expected to vary considerably if they are a function of natural formation processes. Erratics, or loose boulders of local geology should not be expected to appear erect or "top heavy", in apparent defiance of gravity as they do in Figure 7. This 15 anecdotal observation appeared to be the norm in the survey area, with few exceptions (see below). Figure 7: An orthostat on Strines moor, overlooking the largely featureless expanse in the vicinity of where springs rise at Broad Carr, feeding into the former Dale Dike (Strines reservoir). Source: author. Observed in profile, the orthostats have a crudely sub-rectangular or sub-triangular appearance when fully erect (Figure 8). The morphology of the objects in plan view is more straightforward to characterise though, since some orthostats incline to a greater or lesser degree and can be masked to a varying extent by beds of moss or other vegetation, sometimes rendering the profile difficult to record or see. For this reason the plan view was that entered into the record sheets when describing morphology. In 98% of cases, this was distinctly sub-rectangular in form (Figure 9). 16 Figure 8: The side and end elevations of feature 29, showing the cairn-like appearance of its setting and some packing stones visible on its east side. Figure 9: The plan view of feature 61, demonstrating its sub-rectangular shape. Source: author. The orthostats were measured in terms of their known maximum height above ground level, their width (the long axis) and thickness (short axis). Anecdotally, there was considerable variance between the smallest and the largest orthostats. However, there appeared to be a considerable level of consistency overall, particularly with the thickness of the orthostats. The relatively modest amounts by which there was variance amongst unmodified natural stone slabs was confirmed by statistical analysis undertaken in Microsoft Excel, summarised in table 1. 17 Average Height 0.721569 Width 1.03098 Thickness 0.326275 Standard deviation 0.233233 0.399175 0.131224 Table 1: Dimensions of the orthostats in metres, presented as an average, with standard deviation indicating variance. Height has the potential to be problematic, since it is not known how deep the stones continue sub surface. With that in mind, it is telling that the deviation from the average is only slightly more than 23cm. Moreover, the deviations in the other dimensions are similarly narrow if it is assumed that the features occur naturally. When taken together with the 98% occurrence of a sub rectangular shape in plan, these statistics would be a remarkable coincidence if due to natural formation processes. The fact that so many of the orthostats had a sub-rectangular morphology in plan means that orientation is potentially an important consideration. If natural, they could be expected to have a random proportion of orientations, randomly distributed geographically. This is not the case. Of the fifty one orthostats, 53% had a distinctly North-South orientation and 23% were equally distinctly orientated East-West. For 76% of the orthostats to be confined to two very distinct orientations would be remarkable if coincidental. In determining whether or not the orthostats are archaeological features or natural phenomena their immediate context also needs to be considered. If artificially placed, they could be expected for the most part to be sited in holes and packed around the sides with cobbles and small stones. Figure 11 shows this in convincing detail, with the example of an orthostat of recent historic date that could not be confused with a natural feature. With examples that are potentially more than 3000 years old, we might expect various site formation processes, such as peat formation, colluvial action, root action and the accretion of generations of decayed vegetation to mask such clues. However, in 19% of cases probable or definite packing stones were visible, in 12% of cases probable pits were in evidence and in 17% of cases both were visible. That is a total of 45% of features with clear evidence of being set within excavated pits and packed with stones to hold them in place, distributed relatively evenly across the study area where orthostats are in evidence (Figure 10; Figure 12). 18 Figure 10 : Distribution of orthostats with stone holes and packing. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. To summarise the foregoing, the orthostats are relatively homogenous and predictable in dimensions, morphology, orientation and in how they are (or were probably) fixed upright. It is quite possible that some individual features that do not fulfil all the aforementioned criteria might indeed be natural boulders or protuberances of outcropping (but not necessarily so). However, assuming that this is the case, it is unlikely to be significant in terms of the overall database, its patterning, and what we can learn from it. Since it can be concluded that the orthostats are archaeological features, dating them is the issue that follows. Figure 11 shows that orthostats could belong to recent historical periods, but is also illustrative of an obvious objection to that connected with the earlier discussion although carefully chosen for use as orthostats, none of them are of dressed stone, such as the example illustrated. 19 Figure 11: An artificially placed orthostat of recent historical date - a boundary marker between South Yorkshire and Derbyshire at the bottom of the west facing slope of Strines ridge. Source: author. 20 Figure 12: Feature 65, the largest orthostat, partly collapsed to its west side but propped up by a prominent packing stone. Numerous others are visible within an eroded pit. Source: author. The forerunners of markers such as in Figure 11 are represented by Guide Stoops, stone markers erected to mark routeways at junctions after legislation passed in 1709, prior to the advent of Turnpikes (Smith 2009). The legislation was an attempt to revive the marking of routeways with stone markers during the medieval period. Those earlier markers are also often referred to as way crosses, because the majority were worked in the form of a Latin cross or otherwise inscribed with a cross (Historic England 2019). Many guide stoops survive across Derbyshire and the Peak District, but far Fewer of their medieval antecedents. Some, however, are still to be found in upland areas such as the Peak District (Figure 13) or in Cornwall. 21 Figure 13: One of a number of orthostats marking the boundary between Derbyshire and the Parish of Bradfield, in South Yorkshire. This unusually worn and small example (which includes Figure 11 above) might well predate the others, and is plausibly of medieval or early post medieval date. The inscription, though eroded, is probably later. Source: author. What the way markers and guide stoops of former historical times have in common with each other, including the older examples, is that they were dressed to one degree or another, even if crudely. They are not natural unmodified stones. Moreover, as markers of important points along boundaries or routeways, and especially junctions, they are dispersed in a broadly linear fashion, one at a time, and with substantial gaps between them. The unmodified orthostats discussed here differ from the above not only in being unmodified stones but also in the character of their distribution. They are assumed on those bases to predate the medieval period. Precedents for the form and character of the individual orthostats are also not found during the Roman period or Iron Age, but during the Neolithic or Bronze Age (Figure 14; Figure 15). 22 Figure 14: An orthostat in the "Plaza" at the Late Neolithic ceremonial complex at the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney. Source: author. Courtesy of Nick Card. Figure 15: An orthostat from the ring circling the central cairn at the Bronze Age cemetary at Balnuaran of Clava, Inverness. This diminutive example illustrates well how small such orthostats can be. Source: author. 23 Useful illustrative anecdotes notwithstanding, scholarship demonstrating the widespread existence of prehistoric orthostats, such as that from the Ness of Brodgar, and diminutive "miniliths" such as that associated with the Clava cairns near Inverness, show that the stones at Foulstone Moor and Strines Moor are by no means unusual (Burl 1993; Gillings 2010; 2015; 2015b; Swarbrick 2012). Relatively nearby excavated examples are known from West Yorkshire (Shepherd et al 2016). However, they do not form part of geometric settings such as stone circles. The detailed study of 59 clusters of very small orthostats on Exmoor by Mark Gillings over a period of ten years has shown that they occupy specific locales, on valley sides overlooked by ridges and upland plateaux, usually above deeply incised channels of the headwaters of fluvial systems, in close proximity to small cairns and cairnfields. Excavated orthostats are frequently found to be embedded in stone holes and wedged in place by cobbles and stones along the sides, some of which have been deliberately constructed as box-like or cist-like structures. Datable material has not been recovered, but struck quartz has. Quartz is often associated with Bronze Age structures and Gillings, by analogy with better dated sites, has suggested that his clusters also relate to the Bronze Age. Cairns Seventeen small cairns were also mapped during the present survey (Figure 10) which, nominally, are also difficult to characterise and date with confidence without excavation. They are all between two to four metres in diameter and sub-circular in plan. The cairn in Figure 16 is an isolated example located at the border between the Parish Of Bradfield and Derbyshire, on a saddle-like shelf directly between the headwaters of Rising Clough and Strines Dike (Figure 17). Its north-east side is well defined and earth fast, but some of the cobbles that it consists of are loose, and most of the cobbles are angular and sharply defined. Its location could be related either to its topographical and environmental context or to its proximity to the historical border. 24 Figure 16: A cairn at the base of the west facing slope of Strines ridge. Source: author. Figure 17: The landscape context for feature 40, the cairn between Running Moss and Rising Clough. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. 25 The majority of the recorded cairns are different in character to the above. None are quite so isolated. Several include stone work that is far more rounded and less exposed (Figure 19). Eight of them have no stonework visible above ground, and are overgrown with cowberry or bilberry (Figure 18). Eight are located together in a small cairnfield at the northeast end of Foulstone Moor, three are located together in a small cairnfield on Strines Moor, and two are together on the edge of a small valley where springs rise on Strines Moor with another located on the other side of the same valley. All are within close or very close proximity to orthostats (Figure 20). Figure 18: One of the densely overgrown cairns in the cairnfield on Foulstone Moor. Source: author. 26 Figure 19: A largely buried cairn showing well worn rounded cobbles on Strines Moor. Source: author. Figure 20: Features 58 (foreground) and 59 (left, centre) on Strines Moor, part of one of the small clusters of cairns and orthostats in the study area. Source: author. 27 Probably the most interesting cairn recorded is one that is relatively isolated, at approximately 100 metres from the nearest orthostats, downslope to its south-west and south-east. It is small, at less than two metres in diameter, but with a well defined circumference that incorporates two kerb stones opposite each other (Figure 21). Figure 21 : A small kerbed cairn at Foulstones Moor. Source: author. In addition to the small cairns described above, a stone setting was recorded near the highest point on Strines ridge, on a small plateau (Figure 17; Figure 22). The feature is defined by a ring of stones to its east side, with more on its north side that are indistinct due to being just below the surface of the soil. An earth-fast slab forms part of its south-west side that is flat and partly buried. Within the perimeter of the setting is a sub-circular patch of cow berry that is indicative of a difference between the soil there and that of the surrounding small plateau. It is suggested that the feature is the remnant of a ring cairn. 28 Figure 22: A possible ring cairn on the ridge overlooking Strines Moor. Source: author. Grooved stones Near the north-eastern end of Foulstone ridge adjacent to Foulstone Delf and the quarry two large earthfast boulders are marked by numerous linear grooves or striations. The boulders are otherwise undisturbed, so it is doubtful whether these marks are the result of quarrying activity (Figure 23). This is particularly so given the smooth and weather eroded character of the edges of the marks, which indicate that they are of considerable age (Figure 24). 29 Figure 23: A boulder of Gritstone, disturbed only by numerous weather worn striations (some are visible at the north end of rock here). Source: author. Figure 24: Detail of Figure 23. Source: author. 30 Figure 25: Grooves at the north end of the large earthfast boulder, showing two cutting a shallow "dished" depression. Source: author. The marks are in clusters that are located close to each other, but the individual striations do not align precisely. They are of different widths and depths and most are tapered at either end in a narrow but lentoid fashion. Two striations appear to be cutting a wider and shallower "dished" marking of sub-oval appearance (Figure 25). A notable and striking characteristic of the larger of the two boulders is that on its west side it is marked by very deep and wide naturally eroded cupules (Figure 26). Prima facie, It is impossible to date the marks with certainty, but their probable antiquity, deduced from their weather worn and irregular form, along with their lentoid morphology, closely resemble stone axe sharpening marks, or a polissoir, of the Neolithic. 31 Figure 26: Foreground: the larger of the two grove marked boulders showing some of the grooves above the 0.5m scale and the large and highly distinctive natural cupules. Background: the smaller of the grove marked boulders. Source: author. Possible petroglyphs The first of these to be recorded was on the east facing vertical side of a large subrectangular earth-fast slab, adjacent to the west end of the Quarry at the east end of Foulstone ridge (Figure 27). The slab was marked with small “cup marks” of varying depth, several of which appear to be aligned with and on the edge of two naturally eroded linear gullies. At least some of these marks show signs of the shattering along their circumference that are characteristic of gunshots. The slab is suspiciously close to the back yard of Foulstone cottage, on the other side of the quarry and it is tempting to suggest that on occasion in the recent past the slab has been used as target practice by guests staying there. This, however, is pure speculation. Very similarly marked vertical faces of large earth-fast boulders that were used for target practice by soldiers during WWII are in evidence on Burbage Moor (Bevan 2006). However, Some of the possible cup marks on the present example are different in character to the likely gunshot damage. They are deeper and better defined and are better candidates for prehistoric cup marks, the possible attribution of which is discussed below. 32 Figure 27: The “cup marked” earth-fast boulder at the east end of Foulstone ridge. Source: author Upslope, and at the opposite end of Foulstone ridge (west) are substantial outcroppings of substrate which includes a massive earthfast slab that has at least eight hemispherical depressions to the north-west end of its horizontal face (Figure 28). Marks of this kind and of those on the aforementioned vertical slab, are notoriously difficult to characterise even as archaeological features, since naturally occurring solution hollows are a common feature on geological substrates across the world (Bednarik 2008). Moreover, similar natural erosional phenomena are observable in the local gritstone formations as evidenced in Figure 26 above. The same erosion hollows are evident at various places on the outcroppings at Foulstone moors, with varying dimensions, although anecdotal observations indicate that almost all are larger in diameter and deeper than published examples of cupmarked stones. That said, it is claimed that cup marked stones of the Peak District are often particularly large and deep (Barnatt and Robinson 2003: 14). Without specialist geological training (as opposed even to general geological training), determining the difference between natural solution hollows and genuine archaeological features can be problematic (Bednarik 2010), particularly when the rings often associated with cup marks are not present. However, it has been claimed (Bednarik 2008: 71) that cup marks rarely exist in isolation and are often found in clusters or geometrically arranged groups on rock faces, rather than spread in an entirely random distribution. The geographical location can also offer an important clue, as they are often placed to take advantage of specific geological and topographical attributes. Bradley (1997: 82) has shown 33 how there is patterning to this, and what he calls "simple" cup marked stones are more usually found on boulders while more complicated petroglyphs are usually on outcropping. Figure 28: Possible cupules on outcropping near the west end of Foulstone ridge. Source: author. The markings on the horizontal slab are indeed a distinct group clustered at the north-west end of the outcropping. Neighbouring chunks of outcropping lack the marks altogether. However, they do not form a geometrically arranged cluster and do not conform to Bradley's pattern of simple cup marks on boulders and complex petroglyphs on outcropping (though he emphasises that there are regional variations to such patterning). The few cup marks on the vertical slab do appear to belong to a more geometrical arrangement, relating to the erosion gullies mentioned. After extensive fieldwork at various locales in Britain, Bradley also concludes that "rock art" is usually sited at vantage points commanding specific views, and above likely routeways through the landscape (1997: 89). The present markings are located on outcropping that is just beneath the summit of the west end of Foulstone ridge, and on the vertical slab at the east end of the ridge. They overlook both the extensive valley slopes to its south and east with their cairns and orthostats and Strines ridge and Bradfield Dale beyond. They also overlook Foulstone road to their immediate north-west, alongside Foulstone Dike, that has 34 in the recent historic past served as an important routeway between South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire and beyond. Foulstone ridge is itself overlooked by the outcroppings of Derwent Edge to its west. Derwent Edge, moreover, is itself the location of three recently recorded "simple" cup-marked stones bearing close resemblance to the markings at the present location (Guilbert 2015). The location is certainly consistent with the kind of distinctive place that Bradley was thinking of. The present markings, if archaeological, are most likely to be simple archaeological cup marks of the kind that are generally assigned to the Neolithic or Bronze Age (Barnatt and Robinson 2003: 15). Linear embankments and possible house platform Near Foulstone Moor, to the immediate south-west of the precipitously incised Running Moss Dike, at a break of slope below the ridge and outcropping at Blackhole, there is a small plateau-like south facing slope between there and the equally precipitous sides of Strines Dike (Figure 17; Figure 30). The area seems to be defined by an arc of several of the aforementioned orthostats. Within this area are the very low lying remains of at least two linear embankments. One of these is approximately eleven metres long and the other (parallel, to its south west) is approximately four metres long. They were observed by chance in an area where the heather has been burned off in recent years, on a day when the sun was low in the late afternoon (Figure 29). Figure 29: The longer of the two linear embankments. Source: author. 35 Between the embankments, immediately upslope, is located a sub-circular cleared area approximately seven metres in diameter that appears to be a "house" platform. Figure 30: Features at Running Moss. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. Holloways A distinct and eroded path (Holloway 1) running west from enclosed fields of pasture adjacent to the Strines Public House ends where it meets Strines Dike near the east end of Foulstone Moor (Figure 31; Figure 32). The east end of the path is directly adjacent to the line of a dry stone walled field boundary that is completely buried under a deep bed of moss. This path forks about halfway along. The orientation and line of the path is its most intriguing attribute, since it appears (at least superficially) to be almost identical to that of the line of features on the other side of Strines Dike beginning at the top of the scarp edge that overlooks it. Those features consist of two of the aforementioned cairns and fifteen of the orthostats. However, though eroded, the depth is slight in comparison with better known holloways elsewhere (Hey 2002: 118). That, and its obvious relationship with the aforementioned former field boundary, indicate that this path is of recent date. 36 To the immediate north of the first path and on the opposite side of Strines Dike is another path (Holloway 2) that is more deeply incised than Holloway 1. Holloway 2 runs approximately, if sinuously, upslope north-south. It ends in a very flat and distinct shelf that is too large to be a "house" platform although does not appear to be natural (Figure 33). This platform or mini-plateau appears to be partly bounded on its west and north sides by three more orthostats (Figure 31). Figure 31 : Holloways in relation to orthostats and cairns. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. 37 Figure 32: Feature 15, facing east with Holloway 1 visible in the background. Source: author. Figure 33: The small plateau-like platform above holloway 2, facing north. Source: author. 38 Boundary stones Six roughly dressed rectangular or sub rectangular orthostats were mapped along the boundary between South Yorkshire and Derbyshire (Figure 11; Figure 34). Boundary stones appear marked on the contemporary ordnance Survey map and two of the examples recorded are in the exact locations marked on the map. They are not identical, one has the distinct appearance of an earlier guide stoop (Figure 35). Another example was very crudely shaped and badly eroded (Figure 36) and marked with the legend "TPD". The legend is arguably later than the post itself, but is very eroded and probably not of very recent date (the estate boundary stone discussed below with the legend "MF 1872" was fresh and sharp by comparison). It is likely that these stones which mark the boundary between historical administrative regions were set up over a very considerable period of time, indicative of the relative antiquity of the boundary. Figure 34: Features of probable post medieval and recent historical date. © Crown Copyright/database right 2016 An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service. 39 Figure 35: County boundary marker with guide stoop-like appearance. Source: author. Figure 36: Possible medieval or early post medieval way marker on Strines Edge. Source: author. 40 Possible estate boundary stones These stones were encountered first on the first day of the survey, and were initially assumed not to be in situ, since they were together in a pair (Figure 37). By the time the third such pair had been discovered, it was realised that the pairing was meaningful. Apart from the last example, all of these stones were thin sub-rectangular stones of fine grained sandstone. The first pair, in area A on Foulstone Moor, had stones inscribed with the legend "WF". The second pair, in area B was inscribed with the legend "FTM". To the immediate west of these also in area B was a pair, facing each other, with the legend "WF" on one stone and "FTM" on the other. The next location, on the east bank of Running Moss Dike in area D had three stones, one inscribed with the legend "FTM" and two with the legend "WF". A little to the west of the west bank was a single stone inscribed with the legend "WF". Very close to each other in area H were a pair of stones on Strines Moor ridge and a single stone all inscribed with the legend "WF”. To the north-east on the same ridge was another group of three, two inscribed with the legend "WF" and one with "FTM". Downslope to the east, also in area H, was a single stone inscribed with the legend "WF". Finally, to the south east still in area H and adjacent to Mortimer road was a larger Gritstone example, arguably of slightly more recent date to judge from its fresh appearance, inscribed with the legend "FM 1872". It is known that the estates of neighbouring landowners in the area of Hallam moors during the 19th century set up estate boundary stones inscribed with the initials of their owners (Hey 2002: 106). One of them, Wilson Mappin, was the son of the Sheffield Cutler Sir Frederic Mappin (Hey 2002: 106). It seems likely therefore that the inscribed stones in the present survey were of the same sort, and possible that "FTM" is Sir Frederic himself. 41 Figure 37 : The first pair of putative estate boundary markers to be recorded in area A, Foulstone Moor. Source: author. One more of these stones, marked with the legend "WF" was noted lying loose on a slab of outcropping on Foulstone ridge. This was obviously not in situ and its precise location not recorded. Possible gate post Alongside the dry stone walled field boundary at the north end of area H, on Strines Moor, was a curious roughly dressed orthostat (Figure 38). The orthostat was perforated with two 42 horizontally aligned holes at its top. This is most likely to be a redundant gate post of recent historical date. Figure 38: Possible gate post next to fields adjacent to Strines public House. Source: author. Debris scatter This was not a feature, but a distinct scatter of debris of recent date, including a number of corroded artefacts of ferrous metal, fragments of glass, gauze, cabling, a hexagonal ferrous metal coupling, and large solidified chunks of molten metal alloy, possibly aluminium. It was located upslope of Pears House Clough in area H. The National Monuments Record (No. 1517553) records that on the 21st July 1951 a De Havilland Vampire fighter bomber Mk5 43 crashed in the vicinity and was destroyed, although the pilot survived. The debris recorded is highly likely to be a function of that incident. Graffito On a small slab of outcropping at Blackhole, in area D, a graffito was noted (Figure 48) although it was too faded to read easily. Post Roughouts Adjacent to Mortimer Road in area I close to an extensive boulder strewn slope evidence was found for the quarrying and primary working of possible gate posts. At least eight of the posts which were lying together in apparent readiness for dispatch (Figure 39). Figure 39: Probable roughly prepared gateposts of recent historical date. Source: author. Brogging Moss Grotto The only survey area investigated in full without features of possible prehistoric date in evidence was area J, corresponding approximately with the extent of Brogging Moss. There was little else in evidence there either apart from three small square modern box-like structures along Foulstone Dike that are assumed to relate to contemporary water 44 extraction and were not recorded. The only recorded feature was a small square structure to the west end of Brogging Moss, near the top of its east facing slope where many springs rise (Figure 34; Figure 40). The structure is between two of these springs and is constructed in more than one phase. The earliest phase consists of roughly dressed ashlar blocks of Gritstone, with the later phase including what appears to be a very early form of breeze block, along with concrete including a flat concrete roof. It was initially thought that the structure might also be connected with water extraction. However, the internal space is furnished with a fireplace (Figure 41) making that unlikely. It was more likely to be a place for taking shelter in. Map regression shows that the structure appears on the first edition map of the mid 19th century, where the structure is labelled "Brogging Moss Grotto". This romantic sounding name probably offers a clue to its origin, perhaps as a temporary shelter for the landed gentry while on hunting trips or other outdoor activities. "Shooting cabins", along with shooting butts were constructed in many places across the moors (Bevan 2004: 126) and Brogging Moss Grotto is probably an example of one. Figure 40 : Brogging Moss Grotto, facing south. Source: author. 45 Figure 41: The fireplace inside Brogging Moss Grotto, facing west. Source: author. 7. Discussion Many of the features described above closely resemble examples on the west side of the watershed of this part of the southern Pennines that have been investigated more fully (Ainsworth 2001; Barnatt 1994; Ashmore et al 2010; Barnatt et al 2017). Many small, as well as very extensive, cairnfields have been surveyed over decades on the Gritstone landscapes of the East Moors. A number of the cairns from the East Moors have been excavated, at locations such as Sir William Hill (Wilson and Barnatt 2004). Some of the cairns appear to be unstructured in character and probably relate to clearance. However, some of these “clearance” type cairns overly cremation burials. Other cairns are carefully constructed in their earliest phase, but are then overlain with rubble similar to that of “typical” clearance cairns. Whatever the precise significance of these practices, it is likely that there was no clear demarcation between cairns for clearance in connection with horticulture or agriculture, and disposal of the dead. 46 Datable evidence, where recovered, indicates that the phenomenon of creating cairns relates from the Late Neolithic to the Early Iron Age (Ainsworth 2001: 61), although most appear to belong to the Middle Bronze Age (Barnatt et al 2017: 26). The cairns and cairnfields are frequently associated with cleared areas defined by lines of small cairns or linear clearance, and are often located in close proximity to platforms for circular structures usually interpreted as houses (Ainsworth 2001: 26). Some of these have been excavated, confirming that at least some of these “house platforms” are indeed the remains of houses or other settlement related structures. Comparanda from the east side of the watershed, from South Yorkshire, is very limited due to the complete absence of excavated data to modern standards or in recent times. John Wilson of Broomhead Hall is known to have undertaken excavations in the extensive cairnfield at Ewden Beck during the 18th century. These produced a “celt” and calcined bones (Hunter 1819: 461). During the 1960s, Jeff Radley undertook excavations of a ring cairn and clearance cairns at Totley Moor which furnished an urn burial, other human remains and flintwork (Radley 1965; 1966). Surveying by staff and students of the former Institute for Lifelong Learning at Sheffield University noted the presence of cairnfields, a ring cairn and an isolated orthostat at Hallam Moors during the early 2000s (Sidebottom 2013). There are two broad differences between the results of the present study and earlier work. First, though cairns that are morphologically very similar to those from the Eastern Moors are present, they are in much smaller numbers. Secondly, although orthostats are not completely unknown from the cairnfields of the Eastern Moors (Bevan 2006; Barnatt et al 2017: 34; Garton 2014), few seem to be in evidence and no detail about them is available. In most of the literature relating to the East Moors they are absent. A possible reason for the limited evidence for cairns and associated field systems and house platforms at Foulstone and Strines Moors is the elevation of the area. For the most part the area is over 300m above ordnance datum, and much of it is at almost 400m. The limited evidence that does exist is located in small sheltered areas such as that in the vicinity of Running Moss, with its possible house platform. It is generally believed that settlement on the Gritstone was difficult to sustain much above 300m above ordnance datum (Barnatt et al 2017: 90). The absence on the East Moors of the abundance of small orthostats that have been recorded in the present study is more difficult to explain. Very similar features have been recorded elsewhere in South Yorkshire (Cockrell 2010; 2016; 2017: 132), and elsewhere on uplands at various places in the British Isles (Burl 1993; Gillings et al 2010; Gillings 2015; 2015b, Swarbrick 2012; Shepherd et al 2016). It is possible that the difference in elevation is relevant, since it has already been noted that the abundant cairns on the East Moors have been recorded at lower elevations, where orthostats are largely absent, and that the 47 orthostats are most dense in distribution at those higher elevations. More research needs to be undertaken to address that question. 8. Conclusion Two broad phases of activity are in evidence at Foulstone and Strines Moors. The earlier phase probably relates from the Middle to Late Bronze Age, although the presence of a possible pollisoir indicates that settlement or other interaction with this locale might extend into the Neolithic. Mesolithic flintwork recovered in the area, particularly in proximity to signs of later prehistoric activity, indicates that the locale was one that had been visited and interacted with over a far longer period of time, with specific places in it sought out for attention. There is nothing in evidence relating to later periods until the post medieval use of this landscape as a Grouse Moor. Acknowledgements I am grateful to Anthony Barber-Lomax, the estate manager of the Fitzwilliam (Wentworth) estate for permitting access to Foulstone and Strines Moors to undertake the survey. The help and the friendly and positive reception the team and I received from himself and his colleagues is much appreciated. Natural England are thanked for their advice concerning this landscape which was reassuring and helpful. Sheffield Archives and Local Studies Library, South Yorkshire Archaeology Service and the Peak District National Park Authority are all thanked for their help and for information received. John Barnatt provided timely advice, information and his invaluable insights into the Gritstone uplands. Martin Waller and Phil Sidebottom are also thanked for their insights and support. This survey would not have been possible without the support of Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust and the Heritage Lottery Funding that was awarded. Most of all, I would like to thank for the hard work, enthusiasm and good company they supplied the many people who participated in the survey. They are, in no particular order, Mandy Hayes, Andrew Tissington, Wendy Birks, David Willis, Andy Heath, Andrew Drabble, Wendy Crossland, Margaret Boulton, Steve Anwyll, John Metcalf, Ruth Morgan, Paul Ash, Liz Palmer, Marilyn Band, David Oldfield, Elizabeth Doyle and Caroline Denby Hollis. 48 References Ainsworth, S. 2001. Prehistoric Settlement Remains on the Derbyshire Gritstone Moorlands. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal Vol.121: 19-69. Ashmore, P., Barnatt, J. and Wilson, A. 2010. The Sir William Hill Prehistoric Cairnfield, Eyam Moor, Derbyshire: Excavations 2007-2008. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal Vol.131: 6377. Barnatt, J., Beswick, P., Chambers, F., Evans, J., Garton, D., Mckinley, J., Smith, K., and Walster, A. 1994. Excavation of a Bronze Age Unenclosed Cemetery, Cairns, and Field Boundaries at Eaglestone Flat, Curbar, Derbyshire, 1984, 1989–1990. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society Vol.60: 287-370. Barnatt, J., Bevan, B., and Edmonds, M. 2017. An Upland Biography Landscape and Prehistory on Gardom's Edge, Derbyshire. Oxford: Windgather Press. Barnatt, J. and Robinson, F. 2003. Prehistoric Rock-Art at Ashover School and Further New Discoveries in the Peak District. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal Vol.123: 1-29. Bednarik, R. 2008. Cupules. Rock Art Research 25.1: 61-100. Bednarik, R. 2010. Discriminating Between Cupules and Other Rock Markings. In Querejazu L. and Bednarik R. (eds). Mysterious Cup Marks: Proceedings of the First International Cupule Conference: 41-51. Oxford: Archaeopress. Bevan, B. 2004. The Upper Derwent: 10,000 Years in a Peak District Valley. Stroud: Tempus. Bevan, B. 2006. From Cairns to Craters: Conservation Heritage Assessment of Burbage. Unpublished report for The Moors for the Future Partnership. Bradley, R. 1997. Rock Art and the Prehistory of Atlantic Europe. London: Routledge. Cockrell, T. 2010. Ewden Beck: The Report of a Desk Based Assessment. Unpublished report. Cockrell, T. 2016. Whitwell Moor Archaeological Survey. Unpublished report. Cockrell, T. 2017. Remembered Places, Forgotten Pasts. The Don Drainage Basin in Prehistory. Oxford: Archaeopress. Garton, D. 2014. An Archaeological Walkover Survey Between Whinstone Lee Tor and Cutthroat Bridge , October 2014. Unpublished report. Garton, D. 2015. Report on the Archaeological Monitoring of Whinstone Lee to Salt Cellar Path Restoration along Derwent Edge, Autumn 2014-Summer 2015. Unpublished report. 49 Guilbert, G. 2015. Three Cup Marked Boulders. In Garton, D. Report on the Archaeological Monitoring of Whinstone Lee to Salt Cellar Path Restoration along Derwent Edge, Autumn 2014-Summer 2015: 7-9. Unpublished report. Goddard, C. 2019. The South Yorkshire Moors. Hebden Bridge: Gritstone Publishing. Gillings, M., Pollard, J., and Taylor, J. 2010. The Miniliths of Exmoor. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 76: 297-318. Gillings, M. 2015. Betylmania? - Small Standing Stones and the Megaliths of South-West Britain. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 34(3): 207-233. Gillings, M. 2015b. Fugitive monuments and animal pathways: explaining the stone settings of Exmoor. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 81: 87-106. Hey. D. 2002. Historic Hallamshire. Ashbourne: Landmark Publishing Ltd. Merrony, C. 1989. Seismic Survey. Unpublished report. Radley, J. 1964. Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Surface Sites in South Yorkshire. Transactions of the Hunter Achaeological Society Vol.IX. 38. Radley, J. 1965. The Base of an Urn From Totley Moor. Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Vol.LXXXIV: 128. Radley, J. 1966. A Bronze Age Ring-Work on Totley Moor and other Bronze Age Ring-works in the Pennines. Archaeological Journal 123(1): 1-26. Shepherd D. Jolley, F. and Gibson, K. 2016. Recent Excavations in the South Pennines: A Preliminary note. Prehistoric Yorkshire 53: 67-69. Sidebottom, P. 2013. The Archaeological potential of Hallam Moors, South Yorkshire. Unpublished report. Swarbrick, O. 2012. A Gazeteer of Prehistoric Standing Stones in Great Britain. Oxford: Archaeopress. Taylor, H. 1999. Hoyles Farm, Bradfied, South Yorkshire Archaeological Survey 1999. Unpublished report. 50 Appendix 1: Database east. north. 421280 390881 No 1 Type: General Specific Period Comments earthfast boulder cup marked BA/ 12.poss.bullet holes. H W T packing orien. slab NW-SE Modern 421356 390821 2 orthostat BA deep erosion gullies 421682 390667 3 orthostat BA eroded. 421672 390776 4 orthostat BA eroded smooth 421661 390744 5 orthostat BA eroded smooth 421393 390930 6 earthfast boulder BA linear grooves.eroded. 421661 390899 7 orthostat BA eroded 421621 390838 8 orthostat BA eroded smooth 421470 390837 9 cairn pollisoir ovoid 1 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.88 0.38 stones E-W 0.65 1 0.3 none NE-SW 0.4 0.7 0.2 none NE-SW 0.84 0.9 0.2 stones E-W 1 2.2 0.3 hole.stone. N-S 0.28 none.vis. E-W N-S 1 stone visible. 4 others sub-surface. 421486 390863 cairn sub-circular 421493 390851 cairn sub-circular 421485 390870 cairn sub-circular 421476 390872 cairn sub-circular 421463 390871 cairn sub-circular 421469 390889 cairn sub-circular 421478 390881 cairn sub-circular 421487 390539 10 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 421344 390543 11 orthostat sub-rectangular BA weathered. eroded top 0.58 1.3 0.3 none vis. E-W 421379 390475 12 orthostat sub-rectangular BA modest erosion to top 0.68 1.17 0.18 none vis. N-S 421405 390470 13 orthostat sub-rectangular BA slight erosion to top. 0.65 1.15 0.56 none vis. E-W very deep erosion 0.85 1.1 gullies to top in hollow 421448 390491 14 cairn sub-circular covered by bilberry 4 421251 390505 15 orthostat sub-rectangular BA in hollow. 0.85 1.15 0.29 5 stones vis. N-S 421186 390489 16 orthostat sub-rectangular BA slight erosion to top. 0.94 1.58 0.38 stones vis. E-W 421178 390487 17 orthostat sub-rectangular BA w.end flat.e.end pointed 0.48 1 0.22 stones vis. E-W 421182 390507 18 orthostat sub-rectangular BA erosion gully 0.3 0.5 0.15 NE-SW 421123 390467 19 orthostat sub-rectangular BA/ d 0.6 0.65 0.3 NE-SW 421097 390529 20 orthostat sub-rectangular BA in 2m dia hollow. 0.8 1 0.55 stones vis. N-S 421114 390519 21 orthostat sub-rectangular BA erosion gullies to top. 0.55 0.6 0.25 none vis. N-S 421090 390515 22 orthostat sub-rectangular BA mostly buried in 0.6 0.9 0.25 none vis. N-S 2 1.4 E-W 1.8 0.7 N-S N-S moss/ bilberry 421005 390562 23 cairn ovoid kerbed BA 2 kerb stones 420846 390678 24 petroglyph cup marked BA 8. Horizontal outcropping 420887 390519 25 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 420914 390510 26 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 420942 390488 27 orthostat square 421076 390234 28 orthostat sub-rectangular heavy erosion 1.2 gullies to top BA heavy erosion gullies to top 51 0.8 1.2 0.6 0.55 0.45 0.45 0.55 0.75 0.2 stones vis. N-S 420919 390340 29 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 420898 390351 30 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 420810 390408 31 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 420864 390173 32 orthostat sub-rectangular 420931 390197 33 orthostat 421015 389924 34 420850 389963 420981 erosion gullies to top. 0.85 0.9 0.3 stones vis. N-S 0.48 0.6 0.2 none vis. N-S erosion gullies to top. 0.78 0.8 0.4 none vis. BA erosion gullies to top. 0.5 0.7 0.35 none vis. N-S NNWSSE sub-rectangular BA erosion gullies to top. 0.55 0.8 0.15 none vis. NW-SE orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.5 0.5 0.25 none vis. N-S 35 orthostat sub-rectangular BA erosion gullies to top. 1.1 1.6 0.5 hole.stones N-S 390131 36 linear embankment sub-rectangular BA east end 11 1.5 E-W 420972 390135 36 linear embankment sub-rectangular BA west end 11 1.5 E-W 420957 390123 37 linear embankment sub-rectangular BA east end 4.3 4.3 E-W 420952 390120 37 linear embankment sub-rectangular BA west end 4.3 4.3 E-W 420963 390132 38 house platform sub-circular BA 10 7 420851 389782 39 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.5 0.7 0.12 421090 389491 40 cairn sub-circular BA/ hole E-W NNESSW 2 Modern 421416 389848 41 ring cairn circular BA 421410 421410 7 kerb stones 389937 42 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 1 1.9 0.5 389937 43 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.8 1.5 0.4 hole.stones N-S 421706 390185 44 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.92 0.42 0.17 stones vis. E-W 422193 390308 45 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 1.1 1.7 0.4 hole.stones N-S 4 stones E-W deep erosion gullies 6 N-S to top 422173 390293 46 orthostat sub-rectangular BA slight erosion 0.7 0.7 0.3 421960 390179 47 orthostat sub-rectangular BA erosion gullies to top. 0.7 1.5 0.3 421965 390216 48 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 1 1 0.2 421978 390217 49 orthostat sub-rectangular BA erosion gullies to top. 0.5 0.8 0.25 422161 390129 50 orthostat sub-rectangular BA slight erosion 0.8 1.4 0.5 hole.stones N-S 421641 390058 51 cairn sub-circular BA recent disturbance. N-S stones vis. N-S N-S 2 tractor? 421645 390038 52 cairn sub-circular BA covered in bilberry 421640 390024 53 cairn sub-circular BA 3 stones visible 421872 389826 54 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.75 1.6 0.5 hole N-S 421878 389700 55 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.6 1.2 0.5 hole.stones E-W 421797 389745 56 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 421709 389680 57 orthostat sub-rectangular BA slight "give" 2.5 2 0.45 1.1 0.2 hole.stones N-S 0.45 0.9 0.27 hole NE-SW 1.2 0.25 hole NW-SE when pushed. 421753 389653 58 cairn sub-circular BA some stones loose 2 on top 421761 389658 59 orthostat sub-rectangular BA erosion gullies to top. 421754 389679 60 cairn sub-circular BA 6 earth fast stones 0.6 2 N-S visible 421801 389443 61 orthostat sub-rectangular 421746 389437 62 cairn sub-circular BA erosion gullies to top. angular cobbles. 0.8 1.3 0.4 hole N-S hole.stones N-S 3 robbed out 421738 389394 63 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.8 0.9 0.4 421690 389414 64 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.9 1.1 0.3 421947 389200 65 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 1.5 0.85 0.45 52 30 packing stones visible NE-SW hole.stones N-S 421908 389140 66 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.7 0.7 0.2 421709 389083 67 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.5 0.85 0.22 E-W 421711 389069 68 orthostat sub-rectangular BA 0.6 0.68 0.32 N-S 421599 390995 boundary estate 2 "WF" 421409 390593 boundary estate 2 "FTM" 421321 390496 boundary estate 1 "WTF" 1 "FTM" on "pedestal" of peat. facing each other 421046 390199 boundary estate 1 "FTM" 2 "WF" 421033 390120 boundary estate 1 "WF" 421519 390005 boundary estate 2 "FTM" 421698 390344 boundary estate 2 "WF" 1 "FTM" 421540 390036 boundary estate 1 "FTM" 421910 390280 boundary estate 1 "WF" 421842 389802 debris. glass.wire.copper. bolts.cabling. 422040 389582 boundary estate 1 "MF 1872" 421685 389094 boundary county/parish has benchmark 421618 389169 boundary county/parish 421810 388991 waymarker? medieval? legend - "TPD" 422191 388984 scatter stone posts 8-9 roughly dressed 422168 388520 boundary county/parish 422248 388542 boundary county/parish 420411 390857 Square hut Brogging Moss Grotto. Fireplace. 421850 390562 boundary estate 1 "FTM" 422097 390445 stone post guide stoop? 2 perforations at top. 53 hole.stones E-W Appendix 2: Additional Photographs Figure 42: Foreground to background: Brogging Moss Grotto, Brogging Moss, Foulstone Moor Ridge, Strines Moor Ridge, Boot's Folly, Ughill Moors. Source: author. Figure 43: Blackhole Moor, in the Moscar Estate, facing south-west from Brogging Moss. Source: author. 54 Figure 44: Recording feature 13 on Foulstone Moor. Source: author. Figure 45: The end elevation of feature 10 on Foulstone Moor. Source: author. 55 Figure 46: Feature 16 on Foulstone Moor, facing south-east towards Strines Moor Ridge. Source: author. Figure 47: Strines Dike in area G facing west, with Strines Moor Ridge (left). Source: author. 56 Figure 48: The graffito in area D and a natural solution hollow, facing south across Running Moss to Strines Dike and Strines Moor Ridge. Source: author. Figure 49: A grouse butt and rigg and furrow visible in a field on the south side of Strines Inn. Source: author. 57 Figure 50: Feature 47 on Strines Moor, area H. Boot's folly is in the background. Source: author. 58 Figure 51: Feature 65, the largest of the mapped orthostats, in area I on the lower slopes of Strines Edge. Source: author. Figure 52: A cairn on Strines Moor. Source: author. 59 Figure 53: Overhead shot of an orthostat on Strines Moor. Figure 54: Foulstone road with the north-west facing slope of Foulstone Moor behind. Left of centre: the quarry (trees) and Foulstone Delf (Cottage). right: the major outcropping towards the east end of the ridge. Source: author 60 61