SHS0603 -Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Treatment

2004, Jupiter -Undergraduate System School of Engineering of São Carlos Hydraulics and Sanitation Discipline:

Jupiter -Undergraduate System School of Engineering of São Carlos Hydraulics and Sanitation Discipline:

5/29/2019 Course Information Jupiter - Undergraduate System School of Engineering of São Carlos Hydraulics and Sanitation Discipline: SHS0603 - Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Treatment Lecture Credits: 2 Work Credits: 2 CourseHours: 90 h Type: Semester Activation: 01/01/2008 Deactivation: Obj ectives Provide the student with knowledge and concepts related to wastewater treatment systems, including fundamentals of processes and operations, and fundamental design of units in a wastewater treatment plant. Professors(s) Responsible (s) 1532684 - Marcelo Zaiat 1505975 - Marcia Helena Rissato Zamariolli Damianovic Program Summary Pollution and Control of the pollution of Water Resources; Nature and Characterization of Wastewater; Alternatives to Wastewater Treatment; Preliminary Treatment; Primary Treatment; Microbiology and Microbial Ecology; Stabilization ponds; Aerobic Reactors; Anaerobic Reactors; Combined Systems; Physical-Chemical Processes; Treatment and Disposal of Sludge. Program Pollution and Control of the pollution of WaterResources; Nature and Characterization of Wastewater; Alternatives to Wastewater Treatment; Preliminary Treatment; Primary Treatment; Microbiology and Microbial Ecology; Stabilization ponds; Aerobic Reactors; Anaerobic Reactors; Combined Systems; Physical-Chemical Processes; Treatment and Disposal of Sludge. Evaluation Method Lectures and project activities. DISCIPLE ACTIVITIES: Participation in the theoretical classes, elaboration of projects, solution of exercises. Criterion The evaluation will be done through evidence addressing the content of the course and project prepared by the students. Recovery Standard The evaluation criteria for recovery should be similar to those applied during the regular semester of the course offer; 1) The final grade (MF) of the student who has undergone recovery tests will depend on the average of the semester (MS) and the average of the tests of recovery (MR), as follows: d) MF = 5 if 5 ≤ MR ≤ (10 - MS); e) = MF (MS + MR) / 2 if MR> (10 - MS) f) if MF = MR MS <5. 2) The period of recovery the subjects must extend from the beginning up to one month before the end of the period subsequent to that of the student's first assessment. Bibliography CAMPOS, JR (Coordinator) - Treatment of Sanitary Sewers by Anaerobic Process and Controlled Disposal in Soil. ABES, 1999. CHERCHINARO, CA - Principles of Biological Treatment of Wastewater. Volume 5: Anaerobic Reactors. ABES, 1996. JORDÃO, EP and PESSOA, CA - Domestic Sewage Treatment, Third Edition, ABES, 1995. VON SPERLING, M. - Principles of Biological Treatment of Wastewater. Volume 2: Basic Principles of Sewage Treatment. ABES, 1996. VON SPERLING, M. - Principles of Biological Treatment of Wastewater. Volume 3: Stabilization ponds. ABES, 1996. VON SPERLING, M. - Principles of Biological Treatment of Wastewater. Volume 4: Sludge Enabled. ABES, 1996. 1/2 5/29/2019 Click here to see the requirements for SHS0603 Clique para consultar o oferecimento para SHS0603 Créditos | Fale conosco © 1999 - 2019 - Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação/USP 2/2