International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 12 | Dec 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Ms. Netra Karambelkar
Student, Dept. of Information Technology, Keraleeya Samajam (REGD.) Model College Maharashtra, India
------------------------------------------------------------------------***------------------------------------------------------------------------Instagram, etc. The digital media seem to be giving
solutions to every single problem. The digital media has
been a vast preference for the flexible feature it provides.
Abstract - The main objective of the study is to
establish the impact of online media (e-Paper) on print
media (hard copy) newspaper sales. As we know, earlier
people use to depend a lot on the newspaper to know what
is happening around them. People use to wait for the
newspapers and even they use to carry it with them
wherever they go. But as the technology took a drastic
change, the smartphones occupied space in the market
and the apps developed for the news. This decreased the
interest towards newspapers. The study investigated how
the advent digital media such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram and other platforms has affected printed
media(newspapers). The data is collected from in-depth
questionnaires, which shows the drop-in circulation of
print media to the younger sector of the Indian population.
The youth in India prefers the interactive behaviour of the
new media (social media) to reduce the time in accessing
the news. Currently, the time spent by youth on newspaper
reading has fall to half of what is was earlier. Although the
older generation of readers still continue to by the
Fig 1.1 – Online reading news.
1.2 The Traditional Media:
The print media pattern flourished in the preinternet era, where instant to access news, using
smartphones, and online news aggregates was not
within the reach of the common man. The development
of information access has significantly changed over the
years, with the number of smartphone users in India
alone has exceeded 20 million. However, the average of
print media circulation is dropping down globally, the
need for the impact created over digital media is to be
studied and results would be helpful for the future of
traditional media(newspapers).
Key words: Digital media, Print media, Social media
websites, Online Newspaper, e-Paper.
The digital media and online news have become the
inherent part of modern society. The presence of digital
media and social media in particular, has posed a
challenge to printed newspaper. Users are turning
towards Internet for free news and information. The
alternative source of news and information is much
faster than the printed media. This acted as the best
option for consumers to accept it globally. Moreover, the
amount of information and news updated every few
minutes is never expected to be enjoyed by the
newspaper which comes only once in a day. One can
easily get back to the same old news without any
struggle of storing newspapers in rack. Alternatively, the
Internet could be used anywhere and anytime without
wasting time to search for a single piece of information.
Fig 1.2 – Newspaper reading.
1.1 The Digital Media and its Evolution:
The print media which was always a one-way
mass communication has given way for the digital media
to develop rapidly which allows the people to act as both
the consumers as well as producers. The digital media in
the study refers to the online news like Times of India,
NDTV, India Today, social media like Facebook, Twitter,
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
The Digital media is essentially a combination of most
media forms existing anywhere in the world. It is highly
interactive. The impact of digital media brought about a
technological revolution. The Internet, personal
computing, and digital media gave us a chance to handle
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 12 | Dec 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
information on a level which we could only dream about
with traditional information storage devices like books.
Digital media created a whole new world in the fields of
journalism, entertainment, education, publishing,
commerce, and politics. It brought about new challenges
concerning copyrights and intellectual property. Because
digital media had such wide-ranging influence on
modern society, we call this new period in industrial
history The Information Age.
conclusions have been drawn based on the survey
results and the expertise view on the topic.
3.2 Questionnaire: The population samples for this survey are those
who has the habit of reading news either online or in
print and are of age groups between 15 and 60.The areas
that are preferred or best suited to target all the age
groups who would read news and also has access to
internet are the ones who work in Bank sector, College
students, Business Sector, IT sector, Reporters, House
Wives and retired people.
2.1 The Birth of Digital Media:
Any media device which can be read by a
machine is called digital media. What makes the
difference between digital media devices and the
classical, physical is the fact that digital media is created,
modified and distributed on digital electronics devices. It
may be difficult to believe, but in 1986, only 30 years
back, we had as little as 1% of total media storage
capacity in digital form. By 2007, this number came up to
94%, which best illustrates the speed at which
digitalization came about. Machines could read the
information on computers, even though this may seem
strange to modern generations. Way back in the early
1800s, people started to think about how to create
machines which could process information faster than
humans. (James M. Scott, 2017) [4].
3.3 Expert Interviews: The experts in the field of print media and
digital media is targeted and interviewed, in this
research to understand the scope of users- generated
news and the social changes due to digital media and
traditional media.
The use of the new media and Newspaper are noted
down to understand the preferred media among the
population for reading news.
The total sample size is selected and surveyed, out of
which 51.7% is of age group between 15-30, 41.7% is of
age group between 30-50, and 6.7% is of age group
between 50-75. Fig 4.1 refers to the age group.
2.2 The Social Media and its Effects on the
Delivery of News:
It’s the age of “fake news” and gone are the days
of waiting for the morning news for breaking stories or
reading gossip magazines for the latest celebrity dirt. We
now have all the information we need at the touch of an
app and most people now get their news information
online, specifically from social media. News happens fast
now. Today’s story will be tomorrow’s forgotten story. It
is easy to miss things now because of how quick stories
can get turned around and shared. While having so much
information at our fingertips is great, it is worth always
checking sources and not taking headlines as truth. With
social media as our new news managers, it is up to us to
be the new fact checkers for media. (Nicole Martin,2018)
It is observed that about 60% of population sample is
subscribed Digital media and 40% population sample is
subscribed to newspapers. Fig 4.2 describes the
preference of media.
4.1 Digital Media:
It is analysed that the number of subscribed
users to English Digital news is much greater than
Regional Digital news. 66.7% users are preferring
English news, while 33.3% users prefer Regional news.
Fig 4.3 describes preference of type of news in Digital
It is also analysed that there is some sample population
who go through various social sites for reading news,
such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Emails, MTapp,
Times Website, Daily hunt, Times of India, Google feeds,
Daily shots, Newspapers official website, News apps, etc.
Fig 4.4 describes the other social sites preferred for
reading news.
The researcher adopted the survey method and expert
interview to identify the preferred media for reading
News and to measure the social changes due to Digital
Media(e-paper) and Traditional Media(newspaper) and
also to determine the effect of user generated contents.
3.1 Tools for Data Collection:
The survey also figures which is the preferred area that
is mostly read by population sample. As the population
sample preferring to digital media is of younger age
group most preference is given to Sports, Entertainment,
The primary data was collected by a
questionnaire (Google Forms) and structured interview
was conducted with experts. The observations and
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 1610
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 12 | Dec 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
and Business-related news. Fig 4.5 describes the
preference of area in Digital media.
preference is given to Sports, Politics and Businessrelated news. Fig 4.7 describes the preference of users in
Printed media.
4.2 Printed Media:
The use of the digital media and Newspaper are noted
down to understand the preferred media among the
population for reading news. It is clearly seen that the
older generation still prefers newspaper but the impact
of social media on youth is even more pronounced. It is
seen that the Younger generation logs on to online
sources for their information needs. There is genuine
concern that as the older generation moves on, the
traditional media will also gradually disappear.
It is observed that in printed newspapers the
number of regional newspaper subscription is higher
that the English newspapers. About 54.2% of population
sample is subscribed to Regional newspapers whereas,
45.8% of population sample is subscribed to English
newspapers. Fig 4.6 describes the preference of type of
newspapers in printed media.
It is also seen that as the printed media is preferred by
the older age group of population sample, most
Fig 4.1 - Age group
Fig 4.2 – Preference of media
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 1611
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 12 | Dec 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Digital Media:
Fig 4.3 – Preferred type of newspaper
Fig 4.4 – Preferred Social Sites for reading news.
Fig 4.5 – Area of preference
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 1612
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 12 | Dec 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Printed Media:
Fig 4.6 – Preferred newspaper
Fig 4.7 – Area of preference of news
Summary based on the survey research is as follows:
The youth and middle-aged population prefer to
get their news and other related information
from online sources, while the printed
newspapers are popular among the older
Ease-of-access to information, interactive
behaviour of social media and on-demand
availability of news and information are primary
reasons population to prefer the digital media.
Digital media and print media are bound to
coexist and reinforce each other. Almost 80% of
the population feels that the printed
newspapers are politically-biased.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
Newspapers have a small piece of information,
whereas digital media provides an interface for
opinion makers to create social change.
The convenient access to online news for free seems to
be little reason to pay for a newspaper subscription. The
witness of not the “End” of print but rather the from
adaptation of print and News organizations to rapidly
changing consumer patterns and a corresponding shift
towards digital content has brought the digital media to
create its impact on the society at a faster pace.
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 1613
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 12 | Dec 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
The Research has placed an important part to explore
the practical work, to learn in detail part from the
theoretical studies.
I would sincerely like to thank all the Teachers who
helped me throughout the research.
I thank all the respondents for their cooperation and
time in completing this research, without whom, it
would not have been successful.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.34
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 1614