
Beverages The term beverage is derived from Latin word "bever" which means rest from work. The literal meaning of beverages as per the dictionary means drink. Beverage can be defined as a portable liquid which not only satisfy the need of thirst and fluid loss but also fulfills the physiological and psychological function in the form of stimulation, nourishment and refreshment. Beverage can be classified into two broad headings:- Alcoholic Beverage This beverage acts as an intoxicating agent and normally contains 2% to 75% of ethyl alcohol by volume. Non- Alcoholic Beverage Any type of beverage containing no alcohol beverage or negligible amount of alcohol is called non- alcoholic beverage. Method of obtaining alcohol Basic principles of obtaining potable alcoholic beverage are of two types:- Fermentation Fermentation is a process of chemical which results in the breakdown of complete organic substance into simple form by the action of catalyst. Under this process yeast acts as a catalyst which reacts with malt sugar present in the product, releasing ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. Sugar + Yeast C2H2OH + CO2 (Ethyl alcohol) (Carbon dioxide) Distillation It is the process of heating liquid until volatile constituents' passes into the vapor stage to recover such constituents into a liquid form by the condensation process. The main purpose of distillation is to separate ethyl alcohol from the mixture of several components. Fermented Beverage Beer It is an alcoholic beverage obtained from fermentation of malted cereal grains usually barley, wheat, oats, e.t.c flavored with hops. During the fermentation process, the yeast reacts with the sugar present in the grain, converting them to alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. Role of ingredient in beer Malt Malt is very important in brewing process. It must be of high quality usually obtained from barley steeped in water for several days until it begins to germinate or sprout. Water Water is very important in producing malt beverages as it contains 90% of total beer content. Mountain spring water is best preferred in beer brewing process. Hops Hops are small green, cone shaped flowers from the hop plant. They are the principal flavoring agent used in malted beverages which belongs to cactus family. They stimulate digestion and acts as preservative agent. Brewer's Yeast Brewer's Yeast causes fermentation. There are two types of brewer's yeast which are Saccharomycees Cerevisiae and Saccharomycees Uvarum which works between (15 to 20) degree Celsius. It converts sugar compound into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Color Sugar is used to produce caramel which adds color to the beer. Composition of Beer Water (89-91) % by volume Alcohol (3.5-4.5) % by volume Carbon Dioxide (0.4-0.45) % by volume Protein (0.4-0.5) % by volume Mineral Salt 0.2 % by volume Carbohydrate (4-6) % by volume Manufacturing of Beer Bottom Fermentation Beer is fermented at the bottom of cold tank by the action of yeast called Saccharomycees Uvarum at (3-10) degree Celsius. E.g. lager, Ale, e.t.c. Top Fermentation Beer is fermented at the top of tank at a warmer temperature by the action of yeast called Saccharomycees Cerevisiae at (16-22) degree Celsius. E.g. draught, porter, e.t.c. Beer Brewing Process The steps involved in beer brewing process are:- Malting The industrial brewing process begins with malted grain, which is passed through milling machine. The first step in brewing is called malting which involves steeping the grains in water for several days until it begins to germinate or sprout. Brewing The crushed malted barley is mixed with hot water in a large stainless steel vessel known as "Mash ton" to produce thick sweet liquid called "Wort". Hops are added to the wort for bitter taste or flavor which also helps to balance the sweetness of wort and is cooled and strained. Fermentation After brewing, the wort is cooled and strained to remove hop leaves and other impurities. The Racking Wort is allowed to run into the fermentation vessel for 36 hours and the yeast is skimmed off. Aging Now the beer is transferred in a large vessel for the secondary fermentation or aging where the beer becomes naturally carbonated or carbon dioxide gas is injected when the aging is completed to give bubbly texture. Maturing The beer obtained after racking and aging is stored in a wooden cask or oaks barrels or tanks for 3 to 4 months for maturing from where the beer retains its distinctive colors from the wooden cask. Fining The gelatin made from sturgeon fish or isinglass is used to clarify the beer. Pasteurization Beer is obtained after filtration is again pasteurized by heating at the temperature of 82 degree Celsius to kill the remaining yeast. Bottling Now the beer is tested and poured into the bottle for quality and consistency. Types of Beer Lager Beer The term 'Lager' means 'to store'. Lager beers are stored in a refrigerator vessel or oaks barrels/ wooden cask for six month during the maturation period. Ale Ale can be obtained from bottom fermentation. These beers are full bodied in nature and are of various types. E.g. Mild Ale, Bitter Ale, e.t.c. Stout This type of beer is similar o brown Ale which has strong malt flavor with sweet taste and strong hops flavor. The best known variety of stout is Irish Stout. Porter It is a type of Ale having rich and heavy foam. It was originated in 1722 A.D. in London which was used as nourishing drinks for porter and the heavy problems. Drought Beer These types of beer are similar to lager beer. They are available in draft jar or can. Pilsner This was originated in Bohemian Town of Pilsen in 1842 A.D. This type of beer is clear and golden in color with dry but soft malty taste and hops flavor. E.g. Pilsner Urquell. Bock Beer These are full bodied, smooth lager with sweet taste. These types of beer are usually dark in color and have alcohol content up to 8% by volume. Service of Beer Beer should be served chilled (8-10) degree Celsius with a fine frost in it. Beer mugs are used to serve all the beer. Beer goblets are used to serve all types of Ale. Some popular Beer Brand Names Origin country Pilsner Urquell Czechoslovakia Carlsberg, Tuborg Denmark King Fisher India San Miguel Philippines Kirin Japan Corona Mexico Gorkha Nepal Fosters Australia Heineken Holland Wine Wine is fermented alcoholic beverage made from grape juice. Wine normally contains 85% to 89% of water, 9% to 14% alcohol less than 1% fruit acid and hundreds of aroma (smell) and flavoring agent. Wine Grapes and Vineyards The science related to growing, harvesting wine grapes and producing wine is called "viticulture". The years of grapes when harvested is called "vintage". The place where wine grapes are grown is called "vineyard". The grapes that are used in wine production can be categorized into following parts: Skin –Tannins and color Stalk – Tannin Pips – Bitter oils Pulp – Sugar, Fruit acid, water The color of wine is obtained from the grape skin being extracted during the process of fermentation process. The quality of wine depends upon the quality of grapes, soil and climate. Factors affecting the quality of wine There are various factors that affect the quality of wine are as follows: Climate Quality of grapes Yeast and fermentation process Method of wine making Composition of wine, e.t.c. Faults in wine making Faults generally occur when wine matures in the bottle. Wine may be affected by the damage cork and it starts bacterial action in the wine. If wine is overexposed to air, bacteria converts wine into vinegar. World's Major Wine Producing Countries 1. Italy: Chianti, Barolo 2. France: Champagne, Chabis 3. Germany: Hock, Mosel 4. Spain: Sherry 5. Portugal: Port, Madeira Major Wine Producing Regions in France Regions Wine Name Bordeaux Medoc, Pomeral Campagne Champagne Alsace Pinot Burgundy Chablis Midi Rousilion Loire Chinon Classification of Wine Natural/ Still/ Table Wine Natural wine is also called table or still wine. It contains very less or negligible amount of CO2 gas and is served on the table with food that compliment the wine. Table wine contains 10% to 14% alcohol by volume and is further classified by their color, sugar content, e.t.c. On the basis of type of grape, wine can be classified into three types:- 1. Red wine Red Wines are basically produced from red grapes being fermented in contact with grape skin. This wine obtains its color. Red wine is less sweet or dry and are served at the room temperature i.e. 10o C to 21o C. e.g. Burgundy, Cleret, e.t.c. 2. White wine White wine is stew to golden yellow in color. These wine are produced from white grapes and grape juice is usually fermented without skin to avoid the color. Normally, these types of wine are dry to very sweet. These wines are always served chilled (6oC to 8oC). E.g. Hocks, Chablis, e.t.c. 3. Rose Wine Rose wine is light pink in color and is usually produced from the red grapes fermented without skin. Rose wines are produced basically in three ways:- By mixing red and white wine together. By pressing grape slowly that some color is extracted. By fermenting red grapes with skin for 48 hours. Sparkling wines Sparkling wine produced spark when cork is opened because it contains excessive amount of CO2 gas which makes wine fizzy. These wines are made from table wine that has to go under a secondary fermentation. The CO2 gas is either produced naturally or trapped by injecting during the secondary fermentation. The best popular known sparkling wine is "Champagne". All the champagnes are sparkling wine but all the sparkling wine are not Champagne. Fortified wines Fortified wines contain additional alcohol and are usually consumed in small amount as an aperitif before or after the meal. The alcoholic contain may vary or range from 15% to 22% of alcohol by volume. E.g. Sherry port, Madeira, e.t.c. Aromatized wine Aromatized wine are made with the addition of neutral spirit and flavored with herbs, flowers and other flavors. The alcoholic content ranges from 9% to 18% of alcohol by volume. E.g. Vermouth, Martini, CAP horse, e.t.c Wine Making Process. Harvesting Grapes are harvested or plucked by hands or machines when the spots of natural yeast are seen on the grapes skin, preferably of dry weather are chosen. Grading Generally, the grapes are graded after harvesting according to the quality, which differs from the shape, season and the quality of the area of grape production. Weighing Now, the grapes graded are weighed to determine quality required for fermentation. Removal of skin In this stage, grapes are processed to remove the grape skin as the grape with a stalk consist tannins which releases bitter taste and should not come in contact with grape juice. Crushing It is the method of obtaining fresh juice of grapes called "must". During this stage, the grapes skins are allowed to come in contact with grape juice to manufacture red wine, whereas in case of white wine, skins are separated. Sulphuring Sulphur dioxide is used in this stage before the fermentation process to prevent the oxidation of air with grape juice which converts alcohol into vinegar due to the action of bacteria. Fermentation It is a process of adding wine yeast known as Saccharomycees Etlipsoideus into the must which converts the natural sugar present in the grape juice into the ethyl alcohol and CO2 gas. Cellaring and Maturing It is the process of storing wine in a wooden cask after fermentation in a cellar room for maturing. Fining and filtration Fining is the process to convert impure and cloudy wine into the clear fine wine. In this process the gelatins is added to clarify the wines. This agent collects the wine impurities at the bottom of the wooden cask which is again passed through filters. Refrigeration Now the wine is transferred into the refrigerated tank in order to stabilize. Blending To balance the sugar content, acidity level and also to flavor with different aromas and color, blending is done before being bottled. Bottling After blending, wines are bottled for correct consistency i.e. quantity and quality. Corks are finally sealed with a Spanish Wax. Pasteurization It is the process to kill the action of remaining yeast. The wine bottle are immersed up right in hot water at 71oC for maximum two minutes. Storing and Aging After pasteurization, wines are stored in a cellar for aging in the bottles for several months. Spirit Spirit is a potable alcoholic beverage or distillate obtained from the fermented mass of grains or any product which contains alcohol by distillation process. Basically there are six major type of distilled spirit such as Whisky, Vodka, Rum, Brandy, Gin and Tequila. During the process of distillation, the fermented mass of alcohol containing liquid is heated and allowed to evaporate at 78oC until it separates itself from the fermented liquid after being condensed which is known as 100% pure alcohol (Grain Natural Spirit). The taste, odour and the color of spirit remains same no matter what it was distilled from. Method of obtaining spirit There are two method of obtaining spirit such as:- a. Pot Still Method This is traditional method of obtaining spirits by using different pots. Any spirit produce under this method contains more impurities which have full heavy flavor. Distillers by this law, all the pot spirit must be matured for minimum two years. b. Patent Still Method This is recent and advance method of obtaining spirit which is also known as coffee still method. Very pure and strong spirit can be produce by this method. Distillers by the law, no maturing period is required under this method. The final product can be sold directly after it had been produced. Types of Spirit 1. Whisky Whisky is an alcoholic beverage obtain from the distillation of fermented mass of cereals, grains mostly barley, maize rye oats, e.t.c. The term whisky is derived from the Scottish word "Uisgebeatha" and Irish word "Usque baugh", both of which mean "water of life". Types of whisky There are many types of whisky which is generally categorized into following types:- 1. Scotch Whisky The whisky which is distilled in Scotland is known as Scotch whisky. It can be further divided into two types:- a. Scotch Malt Whisky These whiskies are made from malted barley which is manufactured by pot still method. These whiskies are generally matured for 3 to 12 years or more in oaks barrels. b. Scotch Grain Whisky These whiskies are made from unmalted barley with a mixture of maize which is produced by patent still method. These whiskies do not require maturation like scotch malt whiskies. Some popular Brand Names A. Regular and Premium Whisky Chivas Regal Johnny Walker (Red label, Black label, e.t.c.) J&B Vat 69 100 pipers, e.t.c. B. Deluxe Whisky - Dimple Haig - Royal Salute - Johnny Walker (Blue label) 2. Irish Whisky It is made from the mixture of five different cereal grains included malted barley. They are produce in much more similar manner to scotch malt whisky. These whiskies are manufactured by pot still method for at least three times. These whiskies are matured at least seven years in oak barrels which have smooth, mellow and smoky taste. Some Popular Brand Names Jameson Paddy Old Bush mills, e.t.c. 3. American Whisky American whiskies are basically made from mixture of wheat, barley and maize. Basically there are two types of American whiskies that are:- Bourbon Whisky Bourbon Whiskies are best known for straight or unblended American Whisky. They are made from the distillation of fermented mash of at least 51% maize with certain amount of wheat barley. These whiskies are manufactured by patent still method but it is matured for 2 years in oak barrels. Some Popular Brand Names Jack Daniels Forester Jim Bean Old Crow, e.t.c. Rye Whisky Rye Whiskies are much more similar to Scotch whisky. The principle grains used in rye whiskies are made from the distillation of fermented mash of at least 51% of rye with certain amount of maize. These whiskies are also matured for minimum 2 years in oak barrels. Some Popular Brand Names Old Grand Dad Old over Holt, e.t.c. 4. Canadian Whisky Canadian Whiskies are much more similar to Scotch whisky. The principal grains used in Canadian Whiskies are corn, rye and barley. These whiskies are well known for blended whiskies. They are usually blended before or during the maturing which lasts for at least 5-6 years in oak barrels. Some Popular Brand Names Canadian Club Windsor, e.t.c. Service of Whisky Whisky is best preferred with ice which is commonly known as "Whisky on the rocks". If it is served with ice, soda or neat, it is served in old rock glass, old fashioned glass or Rolly Polly glass. If it is served with other beverage, it is served in Hi-ball glass. Brandy Brandy is a distilled alcoholic beverage produced by distillation of fermented grape juice maturing in oak barrels for minimum three years. Most popular and famous brandy is produce in France. The brandy produce in the city of Cognac located at the district of Charente is very popular and is known as "Cognac Brandy". Another popular brand name for the French Brandy is Armagnac which is produce in Armagnac region in South-West of France. Cognac Brandy is mellow flavor (smooth) and pale in color which is obtained by maturing in oak barrels. Cognac Brandy is recognized as "The Standard of Quality". But Armagnac brandy is produce less than 10% of Cognac Brandy which is matured for only 5 years. Some Popular Brand Name Cognac Armagnac Mort ell Hors d'age Remy Martin Napoleons X.O. Hennessey Juneau, e.t.c. Grading of Brandy One Star- matured for 3 years Two Star- matured for 5-6 years Three Star- matured for 6-8 years Very Old- matured for 12-15 years Very Old Pale- Matured for 15-20 years Very Superior Old- Matured for 25-30 years Very Superior Old Pale- Matured for 30-40 years Extra Old- Matured for 35-50 years or above Service of Brandy Brandy is best preferred neat or hot water after meal or a night cup If it is served in brandy glass (Brandy Balloon, Brandy Inhaler, Brandy Snifter). Gin Gin is a compound alcohol beverage which is obtained from distillation of cereal grains with infusion of Juniper berries. The term gin is derived from the French word "Genievre" and Dutch word "Junever" both of which means Juniper. Maize and Rye are the cereal grains used in gin production and re-distillation is done with juniper berries. Gin requires two distillation processes. The first step is patent still method and second step includes the distillation in pot still. Types of Gin 1. London Dry Gin London Dry Gin has a light aromatic flavor of Juniper berries and generally dry in nature. 2. American Dry Gin These types of gin are extra dry and mostly used in mixed drinks. 3. Dutch Gin These types of gin are heavy in body and very aromatic. 4. Old Tom This is dry gin which may be sweetened by the addition of sugar syrup which is also used in mixed drinks. 5. Golden Gin Distillers by law, Gin cannot be aged. However, this Gin is matured for 6 to 8 months in a oak barrels in order to obtain straw golden color. Some Popular Brand Names London Dry - U.K. Hiram Walker – U.S.A. Beefeater – U.K. Blue Rib and – India, e.t.c. Service of Gin Gin is best served with tonic water with slice of lemon and plenty of ice cubes which is served in Hi-Ball glass Rum Rum is distilled alcoholic beverage which is obtained from various fermented product or bi-product (secondary product) of sugarcane. The common ingredients used in making rum are Molasses, water and sugar. Rum is aged barrels for minimum 3 years. Rum can be best produced in the countries where sugarcane grows widely. Rum produced Jamaica, Barbados, Cuba, Puerto Rica are worldwide famous. Types of Rum 1. White Rum White Rum is manufactured by pot still method is popular these days. It is white in color because it is not matured in oak barrels. E.g. Malibu, Cuba, Libra, e.t.c. 2. Dark Rum Dark Rum is basically distilled in patent still method. The rum obtained is dark in color with addition of caramel. E.g. Khukuri Rum 3. Golden Rum Golden Rum is aged in oak barrels where it obtains its natural light golden color and distinctive flavor. Some amount of caramel can also be added to give golden color. Some Popular Brand Names Bacardi – Jamaica Captain Morgan – Jamaica Bardinet – France Khukuri Rum – Nepal Caden Heads – U.K. Service of Rum Rum is taken with coke or ice. It is served on the rocks or Hi-ball glass. Vodka The term Vodka is derived from the Russian word "Voda" which means water. Vodka is distilled alcoholic beverage traditionally known as national drink at Russia. It is a neutral spirit obtained from the distillation of potato with some cereal grains like wheat, barley, e.t.c. Vodka is smooth, unaged, odorless, tasteless and colorless alcoholic beverage with mild flavor. Some Popular Brand Names Absolute – Sweden Smirnoff de Czar – U.S.A. Romanov – India Cossac – U.K. Ruslan – Nepal Service of Vodka Vodka is best served with ice on the "rock glass". If it is served with other beverage like orange juice, tonic water, e.t.c., it is served in Hi-ball glass. Tequila Tequila is originated from the city of Tequila in South-West Central Mexico and considered as a national drink of Mexico. It is colorless and unaged distilled alcoholic beverage which is obtained from distillation of juice of a plant similar to cactus known as "Agave Tequilana Weber". Tequila is considered as a very strong alcohol containing beverage which contains more than 50% by volume. Types of Tequila 1. White/Silver Label It is colorless and tasteless Tequila which does not require aging. 2. Gold label This type of Tequila is aged in oak barrels which obtain straw golden color and caramel is also added. 3. Aged Tequila This type of Tequila is aged in oak barrels which obtain straw golden color and caramel is also added and has mild & smooth flavor and aged for three years. Some Popular Brand Names Jose Souza Pepe Hapez Camino, e.t.c. Service of Tequila Tequila is drunk neat, preceded by a bite of lemon with a hint of salt on the fist of left hand. Tequila is served in Tequila glass shooter-60 ml shot and 30 ml. Compound Alcoholic Beverage Liqueur The term liqueur is derived from Latin word "Liquifaccere" which means to dissolve or flavorings dissolved in the spirits. Liqueurs have digestive power and they stimulate the appetite. It is served in liqueur glass and the standard measurement is 30ml. Classification of Liqueur Basically, there are four types of liqueur which are as follows:- a. Fruit Liqueur These liqueurs are flavored with almost all types of fruit except Citrus Fruit. Examples Crème de Banana – Neutral Spirit + Ripened Banana Crème de Fraises – Neutral Spirit + Wild Strawberry Forbidden Fruit - Neutral Spirit + Brandy + grape fruit b. Herb Liqueur Herb liqueurs are generally flavored with herbs. Examples Crème de Menthe – Neutral Spirit + Mint Brandy & Benedictine – Neutral Spirit + Cognac Brandy + Spicy Herbs Benedictine – Neutral Spirit + 20 various types of herbs c. Citrus Liqueur These liqueurs are flavored with Citrus fruit like orange, lemon, e.t.c. Examples Cointreau – Neutral Spirit + Orange Flavor Curacao – Neutral Spirit + Rum/Brandy + Orange Flavor Triple Sec – Neutral Spirit + Bitter + Sweet Orange Juice d. Bean & Kernel Liqueur These liqueurs are flavored with cocoa beans, coffee beans, fruit kernels or seeds, e.t.c. Examples Crème de Cocoa – Neutral Spirit + Chocolate & Vanilla Tia Maria – Neutral Spirit + Coffee Beans Kummel – Neutral Spirit + Caraway Seeds Other fermented, compound and distilled alcoholic beverage Bitters:- Obtained from distillation of bitter herbs Mead:- Obtained from fermentation of honey Cider:- Obtained from fermentation of apple Krish:- Obtained from distillation of Cherry Mirabella:- Obtained from distillation of Plum Non - Alcoholic Beverage Non- alcoholic beverages are those beverage which doesn’t contain alcohol or contain very less alcohol less than 2%. It can be termed as non-intoxicating beverage which basically stimulates the body gives refreshment and hence provide nourishment. These drinks can be consumed in any time of the day or night as per the requirement. Basically, these can be classified into three categories which are: Stimulating Beverage This beverage basically stimulates the body and best preferred during morning time or after meal or any time of the day. E.g. Tea, Coffee, e.t.c. Refreshing Beverage These beverages are basically carbonated aerated during their manufacture so that these have fizzy quality which helps to refresh the body immediately after the consumption. E.g. Coca-Cola, Soda, e.t.c. Nourishing Beverage These drinks are normally made from fruit and vegetables juice usually available in fresh, canned, bottled, powdered form. These beverages act as a source of energy and also provide nourishment to the body. E.g. Fruit juice, Horlicks, e.t.c. Hot Beverages Tea Tea is the most popular non-alcoholic beverage obtained from the dried leaves of tropical or sub-tropical evergreen shrubs of tea bushes or plant. It belongs to the flowering plant with a scientific name "Camellia Sinensis". 23