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2020, Adult Separation Anxiety - Roy Waidler
3 pages
1 file
Children often have strong anxious feelings when their parents aren't in the immediate vicinity - but most quickly learn that Dad and Mom aren't gone forever. Some children are less fortunate, and when a small child experiences a catastrophic loss of a loved one - parent, sibling - the "lesson" can be totally debilitating if it passes unchecked into adulthood. See also:
Alabaster was a rarity among the Classic Maya, reserved for fine bowls in elite settings, especially tombs or palaces (Houston 2014:258; Kubler 1977:5n1). Known as xix, a spelling attested in at least two glyphic texts, it appeared to refer to rocks affected by water (Houston et al. 2018; Luin et al. 2022:907, fig. 4). Geologically, xix is a white sedimentary calcite (CaCO3) mined in, among other places, a source near Zinacantan, Chiapas (Berlin 1946:27; for other quarries, see Urcid 2010:fig. 56). A comparable term, tecali, named after a community of that name, was applied to banded stone of similar composition in Mexico (Diehl and Stroh 1978:74). The Maya evidently prized the translucency, crystalline texture, and hard, white surface of alabaster, the better to highlight delicate incisions that could be filled in with red pigment.
Simon Young, ‘The Man in the Moon: Making Fun of Folklorists in Victorian Britain’, Folklore Society News 97 (2022), 14-16
Peta konsep memerlukan 1 halaman penuh, mohon maaf. Silahkan disimak di halaman 2.
Spirituality and Health, 2024
The Antikythera Mechanism is the most sophisticated ancient tool ever discovered. The ability to calculate the position of the sun, moon, and planets for any date in the Greek/Egyptian calendar seemed to make scientific astrology possible, exploiting centuries of astronomical and historical data compiled in Babylon and Egypt. Evidently, metal fabrication technology lagged behind the ingenuity of the mechanism's creators.
Este programa es de carácter público, no es patrocinado ni promovido por partido político alguno y sus recursos provienen de los impuestos que pagan los contribuyentes. Está prohibido el uso de este programa con fines políticos, electorales, de lucro y otros distintos a los establecidos. Quien haga uso indebido de sus recursos en el Distrito Federal, será sancionado de acuerdo a la ley aplicable y ante la autoridad competente. Distribución gratuita, prohibida su venta.
This paper discusses the relevance of culture theories for understanding globalization and cultural change taking place in Indonesia. The issue of globalization and cultural change has recently figured prominently in various discourses in Indonesia, especially in relation to the question of how Indonesia's cultural identities should be maintained in the face of such a global process. This paper argues that the contemporary culture theory can help us understand such concepts as national culture and identity not as a static, essentialist entity, but rather as a dynamic social construction that is continuously reproduced and innovated by individual subjects. Such an argument is put forth in this paper by introducing aspects of culture theory that have not received much attention in Indonesia, i.e. practice, process, context and discourse concerning cultural construction.
VARIAZIONE DI PROGRAMMA Per impegni dei Relatori, l'incontro previsto per il 4 giugno del Seminario di Patres è annullato. La RELAZIONE di MATTIA AGOSTINONE, inerente alla sezione "Storia e popolo di Dio", e la relativa DISCUSSIONE si terranno LUNEDÌ 10 GIUGNO - ore 17:00. Le relazioni si svolgeranno alle ore 17. Il link per il collegamento zoom sarà inviato nell’imminenza. Chi è interessato a partecipare invii una richiesta a:
24 marzo 2023, ore 12. Aula 468 Palazzo San Niccolò, Siena. Seminario organizzato all'interno del corso di Storia della lingua italiana Prof. Fiammetta Papi
La Sociedad de la Información es el entorno social que comenzó a configurase a partir de las últimas décadas del siglo XX, caracterizado, entre otros fenómenos, por una gran revolución técnico-cultural: la digitalización de la información a través de la utilización de tecnología informática. Las tecnologías digitales (como la computadora, Internet, el teléfono celular, los CD y DVD, los reproductores digitales de video y sonido, la televisión digital, los videojuegos, etc.) han irrumpido en todos los ámbitos de la vida cotidiana (ocio y tiempo libre, trabajo, gestión de las instituciones, transacciones económicas y comerciales, etc.) y han contribuido a transformarla. Por tratarse der tecnologías propias de una época y de una circunstancia social concreta, facilitan por tanto, un modo de actuación definida y, a su vez, promueven una forma particular de regulación interna en el sujeto El advenimiento y desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ha permeado todos los ámbitos de la vida, y de modo particular en los ambientes educativos
There is a theory that runs through all the work of Francisco de Holanda: the defense of the painters' superiority. In communion with the Italian Renaissance, Holanda would come to defend and redefine the role of painting. The painter reencounters with a role and an aesthetic mission: the imperative of the artistic creation from the concept of the inner Idea.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2003
Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2024
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International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2014
Interfaces Científicas, 2023
Pediatric Neurosurgery, 2002
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Maddaʿ ve-Haśkel: Annual for Jewish Studies, 2024
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