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the trinity
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The doctrine of the Trinity has, in the past couple of decades, reclaimed its central place in Christian God talk. Theologians are now using it to render every doctrine more explicitly Christian, and to sharpen interreligious dialogue. There is a strong drive toward vindicating the doctrine as relevant, but also a recognition that if it is truly a teaching about God it must remain somewhat theoretical. Finally, the field of historical theology is undertaking a fresh examination of the basic primary texts of trinitarian theology.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online , 2015
9.300 word entry summarizing and assessing models of the developed doctrine of the Trinity from six contemporary analytic theologians: Swinburne, Craig, Leftow, Brower, Rea, and van Inwagen.
What is the right way to speak about God and what implications does it have for the flourishing of women with in the church and the world?
TRINITY FAQ Question: Explain the Trinity in Religion [Hammond] OK.
This paper presents a comprehensive defense of the Trinity, integrating biblical, historical, philosophical, and theological perspectives. Through an exploration of both Old and New Testament scriptures, the doctrine of the Trinity is shown to be the most coherent and biblically sound understanding of God’s nature. The hypostatic union of Christ is examined in depth, demonstrating its essential role in understanding the relationship within the Godhead. Without the Trinity, Christianity loses its foundation, as it is only through the triune nature of God that the Incarnation and salvation can be fully understood. Although foundational to Christian theology, the doctrines of the Trinity and hypostatic union often receive less attention in modern preaching and teaching than they deserve. This paper seeks to address that gap, offering a detailed defense of the Trinity and its necessity for the Christian faith. It will also address common objections, including claims of pagan influence, and highlight the contribution of early Jewish texts to the development of Trinitarian thought. Finally, it will explore the concept of theosis, showing how believers participate in the divine life through union with Christ and the Spirit.
Foot & ankle specialist, 2010
Trinity Evolution Cryopreserved Cell Viable Bone Matrix is a minimally manipulated, human cellular, and tissue-based allograft containing adult mesenchymal stem cells, osteoprogenitor cells, and a demineralized cortical component. The cancellous bone used to produce Trinity Evolution is derived from freshly recovered donor tissue by Food and Drug Administration-registered facilities and processed under aseptic conditions. Preclinical in vivo and in vitro testing as well as strict donor screening has demonstrated the safety of Trinity Evolution as well as its osteoinductive and osteogenic potential contained within a natural osteoconductive matrix.
in: The Oxford Handbook of the Reception of Aquinas, ed. Matthew LEVERING and Markus PLESTED, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021, p. 629-642., 2021
Aquinas occupies a prominent place in today’s discussions of Trinitarian theology. Each of the seven sections of this chapter deals with an aspect that is or should be present in any reception of Aquinas’s doctrine of the Trinity: the centrality of Trinitarian faith in Aquinas’s theology; the nature and purpose of Aquinas’s Trinitarian theology; the cardinal place of the economy of salvation; the relationship between Trinitarian processions and missions; the organization of the ‘treatise’ on God in the Summa theologiae; the divine persons as ‘subsisting relations’; the Son as Word and Image, and the Holy Spirit as Love and Gift. In Aquinas, Trinitarian doctrine provides the interpretive framework for understanding all other theological topics (from creation to eschatology).
Revista de la Escuela del Cuerpo de Abogados y Abogadas del Estado, 2022
El trabajo presenta un análisis del proceso colectivo tramitado en el expediente “Centro de Estudios para la Promoción de la Igualdad y la Solidaridad y otros c/ Ministerio de Energía y Minería s/ amparo colectivo” (Expte. Nº FLP 8399/2016), donde la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (CSJN) anuló en agosto de 2016 las Resoluciones del Ministerio de Energía y Minería de la Nación (MEyMN) N° 28/2016 y 31/2016 que establecieron en su oportunidad un nuevo régimen tarifario del servicio público esencial de gas natural para todos los usuarios de la República Argentina. Por medio de este estudio del caso pretendemos mostrar en detalle un ejemplo que permite visibilizar el potencial de los procesos colectivos como instrumento de participación ciudadana en el control de la cosa pública y mecanismo para estimular el control judicial de la actividad administrativa, así como también diversas cuestiones procesales problemáticas que se presentaron a lo largo de la discusión y que, en mayor o menor medida, son compartidas por otros procesos de este tipo. El trabajo también ofrece una lectura crítica de la sentencia dictada por la CSJN, mediante la cual intentamos demostrar cómo el tribunal limitó drásticamente ese potencial a través de diversas inconsistencias lógicas y argumentales que derivaron en una decisión según la cual: (i) los señalados actos administrativos fueron anulados para un sector de los usuarios afectados y, al mismo tiempo, considerados válidos para otros; y (ii) se impusieron las costas de todas las instancias del proceso por su orden, a pesar de tratarse de un caso de nulidad manifiesta y de un caso de interés público.
YachaQ Revista de Derecho, 2021
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Relaciones De La Sociedad Argentina De Antropologia, 2012
Acta Informatica Medica, 2021
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1995 IEEE TENCON. IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Microelectronics and VLSI. 'Asia-Pacific Microelectronics 2000'. Proceedings