Pallet Picking Strategy in Food Collecting Center
Francesco Facchini 1, *
, Gianluigi De Pascale 2 and Nicola Faccilongo 2
Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management, Polytechnic University of Bari, Viale Japigia 182,
70123 Bari, Italy
Department of Economics, University of Foggia, Largo Papa Giovanni Paolo II 1, 71121 Foggia, Italy; (G.D.P.); (N.F.)
Received: 2 August 2018; Accepted: 27 August 2018; Published: 1 September 2018
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the optimal warehouse layout for agricultural and food collecting
centers that help small–medium farms to trade in the short food supply chain, by choosing among
longitudinal, transversal, and fishbone layout. The developed model allows for the identification of
the warehouse ensuring the least impact through inbound material handling, under both an economic
and an environmental perspective. The analysis was carried out by using an analytical model to
minimize the travelling time of the goods from picking to delivery area. The model considers the
different turnover index from which four hypotheses were formulated to implement the results.
The Carbon Footprint (CF) and Management Costs (MCs) were calculated by the picking time
performance. Findings: Results show that the optimal warehouse layout can be identified after
a careful consideration of the turnover indexes. However, for seasonality, the optimal design might
be missed across the seasons. Practical implications: the analysis hereby presented is related to those
collecting centers aiming to gather conspicuous amounts of seasonal food.
Keywords: food supply chain; sustainable logistic; carbon footprint; material handling equipment;
green warehousing
1. Introduction
Over the years, many changes have affected the agro-food system. In the wake of these changes,
public policies have been leading economic players to rationalize the resource use in order to
accomplish the goal of the efficiency of the agro-food system. The efficiency of agricultural production
and the reduction of emissions are today important frontiers of research in the technical and economic
field [1]. Within the European area, for example, the European Commission is fostering policies toward
innovation transfer and knowledge uptake to optimize the input use. Within this scope, the main
ambition consists in maximizing value, instead of the traditional maximization of profit. The idea
of value must be understood as benefits for the stakeholders in economic, social and environmental
domain [2].
In this context, the environmental concern is nowadays being raised as a relevant issue, and people
are striving to find optimal methods to reduce polluting agents and resources depletion. Throughout
this issue, the economic players must keep up the economic incomes, and as long as methodologic
trade-off for achieving satisfying results in both directions are not found out, they are not willing to
refuse to use resources and methods unsustainable for the environment [3]. Yet, studies should keep
addressing for solutions, indeed is very difficult identify an optimal solution according to economic
and environmental perspective, quite the best solution should be addressed to identify a trade-off on
the basis of the performances related to both aspects [4]. Along with these considerations, the food
marketing through short supply chain, whose actors are often small–medium organizations without
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marketing unit for reaching away markets, is quickly rising [3]. This hurdle is starting to be overcome
by raising the role of collecting centers that gather seasonal foodstuffs for supplying local, regional, and
off-region markets. This happens for organic-labelled food produced somewhere and sold elsewhere,
away from the production [5].
The design of those collecting centers depends on several factors related to logistic constrains, food
cold chain performance, as well as supply chain network. In all cases, the sustainability is considered
as the central point of the issue [6]. According to Seuring and Muller, a supply chain network can be
defined sustainable when information, capital flows, and cooperation among companies along the
supply chain allow to minimizing the impact under economic, environmental and social perspective,
keeping under consideration the stakeholder’ interests [7]. For sustainability of the supply chain,
the focus is nowadays shifting over approaches based on products and lean management. The first
approach is based on the product lifecycle standards that allows to optimize the environmental
and social performances, from cradle to grave, of the products [7]. The second approach is based
on Lean management, in this case is considered everything that enable operators to rationalize
resources input and avoid mistakes that cause inefficiencies by reducing related costs of quality
efficiency [5]. About lean, many studies [8–10] highlight seven critical issues that are normally
subjected to wastes: transport, inventory, motion, waiting, over-processing, overproduction, and
defects. On this subject, the food motion inside the warehouse is the question of this article. In the
specific, the organizational layout, whether rightly chosen, allows for ameliorating sustainability
performance both on the economic and environmental side. Indeed, it considers the logistic for moving
foodstuffs when the collector have to face the seasonality of the freights [11–14].
Logistics, therefore, plays an important role in improving economic and environmental
performance [15], and it concerns the ways to store goods and their flows along the chain. Along with
these considerations, the modern global market is characterized by high uncertainty of product
demand. Transportation costs can amount up to the 50% of total logistic costs and can affect the
configuration of the logistic systems [16]. Additionally, the traditional manufacturing has been
criticized for lots size, means of transport (defined as Outbound Logistic by Council of Supply Chain
Management Professionals (CSCMP)), and management of the warehouse (referred as to Inbound or
Intra Logistic by CSCMP), for which the need for sustainable manufacturing has been raised. In the
specific, the environmental sustainability of logistic activities has become a prominent element of
business strategy and competitive advantage. Hence, there are strong social and political pressures
because of the increasing of public awareness for global warming and climate change finalized to
reduce polluting emissions [15]. Along with these policies addressed to minimize the industrial
environmental impacts, many companies have realized that the sustainable use of resources may also
be associated with financial savings. In this regard, the Carbon Footprint (CF) and Management Costs
(MCs) are relevant for measuring the goodness of the picked resources [6,16].
In the case of the Italian agro-food sector, organizations are mainly small-medium enterprises
mostly operating in Short Food Supply Chain, characterized by variable lead time when stocking
and picking goods in warehouse for marketing processes. In most cases, the goods are handled and
stocked, without a specific criterion, and lacking of proper planning for managing the delivering
time: in this sector, the warehouse layout is crucial, and it affects noticeably the delivering time.
These deficiencies are addressed to those intermediaries that are required to set up a logistic layout to
minimize the economic and environmental impacts of the handling activities. Thus, intermediaries
play an increasingly important role to keep small–medium farms alive [16].
Starting from the lack of proper material handling planning in agro-food collect center, it emerges
the necessity to provide a classification of a set of parameters and indicators allow to evaluate the
logistic performance of agro-food collecting center under environmental/economic perspective and
conduct further empirical investigation in the field of Short Food Supply Chain. This gap allows us
to formulate the primary research question: Considering the new logistic strategies (e.g., warehouse
layout, material handling equipment, warehouse storage strategy, etc.) in food collecting centers,
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and how they impact on the business of seasonal foodstuffs in the short food supply chain, is there a
‘best strategy’ that allows to optimize the logistic performance of agro-food collecting centers under
economic and environmental perspective?
To fully investigate the primary research problem, the following subsidiary research questions
are raised:
What decisional parameters, in terms of logistics management, of agro-food collecting centers
allow to evaluate the impacts on environmental and economic performance of short food
supply chain?
What specific capabilities will be expected to have the agro-food collecting centers in order
to reduce costs and travelled distances, and, consequently, Carbon Footprint emissions and
management/operative costs?
How does the pallet picking strategy affect the business competitiveness of seasonal foodstuffs
of the fruits and vegetables chain?
In other words, this study aims to assess the most efficient layout in agro-food class-based storage
warehouses in order to identify the best pallet picking strategy allowing for the minimization of the
environmental impact and the management cost due to inbound material handling. For this purpose,
there have been considered three different warehouse management configurations: longitudinal,
transversal, and fishbone. Each one is assessed considering the handling time from collecting the good
from the rack, to the carry and to the picking area, according an ABC class-based storage approach.
Following, an analytic model allows calculating the impact of the material handling strategy adopted
based on different Material Handling Equipment (MHE) powered by different engines, such as internal
combustion and electrical, both for Carbon Footprint and Management Costs. Optimizing the supply
chain handling in the agro-food sector can be accomplished through modifying the MHE, adopting
greener measures in it, and/or minimizing the food miles both inside and outside the warehouse.
The optimization of the logistic infrastructure, under an environmental perspective, depends on
whether one adopts green energy sources instead of conventional ones, which are more polluting.
This study does not focus on the end consumers, but rather on the mitigation of the environmental
impact of the production activities. The methodological approach adopted is developed on analytic
heuristic process jointly based on environmental and cost considerations, according to literature review
shown in following section, there are not previous scientific studies on logistic in agro-food business,
based on similar approach.
The paper consists of six more sections. The next one goes through the literature defining the
warehouse structure and the warehouse costs impact over the farm management. The third section
raises the necessity to improve the warehouse performance to gain competitiveness benefits. The fourth
section explains the context within which the study has been implemented. The fifth section shows
the adopted methodology to simulate the energy consumption and managing costs. The sixth section
discusses the results through a simulation model, whilst the last section presents discussion and
relevant conclusions.
2. Literature Review
As introduced in the prior paragraph, the sustainability is a wide concept that undoubtedly
encompasses economic and environmental issues, such as polluting reduction and costs reduction,
to say a few [17,18]. These two facets are squarely interrelated each other, and reducing environmental
impacts means reducing costs for the ecosystem where organizations survive, so in turn, for single
enterprises [19]. According to Centobelli et al. in [20] a considerable number of studies dealing with
sustainability issues in logistics have been introduced, and several models have been developed in
order to minimizing the impact under environmental and economic perspective. Indeed, scientific
studies show that an improvement of environmental performances leads to an improvement of
products and services quality which, in turn, improves cost performances. In this context, Validi et al.
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in [21] provide a mathematical model to select the shortest path allowing to reduce environmental
harmful emission in the field of food supply chain. A model based on Artificial Neural Network
is developed in order to predict the emissions and evaluate how the cost related to green practices
positively impacts on competitiveness in workplaces [22]. A very similar methodology is adopted
by Zhu and Sarkis in order to analysis and evaluate the relationship between the adoption of green
supply chain practices and economic performance [23]. In search for solutions to the sustainability
challenge, researcher and practitioners have explored and established the potential for managerial
systems to drive sustainable organizational performance [24]. According to Harris et al. in [25]
a first class of models is based on the well-known Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) strategy that
aims to minimize the inventory and ordering costs as developed in 1913. Later, Baumol and Vinod
in [26] modified the EOQ model with the purpose of evaluating transportation and other logistic costs
separately. Several models followed the work of Baumol and Vinod [27,28], until a new inventory
model that has been developed, namely the Sustainable Order Quantity (SOQ), which considers
both economic and socio-environmental costs [29]. Models mainly differ in the function adopted for
calculating transportation costs and the solutions thought lowering them. An increasing number of
sustainable solutions make possible the minimization of logistic costs (inventory, transport costs) and
environmental impact both, but most research is rather limited to studying the environmental impact
of warehousing and inventory management from an outdoor perspective (outbound logistics) [18].
Gue et al. in [30] identified five decisional areas within the warehouse design, as shown in Figure 1
and reported, as follows:
Overall structure
Department layout
Operation Strategy Selection
Equipment Selection
Sizing and Dimensioning
Figure 1. Warehouse Design.
In particular, the Department layout (II) concerns the configuration of the aisles and the retrieval
area. Instead, the Operation Selection Strategy (III) is related to the way the warehouse works in terms
of layout and order picking. Under this study, both components play an important role in optimizing
the material handling strategy, and in turn in affecting the returning value in terms of environmental
and economic performance [19].
In the last decades, most researches have concentered on order picking strategy, in particular
examining the energy usage in the forklift material handling, taking into account factors such as the
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pallet lift height and the routing of the non-road vehicles within the warehouse [31]. The choice of the
Material Handling Equipment (MHE) characterized by low energy consumption is not the only strategy
that allows for minimizing the environmental impact of the warehousing activities [32]. As a matter
of fact, it is possible to ensure a low level of Carbon Footprint, with a minimal energy consumption,
through adopting a specific material handling strategy through reducing the times of items retrieval
and delivery in the warehouse [33]. According to Dukic and Oluic [34], the optimization of the routing
policies is related to the identification of a batch order to be picked from the racks. This approach allows
to minimize the total travel distance. For picker-to-part order picking system have been proposed
different routing methods, including optimization algorithms. The performance of these heuristic
approaches depends on the particular operating conditions of the system observed. It was estimated
that the adoption of heuristic methods allows for an average reduction oscillating between 17% and
34% inside the path length of the forklift within the warehouse. In addition, the interaction between
the routing strategy and the storage assignment adopted represents one of the most important aspects
in the manual order picking approach [35].
In most studies the items to be stocked are considered like “elementary units” to operate in
warehouses adopting multiple MHE, each of them characterized by a different loading capacity. In this
case, the time spent in the picking activity depends on the number of units carried in each travel and
on some technical specifications (travel speed, lift speed, capacity load, etc.) according to the MHE
adopted. Boenzi et al. in [35] developed a new model allowing the identification of the best MHE in
order to minimize the Carbon Footprint due to material handling activities, ensuring at same time the
picking time required by warehouse management system.
Nonetheless, the studies concerning picking strategies leave several problems that still need to
be solved. The review carried out by Gue et al. in [30], is a useful guide to tackle them. The review
states five decisional areas, bearing in mind that each one of those cannot be evaluated as a stand-alone
component but has to be integrated and developed in synergy with the others. The rationale is further
shown by observing how a single decisional area modification affect outcomes of others [30].
Therefore, the literature review shows that:
Integrated models for the path routing identification and the storage assignment planning are
not very widespread;
(ii) Most researches considering the environmental issue in warehouse activities are focused on
specific ‘save-energy’ aspects, and most of them are related to the building attributes;
(iii) There is a lack in available scientific works that considers environmental sustainability in an
integrated inventory and warehouse planning model;
(iv) The order picking models ensure the reduction of the travel distance, retrieval time, or both,
but in most cases the authors neglect the environmental performance and the management costs
of the non-road vehicles adopted for material handling activities.
This paper is intended to help fill these gaps, and in particular, to provide an approach for
minimizing the environmental and economic impacts of the intra logistic activities by means of
jointly evaluating all aspects concerning the material handling activities, including the typology of the
forklift to be adopted (internal combustion or electric engine equipped), the layout of the warehouse
(longitudinal layout, transversal layout, and fishbone layout), and the turnover index of the foodstuffs
to be stocked.
3. The Management of the Warehouse as a Factor of Competitiveness: The Case of Fresh Fruit
and Vegetables
In recent years, the need for a satisfying response from the production–logistic system to the
complex demands of the market has been raised as a significant topic of discussion and reflection.
This trend is probably due to a new physiological need of flexibility, understood as the ability of an
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economic organization to cope with a series of “contingencies”, responding in a more economic and
rapid manner to the environmental changes generated by the issue [19].
In the specific case of agro-food chains there are different types of
Production-Distribution-Consumption (PDC) systems, each one characterized by specific
organizational forms and different degrees of complexity, whose, in turn, generates different
environmental impacts (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions). For agro-food organizations, the chain
efficiency represents one of the frontiers for ameliorating competitiveness and related commercial
policies by building up a positive environmental image [19,36]. The improved chain efficiency,
customer services rate, product quality, availability, affordability, consumption rate and higher
customers satisfaction, waste minimization, waste utilization, reduced cost and lead time, and strong
competitive advantage in marketplace are only some of the outcomes of value addition practices in the
food chain management [37].
In particular, the fruit and vegetable sector has undergone significant organizational changes in
the last twenty years, in line with the general evolution in the agro-food system [4]. Advancements
in information and transport technologies, changes in consumer habits, the evolution of large-scale
retail trade, as well as the growth of global competition and the increase in foreign investments
have redesigned the global economic and organizational context. These changes have raised the
focus of the studies on the supply chain and the structure of the value chain [38–40]. This study is
based on the management of the information flows aiming to reduce procurement times and costs,
increasing effectiveness in satisfying consumer demand, and increasing the added value of the supply
chain. The fundamental change of the company perspective lies on reconsidering competencies and
competitive advantage from the perspective of the whole chain and not solely the step where the
single operator is positioned: this brings consequences on the structure of the contractual relations and
authorities existing between the different actors of the chain. For these reasons, logistics, as part of the
whole supply chain, has been intensifying in complexity [41]. In the specific, it is precisely the evolving
trends in demand generated by industry and commerce and the structural changes on the supply side
that suggest the opportunity to take an integrated view of the market for freight transport and logistics.
However, we is defined “sustainable” logistics as that one that is capable to address the problems of
safety and the environment, as well as the needs of the economic development that depends on it [42].
One could then speak of a “triangle of sustainability” whose summits are:
Economic efficiency
Socio-territorial development
Reduction of negative externalities
Despite of the important reorganization processes described above, some studies in the
sector [43,44], show that in the Italian fruit and vegetable industry, the traditional retail sector covers
an important portion inside the chain distribution, especially in Southern Italy. Nonetheless, it is
precisely in the traditional distribution that the greatest inefficiencies due to fragmentation of demand
and supply and the number and type of intermediaries to name a few are found. Therefore at
least two-thirds of the products (in volume) follow non-optimized logistics chains [2]. In addition
to inefficiencies detected, which would make the national companies uncompetitive, there are
irresponsible companies that don’t pursuit the sustainable performance theme for the sake of short-term
profits. Based on the recently review findings conducted by Shashi et al. in [37], it can be inferred
that the significant mitigation in waste, emission, energy consumption, use of toxic materials and
enlargement in the rate of recycling in agro-food chain operations are due to law requirements rather
than merely a business choice [37]. When compared to other European countries such as France
and Germany, the fruit and vegetable value chain in Italy presents several criticalities, with a strong
imbalance towards a capillary distribution that affects almost equally preservable products (apples,
etc.) and perishable products (strawberries, salads, etc.). In other words, the small–medium size of the
Italian farms is representing a shortcoming when intermediaries approach to receive the freights from
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farms. This problem is becoming a hurdle difficult to overcome due to, operating in short food supply
chain, the farms mostly offer seasonal foodstuffs. It follows that warehouse management, understood
as a set of planning and control decisions and procedures, becomes a fundamental element for the
competitiveness of a company [45].
The issue related to the small farms is faced in the next paragraph.
4. The Considered Context
Over the years, the agro-food sector has mainly changed because of several external forces. One is
the rural development transition, which generates new objectives for the current players as its new
purposes are qualitative oriented instead of the traditional quantitative ones. Small farms operating in
close markets represent the common target adopting qualitative practices: to reach the farther demand,
those actors need to outsource the marketing phases, which bear the highest costs. To do so, it appears
that intermediaries are crucial. Even if their activities end when the product is delivered to the clients,
they are part of an earlier stage consisting in setting up the design of the warehouse and of the internal
logistic activities to minimize the needed resources [46]. It follows that, as stated earlier, designing
the layout has an important impact on the equipment amount, the reduction of the working time and
the increasing of the throughput. For seasonal foodstuffs, the intermediaries, supplied by local small
producers from local areas, need to tackle the issue of the optimal design for enhancing sustainability
performance and keep it up over time across the seasons. Then, when the optimal layout may change
between seasons, the distributor can miss the sustainability [47,48]. The literature lacks studies in this
perspective, and this article tries to contribute to this issue.
At this stage is necessary to introduce the logistic matter of the layout design for warehouse.
The literature states that the most used layouts until 2009 were the longitudinal and the transversal
ones. The longitudinal one displays straight racks put in parallel, as well as the aisles, that are arranged
as having the same width and length. The first attempt to optimize the longitudinal layout was
developed with the transversal layout. The latter reduces the travelled time by decreasing the distances
from the picking to the delivering area [21].
Since the introduction of the fishbone layout [49], many academic studies have attempted to
design it as the most efficient. Worries concern the dimensions of the warehouse and the slope for
the diagonal cross aisles. For instance, Gue & Meller [49] tried to overcome the common barriers
preventing the optimal utilization of the longitudinal and transversal layouts, finding alternative
solutions. In this respect, they elaborated the Flying-V layout, the Fishbone and New Diagonal
cross-aisle as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Flying-V, Fishbone, New Diagonal cross-aisle layouts.
The choice of the warehouse design is considered a notable result as it reduces costs and travelled
distances, and, consequently, Carbon Footprint emissions and additional costs.
5. Methodology
The design of the warehouse begins with the calculation of the travelled distances within each
format. To do so, it is necessary to set and consider its main features. Before going to the description,
the following list shows the notation used in the formula in the article:
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A: width of the warehouse [m];
B: length of the warehouse [m];
P/D: pickup and deposit point [m2 ];
Lx : distance along the x axis between the P/D point and storage area [m];
Ly : distance along the y axis between the P/D point and storage area [m];
N: overall number of the items to be stocked in warehouse [unit]
D: width of the aisles [m];
el , ew , ed : size of the selected item according length, width, and depth [m];
Vc : average travel speed of the forklift [km/h];
t: average time taken by the forklift for the material handling activities [h];
I: turnover index of the n-th item [#];
P: average path required for the handling of the items stored in warehouse [m/unit];
CFLPG , CFele : average Carbon Footprint of the adopting forklift, equipped by electric (‘ele’ as subscript)
or LPG (‘LPG’ as subscript) engine [kgCO2 ].
The method considers the following assumptions:
The number of the total items stored in warehouse is constant and the maximum load capacity
corresponds to N (there are not available slots in the racks of the warehouse);
The items stocked have prismatic form and are characterized by the same sizes (ew , el , eh ) and
weight, the storing approach is based on only one-item for one-slot of the rack;
The information order is known in advance;
The picking of one-item does not depend by the position of the other items (racking system is
The material handling phase is implemented by means of forklifts;
Only one item is picked by the forklift for each loading/unloading cycle;
The P/D point is placed near to the storage one, in the center-bottom level of the warehouse,
as shown in Figures 3 and 4;
The size of the warehouse is given;
Class based storage is the stocked strategy adopted;
The emission of the activities required for loading/unloading the pallet from rack are not
considered, when the forklift is stopped. This assumption is considered acceptable since the time
required for this operation is negligible when compared to the time required to reach the pallet;
The energy and the time required for the pallet retrieving/stocking does not depend on the
following: weight of the item, lift speed of the forks, and height of the slot where the item
is stocked;
Acceleration and deceleration of the forklift are not considered;
The process of pallet picking is composed by the following sequence of activities:
the forklift starts moving from the P/D point travelling at a constant speed;
the forklift stops in the storage area and pick the selected item;
the forklift, with the load, goes back (moving on the same path of point number 1) to P/D point
at a constant speed;
The process of pallet stocking is composed by the following sequence of activities:
the forklift, with the load, starts moving from the P/D point travelling at a constant speed;
the forklift stops in the storage area and stock the selected item;
the forklift goes back (moving on the same path of point number 1) to P/D point at a
constant speed;
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The optimization purpose consists in minimizing the objective function considering the Carbon
Footprint generated by the movement of the forklift. A comparison between forklift equipped with
LPG engine versus an electrical one has been considered. These equations follow:
CFele = Fele × Cele × t ×
FLPG , Fele : Fuel and electric mission factor
CLPG , Cele : average fuel and energy consumption hourly rate
η: overall efficiency of the electric energy due to electrochemical charging efficiency of the battery;
t: average time required for material handling activities [h/units].
The costs evaluation (Management Costs) has been distinguished in average Facilities Costs (FCs),
as given by warehouse activities such as heating, lighting, cleaning service, warehouse maintenance,
and so on. Additionally, these operations are equal for warehouses with either electric or LPG forklifts.
On the other hand, Operative Costs (OCsLPG , OCsele ) depend on average energy consumption relating
to the handling activities in case of forklifts equipped by internal combustion or electric engine.
According to the following equations, the costs are calculated:
FCs = Area × cut
t ××p LPG
=CLPG×× ×
Area: overall surface of the warehouse
OCsele== Cele ×
××t ×××
[m2 ];
cut : Utilities costs due to warehouse activities calculated per m-squared
p LPG, , pele : average cost of the fuel or electricity for forklift engine supply
h €∗ i
m2 ∗ h
,The objective function to be minimized (Equation (6)) has been applied to come out the results of
the overall minimum time (Ttot ) required for picking and stocking all items from the rack within the
warehouse. The function is evaluated on the basis of P parameter, that depends on the total path for
material handling activity considering the layout and the turnover index of the stocked items. To this
extent, Vc depends on technical specification of the forklift, generally for safety concern, the travel
speed of the forklift in warehouse should not exceed 10 (km/h).
11 min
Ttot P
t == min
= min
where N identifies the overall number of the items to be handled in warehouse.
The average time required by the forklift for material handling activities (t) is strongly related to
the travel speed and routing path for picking activities. This means that the first parameter depends
by forklift performance (Vc ) and the second parameter (P) on the pallet picking strategy adopted and
on layout of the warehouse. Therefore, it is necessary to identify both parameters for each one of three
different layouts adopted in the model.
5.1. Longitudinal and Transversal Layouts
The ‘traditional’ layouts of the warehouses are identified as longitudinal and transversal: in the
first case the shelving is laid out perpendicularly to the P/D point and there is one aisle for each rack
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(see Figure 3a). In the second case the shelving is laid out parallel to the P/D point and there is one
main aisle for the material handling activities (see Figure 3b). The notations adopted to identify the
geometrical features of both warehouses are listed below:
s: sector of the layout;
k: rank of the layout;
j: position of the selected item within the generic rack;
l: level of the shelf;
Oskjl : position of the selected item to be retrieved.
These parameters are identified to evaluate the routing path of the forklift on the basis of adopted
layout in the warehouse. In the following are shown the equations for calculating the average path ( P)
for the handling of the items stored 2
in warehouses characterized by longitudinal or transversal layouts:
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ Pskjl
s =1 k =1 j =1 l =1
where Pskjl is the path of the forklift for the handling of one selected item from position identified by s,
k, j, and l parameters. According to the analytical model developed, this position can be identified by
means X and V variables, which represent respectively the path travelled by the forklift to reach the
k-th rack (X) and the path along the aisle to get the j-th rack (V). The Iskjl parameter instead identifies
the specific turnover inventory ratio referring to selected items located in s, k, j, and l position.
Figure 3. Nomenclature for longitudinal (a) and transversal (b) layout.
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Figure 4. Tridimensional fishbone layout (a) and geometrical specification (b).
In the cases of longitudinal and transversal layouts, the evaluation of both parameters (X and V)
changes, as it depends on different geometrical constraints characterizing the layouts. Instead, the K, J,
and L values identify the maximum number of available slots in the racks within the warehouse.
5.2. Fishbone Layout
The fishbone layout was introduced by Gue & Meller in [49]: their proposed design presents
two main diagonal aisles forming a “V” and picking aisles that are perpendicular to the sides of the
warehouse (see Figure 4a). According to the authors, this design ensure savings of 20% inside paths
for the picking and the depot of the items within the warehouse. This claim is related to the particular
diagonal position of the main aisles. Indeed, the distance between P/D point and the selected item
to be picked is very close to the Euclidean distance (see Figure 4b). This is not true in the case of
the traditional rectilinear warehouse (both longitudinal and transversal layout) in which it is always
necessary to traverse the full rectilinear aisle to complete picking activities. It is important to note that
in these cases, the authors consider that the items to be stocked are all characterized by same turnover
index ratio.
According to the design of fishbone layout, is possible to identify the following geometrical
There are four equal zones shaped as triangles and they are identified from ‘zone 1’ to ‘zone 4’;
There are three aisles: one in the middle between zone 2–3, and two diagonally, respectively
between zone 1–2 ሺܲሻ
and zone 3–4;
D parameters are the same for every aisle;
The diagonal aisles always end in the upper corners of the warehouse.
The average path ( P) for the handling of the items stored in warehouses is calculated by means of
the Equation (7); the nomenclature adopted to identify the geometrical features is shown in Figure 5a,b.
Figure 5. Nomenclature of the fishbone layout for zones 2 and 3 (a) and zones 1 and 4 (b).
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In this case, the developed analytical model to identify Pskjl is related to four different variables.
In the specific, X represents the distance along the diagonal aisle to get the selected items and it
depends on the slope of the aisles and the lengths of the legs of one of the identified triangles.
Concerning parameter V, this represents the distance within the parallel aisles from the start of
the aisle to the position of the select item according to the j-th position.
6. Simulation Model and Results
A simulation model was implemented in order to identify the optimal warehouse layout for
different agro-food collecting centers, adopting the proposed model. In the case hereby presented,
the stocking of the three-different classes of items identified as A, B, and C is considered, with each
of them being characterized by a specific turnover index ratio (IA , IB , and IC ), whose values are
listed below:
IA = 90 the items are picked very frequently in a given interval time;
IB = 12 the items are picked occasionally in a given interval time;
IC = 3 the items are picked rarely in a given interval time.
The parameter I is assumed to embrace a season, therefore the goods from the collecting center
are considered to be seasonal food. Four different scenarios are evaluated considering the same value
of N parameters for each case; in Table 1 it is possible to observe that the percentage of the different
classes of items to be stocked in the collecting center change significantly for each scenario.
Table 1. Hypothesis of the stored goods in the warehouse over the time, according four different
scenarios corresponding to different mix of ABC classes.
Percentage of A, B, and C-Items Stocked in Warehouse
A (%)
B H (%)
C (%)
The model allows the evaluation of the environmental (measured as Carbon Footprint) and
economic impacts (measured as Management Costs) due to material handling activities adopting a
collecting center with different layouts and with forklifts powered by internal combustion or electric
engine. The strategy suggested by the model is shown in the following tables, in four different
scenarios, in order to minimize the Carbon Footprint (Table 2) and Management Costs (Table 3).
Table 2. Layout and Material Handling Equipment (MHE) identified in order to minimizing of the
Carbon Footprint due to inbound material handling.
Input Parameters
Output (minimal CF)
N (u]
A (%)
B (%)
C (%)
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Table 3. Layout and MHE identified in order to minimizing of the Management Costs due to facilities
costs (FCs) and Operative Costs (OCs).
Input Parameters
Output (minimal MCs)
N (u)
A (%)
B (%)
C (%)
It is possible to observe that the layouts suggested by the model in the collecting center, change on
the basis of the mix of the goods to be stocked. In particular, the environmental impact is reduced by
approximately of 10% adopting the fishbone layout in cases identified as #1 and #2. Instead, in cases
#3 and #4 the longitudinal and the transversal layouts ensured a reduction of Carbon Footprint by
approximately of 1% (see Figure 6a). Although the fishbone layout ensured a lower average path for
the handling of the goods, it requires a collecting center with larger surface area compared to the one
calculated for the longitudinal and transversal layouts. As a result, the Management Costs of fishbone
layouts averages 20% higher than the longitudinal and transversal layout in terms of economic scores
(see Figure 6b).
Figure 6. Log report generate by the model regarding the Carbon Footprint (a) and Management Costs
(b) evaluation in all scenarios.
Regarding the MHE evaluation, the electric forklift adoption gives the best results in terms of
environmental and economical performances both. Indeed, in the cases analyzed, the electric forklift
ensured a reduction of about 50% of Carbon Footprint and a OCs saving of about 20% when compared
to LPG-forklift.
7. Discussion and Conclusions
In trying to find a solution to increase the environmental and economic sustainability of the
food supply chain, this study shows that such issues can be treated with having consideration of
the logistics inside the warehouse where foodstuffs are stocked. In that case, seasonal foodstuffs
of the fruits and vegetables chain have been considered, and the logistics issue regards the layout
design for stocking food in order to find the optimal solution in terms of Carbon Footprint and related
Managing Costs. The researched value to be added to the supply chain [43] implies that through
minimizing the picking time of the goods, the Carbon Footprint and related costs are optimized with
checking out among the performance of each layout. Results show that when the layout is fixed over
the time, the performance return the best solution. However, to fix the layout, it is necessary to take
into account the turnover index of the supplied goods. Within a long supply chain, the issue does not
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matter, on the contrary, the short fruit and vegetable chain entails that the suppliers are locally placed,
and the production comes from seasonal farming [50]. Nowadays the short chains of the seasonal
foodstuffs are seen as a paradigm of quality and trust for the producers, and they are quickly taking
hold. This evidence is mainly appearing in contexts where operate farms having small–medium sizes.
Indeed, although they work close to the consumers, they make use of intermediaries to increase the
market share. Intermediaries (collecting centers), in turn, when collecting freights from different small
farms, need to set up the finest resources organization that encompass the logistics issues [13,51,52].
Nonetheless, the results of this study display that the optimum layout changes when changing the
turnover index of the stocked goods. In this regard, the seasonal fruit and vegetable carry different
turnover indexes in the warehouse, and the sustainability of the performance is inevitably subjected to
change over the seasons.
Results, hereby presented, clearly suggest that when most goods stocked in collecting centers
are characterized by high turnover indices, the fishbone layout ensure the minimal environmental
impact if compared with the longitudinal and transversal layouts, by keeping lower level of Carbon
Footprint for collecting center in which most goods stocked are characterized by low values of turnover
index ratios.
Of course, the difference in terms of Carbon Footprint is much more relevant when considering
the two types of engine fuel instead of the layout modification only. With a fishbone layout, in fact,
the electrical engine generates half of the emissions produced by LPG engine instead.
This finding brings meaningful insight concerning the evolution of the warehouse layout studies:
bringing together the fishbone layout and electrical engine, they can produce positive synergies in
terms of environmental impact. Further comments in terms of cost level can be made, taking into
account that implementing the fishbone layout is more expensive due to larger surface required and the
higher complexity of the design. In this context, a limit of the model is surely represented by the utility
costs related to warehouse facilities (FCs). The costs of a charging station and relative infrastructure
installations required in the case of electric forklifts are not considered.
According to the output generated by the model in the previous section, Carbon Footprint
and Management Costs performance depends on the turnover inventory ratio of the goods stocked.
Consistently, if keeping the average turnover at a fixed level, it becomes easy to make the best decision
after witnessing the results of the analytical model. In other words, if the average turnover index of the
goods stocked in the collecting center can be aligned at a specific level within a season, it is possible
to identify the optimum strategy. Therefore, a good approach can be oriented to store the goods by
monitoring the average turnover index so that it is kept within or over a critical point that represents
the border level for considering another layout as “optimal”.
The last consideration regards the divergence between the strategies suggested by the model in
order to optimize the environmental and economic aspects. Consistently with this claim, in many
cases the model, given the same input, could suggest two different strategies: one strategy allowing
minimization of Carbon Footprint and another different strategy ensuring the minimization of the
Management Costs. In these cases, it is harder for logistic operators to make a decision. Therefore,
future development of the model should be include more optimization criteria in its objective function.
This will lead to the possibility of applying it to more complex scenarios, thus ensuring greater
flexibility and increasing the number of the industrial environments in which it can find place.
Author Contributions: F.F. and G.D.P. conceived of the presented idea. F.F. developed the model and performed
the computations. F.F. and G.D.P. verified the analytical methods. G.D.P. and N.F. investigated on aspects
related to management of agro-food collecting centers. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the
final manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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