
The paper provides the traditional and medicinal uses of 30 medicinal, waste land self sown plant species growing abundantly in the urban and rural areas of Mathura and Aligarh district belonged to 23 families and 29 genera. These plant species are used by practitioners and local medicine men in the village area. Data was recorded for Botanical, local name, flowering and fruiting time, plant part used with the disease name. Most of the species are herbaceous in nature. Leaf (13) constituent was highest of utilization followed by Roots (8), Fruit (4), Whole Plant (4), Seed (3), Flower (3), Latex (1), Seed Oil (1) and Bark (1). These plant species have been used as medicine to cure various common diseases like amoebiosis, bronchitis, cold & cough, dropsy, whooping cough, diarrhea, dysentery, anti cancerous, wound healing, liver, kidney diseases, fever etc. Thus, the present information sets up the way for further studies on conservation, cultivation and source of extra income for farmers as many of the species are on the way of extinction due to pollution. The youth can also be encouraged to learn the indigenous knowledge and the biodiversity to preserve from lost.

I. Introduction

The traditional and indigenous medicines derived from various medicinal systems of plants like Ayurveda, Unani, Herbal and Homeopathy utilize medicinal plants that are of great importance as information on their alkaloids and drugs is subjected to investigation in search of new biochemicals with potential therapeutic values. Out of 121 biologically active plant-derived biochemicals, 90 have been found through indigenous knowledge records. Such information acts as a shortcut route of discovering modern drugs of importance. Topographically the Mathura and Aligarh region presents a shallow like trough appearance with ravines of the Ganga and the Yammuna. The temeperature ranges from 47.5 0 C in June (summers) to 5.6 0 C in January (winters). The medicinal plants generally grow naturally in vicinity of cultivated and waste lands of these areas. Thus, these medicinal plants often unrecorded, underutilized, though have tremendous potential in increasing the economic condition of the grower or owner.

II. Material and Methods

It is in this context that the field trips were organized to interview the villagers and herbal medicine men to record the indigenous and scientific information of some wasteland underutilized but abundantly occurring medicinal plants of economic value at Mathura and Aligarh. The data was recorded for the vernacular names, flowering and fruiting time of plants and their parts used for diseases. As different plant species are different for the treatment of diseases. For scientific names 30 such Plant species were identified by relevant flora (Duthie, 1903(Duthie, -1929. The main aim of study was to bring out importance of wasteland growing medicinal plants and encourage the farmers to grow and conserve suitable medicinal plants species in this agro-climatic region.

III. Result and Discussion

The present study revealed that many plant species of different families are traditionally used by villagers and medicine men for medicinal purpose. From Table 1 it can be deduced that 30 medicinal, waste land self sown plant species belong to 23 families and 29 genera. Data clearly describes plant nature, local name, and occurrence, flowering and fruiting time, plant part used with the disease name. Leaf (13) constituent was highest of utilization followed by Roots (8)

Table 1

Wasteland self sown Medicinal plants used as medicine by rural people of Mathura and Aligarh (U.P.). Ranjana. " Wasteland Medicinal Plant Resources of Aligarh and Mathura." IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) 13.3 (2019): 53-55.

IV. Conclusion

The present study is very helpful to list out various wasteland self sown medicinal plants of Mathura and Aligarh, the present information sets up the way for further studies on conservation, cultivation and source of extra income for farmers as many of the species are on the way of extinction due to pollution. The youth can also be encouraged to learn the indigenous knowledge and the biodiversity to preserve from lost.