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Construction Project Management (CPR), or simply Construction management involves planning, coordinating and monitoring a project from the point it starts until it is completed. The course will discuss construction management principles, practices, techniques, and tools, to provide participants with an opportunity to learn key project management concepts. While project management principles can be applied to projects across different engineering disciplines, this course particularly emphasizes construction projects.
Secara teoritis Good Corporate Governance (GCG) diartikan sebagai bagian dari sebuah prinsip yang berfungsi untuk mengarahkan dan mengendalikan sebuah organisasi/perusahaan untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara kekuatan dan kewenangan sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab terhadap shareholder secara khusus, dan stakeholders secara umum. Dalam perkembangan bisnis global yang berkembang pesat saat ini, dimana setiap perubahan bisa terjadi dalam waktu yang tidak bisa diprediksikan penerapan GCG dalam perusahaan akan memberikan kekuatan tersendiri bagi sebuah organisasi/perusahaan dalam mempertahankan prospek bisnisnya (sustainable), dengan kriteria dan tools yang berfungsi dalam menciptakan nilai tambah (value creation) secara terus menerus lagi berkelanjutan diharapkan implementasi GCG mampu mengelola sumber daya perusahaan secara efektif, efisien dan tinggat produktifitas yang tinggi berorientasi kepada target dan tujuan perusahaan dengan pertimbangan stakeholders approach. Program Training Good Corporate Governance diselenggarakan dengan maksud untuk memberikan pemahaman terkait dengan konsep Good Corporate Governance termasuk juga step by step dalam mengimplementasikan Good Corporate Governance yang efektif. Dipimpin oleh instruktur yang handal lagi berpengalaman dalam membangun sistem manajemen yang jitu menjadikan program pelatihan ini sangat penting diikuti.
Social group work presents an ideal format for meeting the challenge of lesbian alcohol problems. By focusing on the individual, her sociopolitical context, and the effects of marginalization on lesbians, groups can provide a supportive environment for exploring a complex problem and deciding how best to respond. This paper describes a study of an innovative intervention group. Participants chose their own goals, and identified personal and environmental factors which contributed to their alcohol problems. Results suggest that participants benefited from discussing their concerns within a feminist context. Although not everyone set out to limit their use, overall consumption of alcohol decrcascd. There was also a decrease in frequency of drunkenness. [Article copies available for a feefron~ The Hawor.llr Docirnrent Delivety Service: 1-800-342-9678.
The industrial policy objective of promoting local production of pharmaceuticals for stimulating economic growth is increasingly appreciated by African governments and internationally. However, questions are widely raised by health policy-makers concerning the ability of Africa-based producers to compete on price with Indian and Chinese imports and, hence, to sustain access to essential medicines for low-income populations. Data are lacking to test this influential critique. This paper uses an innovative methodology to overcome the difficulties of data access within African contexts. The analysis strongly suggests that despite higher costs than Indian producers, pharmaceutical industries in small underdeveloped countries necessarily imply neither higher prices nor unviable production operations. By ensuring sufficient market access for local producers, governments (and by extension Regional Economic Communities) in low-income Africa can promote viable local production without sacrificing the objective of affordability and accessibility.
Optics Express, 2010
There is a strong need for low-cost biosensors to enable rapid, on-site analysis of biological, biomedical, or chemical substances. We propose a platform for label-free optical biosensors based on applying the analyte onto a surface-functionalized photonic crystal slab and performing a transmission measurement with two crossed polarization filters. This darkfield approach allows for efficient background suppression as only the photonic crystal guided-mode resonances interacting with the functionalized surface experience significant polarization rotation. We present a compact biosensor demonstrator using a low-cost light emitting diode and a simple photodiode capable of detecting the binding kinetics of a 2.5 nM solution of the protein streptavidin on a biotin-functionalized photonic crystal surface.
Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu), 2018
August Mellaz, hal. 73 “Personal Vote, Candidate-Centered Politics, dan Pembiayaan Pileg 2014”. Buku ini merupakan bunga rampai pemikiran tentang pembiayaan pemilu di Indonesia
International Business Review, 2002
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) consider many factors when making decisions in the context of foreign direct investment (FDI). The MNE must decide whether to diversify or to concentrate on its main line of business (LOB). It must also decide whether to enter into a foreign market through a greenfield or acquisition strategy. This paper analyzes both decisions. The international business literature has generally treated these strategic choices as independent. This paper introduces a more realistic selection model, in which the diversification choice and the entry mode choice are made sequentially, and are therefore related. The model is tested using a data set of FDI into the United Kingdom by MNEs in engineering and related industries. The analysis indicates a strong relationship between the diversification choice and the entry mode decision. In virtually all cases, the statistical significance of the selection model is higher than that of the independent model, indicating an improvement over previous research. Overall, the results indicate that the decisions on product diversification and foreign mode of entry are related. Diversified firms are more likely to enter through acquisition. Firms focusing on their main LOB are more likely to enter through greenfield entry. The paper also identifies a number of managerially relevant factors affecting these relationships.
El doctor Brian Weiss, jefe de psiquiatría del hospital Mount Sinai de Miami, relata en éste, su primer libro, una asombrosa experiencia que cambió por completo su propia vida y su visión de la psicoterapia.
Pesticide residue levels in cabbage samples from Kwaebibirem District (KD) (rural area) and Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) (urban area) may be an indicator of how pesticides were used by rural and urban vegetable farmers in Ghana. A survey was conducted to determine common pesticides used by farmers and the adherence to pre-harvest intervals. Cabbage samples were collected from three farmers in each District for residue analysis. The survey revealed that farmers in KD preferred using pyrethroids while those in AMA preferred organophosphates and pyrethroid. Majority of the farmers in KD (80%) and in AMA (60%) observed a pre-harvest interval of more than 5 days and 1-2 days respectively. Pesticide residue analyses detected six different pesticides in the cabbage samples: three pyrethroids, two organophosphates and one organochlorine were detected on the samples. Residue levels in samples from KD were not more than the EU MRLs. Pesticide residue levels (mgkg-1) of lambda-cyhalothrin (0.48 ± 0.19), cypermethrin (1.70 ± 1.37) and dimethoate (0.07 ± 0.05) in cabbage samples from AMA were more than EU MRLs. Pesticide residue levels of lambda-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, and permethrin in cabbage samples in AMA were three folds, four folds and three folds higher than in samples from KD respectively. There was a strong correlation: r = 0.7473 for dimethoate + chlordane and r = 0.7771 for permethrin + chlordane indicating possible mixing or alternation of pesticide types during spraying. Residue levels beyond the EU MRLs in this study suggest the need to put into effect regulations and training necessary to optimize pesticide use. Further ramifications and implications for these findings are discussed in this paper.
The upper reservoir dam of the Taum Sauk pumped hydro storage plant failed catastrophically in December 2005. This talk discusses how a pumped hydro storage plant works, the fluid mechanics behind the failure, and the instrumentation involved. This case study also provides an opportunity to discuss engineering ethics with the students.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 2012
Applied Optics, 2008
LLNL Technical Report UCRL-TR-226128, 2006
Space Groups 189 P 62m 174 P 6 Landolt B rnstein Numerical Data And Functional Relationship20200327 46798 xf7049
Archives of Iranian Medicine, 2020
J SIG (Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi), 2023
Political Science International, 2025
Cuestiones de Fisioterapia, 2025
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 2015