Puji Joko Widodo, S.Pd
Dalam melakukan sesuatu, terutama yang bersifat sangat teknis, diperlukan suatu petunjuk. Agar petunjuk atau prosedur dapat dipahami maka perlu disampaikan dalam kalimat yang ringkas, jelas, dan berurutan sehingga tujuan yang diharapkan bisa tercapai dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kalimat yang dapat digunakan sebagai petunjuk. Hal semacam ini disebut sebagai Procedure Text.
A procedure is a sequence of steps in a particular order. It is also known as instructions or directions. The most common example of procedural text is a recipe.The procedural text tells the readers how to do or make something. The information is presented in logical sequence of events that are broken into steps
Procedure Text: adalah teks yang isinya berkaitan dengan cara membuat, melakukan, atau mengoperasikan sesuatu secara berurutan (dalam langkah langkah yang teratur mulai dari awal sampai akhir).
Terkadang procedure text juga menyebutkan berbagai bahan atau alat yang diperlukan.
Tujuan Procedure Text
Tujuan komunikatif procedure text adalah menggambarkan bahwa sesuatu yang dikerjakan sesuai dengan aturan melalui langkah langkah yang jelas dan teratur. Dengan
Procedure text memiliki skema susunan umum atau generic structure diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut : kata lain, jenis teks ini memberikan petunjuk cara cara melakukan sesuatu dengan menempuh urutan yang benar.
a) Goal/Aim (Tujuan)
Goal atau aim berarti tujuan dalam pembuatan atau pengoperasian sesuatu.
b) Materials (Bahan-Bahan)
Materials adalah bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Namun demikian, terdapat pula Procedure Text yang tidak memerlukan bahan-bahan. Sebagai contoh, “How to use the computer.” (Bagaimana cara menggunakan komputer).
c) Steps (Langkah-Langkah)
Bagian ini memuat langkah-langkah atau urutan yang harus dilakukan agar tujuan dapat tercapai. Sebagai catatan, pada Procedure Text berupa How to use biasanya tidak menyebutkan (menyertakan) materi yang dibutuhkan (material needed).
Bentuk-Bentuk Procedural Text Procedural Text dapat digunakan dalam bentuk recipes/ cookbooks, craft instructions, game rules, science experiments/ report, dan sebagainya.
Temporal conjunctions are used to ensure that processes are placed in
correct order.
- Use Action verbs like cut, fold, twist, drill, squeeze, drill, remove etc.
- Procedural text focuses on general people rather than individual person.
For example:
You should cut the roll into tiny circles rather than
I should cut the roll into tiny circles.
- Use of linking words or temporal conjunctions such as first, second, next,
when, then, finally.
- Give detailed information on the following:
- How (cut it carefully with cookie cutter)
- Where (start from the top)
- When (after it has set)
Example of Procedure text
a. Ingredients
- 2 oranges
- 2 teaspoons of sugar
- pinch of cinnamon
b. Materials - Handheld juicer - Sieve - Glass - Knife - Cutting board
c. Steps/Methods -First, wash the oranges and put them on a cutting board. - Then, cut the oranges into halves. - After that, prepare the handheld juicer and put the oranges on the juicer and squeeze them one by one.
- Continue doing this till all oranges have been juiced.
- If you want your juice without pulp use the sieve to take out all the pulp.
- Now, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of
- Now, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon if you want and stir till the sugar and cinnamon has completely dissolved.
- Finally, your orange juice is ready to be served.
- You can add ice cubes to make it cold.
- You can peel the rind of the orange and put it on the glass as decoration.
- Orange juice can stay fresh for 2 days in the fridge.
- Do not leave it outside.
Test 1. Read the following text carefully and then answer the following questions.
How to Install CD-ROM
Turn off your computer and unplug power cord from power outlet.
Carefully remove the computer cover.
Set the Master/Slave jumper on the rear panel of drive.
(To get best results, we strongly suggest that you connect your device to the Secondary IDE port as the MASTER device.)
Connect the IDE cable to the drive.
Connect the 4-pole power cable to the drive.
Connect the audio cable (if applicable).
Carefully slide the drive into the empty bay and mount it. Then replace the computer cover.
Plug your computer back to power outlet and then turn the power on.
The text above shows us how to …. a. unpack CD-ROM b. install the CD-ROM c. uninstall CD-ROM d. remove CD-ROM from our computer
What is the purpose of the text? a. To explain how to install CD-ROM b. To tell the readers how to connect computers using CD-ROM. c. To discuss the influence of CD-ROM on the computer work. d. To measure the effectiveness of computer working with CD-ROM installed.
What should be done first before installing the CD-ROM? a. Remove the computer cover b. Unplug all other devices first c. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cable d. Turn the computer on before installing CD-ROM
What does the writer strongly recommend in order to get the best result of the CD-ROM installation?
a. That we remove the computer cover first. b. That the computer should be turned off before installing CD-ROM. c. That the CD-ROM is set as Master device in the Secondary IDE. d. That CD-ROM is set as Master device in Primary IDE
We have to connect the CD-ROM to the following types of cable EXCEPT ….
a. power cable b. audio cable c. IDE cable d. Monitor cable
What part of the CD-ROM should be set if you want to apply CD-ROM as Master or Slave?
a.Motherboard slot b. IDE slot c. Cable power d. Master/Slave Jumper
“Connect the audio cable (if applicable).” The sentence implies ….
a. You may not turn the computer on before connecting the cable. b. Your CD-ROM may not work properly if you do not connect the cable. c. It is not necessary to connect the cable if it is not valid d. Reinstall the CD-ROM if you have not connected the cable.
“Connect the IDE cable to the drive.” The word ‘drive’ in the sentence refers to ….
a. CD-ROM b. Jumper c. Motherboard d. Computer
“Carefully slide the drive into the empty bay and mount it.” The word ‘bay’ in the sentence is similar in meaning to ….
a. Jumper b. Cable c. Button d. Compartment
10. Plug your computer back to power outlet and then turn the power on. The word ‘outlet’ in the sentence is similar in meaning to ….
a. Button b. Channel c. Cable d. Port
Passive Voice
Puji Joko Widodo, S.Pd
Pasif voice adalah cara merubah dari kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif artinya pelaku atau subjek pada kalimat aktif berubah menjadi objek atau dengan kata lain adalah sebagai penderita.Sebagai Contoh dalam bahas Indonesia pada kalimat “dia makan jeruk “ berubah menjadi “jeruk dimakan dia”.
Jika dalam tata bahasa Indonesia hanya merubah imbuhan (me/ ber) menjadi (di/ ter) maka dalam tata bahasa inggris terdapat sedikit perbedaan karena harus mengikuti bentuk waktu dari penggunaan tenses nya.
1. Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif)
Yaitu kalimat dimana subjek kalimat melakukan pekerjaan
Contoh :
a magazine.
sebuah majalah.
2. Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)
Yaitu kalimat dimana subjeknya dikenai suatu pekerjaan.
Contoh :
A magazine
is bought
by Barli.
Sebuah majalah
oleh Barli
Jika kita membandingkan susunan kedua kalimat di atas, objek yang ada dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi subjek dari kalimat pasif. Hal itu juga tampak dalam susunan kalimat di bawah ini :
Orange juice.
Orange juice
is drunk
by everybody.
Secara umum, susunan kalimat pasif adalah :
S + To Be + V3
Namun, bentuk waktu "to be" tersebut harus disesuaikan dengan
tensesnya, perhatikan tabel berikut
S + V1
He washes it.
S + to be 1 + V3
It is washed.
S + V2
He washed it.
S + to be 1 + V3
It is washed.
S + will + V1
He will wash it.
S + will be + V3
It will be washed.
Past Future
S + would + V1
He would wash it
S + would be + V3 It would be washed
S + to be 1 + V-ing
He is washing it.
S + To Be 1 + being + V3
It is being washed.
S + had + V3
He had washed it.
S + had been + V3
It had been washed.
S + will have + V3
He will have washed it.
S + will + being + V3
It will be being washed.
Past Future
S + would + be + V-ing
He would be washing it.
S + would be being + V3
It would be being washed.
Perfect Simple
S +has/have + V3
He has washed it.
S + has/have been + V3
It has been washed.
S + had + V3
He had washed it.
S + had been + V3
It had been washed.
S + will have + V3
He will have washed it.
S + will have been + V3
It will have been washed.
Past Future
S + would + have + V3
He would have washed.
S + would have been + V3
It would have been washed.
S + has been + V-ing
He has been washing it.
S + has been being + V3
It has been being washed.
S + had been + V-ing
He had been washig it.
S + had been being + V3
It had been being washed.
S + will have been + V-ing
He will have been washing it.
S + will have been being + V3
It will have been being washed.
Past Future
S + would have been + V-ing
He would have been washing it.
S + would have been being + V3
It would have been being washed.
Jika kita ingin mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, kita dapat melakukannya dengan mengubah objek kalimat aktifnya menjadi subjek kalimat pasif.
AKTIF = S + V + O
PASIF = S + To Be + V3
Ket : Objek pada kalimat aktif akan berubah menjadi subjek pada kalimat pasif.
Contoh 1 :
Aktif :
- Julie writes a letter to her friend.
(Julie menulis sebuah surat untuk temannya.)
Pasif :
- A letter to her friend is written by Julie.
(Sebuah surat untuk temannya ditulis oleh Julie.)
Contoh 2 :
Aktif :
- The postman will send the letters today.
(Pak Pos akan mengirim surat-surat hari ini.)
Pasif :
- The letters will be sent by the postman today.
(Surat-surat akan dikirim oleh Pak Pos hari ini.)
Untu mencari kata kerja bentuk V3, silahkan buka :
Regular Verbs
Irregular Verbs
Test 2. Choose the best answer for the following questions!
1. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this sentence?
A) Some old documents are translated by them last week.
B) Some old documents have been translated by them last week.
C) Some old documents were being translated by them last week.
D) Some old documents were translated by them last week.
E) Some old documents been translated by them last week.
2. The important email has been sent by my secretary. What is the active form of this sentence?
A) My secretary was sending the important email
B) My secretary sends the important email
C) My secretary is sending the important email
D) My secretary has been sending the important email
E) My secretary has sent the important email
3. We’ll be visiting our grandmother next week. What is the passive form of this sentence?
A) Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.
B) Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.
C) Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.
D) Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.
E) Our grandmother would have been visited by us next week.
4. We can see many beautiful paintings in this exhibition. They were ……. by famous Indonesian painter.
A) Painting
B) Painted
C) Paint
D) Be Painting
E) Being painting
5. Two tents for our camping would …….. by my mother.
A) Being bought
B) Been bought
C) Be bought
D) Bought
E) Been buying
6. They cancelled all flights because of fog. The passive form of the sentence is, because of fog….
A) All flights had cancelled
B) All flights were cancelled
C) All flights have been cancelled
D) They be cancelled
E) They are being cancelled
7. A well known architect is designing our new office. The passive form of the above sentence is, Our new office …… by a well known architect.
A) Design
B) Designed
C) Be designing
D) Is designed
E) Is being designed
8. Jupiters four moons ……. through a telescope by Galileo.
A) Were first viewed
B) First viewed
C) Had been first viewed
D) Were being first viewed
E) First being viewed
Puji Joko Widodo, S.Pd
Pengertian Conditional Sentence ( Kalimat Pengandaian ),
Conditional Sentence atau Kalimat pengandaian adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa/ perbuatan yang bias terjadi atau mungkin tidak bisa terjadi .
Conditional sentence (kalimat pengandaian) adalah kalimat yang mengandaikan suatu keinginan, harapan, rencana, dan Iain-lain yang masih bisa terjadi [possible), sesuatu yang tak terpenuhi/angan-angan (unreal), dan tak ter- wujud (impossible).
Conditional Sentence terdiri atas kalimat majemuk (compound sentence), yaitu kalimat yang terdiri atas Main Clause (klausa utama atau induk kalimat ) dan Subordinate Clause (klausa pelengkap/ anak kalimat). Kedua kalimat ini dihubungkan dengan kata depan (Preposisi)“ If (jika) ”.
If clause ( anak kalimat ). Clause ini disebut syarat atau kondisi yang harus dipenuhi/condition that must be fulfilled or available. Clause ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri ( dependent clause )
Main clause ( kalimat utama/induk kalimat ) adalah clause yang akan terjadi/terlaksana apabila if clause terpenuhi. Clause ini dapat berdiri sendiri ( independent clause ) meskipun tanpa if clause.
B. Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 1.
Kalimat dalam konstruksi ini berarti mungkin benar-benar terjadi jika syratnya terpenuhi. Oleh karena itu, makna kalimat ini disebut sebagai possibility (kemungkinan). Pemaknaan kalimat pada tipe ini dapat disusun sebagai berikut
If + S + V1, S + will + V1 + O
Contoh :
a. If I see Barlie, I will tell him.
(Jika saya bertemu Barlie, saya akan mengatakan kepadanya.)
b. If Julie is free tomorrow, he will invite her.
(Jika Julie libur besok, dia akan mengundangnya.)
c. If it rains tomorrow, will you stay at home?
(Jika besok hujan, apakah kamu akan diam di rumah?)
d. If it rains tomorrow, what will you do?
(Jika besok hujan, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
Conditional Sentence type 2.
Apa yang dikatakan dalam induk kalimat tidak pernah terjadi karena syarat yang dikatakan dalam anak kalimat tidak terpenuhi. Oleh karena itu, kalimat ini disebut sebagai Unreal Present. Tenses untuk makna kalimatnya berubah dan polanya disusun sebagai berikut :
Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 2.
1. If I were a bird,I would fly to the mount everest 2. You would not be here, If she did not help you. 3. We would not win the game, if we didn’t work together as a team. 4. My mother would not worry, if I went with you 5. If I were a superman, I would safe you everyday
3. Conditional Sentence Type 3.
Apa yang dikatakan dalam induk kalimat tidak pernah terjadi karena kalimat syarat yang dikatakan dalam anak kalimat tidak pernah terpenuhi. Karena dinyatakan dalam bentuk Past Tense, kalimat ini disebut sebagai Unreal Past. Tenses untuk makna kalimatnya juga berubah :.
Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 3.
1. If I had had much money, I would have bought a new house in jakarta. 2. She would have graduated from university if she had finished final exam. 3. If John had driven his car carefully, we would not have got an accident. 4. If had been a big boss, I would have a new office in new York. 5. My father would have been here, if the flight had not been canceled
Contoh tambahan :
a. If I had seen Diana, I would have told her.
(Jika saya bertemu Diana, saya akan mengatakan padanya.)
b. If it had rained yesterday, would you have stayed at home?
(Jika kemarin hujan, akankah kamu tinggal di rumah?)
c. If Shinta had been free yesterday, I would have invited her.)
(Jika Shinta libur kemarin, saya akan mengundangnya.)
Test 3. Choose the best answer for the following questions!
1.If the player scores another goal, the result ____ a draw.
A. is to be B. will have been
C. will be
D. would be
E. would have been
2.If you ___ I shall be very angry.
A. weren't going
B. don't go
C. hadn't been going
D. haven't been going
E. didn't go
3. _____, I might borrow it from him.
A. Were the novel his
B. The novel were his
C. If his the novel
D. If the novel him
E. If his the novel
4. "What would you do if you were a millionaire?
"_____ a trip around the world."
A. I will take
B. I would have taken
C. I would take
D. Me took
E. I took
5. "It would have been failure if _____."
A. The way-out was being found in time.
B. The way-out hasn't been found in time
C. the way-out would be found in time
D. the way -out hadn't been found in time
E. the way-out was found in time.
6. If we go to the top, we will have a nice view of Jakarta.
This sentence means _____
A. we have already seen Jakarta from the top
B. we are now looking and having a nice of Jakarta
C. we saw Jakarta last month
D. there is a possibility of seeing Jakarta from the top
E. there isn't any possibility of seeing Jakarta from top
7. "If I had come to music festival, I would have met Raisya there."
This sentence means ____ .
A. I didn't come to the music festival but Raisya there
B. I had come to music festival in order to meet Raisya there
C. I didn't come to music festival so I didn't meet Raisya there
D. I come to music festival but I didn't meet Raisya there
E. I didn't come to music festival and Raisya was there.
8. He was at lost because he was not well informed.
It means : He wouldn't have been at lost _____
A. If he has well informed
B. If he were well informed
C. If he was not well informed
D. If he had been well informed
E. If he would not be well informed
9. I am not a mechanic, so I can't fix it.
The sentence means _____ .
A. If I could be a mechanic, I had fixed it
B. If I have been a mechanic, I would have fixed it
C. If I were a mechanic, I could fix it
D. If I am a mechanic, I could fix it.
E. If I could have been a mechanic, I had fixed it.
10. When the little boy saw the dog, he ran away and was bitten.
From the statement we can conclude that ______
A. If he hadn't run away, he wouldn't have been bitten
B. If he doesn't run away, he won't be bitten
C. If he hasn't run away, he wouldn't be bitten
D. If he hasn't run away, he wouldn't be bitten
E. Unless he run away, he wouldn't be bitten
Puji Joko Widodo, S.Pd
“A report text is a type of text that announce the result of an investigation or announce something. The information given in a report text is very general information.
Report text adalah jenis teks yang mengumumkan hasil penyelidikan atau mengumumkan sesuatu . Informasi yang diberikan dalam teks laporan adalah informasi yang sangat umum.
Report text adalah salah jenis genre of text yang masuk kategori descriptive. Definisi report text itu sendiri adalah sebuah genre atau jenis teks yang berusaha menggambarkan sesuatu seperti benda, manusia, tumbuhan, hewan dan lain sebagainya yang masih sangat umum. Jadi tidak fokus pada satu benda melainkan semua benda yang masuk dalam satu kategori. Misalnya kita sedang membicarakan gajah, maka kita akan membahas sifat, bentuk, karakter gajah pada umumnya.
Apasih yang membedakan report text dan descriptive text? Jika Anda membandingkannya dengan seksama, bedanya adalah recont text menjelaskan sesuatu secara general atau umum sedangkan descriptive text menjelaskan sesuatu yang spesifik atau khusus. Report text juga biasanya bersifat ilmiah.
“Social function of report text is to present information about something generally to the reader.”
Social function dari report text adalah untuk menyajikan informasi tentang sesuatu secara umum kepada pembaca.
Secara umum, report text menggambarkan hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan fenomena alam , buatan manusia dan sosial di lingkungan kita , seperti : mamalia , planet-planet , batu , tanaman , negara-negara dan kota, budaya , transportasi , dan sebagainya. Dan report text bersifat ilmiah karena menyajikan fakta-fakta sebagai hasil penelitian atau observasi.
Ciri-ciri Report Text
Karena bertujuan mengungkap gambaran tentang sesuatu berdasarkan kajian ilmiah, maka biasanya menggunakan bahasa ilmiah.
Dan karena berisi fakta-fakta ilmiah tersebutlah, maka report text didominasi oleh simple present tense.
Judulnya akan terlihat umum, seperti Playing Football dan bukan Manchester Football Club.
Biasanya disertai gambar, data statistik berupa diagram atau peta untuk meyakinkan bahwa hasil penelitiannya dilakukan secara ilmiah.
Jenis-Jenis Teks Report (Types of Information Report)
Adapun macam jenis report teks adalah:
Reference articles
Scientific articles
Selain jenis teks tersebut, juga berlaku dengan report text yang memiliki tata bahasa tersendiri dalam penyusunannya. Demikian ini, mampu untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana cara membuat report text. Olehnya itu, pola grammar yang umum digunakan dalam teks report diantaranya:
Use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, eg our dog;
Use of relating verbs to describe features, eg Molecules are tiny particles;
Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour, eg Emus cannot fly;
Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, eg Tropical cyclones always begin over the sea;
Use of technical terms, eg Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map;
Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.
Keterangan Pola Tata Bahasa dalam Report Text
General nouns, maksudnya adalah, suatu benda (baik itu hidup atau mati) yang bersifat umum. Coba bandingkan : Hunting dogs >< My dog. Hunting dogs bersifat umum; sedangkan my dog bersifat khusus.
Relating verbs, dalam grammar disebut juga dengan linking verbs. Seperti to be [is, am, are: present], seem, look, taste dan lain sebagainya.
Timeless present tense adalah salah satu penanda waktu dalam simple present seperti "often, usually, always" dan lain-lain.
Technical terms, maksudnya adalah istilah-istilah yang meliputi teks report tersebut. Misalnya tentang "music" maka, istilah-istilah musik harus
Contoh 1
Contoh 2
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of harvest, thankfulness for peace, and the attempt of Native Americans. It is usually celebrated in late autumn.
In the past, Thanksgiving was celebrated for their rich harvest in New England. In North America, however, it was originally held to thank God for their survival in the new land which was not easy for them. However, in Canada, it had been celebrated as in New England. Thanksgiving now is celebrated in United States of America and in Canada. Thanksgiving festivals are held every fourth Thursday of November in the U.S and on the second Monday of October in Canada. It is usually celebrated in four to five days in the North America and for three days in Canada.
It is celebrated through families and friends gathering to eat and give good luck. Turkey is the main dish in the thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving parades are also usually held. In Thanksgiving homes are decorated with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. Lamps are lighted to brighten the environment. Tables are decorated with best china and antique silver dishes to mark the occasion.
Text 1. For question number 1-3
Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through them.
Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow to scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South poles.
1. Which one creates Jellyfish’s light? a. Ocean b. Stomachs and mouths c. Chemical reaction d. Salt water e. Fresh water
2. Based on the text, we know that…. a. They don’t have brain, only stomachs, and mouths
b. They glow when they sleep
c. They live in the lake
d. They are part of fish
e. They are vertebrate animals
3. What is the text about? a.. Kinds of all really not fish
b. Jellyfish
c. Salt water animals
d. Some kinds of sea animals
e. Animals that live in warm & tropical seas
Text 2. For question number 4-5
Giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and its weight about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has a unique characteristic. They have a very long neck and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big brown eyes and protected by thick and long eyebrows. Her body is covered with a unique pattern that is attached by brown spots all over their body.
Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for long time because giraffes can rely on the water contained in leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in choosing food. They always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their tongue shaped like a knife help them to cut branches which are very hard.
Female giraffes can start pregnant at the age of five years, with a gestation period of 15 months. Commonly female giraffe bear one baby, but sometimes two babies at once. Giraffes bear its baby with a standing position. When the baby is about to be born, they just drop it to the ground from a 1.5 meter of height. Baby giraffe can stand with about 20 minutes since being born, and begin breastfeeding within an hour of birth.
4. What kind of text above?
a. Daily news
b. Descriptive text
c. Narrative text
d. Trivia
e. Report text
5.. The text tells us about?
a. Giraffe’s long neck
b. Animals that can survive without drinking for long time
c. The highest animal
d. Pregnant giraffe
e. The smallest animal
Puji Joko Widodo, S.Pd
Biografi adalah kisah atau keterangan tentang kehidupan seseorang. Sebuah biografilebih kompleks daripada sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaan seseorang, biografi juga bercerita tentang perasaan yang terlibat dalam mengalami kejadian-kejadian tersebut. Dalam biografi tersebut dijelaskan secara lengkap kehidupan seorang tokoh sejak kecil sampai tua, bahkan sampai meninggal dunia. Semua jasa, karya, dan segala hal yang dihasilkan atau dilakukan oleh seorang tokoh diperjelas juga. Teks biografi disusun oleh orang lain, bukan oleh diri sendiri.
Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu:
Bios yang artinya Hidup
Graphia yang artinya Tulisan.
Biography text is a detailed description or account of a person’s life and written by someone else,it is non fiction text.
(Teks Biografi adalah suatu teks yang menggambarkan detail dari riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata dan ditulis oleh orang lain.)
Function of Biography
To know a person’s story about his/her life outside of any accomplishments this person may be known for.
Untuk mengetahui kisah seseorang tentang kehidupannya di luar pencapaian apa pun, orang ini mungkin dikenal.
To give much information easily and educate the readers.
Untuk memberikan banyak informasi dengan mudah dan mendidik para pembaca.
Characteristics of Biography
Biography is not written by subject and always written in the third person. Teks biografi tidak dibuat oleh orang yang sedang diceritakan riwayat hidupnya, tetapi diceritakan oleh oranglain dalam sudut pandang orang ketiga.
Based on research. Teks tersebut dibuat berdasarkan fakta pengalaman hidup suatu tokoh berisi mengenai kisah atau cerita suatu tokoh dalam mengarungi kehidupannya, entah itu berupa kelebihan, masalah atau kekurangan yang ditulis oleh orang lain sehingga patut menjadi teladan.
Describes the person’s surroundings (where, when and how the person lived). Menceritakan secara detail tentang informasi tokoh yang diceritakan yang meliputi W/H Question (What, Where, When, Why, How)
Use vivid language to narrate events. Penggunaan bahasa harus benar-benar jelas diaplikasikan dalam sebuah teks biografi. Denagn maksud menghindari kesalahan dalam informasi yang disajikan.
Generic Structure
Orientation (Introduction)
It is the opening paragraph, gives the readers the background information of the person.
Biasanya berisi tentang biodata yang dinarasikan seperti nama lengkap, tempat dan tanggal lahir. Beberapa informasi umum juga dapat disajikan pada bagian ini sebagai pengenalan tokoh.
In events, should be in chronological order.
Tahap ini adalah bagian kejadian atau peristiwa yang dialami oleh tokoh. Berisi penjelasan suatu cerita baik itu berupa pemecahan masalah, proses berkarir, dan berbagai peristiwa yang pernah dialami oleh tokoh hingga mengantarkannya pada sebuah kesuksesan.
Re-Orientation (Closing)
It consists of a conclusion or a comment or the writer. Tell about the achievement or the contribution of the person.
Pada penutup, bagian ini berisi tentang pandangan penulis kepada tokoh yang dikisahkan. Reorentasi ini bersifat pilihan yang berarti penulis bisa memberikan pandangan pribadinya tentang tokoh yang diceritakan atau penulis tidak memberikan pandangan pribadinya terhadap tokoh yang diceritakan adalah bukan perkara yang penting.
Grammar and Language Features
Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense adalah menu utama dalam membuat Teks Biografi. Sebuah bentuk sederhana kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau. Menggunakan bentuk kata kerja kedua (verb 2).
Harry Edward Styles was born in Redditch, Worcestershire on 1 February 1994.
He is the son of Anne Cox (née Selley) and Desmond “Des” Styles, who worked in finance.
Many of his ancestors were farm laborers in Norfolk.
Styles was raised in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire after his parents moved there along with his older sister, Gemma, when he was a child.
He attended Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School.
Temporal Sequence and Temporal Conjunction.
Sebagai penghubung antara satu kalimat dengan kalimat lain dalam urutan waktu.
Temporal Sequence (urutan waktu)
Temporal Conjunction (konjungsi temporal).
Styles’ parents divorced when he was seven and his mother later was remarried to Robin Twist; he died in 2017.
Focus on Specific participants
Use of Action verbs.
Menjelaskan sesuatu hal yang secara aktif dilakukan oleh tokoh dengan menggunakan beberapa kata kerja dalam bentuk V2 atau Past Form.
Styles launched his own record label, Erskine Records, in May and he signed a recording contract with Columbia Records as a solo artist, the same label behind One Direction, in June.
Styles wrote the song “Someday” in collaboration with Meghan Trainor for Michael Bublé’s album Nobody but Me, released in October.
Types of Biography
Short Biography (focuses only on highlights of a person’s life)
Long Biography (about life and times of someone in a lot more detail)
Contoh 1.
Kaka was born in Brazilia. From age 4 to 7, his family lived in Cuiaba, following his father, a civil engineer. At age 7, the family moved to the city of Sao Paulo, in the neighborhood of Morumbi, near the stadium of Sao Paulo FC. As FIFA says, " Kaka fails to fit the Brazilian stereo type of the kid from the favela who first played the game in the street with a ball made from rags. Coming from comfortable and cultured family, Kaka kept up his studies as long as they were compatible with his profession." His talent was soon recognized. A professor called the family and suggested enrolling him in a football school. At age 8, Kaka was playing with Sao Paulo FC, where he succeeded in all categories. At age 14, Kaka used to wake up two hours early, to keep up with his studies. Kaka managed to conclude the intermediary cycle (eleven years) in Brazil, before dedicating exclusively to football. In 2006, only 24 years old, Kaka was one of the main Brazilian players in the World Cup. Despite the abundance of good players, coach Carlos Alberto Parreira already said that Kaka would start as a principle. The groups formed by Kaka, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo and Adriano was called "the Magic Square" by Brazilian media fans.
Contoh 2
Walter Elias Disney (December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1996) was an American animated film producer and animator. He was also the creator of an American-based theme park called Disneyland, and the founder of the highly profitable corporation, now known as The Walt Disney Company.
Disney was born in Chicago to Elias Disney and Flora Call. He was named after his father and after his father’s close friend Walter Parr, the minister at St. Paul Congregational Church. In 1906, his family moved to a farm near Marceline, Missouri. The family sold the farm in 1909 and lived in a rented house until 1910, when they moved to Kansas City. Disney was nine years old.
According to the Kansas City, Missouri, Public School District records, Disney began attending the Benton Grammar School in 1911, and continued his formal education there until he graduated on June 8, 1917. During this time, Disney also enrolled in classes at Kansas City Art Institute. In the fall of 1917, Disney rejoined his family. He left school at the age sixteen and became a volunteer ambulance driver in World War I, after he changed his birth certificate to show his year of birth as 1900 in order to be able to enlist in the service. He served as a member of the American Red Cross Ambulance Force in France till 1919. Test 5. Answer the questions based on the text given!
Text 1 for question number 1-5
Victoria Caroline Beckham is an English singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and businesswoman. She was born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, England. She became famous in the 1990’s with the pop group “The Spice Girls” and was known as Posh Spice. In 1999, she married the Manchester United and England footballer, David Beckham. They have four children, three sons and a daughter.
After The Spice Girls split up, she pursued a solo singing career, but also started her own fashion range called dVb Style. Since this initial foray into fashion Victoria Beckham has brought out her own range of sunglasses and fragrance, entitled ‘intimately Beckham” and a range of handbags and jewelry.
In addition she had written two best-selling books : one her autobiography and the other, a fashion guide.
1. What did Victoria do before being a solo singer?
A. Married to David Beckham
B. Worked as fashion designer
C. Joined the Spice Girls
D. Created fashion style
E. Wrote many books
2. We found in the text that ….
A. Victoria named her fragrance by dVb style
B. Beckham is Victoria’s autobiography
C. Beckham is Victoria’s brand for her fragrance
D. Posh Spice is the title of her new album
E. Spice Girls is Victoria’s label for her wardrobe
3. Based on the text, what do we know about Victoria?
A. She is an ordinary woman
B. She is a multi-talented woman
C. She designed The Spice Girls
D. She married to an ordinary person
E. She arranged many songs for the spice girls
4. ‘After The Spice Girls split up’. The synonym of the underlined word is ….
A. Separated
B. Joined
C. Combined
D. Worked together
E. Coordinated
5. “Intimately Beckham” is the title of her ….
A. Autobiography
B. Sunglasses and fragrance
C. Fashion guide
D. Books
E. Songwriter
Text 2 for question number 6-10
Mohammad Hatta
Every year has its great men and women who are remembered for what they have done for their country. One of Indonesia’s great men is Dr. Mohammad Hatta. He was a man with a deep love for his country and people.
Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on August 12th, 1902. While still in junior high school in Bukittinggi, he became interested in politics and joined the League of Young Sumatrans.
He left Bukittinggi to study in Batavia. Then he went to the Netherlands. He studied economics and gained a doctorate degree there. During his stay there he was active in the national Movement. Because of his activities, he was arrested.
In 1923 Hatta returned to Indonesia. He joined a political organization called “Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia”. One of its goals was to develop political awareness among the Indonesian people. His activities again led to his arrest. The colonial government exiled him to Boven Digul, and later to Banda Naira. Shortly before the Japanese invasion. He was brought back to Java.
When the Japanese surrendered in August 1945, Soekarno and hatta proclaimed Indonesia’s Independence. Hatta became the first vice-president of the Republic of Indonesia.
In 1956 Hatta resigned as vice-president and devoted himself to writing. On march 14, 1981, dr. mohammad Hatta passed away in Jakarta.
Nowadays, he is no longer living among us. However, his spirit of loving the country and nation is one of the reason why he is well remembered.
6. In 1956 Hatta resigned as vice-president….
The synonym of the underlined is …
A. Surrendered
B. Maintained
C. Kept in position
D. Became
E. Brought
7. What made Moh. Hatta arrested?
A. Because he was exiled to Boven Digul
B. Because he studied in Netherlands
C. Because he was vice-president
D. Because he was active in the national movement
E. Because he was born in Bukittinggi
8. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A. The Japanese invasion
B. Moh Hatta was exiled to Boven Digul
C. Moh. Hatta activities in political organization
D. The nationalist movement
E. The study in Netherlands
9. ‘He is no longer living among us’
What does ‘us’ refer to?
A. Sumatra people
B. Indonesia people
C. Digul people
D. Netherlands people
E. Batavia people
10. ‘Dr. Moh. Hatta passed away in 1981.
What is the synonym of passed away?
A. Lived again
B. Died
C. Kept the position
D. Brought back
E. Joined in