published: 29 March 2019
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00105
Beyond Research Ethics: Dialogues
in Neuro-ICT Research
Bernd Carsten Stahl 1 *, Simisola Akintoye 2 , B. Tyr Fothergill 1 , Manuel Guerrero 3,4,5 ,
Will Knight 1 and Inga Ulnicane 1
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2 Leicester De Montfort
Law School, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom, 3 Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society,
Division of Neurogeriatrics, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden, 4 Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden, 5 Department of Bioethics and Medical Humanities, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to help
facilitate neuroscience adds a new level of complexity to the question of how ethical
issues of such research can be identified and addressed. Current research ethics
practice, based on ethics reviews by institutional review boards (IRB) and underpinned
by ethical principlism, has been widely criticized. In this article, we develop an alternative
way of approaching ethics in neuro-ICT research, based on discourse ethics, which
implements Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) through dialogues. We draw on
our work in Ethics Support, using the Human Brain Project (HBP) as empirical evidence
of the viability of this approach.
Keywords: ethics, IRB, review, ethics support, discourse, human brain project, discourse ethics
Edited by:
Tamer Demiralp,
Istanbul University, Turkey
Reviewed by:
Judit Sándor,
Central European University, Hungary
Ronald Green,
Dartmouth College, United States
Bernd Carsten Stahl
Received: 15 August 2018
Accepted: 11 March 2019
Published: 29 March 2019
Stahl BC, Akintoye S, Fothergill BT,
Guerrero M, Knight W and Ulnicane I
(2019) Beyond Research Ethics:
Dialogues in Neuro-ICT Research.
Front. Hum. Neurosci. 13:105.
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00105
Biomedical research, including research in neuroscience, is fundamentally driven by the conviction
that this type of research is morally good and desirable. The large amounts of public funding
available for this type of research are provided because of the hope that the research outcomes
will contribute to the public good and offer a better understanding of the brain. At the same time,
such research can raise significant ethical concerns. Traditionally, these are linked to the nature of
the research, e.g., invasive research on humans and other animals.
At present, one can observe a continuing increase in the emphasis on the use of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) for the collection and analysis of ever-larger neuroscientific
datasets. Such work, which we frame as ‘‘neuro-ICT’’ draws on different disciplines including
neuroscience and computer science to further our understanding of the brain. This type of work can
raise additional ethical and social questions that can originate from either of the parent disciplines
or from interdisciplinary applications.
Addressing these ethical and social concerns appropriately is a precondition for gaining and
maintaining institutional approval and political support, which is a requirement for both continued
funding and successful publication of the eventual findings. Given past scandals involving
biomedical research, a sensitive way of dealing with ethics is a requirement for retaining the public
trust and the societal ‘‘license to operate.’’
Neuroscientists, in the tradition of biomedical sciences, develop an understanding of the ethics
requirement during their socialization into the field and are normally familiar with the standard
requirements of gaining ethics approval. Many of the ethical issues that neuroscientists encounter
are well established and procedures for dealing with them are well known. This is true for many
aspects of human subject research as well as animal research. Computer scientists, engineers and
other technicians and physical scientists tend to have a qualitatively different exposure to and
experience of dealing with ethics, and are often less experienced with regard to ethical questions.
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introduce the idea of an open and discourse-based approach to
ethics. We then explain how these ideas can be implemented
using the example of the HBP. We specifically focus on
the question of how the project engages and aligns various
overlapping discourses, with a view to finding appropriate
solutions. This, we argue, constitutes the dialogical approach to
ethics that modern and highly complex data-driven research in
neurosciences requires. We conclude the article by discussing
limitations and further developments of the approach.
Despite the familiarity of many researchers with questions
of ethics and a broad acceptance of the need for appropriate
ethical sensitivity, there is growing scepticism whether the
current ethics governance infrastructure is fit for purpose. Ethics
review procedures are viewed as cumbersome, bureaucratic
and stifling research. This type of view is encapsulated
by Klitzman (2015) who used the provocative term ‘‘ethics
police.’’ Schrag (2010) goes further and uses the term ‘‘ethical
imperialism,’’ albeit in the context of social sciences. This paper
argues that ethics in neuro-ICT does not have to be a topdown imposition.
The scepticism concerning current ethics processes can
grow exponentially in cases where precedents are not clearly
established because the research is breaking novel ground. In
such cases, it may not be clear what exactly constitutes an ethical
issue, how it could be identified, and what actions should be
taken to address it. This type of situation can arise when research
is undertaken across and between disciplines, especially where
these disciplines have different views of the nature of ethical
issues and ways of engaging with them.
In this article, we, therefore, ask whether there is a way of
conceptualizing and addressing ethics that is sensitive to the
often complex issues that interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary
research in neuro-ICT can raise without falling prey to the
ethical imposition of which current research ethics processes
are sometimes accused. We propose a conceptualization of
ethics based on discourse ethics, and demonstrate that this
allows for a broader view encompassing established ethics
procedures but remaining open to additional influences. We
then demonstrate the relevance of these ideas by exploring
how they have been implemented in a research project to
which all potential exacerbating factors apply, i.e., complexity,
multidisciplinarity, and uncertainty. The project we present as
a case for this approach to ethics is the Human Brain Project
(HBP), a European-funded ICT Flagship with a duration of
10 years and a financial value of several 100 million Euros.
We reflect on the HBP as its participants responsible for
empirical research on and practice of ethics. Our position
within the project provides us extensive and deep knowledge of
the HBP, while at the same time requires to remain reflexive
regarding practical implementation challenges and ways of
addressing them.
We argue that the HBP shows that a dialogical conception
of ethics is not only possible but may well be the only practical
way of dealing appropriately with ethical issues in modern largescale technology-enabled projects. We suggest that this example
may help to develop good practice in future approaches to such
projects. The contribution of the article is thus partly theoretical
in that it proposes a novel way of understanding ethics in
neuroscience research, but it is also practical in that it explores
innovative approaches to tackling these issues.
To make this argument, we begin with a review of the
various bodies of literature with a bearing on the ethics of
research undertaken in large-scale data-driven projects focused
on neuroscience. We then discuss the dominant approach to
dealing with ethics on a project level, namely the institutional
review processes and their weaknesses. On this basis, we then
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Current neuroscience research produces large amounts of
data. Much neuroscience research aims to leverage this by
applying what can be termed ‘‘big data’’ approaches, i.e., using
data analytics tools and methods to gain new insights. The
immense complexity of the brain requires such approaches
to develop novel insights. Such ‘‘big data neuroscience’’ work
draws on a number of scientific fields with distinct traditions
and cultures including neuroscience itself, medicine and
computer science.
We use the term neuro-ICT to denote this type of research:
approaches that depend on neuroscience as well as computer
science to collect and analyze data. The proliferation of
new large-scale brain research initiatives indicates the trend
towards neuro-ICT. It is driven by new technologies and
neuroscience tools which allow for the collection of hitherto
unknown quantities of data which in turn require novel
approaches for visualization and analysis. Concomitantly,
one can observe a growing interest in neuro-ICT from the
field of computer science where such work is seen to hold
the promise of new computing processes and paradigms that
overcome the limitations of current technologies, e.g., in the
field of artificial intelligence. The term neuro-ICT thus includes
activities that are specifically geared towards the use of ICT in
neuroscience, such as neuroinformatics, but also ICT-oriented
neuroscience, such as big data approaches to neuroscience and
neuroscience-oriented ICT research, such as the continuing
development of brain-computer interfaces and work in
neuromorphic computing.
There have been intensive discussions about ethics within
each of these reference disciplines of neuro-ICT. Ethical
discussions can also be informed by other input, such as the
professional codes of ethics (e.g., the ACM Code of Ethics),
the social and institutional position of researchers or wider
public debates. Understanding the ethics of neuro-ICT research
requires an awareness of the ethical discourses and traditions in
each of these fields. This section, therefore, starts by highlighting
some of the key approaches and topics in each of these areas.
Sources of Ethical Insights
The most prominent source of ethics in neuro-ICT is probably
the discourse on biomedical ethics. Going back at least to
the time of Hippocrates, biomedical ethics has produced a
large body of work to inform both biomedical practice and
research. During the 20th century, this was formalized in the
Nuremberg Code (Freyhofer, 2004) and subsequently in the
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of advances in neuroscience.’’ One of the reasons for the
development of neuroethics is the nature of the brain which is
typically seen as the seat of human identity and consciousness.
The moral value of identity and consciousness warrants the
specific attention of a sub-discipline of ethics (Ackerman, 2006).
Neuroethics covers a broad range of issues, all of which gain
additional relevance or display different angles because of their
link with the brain. These range from fundamental questions
such as freedom and responsibility (Churchland, 2005) or the
enhancement of human capabilities (Farah, 2005) to specific
issues related to particular interventions, such as deep brain
stimulation or novel privacy concerns related to new types and
quantities of data.
Bioethics and neuroethics are closely interrelated and
interdependent. They are not the exclusive basis of normative
reasoning in neuro-ICT. The ICT side of this term can also refer
to a long history of ethical deliberation, typically referred to
as computer ethics, cyberethics, information ethics and similar
terms (Bynum, 2010). The issues discussed in these discourses
overlap to some degree with those in bioethics and neuroethics
but they also differ in various ways. The discussion of computer
ethics can be traced back to the very beginning of digital
computing (Wiener, 1954, 1964). However, it has gained more
prominence with the more wide spread adoption of computers
and the spread of the internet since the 1990’s. A recent review
of the computer ethics literature (Stahl et al., 2016) showed that
there is a set of relatively stable concerns that have been discussed
over the last decade or so. The most prominent one of these is
that of privacy, followed by professionalism and work-related
issues, questions of autonomy, agency and trust. There is some
discussion of specific computing technologies and the issues they
raise but also of identity, inclusion, digital divides, security, harm,
misuse, deception, health-related issues and justice.
This brief introduction into key foundations of normative
insights in neuro-ICT aims to demonstrate the diversity of ethical
positions, topics and theories that influenced the field, but cannot
provide a comprehensive overview. There are other sources of
normativity, such as professional ethics or general philosophical
ethics that can provide further input into the understanding of
ethics in neuro-ICT. The overview is nevertheless sufficient to
provide the starting point for understanding the current state
of practical ethics methodologies, which is discussed in the
next section.
Helsinki Declaration (World Medical Association, 2008). A very
influential milestone was the Belmont Report (The National
Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical
and Behavioral Research, 1979) which provides the basis for
much of the practical implementation of biomedical ethics.
While there are many different views on biomedical ethics, it is
probably fair to say that it is currently informed by a mid-level
theoretical approach sometimes called principalism (Clouser and
Gert, 1990), which is based on the assumption of a universally
shared common morality which allows the identification of
principles, rules and obligations that can guide practical
decisions (Beauchamp and Childress, 2009). Key principles are
beneficence, non-malficence, autonomy and justice.
This brief overview cannot do justice to biomedical ethics and
the enormous body of work that underpins and defines it. It is
important to recognize that biomedical ethics arose from a more
general discussion of ethics understood as the discipline of moral
philosophy. Moral philosophy is probably as old as humanity
and deals with the question of what is right or wrong, what we
should or should not do. In current discussions one can often
see references to some main streams of ethical thinking, notably
to consequentialism or utilitarianism (the theory that holds that
the moral status of an action is determined by its consequences;
Bentham, 1789; Mill, 1861; Verbeek, 2001), deontology (the
theory that sees adherence to duty as the main characteristic
of ethics; Kant, 1788, 1797; Fins, 2009) or virtue ethics (which
sees the character of the agent as the main determinant of
ethics; Foot, 1978; Aristotle and Barnes, 2004; MacIntyre, 2007).
In addition to these main streams, there are numerous other
theoretical perspectives on ethics, including some developments
of these such as discourse ethics, which will be discussed
below. Biomedical ethics has developed in conversation with
these ethical theories and integrates many of their insights, as
Beauchamp and Childress (2009) demonstrate.
In addition to the rich history and intellectual roots of
biomedical ethics, there is a large body of work that has sought
to formalize and implement biomedical ethics. Based on the
work undertaken by the World Medical Association, as described
above, there have been many efforts to implement biomedical
ethics and turn these into established rules and processes. The
Council of Europe (1997), for example, passed the Oviedo
Convention aimed at protecting human rights in the biomedical
field. Most countries with a well-developed biomedical research
sector now have ethics-related processes that govern such
research and that are based on these principles outlined above.
However, biomedical ethics is not the only specialized field of
applied ethics with a bearing on neuro-ICT research.
Neuroethics, a relatively new field of inquiry or sub-discipline
(Marcus and Dana Foundation, 2002; Leefmann et al., 2016),
can best be understood as an offshoot of biomedical ethics
which focuses in particular on ethical issues related to the
brain. It is sometimes described as consisting of two main
strands: the ethics of neuroscience and the neuroscience of
ethics (Roskies, 2005, p. 18). A more recent definition adds a
third component of neuroethics (Greely et al., 2016, p. 637):
‘‘the neuroscience of ethics; the ethics of neuroscience research;
and, most frequently, the ethical, legal, and social implications
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Current Research Ethics: The IRB/REC
The practice of dealing with ethical questions in research is
increasingly standardized across disciplines and national and
cultural boundaries. We use the term ‘‘research ethics’’ to denote
this standard approach. Research ethics, as we understand the
term, is based on the philosophical reflections indicated in the
decades of discussion of biomedical ethics. It is important to
understand, however, that it has been influenced in substantial,
culturally and historically-contingent ways. This is most notably
the case in the US American context where research ethics
developed as a way to retain scientific independence and
avoid stronger research regulation by the state. Its conceptual
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from within and outside the biomedical field. The most stringent
recent criticism of the IRB resume from within the biomedical
field was likely that formulated by Klitzman (2015). He argues
that it is not clear whether the additional administrative burden
that research ethics review is put upon researchers actually fulfills
the main aim of research ethics, which is the protection of
the research subject, the human being or non-human animal
that is used to supply the data. The administrative burden and
costs associated with the IRB review process and not just a
nuisance, but they actually constitute an ethical issue themselves.
Resources spent on ethics cannot be spent on the actual science.
Where science offers the hope of ethically valuable insights,
such an impediment to science requires an ethical justification
(Poline et al., 2012). In attempting to address the issue of
the administrative burden, the ethical review process may be
outsourced to external companies, which not only removes
consideration for ethics from the scientific process but may also
unnecessarily incentivize approvals (Musoba et al., 2014).
Furthermore, research ethics through IRB review has
both conceptual and empirical shortcomings which must be
considered. One conceptual issue is that of the limitations of
knowledge. IRB decisions are typically made on the basis of prior
knowledge of the members of the IRB panel. This knowledge
is partial by necessity, and may not cover relevant aspects of
the study in question. Moreover, some possible consequences
may be simply unknown and therefore outside the scope of the
IRB review. This problem of missing knowledge is linked to the
principle of peer review, upon which IRBs are based and which
may not provide the required input and insights to best deal with
the relevant issues.
There are numerous practical concerns with regard to the
current research ethics processes. The reliance on a priori
applications can lead to a tick box mentality which opposes the
idea of ethics as a form of reflective practice. By separating ethics
from the research process, there is a danger that it is perceived
as a specialist activity which can be outsourced and divorced
from the scientific research itself. The structure of decentralized
ethics reviews means that there may be an inconsistency between
different IRBs as well as between IRBs in different jurisdictions,
leading to the potential for ‘‘jurisdiction hopping’’ to avoid or
circumvent particular regulations (Stark, 2011). The focus on
the protection of the individual participant can lead to the
obfuscation of bigger ethical issues, which may be more pressing
but which are rendered invisible by the process (Landeweerd
et al., 2015). This, to some degree, can immunize research from
critical scrutiny.
The extension of the biomedical process of research ethics
beyond that field of practice may be most problematic. Schrag
(2010) offers a strong critique of the expansion of the IRB model
to the social sciences. Existing IRB processes not only fail to
understand the specifics of social science but more importantly,
it is unclear whether the underlying assumptions of research
ethics are applicable to social sciences. The protection of the
individual research subject, for example, an uncontroversial
aim of biomedical research ethics, may not be appropriate in
the social sciences. A social scientist may collect data from a
respondent specifically to expose their activities, which may be
basis remains the Belmont Report (The National Commission
for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and
Behavioral Research, 1979) and its principles and practices,
which have emerged in large part from the federally funded US
research environment.
Research ethics as we understand it here is one way of putting
theoretical ethical reflections into practice. It can, therefore, be
seen as an example of applied ethics, similar to computer ethics or
neuroethics. Unlike these other fields of applied ethics, research
ethics is highly formalized and institutionalized. As we are about
to argue, research ethics has moved very close to compliance,
which is one of the reasons it is perceived as an imposition. It
is important, however, to recognize that as a field of applied
ethics, research ethics is strongly anchored in philosophical ethics
and arises to a large degree from biomedical ethics. This raises
the question of why an approach to applied ethics can turn into
something that is perceived as problematic and how this can be
reversed or avoided in different fields. Before we can respond
to these questions, we need to explain the current realization of
research ethics in further detail.
The practice of research ethics that most active researchers in
the area of neuroscience will be familiar with is that of external
review by an independent body. This body tends to be called an
institutional review board (IRB) in the US, or a research ethics
committee (REC) in many European countries. The operational
principles remain similar, however. The leader of a research
project that may raise ethical issues or receives certain types
of funding is required to submit a statement explaining the
ethical issues of the research, how these are to be addressed, and
requesting approval to undertake the study. This application is
then reviewed by the IRB which may approve, reject or require
further development in preparation for a repeated review. Once
the ethical issues are appropriately described and addressed, the
researcher is given the approval to proceed. When unforeseen
ethical issues arise, the researcher is required to raise these
with the IRB. In some cases, a regular update of the procedure
is required, especially for long-term studies. This approach
to research ethics originates from biomedical research and is
increasingly used across disciplines. The Menlo Report (Bailey
et al., 2011) is a high profile example of the attempt to broaden
the biomedical research tradition to cover ICT research as well.
The current research ethics regime has numerous advantages.
It is relatively clearly defined, allows researchers to deal with
the issues they are likely to face, limits liability and thereby
provides the basis for a broad range of research activities. Over
the last two or three decades, it has developed into a veritable
industry with stratified decision-making bodies, from national
ethics committees which tend to look at the principal questions
and institutional boards which make practical and operational
decisions. It has spawned specialist journals, qualifications and
degrees and led to the establishment of professional identity
and a body of knowledge held by those who are specialists in
the field.
As this approach to dealing with ethics in research has
broadened, first to cover the entirety of biomedical research, and
secondly to go beyond the disciplinary boundaries for which
it was devised, it has also encountered severe criticism both
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these to indicate our theoretical position: one is Habermasian
discourse ethics, and the other is the current debate around
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). We focus on RRI
as an approach promoted by the European Commission that
has informed the structure of the work described later. Without
being able to make this argument here in detail, we submit that
discourse ethics can be seen as a key theoretical root of RRI.
Discourse ethics constitutes an ethical theory that is
conducive to our interest in overcoming the perceived limitations
of the IRB tradition. Discourse ethics is closely linked to the work
of Apel (1990, 2002) and Habermas (1991, 2006). It is based on
Kantian deontology, i.e., on the assumption that the principles of
ethics are located in the agent’s intention to do the right thing,
to do their duty. Kant’s (1788, 1998) version of this principle is
embodied in the Categorical Imperative, which holds that one
should always act according to the maxim that one could wish
to be the basis for general legislation (Myskja, 2008). Discourse
ethics recognizes that it is beyond the ability of any individual
to truly achieve this and therefore moves the basis of ethical
deliberation away from the individual and towards the group
of individuals who are potentially affected by an action. As a
consequence, Habermas holds that only those norms can claim to
be valid that meet (or could meet) with the approval of all affected
in their capacity as participants in a practical discourse.
This article does not offer the space to discuss these ideas
in the depth they deserve. Suffice it to say that discourse
ethics offers a theoretically sound starting point for moving
from a traditional and individual-centered view of ethics to one
where agency and responsibility are distributed across various
stakeholders. Discourse ethics has been widely discussed and
there are relevant examples of its application to ICT (Stahl, 2008;
Mingers and Walsham, 2010; Rehg, 2015). It is also worth noting
that discourse ethics is closely linked to Habermas (1981) theory
of communicative action, which is an important theoretical
contribution to critical theory which, in turn, has inspired a
recent discussion concerning critical neuroscience (Choudhury
and Slaby, 2011; Fitzgerald et al., 2014; Schleim, 2014).
A second approach that informs our attempts to move
beyond the IRB-centric tradition of ethics is that of the
currently widely-used concept of RRI. This can be considered
as a contribution to the discussion of research and innovation
governance which is of particular importance to large research
funders. Increasing investments in research and innovation
raise the question of whether these investments are palatable
to the citizens and tax payers who have to pay for them.
Public opposition to some types of research, such as nuclear
power, genetically modified organisms (Da˛ browska, 2007), or
geoengineering (Macnaghten and Owen, 2011), have caused
funders to consider the question how public acceptance of
research, innovation and their consequences can be assured.
The concept of RRI, which originates from several research
funding organizations (e.g., the European Commission) as well
as multiple scholarly disciplines such as science and technology
studies, technology assessment and philosophy is an attempt to
provide an answer to this.
RRI has been defined as ‘‘the on-going process of aligning
research and innovation to the values, needs and expectations
detrimental to the research subject but desirable as a legitimate
aim of social sciences. Similarly, it is less than clear whether
the core principle of individual informed consent that guides
research ethics is an appropriate way to deal with ethical
questions in ICT. In the age of ‘‘big data’’ and automated
processing, it is an open question whether the balance between
the benefits and detriments of research can best be struck by
asking individuals about the use of their data, which they are
unlikely to understand in detail, and which may be subject to
change. Another problem is that research ethics is based on the
assumption that the aim of the research is essentially desirable
and ethically valuable. The focus of research ethics is therefore
on the process of research, and not its outcome. In biomedical
research where the aim is typically to understand diseases to help
heal them, this premise may hold. However, even in biomedical
research, it is often less than obvious that the outcomes of
research are desirable. In other areas, including ICT research,
the premise that the intended or possible outcomes of research
are of ethical value may be incorrect and an ethical approach to
research would need to incorporate reflection on the products
and outcomes as well as the process of undertaking the research.
We have aimed to demonstrate that the current and dominant
approach to ethics in research is open to a number of important
and legitimate questions. At the same time, it is increasingly
institutionalized and becoming further entrenched across all
academic disciplines. The IRB process of research ethics that
was meant to balance the power of researchers, as well as
powerful institutions such as pharmaceutical companies, is now
becoming exceedingly powerful itself, colonizing the research
process and creating new ethical issues. The nature and content
of the concepts and ideologies being extended in this fashion
relate directly to the dominant power, which is in this instance
at least partly represented by biomedical ethics processes and
the historical trajectory of scientific research in a U.S. context.
Having described the shortcomings and ethical concerns of the
research ethics process, we now proceed to a discussion of
potential alternatives.
Beyond the IRB: Discursive Approaches to
the Ethics of Research
The key problem of current research ethics is that to some
degree it achieves the opposite of what ethics should do. Instead
of opening up, questioning and debating ethical questions, it
closes them down and removes them from critical scrutiny.
Furthermore, it removes reflection upon ethical issues from
the research process and makes shared forms of responsibility
impossible. These issues are problematic in any area of science
and research. They are even more problematic in novel and
emerging areas such as neuro-ICT where different disciplines
and intellectual traditions come together, when novel problems
and questions may form and where established answers may
not suffice.
To move beyond the IRB approach, we believe that ethical
methodologies will need to be open, inclusive and discursive.
These principles are of course not new, and we can build on
several theoretical positions and discourses to justify and develop
them (Ess and Thorseth, 2006). We will briefly outline two of
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of society’’ (Rome Declaration, 2014). There are different
scientific and policy interpretations of what exactly this means.
The European Commission is promoting an interpretation
of RRI that focuses on six different keys or policy areas:
gender equality, ethics, science education, open access, public
engagement and research governance (European Commission,
2012, 2013). The UK Engineering And Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC) has established a framework for RRI
that is encapsulated in an acronym called AREA, which stands
for anticipation, reflection, engagement and action (Owen, 2014).
This, in turn, is based on the work by Stilgoe et al. (2013)
which underlines the collective responsibilities that various
stakeholders assume in the research and innovation processes,
and that require a strong emphasis on responsiveness and the
ability and willingness to engage with other views and voices. The
AREA framework is implemented in the HBP.
Elsewhere we have suggested that RRI may best be
understood as a higher level responsibility or a form of
meta-responsibility (Stahl, 2013). This means that RRI takes
as its point of departure the existing multitude of established
relationships of responsibility. All agents in research and
innovation environments are already entangled in a variety
of responsibilities, including the researcher’s responsibility for
the appropriate collection and analysis of data and research
conduct, the research institution’s responsibility for transparent
expenditure of research funding, or the funding organization’s
responsibility for allocating resources according to appropriate
criteria. RRI embodies a view of this existing ecosystem of
interlinking responsibilities that is used to shape, maintain,
develop, coordinate and align these existing responsibilities
with a view to ensuring that the processes, products and
purpose of research and innovation are acceptable, desirable
and sustainable.
The reason for this brief introduction to discourse ethics
and RRI, which cannot do justice to either of these complex
notions, is to demonstrate that there are approaches to ethics
and to dealing with possible risks and downsides of research and
innovation which can look very different from the established
research ethics process. They move away from a linear and
expert-centered view of ethics towards a more open, discursive
and responsive approach. In these communication-oriented
views of ethics, it is not necessarily assumed that ethical issues can
be identified in advance. It is also not taken for granted that the
objective of the activity is beneficial and acceptable to the relevant
stakeholders. Instead, an open exchange between researchers and
stakeholders is employed to identify and highlight possible issues.
The responsibility for addressing these issues is not taken for
granted, but can also be subject to the discussion.
These ideas of an open, discursive approach to ethical issues
underpin our approach to ethics in large neuro-ICT projects
which we now describe using the example of the HBP.
core funding of more than 400 million Euros sets it apart as
one of the larger international initiatives in this field. Its three
main areas of interest are neuroscience, medicine and ICT. The
initial emphasis of the project on a bottom-up brain simulation
platform has given way to the broader aim of developing an
ICT infrastructure for neuroscientific research. In the early
phases of the project, there was some high-level debate about its
aims and their justification (Frégnac and Laurent, 2014), which
seems to have subsided, leaving the project to focus on research
and infrastructure building (The Lancet Neurology, 2017). The
project is organized into 12 subprojects, four of which focus
on neuroscience, six on the development of ICT infrastructures,
one on management and administration, and one on matters of
society and ethics (Amunts et al., 2016).
The authors of this article are all members of this final
subproject, which is divided into four work packages. The
Ethics and Society subproject is tasked with implementing RRI
throughout the HBP. For this purpose, it includes work packages
focusing on anticipation and foresight, philosophical and new
ethical reflection, public engagement and the management and
support of project members with regard to ethical issues. These
different components interact closely, but for the purposes of
this article, we focus on the final one, Ethics Support. The Ethics
Support function emerged after the initial phase of the project
in response to a call for ethics management that was aimed to
address shortcomings in compliance. It quickly became apparent,
however, that a top-down imposition of compliance principles
could not do justice to the complexity of the project. Ethics
management therefore merged into Ethics Support which is
modeled on the idea of a dialogical concept of ethics, as described
above. This adoption of the dialogical principle did not follow a
master plan but was the result of numerous conversations of the
individuals working on this task with scientists, project officers
and external stakeholders. Before we discuss these in detail, we
shall briefly introduce the ethical issues that were identified and
are currently being addressed.
Ethics in the HBP
From the outset, it was clear to the consortium planning the
project that the HBP would require a strong emphasis on
ethics. The Ethics and Society subproject was, therefore, part
of the original conception of the project and receives a level
of funding that is approximately 3% of the overall budget. The
conceptualization of ethics that motivated this early attention
to such issues was not linked to a particular ethical theory or
tradition, but broadly construed and based on the awareness that
the HBP had the potential to raise ethical concerns. These ethical
concerns were certain to include traditional research ethics
questions, but they were clearly broader than research ethics.
The types of ethical issues that the project encounters range
from the well-described and understood (e.g., human subject
protection) all the way to more speculative questions around
the possibility of a brain simulation achieving the status of
personhood (Lim, 2014). A first overview of the various issues
that are specific to the type of work undertaken by the HBP was
offered by Christen et al. (2016). Evers (2017) offers an account
of the contribution of neuroethics to this type of work, whereas
The HBP is a large European research project that is funded
under the Future and Emerging Technologies flagship initiative.
It began in 2013, and has an expected duration of 10 years. Its
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military, security or related applications form part of the EU’s
research ethics framework, but, as the Society and Ethics group
found out, this does not imply that it is clear how to deal with
such issues.
One important factor with a significant influence on how
ethics is addressed within the project is the ethical framework
of the European Commission. As an EU-funded project, the
HBP is subject to the principles of research governance laid
out by its funder. The EU has instituted a system of ethical
review that is based on the biomedical model. Its starting point
is an ethical screening of all successful proposals. Where any
ethical issues are identified, this can lead to audits and the
definition of the additional deliverables that describe how they
are addressed. The HBP as a large-scale project that raises
the numerous issues listed above, and is subject to stringent
and frequent ethics checks that run alongside the scientific
and technical reviews. To a large degree, the HBP is therefore
subject to the traditional top-down ethical approach described
earlier. However, our experience shows that this approach is not
sufficient. For the practitioners in the project to understand and
appropriately deal with ethical issues, the dialogical approach
advocated in this article is required, as we will demonstrate in
the following section.
Aicardi et al. (2018b) discussed the broader questions of how
ethical concerns can be reflected appropriately in this type of
research. A general overview of the approach to ethics in the
project is provided by Salles et al. (2019).
To give a quick overview, one can distinguish between
the various types of ethical issues that the HBP encounters.
These include traditional research ethics questions, notably
the protection of human research subject and of non-human
animals. This category also includes research on human cells
and research in non-EU countries. Ethical issues more closely
related to the functional programming side of the project
include compliance with the new EU General Data Protection
Regulation. This is a comprehensive reform of data protection
rules that seek to harmonize the processing and regulation of
personal data in the EU single market (European Parliament,
2016). To some extent, scientific research is given a ‘‘privileged’’
position under the GDPR with the application of several
derogations. It is therefore important that new and enhanced
provisions are adhered to as a model of legal and ethical
compliance, and to serve as a beacon of good practice.
The HBP can potentially give rise to questions of research
integrity and data confidentiality that can be seen as part of
a larger set of questions revolving around the governance of
data. Related to this are questions of intellectual property.
Broader social concerns arising from the work undertaken
in the HBP include the question of unintended misuse, the
impact of novel technologies and insights on social processes
including the role of doctors and their impact on employment.
Relationships with various communities involved in the HBP
are important, not least concerning the development of the
HBP infrastructure. Finally, it is worth mentioning there are
fundamental philosophical questions such as the nature of
consciousness which have important clinical implications, but
which are also of ethical relevance in that they inform our
individual and collective understanding of our identities as
human beings.
Most of these ethical issues are not particularly surprising
or novel. What sets them apart and makes them an interesting
topic of investigation is their intersection and overlap. Some of
them are clearly linked to particular research traditions, but in
the HBP they are faced by a highly diverse audience of scholars
from different disciplines and backgrounds with many ways of
interpreting these issues and of dealing with ethics in general
due to the varying research environments in which scientists
are socialized. A further interesting aspect of these ethical issues
is that they are partly located in what we referred to earlier
as research ethics, i.e., the tradition of formalized biomedical
research ethics that is governed by IRBs and aims at compliance.
This is the case, for example in animal research which needs
to comply with animal protection regulation or human subject
research, the core field of research ethics. However, even in
those cases where the HBP ethical issues are clearly complianceoriented, it is not always clear how compliance is to be achieved
and demonstrated. Compliance with the GDPR is a case in point,
where the question of how to apply a significant and novel
piece of legislation is still subject to societal debate. Similarly,
questions of dual use, i.e., the use of neurotechnologies for
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Ethical Dialogues in the HBP
The dialogical approach to ethics that we have introduced
requires a practical engagement of the various stakeholders in
an open and reflective way. Instituting such a dialogue or series
of dialogues requires the identification of all stakeholders. It is
important to understand that such a dialogue does not take place
in a vacuum, but is located in a specific historical and social
context. Understanding this context requires an awareness of
both the relevant literature and current public debates. The Ethics
and Society sub-project of the HBP pays specific attention to
future-oriented accounts as part of the work of the Foresight
Lab (Aicardi et al., 2018a) as well as the philosophical and
neuroethical debates (Evers, 2017). A further central role is
played by the public engagement activities that reach out to
specific stakeholder groups and society at large. These can be
interpreted as part of the broader discourse concerning ethics in
the project.
In this section, we focus on the various intersecting and
overlapping dialogues within the HBP that form part of the
HBP’s ethical activities. We describe the principles of discourse,
key stakeholders as well as some processes and outcomes. It is
not possible here to comprehensively describe all ethics-relevant
discourses in a project of the size and complexity of the HBP.
In addition, we describe these discourses from the point of view
of the Ethics Support group. This should not be read to imply
that this is the exclusive core of all ethics in the project, but
is a simple methodological choice determined by the fact that
the authors of this article have the closest insight into these
discourses. We concede that other descriptions of the HBP ethics
discourses are possible. By positioning the Ethics Support group
at the heart of the HBP ethics discourses, we can describe it as
an interface that facilitates the cross-fertilization of several of
the other discourses. Ethics Support, as indicated earlier, is one
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mentioned earlier provides for a techno-legal approach
through early implementation of sustainable privacy-enhancing
technologies that enable legal compliance throughout the
life cycle of data. This primarily involves conducting privacy
impact assessments at the start of each research in order
to assess the risks and severity of data processing on the
rights and freedom of natural persons. Following this is
establishment of privacy by design and privacy by default
procedures through the development of adequate technical
and organizational measures such as pseudonymization and
data minimization designed to implement data protection
principles and protect the rights of data subjects in a
manner that allows for legal compliance in a modern world
(European Parliament, 2016).
While the term ‘‘compliance’’ seems to suggest a rigorous
and predetermined view of ethics as described earlier as the
traditional research ethics approach, the practice of this discourse
is fundamentally more open. In many cases, it is not clear which
rules apply, who can determine the application or how they need
to be implemented. This is partly caused by the international
and cross-jurisdictional nature of the HBP and partly by the
rapidly moving scientific and technical development which can
render precedent difficult to interpret. The compliance discourse
furthermore takes place with ethics reviewers, who are external
experts contracted by the EC to assess the HBP’s work. These
external experts have different areas of expertise and interests,
and change over time, leading to a level of fluctuation in terms of
topics and positions.
Despite this, the compliance-related discourse remains
relatively fixed and externally determined in terms of structure
and content. Ethics Support, therefore, employs several
additional discourses. One of these focuses on the external
expertise offered by the Project’s Ethics Advisory Board (EAB).
Members of the EAB are independent experts whose work
receives administrative support. Expertise in the EAB covers
many of the key ethical issues including animal research, human
subject protection and data protection. As the project developed
and novel issues became evident, membership of the EAB has
changed to reflect this, leading to the inclusion of experts on the
ethics of robotics and information systems.
The discourses described so far involve external members,
but there are additional discourses focusing on HBP-funded
scholars as well. For example, as part of its own research
activities, members of the Ethics Support team interviewed
the leaders of all subprojects in order to understand their
views of ethics. Subsequent to this, we surveyed all project
members using an online survey as a way of accessing their
views, questions and priorities. This discourse highlighted the
issues that perceptions of ethics differ between disciplines and
subprojects, and that a more continuous engagement with the
scientists in the project was required. As a consequence, and
following suggestions from the EAB, a group of individuals was
assembled to represent all of the HBP’s subprojects, and whose
role was to serve as partners of Ethics Support in all ethicsrelated issues. This group, the so-called Ethics Rapporteurs,
provides the subject expertise and detailed knowledge of project
operations, they can communicate with their peers in their
of the four work packages of the ethics and society sub-project.
Its purpose is to ensure that ethical issues are dealt with to the
highest standards. In order to facilitate this, Ethics Support needs
to be aware of current issues. The point that we want to introduce
here is that Ethics Support interpreted as an implementation
of research ethics and focused on compliance does not do the
ethical complexity of a project like the HBP justice. While
Ethics Support is the home of research ethics in the HBP, and
compliance forms part of its activities, even compliance in the
most narrow sense requires a broader understanding of ethical
issues in a quickly changing external environment. In addition
to Ethics Support’s own research on the current state of the art
with regard to various ethical issues, the group can benefit from
the insights generated by the neuroethics and philosophy group
who are experts in the current debate in this field (Salles et al.,
2018). Similarly, insights about likely and possible futures can be
gleaned from the Foresight Lab. In theoretical terms, this means
that Ethics Support needs to be cognizant of biomedical and
research ethics, but it needs to move beyond these to understand
current societal discussions. As a result, an ethics of dialogue is
a more suitable theoretical underpinning than a narrow view of
research ethics. Only such a focus on dialogue will allow gaining
the insights required to interpret issues appropriately and deal
with them. Work undertaken within the HBP is one source of
such insights.
A further important source of ethical insights which is crucial
to the discursive construction of the ethical position of the
HBP is a set of discourses with external stakeholders. These are
undertaken by the Public Engagement group of the HBP, which
reaches out to specialist audiences, such as relevant scientific
and technical communities, but also to potential beneficiaries of
the work, e.g., patients and their representatives as well as civil
society at large. These engagement exercises provide important
insight into concerns and priorities of external stakeholders who
should benefit from the work undertaken in the HBP and the
values that these external stakeholders hold.
In order to comprehend current concerns as well as practices
of dealing with ethics, Ethics Support has instituted a number
of specific means of communication. One of these forms part
of the ethics compliance processes. To understand the state of
compliance-relevant activities, i.e., those activities that are clearly
regulated and legislated, all principal investigators (PIs), i.e., all
task leaders of the HBP are sent an online survey to ask them
about the state of compliance-related activities. This discourse
is highly structured and aligned with the EC’s H2020 ethics
self-assessment process (European Commission, 2014). While
this conversation starts out in a very structured way, it then
often develops into a more wide-ranging discussion where PIs
raise queries, Ethics Support comments on documentation, asks
for clarification etc. until a shared understanding of the various
activities is achieved.
These compliance processes form an important aspect
of the discourse with the EC about the received orthodoxy
in terms of addressing ethics. This discourse takes place
through a number of ethics assessments, reviews and audits
that take place at predetermined stages of the project,
sometimes two or three times per year. The EU GDPR
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The resource requirements are not only a constraint that
may make it difficult for other projects to institute similar
approaches, but they can lead to frictions and consequently to
doubts about the legitimacy of engaging with ethics in the first
place. Resources spent on instituting ethics-related discourses are
resources that cannot be spent on science. In a traditional view of
science that sees any scientific endeavor as automatically ethically
justified due to its positive impact on knowledge production,
doubts can arise concerning the necessity of engaging with ethics.
This issue is highly dependent on the personal and disciplinary
background of the researcher, which also play a role in the
next point.
An overarching concern is that of awareness; for example,
members of the HBP possess varying levels of awareness both of
ethical issues and the processes required to address them within
the project context. This is linked to other factors which we
have already mentioned, including the differing socialization of
researchers in different disciplines, the complexity of the project
as a whole, and the variability of Member State requirements for
research. Through the established communication channels and
overlapping relationships between external parties and internal
ethics governance frameworks, we must continuously engage
in clarification and modification of the processes and attempt
to raise awareness of these. The willingness of researchers to
engage in discourse around ethics and innovation is also a
considerable potential barrier. Researchers face many pressures
on their time, and a prolonged exchange about the ethical
issues presented by their research may not be a high priority.
Furthermore, a view of research ethics as a barrier to progress
is pervasive amongst some groups, and that presents an
additional challenge.
There are also questions of authority, with regard to ethics
and for the scientific research process and outcomes. Both may
be addressed to some extent through a discursive negotiation
and reinforcement of shared responsibility, but the likelihood
of success of extended dialogue is highly contextual. Somewhat
related to this are issues of conflict, how aspects of the ethical
process should be enforced if clashes occur, and what sanctions
may be necessary should a serious issue arise.
As a way of mediating the impacts of these issues, the
HBP Ethics and Society programme chose to highlight the
practical relevance of RRI to HBP researchers, and to raise
awareness of this through our external and internal outreach
and community-building activities. We emphasize the benefits
of more sustainable, socially-relevant research that resonates
with multiple stakeholders. However, institutionalization of
ethics dialogues (e.g., compliance) and RRI can also lead to
bureaucratization and standardization and, thus, encounter
similar criticisms as those raised in the debates on ‘‘ethics police’’
and ‘‘ethical imperialism.’’ Part of demonstrating this relevance
is our key role in supporting the production of legally and
ethically-compliant research. This is partly because enforceable
issues are simplest to justify in a complex, multidisciplinary
project involving multiple countries, but also because the
HBP is publicly funded and maintaining public trust and the
societal ‘‘license to operate’’ is important. However, as we
have hope to have shown, the Ethics Support work and the
subprojects about ethics and contribute their understanding to
the discussion.
Each of the groups mentioned above has internal discourses
around ethics, which involve the Ethics Support team as a
common factor. In addition, we put other measures in place to
ensure that the discourses cross-fertilize each other. For example,
the EAB members are paired up with the Ethics Rapporteurs
and continuously discuss and maintain an awareness of the
current state of ethical issues in all subprojects. EAB members
and Ethics Rapporteurs participate in the regular ethics reviews,
and thereby interact with the EC and its ethics reviewers. The
EAB feeds into the discussion of the Ethics Support group
and the Ethics and Society subproject as a whole, informing
agenda-setting decisions and providing feedback on research
and recommendations. Another important example of crossfertilization is Researcher Awareness activities that are a shared
responsibility between Ethics Support and Foresight to facilitate
reflections on potential ethical and social implications of research
within HBP.
Figure 1 gives a high-level overview of the various
groups engaged in the discourse and highlights key
communication links.
This figure is not necessarily complete, as there are numerous
developing discourses between the participants listed here and
others which may not be listed. We realize that it is only one
possible way of representing the discourses in the HBP, and that
there will be many others. We have put Ethics Support in the
center of the diagram because it is from this perspective that we
have written the article, but are clear that this does not imply
that all discourses revolve around Ethics Support or that Ethics
Support ‘‘owns’’ ethics in the HBP. The purpose of the diagram
is only to highlight some of the main discourse participants and
the range of stakeholders both within and outside the HBP that
provide input into ethics discourses.
The previous section described the ethics-related discourses in
the HBP and the fundamental role of RRI in the creation of
the Ethics Support group’s approach to ethics in the Project
from an overarching, generalized perspective by necessity. We
outlined how our approach overcomes some of the limitations
and ethical issues associated with the traditional IRB orientation.
This discursive framework is not without limitations or potential
pitfalls, and we discuss some of these issues and their implications
in the next section.
Limitations and Problems
Numerous challenges are present with regard to the application
of the approach which we explore here. One immediate, practical
concern is that of cost and resource implications. Creating and
maintaining an embedded Ethics and Society subproject with an
integrated Ethics Support group is considerably more expensive
than engaging in routine, pre-project box-ticking, to say nothing
of the administrative burden of multiple yearly ethics reviews and
other aspects of ethics management.
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FIGURE 1 | Key participants and communication links of the Human Brain Projects (HBPs) ethics discourses.
programme of RRI of which it forms a part are much wider than
legal compliance.
In the same vein, another challenge is presented by the
nature and legal context of the project’s funder, the European
Commission. Ethical processes and governance in the HBP are,
by necessity, shaped by European and international law, which
can be interpreted as ethical impositions (Anghie, 2007). It is
clearly beyond the scope of this article to provide a critique of
international and European law and the regulatory framework
of European research. Suffice it to say that from the perspective
of Ethics Support, they provide boundary conditions that can be
difficult to negotiate.
The inability to fully escape from existing power relationships
could also be used to criticize our overall approach. We draw
on the concept of RRI, and have argued that it can be justified
with reference to Habermasian discourse ethics. However, we
are aware that there is significant criticism of discourse ethics,
not least because of its reliance on the ideal speech situation.
This is the counterfactual scenario where all participants in
a discourse have the opportunity to share their views and
modify their positions with a view to reaching a consensus on
the issue in question. Discourse ethics is clear that this ideal
speech situation is counterfactual and, as Habermas puts it, it is
transcendental in a Kantian sense, which means that imagining
it is a necessary condition of the possibility of real discourses. To
put it differently, if we could not imagine an ideal discourse, then
there would be no point in a real discourse, as we would not know
how to structure it. This leads us into deep philosophical territory
which goes beyond the confines of this article. However, it is clear
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that the real discourses within the HBP suffer significantly from
imbalances of power, given that they include numerous actors
(e.g., junior and senior academics, administrators, EC officials,
ethics reviewers) that are in established power relationships with
each other. A free and open discourse is therefore not only
constrained by the legal and institutional context, but also by
the nature of extant formal and informal relationships and the
perceived identities of the agents within them.
A final fundamental concern worth mention is that the
open and dialogue-oriented approach we propose here is open
to intentional manipulation and political misuse. By opening
the debate concerning the process and expected outcomes of
scientific research to a broader audience, one can inadvertently
invite voices that may not be well informed but may be
well organized and aim to steer research and innovation in a
particular direction. It is not difficult to envisage that certain
ideological or religious views would inform opposition to specific
research questions or methods which could stifle freedom of
inquiry. This problem is not limited to scientific research.
Open and deliberative democratic societies that invest heavily
in scientific research are currently subject to increased levels
of public scrutiny and questioning of established truths. The
established expert-based IRB process that governs scientific
research, while sometimes oppressive, at least has the advantage
from the point of view of scientists that it is undertaken by
scientific peers, who generally do not question the very basis
of the research. We concede that this is a valid concern and
one that a deliberative approach to RRI will need to take
into account.
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way of addressing the ethics of international, innovative,
interdisciplinary research without reproducing IRB or REC
approaches. In fact, discourse ethics may present a practical
method of reconciling differences within large-scale neuro-ICT
projects that involve diverse disciplines, institutions, and
countries whilst operating in the complex and uncertain contexts
that characterize innovative research. Due to the openness
and flexibility of this approach, ethics dialogues also offer the
opportunity to keep pace with the development of emergent
technology in a way that legislation, individual ethics, or rigorous
rules cannot. We would, therefore, suggest that a discourseoriented approach to ethics is not only a viable alternative to the
present approach, but it is the only way forward.
Research is increasingly called upon to move beyond
specific problems that can be solved in the lab and engage
with bigger societal challenges. The world faces numerous,
significant problems that will require new thinking and
novel insights to be addressed. The most visible example of
these issues is summarized by the United Nations as the
Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2015). These
and other grand challenges call for research to suggest solutions
and provide evidence of the solutions’ efficacy. To address
such challenges, boundary-crossing collaborations from diverse
disciplines, countries, sectors and stakeholder communities
are needed.
This implies that the ethical and societal issues associated
with such large-scale and interdisciplinary research will grow in
importance. This is true for neuro-ICT research, but also for
fields beyond neuroscience and ICT. We believe that addressing
the ethical challenges of such work will require a discursive
approach. The HBP’s way of identifying, highlighting and
engaging with its ethical issues may provide an example of
interest for dealing with ethics in the future.
Managing the Outcomes of Ethics
Dialogues: Impact and Relevance
One way of arguing that the fundamental limitations of a
discourse-oriented approach to ethics discussed above are to
demonstrate that the outcomes are recognizable and more
effective than those that would have been achieved relying on
the traditional approach. Unfortunately, it is not straightforward
to measure the impact of taking a dialogical approach to
ethics in neuro-ICT, particularly outside the realm of legislative
compliance. At the moment, the HBP involves 116 partners from
19 countries, each of which has their own ethics regulations and
The other fundamental methodological problem in measuring
the impact of ethics dialogues is that there is no independent
baseline against which we can measure. It is impossible to know
how the HBP would have developed if a different regime of
ethics or RRI had been in place. Despite these methodological
limitations, we believe that there are good arguments for
supporting the positive impact of the dialogical concept of ethics
that we have employed. As a starting point, there is now a widely
distributed ethics infrastructure in place in the project. This
includes subject expertise in many different fields and aspects
of ethics as well as a number of contact points for ethics in
the various scientific and technical activities. Ethical viewpoints
are institutionalized at various points within the governance
structure of the project. The project not only has a satisfactory
way of dealing with traditional research ethics, but continues to
reach out to academic and user communities and to find ways of
incorporating external insights into practice. Overall, we believe
that the approach has succeeded in what it was meant to achieve,
namely to overcome the overly narrow traditional approach to
research ethics. Consequences of the ethical discourses within
the HBP can be observed in many different areas, for example in
the privacy-sensitive design of medical informatics work, in the
close collaboration of neuroinformatics and ethics compliance,
in the appointment of a data protection officer or in the
ongoing discussion with colleagues about the challenges of
data governance or the concept and practical possibilities of
responsible dual use.
This is not to claim that we have resolved all ethical problems
in the HBP. Many of them require continuous monitoring
and reflection. The fact remains that many of our discourses
are practically driven and constrained by the traditional IRB
approach and legal requirements which often leave limited
space for discussion. However, despite the narrow space for
maneuver created by of many of these legal frameworks, the
use of ethics dialogues can be particularly fruitful because
it presents a pragmatic way of reconciling differences across
complex disciplinary, institutional and national contexts across
Europe and beyond.
We have framed this article in terms of ethical issues in
large neuro-ICT projects. At the time of writing this article,
there are numerous brain research projects in preparation or
being implemented. They include the US BRAIN Initiative,
the Japanese Brain/MINDS project, the Canadian Open
Neuroscience Platform, the China Brain project and a number
of further national or regional projects. In 2017, these projects
met for the first time to discuss collaboration under the auspices
of the International Brain Initiative1 . The development of
these numerous, large neuro-ICT initiatives underlines the
importance of thinking about ethics in an open and collaborative
way. The further success of international neuroscience research
will depend to a large extent on collaboration between different
projects, labs and researchers. This, as we have argued elsewhere,
will require the incorporation of some shared understandings of
ethical issues (Stahl et al., 2018). At the same time, the regulatory
and ethical issues of the different projects will differ and call
for appropriate bespoke solutions. Many of the ethical issues
that can be expected of such collaborations working to create
novel outcomes will not fall within the remit of a traditional
By using the HBP as a case study, we have shown that
the conceptual framework of discourse ethics and its
practical application through RRI offer a viable, responsive
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IRB process, and we offer an RRI-informed dialogical ethical
framework as a possible alternative.
In this article, we did not aim to provide practical guidance
to researchers in other neuro-ICT projects on how to address
particular issues. The main point was to discuss the current
ethical underpinning of research ethics and to outline its
limitations. We argued that a reliance on biomedical ethics
and in particular on the compliance-oriented implementation
of research ethics does not do the complexity of current
ethical issues justice. Drawing on principles of dialogueoriented ethics and incorporating our experience from the
HBP, we demonstrated that different interpretation of ethics
is not only possible but also more suitable to address current
ethical issues.
This article’s contribution to knowledge is partly theoretical
in that it shows how the current discourse concerning RRI
and one of its theoretical roots, namely discourses ethics,
can be conceptualized in large, multidisciplinary, international,
collaborative and mission-oriented research. Our practical
contribution is to provide an example of how these ideas can
be put into practice. Many of the aspects of this example are
by necessity idiosyncratic but we believe that the principles that
they are based on are capable of being generalized. We, therefore,
provide a practical example of implementing a theoretically
grounded practice-oriented approach to RRI. Practical lessons
to be learned from our work and this article, therefore, refer
to the structure and implementation of ethics-related processes
in large projects. We believe that the interlinked network
of ethics discourses represented in Figure 1 is a suitable
model for dealing with ethics. This is not to suggest that
it is the best or only model, but that it contains a number
of components that are worth considering when setting up
ethics-related structures.
discourse ethics oriented toward matters of data governance,
data sharing, and the ethical tensions between privacy and data
protection, and open science and open data is another potentially
productive strand of research. Such a global discourse ethics will
have to find ways to incorporate local, national and regional
sensitivities and particularities. In order to test whether our
claim to generalisability can be upheld, it would be interesting
to empirically test the transferability of our insights to other
subject areas.
It is thus fair to say that much work remains to be done.
However, drawing on 5 years of experience of developing and
refining our dialogical approach to ethics and ethics support in
the HBP we believe to have demonstrated that ethics does not
have to be perceived as an imperialistic imposition. The dialogical
approach presented here is likely to increase the knowledge base,
be responsive to scientific developments and specific contexts
and contribute to the promise of science to contribute to
addressing the most pressing challenges humanity faces.
Further Research
There are promising lines of research related to the ideas
we present here. As noted earlier, the relationship between
discourse ethics, critical theory as informed by communicative
action (Habermas, 1981), and emergent critical neuroscience
discussions (Choudhury and Slaby, 2011) would be one
interesting avenue of future research, especially with regard to
ethics in neuro-ICT innovation contexts. Developing a global
This project/research has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and
Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 720270
(HBP SGA1); No. 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA2) and
under the Framework Partnership Agreement No. 650003
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process. WK led the ethics compliance process. IU led the
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March 2019 | Volume 13 | Article 105