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2001, SNTSMS
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Nor Liana, 2021
The researcher is intended to reveal; 1) The implementation of the service, guidance, and control of student management in enhancing students' achievement and, 2) The development of students' achievement based on students' preference at State Islamic Senior Highschool (MAN) of Pacitan. This research is qualitative research which takes the setting at State Islamic Senior
sui suoi rapporti con la corte sabauda (in cui fu influente precettore di Vittorio Emanuele II) P. GENTILE, L'ombra del re. Vittorio Emanuele II e le politiche di corte, Torino 2011, ad vocem. 6 V. POLONIO, La storia ecclesiastica cit., p. 260. 7 Per il versante piemontese si vedano le considerazioni di G. CRACCO, Introduzione, in Storia della Chiesa di Ivrea dalle origini al XV secolo, a cura di G. CRACCO, con la collaborazione di A. PIAZZA, Roma 1998, pp. XIX-XLVI, in part. p. XXVII-XXIX; per quello ligure V. POLONIO, La storia ecclesiastica cit., p. 258, nota 10. 8 Archivio di Stato di Genova (ASGE), Archivio Segreto, 2719, fasc. 2, doc. n. 2 (Relazione del m. Orazio Dolmeta inviato presso la real corte del duca di Savoia, 27 aprile 1661).
salah satu contoh RPP mata pelajaran SMPLB Tunagrahita kelas 7
Misericórdias no feminino, 2022
Texto de divulgação científica sobre as mulheres nas misericórdias portuguesas entre os séculos XVI e XX. Scientific dissemination text about women in Portuguese "misericórdias" between the 16th and 20th centuries.
Emilio GARCíA GARcíA 1. Complejidad de la actividad lectora Leer es una actividad muy compleja, aunque tendemos a considerarla una tarea relativamente simple y fácil, ya que, en condiciones normales, la aprendemos a una edad temprana, la practicamos con frecuencia, y alcanzamos notable éxito. Por otra parte, y debido a la práctica, la mayoría de los procesos mentales que están implicados en la actividad de leer se han automatizado, se llevan a cabo con mucha rapidez (milésimas de segundo) y resultan inaccesibles a la conciencia reflexiva del sujeto lector; otros
Правова держава, 2020
The article is dedicated to the notions and interrelation of the common heritage of humankind and global commons concepts in the science of international law. The topic is relevant due to a growing interest of states to the possibility of exploitation of areas and resources falling under the regulation and protection of the common heritage of humankind principle. There are only few spaces that can be exactly recognized as having the common heritage status. But recently we have seen bold attempts to broaden their list with objects that don't correspondent to the legal notion of the common heritage of humankind principle. The global commons concept is often used in this regard.
El proyecto se encuentra ubicado en la Avda. Bolivariana de la Parroquia Totoras, Sector La Dolorosa, Barrio Cristal, Cantón Ambato en la Provincia de Tungurahua.
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The Scientific World Journal
BIOSFER: Jurnal Tadris Biologi , 2020
Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions, 2014
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Pretoria student law review, 2015
Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science [SQUJS], 2008
Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems
JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, 2015
Cumhuriyet'in 100. yılında Türkiye'de Medya ve İletişim, 2023