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El Derecho Procesal Penal es el conjunto de reglas jurídicas que regulan la actuación de un tribunal, de las partes y que ordenan los actos requeridos para decidir si ha de imponerse una sanción. Es el estudio de como los seres humanos se encierran en cárceles.
Katharina Pyschny and Sarah Schulz (eds.), Transforming Authority. Concepts of Leadership in Prophetic and Chronistic Literature (BZAW 518; Berlin: de Gruyter, pages 185-200., 2021
The memories of past Israel evoked by reading Chronicles among the literati of the period could not but raise, in one way or another, issues of leadership, especially (but not necessarily limited to) the central leadership of Israel. Although Chronicles was, in the main, about Israel and YHWH, it was still generally structured around human kings and their deeds, and thus directly and indirectly addressed matters of leadership. 1 Conversely, much of the exploration of matters of central leadership among the readers of Chronicles in the late Persian/early Hellenistic period was carried out through narratives about the past and the memories evoked by them (cf. Edelman and Ben Zvi 2016). The literati reading Chronicles were by no means unique in this regard. Obviously, the access to these narratives and the world of memories they construed required a primary group, namely the literati who read and reread the book. This simple and self-evident fact raises three crucial sets of considerations, which will serve as guideposts in the present study.
Omul are dreptul de a fi bogat pentru că are nevoie de foarte multe lucruri pentru a se dezvolta, lucruri pe care nu le poate obţine fără bani. "Orice s-ar spune în favoarea sărăciei, e foarte clar că nu poţi trăi o viaţă completă şi plină de succes dacă nu eşti bogat", scrie Wallace D. Wattles.
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2003
1 A autora agradece a Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos o apoio para a realização da pesquisa que deu origem a este artigo. 2 Endereço para correspondência: Av. Carlos Gomes 911, 201, 90480 004,
University o f Zimbabwe This article is part o f the study carried out in Zimbabwe between 1988 and 1994. The article examines primary teacher effectiveness using such variables as supervision by school heads and education officers, availability of resources, schemes of work, lesson plans, record-keeping teaching and learning aids, classroom, management, class management, language and communication, personal qualities, and the country’s education philosophy. On the whole, it was established that the majority of primary teachers in the study were not effective in "high order skills areas. " The area in which these teachers were least effective was the country’s education philosophy of>-
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