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13 pages
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v Lista de recuadros xvii Acerca del autor xix Prefacio xx PARTE 1 Introducción a la antropología 1 ¿QUÉ ES ANTROPOLOGÍA? 3 2 CULTURA 27 3 MÉTODO Y TEORÍA EN ANTROPOLOGÍA CULTURAL 53 PARTE 2 Valorar la diversidad cultural 4 APLICACIÓN DE LA ANTROPOLOGÍA 85 5 LENGUAJE Y COMUNICACIÓN 111 6 ETNICIDAD Y RAZA 139 7 GANARSE LA VIDA 173 8 SISTEMAS POLÍTICOS 203 9 GÉNERO 235 10 FAMILIAS, PARENTESCO Y ASCENDENCIA 265 11 MATRIMONIO 289 12 RELIGIÓN 315 13 ARTES, MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN Y DEPORTES 343 PARTE 3 Un mundo cambiante 14 EL SISTEMA MUNDIAL Y EL COLONIALISMO 377 15 CONFLICTOS EN EL MUNDO ACTUAL 405 Glosario 433 Bibliografía 404 Créditos 421 Índice 423 Capítulo 1 ¿Qué es antropología? 3 ¿Qué es antropología?
The Holocaust and North Africa: , 2018
Reflections on the volume The Holocaust and North Africa, edited by Aomar Boum and Sarah A. Stein.
Acta Antiqua et Archaeologica, Supplementum XV. , 2020
Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 1996
In Spain the increase in minorities who speak different languages and come from different cultures has, on a social level, given rise to a growing sense of concern with regard to their integration into society, and, at the judicial level, when it comes to regulating their stay in the country. However, in my opinion, there is one aspect that is being overlooked in official circles: the lack of attention to the immigrants' linguistic problems and the need for competent interpreters. First, I will analyze a few examples of legal translation and interpretation taken from court rooms; then, I will explain briefly some programs on community interpreting, and will analyze the role of the interpreter as well, the result of which could wind up causing a different or even the opposite social/psychological effect on the receiver. I will make references, primarily, to United States federal, state, and municipal court cases because it is there that a Spanish-English interpreter is most often...
Son empleados para comparar dos valores (verdadero y falso) •Su resultado produce valores como verdadero y falso.
Journal of Cybersecurity and Information Management , 2024
DT digital twin technology has become an essential tool in hydraulic systems. It not only offers a virtual representation of the actual plant, but also real-time monitoring and optimization of that same machinery. Digital Twin (DT) technology has become a cornerstone in the optimization of industrial processes, particularly in the domain of hydraulic systems. For example, this research aims to use digital twin technology to detect and fix leaks in hydraulic systems. By integrating advanced simulation algorithms for accurate leak detection and performance enhancement, this study presents a comprehensive framework. Combining techniques developed from both data-driven and state-of-the-art optimization methods our approach looks to change how leaks are detected in hydraulics. Our test introduces a comprehensive framework that not only accurately identifies leaks but also employs advanced simulation algorithms for subsequent performance enhancement. By bringing together data-driven insights and cutting-edge optimization methods, our work at the frontier of revolutionizing leak detection in hydraulic systems.
This paper deals with the studies on the Alevi tradition of Professor Hasan Onat, who passed away on 26.09.2020, and his contribution to the field. Onat is an important academician and intellectual educated in Turkey. As a historian of Islamic Sects, he has done many academic studies on different subjects, both classical and recent, as well as contemporary, such as Shi'ism, 20th Century Shi'ism, Iranian Shi'ism, sectarian discrimination and conflicts, supra-sectarian approach, religious understanding and change in Turkey. In addition to this, he made important contributions to the field of History of Islamic Sects by having his students do their master's and doctoral dissertations on different subjects; for example on the sects-especially in their classical periods-such as Kharijis, Murji'ah, Zaydism, Mu'tazila, Karramiya, İsmailism, Ash'arism , Maturidism, İmamiyya, Druze and Qarmatians, on the concepts such as Mahdi, Batinıyya/ezotericism, İmamate, Rafıda and Ahl al-Bayt, on some important people such as Abu'l-Kasım al-Ka'bi, and Djaʿfar al-Sadık and on many other topics. Onat has also written articles on many current topics such as
Il 15 novembre 2023 presso l’Aula Magna del Rettorato dell’Università di Urbino si svolgerà la presentazione del progetto del Dipartimento di Eccelenza 2023-2027 dal titolo La forma delle muse: parola e immagine. Nuove frontiere del cultural heritage fra tradizione e innovazione digitale. Nel pomeriggio, sempre nell’ambito del Progetto di Eccellenza del Distum e in collaborazione con l’Archivio di Stato di Pesaro, saranno presentati quattro inediti frammenti manoscritti della Commedia di Dante rinvenuti nel fondo Notarile di Fossombrone dell’Archivio di Stato di Pesaro. Interverranno, insieme alla direttrice dell’Archivio dott.ssa Sara Cambrini, Marco Cursi, professore di paleografia presso l’Università di Napoli Federico II e Accademico dei Lincei, e Gennaro Rino Ferrante, professore di filologia italiana presso il medesimo Ateneo. L'evento sarà trasmesso in presenza e via Zoom. In allegato la locandina.
Revista De Prácticas y Discursos, 2024
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
El Azufre Rojo, 2022
Ala Este. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, 2023
Textos y educación: tejiendo tramas y urdimbres, 2022
Bartrina, F., & Espasa, E. (2001). Doblar y subtitular en el aula: el reto hacia la profesionalización mediante la didáctica. Trasvases culturales. Literatura, cine y traducción, 4, 429-436.
Orbis Mediaevalis, 2019
Patient Preference and Adherence, 2016
Journal of Applied Physics, 2016
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2013
Journal of Asthma, 2019
Fondo Editorial Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2016
Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute, 2014
Scritti con R. Santoro (a cura di Mario Varvaro e Monica De Simone), T. 1, Palermo, 2024