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2018, Ligature Journal
3 pages
1 file
Ligature Journal 06 2018 By now, we've all been consumed by our digital curiosity and habit, downloaded all the apps, argued on social media ad nauseam, surrendered democracy, and slowly but steadily moved on from any previous analogue world where we leafed through experience, and suspended our need to have everything we desired.
Handbook of Urban Politics and Policy
Critical urban studies are very difficult to define, even if we restrict our understanding solely to English-speaking debates. It goes without saying that if we include in the conversation other intellectual worlds, the complexity of the field increases significantly. This is due to the diversity of understandings of what criticism should be. As a starting point, we can define criticism as the expression of a reflexive operation about urban reality. Any reflection also requires a (temporary) withdrawal from the relentless rhythm of everyday life. It requires a certain "distance"; even to momentarily extract oneself from the viscosity of the "real" and the material. But this cognitive (reflexive) operation is more convincing when it is also based on a sensitivity towards this "reality," i.e. on the capacity that our body has to feel, to perceive, to listen to the world. Criticism is thus not only an abstraction of reality, but also a sensitive gesture contributing to produce this reality. In short, in this chapter I argue that criticism can also be an immersive experience. But this is not the most common understanding of critical urban studies. Until the 1980s, critical social sciences have been marked by two opposite forms of thought: structural determinism influenced by Marx on the Left, and radical individualism influenced by Hayek on the Right. Both streams of thought sought to challenge and revolutionize mainstream social sciences that were developing in the twentieth century in order to consolidate the Keynesian and corporatist nation-state. They challenged the mainstream, but they remained based on scientific abstraction. As the hegemony of such modernist frame of thought and sociopolitical form of organization began to erode at the end of the 1960s with the rise of new social movements, colonial struggles, and profound global economic transformations, new critical voices made their way into social sciences under the label of postructuralism (including feminism, critical race studies, postcolonialism). After a review of the original strands of critical urban studies, this chapter delves into some of the contributions of feminist, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and decolonial and postcolonial approaches to urban studies. These perspectives push social scientists to explore the city differently. It involves theorizing objects that are often ignored in research on urban politics such as affective rationalities, ontological assumptions, or intimate interactions.
Certain ancient peoples believed their original ancestor was perfect, neither male nor female: humanoid. Depending on the myth, you may recognize it as the ever elusive half-fish half-human, luring mindless onlookers into the sea. Other times, it is a vulture perched in a tree, quietly waiting for the lions to take what they will of the carcass so that it can go to work on the innards. Or, perhaps, it is one of the many versions of Kali who with her multiple arms remind us that though it is with our flesh and bone that we arrive to new lands, it is via our spirit that we will endure and, hopefully, transcend.
revista Cuvinte către tineri, 2018
Fragment publicat in versiunea tiparita a revistei
policy Based the policy with 10 and of the gaps. SWOT, internal vendor development, but with the determination of policy formulation for a system of information managementi in advance.
This chapter represents the results of, and responses to, discussion, dialogue, and deliberation before, during, and after the Fire and the Body workshop. "Cremation" is a complex set of funerary procedures in which the burning of the body is but one element. In effect, the term cremation is shorthand for various fiery ritual technologies in which the dead are mourned, transformed, and commemorated. Archaeologists have identified cremation practices in very different prehistoric and historic societies, operating within very different and changing social, religious, political, economic, and environmental conditions from early prehistory to the present day. Cremation, therefore, is a significant aspect of living and dying in the global human past.
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Reinforced-concrete frames with masonry infill are composite systems, common in low and medium-high buildings, whose behavior under earthquake loads is difficult to predict. Because of that, most national codes ignore the contribution of infill to the structural response. In this paper, we determined the seismic behavior of infilled frames by using a numerical non-liner model (with various geometries and various masonry and r/c frame properties), using samples taken from the originally collected experimental data base on infilled frames "EDIF". We then compared these experimental results to numerical models designed using recommendations from FEMA 356 (nonlinear model), Eurocode 8 (linear model), and other published methods (Stafford-Smith and Carter, Mainstone, Žarnić, Paulay and Priestley) in order to assess the most suitable, rational macro model for evaluating the behaviour of masonry infill in a reinforcedconcrete frame during earthquake excitation.
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